How to interest your ex-girlfriend. How to get your girlfriend back: advice from psychologists and magical rituals. Why is she moving away

If a girl is not interested in you, then dating will be of no use. The girl will remain indifferent to you. That's why guys ask the question so often

This is a fundamental moment at the stage of approach and acquaintance. After all, if you have hooked a girl, then all the processes will go much easier, since she already wants and is sexually interested in you.

How to get a girl interested in you

Your behavior.

How confident you are in yourself plays a decisive role. If a girl sees that you are not afraid of her at all, that you can say whatever comes to your mind at any moment and that you are not looking for her approval of your actions, then it works very cool.

If your confidence is not all right, then there is only one way out - practice. Go out and talk to as many girls as possible. And, as soon as you make, for example, the 500th approach to a girl in your practice, you suddenly realize that you have become a completely different person. That you are already confident, don’t worry, have a great sense of humor, and show initiative at the right time.

And girls just don’t have enough of these kind of confident guys. Indeed, often, even those men who have big businesses and earn a lot of money are often afraid to talk to a girl. And only Gopniks, who don’t care about anything, are not afraid of them in their natural state.

But a normal, adequate girl will be very happy to meet an intelligent and cultured young man, and at the same time strong in spirit.

Your appearance.

Please note that I put appearance in second place. Because you can interest a girl in a wrinkled sweater if you know what to do and how to do it, and act boldly and confidently.

But if you buy yourself a new expensive suit, make it and go out to meet someone from a cool car, but at the same time you don’t know what to say to the girl, then nothing will come of it, except that you can pick up a girl in this way who is not interested in on you, but on your money. Do you need this?

Therefore, you need to develop your self-confidence and your appearance as a whole. Only then will the effectiveness of communication with the female sex greatly increase.

How to interest a girl by correspondence on VK

It’s better not to ask questions, since you yourself turn into someone waiting until she deigns to write an answer.

There are rare exceptions when it also intrigues and creates the right image in her head:

“Would you talk to a guy if you knew you’d never be able to sleep with him?”

Bottom line

Get a girl interested possible by showing your truly masculine qualities. This manifests itself not so much in words as in actions and body language.

The more experience you have in communicating with girls, the more interesting you will be for each next young lady.

That's all. Good luck!

How to interest a girl

Dating and Pickup

How to interest a girl

When we talk about a girl’s interest, we most often mean the game that men arrange for her. You understand perfectly well that no girl will just want to surrender to a guy’s mercy, it’s too simple and boring for her.

But when a man builds his behavior around her so that she walks step by step into his trap, then she will have no choice but to admit: “This man deserves to belong to him.”

And it is precisely the organization of such a game that should be the task of any guy who seeks to interest a girl. Not a set of some chaotic actions and “epic phrases”, but a systematic game, with special rules and actions. So, how to make such a game!

Where does a girl's interest begin?

Interesting personality. If you work at work, get paid, walk around in shorts at home, and on the weekends you sit with friends in a pub, or play computer games at home - you are not the most interesting person for a girl, an ordinary biomass.

Therefore, you need to add a little color to your image and attitude towards yourself. Now you work at a cool job, it’s interesting and exciting for you, you really love it and get a lot of fans from it (the photos should confirm this). You get a lot of money and can easily surprise yourself with a small gift or a whim, yes you are! On your weekends, you can not only get together with friends or stay at home, but also come up with a plan to take over the world, you are a versatile person.

Those. From the category of gray and boring, you need to bring yourself to the category of cheerful and positive. And for this you don’t need to do practically anything, just raise the emotional level of your communication. Then you will become interesting to girls, since they also want to become cheerful and positive.

Availability of "money". In our world, absolutely everything is bought, and absolutely everything has its price. Therefore, girls look for guys with one of two characteristics: “ material assets"or "personal charisma." Well, girls just want to realize that their chosen one is either a money bag or a genius in life. With money, everything is quite simple, but charisma is formed from such little things as:

Successful appearance. You should shine and rejoice at every thing that happens to you: good or bad. For example, if you were walking down the street with a girl and a car splashed you, then you should not swear, but with the air of a winner, invite the girl to come to you to take a shower and change clothes. You make a good one out of a bad situation, and even with a hint of bed.

Confidence in your personality. Coming to work, some begin to approach everyone and greet everyone modestly and quietly, while others come in and greet everyone loudly. It looks confident and masculine. This is how you should always speak in any situation.

Thoughtfulness. Stupid people talk a lot and not to the point, but smart guys prefer to listen and speak only when they should have their say. It is this style of communication that works best on girls.

The fight for female attention

You have already prepared to win the interest of girls and make some changes in your attitude towards life and the people around you. You may also have shelved your grandma's sweater and bought yourself something more modern.

Stories and success. All girls intuitively strive for successful men, as well as men who know how to control the opinions of other people, in fact, power. Therefore, by telling any funny or positive stories from your life in emotion and detail, you increase the degree of interest on the part of girls.

It will be a huge plus if you embellish your role in this story and put yourself in the best light. Girls love to know that their man is the best of the best.

Quick compliments. All girls are accustomed to the fact that after any compliment, guys begin their attack on them, or begin to expect some kind of response from them. This sometimes scares girls who are already tired of such importunity.

This is where you can use compliments that can really touch a girl, because you say them without any insidious thoughts.

Example 1: “Oh, Katya, you look good today, you’re just beaming with happiness.” And that’s it, no further actions or attempts on your part. Let the girl walk around all day and be happy that she looks good today. And she will definitely remember that you were the source of joy!

Example 2: “Oh, Katya, you look great today. I would like to invite such a pretty girl somewhere.” And that's it, you also don't take any further actions. This behavior may offend the girl a little, who will say: “Well, if you want, then invite me, why hesitate.”

Tactile sensations. When a girl looks at a guy, she just thinks something about him. When a guy touches a girl, the girl feels this guy in her zone and begins to study him in detail.

If you are a more or less nice guy yourself, then you need to make the girl see it! To do this, it is necessary to “accidentally” touch it and launch analysis processes in it. Anything will do. Accidental touching when passing something, accidental collisions or the “big brother” principle.

- The big brother principle. When you approach the road and are about to cross it, you say in a commanding voice: “Okay, give me your hand,” after which you take the girl by the hand and cross with her. About 99.99% of the time, the girl will obey and give you her hand. This works because we were all told the same thing by our parents when we were children, and we learned to unconsciously carry out this command.

Jokes and contrasts. This mechanism is triggered after the girl makes it clear to you that she has a sense of humor and some kind of complex in her behavior: high self-esteem, fear of loneliness, fear of public condemnation, and the like.

It all starts with you gently biting the girl and making her feel like a stupid woman. Naturally, this will anger the girl, who will begin to throw out her emotions on you. And you just need to transform hatred and anger into passion and love. One of the most common methods.

Fake condemnation of some girl’s behavior, which she herself knows about, also works great. For example, if a girl swears, drinks, smokes or tries to fight. The phrase will sound something like this: “I don’t even know what to do with you: you drink, you smoke, you swear. I hope at least the sex with you will be great, although it’s not for me to check that.” Such a phrase will not only offend the girl by asking the question, but will also anger her because you doubt her abilities in sex. Although if a girl is self-sufficient, she will easily send you.

Have the last word. It is believed that the one who has the last word is in control of the situation. You might notice that when people argue, this is exactly what they want to do. In your case, you need to play the same game with a girl, where you need to always try to be the last one to say anything. If a girl falls for it, shut her up at the last moment with a kiss: she won’t be ready for it!

Conclusion: These are all methods that describe working in difficult situations when the girl is either completely not interested in you or is not very positive towards you. If the girl does not yet know about your existence, or does not know about your interest, then standard methods of seduction, which are described in our other articles, will do.

What the game looks like

1) You improve your behavior and take some trump cards into your hand.

2) You look at the girl and look for clues that will help you bring her to primary emotions (pride, tyranny, secrecy, timidity, pretentiousness, etc.).

3) Use one of the methods suggested above. Those. You start a game of good and bad guy with your girl. You cling her to your person.

4) After initial interest on the part of the girl, you begin to push standard tactics and go out for the first meeting with the girl.

If the girl is happy and feels great after the date, it means everything was a success and you’re doing great.

If the girl begins to ignore and avoid you, you again turn to point 3 and unwind the spiral with renewed vigor. In case of failure, you forgot about the girl for some time, perform step 1 again, and after a couple of months repeat the whole scheme.

It happens in life that when you break up with a girl, you realize that it was a serious mistake. You begin to see only good things in her, you miss her and want to take everything back. In this case, do not despair if the same feelings remain. Next, we’ll take a closer look at how to attract the attention of your ex-girlfriend.

First of all, you need to pull yourself together and take decisive action. You shouldn’t close yourself off and wait for the girl to come back to you. We need to take active action. It’s better to look for random meetings with her, write romantic messages. The main thing is not to go too far. Everything should be in moderation. The girl must understand that you still have feelings for her.

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In addition, it is worth changing something in yourself. You need to become the best, a real gentleman who is ready to do anything for the sake of his beloved. The girl should see positive changes and a desire to be with her.


Girls love it when people do something unusual and good for them. We need to do something good for the girl. For example, help her solve some problem or just prepare a pleasant surprise. You need to dream up and be original so that your action is appreciated.

True to your word.

You definitely need to keep your word. You need to be responsible for your every action. Therefore, you should not promise what you cannot deliver. You need to become a reliable and confident guy who achieves his goal. The girl should feel support and a reliable shoulder. You need to get serious and make plans for the future. Girls love successful and purposeful guys.

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As mentioned above, you need to pull yourself together and tune in to a positive note. You need to enjoy life and show everyone your good mood. You need to become the life of the party, be cheerful and resourceful. You need to joke, tell funny and interesting stories. You need to show that you are positive and a leader in everything. Girls love cheerful and cheerful guys.


Also great value has an appearance. You definitely need to change something in yourself. You can change your wardrobe to fashionable and stylish clothes. Change your hairstyle. The main thing is to act so that the girl notices all your changes and efforts. Handsome and well-groomed guys are popular among girls.

Just recently, young people met completely by chance on the street, at a party, but today, thanks to the Internet, you can meet a pretty girl without leaving home.

Social networks have literally burst into our lives, so why not take advantage of them and charm a cute young lady on VKontakte? In order to please your interlocutor and arouse her genuine interest, you should adhere to certain rules and not use standard phrases that are boring to everyone.

Advice from psychologists and experienced pick-up artists will help you figure out how to interest a girl on a social network.

Before you write to the beauty you like, you need to carefully study your own VK page for possible incriminating evidence and simply not the most pleasant things. For example, it is difficult to seduce a girl:

  • photographs where you are presented in an unfavorable light - drunk, hugging depraved girls, just having a bad night out, etc.;
  • photographs in which, in addition to a person, you can see garbage in the background, a sloppily made bed;
  • obscene or indecent statuses, especially in which you speak poorly about female representatives (for example, after breaking up with an ex-girlfriend);
  • by being in groups that clearly indicate your intentions, for example, “Pickup for dummies”, “How to seduce in 5 minutes”, “How to hook her up on VK” or “How to seduce her for quick sex”.

Naturally, it is difficult to talk about uniform requirements for filling out your profile on VK or other social networks, however, some principles can still be voiced.

Examples of win-win options are given below:

  1. "Hello. I came across your page in the community (group name). I decided to write to you because I am also interested in these issues.” This way you show that there is something in common between you.
  2. "Greetings! I saw you yesterday in real life, you are even cuter in real life than in the photographs.” Here we can highlight two successful moments: firstly, you, and secondly, the girl will begin to find out where you could meet. That is, a conversation begins and questions about how to interest a girl are no longer so pressing.
  3. “Imagine, just yesterday I saw you in a dream, and today I noticed you on VKontakte. Do you believe in such coincidences? This is the so-called pickup truck. But if you don’t mind this way of seducing a girl, bombard her with similar questions.

Giving numerous examples and templates for correspondence on the Internet is a thankless task, since only in your own words can you convey your admiration for the girl’s appearance and character. The main thing is that they should not contain vulgarity, overt flattery or sexual innuendo.

10 rules for attracting attention

How to interest a girl by communicating with her on VK? Of course, it all depends on your specific goals: serious relationship, idle chatter on the Internet, pickup. However, several basic principles can be identified that will help seduce a young lady, intrigue her and encourage her to continue correspondence.

  1. Be positive. No online beauty can resist a cool guy, so try to demonstrate your positive attitude as often as possible. Intriguing jokes, moderately humorous stories, and the use of funny emoticons will help simplify communication and pick up a girl.
  2. Don't brag. Self-promotion is, of course, good, but knowing when to stop is even better. It is unlikely that a young lady will positively perceive a guy who constantly brags and talks about how great he is in some area. Let her draw her own conclusion; your task is to please and intrigue her.
  3. Show a variety of interests. Again, don’t brag, but show how unusual and versatile you are. For example, you appear before her in the role of a shirtless guy, and then send her touching poems of your own composition. This will definitely help to seduce the unapproachable beauty.
  4. Make communication easier. To pick up a young lady, create a relaxed communication situation. Indicate those questions that are pleasant to both of you. This could be literature, travel and recreation, a general passion for sports or pets. This is another answer to how to interest a girl.
  5. Leave the intrigue. Pickup is an effective method of attracting female attention, no matter how you treat it. Try to stay closer to your interlocutor, then further away. For example, communicate with her for several days, and then disappear from VK for a couple of days. The “reason” can be very different: helping a sick grandmother, babysitting a niece.
  6. Send media files. Writing a message is too boring for social networks with their truly limitless possibilities. In VKontakte you can send pictures, music files, video clips, GIFs, etc. to your interlocutor. This will help, if not hook her up, then definitely interest her.
  7. Don't be intrusive. If you want to find out if a girl can pay attention to you, try simply writing a message with a similar question. This will show that you value her time and respect her opinion. Otherwise, she will begin to get irritated, which means that you will definitely not be able to seduce her later.
  8. Be polite. How to attract a girl with the first questions and messages? Show your politeness and good manners. Let us repeat once again - give up swearing, especially since obscene words in writing look much more repulsive than in spoken speech. In addition, address the girl by name, this will make you stand out among the crowd of fans.
  9. Don't ask about your personal life. Asking a woman about her previous relationships is not a good idea. Perhaps she dreams of forgetting her ex, and generally does not want to talk to a stranger about such personal topics. Questions like these will only alienate your interlocutor.
  10. Go to SMS. If you managed to pick up a girl and she gave you her phone number, be sure to take advantage of it, because with the help of SMS you can date in real life. In SMS you can confess your feelings, offer to meet, wish good morning.

Perhaps every guy is worried about how to interest a girl on social networks, since dating and flirting have successfully migrated from real life into virtual space.

To pick up a pretty young lady, you need to put in a lot of effort, but if something doesn’t work out, you shouldn’t worry. It is likely that somewhere on the Internet, true love is waiting for you. All that remains is to write her a short “hello.”

You broke up with your boyfriend a few weeks ago, but you are still drawn to him like a magnet, and you can’t do anything about it. Well, in this case, it’s worth trying to get the guy back, but it’s easier said than done. How to attract your ex boyfriend?

What not to do

A you don't need to act openly. It’s not worth inviting a guy to a cafe to talk specifically about continuing the relationship. It’s better to carefully let the guy know with hints that you want to continue communicating with him.. And then let him act on his own, and he will definitely act if you show that you have understood your mistakes and have corrected yourself. better side(there is no smoke without fire).

Change your appearance

Maybe one of the reasons that the guy left you was your inability to transform yourself? Men are polygamous creatures, but each individual representative of the stronger sex can live his entire life with one single woman, taking into account the fact that she is constantly changing. When you radically change your appearance - hairstyle, clothes, makeup, etc.(I'm not talking about, of course plastic surgery, because you don’t need it at all) – you thereby satisfy his need to change partners. So feel free to completely change your appearance– this is useful.

If you decide update your wardrobe so that a guy, accidentally meeting you in various places, looks with delight at how you are dressed every time, how you look, he will immediately become interested in you, because he will see you so transformed, renewed, and will again seek communication.

Don't make him jealous

Even if your girlfriends suggest you kindle the fire of jealousy in him, better listen to professional psychologists, and they do not recommend trying to attract a man’s attention with the help of jealousy. He will simply be completely convinced that you and he will never be a couple when he sees you in the company of another guy. There are, of course, individuals who accept the challenge and try to take the girl back from the guy into their hands, but there are not so many of them, rather even a few.


So, flirting with guys in front of your ex-boyfriend is not an option, right? What then is needed? You flirt with him yourself, carefully - smile as you pass by, exchange a few words when you accidentally run into him in a store, and so on. It’s these little things that predispose you to start a conversation, which could very well end in a walk in the park or a sit-down in a cozy cafe, if you turn on all your charm and the guy gets hooked on you. However, true feelings (that you love him and suffer without him) should not be revealed in order to exclude the possibility of manipulating you. Or he may misunderstand you.

Don't be afraid of anything

Even if it seems to you that the guy’s feelings for you have faded away forever, this does not mean that you should not try to revive the relationship. Try it - and it is likely that your attempt will be crowned with success.