Master's degree in biology. Faculty of Natural Sciences. Subjects studied by students

In order to enroll in a master's program in biology, you must already have a bachelor's degree in this field. However, this is not enough; you will also have to pass a specialized exam. Depending on the chosen specialization, this could be an exam in genetics, botany, or any other area of ​​biology.

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language;
  • Zoology;
  • Botany;
  • Physiology of humans and animals;
  • Introduction or physiology of plants;
  • Genetics;
  • Biophysics.

Biology is a science that is directly related to the study of life. Science is constantly developing and today the Department of Biology trains such sought-after specialists as biophysicists, or, for example, astrobiologists and biochemists.

Brief description of the specialty

Biology is a synthetic science that interacts very closely with sciences such as physics or chemistry. Depending on the chosen direction, future masters will study sciences such as chemistry, physics, botany, genetics, etc.

Having received a master's degree in one of the areas of biology, a graduate has many opportunities to arrange his life in such a way as to engage in an interesting, modern and well-paid business. Today, a lot of research in the field of biology is being carried out all over the world, which is why good specialists in this area are valued “worth their weight in gold.”

Duration of training

Depending on the form of study, obtaining a master's degree in biology will take from two to two and a half years. Training in full-time will take two years. If a student decides to study part-time or remotely, then it will take two and a half years to study and write a thesis.

Subjects studied by students

Since very often biology is associated with the study of the most important issues biology and related medical problems, students majoring in biology study disciplines such as:

  • Physiology;
  • Biochemistry or molecular chemistry;
  • Biophysics and bioengineering;
  • General biology;
  • Eco biology, etc.

In addition, students, especially those who have chosen full-time study, often go on various expeditions (most often they take place on the territory of the Russian Federation), where future masters can study in practice the problems existing in the field of biology and try to find solutions to these problems . Also, pre-diploma internships for students of the Department of Biology are most often carried out on expeditions or in research institutes. During the learning process, students perform both independent practical work and joint work (as a whole group led by a teacher).

Gained knowledge and skills

From the first days of their master's studies, students of the biology department are already engaged in research. They are given the opportunity for scientific research, scientific production (design), and organizational and management activities. The Department of Biology also trains teachers for both schools and universities in Russia.

Who to work with

Today there is a very high demand for graduates in the specialty “Biology” of all its areas. Specialists in this field can engage in a variety of research activities, work in structures that protect environment, take part in the development of various projects in their field and, of course, engage in teaching activities.

Finding an interesting and well-paid job as a biologist is not difficult. Is held around the world huge amount research that requires competent specialists. In addition, knowledge of biology is necessary in pharmaceuticals, biochemistry, biophysics and other popular “new” areas of human activity. Therefore, biology masters do not have to worry about finding a job. A good specialist will have the problem of choosing a job, not the problem of finding it.

The Faculty of Natural Sciences invites everyone to study in the master's program at FEN. Training is carried out in two directions - 04.04.01 "chemistry" and 06.04.01 "biology".

And the research work of master's students, as part of the preparation of a master's thesis, is carried out at academic institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences under the guidance of highly qualified researchers of the SB RAS or at departments of the Faculty. In this regard, the research topic is always relevant, in line with the priority directions of scientific development, and unique, like any real scientific research. The work is carried out at the highest scientific level using modern instruments and equipment at the disposal of NSU and institutes of the SB RAS. The result of these studies are scientific articles in leading Russian and foreign journals, successful defense of master's theses, which often successfully participate in various competitions of student scientific works, and a good scientific foundation for subsequent postgraduate studies at NSU or SB RAS. The specializations of training in the areas correspond to the profiles of the graduating departments. In chemistry these are: analytical chemistry, biochemistry, catalysis, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, environmental chemistry. In biology: general biology and ecology, cytology and genetics, molecular biology, physiology, information biology. In addition, new educational programs are being prepared, for example, “biotechnology”, the implementation of which is planned. It should be noted that all students have the opportunity to implement individual curricula based on courses developed for various specializations.

Simultaneously with scientific work, training takes place in theoretical courses, taught, as a rule, by leading scientists of the SB RAS and NSU - specialists in these particular fields of knowledge, which provides the opportunity to acquire fundamental knowledge.

FEN master's graduates are in high demand both at the Russian and international levels, and have no problems with subsequent employment, not only in the scientific field, but also in education, business, and high-tech production. The vast majority of graduates of the master's program enter graduate school at NSU or institutes of the SB RAS and become candidates of science. A significant part of them, during their studies or after graduating from graduate school, acquire work experience in leading foreign scientific centers.

The master's program accepts persons who have a bachelor's or specialist's diploma (the admission rules are described in more detail). Training is provided only full-time on an extra-budgetary or budgetary basis (depending on the success of passing the entrance exam and competition). Applicants to the FEN master's program in the field of "Chemistry" take the entrance exam in physical chemistry (the program of this course is posted at:. Other educational and methodological materials for this course are posted on the website at the address, which can help in preparing for the exam. Applicants in the field "Biology" take an exam in biology, the program of which can be found. Information on deadlines for submitting documents and exam times is located.

The leadership of the Faculty of Natural Sciences invites everyone who wants to become a real specialist, in demand both in our Country and abroad, to enroll in the master's program of our Faculty. We are waiting for you!

Degree (qualification)

Duration of training

General characteristics of the area of ​​training

The implementation of the master's program “Cell Biology” involves teaching basic and special courses, conducting workshops and seminars aimed at in-depth study of key problems of cell biology. Name of basic disciplines: Philosophical problems of natural science, Foreign language, Higher education pedagogy, Economics and management of high technologies, Management psychology, Scientific rhetoric, Legal basis intellectual property, Mathematical modeling of biological processes, Evolutionary biology, Theory of the biosphere and global environmental problems, Biotechnology.

Name of special disciplines: Cytology, Biology of tissue systems, Computer video microscopy, Modern methods of microscopic research, Modern problems of cell and tissue biology, Flow cytometry, Molecular biology of tumor cells, Electron microscopy.

The educational program involves undergraduates conducting research work in a semester and undergoing internships (educational, research, teaching).

Practice. Enterprises

Educational and research practices take place in the educational and scientific laboratory of immunohistochemistry of the Institute of Natural Sciences of Udmurt State University, as well as in the hematology department of the 1st Republican Clinical Hospital.

Opportunity to participate in regional, national and international events

Qualified staff and modern equipment allow undergraduates to carry out research work at a modern level and present the results at national and international competitions. In particular, master's students took part in the IV International Symposium "Interaction of the Nervous and Immune Systems in Health and Pathology" (St. Petersburg, 2013), the International Biomedical Student Congress (Groningen, the Netherlands, 2015), the International Interdisciplinary Congress "Neuroscience for Medicine and Psychology" (Sudak, Russia, 2014, 2015), youth school-conference of students, graduate students and young scientists “Biomedicine, materials and technologies of the 21st century” (Kazan, 2015).

International cooperation

International cooperation is carried out with the University of Florida (USA) and the University of Alabama (USA).

Staffing of the educational process

Director of the master's program: Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Anatomy and Physiology of Humans and Animals Sergeev Valery Georgievich. Area of ​​interest: molecular and cellular mechanisms of regulatory systems. Under his leadership, 1 candidate's dissertation was defended, and he is currently supervising the work of two graduate students. Author of more than 70 publications, of which 36 are cited in Web of Science and Scopus.

The share of scientific and pedagogical workers with an academic degree is more than 75%.

Classroom and logistical support of the educational process

Classes are conducted in the classrooms of the 1st building and the immunohistochemistry laboratory of the Institute of Natural Sciences using the following equipment:

  • Video projection complex (BenQ MP610 video projector, Acer Extenca 5620 laptop
  • Nikon Eclipse 200E fluorescence microscope
  • Motic AE21 inverted microscope
  • Photo recording attachment based on the Canon PowerShut A640 digital camera
  • HP Photosmart D7 Photo Printer
  • Hardware and software complex for video image processing (IBM computer, ImagePro Plus, Image insight, Mathlab7.0, Statistika 6.0 programs)
  • Rotary microtome Accu-Cut SRM200
  • Cryotome Shandon Thermo Scientific
  • Laminar flow cabinet LS
  • CO2 incubator Sanyo MOV-IPF
  • Centrifuges SM-50, Op-2–8, ElmiCM-6M
  • Electron microscope EM-125
  • Vacuum station for spraying replicas VUP-5
  • Raster electron microscope REM-100U
  • Shaker-incubator ES-20
  • Dry oven Tuttnauer
  • Awardeness tablet photometer
  • Device for measuring electrophoretic cell mobility “Cytotest-expert”.
  • Ultramicrotome SEO-UMC

Opportunities for continuing education

In Udmurt state university Postgraduate studies have been opened in the specialty 03.03.04 “Cell Biology, Cytology and Histology”, in which it is possible to continue studies after completing the master’s degree.

Master's degree graduates are prepared to continue their studies in graduate school and other specialties (Biophysics, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Botany, Embryology, Histology and Cytology, Plant Physiology, Human and Animal Physiology, Genetics, Cytology, Bionics, Cryobiology, Biotechnology, Molecular Genetics, Bioinformatics ).

Types of professional activities

The Master of Biology carries out research and scientific-production activities on the study and use of biological systems for economic and medical purposes. A Master of Biology is prepared for independent work, which requires a broad education in the field of biology and in-depth professional specialization, mastery of the skills of research and scientific-pedagogical work. He is widely erudite, has a fundamental scientific base, masters the methodology of scientific creativity, experimental methods and approaches of modern biology, and information technology.

Develops regulatory documents in his field of activity, independently plans, organizes and carries out laboratory research: analyzes the obtained laboratory information, summarizes and systematizes the results of the work performed, using modern computer technology. Prepares scientific and technical reports and other established documentation: monitors compliance with established requirements, current norms, rules and standards in the field of professional activity. Independently conducts experimental research, formulates its task, develops and implements new methodological approaches, participates in the discussion, evaluation and publication of results, in patent work, drafting patent applications, in seminars and conferences. Conducts independent research and production activities in the field of biotechnology, nature conservation and medicine.

A Master of Biology who has completed training in the “Cell Biology” profile will have the following competencies:

  • understands and creatively uses knowledge of fundamental and applied areas of cell and tissue engineering;
  • knows how to plan and implement professional activities on various aspects of the latest biotechnology related to cell and tissue engineering technologies;
  • has skills educational activities: preparing and delivering lectures on biotechnology, guiding practices, coursework and theses students.


Based on his qualifications, a Master of Biology is prepared for independent work in scientific positions, including biologist, research engineer, researcher in research and scientific-production institutions, and? in accordance with the specialization received, in other positions in accordance with the requirements of the Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 No. 37. A Master of Biology is prepared for teaching activities in secondary and higher schools.


Address: 426034, Izhevsk, st. Universitetskaya, 1. UdSU, bldg. 1, room 123.

Previously this state standard had a number 510600 (according to the Classifier of directions and specialties of higher professional education)
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Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation


Deputy Minister

education of the Russian Federation

V.D. Shadrikov

State registration number





Direction 510600BIOLOGY

Qualification – MASTER OF BIOLOGY

Introduced from the moment of approval

Moscow 2000

510600 - Biology

1.1. The direction was approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 2, 2000 No. 686.

1.2. Graduate degree (qualification) – Master of Science in Biology.

The standard period for mastering the main educational program for a master's degree in the direction 510600 - Biology for full-time study is 6 years. The main educational program for master's preparation consists of a bachelor's training program in the relevant field (4 years) and specialized master's training (2 years). For specializations that require research practice in the master's program, including two field seasons, by decision of the University Council it is allowed to increase the total duration of study to 6.5 years.

1.3. Qualification characteristics of the graduate.

The Master of Biology carries out research and scientific-production activities on the study and protection of wildlife and the use of biological systems for economic and medical purposes. A Master of Biology is prepared for independent work, which requires a broad education in the field of biology and in-depth professional specialization, mastery of the skills of research and scientific-pedagogical work; He is widely erudite, has a fundamental scientific base, masters the methodology of scientific creativity, experimental methods and approaches of modern biology, and information technology.

A Master of Biology develops regulatory documents in his field of activity, independently plans, organizes and carries out expeditionary work and laboratory research; analyzes the received field and laboratory information, summarizes and systematizes the results of the work performed, using modern computer technology; prepares scientific and technical reports and other established documentation; monitors compliance with established requirements, current norms, rules and standards in the field of professional activities; independently conducts experimental research, formulates its task, develops and implements new methodological approaches, participates in the discussion, evaluation and publication of results, in patent work, drafting patent applications, in seminars and conferences. Monitors compliance with the laws of the Russian Federation, international agreements, norms and rules in the field of nature protection and human health, plans measures to prevent degradation and environmental pollution. Conducts independent research and production veins new activities in the field of biotechnology, nature conservation and medicine.

Based on his qualifications, a Master of Biology is prepared for independent work in scientific positions, including: biologist, research engineer, researcher in research and scientific-production institutions, and, in accordance with the specialization received, in other positions according to requirements of the Qualification Directory for positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated August 21, 1998 No. 37.

The Master of Biology is prepared for teaching activities in secondary and higher schools.

Field of professional activity of the Master of Biology: research and scientific-production institutions and organizations of any form of ownership, as well as in state and non-state secondary, specialized secondary and higher educational institutions.

1.4. Opportunities for continuing education.

1.5. List of annotated master's programs (problem area of ​​training).

510601– General biology

Current problems of general biology and ecology. Elements of system analysis and management theory. Biological systems of various levels of complexity, mechanisms of their autoregulation. Mathematical modeling of biosystems. Elements of anthropology. Evolution and current state of the biosphere. Nature and society. Methods and prospects for the development of modern biology. Objectives of general and professional biological and environmental education. History and methodology of biology, ecology and chemistry; basics of didactics. Philosophical aspects of modern natural science. Psychological and pedagogical training: psychology and pedagogy of secondary and higher schools; social psychology, ergonomics, developmental educational psychology. Fundamentals of mental self-regulation. Designing the content of the educational process and innovative learning situations at school and university. Methods of presenting and controlling knowledge. Solving productive and creative problems. Practice of teaching biology, club work, laboratory work, organizing a lecture course.

510602 – Anthropology

Human morphology. Origin and evolution of man. Human ontogenesis. Physical development and constitution; psychophysiological typology, polymorphism of the human population. The doctrine of anthropogenesis, racial studies. Elements of ethnography, archeology, ethnic anthropology of Russia. Human biology: ecology, genetics, elements of valeology. Methods of anthropometry, variation statistics, elements of genetic, immunological analysis, other methods of modern anthropology.

510603 – Zoology of vertebrates

Theoretical problems of vertebrate zoology. Comparative anatomy and morphology of various groups of vertebrates. Origin and taxonomy of chordates, their diversity, geographical distribution, ecology. Reproduction and ontogeny. Anatomy and physiology of chordates as a basis for systematic ecological and zoogeographical research. Lifestyle and behavior of vertebrates, mechanisms of adaptation to habitats. General questions of systematics. Particular taxonomy and phylogeny of individual groups of chordates. Evolution of functional systems. Rare and endangered species; scientific basis for the protection of wildlife and individual species chordates. Economic use of vertebrates. Methods of zoological research, skills in field work, organization of expeditions, desk processing of material.

510604 – Zoology of invertebrates

510605 – Botany

Theoretical problems of plant morphology. Plant propagation. Life cycles. Comparative anatomy and morphology of different groups of plants. Evolution of different types of morphostructures in different plant taxa. Plant ecology. Evolution of life forms in different groups of plants and different floras. Anatomy and morphology of plants as a basis for systematic, ecological and phytogeographical research. General questions of the theory of systematics. Particular taxonomy and phylogeny of various groups of plants. Ecological, phytocenotic and geographical factors of evolution. Phylocenogenesis. Theoretical problems geography of plants. Floristics. Flora analysis methods. Florogenesis. Methods of florogenetic research. Problems of cognition of the history of the plant world. The main stages of the evolution of the Earth's vegetation cover in the late Cenozoic. Geobotany (phytocenology; forestry, meadow science, aquatic and marsh vegetation, arid phytocenoses, study of agrocenoses, etc.). Scientific basis for the protection of individual species and floristic complexes.

510606 – Mycology

Theoretical concepts and current problems of mycology. Morphology and physiology of fungi; systematics and phylogenetic relationships of individual taxonomic groups. Reproduction and life cycles. Ecology of fungi, mechanisms of their interaction with various components of biogeocenoses. Theoretical ideas about the origin of mushrooms. Practical application of various groups in pharmacology and biotechnology. Soil mycology; plant pathology. Medical mycology. Biology of the most harmful pathogens. Methods of experimental research in mycology.

510607 – Physiology of humans and animals

Fundamental problems of human and animal physiology. General, evolutionary, medical and environmental physiology, basic theoretical concepts and current trends. Evolution of the main functional systems of the body. Ontogenesis of functional systems. Physiological regulations; coordination and adaptation of physiological functions to various environmental conditions, their systemic and molecular mechanisms. Elements of pathophysiology and functional diagnostics. Elements of systems theory; mathematical and computer methods in modern physiology. Methods of experimental physiology, functional diagnostics, surgery, electrophysiology, skills in working with various laboratory animals.

510608 – Plant physiology

Basic theoretical concepts and current problems of plant physiology. Ecological physiology of plants. Mechanisms of photosynthesis, transport of substances, respiration, energy and plastic metabolism, reproduction and development of plants. Cellular and genetic engineering of plants. Physiology of various groups of plants. Evolution of functional systems. Plant hormones. Plant immunity. Biological methods of protecting plants from pathogenic influences. Classical and new methods of plant physiology; cell and tissue cultivation, cellular biotechnology.

510609 – Genetics

General genetics, genetic analysis, cytogenetics, molecular genetics, biotechnology, genetic engineering, genetics of microorganisms, plant genetics, animal genetics, human genetics, population genetics, environmental genetics, mutation process, molecular basis of evolution, developmental genetics, organelle genetics, symbiogenetics, mobile genome elements, genetic control of the cell cycle, genetic control: replication, recombination, transcription, translation, splicing. Genetic and cellular engineering of higher plants. Structure and functions of chromosomes. Genetics of behavior. Immunogenetics. History of genetics. Methods of quantitative analysis, variation statistics in genetics.

510610 – Biophysics

Basic concepts and current problems of theoretical biophysics, cell biophysics, membrane biophysics, molecular biophysics, radiation biophysics, environmental biophysics. General biophysics of living systems. Mathematical models, computer methods in biophysics. Physico-chemical and physiological processes in biological systems and the influence of physical factors on them. Mechanisms of autoregulation of biological functions, their physical aspects. Methods of modern biophysics.

510611– Biochemistry and molecular biology

Theoretical aspects and current problems of biochemistry and molecular biology. Structural and functional organization of cells and subcellular systems; mechanisms of biosynthesis of proteins and nucleic acids; molecular cell biology; biotechnology and genetic engineering; molecular mechanisms of regulation and adaptation of cell and body functions. Comparative and evolutionary biochemistry. Medical and dynamic biochemistry, environmental biochemistry, immunology, virology. Methods of functional and clinical biochemistry, molecular biology, biotechnology.

510612 – Microbiology and virology

Theoretical foundations and current problems of comparative evolutionary, environmental, medical, industrial microbiology. Morphology, biochemistry, genetics of microorganisms, their taxonomy and evolution, its role. Viruses, bacteria, archaea, eukaryotic microorganisms. Pathogenic microorganisms and their control. Economic use of microorganisms. Industrial microbiology. Microbiological damage to technological structures. Prospects for biotechnology and genetic engineering. Methods of cultivation and identification of microorganisms, techniques of cellular and genetic engineering, methods of studying the role of microorganisms in biogeocenoses.

510613 – Ecology

Theoretical concepts and current trends in autecology, synecology, population ecology, evolutionary ecology. The doctrine of the biosphere. General systems theory. Principles of mathematical modeling and computer analysis of ecosystems. Private ecology (ecology of bacteria, fungi, plants, animals). Ecological physiology. Evolution of the biosphere. Anthropogenic impacts on the biosphere, technogenic ecosystems. Methods for assessing technogenic impacts on ecosystems and determining environmental risk. Bioindication and biotesting of environmental pollution. Environmental monitoring and examination. Elements of environmental law. Economics of rational environmental management. Scientific principles and strategy for nature conservation. Russian environmental legislation. International experience and cooperation in the field of nature conservation.

510614 – Cell biology

Theoretical principles and current directions of research into the structural and functional organization of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, syncytia, plasmodia, symplasts. General cytology, general and comparative histology, molecular biology of cells, structural and functional organization and regulation of genome expression, mechanisms of autoregulation and adaptation of cells, proliferation and differentiation, integration of cells in various organisms, intercellular interactions. Problems of tumor growth. Methods of light and electron microscopy, cell cultivation, isolation and study of subcellular structures, analysis of metabolic processes, immunochemistry, and other methods of cell biology.

510615 – Developmental biology

Theoretical foundations and modern trends developmental biology. Comparative morphological, physiological molecular aspects of individual development of organisms of various taxonomic groups. Molecular theory of development. Mechanisms of differentiation, morphogenesis, growth. Intercellular interactions and regulatory processes that ensure the integrity of the developing organism. Ecological and evolutionary developmental biology. Medical and agricultural developmental biology. Cytological, histological, morphological, molecular biological, genetic methods in developmental biology. Embryoengineering.

510616 – Neurobiology

Theoretical concepts and current problems of physiology nervous system and neuron, neurochemistry, molecular neurobiology, neuromorphology and neuropharmacology. Neurobiology of behavior. Neuropsychology. Complex forms of behavior and mental processes: cognitive functions, memory, learning, speech, consciousness. Experimental models and methods of modern neurobiology. Mathematical modeling in neurobiology.

510617 – Psychophysiology

Theoretical concepts and current problems; physiological mechanisms of mental activity, physiological foundations of sensory perception and the formation of sensations. Physiological aspects of general psychology, higher nervous activity, psychopathology; psychophysiology of stress, age-related psychophysiology. Psychophysiological diagnosis of diseases of sensory systems, speech defects and intelligence. Problems of individual differences, the formation of dominant states that determine the human psyche. The problem of artificial intelligence. Methods of electrophysiological, morphological studies, testing of the neuropsychic status of a person. Methods of mathematical modeling in psychophysiology.

510618 – Immunology

Theoretical concepts and current trends in science about the defense systems of organisms. Immunity of plants, animals and humans. Structure, properties and interaction of antigens and antibodies. Immunochemistry. Immunogenetics. Cytological mechanisms of the immune response. Comparative immunology. Clinical immunology. Basic methods of immunology and their use to solve fundamental problems of biology, isolation and identification of individual proteins.

510619 – Histology

Theoretical and methodological aspects of comparative evolutionary and medical histology. Evolution of fabrics. Histogenesis in individual development. The structure and functions of specialized cells, intermediate environments, interaction of cells in tissue and in the body, regeneration; regulatory mechanisms of tissue integrity and integration into functional systems body. Elements of pathophysiology and cell pathology. Histological diagnosis. Methods of light and electron microscopy, autoradiography, immuno- and histochemistry, cell and tissue culture and other research methods.

510620 – Biomedical sciences

Theoretical concepts and current problems in the field of fundamental medicine and biomedical research (medical biochemistry, medical biophysics, etc.). Normal and pathological human physiology, histology, biochemical and biophysical diagnosis of diseases, elements of modern pharmacology, biological foundations of health and pathology, problems of human ecology, ideas about various systems for maintaining health, curing diseases and prolonging human life. Methods of physiology and experimental medicine.

510621– Algology

Theoretical aspects and modern trends in systematics, floristry, geography and ecology of algae. Morphology, biology of reproduction. Phytoplankton and phytobenthos of marine and continental water bodies. Soil algae. Algae as indicators of the state of the ecosystem. Fundamentals of cytology, physiology, biochemistry and genetics of algae. Paleoalgology. The main stages of the formation of the plant world. Methods of micropaleoalgology, systematics, cytology of algae.

510622 – Entomology

Fundamental problems of evolutionary and functional morphology of insects. Systematics, origin and phylogeny of insects and other terrestrial arthropods. Physiology of terrestrial arthropods: evolution of functions, neuromuscular physiology, endocrinology, developmental physiology, features of the immune system. Ecology and behavior of insects. Life cycles and patterns of their regulation. Sexual behavior. Fundamentals of applied entomology in agriculture, food industry, medicine, veterinary medicine and biotechnology. Methods of descriptive and experimental entomology.

510623 – Hydrobiology and ichthyology

Fundamental problems of the supraorganismal level of organization of aquatic biota, the study of the structural properties and patterns of functioning of aquatic ecosystems, their management. Global and regional oceanological and limnological phenomena. Systematic approach as a methodological basis for hydrobiology; methods of accounting for hydrobionts, analysis of quantitative data and study of environmental factors. Theoretical foundations, methods and modern achievements of out- and synecology of aquatic organisms, sanitary-technical hydrobiology, production hydrobiology of aquaculture, bioindication of water quality and rational use of water resources. Theoretical and methodological aspects of the study of fish and cyclostomes, ecology, ethology, population dynamics, composition of fish in the open ocean, seas and fresh waters. Evolution and systematics, geographical distribution of fish. Applied problems - development of the biological foundations of fishing, management of rational fisheries, protection and reproduction of fish resources.

The introduction of new master's professional educational programs is carried out in the manner established federal authorities(letter from the State Committee for Higher Education of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 1994 No. 10-36-322 IN/12).

The special educational and research components of each of the annotated master's programs, by decision of the University Council, are implemented through author's master's programs (master's specializations), reflecting the existing scientific and pedagogical schools in specific sections of the relevant sciences at a given university.





2.1. Persons wishing to master a specialized master's training program must have a higher professional education of a certain level, confirmed by a state-issued document.

2.2. Persons with a bachelor's degree in 510600 - Biology, as well as a specialist in specialties 011600 - Biology, 011700 - Anthropology, 011800 - Zoology, 011900 - Botany, 012000 - Physiology, 012100 - Genetics, 012200 - Biophysics, 012300 - Biochemistry , 012400 – Microbiology and 320200 - Bioecology are enrolled in specialized master's training on a competitive basis. The conditions for competitive selection are determined by the university on the basis of the State educational standard for higher professional education of a bachelor in this area.

2.3. Persons who wish to master a specialized master's training program in this area and have a higher professional education, the profile of which is not specified in clause 2.2, are admitted to the competition based on the results of passing exams in the disciplines necessary to master the master's training program and provided for by the State educational standard for bachelor's training in this direction or the interdisciplinary final state exam in biology.




510600 – BIOLOGY

3.1. The main educational program for preparing a master's degree in biology is developed on the basis of this State educational standard and includes a curriculum, programs academic disciplines, programs of educational and industrial (research and scientific-pedagogical) internships and programs of scientific research work and requirements for final certifications.

3.2. Requirements for the mandatory minimum content of the main educational program for a master's degree, the conditions for its implementation and the time frame for its completion are determined by this standard. Several copyrights are being developed in this area master's programs.

3.3 The main educational program for a master's degree consists of the main educational program for a bachelor's degree and a specialized training program, which is formed from disciplines of the federal component, disciplines of the national-regional (university) component, disciplines of the student's choice and research work. Disciplines of the student's choice in each cycle must meaningfully complement the disciplines specified in the federal component of the cycle.

3.4. The main educational program for a master's degree must have the following structure:

in accordance with the bachelor's training program:

GSE cycle – General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines;

CYCLEN – General mathematical and natural science disciplines;

OPD cycle – General professional disciplines;

SD – Special disciplines;

FTD – Optional disciplines;

IGA – Final state certification of bachelor;

in accordance with the specialized training program:

DNM cycle – Disciplines of specialized training;

SDM – Special disciplines of master's training;

NIRM – Scientific (research and (or) scientific and pedagogical) master’s work;

IGAM – Final state certification of master.

3.5. Contents of the regional (university) component of the main Master's educational program must provide graduate training in accordance with qualification characteristics established by this State educational standard.



Name of disciplines and their main ones

Total hours

Requirements for the mandatory minimum content of the basic educational program for bachelor's training in this area are defined in the state educational standard of higher professional education for bachelor's training in the direction of 510600 - Biology.

Total bachelor's training hours

Requirements for the mandatory minimum content of specialized training


Disciplines of direction


Federal component


Modern problems of biology

Current problems, methodological achievements and promising directions in the sciences of biological diversity, physiology, molecular and cellular biology, developmental biology, genetics, anthropology, ecology, theoretical biology, evolutionary theory.


History and methodology of biology

History of the emergence and development of biology and related sciences; basic concepts and categories; methodological aspects of biological sciences and their applications; the place of biology in the system of scientific knowledge, interdisciplinary connections; the role of outstanding scientists in the development of biological sciences; the emergence of new scientific directions.


Computer technologies in science and education

Structure of audio and video media and methods of their use; PC, practical computer skills; telecommunication systems; principles of construction automated systems training and knowledge control; the use of application packages in the educational process; text and graphic editors, spreadsheets, databases, information networks, geographic information systems.


Philosophical problems of natural science

Basic concepts of the philosophy of natural science: substance, matter, energy, information, space, time, life, development, law, nature; problems of cognition of connections and patterns of natural phenomena; history of the development of natural philosophical ideas; modern natural science picture of the world, the place of life sciences in it; synergetics as a universal language for describing the evolving universe; philosophical problems of the theory of knowledge in the natural sciences.


The doctrine of the biosphere

Evolution of the biosphere; V.I. Vernadsky and the cosmological meaning of his teaching; modern development of biosphereology; interaction between nature and society; anthropogenic impact on the biosphere; global environmental problems; methods of applied ecology; human ecology in the aspect of holistic ideas about the biosphere.


Foreign language

Lexico-grammatical material for professional and everyday communication and reading scientific literature; abstracting and annotating scientific literature; scientific and technical translation skills.

Regional (university) component

Disciplines established by the university

Disciplines of the student's choice


Special disciplines


Research work


Research work per semester


Research practice


Scientific and pedagogical practice (according to an individual plan)


Preparation of a master's thesis

Total hours of specialized master's training




5.1. Duration of mastering the main educational program for master's training in full-time study – 312 weeks,


– educational program for bachelor’s training– 208 weeks,

specialized training program

master's degree 104 weeks,

theoretical training, including workshops,

including laboratory work, research

work of students, preparation of final qualification

work, as well as examination sessions – 74 weeks,


research practice – no less 13 weeks,

teaching practice (conducting

laboratory classes in basic disciplines or

summer educational practice in junior years

at this university) – up to 200 hours,

final state certification, including

defense of final qualifying work – no less 4 weeks,

holidays (including 4 weeks of postgraduate

vacation) – no less 13 weeks

5.2. Training in the basic educational program for training The master's degree in biology is carried out only on a full-time (full-time) basis.

5.3. The maximum volume of a student's academic workload is set at 54 hours per week, including all types of classroom and extracurricular (independent) work.

5.4. The volume of classroom work of a student in full-time study over a 6-year period of theoretical training should not exceed an average of 27 hours per week, for the period of specialized master's preparation – 16 hours per week. At the same time, the specified volume is not There are classes in physical education and elective disciplines.

5.5. The total amount of vacation time in the academic year should be 7-10 weeks, including at least 2 weeks in the winter.





6.1. Requirements for the development of the main educational program for a master's degree, including its research part.

6.1.1. A higher education institution independently develops and approves the main educational program for master's training, implemented by the university on the basis of this State Master's educational standard.

Training in master's programs (specializations) in the direction 510600 – Biology is implemented through original master's programs that meet the requirements of this standard and approved by the university (faculty) council.

Elective disciplines are mandatory, and elective disciplines are provided curriculum higher educational institution are not mandatory for study by the student.

For all disciplines and practices included in the curriculum of a higher educational institution, a final grade must be given (excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, or passed, not passed).

The most important component of master's training is independent research work, carried out under the guidance of a highly qualified scientific supervisor.

Requirements for the research part of the program include:

– ability to formulate tasks and formulate a research plan;

experience in bibliographic work using modern information technologies;

– the ability to select the necessary research methods, modify existing ones and develop new methods, based on the objectives of a particular study;

– experience in processing the results obtained, analyzing and comprehending them taking into account the data available in the scientific literature and using modern information networks;

– ability to present the results of the work done in the form of reports, abstracts, articles.

6.1.2. When developing its main educational program, a higher education institution has the right:

– change the volume of hours allocated for mastering educational material for cycles of disciplines, within 5% and for individual disciplines in a cycle – up to 10%, subject to the fulfillment of the content requirements specified in this standard;

– provide master’s students with the opportunity to study physical culture in the amount of 2–4 hours per week;

– to teach disciplines in the form of proprietary courses according to programs compiled on the basis of the results of research from scientific schools of the university, taking into account regional and professional specifics, subject to the implementation of the content of the disciplines defined by this document;

– determine the list of state exams included in the final state certification of graduates;

– as an exception, extend for field specializations total term Master's training up to 6.5 years.

6.2. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main master's educational program, including its research part.

Master's studies are carried out in accordance with the individual work plan of the master's student, developed with the participation of the master's supervisor and the director of the master's program, taking into account the wishes of the master's student. When forming an individual plan, it may include any special disciplines carried out by the university, taking into account the need for professional training of a particular master’s student.

The individual curriculum of a master's student is approved by the dean of the faculty.

6.3. Requirements for staffing the educational process.

The implementation of the main educational program of the Master of Biology should be ensured by teachers who have basic education and/or work experience and publications in the profile of the disciplines taught, systematically conducting scientific and scientific-methodological work, confirmed by publications. The share of teachers with academic degrees and titles must be at least 67%. Teachers of special disciplines, as a rule, must have an academic degree and experience in the relevant professional field.

Scientific supervisors of master's students must be highly qualified specialists working in the field of biology in which the master's thesis is being carried out, and with experience in scientific supervision of undergraduate or graduate students.

6.4. Requirements for educational and methodological support of the educational process.

All disciplines of the curriculum must be provided with educational and methodological documentation for all types of classes. The level of provision of educational and methodological literature must be at least 0.5 copies for each student.

The university provides master's degree students with the opportunity to use:

– the latest educational and monographic literature in the field of professional training,

scientific periodicals in Russia and foreign countries.

The university provides students with access to educational collections and museums, scientific reference materials, online sources of information, scientific library collections, audio and video materials related to their training profile.

6.5. Requirements for material and technical support of the educational process.

A higher education institution implementing the main master's educational program in the direction 510600–Biology must be equipped for the educational process with modern instrumental equipment, consumables, computer equipment and licensed software. The university must have the material and technical base necessary to conduct all types of classroom, laboratory, practical, expeditionary, interdisciplinary, research work of students provided for by the model curriculum and the corresponding current sanitary and technical standards. It is desirable to have Internet servers, copying equipment, stationary and field laboratories, and computer classes.

The implementation of the research component of the main educational master's program can be carried out on the basis of universities, relevant research institutes, nature reserves, industrial organizations using their material and technical capabilities.

6.6. Requirements for organizing practices.

A higher educational institution implementing the main educational program for a master's degree in Biology must ensure the conduct of field educational and research practices in the field, at field stations, production sites, protected areas, and be able to enter into agreements with the relevant research institutes of different departments on the possibility of conducting their bases of research practices and the implementation of master's theses.

Master's internships must correspond to the main areas of scientific research and may include research work in expeditions and laboratories, scientific and production work, teaching activities in higher, secondary and secondary specialized educational institutions.



7.1. Requirements for professional preparedness of a master.

Master in Biology:

– masters the culture of thinking, knows its general laws, is able to correctly (logically) formalize its results in written and oral speech;

– knows how to organize his work on a scientific basis, knows methods of collecting, storing and processing (editing) information, including computer ones, used in the field of his professional activity;

– knows how to acquire new knowledge using modern information educational technologies;

– understands the essence and social significance of its future profession, the main problems of the disciplines that define a specific area of ​​his activity, sees their interrelation in a holistic system of knowledge;

– is able to set a goal and formulate tasks related to the implementation of professional functions, knows how to use the methods of the sciences he has studied to solve them;

– knows the basics of teaching;

– knows administrative documents, methodological and regulatory materials in the field of biological work;

– knows the basics of the legislation of the Russian Federation, international agreements, norms and rules in the field of nature protection and human health; in its activities is guided by the norms and rules of bioethics and professional ethics;

– owns modern computer technology;

– knows research methods, rules and conditions for performing work, technical calculations, and recording the results obtained;

– knows modern achievements in the field of biology;

– knows the basics of labor organization, the basics of labor legislation, rules and regulations of labor protection;

– methodologically and psychologically ready to change the type and nature of his professional activity.

7.1.1. General requirements to the level of preparation for a master's degree in biology are determined by the content of a similar section of the requirements for the level of preparation of a bachelor and the requirements determined by specialized training. The requirements for the level of bachelor's training are set out in clause 7 of the State educational standard for higher professional education for bachelor's training in the direction of 510600 - Biology.

7.1.2. Requirements for specialized master's training include:


– possession of independent research and scientific-pedagogical activities, requiring extensive education in the relevant field, methodology of scientific creativity;


– formulate and solve problems that arise during research and teaching activities and require in-depth professional knowledge;

– select the necessary research methods, modify existing ones and develop new methods based on the objectives of a particular study;

– process the results obtained, analyze and comprehend them taking into account the available literature data;

– conduct bibliographic work using modern information technologies;

– present the results of the work done in the form of reports, abstracts, articles, designed in accordance with existing requirements, using modern editing and printing tools.

The master must:

– be familiar with modern achievements in the field of humanities and social sciences, navigate the socio-economic processes occurring in modern society, be able to use this knowledge in their social activities;

– have a holistic understanding of the foundations of the universe, based on knowledge of the most modern achievements of the natural sciences; master the methodology and methodological apparatus of modern science and have a good understanding of the possibilities and boundaries of the methods used in his professional activities in a specific field of biology;

- clearly understand the relationships between various areas modern natural science knowledge, their connection with socio-economic processes and the place occupied in this system by the area of ​​his future professional activity;

– have the skills of scientific and organizational activities; be able to plan the work of a research or scientific-pedagogical team; have special knowledge and skills that allow maintaining healthy relationships within the team he leads; find and make decisions in difficult cases, when there are different opinions among team members;

– master modern methods of obtaining, processing and storing scientific and social information; possess a methodology and culture of thinking that allows one to process and prepare materials based on research results for publication in the press, in the form of reports and lectures; have sufficient knowledge foreign language in order to freely carry out their professional activities (research and teaching) in a foreign language environment;

– be able to use basic methods, methodology, know the concepts and prospects for the development of biology, have a unified systemic vision of biological phenomena and processes in which ideas about biological structures, the functions they perform, their physical and chemical foundations and evolution are harmoniously linked; be able to plan measures to improve the environmental situation, work to protect nature and human health.

7.1.3. The requirements for preparing a master's degree in biology in specialization are determined by the university and should provide the graduate with the opportunity to freely master a set of knowledge and skills that allow him to engage in certain types professional activities, reflecting the content of specialized training in specific areas of biology. The OMA may additionally recommend some special requirements.

7.2. Requirements for the final state certification of a master's degree.

7.2.1. The final state certification of the master's degree includes a defense You starting qualifying work (master's thesis) and state national exams in philosophy and foreign languages. Higher education the institution has the right to supplement the list of certification tests included as part of the final state certification of graduates. The level of requirements for state examinations should provide the opportunity to count their results as entrance examinations to graduate school in the relevant scientific fields.

When choosing final state tests for graduates, it is necessary to take into account that the main mandatory type of state final certification of graduates is the defense of a final qualifying thesis (master's thesis).

The program and procedure for conducting state certification tests are adopted by the Academic Council of the university on the basis of sample programs developed by the UMO, in accordance with the Regulations on the state final certification.

7.2.2. Requirements for the master's final qualifying work.

The master's thesis, being the final stage of higher professional education, should ensure not only the consolidation of academic culture, but also the necessary set of methodological ideas and methodological skills in the chosen field of professional activity.

The type of master's thesis, its volume and composition are determined by the university in accordance with the Regulations on the final state certification.

A master's thesis is a completed development of a research or scientific-production nature, which demonstrates:

– the relevance of the goals and objectives of the research and the practical significance of the work;

– ability to collect and analyze primary field, experimental and other information;

understanding of the basic fundamental laws of biology;

– ability to apply modern methods research, analyze research experience on the topic of work in relation to a general fundamental problem in the chosen field.

The work as a whole must contain original scientific findings.

The defense of the master's thesis is held publicly at a meeting of the State certification commission. The defense procedure is determined by the university.


Scientific and Methodological Council on Biology

Educational and Methodological Association

Universities of Russia

The state educational standard for higher professional education in the field of 510600 Biology was approved at a meeting of the Scientific and Methodological Council on Biology of the UMO of Universities on September 22, 1999, protocol No. 1.

Chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Council

in biology, professor __________________ M.V. Gusev

Deputy Chairman of the Council

Associate Professor __________________ O.P. Melekhova


Department of Educational Programs and

higher and secondary standards

vocational educationG.K. Shestakov

Head of Department V.S. Senashenko

Chief specialist N.R. Senatorova

Exams start at 10.00.

All news on the topic: Master's degree

Admission to a master's program is possible for persons with higher education at any level (who have completed a bachelor's, master's, or specialty degree).
Receiving a master's degree by a person who has a specialist's diploma or a master's degree is considered as receiving a second higher education and can only be carried out under an agreement on the provision of paid educational services.

Direction of training, educational program Number of budget places Number of places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services Entrance tests indicating the form of conduct in descending order of priority
Field of study "Biology"
Group of educational programs "Biology" 149 5 biology (written)
Educational program "Fundamental and applied biology" " 7 3 general biology (written)
Educational program " " 0 5 biology with basics of biotechnology (written)
Group of educational programs " ", " "
(in English)
0 2 modern problems of biology (written, in English)
foreign language (written)
Master's degree: program ""
0 5

List of required documents

  • personal application for admission (link to download the form);
  • copies of documents proving the identity and citizenship of the applicant;
  • original or copy of the document (black and white, do not crop) about education with an insert;
  • 6 photographs size 3x4 (black and white or color photograph without headgear on matte paper, taken in 2019).

There is no need to certify copies of documents! Along with copies of documents, their originals must be presented.

When submitting documents in person, the applicant presents documents proving his identity and citizenship.


Dates entrance examinations to the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov for applicants for the first year of master's programs in 2019:

biology (written) main stream: July 22, BBA Biological and soil building
general biology (written) main stream: July 23, BBA
Educational program "Bioengineering,
biotechnology and bioeconomics"
biology with basics of biotechnology
main stream: July 24, M-1
Group of educational programs
"Fundamental and systems biology",
modern problems of biology (written) main stream: July 25, 252 k
foreign language (written) main stream: July 26, 252 k
Educational program "Fundamental and applied biology" “Structural biology and biotechnology” (written) main stream: July 27, 252 k

Acceptance of consents for enrollment and original documents on education UNTIL 18.00 01 AUGUST.

Principles of assignment to departments or study programs

Entrance test programs

Special rights for participants in creative competitions

Direction of training (specialty),
educational program
Creative competition Member status
(in the individual competition)
Conditions for recording achievements
Group of educational programs "Biology" Universiade "Lomonosov"
By modern problems biology in the field of study "Biology"
(1st degree diploma)
(II degree diploma)
International Biological Universiade Winner
(1st degree diploma)
Maximum score for the entrance test in biology
(diploma II, III degree)
80 points for the entrance test in biology
Universiade "I am a professional" Winner Maximum score for the entrance test in biology


At the time of admission, applicants (who have permanent registration outside the fifth tariff zone of the Moscow Railway) can be provided with a hostel:

  • for submitting documents - no earlier than 7 days before the deadline for accepting documents;
  • for the period of admissions tests - no earlier than 7 days before the start of the admissions test.


There is no need to undergo a preliminary medical examination for admission to the Faculty of Biology.

BUT: Please note that studying in the Faculty of Biology may require the student to undergo a two-month summer field internship (depending on the chosen department), requiring extensive walking; long hours of work with optics and chemicals at workshops, which places quite stringent demands on the health of applicants. Please take this into account when choosing a faculty to study at!

Tuition fees for the 2019/2020 academic year

Educational program, group of educational programs Tuition fee, per academic year
Group of educational programs "Biology" 427.56 thousand rubles.
Fundamental and applied biology 427.56 thousand rubles.
Bioengineering, biotechnology and bioeconomics 427.56 thousand rubles.
Fundamental and systemic ecology (in English) 427.56 thousand rubles.
Nanobiotechnology (in English) 427.56 thousand rubles.
Structural biology and biotechnology 427.56 thousand rubles.

Subject to good and excellent academic performance and the availability of free budget places for citizens of the Russian Federation, transfer to the budget is possible.