Fire safety drawings for elementary school. Fire safety coloring pages for schoolchildren. DIY crafts “Fire safety” using cutting technique

Sooner or later, parents send their children to kindergartens and then to schools. This is an important stage in a child’s life, but parents don’t relax either, because they have to make crafts and various thematic drawings. This article will discuss the preparation of such drawings with explanations and examples.

Before starting the task, parents need to talk with their child. For example, you need to make a picture on the topic “Security”. To do this, talk to your child. If the child is small, then explain to him what safety is, how to behave so as not to get into trouble. After the story, be sure to ask what the child learned from your story. And only after that start working.

to school, in detail with explanations and options

Safety must be in everything and the child must understand this. For example, a trip by car. The child must be fastened. This can be depicted in a picture by depicting back seat car, fastened girl. Moreover, the child takes care of the safety of his toy by fastening it with a belt.

At school, during labor lessons, boys have to work with tools. When doing this type of work, safety must be observed. In a picture dedicated to this topic, you can depict two guys, one of whom works taking care of his safety, and the other has everything scattered and works incorrectly. This illustration will serve as a clear example for children.

to kindergarten, in detail with explanations and options

Everything needs to be explained to little children using simple everyday examples. And the drawing should accordingly reflect situations from life. For example, a boy is playing with his puppy. The dog, having played out, grabbed the tablecloth with its teeth and pulled it from the table on which there was hot tea. The boy runs to the table. You can draw a crossed out circle in the upper corner as a danger sign. After all, a boy might get doused with boiling water and get hurt by shards of broken dishes.

Another example. You can depict a boy playing with boats. To do this, he poured a full bath of water and launched the ship into it. And I forgot to turn off the tap. As a result, water began to pour out onto the floor. This can lead to dire consequences. This cannot be done; the tap must be closed.

The following situation occurs quite often and entails very serious consequences. The boy played with his favorite bunny and went out onto the balcony. Continuing to play, he drops the toy and it flies down. The boy hurries to catch his pet and leans over the balcony railing. This is dangerous for his life and should not be done. You should not go out onto the balcony without adults.

Using these examples, you can make good drawings and explain to your child what safety is clearly.

How to draw a picture on the topic of fire safety:

Fire is an element that should not be joked with. Fire is dangerous for children and adults. But, if an adult knows and does not joke with fire, then this must be explained to the child.

to school, details

Children go to school smarter and prepared. They already know about the danger of fire. Therefore, for schools, fire safety drawings should be more comprehensive. This is how you can depict a forest fire. Trees with tongues of flame and animals running away from the fire. So the child will know that not only plants, but also animals suffer from fire. And in addition, they will monitor the fires during outdoor recreation.

The student already knows that firefighters fight fires and wildfires. This can be reflected in the drawing. It is enough to draw how firefighters extinguish a burning house. This illustration will once again remind you of the danger of fire and the difficult work of rescuers.

A fire can happen not only in the warm season outdoors, but also in winter. On New Year's Eve, older children love to play with firecrackers and firecrackers. And it would not be amiss to remind you that careless handling of them can lead to serious injuries and burns. For example, like in the following picture, which shows boys playing around with firecrackers and a woman whose coat caught fire from their hooliganism. This picture serves as a clear example of the dangers of such entertainment.

to kindergarten, details

For kindergarten you can prepare a number of thematic drawings on the topic “ Fire safety" As mentioned in the previous paragraph, it is best to describe everyday situations. For example, a drawing depicting a boy and a girl playing with matches. Fire dances around them. This is a clear illustration that playing with matches is dangerous. A fire may occur. And explain to your child the rules for handling matches and draw a poster.

Another option is an image illustrating the handling of gas appliances. The girl tried to light the burner on the stove; as a result of her inept actions, a strong flame broke out and spread to the curtains. Using this drawing as an example, we explain to children that the stove is not a toy. You can only learn to light gas with adults. Otherwise there may be trouble.

Explaining various situations is one thing, but the child needs to be told where to go if there is a fire. The following image is quite suitable for this. The picture shows a doghouse engulfed in flames. The dog is standing by the phone and calling for help. At the top of the picture is written the firefighter telephone number “01”. So, in the form of a story or fairy tale, we tell the kid that Sharik’s dog’s house caught fire and he ran to call the fire service. This way the child will remember who needs to be called in such a situation.

How to draw a picture on the topic of road safety:

The road is a dangerous place. There is no place for entertainment and hooliganism. This must be constantly explained to children of any age.

to school with explanations

Behavior on the road must be explained to schoolchildren especially carefully. After all, during the day they are unattended by adults and make their own way from home and back. Older children may find it funny to cling to a bus or trolleybus and ride that way. It's dangerous and this situation can be shown in the figure. And be sure to tell your child that this way you can get hit by the wheels of cars driving next door.

to kindergarten with explanations

For younger children, the drawing should be understandable. Therefore, you can depict children who ran out to get the ball onto the road and a truck driving along it. This image explains the dangers of playing near the road. After all, the car will not be able to stop quickly and will hit the running children.

Also, in the form of a drawing, you can convey to the child that you can ride a bicycle, roller skates, or scooters in parks and specially designated paths. Doing this on the sidewalk near the road is dangerous. You can fall onto the roadway and end up under the wheels of a car.

How to draw a picture on the topic of traffic rules:

Every day, while taking your child to kindergarten or school, you cross roads, which means you are participants traffic.

to school in detail with explanations

Traffic rules must be discussed with children. So, crossing the road should only be done in specially designated pedestrian crossing areas. This is fully reflected in the following picture. A boy crosses the road at a zebra crossing, and at the bottom of the picture there is an inscription: “Cross the road in places where there is a pedestrian crossing!”

It’s a good idea to make sure your child knows the traffic lights. The following drawing can be made on this topic. Draw a road, sidewalk, sign pedestrian crossing and three traffic lights.

Next to each write its meaning:

  • red stop;
  • yellow get ready;
  • green you can go.

And you will draw a picture and the child will repeat the traffic lights.

to kindergarten in detail with explanations

It is better to explain traffic rules to kids using the example of their favorite cartoon characters. For example, everyone knows Smeshariki. In the picture, depict an intersection with a traffic light and Krosh, Barash and Hedgehog standing next to it. Each traffic light signal is signed. So, in a playful way, you will tell your child that his favorite characters will cross the road only when the traffic light is green. And the baby will better understand this information.

You can also draw a “zebra” where a boy and a girl are crossing the road and traffic lights are holding their hands. Looking at this drawing, the child will understand that the traffic light is his friend and helps him cross the road safely.

This article talks about various drawings on the topic of security. Examples of images are given with an explanation of what a child can understand by drawing it. Using the material presented, you will be able to explain to your child safety rules at home and on the road in a simple way and make an excellent drawing for the garden or school. Good luck.

Anna Aksenova

Article for the newspaper "Good Road of Childhood"

MBDOU "Kindergarten "Kamushka"

Competition of drawings and posters on industrial safety

« Let every citizen know: fireman number 01»

On April 30, one of the most vital first responder services celebrates its professional holiday - fire department. The holiday was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin No. 539 of April 30, 1999 "On the establishment of the Day fire department» , taking into account historical traditions and merits fire department, its contribution to ensuring fire department security of the Russian Federation.

In connection with the celebration of the professional holiday, the kindergarten held competition of drawings and posters on industrial safety« Let every citizen know: fireman number 01»

Goals and objectives competition are: learning the rules fire safety. Involving them in warning fires, learning to act in conditions fire and other extreme situations.

The children and their parents brought large number posters and drawings for the competition. All participants will awarded diplomas and certificates.

Prepared the article

additional education teacher

Aksenova Anna Leonidovna

Publications on the topic:

Drawing competition “Kindness, Peace and Friendship” of the State Public Institution of the Nursery-Garden “Chaika” in the village of Kalkaman, Aksu city, Pavlodar region, among kindergarten students.

Summary of the GCD on life safety with children of the preparatory group “Every citizen knows this number - 01” Summary of GCD on life safety with children preparatory group“Every citizen knows this number - 01” (teacher L. I. Fedyakova, kindergarten No. 329,.

Abstract of the GCD in the senior group of the kindergarten “Every citizen knows firefighter number 01” Summary of direct educational activities using outdoor games in senior group kindergarten. Educational.

Project plan. Project theme: “Let every citizen remember firefighter number 01.” Project goal: To introduce the child to the idea of ​​the project, together.

Dear Maamites! I would like to bring to your attention crafts made using the modular origami technique. While still studying at pedagogical school, I became interested.

Fire safety entertainment “Every citizen knows the firefighter number is 01”“Every citizen knows the firefighter number - 01” Objectives: to deepen children’s knowledge about the causes of fires and their consequences; consolidate knowledge of the rules.

Every parent wants his child to be healthy, happy, and have good and loyal friends. He was also childishly curious and successful.

Fire is a friend and helper of a person, but if handled incorrectly, it can cause great harm. To avoid mishandling and possible unfortunate consequences, you need to teach yourself and others how to handle it. To complete the study, it is necessary not only to listen, but also see.

It is also necessary to see what to do in case of a fire in order to better understand procedure in case of fire. Examples of actions can be shown on pictures, video or real example of firefighter drills. And we can only hope that this information will help avoid fires and casualties.


Pictures fire safety They allow you to influence people’s visual memory, and are very helpful for those who do not perceive information very well by ear. They allow you to explain in detail and colorfully about the fire regime that operates in a certain territory, the rules of behavior of people, maintenance of premises and other aspects that help to avoid fires, and in case of their occurrence, to provide firefighters, dressed in special protective clothing for extinguishing, access to the affected area. fire the territory for effective combat.

A fire cannot occur if there is no contact between the ignition source and the fuel. It is on the basis of this principle that fire safety rules, which in case of danger should help firefighters extinguish the fire.

If it is not possible to isolate the ignition source and potential fuel, the building in which potentially dangerous processes occur must have automatic fire fighting equipment in the form of various alarms, emergency shutdown of equipment and automatic extinguishing systems.

To inform and remind about the need to adhere to fire safety rules, fire safety drawings, applied or glued to objects, which inform about the features of the objects’ operation.

Such different fires and their consequences

Also, with the help of fire-fighting pictures, they can inform about the conditions during fire extinguishing that special clothing can withstand, or how to interact with objects intended for extinguishing fires. Helps with this classification of types of burning substances and materials:

  • Combustion of solids;
  • Fire of liquid substances;
  • Combustion of gaseous substances;
  • Combustion of metals.

The danger that comes from fires cannot be ignored. They can tell you about the consequences drawings on fire safety, or such a small list where collected possible consequences during a fire and after its completion:

  • An open flame and sparks flying from it, which can harm unprotected areas of human skin;
  • Significant ambient temperature;
  • Toxic products released during combustion;
  • A decrease in the amount of oxygen available to humans, since large quantities are used to maintain fire activity;
  • Damage or destruction of the object in which the fire occurred;
  • Hazardous factors that manifest themselves as a result of an explosion. Among them are a flame, a shock wave, the collapse of a supporting structure, and the scattering of fragments.

Putting out fires in a dangerous situation without confidence that it will be extinguished is undesirable. A much better option would be call the firefighters who can professionally extinguish a fire, who have special clothing and special-purpose items for extinguishing at close range. Although, if there is a water supply point and a hose, you can try to put out the fire on your own from a relatively safe distance.

Important! It is necessary to remember that playing with fire is unsafe; it is not for nothing that firefighters work in special clothing that protects them from possible burns. Take care of yourself and be careful when interacting with fire dangerous objects and materials.

About children

For those who have small children drawings and pictures will be good assistants who will help teach what to do in case fire danger. Need to give basic concept about the danger of fire, toxic products that are released from the fire when a fire occurs. It is necessary to explain how all this can affect the child, talk about the consequences - overheating, deterioration in health, disturbances in breathing rhythm and heart function.

You can use the sticking method warning signs: agree on which fire safety signs indicate which cases in the pictures, and what to do in each specific case. In this way, in a playful way, you can force them to learn safety precautions and be calm for their child while the parents are away.

Fire safety is one of the most important components of life. Because children encounter objects that can cause a fire every day. Electrical appliances, heaters, stoves, matches and lighters, sockets and wires - all this can lead to disaster if used incorrectly. When kids grow up and go to school, parents often allow them to do simple housework themselves: heat their own food, vacuum the apartment, and so on. But guys are not always fully aware of possible threats. As an addition to this material, our website also offers you the article “Safety Pictures for Children. Careful guys”, which contains many beautiful drawings and educational accompanying text.

They will help boys and girls to more clearly study the technique of handling dangerous objects and better understand the reality of existing threats. Each coloring book comes in pairs with a color picture and an interesting commentary to make it easier for children to remember the lesson and paint the picture. You can also check out the article “Fire truck coloring book for kids. Soviet cars”, which will provide you with both drawings and descriptions of cars of that time.

Fire safety coloring pages for schoolchildren play and learn at the same time

Parents and teachers, older brothers and sisters, pay attention to the younger children. Explain to them the dangers of playing with fire. If younger schoolchildren themselves use a stove and electrical appliances, then tell them all the nuances and possible problems associated with each device. Try to show everything in practice using clear examples and check that the children have learned the lessons. Explain how to act in case of possible difficulties, where to turn off the gas, how to turn off the electricity, where to call, etc. Let each fire safety coloring book for a schoolchild become the protection that will protect him in the future from rash actions.

Let the children not only color the pictures, but also come up with a short story for each picture. This will help them understand fire safety material much better and have a good idea of ​​correct and incorrect behavior patterns. And also the consequences of rash actions.

Each fire safety coloring page for schoolchildren this is a small lesson

A match can light a small fire. But fire, unlike many other phenomena in this world, can quickly become huge and turn into a fire. For example, what harm does a spoonful of water do? You won’t drown in a spoon, you won’t drown your neighbors with a spoon, but a fire can burst out of a small match and burn the whole house. Therefore, matches and lighters are not toys for children. Follow fire safety rules!

The stove not only cooks food, it also poses a danger due to its high temperature. Do not dry things over the stove, do not throw foreign objects on it. Keep very young children away from her. If you are cooking on the stove or heating food, then do not leave it so as not to invite big trouble into your home. Every schoolchild should know that the stove is dangerous! Always be careful and everything will be fine!

Electrical appliances use electricity to operate, and current carries not only benefits, but also great danger. The devices must be used very carefully so that they do not start sparking and cause a fire. If any electrical appliance begins to emit an unpleasant odor, or smoke or spark, and you are at home, then it must be immediately unplugged from the outlet. Also, many devices get very hot, for example, an iron, hair dryer, vacuum cleaner, electric kettle. When you use them, be careful not to cause a fire. Do not use devices with wet hands to avoid getting an electric shock. Follow fire safety precautions, be a smart child.

Coloring book about not burning grass and poplar fluff

It's hot and warm in summer. But there is a danger of large fires. Poplar fluff and dry grass easily ignite and can quickly spread fire around, which can spread to bushes, trees, and cars. Don't play with fire on the street, be reasonable. Your pranks can lead to big trouble. A schoolboy is no longer a little preschooler! The student must understand what will happen if a river of fire suddenly breaks out under his feet. Never light the fluff!

Teaching fire safety rules is one of the most important aspects of life safety for children. Interesting colorful pictures and educational poems will help kids better understand the basics of fire safety, because children always better perceive what is interesting to them. The task of adults, be it parents, teachers or educators, is to ignite this spark of knowledge in children.

perform an important task; they turn activities with children into an exciting and, most importantly, useful process from a safety point of view.

You can also look through an interesting selection on the topic “Summer safety pictures about the rules of behavior on the water” and a selection of high-resolution images “Fire safety posters for children”.

Methods for presenting material to pictures on fire safety for children

Always try to involve kids in the learning process as much as possible. Do not reduce the lesson to a dry listing of some facts. Act out a skit, write a story and read a fairy tale, use educational games.

For example, come up with a story about how the boys Sasha and Volodya went into the forest, how one did not want to light a fire, but the second laughed at him. As the squirrels and the hedgehog warned them, but they did not listen. Let your kids complete the story, let them say what they would do in the children’s place.

Tell us about how the fire caught fire in the house of Denis’s older brother and the girl Vika. How the girl wanted to hide behind the closet, but her brother said what to do, said what would be the right thing to do. My brother learned the information at school and knows where to call in case of a fire. Do your children know?

Accompany each image with such information, and the learning process for children will be very effective.

Fire safety pictures for children – download and teach them

Picture about rules of conduct in case of fire

If there is a fire, leave the house quickly!

Call the firefighters urgently.

But you can't hide in the house,

You can't hide from the fire, friends.

Picture about careful handling of the iron

A hot iron is not a toy,

An iron is more dangerous than a gun.

Watch him more closely

Otherwise there will be a fire ahead!