Fines for car tinting. What's new in the current Law “On Tinting Tinting from January 1 of the year

Reading time: 8 min.

How to avoid a fine for tinting

What is the traffic police fine for tinting in 2020? How to avoid a fine for tinting? How to pay a fine for tinting with a 50% discount. How to challenge this fine.

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The traffic police fines for tinting in force today in 2020 are quite small (500 rubles / with a discount of 250 rubles), license plates for opaque front windows are no longer removed. In the background, or nothing. Tinting protects from prying eyes and does not allow the sun's rays to pass through - what is not a reason to “tint” your car contrary to the rules of the Code of Administrative Offenses?

In 2019, the legislator will try to increase the fine for tinting to the level of 2500-5000 rubles. The changes are undergoing approval stages in the State Duma. Taking this into account, is it fair to once again clarify the information on this type of fines in 2020?

Car tinting has become widespread since the mid-20th century. The technology of darkening glass by applying films, paints and pastes came to the transport industry from architecture, where designers fought overheating of the interiors of buildings using window tinting.

Chemists and physicists can easily name several methods for producing tinted glass. In large enterprises, car windows that are transparent on the inside and tightly tinted on the outside can be created in dozens of ways. However, in 99% of road situations, including those related to traffic police fines for tinting, so-called film dimming occurs.

Polymer films of different quality and shades of color in Russia are now the most accessible raw materials for creating so-called tinted cars. In our country, you can make all the windows of a car opaque using this technology, with a sum of money of 1000-1500 rubles, for the simplest option.

According to motorists who tint their cars despite fines and prohibitions, darkening car windows contributes to:

  1. Safety of things left in the car
  2. Reducing the number of traffic conflicts
  3. Fuel economy
  4. Temperature reduction
  5. Reduce glare that distracts you from control
  6. Improvement appearance cars

Important to know!

In 2020, as in previous years, full tinting passenger car prohibited by law Russian Federation. Only the rear hemisphere (rear window and rear side windows) can be completely tinted; in addition, a dark strip in the upper part of the windshield no more than 140 mm wide is allowed. The windshield and front side windows must have a light transmittance coefficient of at least 70%.

For many motorists, such a clause in the law serves as a call for covering the front hemisphere of the car with “weak” films. However, modern cars, as a rule, already have a maximum permissible level of tinting on the front end from the factory, and additional tinting can lead to fines from the traffic police.

Traffic police fines for tinting in 2020 are constantly being changed. This view traffic fines in general, one of the most “pendulum” - the legislator either weakens these fines or introduces additional sanctions. So, even before November 15, 2014, traffic police officers removed license plates for tinting and imposed fines of 1,500 rubles.

In 2020, fines for dark glass in Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Krasnodar, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk and other cities, is set at 500 rubles (that is, the fine for tinting with a 50% discount is 250 rubles) and license plates for tinted windows are no longer removed. Some motorists still consider tinting a vehicle to be a serious violation. However, this is about the same as searching on the Internet.

Knowing about such relaxations, wealthy motorists continue to drive tinted, from time to time getting caught and paying small fines. Moreover, control of the light transmittance of car windows is legally carried out only at a stationary traffic police post using means technical diagnostics. How justified such behavior is, everyone decides for themselves.

Moreover, last year there were proposals to raise the fine for tinting to 5,000 rubles. The authors of the proposals motivate the change in the rules by the fight against the transportation of illegal cargo hidden behind opaque car windows in cars.

However, everything is actually not so simple. A number of legislators and experts representing the southern regions of the country seriously consider tinting to be a useful addition to a car. There is an opinion that the bright sun of the Black Sea region and the Caucasus interferes with driving a car more than dark windows. In a number of warm foreign countries These are the arguments that formed the basis for the legislative permission for tinting. In some cases, for example, in California (USA), car window tinting is completely prerequisite operation vehicle. The authorities considered that transparent windows cause excessive overheating of the cabin and, as a result, abuse of air conditioners, which increases fuel consumption. There is no fine for tinting windows, but there is a fine for not tinting!

Tinting Law 2020

Clause 2.2.4 GOST 5727 – 88:

The light transmission of windshields of vehicles and trams must be at least 75%, other glass - at least 70%.

Part 3.1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

“Driving a vehicle on which glass is installed (including those covered with transparent colored films), the light transmission of which does not meet the requirements of the technical regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles, entails the imposition of administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles. (Part 3.1 introduced Federal law dated July 23, 2010 N 175-FZ).

In the event that you remove the tint at the place where the inspector stopped you, then you can avoid a fine, even a minor one.

Fine for tinting rear lights

Tinting taillights is subject to a fine, as is painting or redoing them. In 2020, tinting headlights is expressly prohibited by law. This is specified in paragraph 3.6 of the Technical Regulations of the Russian Federation.

3.6. The absence, destruction and contamination of the lenses of external lighting devices and the installation of optical elements not provided for by the design of the lighting device (including colorless or colored optical parts and films) are not allowed.

Repeated fine for tinting

In 2020, in Russian legislation there is no concept of “ repeated fine for tinting." Any case of catching a traffic violator in a car with tinted front windows results in the same fine of 500 rubles. The usual fine for tinting in 2020 is always five hundred rubles.

This statement is true for all violations qualified under Article 3.1 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - “Driving a vehicle on which glass is installed (including those covered with transparent colored films), the light transmission of which does not meet the requirements of technical regulations.”

However, in some cases, traffic police officers qualify tinted car windows in an alternative way. The tricks of the traffic police officers are described in the section below.

How to pay a fine for tinting with a 50% discount.

Since January 1, 2016, Russian motorists have the right to pay certain types of traffic fines with a 50% discount. New laws on fines for tinting issued before 2020 also do not prohibit this. However, the ability to pay off a fine by paying only half of the original cost has a number of restrictions.

A 50% discount on a traffic police fine applies to all traffic penalties that do not contradict two conditions

  1. No more than 20 days have passed since the receipt of the decision (letter).
  2. The fine is not included in the list of the most socially dangerous types of fines.

    List of traffic police fines for which there is no 50% discount on payment

    • Article of the Administrative Code RF - Unregistered car or car without technical inspection
    • Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.8 – Driving a car in a state of alcohol intoxication
    • Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.9.6 – Repeated major speeding within a year
    • Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.9.7 - Repeated particularly large speeding within a year
    • Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.12.3 – Driving through a red traffic light
    • Article 12.15.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation – Repeated driving into oncoming traffic within a year
    • Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation – Repeated neglect of signs or markings
    • Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.24 – Road accidents with victims
    • Article 12.26 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation – Refusal of a medical examination for intoxication
    • Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 12.27.3 – Alcohol consumption after an accident

Note: all ten of the above articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation do not imply the provision of a discount on the payment of a fine in the amount of fifty percent. The discount applies to other fines, including fines for tinting.

The traffic police fine for tinting provided for in Part 3.1 of Article 12.5 is 500 rubles. If this penalty is paid within 20 days from the date of receipt of the resolution or a copy of the resolution, the fine will be halved and amount to 250 rubles.

How to challenge a fine for tinting

Since the traffic police fine for tinting is not issued by automatic means of recording traffic violations, a technical failure in the process of measuring the light transmittance of the car glass is extremely unlikely.

Devices such as the luminous transmittance meter for glass “BLIK-N”, “BLIK-+” and their analogues, used by the traffic police, are regularly tested and must have the appropriate marks.

If it is possible to protest, it is rather the procedural side of determining the degree of tinted glass. The approvals for instruments used to measure the light transmittance of glass, as a rule, contain an impressive list of restrictions on use - precipitation, temperature, and even the condition of the “cigarette lighter” into which the device for measuring tint can be inserted.

The rules for appeal are standard. Within the first ten days after receiving the fine, the motorist goes to the court at the place where the offense was committed and, using the samples provided, fills out a statement of claim form.

Traffic police trick

Back in 2017, many regional publications appeared in the press regarding various tricks that traffic police officers use to issue a fine for tinting a car or even arrest a driver for darkening the windows.

So, some traffic police, when they find a tint film on the windshield and side glass that does not meet light transmittance standards, will try to issue you a written warning, which will indicate the time frame within which the cause of the malfunction must be eliminated. If the driver does not try to remove the tint, then the next time he is stopped by the traffic police, he will receive a report with a penalty of a fine of 1,000 rubles or arrest for up to 15 days.

Way out of the situation

It so happened that on at the moment traffic police scarves for tinting are not draconian. Whatever you say, 250 rubles 1-2 times a month after stopping at a stationary checkpoint is a small amount even for a very modest motorist - a regional driver.

It's not about laws and fines for tinting, but about your personal responsibility for safety in the car to yourself and your loved ones. Driving a vehicle with tinted front windows at night significantly increases the risk of an accident.

The most optimal tinting option is partial darkening of car windows. Opaque glass on the outside of the rear hemisphere of the car will protect you and your loved ones from sidelong glances and help preserve property left in the car. Tinting your car's rear windows is completely legal in 2020.

According to current legislation, windows can be tinted. At the same time, the light transmission rate for the windshield is 75%, for the front and side panels - not less than 70%.

If the vehicle does not meet the above requirements, in 2017 the owner awaits punishment for tinting in a larger amount than in the past. In 2016, it was possible to violate the law by paying traffic police officers 500 rubles. It is logical that many drivers were willing to pay such a sum rather than remove the tint from the car. Statistics show that over 50,000 such violations were recorded last year.

What is the essence of changes in the law on tinting

The purpose of the new law on tinting, which came into force on January 1, 2017, is to actually force car owners to bring their cars to the look required by GOST. For the first recorded violation, the owner pays fine for tinting - 1500 rubles. The second and all subsequent fines will be 5,000 rubles.Previously, the amount of the fine was fixed and was not affected by the number of violations.

Important! If the driver refuses to pay the fine for tinting, his license may be revoked.

Fine for tinting headlights 2017: what's new

According to safety regulations, the tint film that is applied to the headlights cannot absorb more than 15% of the light. We are talking about the headlights. If the percentage is exceeded, traffic police officers have the right to prohibit the use of the vehicle and demand payment of a fine for tinting headlights according to the new 2017 tariffs.

Important! If the headlights are tinted at the factory during production, this does not relieve the car owner from liability for violation established standards. The fine will still be issued.

How to Determine If Headlight Tinting Is Violating the Law

Whether the tinting done for lighting fixtures is legal or not will help determine the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. However, it does not provide clear information regarding car headlights. Therefore, each specific case is considered separately.

The main complaint here is the occurrence of difficulties during the technical inspection of the vehicle. Requirements for lighting devices are reflected in the Technical Code. This document defines the procedure for checking the serviceability of headlights and identifying mechanical damage to devices.

For rear headlights, the intensity of the emitted light is not measured. If their color after tinting is not distorted, they have no right to refuse inspection and issue a fine.

Front window tinting according to GOST 2017: what is important to know

In order not to receive a fine, you must check the car for compliance with all prescribed standards. Let's figure out which tinting does not contradict the new law in force since January 1, 2017. According to the regulations, apply tint film to rear window still legal. But tinting the front windows is more difficult. A colored stripe may be applied to the top of the windshield. At the same time, the light transmission rate remained the same - 70%.

How to check if the tint is correct

For this purpose, a special device is used - taumeter. There are a number of statutory requirements for the verification procedure:

  1. The taumeter must be certified;
  2. The device body is sealed;
  3. During rain and at air humidity levels of 45-80%, testing is impossible. The measurement can only be carried out in a dry room;
  4. Atmospheric pressure should not exceed the range of 645-795 mm Hg. Art.;
  5. The lowest temperature for testing is +10 degrees.

According to the new law, tinting in 2017 must be completely removed. No, the rules indicate certain acceptable indicators, but with accurate calculations, they force you to remove the film. This injustice struck the drivers, so some of them decided that they could calmly pay the fine and move on.

Amounts of fines in 2017

In 2017, tinting has become a real luxury. It is risky to use, so many drivers refuse to take this step; they prefer to save themselves from potential danger. The reason for this is not the size of the fine, but the consequences of the violation. How much will I have to pay on the receipt?

  • For the first violation - 500 rubles;
  • For repeated violation - 1000 rubles.

Some motorists believed it would be much higher. The reason for this was the bills that were submitted to the State Duma. Their adoption has not yet occurred, but the danger still remains, so it is worth getting acquainted with several interesting details.

Upcoming changes to the law on tinting

Since January 1, 2017, it is still under discussion. There are certain points of the bill that still remain in doubt. Yes, ongoing violations suggest that tougher measures are required, so changing the situation in the future is quite possible. What transformations are being considered?

  • The initial fine is 1,500 rubles;
  • Repeated violation – 5,000 rubles;
  • After 3 violations – deprivation of rights for 2-6 months.

Today, drivers are confident that from January 1, 2017, it will be completely prohibited. The new requirements are the best confirmation of this, because no one will regularly give away huge amounts of money for the sake of their convenience. Although these changes have not yet been adopted, so you don’t have to worry about them for now.

Car tinting requirements

It’s becoming more and more difficult to meet someone on the street of your hometown. Since 2017, owners have been constantly faced with significant payments, so they need to know exactly all the requirements. Moreover, they differ for each glass, which forces you to study the current rules more carefully.

  • Frontal – 75% capacity;
  • Front side – 70% capacity;
  • Rear and rear side – any tint.

The current law on permitted tinting in 2017 should be of interest to every driver. They are accustomed to using ordinary film, creating comfortable conditions while traveling. It's time to give up on this and turn to other options. The reasons for this are simple and understandable, because even clean glass does not have 100% transmission capacity.

Is it possible to select a film?

If there is a new tough law on tinting, you will have to urgently remove the pasted film. Until this happens, you can try to calculate the exact indicators that remain acceptable. Although the calculations remain a little strange.

In accordance with the manufacturers' characteristics, the windshield initially blocks about 15-20% of sunlight. If you transfer them to the new law about affordable tinting, you will have to agree that no film will do. Even its minimal indicators will turn into a violation, becoming an excellent reason for issuing a considerable fine.

Calculations suggest that today it makes sense to purchase protective glass only for the rear seats.

You can enjoy comfort on them, but even in this matter there are some limitations. These concern mirror surfaces, which are completely prohibited under the latest regulations.

Who and how are fines for tinting issued?

If you get caught once, you will have to immediately remove the film. Next time the amount on the receipt will increase, so it will become unprofitable for the driver to deal with the costs for his own pleasure. The only issue that worries motorists is the rights of state traffic inspectors.

If there is any violation of the established requirements, the driver has the right to refute administrative responsibility to save yourself from another payment. This decision may seem strange, but it is worth clarifying the actions.

The main requirement for an inspector is the availability of appropriate equipment. It must be accompanied by documents that specify the conditions under which the glass throughput is checked. So, this cannot be done at humidity levels above 75%. In such cases, the data becomes inaccurate and therefore cannot be used to bring administrative liability.

Curtains replace film

The tax on tinting is still only mythical messages. Although drivers have already paid attention to curtains. In the near future, they should become an excellent alternative to film, because they will not have to be glued to glass or constantly checked at traffic police posts.

At first, curtains seemed like a strange solution. Nobody wanted to install peculiar curtains in the salon that would spoil the surrounding interior. Now manufacturers have expanded their own product catalogs, where in a few minutes they can find several models that match the wishes of customers. What benefits encourage you to buy them?

  • Easy installation;
  • Good sun protection;
  • Easy operation;
  • No fines.

The main issue remains penalties, but curtains do not fall under them. After installation, drivers do not have to worry about inspections, and the necessary comfort will appear inside the cabin. For this reason, experienced car owners advise abandoning the usual solutions and paying attention to new offers from accessory manufacturers.

For a long time, the film protected the driver and passengers from direct sunlight. Now tinting is prohibited, so it’s time for motorists to get acquainted with the new opportunities and legal provisions. They have become tough enough to force regular payments of decent amounts. Because of this, it is more profitable to completely abandon traditional solutions, protecting yourself from unnecessary checks at traffic police posts.

One of the most heartbreaking issues next year for any motorist is car window tinting. For the most part, everyone is interested in whether it is necessary to carry out this procedure in 2017, or whether it is possible to leave the usual beauty of the vehicle in its original form.

It is worth starting from the fact that the noted process has been the cause of numerous disputes and debates for a long time. Now we can say with confidence that officials have decided to re-introduce the law regarding increasing the cost of penalties in the case of illegal tinting of windows on cars. From 2017, the fine for such an offense will be 5 thousand rubles. According to experts, such a decision should replace the clause related to deprivation driver's license in case of repeated offense.

2017 Law: Basic Principles

Since this issue is considered more than relevant for absolutely all car owners, we need to take a closer look at what exactly tinting is in 2017, and what the fine for tinted glass is by law. . According to the current law of the Russian Federation, any car owner must take measures to ensure that his vehicle meets the light transmission standards of car windows. Otherwise, any of the violators will have to receive a fine of 500 rubles. it was like that before. Now legislative act this issue may change a little in 2017.

  1. Very soon the fine will double or even triple. As a result, now its cost will be at least 1.5 thousand rubles. Agree that such a fine cannot be called small.
  2. Limit for violation of glass tinting requirements. Of course, not everyone likes such a law. Some drivers prefer not to disturb the overall harmonious appearance of their car and not remove the tinting from the windows that has been there since the factory. In addition, with a slightly darkened interior, the car looks more fashionable and independent. Honestly, it’s easier to pay the fine and leave everything as it is. Now this opportunity will no longer be reusable. In case of violation of the law regarding window tinting, penalties will be applied no more than 12 times. After this marked criminal liability becomes more stringent: the fine increases to 5 thousand rubles. If the driver refuses to pay the fine, he can be legally deprived of his driver’s license after 3 months.
  3. If the driver has been repeatedly involved in the noted issue and continues to refuse to pay the full amount of the fine, he will be deprived of his driver's license.

These are the changes we should expect in the new bill, which has already split society into two warring camps. Some people support such a government initiative, while for some, the decision to increase the fine is considered unacceptable.

People's opinion

Until today, most drivers have been more or less calm about various innovations, agreeing with any government decisions, considering them correct and acceptable. According to the public, all decisions of officials guaranteed safety on the roadway. However, this time a certain group of people arose for whom the noted resolution turned out to be too absurd. Now they are actively collecting signatures against the legalization of the prepared project, and most of them are very optimistic.

By the way, every good motorist knows that he has the opportunity to use tinting on the windows of his vehicle under certain conditions.

  1. Front and side panels must provide at least 70% light transmission.
  2. For wind windows this figure is no more than 75%.

For activists, such data seem too high. In their opinion, for any normal car both figures should be 40 and 60%, respectively. At the same time, all those people who oppose the enactment of this law insist that tinting is considered not only an aesthetically beautiful and fashionable part of a personal vehicle, but also performs a number of very important functions.

  1. Provides better preservation of some products and things inside the car. There is no denying the fact that most often scammers rob those cars through the windows of which you can see the detailed contents of the interior. If a sufficient level of tint had been used on the panels, this situation could have been avoided. As a result, it turns out that all those who comply with the future law of 2017 may find themselves in the crosshairs of car thieves.
  2. The amount of fuel consumed is significantly reduced. It turns out that it’s all about a program such as climate control. The normal level of temperature inside the cabin depends on the functioning of this car add-on in summer weather. When the weather is very hot and sunny, and there is practically no tint on the windows, the air in the car begins to heat up unbearably. Its constant cooling requires much more gasoline, which is considered the main source of climate control. If there was a special blackout, fuel consumption would be significantly lower.

Main goals and objectives of the 2017 law

For many Russian citizens, it is not entirely clear why it is necessary to make the announced amendments to the legislative act. After all, if someone likes to drive with a darkened interior, then why shouldn’t they do this. Those who don’t like darkening will simply not use it and that’s it. But deputies from somewhere dug up simply terrifying statistics, based on which cars with tinted windows led to a much larger number of accidents than transport options with transparent panels.

As a result, officials suggested that many drivers do not want to lose their tint due to the insignificant size of the fine. Now, after raising it to 5 thousand rubles. many will have to think twice before committing another offense. It is worth noting that in 2016, more than 50 thousand people ignored the car tinting rules. Do you know where the worst offenders live? In the Moscow and Krasnodar regions.

For now, we can only hope that in 2017 the issue of tinting will change in better side and all changes in the current bill will only lead to improved safety for both drivers and passengers, as well as pedestrians.

Tinting car windows is a fairly common violation among motorists.

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And although traffic police officers are actively taking various measures against violators, not everyone is ready to part with the film.

After all, tinting is not only protection from the scorching July sun, but also from prying eyes. And in the event of an accident, the risk of damage from fragments is much lower if there is a film.

Innovations in the Administrative Code

According to the innovations in the Administrative Code:

  • the fine for any tint, regardless of the light transmission value, is minimal and amounts to only 500 rubles;
  • from November 2014, the ban on the operation of vehicles was lifted - that is, now license plates are not removed from heavily tinted cars;
  • Checking for light transmittance can be carried out not only at a stationary traffic police post, but also at a mobile one.

Pay attention! The State Duma has long wanted to toughen the punishment for those who like to darken their windows.

For the third violation they even propose to deprive the driver of his license for up to 6 months, while for the second the driver will get off with a fine of 5,000 rubles.

However New Law has not yet been adopted and is under consideration (initially it was planned to introduce amendments from January 2017).

Toning standards

Some car enthusiasts believe that any tinting of car windows is prohibited by law. However, this is not true. You can drive with tinting - you just need to adhere to tinting standards.

Rear window

The rear window can be tinted without restrictions. You can stick any film - even with a light transmittance of 5%. No fine will be imposed.

Important! Do not put mirror film on the rear window!

Rear side

The same rules apply to the rear side windows as for the rear:

  • there are no restrictions on light transmittance;
  • It is not allowed to glue mirror film.


The following rules apply to the windshield:

  • it is allowed to glue the tint film, but in such a way that the total light transmittance of the glass (together with the film) is equal to or exceeds 70%;
  • It is allowed to apply a film to the upper part of the windshield with any degree of light transmission, provided that its width is no more than 14 cm.

Side front windows can be tinted in the same way as the windshield - that is, the total light transmittance should not be less than 70%.

Important! Unlike the windshield, it is prohibited to glue additional tint strips on the front side windows.


When deciding to stick a tint film on the front windshield or front side windows, the driver needs to consider important nuance– light transmittance of the factory glass itself.

The fact is that the light transmittance of factory glass itself is not 100 percent. And if you stick, for example, a film with 70% light transmittance, then the final value can be 65%, which will already lead to a fine of 500 rubles.

Advice! Typically, the error in light transmittance of glass from the factory is 5%. This 5% error must be taken into account when deciding to apply the film.

What is allowed

Many drivers pay attention to the fact that fully tinted cars drive around the city, the light transmittance of which clearly exceeds the permissible legal limits. And traffic police officers do not pay any attention to such violators.

Please note that the laws of the Russian Federation provide for the possibility of obtaining a special permit for glass tinting. This resolution will allow you to glue any films to your car.

However, it is almost impossible for owners of personal vehicles to obtain this permit. Only employees of law enforcement agencies, special vehicles or especially important federal structures can legally tint all windows.


From 1.01. 2015 began to be used. Previously it was, but now it has been cancelled.

The new GOST establishes other rules regarding conditions environment, at which it is possible to measure light transmittance.

So, the atmospheric indicators should be as follows:


  • the driver has the right to demand that the traffic police officer check the atmospheric parameters, but if the inspector refuses, the motorist has every right to leave the place of inspection;
  • when changing, the presence of two witnesses is required;
  • The measurement is carried out at three points of the glass; checking the light transmission in one place is a violation of the inspection regulations.

Measuring device

To measure the level of light transmittance, a special device is used - a taumeter. If the inspector does not have such a gadget, it is prohibited to check the glass.

The taumeter must have certification, and the case must be sealed. If the inspector presents a copy of the certificate instead of the original, or takes measurements with a device with a broken seal, the driver has the right to leave the inspection site.

The following brands of taumeters are common:

  • Light;
  • Blik;
  • Blik +;
  • Tonic.

The most common is the Blik device. To ensure correct measurements, it is connected to the vehicle’s on-board network with a supply voltage of 12 volts (+/- 0.6 volts).

The device operates at temperatures from -10 to +40 degrees. The arithmetic average of the results of three measurements at different points of the glass will be the final indicator of light transmittance.


Many motorists are interested in the legal aspect of the offense. In particular, a popular question is: how many times a day, according to the law, can one be fined for tinting?

The laws do not provide a direct answer to this question. Let's analyze the regulations and try to give an answer.

The presence of tint is not a violation in itself. Violation is precisely driving a vehicle with a film applied.

Completed offense by . is considered at the moment the vehicle is stopped and recorded in the protocol.

Despite the fact that car license plates are no longer removed for tinting, further operation of a car with tinted windows is not recommended (the ban on operation has been abolished).

The driver is obliged to go to the nearest place to eliminate the malfunction, observing the required precautions, and remove the film no later than 1 day from the date of drawing up the report.

So, the fine for tinting can be imposed “in one day increments.”

To avoid repeated liability for the same violation, the driver must:

  • have a copy of the protocol with you and present it when stopped by a traffic police officer;
  • move to the place of troubleshooting along the right edge of the roadway, turning on the hazard warning lights.

Punishment for tinting

Responsibility for car tinting in 2017 comes under Part 3.1. Art. 12.5. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The norms of this article determine that driving a vehicle equipped with glass that does not comply with vehicle safety regulations entails a fine of 500 rubles.

Important! According to general rules, the deadline for paying a fine for tinting is 60 days, you can count on a 50 percent discount if you pay in the first 20 days.

Let us recall that the current law has not yet introduced a progressive model for imposing liability. In other words, it doesn’t matter how many times a motorist is held accountable for tinting - each time a fine of 500 rubles will be imposed.


Here are the changes that befell motorists:

  1. Until September 2010, the fine for tinting windows was 100 rubles. After the introduction of amendments to the legislation, minimal possible size The administrative fine increased to 500 rubles.
  2. Since 2012, traffic police inspectors have been given the right not only to impose fines, but also to remove license plates from cars, thereby prohibiting their operation. The driver was obliged to eliminate the violation within 24 hours, after which he received his license plates back from the traffic police department.

By the way! Previously, when operation was prohibited, it was possible to remove the film from the car with your own hands in order to avoid having the license plates removed.

If unpaid

The Code of Administrative Offenses provides for liability for citizens who do not pay imposed fines within the time limits prescribed by law.

Thus, it regulates that failure to pay a fine within 60 days entails the following liability:

  • imposition of a fine 2 times greater than the original one, but not less than 1000 rubles;
  • or arrest for up to 15 days;
  • or oblig. work for up to 50 hours.

What exactly will be assigned to the motorist will be decided by the court. In the vast majority of cases, the defaulter will be fined twice as much. Arrest or compulsory labor are imposed in case of systematic failure to pay fines and/or negative characterization of the individual.

How to avoid penalties

To avoid being fined for tinting, you must adhere to the following tips:

  • require the traffic police officer to carry out measurements only in accordance with GOST and certified instruments;
  • if an employee draws up a resolution under another article different from Part 3.1. Art. 12.5., the location of the event should be recorded in a photo or video for further appeal in court;
  • ask the inspector to provide the original certificate for the taumeter - often this is enough for the majority of “unscrupulous” police officers to stop carrying out illegal actions;
  • Measurements should only be made on dry and clean glass surfaces.