Insensitive write to us to send a copy. Ten rules of business correspondence. Surprise for applicants - individuals

Whenever we start talking about tithing, the most common response we hear is: “Well, this is the Law, and we are now under grace...”. The argument is heard so often that it cannot be ignored. I wonder if anyone has ever thought about what actually tithing is exactly grace?

I think that no one would dispute that Christians by faith are descendants of Abraham. We all love to talk about this, especially when it comes to the fact that we can receive something from God. Let's remember it in order to learn something.

Rereading the well-known story of how Abram met Melchizedek, we cannot help but notice several interesting features, but first, let’s read this passage. This is Genesis 14:18-20

“Melchizedek, king of Salem, brought out bread and wine - he was a priest of the Most High God - and blessed him, and said: Blessed is Abram of the Most High God, Lord of heaven and earth; and blessed be God Most High, who hath delivered thy enemies into thy hand. [Abram] gave him a tenth of everything.”

You know, it’s funny to observe the fact that when Christians want to receive something from God, they remember that they are children of Abraham, and when they don’t want to give something to God, they immediately forget about it and start talking about it that the Old Testament is the Law, and that we are not under the Law, but under Grace! Note that in the verse we read, there were still 637 years before the Law appeared, and Moses could not have been an authority for Abraham.

If we look at the book of Hebrews, we see that Melchizedek was a very mysterious figure. Many theologians agree that, in fact, Melchizedek was the pre-incarnate appearance of Christ. I am not saying this to argue now whether Abraham saw Christ Himself or not. I'd like to highlight something different:

I think there is a very serious lesson for us here: When the king of Salem, whether he was a pre-incarnate appearance of Christ, or simply a type of the Son of God, blessed Abram, in return Abram simply and naturally gave him a tenth of everything.

And no one needed to teach him any principles of sowing or reaping; give and it will be given to you, or it is more blessed to give than to receive. Abram, having heard the blessing from Melchizedek, did not think about whether this was the Law or not. Scripture does not even mention that anyone told him that he needed to give at least something to Melchizedek. Nothing at all.

There was no law yet, and if we look at Abram himself, we see that his election was for nothing - complete grace. After all, he did nothing to deserve the fact that it was to him, of all the people of Ur of the Chaldeans, or rather, Haran, that God turned. We also see another aspect of grace here: Abram's response to meeting the King of peace was not an act of knowledge, but of grace on his (Abram's) part towards the King of peace.

It was natural for Abram to respond to the blessing with a tenth of his wealth. Respond to the meeting with the King of Peace, the King of Peace.

Honestly, this raises a question in me: If I’m still figuring out how to twist the Scriptures so as not to tithe, then maybe I never met the King of the world?

Letters of request are an integral, important and necessary part of business correspondence. On the one hand, these are tactful and diplomatic requests on current issues, on the other hand, they are a tool for achieving certain goals of the addressee. The purpose of any letter of request is to induce the addressee to take certain actions required by the author of the letter. How to write a letter of request to get as close as possible to a positive response?

Any letter of request must consist of a well-thought-out rationale and a clear statement of the request. In addition, you can use techniques that increase the efficiency of writing.

Step 1. Who do you contact with your request?

Address the addressee personally, preferably by first name and patronymic:

“Dear Ivan Ivanovich!”, “Dear Mr. Ivanov!”

Firstly, you will express your respect to the addressee, and secondly, a request addressed to a specific person imposes responsibility on him for its implementation. There are situations when a request is addressed to a team or group of people. In this case, it is also advisable to personalize the appeal as much as possible:

“Dear colleagues!”, “Dear managers!”, “Dear junior employees!”, “Dear employees personnel service

Step 2. Why are you contacting me?

Give a compliment to the recipient. By giving a compliment to the recipient, you answer his question: “Why are you asking me this question?” Note his past achievements or personal qualities.

“You are always ready to listen and find the optimal way to solve the problem of almost everyone who contacts you. And, to give you credit, you helped a lot of people.”

“You are a leading expert in the field...”

“You have helped many people resolve the most difficult issues in the field of...”

This technique will allow the addressee to look at the request more closely and try to find an opportunity to satisfy fuck her.

A compliment is appropriate when it comes to non-standard requests, when you need to win the recipient over, when you need to draw attention to certain merits and qualities that are necessary and important for the fulfillment of your request.

It is very important not to cross the line between a compliment and rude flattery. Be sincere.

Step 3. Justification of the request

Any request must be justified as to why you are making this particular request. Enter the addressee into the context of your problem.

At this stage, you need to select the three most significant arguments for the addressee. It is best to build arguments according to the following scheme: strong - medium - strongest.

Requests come in varying levels of complexity, so the recipient is not always interested in fulfilling someone’s requests. He needs to be convinced that fulfilling the request has potential benefits:

Interest the recipient

Offer to implement some attractive opportunity for him related to the fulfillment of your request:

“At all times, business-minded, enterprising people have strived not only to achieve material success, but also to leave their mark on the history of their Motherland, to be remembered for their good deeds, and to win respect.”

« The successful activity of any professional community is, first of all, understanding and support from friendly Unions, participation in joint events and projects».

« Of course, your big goal is a clean and comfortable city for people».

Or voice a problem that is very relevant specifically for your addressee:

“You, as a wise owner of the city, are probably concerned about the chaotic walks of children of different ages in unsuitable places, which leads to increased traffic accidents and an increase in child crime.”

“Your department has received more frequent calls on non-core issues, which takes up a lot of valuable working time.”

Show how your request can help realize the opportunity:

« And today, when our country relies on youth, it is difficult to find a more necessary, sacred cause than helping young men and women from disadvantaged families. In our city there are those who already provide such assistance - under the auspices of the mayor’s office, our charity center “Heritage” operates on donations from citizens, teaching difficult teenagers folk crafts ».

Or to solve the problem:

“Equipping specialized places for children of different ages to spend time will help reduce the level of child crime and minimize road accidents involving children.”

Describe the significance of the request

When there is nothing to offer the addressee or in the context of this request it is inappropriate, then it is better to bring the addressee up to date. Here you need to describe the situation as fully as necessary to understand the relevance of the request and the importance of its implementation. The significance of the request must be described in such a way that it “touches the soul.” If the request does not fall into the category of “touchy”, then you need to show the addressee the cause-and-effect relationship, which will ensure that the addressee fulfills the request.

“From (date), according to lease agreement No. X, the rent for 1 m2 is 20 USD. per day. Over the past three months, there has been a decline in trading activity due to economic instability and social unrest. The average profit from trading is 10 USD. per day, which is not enough even to pay rent. If measures are not taken, private entrepreneurs will be forced to close their retail outlets, which may negatively affect your income.”

Thus, you must make it clear to the recipient that fulfilling the request carries the prospect of receiving material or non-material benefits.

Step 4. Statement of the request

When the addressee is prepared, you can state the actual request. The text of the request should be quite concise and extremely clear. In no case should there be ambiguity or understatement. For example, if we are talking about reducing rent, then it is important to indicate to what level:

“We ask you to reduce the rent level until the situation stabilizes to 5 USD. per m2 per day.”

If we are talking about the provision of services, then make the request as specific as possible, indicating the desired dates, price issue, etc.:

« To equip a pottery workshop, we need a kiln for firing ceramics - we ask you to help us purchase it. The cost of the stove with installation is 998 thousand rubles».

In this example, it is not entirely clear what kind of help is required from the addressee. It would be better to formulate the request more specifically: “We ask you to help us purchase a kiln for firing ceramics by transferring 333 thousand USD to the bank account of the company for the production and installation of kilns.”

Whatever you ask for, the recipient must know exactly when, what, how much and at what price you want to receive. A generalized request is more at risk of refusal, because the recipient does not always have the time and desire to deal with the details. In addition, you run the risk of not getting what you want by transferring the initiative to the recipient.

For example, private entrepreneurs wrote a letter asking for a rent reduction, but did not indicate to what level they want to reduce the rent:

“We ask you to reduce the rent until the situation stabilizes.”

As a result, they received a reduction in rent, but only slightly (by 1% of the existing one). Thus, their request was granted, but did little to change the position of the initiators of the letter.

In some cases, the text of the request can be bolded to make it stand out in the text, but do not overuse this technique.

Step 5: Summarize your request.

Repeat your request and emphasize how the recipient will benefit if the request is fulfilled. The request should be modified somewhat. It is best to construct a sentence according to the scheme: “If you fulfill the request, you will be happy.”

“If you meet us halfway and reduce rent until the situation in the region stabilizes, you will not only be able to save more than 150 jobs, but also will not incur global losses due to complete absence rent."

But there may be other options:

“You can be sure that every ruble of your charitable donations will go to a good cause and will help children in difficult situations grow into worthy citizens.”

“You can be sure that every child’s smile will give you moral satisfaction from your difficult work, and your efforts and efforts are an investment in worthy and happy citizens of the near future.”

The main thing is to repeat the meaning of the request and the benefits of fulfilling it. The benefit does not have to be material. Remember that the addressee is a person, and feelings are not alien to him.



It became

“We kindly ask you, I.I. Ivanov, organize a meeting of applicants with the main manager of your company. We will be grateful for your assistance.

With respect and gratitude,

Director of the employment center

P.P. Petrov"


“Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

Your company has been participating in the Career Guidance Program for applicants for several years now, helping them decide on their choice of profession.

As a HR manager, you are interested in training professionals, and we are ready to help schoolchildren begin to train masters of their craft. Today, the profession of manager is one of the most common, but many applicants do not have a clear idea of ​​its meaning.

In this regard, we ask you to organize a meeting of the general manager with applicants on March 23 at 15.00 at the base of your company.

By telling the guys about the secrets of the profession today, you are laying the foundation for training real professionals tomorrow. Perhaps in a few years one of them will take your company to a new level of development.

With respect and gratitude,

Director of the employment center

P.P. Petrov"

And don’t forget about the design of the letter – this is the “face” of the organization. If the initiator of the request letter is an organization, then such a letter is drawn up on letterhead with the signature of the manager or authorized person. If you are a private person, then it is enough to comply with the basic norms in the arrangement of the elements of the letter. These details are legally and psychologically very important for the addressee and the formation of the correct image of the sender.

- Sending hundreds commercial offers, requests and other business letters every day, but you are not achieving the desired result with your message? Don’t know how to unobtrusively and politely remind the recipient of his obligations? Then online training will certainly help you "Skills business letter» ! You can go through it at any convenient time. - -

The following expressions are most often used to write formal emails:

1. If we want to attach a file, then we indicate:

Pleasefindattached– Please accept as attachment

Please find attached my resume. – Please accept as attachment my resume.

Please find attached photos from the conference. – Please accept as attachment photos from the conference.

2. If we want to forward (redirect) a letter, we use the expression:

I've forwarded ________ to you. – I forwarded ________ to you.

I'm forwarding ________ to you. – I am sending you _______.

I've forwardedBill`s resume to you. –I redirected To you resume Bill.

I'm forwardingJohn's email to you. –I'm forwarding To youJohn's email.

3. If we want to tag someone in a copy of the letter, we use the expression:

(name) on this email

– I have noted (name) in the copy of this email.

I` ve cc` d Umar on this email. – I marked Umar in the copy of this email.

* We`ve copied Umar tokeephimintheloop. – We have noted Umar in the copy of the letter in order to keep him informed.

Please keep me in the loop. –Please, hold me V course.

4. The following expression will help bring the letter to a close:

If you have any questions, please don`t hesitate to contact me. – If you have any questions, please contact me.

If you have any questions, please don`t hesitate to contact me.



If you have any questions, please contact me.



5. To finish the letter, we use the following expressions:

I look forward to

hearingfromyou– I’m waiting for an answer from you.

meetingyou- I look forward to meeting you.

yourreply– I’m waiting for your answer.

Look forward to + verb + ing- wait (impatiently)

To end an email we use the following expressions:

KindRegards (Regards) - WITH best wishes, Sincerely

WarmWishes Best wishes

YoursTruly– Sincerely yours, with respect.

English Joke

The breakfaster in the cheap restaurant tried to make a conversation with the man beside him at the counter.

"Awful rainy spell-like the flood."

"The flood?" The tone was polite, but inquiring.

"The flood-Noah, the Ark, Mount Ararat."

The other bit off half a slice of bread, shook his head, and mumbled thickly:

“Hain’t read to-day’s paper yit.”

A cover letter is a type of business letter that is needed to describe a package of documents sent to the addressee if these documents do not contain the address part.

Thus, The cover letter does not carry any information load, but it performs three important functions:

  • confirms the fact of sending;
  • provides a list of sent documents and instructions for handling them;
  • Thanks to registration data, it allows you to determine the deadline.

Like most business letters, a cover letter is issued on letterhead and receives an outgoing registration number sender. We have discussed the rules for writing official letters in detail more than once in the magazine, so now we will focus on the features cover letter.

Requisite analysis service letter with many examples of its preparation can be found in the article “We draw up a service letter"

Speech patterns

The basis of the cover letter is a list of attachments. The text of the document is short and conditionally divided into two parts:

  • message about sending documents,
  • request for a timely response (reading, approval, return of a signed copy, etc.).

The first part usually starts like this:

  • “In fulfillment... we direct you...”,
  • "We are sending you..."
  • “We present to you...”

Next, you can indicate the purpose of sending documents: "for approval", "for information", "for signing", "to fill"(if we are talking about a survey form or questionnaire). We recommend using the cliche “we send you” or “we send you”, because... You can submit something only for information, but not for signing or approval.

The second part may contain the following words:

  • “Please sign, seal and send one copy to our address...”
  • “We ask you to consider and send to us within the period established by law...”,
  • “Please send to our address one copy of a duly executed…”.

Requisites “Mark about the presence of applications”

As we have already determined, the main thing in a cover letter for documents is the attachments. Therefore, we will pay special attention to the issue of designing this particular requisite. Regardless of how the application is formatted, business practice requires a complete listing of the documents attached to the letter, indicating the number of copies and the number of sheets in each of them. Without this information, the cover letter will lose all meaning.

So, when the documents being sent are already reported in the body of the letter, there is no point in listing their names again. It is enough to indicate the number of sheets and copies. See Example 1.

Example 1

A fragment of text and a note about the presence of an application (the name of the application is indicated in the text of the letter)

If the application is not indicated in the body of the letter, in addition to quantitative data, you must indicate its name. If a package includes several documents, the attachments are numbered. See Example 2.

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Example 2

A fragment of text and a mark indicating the presence of the application (the name of the application is indicated in the mark indicating its availability)

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Although GOST R 6.30-2003 states that when listing multiple applications in a mark about their presence the general word before the colon is in singular“Application:”, in such cases we still recommend writing it in plural"Applications:" as we showed in Example 2.

Firstly, this is correct from the point of view of the rules of the Russian language. And secondly, the developers of this GOST themselves later “corrected themselves” when they began to give explanations regarding its application in their methodological recommendations. See quotations from these two documents below. But many people stubbornly continue to write the word “Application:” in the singular, even if it is followed by a list of several documents. Don't do this and we've explained why.

Document fragment

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GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation"

3.21. ...If the letter has an attachment that is not named in the text, then indicate its name, the number of sheets and the number of copies; If there are several applications, they are numbered:

Document fragment

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Organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements. Methodical recommendations on the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003

3.16. ...If the letter has an attachment that is not named in the text, then indicate its name, the number of sheets and the number of copies; if there are several attachments, they are numbered:

There are also discrepancies regarding how to write the word “attachment” in the body of the letter: with a small or capital letter, with or without the “No” sign. The fact is that you can indicate the name of the attached document in the text of the cover letter in different ways; compare for yourself by looking at Example 3: in the second case it is appropriate to indicate in brackets that the document is an application, and in subsequent cases we show how this can be done in different ways. All options are correct, it’s just important to maintain uniformity in the letter. Or better yet, in your organization’s office management instructions (or other local normative act, dedicated to similar issues) choose and fix one option, then there will be uniformity in all documents and there will be less confusion among performers.

Example 3

Various ways specifying the name of the application in the text of the letter

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For a bound application, the number of sheets need not be specified (Example 4).

Example 4

Description of the bound application

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When there are so many attachments that it is more convenient to list them on a separate sheet (it will be called “Inventory of attachments to the letter dated... No...”), it will be enough to refer to such an inventory in the letter (Example 5).

Example 5

If there are so many applications that it is more convenient to list them in a separate inventory

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If you attach to your letter another letter that has its own attachment, you need to inform the addressee about this (Example 6).

Example 6

The letter attachment has its own attachment

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Finally, if your letter is addressed to several organizations at once, and the attachment is addressed to only one of them (others receive the letter only for review), this should also be said (Example 7).

Example 7

The attachment is sent to only one email recipient out of several

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A note about the presence of attachments is placed below the text of the letter and above the signature. Usually these distances (indents) are made identical and equal to approximately 2-3 line spacing (this is clearly shown in the example of the design of an entire letter in Example 9).

By general rule, if the document has attachments, then a mark indicating their presence is made on it below the text and above the signature, and on the attached documents (each in the upper right part of the first sheet) it is written which document they are an appendix to (with the designation of the appendix number, if any). several), as in Example 8.

Example 8

Application number and main document data on 1 sheet of application

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But the covering letter has the accounting function of the documents being sent, acting as a kind of inventory of the attachments in the envelope; in reality, the documents named in such a letter as attachments are sent. If the letter had a different function (for example, it was an offer, making an offer to sign an agreement and listing the terms of the proposed cooperation), then the “key” document in its meaning would be the letter, and the attached documents would only help it fulfill its function. But we are talking about a cover letter, and in this case you should not “spoil” the documents being sent with information about the “inventory of contents in the envelope” - i.e. There is no need to put such a mark on them!

Signing and registration with the sender

Signer of a business letter - the same official, as in ordinary business correspondence (as a rule, either the head of the organization or an authorized top manager). If we are talking about sending primary accounting documents, the chief accountant can also sign the letter.

To prevent the recipient of the letter from later asking all clarifying questions to its signatory (indicated by number 1 in Example 9), the executor should also be indicated in this document (ibid., see number 2).

Before sending, the cover letter must be assigned an outgoing number (indicated by the number 3).

And the addressee will assign him his incoming number when registering the fact of receipt of the document, while the date of receipt and the incoming number can be indicated on it (handwritten or using a stamp, as in Example 9 - see number 4).

Example 9

Cover letter

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Example 11

Cover letter form for applicants - individuals

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Surprise for applicants - individuals

The need to write a cover letter for documents concerns everyone, regardless of whether it is an organization or an individual. Meanwhile, when he comes to the organization ordinary person, as a rule, no letter is drawn up to accompany his documents. It’s a pity, because it would be more convenient for you not to remember and somehow record it yourself, but to have information written by the visitor: from whom, what documents, to which of your employees and why to transfer. If you systematically deal with individuals, especially on a number of standard issues, and at the same time receive from them documents with which your organization must then do something, then we recommend that you develop a cover letter form for such cases and ask each such person to fill it out visitor. See example form in Example 11.

You will register the completed form and give a copy of the letter with the incoming number to the applicant, and send the package of documents received from him along the proper route. Then, when you call to inquire about your documents, the person will no longer ask about the “dacha in Malinovka”, but about a certain letter with a unique index.

Please respond within a certain time frame

Many organizations like to immediately set a deadline for the addressee in their cover letters, and the methods can vary from polite “We ask you to sign the documents and return them within ten days.” to imperative “The response time to a letter is 5 working days”. Is it worth writing like this? And how should we react to such conditions?

Let us remember that according to the rules of business dealings. This guideline should be remembered if there is no other deadline in the cover letter.

Only a higher, controlling organization or any other person can set a mandatory deadline for execution. government agency, binding on you normative document. The parties themselves can agree and document the voluntarily assumed obligations:

Example 10

The deadline for responding to a letter can be established in the contract

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The contract provides for mandatory pre-trial procedure resolution of disputes and disagreements. A Party that believes that its rights under this Agreement have been violated is obliged to send a written reasoned claim to the other Party. The party that has received a written reasoned claim is obliged to consider it and give a written reasoned response within 10 (Ten) calendar days from the date of its receipt...

When equals in company status are communicating (if previously no one above them or they have not established rules of interaction for themselves), you can ask for a faster response, but you need a good reason for this. For example: “Please send the completed questionnaire within fourteen days, since we must provide a response to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation by October 1, 2013.”. Orders in such cases are incorrect, including from the point of view of business etiquette.

Storing Cover Letters

A covering letter becomes unnecessary as soon as the contractor picks up its applications and makes sure that they are complete. From now on, work will be done on them, and the letter should be marked as completed and placed in the file.

The question often arises about how to store cover letters and attachments to them: separately or together? Usually, an attachment to a letter is placed in a special file reserved specifically for this type of document. There is no place for cover letters: certificates of work performed, invoices, contracts and many other documents are stored separately and often for different periods of time.

This point should be taken into account when compiling a list of cases. Some companies (with a small volume of document flow) create one file “Covering Letters” and place all letters of this kind in it, regardless of what was attached to them. Others have to create several cases using cover letters and place them in the case lists of structural divisions. Then, for example, the sent contract will go into the “Service Agreements” file, and the cover letter to it will go into the “Covering letters for contracts for core activities” file.

It also happens that the letter remains in storage at the company, but the attachment does not. This applies, for example, to draft documents (as in Example 9). The draft regulation is not yet a document and will most likely be subject to corrections more than once; it is not necessary to store it.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in composing a cover letter, but it itself can save not only your documents, but also time.

A slight difficulty, as usual, may arise when a company implements the rule of drawing up and submitting a properly executed cover letter along with a package of documents. But this problem can be solved quite simply by establishing this rule in a local regulatory act. And the benefits of it are difficult to overestimate.


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Do chain letters bring happiness or unhappiness? Or about the occult “viral” spam of the era when there was no Internet yet...


In the fall of 2003, a letter arrived at our Missionary Department.

“Hello! Several years ago I received a similar message, but I didn’t attach any importance to it and threw it away. And a month later my father died.

And then a month and a half ago I received this message again. And all in doubt. He sprinkled it with holy water, then multiplied it, but did not send it to anyone. And a disaster befell me - bedbugs appeared a week ago. Apparently I'll have to send it to someone. So I’m sending you 3 copies in the hope that you will help me.

May the Lord and the Most Pure Lady help you in your labors. Sincerely, Yuri."

Letter of happiness (provided in one of the originals)

The letter itself is located in Jurkal (Holland), it went around the world 445 times and came to you. Upon receipt of the letter, you must send it to the person you wish for happiness, if you do not believe in happiness from parallel worlds. Everything depends on you. The life of the letter began in 1254. It came to Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. The letter was received by the poor peasant woman Tsigunova and after 4 days she dug up the treasure, then married Prince Galitsin and became a millionaire. In 1943, the letter reached Marshal Tukhachevsky, who burned it. Four days later he was arrested, tried, and then shot. In 1921, the Konaya Dáil received a letter but did not open it. He had an accident and both of his arms were amputated. They sent a letter to Khrushchev at his dacha, but since he did not read it, he was overthrown by his friends on the 4th day. In 1980, Alla Pugacheva made 20 copies and after 4 days received an unexpected invitation from a firia, after which 4 days later she deposited 20 thousand dollars into her account. There are a lot of examples. But under no circumstances should you tear up the letter. Take this seriously. This is the path between the present and the future. The letter can be sent in an envelope, as long as it reaches the address. Do not change the test.


These signs will bring you happiness for 9 years. This letter has gone around the world, happiness should visit you. Send it to people who need it. Do not delay the letter for more than 96 hours. This chain was created by missionaries from Venezuela. Send a letter to your friends and wait for a surprise in 4 days. Dante received it in 1929, instructing his secretary to send 20 copies; a few days later he received 20 thousand. O. Dorose received the letter, but did not send it. His wife died during childbirth, giving birth to a sick son. After a few days, Dorose sent several letters, the doomed boy recovered. Make 20 copies! Be sure to send! This is not quackery! Expect a surprise! With love this is possible! This is a letter of luck, original in England! Luck has circled the world 9 times. Good luck is sent to you within 4 days from the date of receipt of the letter. Luck has chosen you along its path. This is not a joke. You will receive good luck by mail without sending money. Don't send money, because fate has no price. Do not keep this letter, it must leave your hands within 96 hours. The airline employee received $7,000. Don Oli, having received 400 thousand dollars, lost it because he broke the chain. Georges Visson received the letter, lost his wife because he did not give the letter new connections, but before his death he received $7,500,000. Please send out 20 copies and expect to see what happens in 4 days. The chain comes from Venezuela, and was written by St. Anthony De Grabe, a missionary from South Africa. Since this copy needs to travel around the world, make 20 copies and send them to friends and companies. In a few days you will receive a surprise. This is true! Even if superstition weighs on you, pay attention to the following. Constantine Joe received the chain in 1930. He asked his secretary to make 20 copies and send them out. A few days later, he won $20 million in the lottery. Marco de Dali, an employee received a letter and fell ill that he had to get rid of it within 96 hours, lost his job, then found the letter, made 20 copies in a few days, got a better job than before. Doine Frehrand received the letter, and without reading it, he threw it away, and 9 days later he died. In 1987, a young woman from California received a letter, it was very tattered and difficult to read. The girl gave her word that she would retype it and send it, but she put it off to do it. She was faced with a lot of problems, including car repairs. The letter did not leave her for 96 hours. Finally she printed it as promised and got a new machine. Remember, don't send money! You are sending good luck! Don't ignore the letter, send it! Good luck!

Yes, indeed, the man was subjected to a difficult temptation! And, alas, he is not alone in this. Such letters of “happiness” appear in mailboxes quite often; for example, I myself received them three times. How can one not figure out what kind of “lucky lady” is walking across the expanses of Russia?! Fortunately, I have three “identical”, but for some reason different letters in my hands - two that I received and one from Yuri.

Where is your letter and where is it from?

We read carefully:

“The letter itself is in Jurkal (Holland)… This letter is good luck, the original is in England!”

“It went around the world 455 times and came to you... Luck went around the world 9 times!...”

"The life of the letter began in 1254...This chain was created by the missionaries of Venezuela...The chain goes to Venezuela, and was written by St. Anthony De Grabe, a missionary from South Africa"

So, the letter was created in 1254, and the chain of transmission was created by the missionary from Venezuela, St. Anthony De Grab, who was originally from South Africa. You don’t need to be an expert in geography and history to know that Venezuela is located in South America, but in 1254, this continent was not known to the Old World! Moreover, in those days South Africa, because The territory of South Africa was also practically unknown to Europeans, and of course was not colonized by them. Therefore, the happy “dad” of the letter to St. Anthony De Grabe could not have appeared in Venezuela, or even been born in South Africa.

But that's not all the weirdness. It is not at all clear at what speed the letter travels around the world; sometimes it circled the world 445 times, sometimes only 9 times. In addition, it is not clear where the original is located, either in Holland or in England?

The fact that the author of the letter to St. Anthony de Graba from South Africa has a hard time with history, as evidenced by the following sentence: “In 1943, the letter came to Marshal Tukhachevsky, who burned it. After 4 days he was arrested, tried, and then shot.” Although I graduated from school a long time ago, I remember well that the marshal was repressed before the start of the Great Patriotic War


Read also on the topic:

  • Send “luck” and “love”: how to get a hundred “chain letters” and not be scared- View-info
  • Who is the last to win the coin of happiness?- Missionary Department of the Moscow Diocese
  • Killing happiness walks around the world(about chain letters) - Maxim Stepanenko
  • Jerusalem Bread, or Leaven from the Evil One- Priest Dionisy Svechnikov
  • "Jerusalem Bread"- Interfax-Religion
  • Magism- Professor Alexey Osipov


Strange chronicle or “don’t change the text!”

All events described in the letter refer to the twentieth century. And this is understandable, in 1254 there was neither Pugacheva, nor the successful peasant woman Tsigunova, nor the poor girl from California whose car broke down. But, by the way, "Do not change the text!" What is left in the letter from that ancient letter?

Probably magical signs, it dawned on me! Comparison of three different letters from three different sources disappointed me - the signs were different. Moreover, in the last two versions, the signs turned out to contain the Slavic letter “P”, which is not in the Latin alphabet, usually used by occultists of the Middle Ages in writing magic spells.



Y61815, 1886-XXПX ПXPSX

The identity of the chronicler is very suspicious, who, judging by the letter, almost completely changed the ancient original. The events described in the letter took place in different years, in different countries and even continents. Who collected them and despite the warning “do not change the text!” for some reason did you include them? The lucky and unlucky ones themselves could not attribute to the letter what happened to them, because... luck came to them after they sent the letters. And the losers hardly immediately rushed to print in newspapers or sign a letter: “I, O. Dorose, did not send 20 copies of the letter, and my wife died in childbirth. Oh, woe to me, the fool! But I caught myself in time and the boy who was taken out from a dead wife, survived! In light of the described execution in 1943 of the already executed Tukhachevsky, there are doubts whether these people even existed.

The three letters that I have read are full of errors (you have already seen this by reading the above letter), both spelling and syntactic, incl. and in proper names:

"The letter itself is in Juerkuala...Jurkala...Jufkula."

"Doine Frehrand...Dogli Frehrand...Dognit Frihland."

"George Visasy...George Visson..."

And finally, the name of the Catholic missionary was distorted as best they could: now he is “de Grab”, then “de Grubby”, then “de Gab”...

Writing through the eyes of a Christian

Leaving secular erudition aside, let's look at the letter through the eyes of a Christian. It doesn’t look like a letter of prayer to God; there is not even a hint of the appeal “Lord, have mercy on me, and send me wealth!” By the way, such prayers are not approved not only by the Church, but also by the Lord Himself “ not seek what you will eat or what you will drink, and do not be anxious, for the people of this world are seeking all these things; but your Father knows that you have need of these things; seek above all the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added to you.”(Luke 12:29-31).

Without a doubt, what we have before us is essentially magical writing (more precisely, a parody of magical writing).

If so, it would be appropriate to first present a counterargument from the camp of spiritual opponents. Although I am far from magic, sorcerers assume that obtaining a positive effect depends on correct execution magical ritual and correct pronunciation (drawing) of spells. However, the magic signs in all letters are different! And the letter itself with Alla Pugacheva and the peasant woman Tsigunova does not correspond 100% to the ancient original. Hence, the claimed magical ability of writing to make every obedient distributor happy is very doubtful.

Due to its magical nature, the letter could not in principle be created by a Catholic missionary, who was also designated a saint. Although the Roman Catholics fell into many heresies, it is unlikely that in those days they lost the ability to recognize godless magic, like our modern Russians.

In one of our morning prayers, we say to God: “For You are my Creator and the Provider and Giver of all good, and in You is my hope...” So, every Christian realizes that all the benefits he receives have one source - God, which is why we pray to Him daily: “Lord have mercy... help... save... enlighten, guide on the true (righteous) path... heal... grant”, etc. p. At the same time, when praying in this way, a Christian does not ask arrogantly and complacently, but is imbued with humility, understanding his sinfulness and unworthiness of the benefits he asks for. And at the same time, by their deeds in everyday life strives for righteousness, thereby proving his love for God.

What does the letter call for? Good or evil, righteous or mired in sins, whether you are a Christian or an atheist - it doesn’t matter, just rewrite the letter 20 times, and you will receive happiness within 9 years!

When in prayer we ask God for something and receive it, we know the source of the good - God. In magic - conspiracies, spells, including in this letter, there is no appeal to God. Then who fulfills the magical request? Demons!

This is why the Orthodox Church so angrily condemns those who practice magic and witchcraft, remembering the prophetic warning: "...don't learn to do abominations... should not be with you ... a soothsayer, a fortune-teller, a soothsayer, a sorcerer, a charmer, a conjurer of spirits, a magician and an interrogator of the dead; For anyone who does this is an abomination to the Lord..."(Deut. 18, 9 – 14.), because such people voluntarily submit themselves to demonic power.

Being "image and likeness" God (Gen. 1:26), we are endowed with such a quality as free will. Being free, we have the right to accept and refuse some benefits given to us by God, including material wealth, which can bring many temptations that do not contribute to our salvation. Does the Lord punish us for this? Of course not. Moreover, He endures for a long time; even the most serious sins of people. What about the letter “HAPPINESS”? He refused to distribute such a letter that brought “happiness”: he was kicked out of work, had an accident, was overthrown from power, his wife died, and even... was shot. This is such “happiness” with an animal grin! Can God really be behind this? "there is love"(1 John 4:8)?

Therefore, there should be no doubt when you see such a letter in your mailbox: throw it in the trash bin! And remember that, according to St. apostle paul "in the world an idol is nothing"(1 Cor. 8:4). And if you live a Christian life - love God and your neighbors as yourself, participate in divine services, resort to the saving Sacraments - confess your sins with repentance and partake of the Body and Blood of the Lord, do not give up prayer, then no letter or conspiracy, no demonic malice or the sorcerer will not harm you.

However, my deep conviction is that all these “letters of happiness” are not evil magic that brings all sorts of troubles to the disobedient; most likely, this is someone’s cruel joke, a mockery, however, having an occult background. Such a letter will continue to circulate as long as there are simple-minded, occult-minded, greedy for freebies from “parallel worlds” and at the same time timid, unchurched Russians.

As for the case with Yuri, one can only sigh with sorrow, they are demons! The ancient fallen spirits are strong in temptation, they are masters of passing off random events as interconnected.

P.S. By the way, “pies of happiness” are also spreading across Russia, or rather a magical leaven for them, which needs to be distributed to all the simpletons you know. Such pies need to be baked only once in a lifetime and the sourdough should only be given away good people

Maxim Stepanenko, supervisor
Missionary Department of the Ufa Diocese
Russian Orthodox Church

At the beginning of April 2008, another “letter of happiness” was sent to me over the Internet. Notice its noticeable change.

"CHINESE INSTRUCTION. You can buy a house, but not a hearth; you can buy a bed, but not sleep; you can buy a watch, but not time; you can buy a book, but not knowledge; you can buy position, but not respect; you can pay for a doctor, but You can't buy your soul with health, but not with life; you can buy sex, but not with love. The original is kept in the Netherlands. This instruction has already flown around the world eight times. And yet, this time it will bring you luck. . After receiving this letter, you will become happy. This is not a joke. Good luck will come to you. Send this letter to those people who need happiness. Do not send money, because you cannot keep the letter for more than 96 hours. during this time it must be forwarded. Some examples of what happened: Constantine received a letter in 1953 and asked his secretary to make 20 copies of it; after 9 days he won 9 million marks in the national lottery. In 1967, Bruno received this letter. and threw it away laughing. A few days later his son fell ill. He found the letter, made 20 copies of it and sent them out; nine days later he received news that his son had recovered. In 1987, a letter was received by a young Californian who noticed that it was illegibly written. He promised himself to retype it on a typewriter, but put it off until later. That is, he did not free himself from the letter in the next 96 hours. Later he rewrote and forwarded it as promised and received new car. He subsequently forwarded it, continuing the happy chain. Don't forget, don't send money or sign letters. Just send 20 copies and wait to see what happens in a few days. The manual was written by a missionary from the Antilles. I am sending it to you because you must help him go around the Earth. Send 20 copies to your acquaintances, friends and girlfriends. A few days later you will receive good news or you will have a surprise. This is true even if you are not superstitious. This piece of paper was sent as good luck. Thanks to someone who loves you, happiness will be preserved from your forwarding. Good luck will come to you within about 4 days after receiving this letter that was intended for you. Happiness came from Venezuela and was written by Anthony de Crood, a South African missionary. Now it's your turn to forward it. Do not keep the letter, it must leave your hands within 96 hours. I ask you to send copies and you will see what happens within 4 days. DON'T SEND MONEY, DON'T FORGET ABOUT THIS LETTER. IT REALLY WORKS."