What happens if you don't let a pedestrian pass? Traffic rules for pedestrian crossing Traffic rules of the Russian Federation pedestrian crossing

Collisions with pedestrians remain the most traumatic type of road accident in Russia. Therefore, a number of proposals are now being considered on how to tighten the punishment for this type of violation. One of them is to include failure to allow a pedestrian to pass into the “black list” of offenses for which rights will be deprived in aggregate. Another is to raise the fine for failure to pass to 2,500 rubles. The problem is that even a driver who did not intend to violate can get a fine.

Missed or interfered?

Here's a typical unintentional violation scenario: a driver turning right allows pedestrians to pass. It would seem that everything is according to the rules. However, the inspector slows him down and charges him with not allowing pedestrians to pass who were approaching from the far end of the pedestrian crossing, and to whom the driver allegedly initially did not pay attention.

And this practice is widespread: in addition to direct complaints from readers, we found dozens of similar videos on the Internet.

What the rules say

As amended in 2014, traffic rules require giving way to pedestrians crossing the road at crossings (clauses 13.1 and 14.1 of traffic rules).

The term “give way” is deciphered in the rules, but there is a nuance. Here is its wording: “Give way is a requirement that means that the participant traffic must not begin, resume or continue movement, or carry out any maneuver, if this may force other road users who have an advantage over him to change the direction of movement or speed.”

Pay attention to the phrase “may force” - the whole point is in it. Let's say the driver has a record that he did not force the pedestrian to change speed or direction. The inspector will say to this that the driver may not have forced it, but he could have forced it, which means that a violation took place.

An adult man can bravely cross the road when a car passes a meter away from him. An elderly woman or child may be frightened by such a maneuver, while others, in principle, do not dare to start crossing until they are sure that all the cars are stationary.

How the courts react

There is a solution Supreme Court of April 17, 2012, which is often cited as an argument in defense of drivers who do not yield to “distant” pedestrians. However, since then the wording of the rules has changed, and judicial practice turned out not to be in favor of the drivers.

If the inspector considers that the driver did not give way, the courts usually support the decision - this is the opinion of the lawyers we interviewed. Some note the prospects of defending one’s truth by delving into casuistry, but in practice this is very problematic. If only because no regulatory document describes the criteria under which a driver can force a pedestrian to change speed and direction, therefore official authorities adhere to very broad interpretations of this point.

Position of the traffic police

In private communication a number officials The traffic police told us that they do not force their subordinates to adhere to the strictest interpretation of the term “give way.” At the same time, in official comments they referred only to traffic rules requirements without any explanation. And advocates of a valid interpretation of traffic rules are on duty at crossings quite often.

Dividing strip

Another subtle point is wide roads with a dividing strip, which can be designed structurally (curbs, lawns) or marked with markings.

Until 2014, drivers had to give way to pedestrians crossing the roadway, and in the current version, the road. This changes things, because if there is a dividing strip, there are two carriageways and one road. Today, pedestrians walking along the oncoming roadway, dividing strip or tram tracks must be allowed to pass.

An impossible requirement?

At small crossings, problems most often do not arise: even if a pedestrian starts from the far side of the road, his passage does not take much time.

The most difficult scenario: wide signalized intersections where the driver must yield to pedestrians when turning right or left. At some crossings, crowds gather in anticipation of the green light, and during the green phase there is simply no moment when there is no one on the road. And this means that, with a strict interpretation, one or two cars that managed to enter the intersection on green will be able to turn during a traffic light cycle. Absurd? Yes.

Therefore, it would be very advisable, on the eve of tightening the Code of Administrative Offenses, to give clear and unambiguous formulations to the concept of “giving way to a pedestrian.”

4.1. Pedestrians must move on sidewalks, pedestrian paths, bicycle and pedestrian paths, and if there are none, along the roadsides. Pedestrians carrying or carrying bulky objects, as well as persons using non-motorized wheelchairs, may walk along the edge of the roadway if their movement on sidewalks or shoulders creates an obstacle for other pedestrians.

If there are no sidewalks, pedestrian paths, bicycle paths or shoulders, and also if it is impossible to move along them, pedestrians can move along a bicycle path or walk in one row along the edge of the roadway (on roads with a dividing strip - along the outer edge of the roadway).

When walking along the edge of the roadway, pedestrians must walk towards the movement of vehicles. Persons moving in wheelchairs without a motor, driving a motorcycle, moped, bicycle, in these cases must follow the direction of travel of the vehicles.

When crossing the road and driving along the sides or edge of the roadway in the dark or in conditions of insufficient visibility, pedestrians are recommended, and outside populated areas, pedestrians are required to carry objects with reflective elements and ensure that these objects are visible to vehicle drivers.

4.2. The movement of organized pedestrian columns along the roadway is permitted only in the direction of movement of vehicles along right side no more than four people in a row. In front and behind the column on the left side there should be escorts with red flags, and in the dark and in conditions of poor visibility - with lights on: in front - white, in back - red.

Groups of children are allowed to drive only on sidewalks and pedestrian paths, and in their absence, along the roadsides, but only during daylight hours and only when accompanied by adults.

4.3. Pedestrians must cross the road at pedestrian crossings, including underground and overground ones, and in their absence, at intersections along sidewalks or curbs.

At a controlled intersection, it is allowed to cross the roadway between opposite corners of the intersection (diagonally) only if there are markings 1.14.1 or 1.14.2 indicating such a pedestrian crossing.

If there is no crossing or intersection in the visibility zone, it is allowed to cross the road at right angles to the edge of the roadway in areas without a dividing strip and fences where it is clearly visible in both directions.

The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to bicycle zones.

4.4. In places where traffic is regulated, pedestrians must be guided by the signals of a traffic controller or a pedestrian traffic light, and in its absence, a transport traffic light.

4.5. At unregulated pedestrian crossings, pedestrians can enter the roadway (tram tracks) after assessing the distance to approaching vehicles, their speed and making sure that the crossing will be safe for them. When crossing the road outside a pedestrian crossing, pedestrians, in addition, must not interfere with the movement of vehicles and exit from behind a standing vehicle or other obstacle that limits visibility without making sure that there are no approaching vehicles.

4.6. Once on the roadway (tram tracks), pedestrians should not linger or stop unless this is related to ensuring traffic safety. Pedestrians who do not have time to complete the crossing must stop on a traffic island or on a line dividing traffic flows in opposite directions. You can continue crossing only after making sure that further movement is safe and taking into account the traffic light signal (traffic controller).

4.7. When approaching vehicles with flashing lights on blue(blue and red colors) and a special sound signal, pedestrians are required to refrain from crossing the road, and pedestrians on the roadway (tram tracks) must immediately vacate the roadway (tram tracks).

4.8. It is allowed to wait for a route vehicle and a taxi only on landing platforms raised above the roadway, and if there are none, on the sidewalk or side of the road. In stopping places for route vehicles that are not equipped with raised landing platforms, it is allowed to enter the roadway to board the vehicle only after it has stopped. After disembarking, it is necessary to clear the roadway without delay.

When moving across the roadway to or from the stopping point of a route vehicle, pedestrians must be guided by the requirements of paragraphs 4.4-4.7 of the Rules.

A pedestrian crossing performs an important function - it allows you to carry out the procedure of crossing to the other side of the road.

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It is important to familiarize yourself in advance with how the procedure is carried out. It is also important to note that drivers should be especially careful on these sections of the road.


The term “pedestrian crossing” means a special object of road infrastructure that is used to cross to the other side of the road.

It will be necessary to familiarize yourself in advance with exactly how to use it for pedestrians. There is a special algorithm for crossing the roadway. All the nuances and subtleties will need to be sorted out before such a transition is made.

Since this is the only way to prevent standard errors that occur in all such cases. They often arise precisely due to ignorance of the rules of the road, neglect of them, or there may be other reasons.

It is necessary to work out all the main points in advance. This is the only way to avoid standard problems with the traffic police that occur in this case.

There are many various types similar objects, they all imply the passage of pedestrians. The main points are reflected in the traffic rules.

Moreover, every year new rules are issued which you will need to familiarize yourself with in advance. This is the only way to prevent standard mistakes that in one way or another affect the process of moving along the road. It is important to familiarize yourself with all these points in advance.

The pedestrian crossing itself is designated in different ways:

  • special markings right on the road - it looks like a “zebra” - and the color can be simply white or alternate with yellow;
  • sign - special ones are installed a few meters before the zebra.

It must be remembered that drivers should be attentive and careful when approaching such places. Since most often problems arise due to simple inattention. Citizens simply do not notice the signs and markings.

In turn, pedestrians themselves often violate the rules for crossing the roadway. As a result, similar troubles arise. It will be necessary to work out all of these in advance.

The punishment for failure to comply with the rules for using or crossing a pedestrian crossing can be anything. A fairly significant fine is imposed; for drivers, a penalty may be imposed.

Since the managers vehicle They simply have to stop at a traffic light. In this case, it is the traffic police officers who monitor everyone’s compliance.

Among other things, special video cameras and photo recordings are also involved in surveillance. Pedestrians and drivers should be especially careful at intersections and unregulated crossings. Since there are quite a lot various nuances and subtleties that in one way or another affect the likelihood of an accident.

Pedestrians should move as carefully as possible along the roadway. Because otherwise complications and difficulties may arise.

What are the types

There are several different types of pedestrian crossings. They can be divided both by design features and by the nature of their use.

First of all, they should be divided by type of location:

  • ground;
  • aboveground;
  • underground.

Land crossings are the most dangerous in terms of road safety. Especially when they are not regulated.

It is important to familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of use in advance. Before crossing to the other side of the road, a pedestrian should make sure that there is no danger.

Only after this should you move to the other side of the road. It is important to familiarize yourself with all the nuances and subtleties in advance.

Overpasses are special structures located above the ground, the roadway.

Thus, the pedestrian is in maximum safety when crossing the roadway. It will be necessary to work out this point in advance. It is important to understand all the subtleties in advance. This is the only way to prevent standard mistakes.

Underpass – located under the road surface. Moreover, the entrance to it is usually located on the sidewalk. It is important to note that this process has its own characteristics, nuances and subtleties. This transition is indicated by a special sign.

Also, all such ground-type road infrastructure objects can be divided into the following categories:

  • adjustable;
  • unregulated.

It is assumed that traffic lights are installed on adjustable ones. And the transition to the other side is carried out only when the light is green.

It is important to note in advance exactly how this procedure is carried out. Moreover, the operating mode of a traffic light may differ depending on a number of different factors. It is important to work out all such points in advance.

Unregulated crossings are the most dangerous. Since they are not equipped with special traffic lights - which indicate exactly when the transition will begin and end.

It is important to familiarize yourself in advance with exactly how the transition process is carried out. The pedestrian must wait until the car gives way to him. In turn, the driver is obliged to give way to all pedestrians who cross the roadway along zebra markings.

Also, a pedestrian crossing can be controlled even without a traffic light, but there is a traffic controller present at it.

Road safety is ensured primarily by the road users themselves. And only after that - by traffic police officers.

It is important to work out in advance all the main points that are in one way or another connected with crossing a pedestrian crossing. It is important to work out all such points in advance.


Particular attention should be paid to signs that in one way or another regulate the use of a pedestrian crossing. Moreover, this applies to both drivers and pedestrians themselves - who are moving.

At the moment, there are several different signs that indicate the presence of a pedestrian crossing.

The main purpose of the “Pedestrian Crossing” sign is to notify the driver that movement is beginning in the area where pedestrians will cross the roadway. Moreover, this sign is presented simultaneously in two main versions.

These are primarily the following:

It is important to note that this difference is significant and must be taken into account. 5.19.1 is always installed on the right side of the road.

In turn, another sign, marked as 5.19.2, is on the other side, on the left. Thanks to this kind location, the pedestrian crossing can be easily identified by drivers; it receives a visible outline.

This will help avoid confusion even if there are no markings on the road. Which is the important point.

In addition to regular signs, special markings are also used to indicate the location of pedestrians. It can be of various types.

Some cities practice the placement of raised markings - they make it easy for pedestrians with low vision to move around.

There are the following types:

  • white;
  • yellow-white.

Moreover, this meaning of such markup is no different. It is important to familiarize yourself in advance with all the nuances and subtleties of using it.

It is important to note that the driver is obliged to comply as accurately as possible with all the requirements established by the traffic rules when crossing the relevant places. Otherwise, some difficulties and difficult moments may arise.

Before crossing a pedestrian crossing, you should definitely reduce your speed. Otherwise, it will simply be impossible to comply with traffic rules.

There are many different nuances associated with the use of the roadway in this case. It is important to familiarize yourself with all the subtleties and features of the work in advance. Moreover, it is necessary not only to let pedestrians pass at the pedestrian crossing.

But also follow the rules associated with traffic on it. It is prohibited to carry out the following actions on it:

  • overtaking or getting ahead - regardless of the number of lanes;
  • rebuilding;
  • turning, turning or other maneuvers.

The main reason for imposing such bans is precisely to ensure safety when moving. It is important to familiarize yourself with all the subtleties and features of the traffic rules in advance.

Since some violations result in not just a fine, but deprivation driver's license. Therefore, it is important for drivers to be especially careful.

Stopping, parking, or reversing at a pedestrian crossing is also strictly prohibited.

This rule must be observed. For example, for turning around at a pedestrian crossing, your driver's license will be revoked. But this only happens when registered with the traffic police.

In some regions, cameras have been installed that monitor data on road infrastructure. This allows you to minimize the likelihood of errors. That is why you need to familiarize yourself with all the subtleties and nuances of the design in advance.

Changes in traffic rules from January 1, 2020 on pedestrian crossings

Main normative document, which defines the rules of conduct on the road, is precisely clause 14.3. It is this section of the traffic rules that determines exactly how it will be necessary to cross a pedestrian crossing.

The old version of the rules used the term for drivers to “give way to a pedestrian.” Today, a different one is used - “give way”.

Many people think that the changes are minor, but in fact they are dramatic:

  1. In the first case, the driver must stop when the pedestrian steps on the road markings.
  2. In the second case, the driver must stop already when the pedestrian is at some distance from the markings. But at the same time he plans to cross it.

Intersection rules

Traffic rules change every year, so it is important to take this into account. At the same time, there are a number of points that should be given the closest attention.

These primarily include the following:

  • for drivers;
  • for pedestrians;
  • for cyclists and motorcyclists.

For drivers

According to traffic rules, the driver is obliged to let a pedestrian pass in two cases:

  • if the crossing is adjustable and the red light is on;
  • if the crossing is not controlled - but the pedestrian comes close to the markings.

For pedestrians

In turn, for ordinary pedestrians, the algorithm for crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing has not changed at all.

You must proceed as follows:

  • stop before the markings and make sure there are no obstacles - look left, then right;
  • then proceed to cross the markings - all drivers are required to let the pedestrian pass.

For cyclists and motorcyclists

Cyclists and motorcyclists will be required to carry out the process of allowing pedestrians to pass. Any exceptions in this case are simply not allowed.

The rules for stopping will be standard, the same as for ordinary motorists. And this primarily concerns motorcyclists. In the case of cyclists, this is not so actively controlled by the traffic police.

In turn, special requirements are established for motorcyclists, just like for car drivers. Since in this case the user of the equipment poses a particular danger to ordinary pedestrians.

In case of violation of the rules for crossing a pedestrian crossing, a fine is imposed. And not only for drivers, but also for pedestrians themselves.

It will be necessary to work out this moment in advance and as carefully as possible. This is the only way to prevent standard mistakes and all sorts of other problems.

Responsibility for violating the rules

According to the law, if a driver does not let a pedestrian pass, he is entitled to a fine in the amount of 1.5 to 2.5 thousand rubles. This moment regulated by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the driver himself has every right to appeal such a punishment.

For example, if the visibility in front of his car was for some reason not sufficient to comply with all traffic regulations. It is important to work out this point in advance.

Separately, it is worth noting that the process has its own subtleties and features. You should read all of them carefully. Since this will allow you to avoid standard fines and all sorts of other problems.

It is important to familiarize yourself with all of them in advance. If a citizen believes that his rights have been violated in any way, he should go to court.

According to official statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the main reason for the majority of road accidents in the country is citizens’ complete disregard for traffic rules at pedestrian crossings.

This can be partly explained by the fact that people have the right of way on such sections of highways. However, this rule does not always apply to all pedestrian crossings.

Traffic regulations for land crossings

By current traffic rules, places where ground crossing of the roadway is permitted must be equipped with appropriate markings (“zebra crossing”) and signs. The absence of such signs indicates that people are prohibited from crossing the road in this area.

There are two types of pedestrian crossings, each of which has separate travel rules:

  1. Adjustable.

In addition to the markings on the road surface, such crossings have a traffic light. The latter regulates traffic in this area. At the same time, according to the new rules for driving pedestrian crossings, when the green signal turns on, drivers must let people pass who have not crossed to the other side. Otherwise, the motorist will be fined.

  1. Unregulated.

As in the first case, the presence of a pedestrian crossing is indicated by markings applied to the road surface. According to the rules, the driver is obliged to stop in front of a zebra crossing if:

  • a pedestrian stepped on it;
  • did not complete the crossing of the roadway.

Moreover, the driver does not have the right to serve beep, thereby urging people on. This, as well as movement through the crossing while there are people on it, is punishable by fairly high fines.

Is it always the driver's fault?

Unfortunately, today many citizens are confident that if they step on a pedestrian crossing, all motorists are obliged to let them pass. This is true when crossing the roadway is not regulated by a traffic light. Moreover, some people believe that, in principle, they should be allowed to pass when they cross the road, regardless of where the traffic is taking place.

According to traffic rules, people have the right to cross highways only in places equipped with appropriate road signs and markings, or at intersections along the sidewalk line.

In other cases, citizens must be guided by the following rules:

  1. When crossing in areas not intended for this purpose, they can move only after assessing the distance for approaching vehicles and making sure that further actions are not associated with danger.
  2. When driving across the highway in places not designated for this purpose, citizens should not interfere with the traffic flow.
  3. When entering the highway, pedestrians have the right to stop only for safety reasons. In other cases, they are required to cross the highway.

All pedestrians must comply with traffic regulations. They, like drivers, are also road users. This means that pedestrians are held accountable for not following the rules.

Latest changes in traffic rules

In 2014, a new edition of the traffic rules was released with changes that directly affected pedestrians:

  1. Zebra crossing on tram tracks.

Previously, the traffic rules defined the concept of “pedestrian crossing” as a section of a highway with special markings. Now it also applies to tram tracks.

If people cross the latter in areas equipped with appropriate signs, then the tram driver, like the motorist, is obliged to let pedestrians pass.

  1. Everyone must stop before the stop line.

All drivers, regardless of which lane they were previously in, are required to stop if a person crosses the zebra crossing.

Moreover, motorists are prohibited from overtaking on such sections of the highway.

  1. New term "give way".

The current version of the traffic rules includes the term “give way”. It means the following: drivers are required to let people pass if they step onto the roadway in a specially equipped area where citizens have priority right of movement.

Congestion problem

In megacities, traffic congestion is a fairly common occurrence. Therefore, there are often cases when drivers have to stop right at a zebra crossing, although this is prohibited by the current version of the traffic rules.

According to the rules of the road, if there is a possibility that a motorist will have to brake directly on the road markings, he is obliged to warn such a situation in advance.

In other words, even if the car stops at a zebra crossing due to a traffic jam, the driver will in any case be punished in accordance with the norms of the Administrative Code.

This requirement is due to the following:

  • staying on the zebra crossing, the car interferes with the normal movement of people;
  • the car reduces visibility on the road, and therefore another driver can drive ahead at the moment when people are walking along the zebra crossing.

In both cases, there is a high risk of accidents and injuries.

It should also be noted that at a pedestrian crossing, drivers:

  • turn around;
  • move backwards;
  • leave your cars (not just stop).

Pedestrian crossing is one of the special areas roads, so separate regulations apply to it.


Today, in order to improve safety, pedestrian zones are equipped with additional signs, markings and other latest inventions. In particular, these could be devices that create special animation, a separate edge with reflective properties. In addition, an additional sign began to be hung directly above the zebra crossing. Also among the innovations that increase the level of safety is the widespread introduction of speed bumps installed a few meters before the pedestrian crossing.

If the driver does not allow people to pass on sections of the road where they have priority right of movement, then the motorist will be fined in the amount of:

  • 1.5 thousand rubles if the actions were performed at an unregulated crossing;
  • 1 thousand rubles for a regulated violation and 5 thousand rubles for a repeated violation.

Under certain circumstances, a motorist who fails to stop at a stop line may have their driver's license suspended for four months. And crossing the latter even in the absence of people is punishable by fines in the amount of 800 rubles.

Every person should know how to cross the road.

After all, leaving his car, the driver becomes a pedestrian. Traffic rules include, but are not limited to, instructions for crossing the road. If drivers studied the traffic rules before receiving a license, then all other citizens only have a general idea of ​​how this should be done.

In the publication we will look at exactly where it is allowed to cross the roadway and what regulations exist.

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A pedestrian crossing, according to traffic rules, is a section of the roadway, including tram tracks, marked with appropriate signs and markings, which are commonly called “zebra crossings”.

The sign indicating the transition is familiar to everyone from childhood. This is a blue rectangle in the center, with a white triangle highlighted in it, in which a schematic man walking along a zebra is depicted in black.

There are two such signs. They are mirror images of each other. In other words, the little men move in different directions. In traffic regulations, the signs have numbers: 5.19.1 and 5.19.2.

Thus, a crossing is a section of the roadway, if there are tram tracks in this place, then including them, marked with signs 5.19.1, 5.19.2, as well as zebra markings. Zebra markings may or may not be present. “Zebra” in traffic regulations is designated by number 1.14.1. Also, option 1.14.2 is provided - arrows are placed on the zebra crossing, indicating the direction of movement of people.

What are the options?

If there are no traffic lights at the crossing, but only signs and zebra markings, then it is not adjustable. As you understand, a controlled crossing with a traffic light that is out of order immediately becomes unregulated. A non-functioning traffic light will not only be one that does not light up at all, but also one that flashes only one color.

For pedestrians, two-section traffic lights are installed, which have two colors: green and red. There are also three-section traffic lights, just like for drivers. Their colors are red, yellow and green.

If at a crossing the traffic light for pedestrians is out of order, then people who need to move across the road need to navigate by the traffic light for drivers.

Clause 1.2 of the Traffic Regulations establishes that a traffic controller is a traffic police officer who is dressed in uniform and has a distinctive sign or equipment. He regulates the movement with gestures, stipulated by traffic rules, and may also use a whistle to attract attention to signs being given.

For better visibility of the gestures being made, the traffic controller uses a rod or disk with a red signal (retroreflector).

Traffic controller gestures

According to clause 6.10 of the Traffic Regulations, traffic controller gestures for pedestrians have the following meaning:

  • the right hand is raised above the head - moving along the roadway is strictly prohibited;
  • the right arm is extended forward - pedestrians are allowed to move only behind the back of the traffic police officer;
  • both arms are extended in different directions (the policeman resembles the letter “T”) - pedestrians are allowed to move through the roadway;
  • both arms are lowered - pedestrian traffic is prohibited from the back and chest of the traffic controller.

So, we have mastered the main gestures of a traffic policeman. In addition to these gestures, he can use other gestures, as well as give signals using a baton or a reflective disk, which will be understandable to pedestrians and vehicle drivers.

How to cross an adjustable transition

The main rule for driving along a controlled pedestrian crossing is that when the traffic light and the traffic controller are working, the main signal for movement on the road will be the gestures of the traffic police regulatory officer.

If you approach a zebra crossing and see that a traffic controller is working on it, then you must wait for a permitting gesture from him and only after that go out onto the roadway.

How to properly cross the road at a pedestrian crossing?

When there is no traffic controller at a pedestrian crossing, but there is a working traffic light, you can only move along it when the light is green. If you see that the traffic light installed for pedestrians is temporarily not working or is constantly flashing one color, then focus on the traffic light for drivers.

There are no rules for moving through underground and overground passages. You just need to remember that when such a crossing is installed in some place, there will be no pedestrian crossing on the road there.

How to cross in unregulated places

At unregulated pedestrian crossings, according to clause 4.5 of the traffic rules, the people themselves who cross the highway are responsible for their safety.

Traffic rules, as well as the instinct of self-preservation, do not allow pedestrians to suddenly run out onto the road, or appear from behind some obstacle: a car, a pole, a billboard, etc. Indeed, in this case, drivers of cars moving along the road will not be able to see the person in time, assess the current situation and let the unfortunate pedestrian pass.

Before entering the roadway, you should always look both ways and make sure that moving vehicles are at a distance that will allow you to move across the road without hindrance.

What to do if there is no crossing nearby?

If there are no pedestrian crossings or intersections nearby on the road, then you can only move along the roadway at right angles in a clearly visible area. If you enter the highway from around a bend, the visibility in such a section will not allow motorists to see the pedestrian in time and orient themselves in order to let him pass.

Traffic regulations prohibit crossing the road in areas that have a dividing strip or fence. A fence is a fence or other structure in the middle of a highway. A person who wants to cross the roadway in this particular place will be forced to climb over the fence. You may be fined for such actions.

Pedestrian advantage on the road

The traffic rules include section No. 14 “Pedestrian crossings and stopping places for route vehicles.” It is useful for all pedestrians to become familiar with the responsibilities of drivers and, accordingly, their rights.

According to clause 14.1, a motorist who is approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing is obliged to give way to people who are moving along the roadway or have entered it in order to start moving.

Drivers are required, when approaching a road crossing sign, to reduce their speed to a level that will allow them to stop and give way to a person on the roadway. If a citizen is standing on the sidewalk, the driver is not required to stop to let him pass.

Clause 14.3 considers the behavior of drivers at controlled pedestrian crossings. If a pedestrian started moving along the roadway when the light was green, but did not have time to cover the distance before the light turned red, then drivers are obliged to give him the opportunity to do this. This requirement applies not only to those car owners who are standing in front of the crossing, but also to those who are approaching it.

An approaching motorist, despite the green color of his traffic light, is obliged to stop to allow the pedestrian to complete the journey he has begun.

Basic rules for pedestrians

A pedestrian crossing the carriageway, regardless of the location (regulated or unregulated crossing, as well as another section of the road), is obliged to:

  • allow a vehicle to pass when it is driving with its special sound signal and blue flashing light on. If a person has just started moving along the road, then he should quickly turn back and let the car pass. When he completes his movement along the roadway, do so as quickly as possible;
  • If a person does not have time to cross the road, he must stop at the dividing line. You can continue your movement only when: there are no moving cars; the driver stops the car and lets him pass; the traffic light turned green again;
  • It is strictly prohibited to linger or stop in other situations.

You must always remember these three important rules. They will help maintain health and life not only for you, but also for other people.

What can they be fined for?

According to traffic regulations, a pedestrian faces a fine of 500 rubles or a warning for crossing the color red. A citizen can also be fined 500 rubles for driving on a road in the wrong place.

If, while moving in the wrong place, a person also interferes with vehicles, then the fine will be 1000 rubles. Traffic police inspectors are focused on the ability to fine drivers, but they have “pedestrian days” and then if you break the rules, your wallet will become thinner by the amount of the fine.

In conclusion, I would like to say that pedestrians must cross the roadway in accordance with the traffic rules and not create emergency situations.

It must be remembered that:

  • At a controlled crossing with a working traffic light and a traffic controller, the traffic controller is in charge. You can cross only after his signal;
  • You only need to cross the road when the traffic light is green;
  • If the crossing in the right place is not equipped, then you should move across the road at an intersection or a clearly visible area.

Never forget that you are always responsible for your safety. In Britain, one gravestone bears the inscription “This pedestrian was right.”

Overtaking at a pedestrian crossing in 2018: fine or imprisonment

Main legal document, according to which the actions of drivers and pedestrians on the road are regulated, are the traffic rules - traffic rules. These rules are established at the legislative level, and certain penalties are provided for their violation (for example, a fine, administrative arrest, warnings or deprivation of the driver's license to drive a car).

They are also updated every year, that is, changes are made to them that must be strictly adhered to. What are these changes in 2016? What penalties are provided for in the traffic rules for overtaking at a pedestrian crossing, in connection with the changes adopted this year? Our experts answer these and other questions regarding overtaking.

Changes in traffic rules in 2018

In our state, such rules are updated regularly. This is done with the aim of improving and regulating traffic on the roads, so that both drivers and pedestrians feel safer on the roadway, including at pedestrian crossings. The last amendment was made in February 2016 and will remain in effect until the next change.

Specialists from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of our country conduct annual monitoring and analysis of statistical data related to emergency situations on the roads. Thanks to the conclusions drawn, general provisions Traffic regulations are amended accordingly, and the accident rate is significantly reduced. Of course, both drivers and pedestrians must adhere to them. Only in this case will complete safety of all road users be achieved.

Overtaking and ahead in traffic rules

The general provisions of these Rules discuss the terms on which they are based. The concept of overtaking is significantly different from ahead. It is very important to understand this difference, since it determines the degree of punishment for the relevant violation.

Advance is the speed of a car in relation to the speed of a passing car. And overtaking involves the process of advancing, but when entering the boundary strip of the roadway. Such a boundary strip is applied to the road surface to divide the highway area for oncoming cars.

When overtaking on the roadway, the driver must adhere to a number of rules:

  1. Make sure that the oncoming lane is clear and has enough space to overtake.
  2. The process of overtaking itself will not pose a danger to all road users.
  3. There are three “don’ts” to adhere to:
  • overtake if a passing car is about to overtake;
  • overtake when you notice a “turn left” signal, which is given by the car ahead;
  • overtake if the car behind you is trying to overtake your car.

And only after this can you get ahead of another passing vehicle, which involves entering oncoming lane. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden for the driver to overtake in the following places on the road:

  • controlled intersections;
  • pedestrian crossings;
  • railway crossings;
  • bridges;
  • tunnels;
  • dangerous turns, etc.

Violation of prohibitions and rules for the movement of vehicles on the roads provides for penalties officially established at the legislative level.

Responsibility for traffic violations: overtaking at a pedestrian crossing

The car driver should be especially careful in pedestrian crossing areas. A pedestrian crossing is a specially designated section of the road designated for pedestrians to cross. It has certain markings and is necessarily marked with appropriate road signs.

If the driver notices pedestrian crossing markings on the road, he must also take into account that:

  1. At controlled crossings, pedestrians are first given the opportunity to cross the road, after which they can continue moving.
  2. Under no circumstances should you enter the marked area.
  3. Those pedestrians who are heading to any public transport vehicle - a bus, trolleybus or minibus - must be allowed ahead.

Overtaking at a pedestrian crossing is strictly prohibited without any exceptions, that is, even if there is not a single pedestrian on the road nearby, the driver still cannot overtake another car. For violation of this paragraph of the Rules, if the driver overtakes and enters the boundary lane of oncoming traffic in an area marked for a pedestrian crossing without regulation, the following will follow:

  • administrative fine – 5,000 rubles;
  • confiscation of a driver’s driving license – a period from four months to six months.

The confiscation of a driver's license confirming the right to drive a car is carried out by a traffic police officer - inspector, at the scene of violation of the relevant Rules. A fine is collected from the driver after he receives a special notice. In case of repeated violation of the same paragraph of the Rules, that is, overtaking at a pedestrian crossing, the rules are withdrawn from the driver for a period of one year.

Instructions for car drivers: drive through a pedestrian crossing correctly

In the current 2018, in order to properly drive through a pedestrian crossing and not violate traffic rules, the driver needs to:

  1. Reduce your speed as soon as you approach the marked area for pedestrians to cross the road.
  2. Stop the vehicle completely without violating the boundaries of the crossing mark.
  3. Give all waiting and crossing pedestrians the opportunity to reach the opposite side of the road.
  4. Slowly move away, gradually picking up the optimal speed for traveling on roads.

If this simple instruction is not followed, the legislation of our state also provides for a fine of 1,500 rubles.

Rules in 2018 for driving through a pedestrian crossing

Innovations in the traffic rules for driving through a pedestrian crossing, which came into force in 2017, apply to those drivers who drive bicycles, scooters and mopeds rather than cars. According to the changes, under no circumstances should they cross the section of the crossing marked for pedestrians at full or reduced speed.

A cyclist (scooter or moped driver) can cross a pedestrian crossing only by dismounting and moving his vehicle manually. Violation of this part of the traffic rules also provides for punishment - a fine of 800 rubles.

What to do if you are fined for overtaking or crossing a pedestrian crossing incorrectly

In this case, the driver is obliged to pay a fine within a period not exceeding two months, that is, 60 days from the date of receipt of the notification of the fine in hand at any bank branch. Otherwise, proceedings will follow not with traffic police officers, but with bailiffs, who will use all possible measures to force the collection of fine debt.

We understand the rules for passing pedestrian crossings outside the intersection

Therefore, it would be a good idea to re-evaluate the condition legal framework, regulating the relationship between these two irreconcilable groups of road users - drivers and pedestrians.

Video - sad statistics confirm that rules for passing pedestrian crossings are often violated:

Let us immediately note the fact that in this article we will look at the rules for passing pedestrian crossings located outside intersections. This circumstance seems to be very significant, since traffic on a pedestrian crossing at an intersection has some specifics and is regulated by a special - 13th - section of the traffic rules.

So, what do we mean by a pedestrian crossing?

“Pedestrian crossing” is a section of the roadway, tram tracks, marked with signs 5.19.1, 5.19.2 and (or) markings 1.14.1 and 1.14.2 and allocated for the movement of pedestrians across the road. In the absence of markings, the width of the pedestrian crossing is determined by the distance between signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2.

Pedestrian crossing - a driver's problem?

Every experienced driver knows that driving through a pedestrian crossing is a very dangerous undertaking. The reasons for the danger lie in the fact that pedestrians a priori have a poor understanding of the Traffic Rules (and even simply do not know them or do not want to know them!).

Their actions are guided by an erroneous opinion formed by unscrupulous media: a pedestrian at a pedestrian crossing is always right. This is a deeply mistaken position.

4.3. Pedestrians must cross the road at pedestrian crossings, including underground and overground ones, and in their absence, at intersections along sidewalks or curbs.

4.5. At unregulated pedestrian crossings, pedestrians can enter the roadway (tram tracks) after assessing the distance to approaching vehicles, their speed and making sure that the crossing will be safe for them. When crossing the road outside a pedestrian crossing, pedestrians, in addition, must not interfere with the movement of vehicles and exit from behind a standing vehicle or other obstacle that limits visibility without making sure that there are no approaching vehicles.

4.6. Once on the roadway (tram tracks), pedestrians should not linger or stop unless this is related to ensuring traffic safety. Pedestrians who do not have time to complete the crossing must stop on a traffic island or on a line dividing traffic flows in opposite directions. You can continue crossing only after making sure that further movement is safe and taking into account the traffic light signal (traffic controller).

According to Section 4 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation, a pedestrian has a number of fundamental responsibilities in ensuring traffic safety. And it often happens that it is pedestrians who do not fulfill the basic requirements that are put forward:

  • relevant sections and articles of traffic regulations;
  • road signs;
  • road markings.

Thus, we can make a clear conclusion that pedestrians, being road users in the Russian Federation, are given a number of responsibilities that must be fulfilled. Otherwise, an accident is more than likely.

New rules for pedestrian crossings

Changes in Russian legislation- a normal, natural phenomenon. And innovations in the field of regulation of passage through pedestrian crossings are a common state of the legal framework. What do we have today in this segment?

Unregulated pedestrian crossing: let a pedestrian pass or give way to him

Recently, clause 14.1 of the traffic rules has undergone significant adjustments.

14.1. The driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing must give way to pedestrians crossing the road or entering the roadway (tram tracks) to cross.

Someone will say: “The problem is far-fetched! What's the difference: to pass or to give in? This doesn’t change the meaning!” This is yet another amateurish and erroneous position.

In the Russian Federation traffic rules there is no concept of “passing”, but there is term "give way"(clause 1.2). This means that the previously existing (before November 14, 2014) norm of “letting a pedestrian pass” was incorrect and led to serious and significant abuses by traffic police officers - traffic police inspectors.

What should a driver do in the current legal conditions? Many are trying to find clarification from the traffic police on this issue. Giving way to a pedestrian means not interfering with him when moving through a pedestrian crossing. Therefore, it is necessary to act in such a way as to give the pedestrian the right to have priority (advantage) at the crossing.

In the ordinary sense - skip it, but from the point of view of legislation - precisely not to create interference. And if the driver does not create such an obstacle, then he has the right to move, even though the pedestrian (already or still) is crossing the roadway.

One can argue about the appropriateness of such tactics, but these actions are not prohibited by law. True, you will have to fight with an unscrupulous “traffic cop” who intends to write administrative fine for a factually and legally uncommitted offense.

Features of exiting a pedestrian crossing

It happens that the visibility of a pedestrian crossing is blocked by a standing (stopped) object. What to do?

14.2. If a vehicle stops or slows down in front of an unregulated pedestrian crossing, then drivers of other vehicles moving in the same direction are also required to stop or slow down. It is allowed to continue driving taking into account the requirements of paragraph 14.1 of the Rules.

Entering a pedestrian crossing when there is no visibility of the situation there is prohibited.

And that's right. What disputes might there be?

Be sure to wait for the pedestrian

Some drivers have an incorrect understanding of the regulatory effect of traffic lights. It seems to them that turning on the green signal is a direct guide to action. This is wrong!

14.3. At controlled pedestrian crossings, when the traffic light permits the signal, the driver must allow pedestrians to finish crossing the roadway (tram tracks) in that direction.

This is especially important to remember at a controlled pedestrian crossing.

After turning on the signal allowing passage, the driver must make sure that pedestrians are safe. Agree, it is easier for the driver to prevent dangerous consequences of the situation.

If there is a traffic jam behind the crossing

In large cities - megacities, the situation of traffic jams and congestion is traditional. And it often happens that drivers stop at pedestrian crossings because of them.

The traffic rules clearly require drivers to refuse to enter the crossing in such conditions.

14.4. It is prohibited to enter a pedestrian crossing if there is a traffic jam behind it that will force the driver to stop at the pedestrian crossing.

The motivation for the requirement is simple: going to a crossing in a traffic jam is dangerous due to the creation of:

  • obstructing the movement of pedestrians;
  • poor visibility of the crossing for other drivers, who may simply not notice a pedestrian maneuvering between vehicles).

Restrictions on maneuvers at a pedestrian crossing

A pedestrian crossing is a special area, and special traffic rules apply there. So, the following are strictly prohibited here:

Instead of a conclusion

Speaking about the passage of a pedestrian crossing and innovations in the Russian legal field, it is necessary to note the importance attached to this issue at the level of the state itself.

But only with a united effort from rule-makers, drivers, and pedestrians will we be able to reverse the situation with the incredibly large representation of accidents at pedestrian crossings (more than 30%) in the total number of accidents in Russia.

May God help us!

If you don’t remember what a roadway is, the definition according to traffic rules will put everything in its place.

When a driver should change tires for the season is discussed in this article - study and do not forget about these rules.

The video tutorial will help you repeat the rules for passing pedestrian crossings:

Did not give way to a pedestrian: what fine will be issued in 2018

It is believed that the pedestrian is always right. But is this really so? Indeed, if we are talking about a pedestrian crossing, then there cannot be two opinions. The driver is obliged to let the pedestrian pass in any situation, even when he has just stepped foot on the zebra crossing. The fine for failure to allow a pedestrian to pass at a pedestrian crossing in 2018 remains quite significant. It will be very difficult to appeal a fine imposed by a traffic police inspector.

Explanation of the concept of “pedestrian crossing”

So, will a driver receive a fine in all cases if he does not give way to a pedestrian? If we take the formal requirements of traffic rules, then if an offense is recorded, it is unlikely that it will be possible to appeal it in court. However, here you should clearly understand what a pedestrian crossing is. In certain situations, this will allow you to take a different look at traffic violations.

There are the following types of pedestrian crossings:

  • underground;
  • overhead (pedestrian bridges);
  • regulated by traffic lights;
  • unregulated.

What does it mean to “give way to a pedestrian”?

According to Article 14.1 of the Traffic Regulations, passage of uncontrolled pedestrian crossings according to the new rules must be carried out without taking actions that force other road users to change the direction or speed of their movement. In other words, the rules for crossing a pedestrian crossing require the driver to give way to a pedestrian who is crossing the street or is about to do so (has already put his foot on the zebra crossing).

In addition, motorists are prohibited from overtaking other vehicles at the crossing. If a cyclist intends to cross a zebra crossing, he must dismount and cross to the other side of the street.

Rules for pedestrians

What are the fines for drivers?

What fine will be imposed if you do not let a pedestrian pass at a pedestrian crossing? In 2018, for such a violation, the law provides for punishment in the form of a fine in the amount of 1,500 to 2,500 rubles (Article 12.18 of the Administrative Code).

The fine for overtaking at a pedestrian crossing is even more severe. Following the provisions of paragraph 4 of Article 12.18 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the punishment for this traffic violation will be a fine of 5,000 rubles or imprisonment driver's license for a period of 4 to 6 months.

The fine for stopping at a pedestrian crossing in 2018 remained at the same level. According to clause 3 of Article 12.19 of the Administrative Code, for such an action the violator will have to pay 1000 rubles. However, this amount is relevant only for regions. If the driver stopped at a crossing in Moscow or St. Petersburg, then, according to paragraph 6 of Article 12.19, the fine for him increases to 3,000 rubles.
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Is it possible to challenge the punishment?

Witness testimony can serve as another proof of the driver’s innocence. Witnesses in this situation can be other pedestrians, drivers, passengers of passing buses (trolleybuses, trams). At the same time, it must be clearly understood that in the absence of a collision with a pedestrian, it will be almost impossible to find witnesses to such a minor incident as failure to provide an advantage.

Is it possible to overtake at a pedestrian crossing?

Traffic regulation on roads is carried out in accordance with traffic regulations. This set of rules covers all areas of the resulting relationships. What punishment for overtaking at a pedestrian crossing is provided for by law and traffic rules at crossing points should be known to every traffic participant.

To organize the crossing of roads by pedestrians, traffic lights are installed and “zebras” are drawn (wide white stripes at a distance from each other, sometimes yellow) in a specially designated place. A “zebra” is a roadway area intended for the movement of pedestrians. Not all pedestrian crossings have special marks. Separately allocate places of approach to public transport(for example, a tram).

The concept of “overtaking” and “advanced”

Overtaking is a maneuver while driving, in which the vehicle is forced to move into the oncoming lane (leaving the occupied lane), is based on acceleration and ends with a return to the occupied previous lane. There may be overtaking of one vehicle or several.

Leading means moving in the same lane at a speed higher than that of the vehicle next to you.

Overtaking is carried out more often on the left, advance is allowed on both sides. Overtaking at a pedestrian crossing, unregulated, regulated, within settlement or beyond, as well as advance are regulated by legal norms.

Stipulated penalties

For overtaking at an unregulated pedestrian crossing, as well as at a regulated one, the following types of punishment are provided:

The fine for overtaking at a pedestrian crossing is paid after the offender receives a notification. The fine for overtaking at a pedestrian crossing, namely the established amount, is determined in accordance with the latest approved standards. The amount is fixed in a certain calendar period.

According to part 4 of 12.15, the traffic rules read as follows. Driving, in violation of the Traffic Rules, onto a lane intended for oncoming traffic, or onto tram tracks in the opposite direction, except for the cases provided for in Part 3 of this article.

The fine for overtaking at a pedestrian crossing in 2018 is 5,000 rubles (initially) and the loss of driving privileges for 4-6 months.

Deprivation of rights is carried out by a traffic police officer who is or has arrived at the scene of the offense. If a violation of the rules of overtaking is recorded on the video recorder, the deprivation of rights is carried out in court. The initial period of deprivation of rights is 6 months. If you repeatedly fail to comply with the established rules, your license will be revoked for a year. The fine or deprivation of rights imposed for overtaking at a pedestrian crossing in 2018, in the primary and secondary cases, differ in the amount of money and the period of deprivation of rights.

Violation of the rules for overtaking at a crossing, according to Article 12.15, Part 4. By entering the lane of oncoming traffic

The rules of conduct for road users are regulated directly by the traffic rules, as well as Administrative Code. Overtaking at a pedestrian crossing, Article 12.15 and 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offences. Traffic rules: chapters 11 and 14.

Regulatory documents complement each other and consider not only mandatory rules of conduct, but also provide for penalties. Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses: overtaking at a pedestrian crossing has a general meaning and refers to traffic rules.

Traffic on a pedestrian crossing

According to traffic regulations, overtaking at a pedestrian crossing is prohibited. In places where people cross the road, the driver must behave especially carefully. A pedestrian crossing is a specially designated section of the road, which is marked with markings, regulated by traffic lights (some), and marked with special road signs. It is designed to cross the road to the opposite side. Driver behavior in accordance with the rules before a pedestrian crossing:

  • reduce speed, even if there are visually no pedestrians;
  • Having made sure that there are no people on the road, you can move on at the permissible speed;
  • at crossings regulated by traffic lights, pedestrians have the initial right: first they cross the road, and then the driver can continue moving;
  • When pedestrians are crossing, it is unacceptable to enter a marked section of the road; it is better to stop 2 meters from the beginning of the marking.

The law provides for traffic regulations to ensure the safety of pedestrians on the roads. Thus, until recently, overtaking on a zebra crossing was allowed in the absence of pedestrians. However, due to the inattention of both drivers and pedestrians themselves, the rules were changed and seriously tightened. It is not permitted to overtake at a pedestrian crossing under any circumstances.

Rules for crossing pedestrian crossings

Exact instructions for the driver if there is a person (several people) at a pedestrian crossing:

  1. start slowing down in advance to avoid a sudden stop when approaching the area marked for a pedestrian crossing;
  2. completely stop the car without driving over the pedestrian crossing markings;
  3. expect a complete transition of everyone who wants to cross to the opposite side of the road;
  4. start driving slowly, gradually picking up the speed limit for this section of the road.

Failure to comply with at least one of the listed points is considered a violation of the established rules. By observing all the requirements regarding overtaking in the wrong places, the driver not only demonstrates the rules of good manners, but also his high professionalism as a driver. By carefully following all the points, the driver will never allow an accident and will not endanger either his life or the lives of other people. Overtaking on foot

Overtaking is not considered overtaking at a pedestrian crossing; it is important to make sure that there is no pedestrian

One crossing within the city limits is prohibited 50 meters before the start of the marking.

Grounds for sentencing: witnesses, video recordings, etc.

Obligations of the driver who committed the violation

If the driver violated the rules for overtaking at a crossing, or created conditions that threatened the lives of other people, he must pay a fine within 60 days from the date of receipt of the notice. The notice may be sent by mail or delivered in person. If a fine is not paid, compulsory penalties are voluntarily applied. During the entire period of deprivation of rights, the driver cannot drive a vehicle or move any distance.

Traffic rules on the roads, as well as the framework for the relationship between drivers and pedestrians, are updated and changed regularly.

In 2018, the changes made to the rules in 2016 will apply. The law will remain in force until further changes are made.

According to the analyzes of accidents that occur on the roads, specialists from authorized services make proposals for changes to the current rules. When they are agreed upon, changes to the general provisions are prescribed in the traffic rules. Undoubtedly, in order to significantly reduce accidents on the roads, both drivers and pedestrians must know and follow these rules.

The rule also applies in this area: “ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility.” Therefore, if the driver did not conscientiously follow changes in traffic regulations, and did not know whether overtaking at a pedestrian crossing was prohibited, but did so, he is subject to full liability.

Special conditions when observing road rules at a pedestrian crossing

In winter, when there is heavy snowfall, road markings may not be visible. However, the driver must remember that special signs are usually installed in front of the pedestrian crossing and be careful when driving.

Overtaking is allowed at the crossing in special cases, emergency situations, for the purpose of salvation human life. The fact must be confirmed.

Rules for overtaking outside a populated area

Overtaking at a pedestrian crossing outside a populated area is also strictly prohibited, both directly at the pedestrian crossing and 100 m before it.

It is important to know: according to traffic regulations, pedestrians are required to use reflective items (clothing items, flickers) when crossing a pedestrian crossing outside a populated area in the evening and at night. Previously, this rule was advisory in nature, but today this rule is mandatory. Pedestrians who ignore this condition will be required to pay a fine.

Cyclists are not allowed to cross a pedestrian crossing at normal or reduced speeds. They must stop completely before the marking, get off and cross the crossing, moving their vehicle nearby.

Every road user must remember that he is responsible not only for his own life. It is important for everyone to monitor changes in regulatory rules, comply with them responsibly, and remain just people.

The article was written based on materials from the sites: detepe.ru, shtrafyinfo.ru, voditeliauto.ru, voditel.guru, driving24.ru.