Options for an ordinary person to become a real witch. What is witchcraft. How to protect yourself from a witch of your wife or if it is a neighbor with a conspiracy and get rid of the influence of your loved ones

It is very important to decide on the most suitable time of year for yourself, because it determines what kind of witch you will turn out to be.

The following relationships are distinguished:

  • Spring. A woman will retain her youth for a long time and will look very good throughout her life. Spring witches have a particularly strong connection with nature and the water element; they can cause rain and floods. But their main talent is the ability to accelerate growth. This ability can be used both for good (to speed up the process of fruit ripening) and for harm (to provoke the accelerated development of a malignant tumor in an enemy).
  • Summer. The warm season gives a woman passion and strength. The witch will be able to subjugate the will of people - and they will happily fulfill all her whims. Summer witches get along well with animals, master the techniques of love magic, know how to cause drought, hear unspoken thoughts and see hidden treasures (not only ancient, but also quite modern stashes in apartments).
  • Autumn. The period of gradual extinction of nature is the best time to become a witch of knowledge. A woman will acquire true wisdom and understanding, thanks to which she will equally be able to cope with the problems of the universe and everyday troubles. Autumn witches are impartial. They are soothsayers, keepers of ancient secrets, healers. They are interested in everything related to knowledge. Witches can communicate with birds and use them as their messengers.
  • Winter. The end of the natural cycle brings with it numbness, coldness, but at the same time resilience, severity, and the ability to survive. Winter witches are the most powerful, as it is almost impossible to destroy their power. A woman who performs the ritual in winter gains power over the dead, the ability to communicate with spirits and demons, and a talent for necromancy. The sorceress can travel in dreams and even move into another body. She is not afraid of amulets and talismans used by people.

The time of year gives only the general direction of the witch's development. In any case, a woman will reveal all the talents available to her, just some of them will be more pronounced. If the ritual is carried out at the junction of periods, then the characteristics are a little blurred. For example, by becoming a witch at the end of August, a woman will not only acquire summer properties, but will also receive the gift of knowledge, although less manifested than if autumn had been chosen for the ritual.

Conspiracy to become a witch

Since the witch nature is gifted to women by nature, activating it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Difficulties may arise only with collecting the necessary tools.

You will need the following items:

  • sharp knife;
  • black scarf;
  • thirteen red and the same number of green candles;
  • white poultry feather;
  • a tuft of black cat fur;
  • tooth of any animal;
  • thirteen yellow coins.

You need to determine the place for the ceremony yourself, taking into account your inclinations. This could be an abandoned church, an old attic, your own bedroom, a field, a crossroads, an unused stable, etc. The main condition is that there should be no people or animals larger than a mouse there.

You need to arrange the lit candles in a circle: green on the left, red on the right. Then you should let your hair down, undress if possible, wrap your head in a scarf and recite the spell from memory:

“The black mare neighed, gave me her strength, the bird flew swiftly, conveyed its will to me, the silent stone lay there, gave me its peace. Just as winter comes to the earth, how spring revives the earth, how summer decorates the earth, how autumn covers the earth with fruits, So I also gain power, I awaken my witch soul. Let the true power be revealed to me, let the human and animal will submit to me, let the elements bow before me, let the incorporeal creatures obey me, I call myself a witch, I call upon the heavenly spirits as witnesses.”

After this, you need to remove the scarf and spread it in front of you. Having cut off a lock of hair on the left side of the head with a knife, you should throw the hair on a scarf and put a feather, a tuft of wool and a tooth there. Each coin needs to be spoken individually, saying:

“I call myself a witch, I pay off sins, I put powerful powers into my service.”

Each time you cast a spell, you need to add a coin to the rest of the things on the scarf. At the end of the ritual, you should tie a scarf and bury it under a birch or aspen tree. This place will become a source of power, on which the witch will be able to restore energy reserves at any time.

Signs of a successful ritual

The spell works within nine or forty days - the time depends on the strength of the sorcerer. In rare cases, the waiting period extends for a whole year. You can find out in advance about the success of the ritual by certain “symptoms” that appear literally from the next day after the ceremony.

The main features include:

  1. Excitement, restlessness, inability to concentrate. Such a state indicates an ongoing energetic restructuring, which is necessary for reincarnation into a witch.
  2. Unusual dreams. They can be either vague and poorly remembered, or very bright and even conscious. Most often I dream about a road and a journey, someone’s eyes, dead relatives, wild animals.
  3. Strange memories. Often, a newly minted witch comes up with pictures supposedly from the past, although in real life no such events occurred. This indicates the connection of the mind to the cosmic sphere, which stores information about the past of all people.
  4. The ability to foresee. A woman becomes prone to sudden insights. For example, she sees images of all kinds of accidents, robberies, etc. The scale of visions can be different - from global catastrophes to everyday trifles concerning acquaintances or strangers. Consciousness is simply training to work with the talent that has been revealed to it to recognize the future.
  5. Knowledge from nowhere. Information begins to appear in your head, the origin of which cannot be determined. The data received can be from any field - cosmetology, physics, construction, etc., even if the woman has never come into contact with this field.
  6. Increased attractiveness. Witches are always beautiful - you can’t take that away from them. A woman who connects to a witchcraft channel becomes very charismatic and attractive to both sexes.
  7. New acquaintances. Other witches always feel that a “newborn” witch has appeared next to them, and they strive to get to know her. You should pay close attention to new friends - there may be a magical background to meeting them. Sometimes witches send lower magicians who serve them on reconnaissance: in this case, the man will make the acquaintance.

It is impossible to describe everything that happens to a woman after she becomes a witch. It is necessary to observe your condition - your inner essence will tell you the right line of behavior. When the configuration stage is completed, a complete understanding of one’s own personality will come, and then all questions will disappear. It happens that a woman does not turn into a witch after the ceremony. This indicates her closedness and immunity to external energies. There is no need to despair - if your determination to become a real witch is strong, you need to repeat the ritual, trying to feel each action as fully as possible.

Being a witch is the prerogative of the strong. Discovering this side of yourself, you should be confident in your readiness to face enormous responsibility, and sometimes danger. After all, there will be no way back.

The question of how to become a witch is of interest to those who want to master supernatural powers and do incredible things. In this article we will look at the main ways and practices that will make it possible to call yourself a real witch. Who is she and what is required for transformation - let's start studying.

Sorceress by birth

Despite the fact that witches have always been treated controversially, many turn to them for help in various life situations. In most cases, these are healers and clairvoyants.

Believers do not recognize such acts outside the rank, but people at all times treated them as minions of the devil.

Most often, witches are born, that is, special magical abilities can be passed on to them through their blood, thanks to which a woman at a certain moment begins to discover rare talents and skills.

Hereditary witches have the greatest power. They received this unique gift through their parents, and such magical abilities are transferred from mothers or grandmothers, that is, through the line of women. At the same time, the new witch will improve and develop the skills that her ancestors were able to master. If this is a family of real professional magicians, then from an early age the girl will be taught all the basic skills of managing her abilities, thanks to which she will be able to quickly develop.

People are also born a witch into a family where one of the parents was cursed.

At the same time, they can be developed independently if you put in some effort. In this case, you can use special rituals that are available for independent study.

Of course, training under the supervision of a real magician will be more effective, but not everyone can afford it. First of all, you need to understand that becoming a witch can take a long time and require painstaking work to study special ancient knowledge.

Such girls, as is right, stand out strongly from the general background, and often the point here is not only in appearance, but also in the special energy that comes from such a person. If we take a more specific look at the external aspects, then it is immediately worth noting that many witches have eyes of different colors, and this may be a natural feature, or the use of special lenses with brown and green colors.

Many of these women have interesting birthmarks on their body, or it may be a large mole. They are usually called the “seal of Satan.” One of the main external features of witches is the preservation of their youth for a very long time, that is, for many years they look good and practically do not age.

Such a girl can also be identified by a specific look, which can be very strong and seasoned, and many of those who want to learn how to become a witch at home try to work with their look. Their personality type is completely introverted, which is why such a girl may seem a little unsociable. Despite her great energy power, the witch often pushes ordinary people away.

You need to understand what exists in the world large number completely different witches who specialize in different skills. Of course, with age they gain more experience and expand the range of their capabilities. The most powerful witches can, according to legend, transform into various animal forms, and also know how to adjust the weather, create and send quite powerful curses, or heal other people from their negative impact. The witch has almost direct access to other dimensions, from where she draws all her magical powers and skills.

Excluding hereditary talents, we will find out how an ordinary girl can become a witch.

Sometimes some witches give their skills to other women, passing on their powers by inheritance if they do not have offspring. For mutual agreement to transfer these powers, it is necessary to carry out a ritual of the so-called “confession”.

At the same time, sometimes the witch has no choice but to give her powers to a random girl before death, which is why she will begin to feel their manifestations over time. There is also a special set of rules for conducting a ceremony involving initiation into witches. You can learn and understand how to become a witch in real life on your own, but it will take a lot more effort and time.

To obtain all the necessary skills, it is advised to find a knowledgeable mentor who will not mind sharing his knowledge. Special books and recipes for various magical herbal drinks will also help here.

One of the most important qualities that girls who are interested in becoming a witch need to develop is the development of control over their own emotions and thoughts, because the path of a witch can be very dangerous and thorny. Here you must not lose your composure, so as not to become a victim of black magic, that is, you need to act with some caution. Also, a novice witch must be able to access her intuitive knowledge and other hidden energy resources.

In addition, the basic set of skills and talents of a witch includes skills such as dream interpretation, fortune telling by various methods, and necessarily perfect knowledge of the Tarot. The witch should be in nature as often as possible and, in particular, in the forest from where she can get her strength in order to further perform white or black magic. To find a faithful and intelligent assistant, a witch can tame one of the special pets.

A person who wants to learn magic should know that engaging in activities that harm the environment is condemned by all religions. But it’s possible to become a witch if you really want to. It is possible to become both a black and a good witch who practices white magic.

You can receive special psychic energy by using one of many special rituals, and you need to perform them sincerely, being ready for any test.

For girls who want to learn how to become a white witch, we can recommend one very powerful ritual that will fill her body with the necessary energy and develop skills. To do this, you first need to take a special bath, which will help you be reborn in a new look.

First you need to take four regular wax candles, as well as salt and incense. This ritual must be performed completely naked, because this is the only way new forces can fill the finished body. To create a protection for yourself that will not allow evil forces to spoil the energy, you need to draw a circle on the floor using salt, standing right in the middle of it. Place candles on four sides of the circle and light them. Standing in the center, you need to keep your hands on your chest, asking the Goddess to allow the ritual to begin. Only after this can you, stretching your arms up, begin to pronounce a spell that sounds like this:

“I (woman’s name), speak to you, O Great Mother, my Goddess, and ask you for blessings and for your strength. Invest your energy in me and allow me to do the impossible so that I can do good for the benefit of all people!”

While reciting these words by heart, you need to imagine an energy ball in your chest, moving throughout your entire body and all limbs. The following is the second text of the conspiracy:

“My Great Mother, make me strong and put me on the witch’s path, so that I begin to learn all the wisdom of nature and the magical knowledge hidden within me. Give me the freedom to bring good to people!”

After this conspiracy, you need to bow four times on all sides, and the third conspiracy must be read in a whisper:

“From now on, being initiated, I become a real witch and will sacredly keep the common secret. I will carry these forces throughout my life and give them only to the worthy, to the one who, like me, will choose the path of good for herself! So be it!”

Some choose black magic for themselves because they see great power in it. In ancient times, as soon as a girl became a black witch, a devil was placed as her assistant, who followed her instructions and was her lover. After initiation, she studied dirty deeds: she caused infertility, bewitched and tormented neighbors, brought pestilence to livestock and spread diseases.

In any case, dark magic is dangerous not only for the victim, but also for the witch herself, so it is better to learn the rituals of how to become a black witch for interest and nothing more.

Rite of Passage under the Moon

Before becoming a dark witch, you need to wait for the full moon, which will feed the girls with its energy. The initiation ritual must be carried out in a cemetery if a woman wants to ultimately receive a truly very powerful force.

Everything needs to be done under the light of the moon, lighting a candle and holding it straight in front of you, spreading your arms in different directions. When the girl feels that she is filled with energy, she should pronounce the text of the conspiracy, which looks like this:

“With all the dead and sleeping, I call you, my Witness! I am not afraid to take the witch's path and am ready to accept these powers. I came for teaching and hidden dark knowledge. I will find out everything and gain true strength! So be it!”

After these words, one of the spirits will witness the reincarnation into a black witch, and he will be able to help in various situations.

Initiation ritual with washing

The initiation ceremony is best performed in a bathhouse during the full moon. Required to fill the pelvis cold water, take an old broom into the steam room. At midnight, holding it in our hands, we say the words of the conspiracy, then we throw the broom into the oven and douse ourselves with cold water. Without talking to anyone, we go to bed. Spell on how to become a witch:

“I call upon the entity that bears witness to my teaching. Having washed myself with spring water, I will break all seven seals of this week. In return I will receive the wisdom of the Universe, the cunning of a fox, the speed of a lightning strike and knowledge of magical powers. The weapon in my hands defeats all enemies and I will be wrapped in protection on my path. Have you come, my witness? I give my word that I will be faster and stronger than my rivals. The fall of Satan from heaven in the form of lightning will become my teaching. Amen".

An ancient spell to become a witch

Another interesting way that will help you learn how to become a witch is a spell that works to attract special powers and talents. Before using it, you must keep it quite strict fast for three days. To carry it out, you don’t have to undress and leave your house, you just need to stay alone in a room where no one will enter. Here the woman must light a lamp that will burn for the next forty days. After this period, you can come into the room and cast a spell in it, which sounds like this:

“My Almighty Lord, grant me the wisdom that was taken from Solomon. You died, but gave us all eternal life, so give me the secret of magic so that I can use it correctly. I call upon all divine and magical beings to appear! Reveal Theurgy, Tetragrammaton, take action and send me on the witch's path! I will be strong and nothing will disturb my peace and strength, so that I gain great wisdom! My spell begins to work and any fear in my path disappears. My whole body is full of new strength. Amen!"

To figure out how to become a good witch or an evil and dark one, you need, first of all, to gain a real and strong intention to do this. Not even the most powerful ritual will help if the future witch is not sure of what she is doing. That is why, before becoming a witch, videos and additional materials from literature can be very useful in setting yourself up for the right state. You need to understand that witches have their own lifestyle, which is associated to a certain extent with doom. All this must be understood and accepted in advance so that the spirits who bestow magical powers are convinced that they are sharing their talents with the right person.

Have you ever wanted to become a real sorceress? The power of light and dark forces, healing spells and prophetic predictions, the art of transformation, dusty bottles with miraculous potions, mysterious rituals... In the everyday world, sometimes there is such a lack of magic! This may sound fantastic, but magic has always been present in the reality around us. Find out how to become a witch in real life - discover the inner you!

Who are witches?

The witch is the oldest cultural archetype, a symbol of the ambivalent (contradictory) feminine principle. The nature of a witch is always dual. On the one hand, the witch is a wise and sensitive woman who notices in the world and people around her what is not visible to others. Proximity to the forces of nature, the world of good spirits and insidious demons, which is a deep pool of the human unconscious - this is an inexhaustible source of witch wisdom. Another, directly opposite appearance of the witch is an angry fury with a hooked nose and crazy eyes, showering destructive curses on everything that comes under the hot hand. By carefully looking at ourselves and those around us, we can see that both of these sides are present in every woman. However, in order to awaken the feminine magic in yourself, it is not at all necessary to turn into Baba Yaga.

How to become a witch in real life - right now!

In order to feel like a real witch, it is not necessary to perform chilling rituals and study at a magic school for twenty years. Look into your soul, realize and deeply feel your feminine side - you will be convinced that your “inner witch” has never left you!

  • By taking a closer look at the gestures and facial expressions of the people around you, and having studied the intricacies of non-verbal communication, you can learn to almost accurately guess the thoughts and intentions of those around you - until a more experienced sorcerer comes your way;
  • Develop your intuition. Women's intuition is the real natural magic! Listen to your heart, trust your premonitions, not forgetting the voice of reason;
  • Do you want to bewitch a man? The best love potion is your charm. Charm the “victim” with your refined manners, and use witty statements as spells, followed by heartfelt compliments. Add more secrets and mystery to your image, demonstrate all the power of the charms of beauty, defeat him with the sharpness of your mind - the magical attraction will not take long to appear;
  • The art of makeup is the real magic! In combination with other magical skills, cosmetics can turn a modest and shy girl into a femme fatale in half an hour. Put aside your usual daytime makeup routine and master the amazing art of transformation. What will your new, experimental image be - a gentle fairy, an erotic vampire or an impregnable gothic princess? The choice is yours!
  • The witch speaks the same language with nature, drawing her wisdom and energy from this. Walking alone along forest paths or a river bank is the best way to help reveal secret inner powers. Communicate with living nature more often, add more naturalness to your wardrobe and the interior of your home ( indoor plants, products made from natural materials), get a couple of handmade wooden or wicker jewelry. If you love cats, be sure to get a big black cat! Graceful, capricious and affectionate - the faithful companion of a charming and wise sorceress;
  • Cooking is real alchemy! When you have a free evening, do not take the boring convenience foods from the supermarket. Try to create magic in your kitchen - turn flour, eggs, sugar and milk into a fluffy, melt-in-your-mouth cake. Meals prepared with love will also serve the role perfectly.

How to become a witch in real life: a spell, or rather, parting words

Remember that the most important trait of any true witch is unshakable self-confidence. Never forget that behind your fragile shoulders stands the unimaginable power of the forces of feminine nature. The most important thing is to learn how to use them profitably!

People have wondered about the existence of witches for centuries. Now we can say with certainty that witches really exist.

Many girls themselves want to become witches, but not everything is as simple as it seems: such a desire can turn into a real curse. The imagination of most people draws certain images associated with witches. For some they are old women with a broom, for others they are red-haired green-eyed girls, and for others they are dark-haired temptresses. The witches themselves say that appearance does not matter. It's what's inside that matters.

Who are witches

These are not old women flying on broomsticks, or even girls who bewitch men and strive for power. The true power of a witch is hidden under the most ordinary appearance. You can only feel their energy, which makes you experience certain emotions.

If the witch is kind, then next to her any person will feel calm and peaceful. Such witches smile, laugh, sympathize and love from the bottom of their hearts. They have almost no secrets or secrets. If the witch is dark, evil, then she is perceived as an ordinary person, but only until she herself reveals her essence. This usually happens under the influence of negative emotions. When a witch becomes angry, you can feel a special power that washes over you like a wave. It cannot be confused with anything. She won't scream or cry. Her silence will make you afraid of her. Of course, this is also a kind of stereotypical view of things, but in most cases this is approximately how everything happens.

Witches not only cast or remove curses, as they show us in various films. Yes, this is one of their professional qualities and skills. But they also predict the future, clear karma, using Tarot cards, palmistry, and bioenergetic waves. There are especially gifted witches who simply feel your problems by looking into your eyes.

Witches are ordinary people who know a little more about the invisible world. In ancient times they were burned at the stake. What can I say, even those who were suspected of witchcraft were executed in advance. Kings and other leaders had court witches, alchemists and healers, whom everyone knew about, because they worked for the glory of kings and rulers.

Usually women are witches because they feel the world around us more acute. It is worth distinguishing mediums and magicians from witches, because male sorcerers have different abilities.

Of great interest is the question of how witches become witches. Does this require some kind of ritual, or does it happen with the wave of a magic wand? Maybe you need to drink a magic potion? Don't forget that witches are real. These people are exactly the same as us. They have a need for love, money, and entertainment. They may even work in the same office as you. This could be your friend, acquaintance or even a relative.

The most real witches are those who were born with their gift. Some consider this gift a curse, others - a source of light. You can receive a gift by inheritance, but can be purchased in another way. They say that illegitimate girls become witches. Illegitimate children females in the second, sixth or thirteenth generations adopt the talents of their ancestors, if there were any in the family. Some argue that you need to be born out of wedlock in the 3rd, 9th or 12th generation. There is still debate about this. The gift manifests itself almost immediately after birth. As a rule, it is initially neutral. The owner herself must decide how to use it - for good or for harm.

Those who were conceived at a special time or under unusual circumstances are also born witches. It could be unwanted children, as well as children, conceived during Lent or on the eve of important holidays such as Christmas or Easter.

There is one more important point. Girls may never learn about their gift, or they may not develop it because they are afraid of it. As a result of this weeding out, even fewer girls become witches. This means that you can meet many witches in your life, but even they will not know about their abilities. Remember that if a girl confessed to you that she has special powers, then this indicates her high devotion and trust in you.

Usually the witch herself takes the first step towards a person who needs help. Perhaps someone cast a curse or evil eye on him, or maybe some dark entity clung to him. You meet bad witches yourself. They have their fame among a certain circle of people who pay money or provide services in exchange for curses, conspiracies, love spells, and so on. In this case, the witch pursues only a thirst for profit.

The second type of witches are those who acquired his abilities after birth. It happens that a woman, wanting to become a witch, purposefully looks for a mentor. But there are also cases where people became witches involuntarily: sorceresses looked after their students and, against their will, initiated them into a dark matter. Such witches were not even allowed to go to church and receive the sacrament of confession.

Witches discover their talents by accident. They can see ghosts, prophetic dreams, and predict the future. Living with such opportunities is not so easy. It’s even harder to hide your true face from people, especially if you want to help someone get rid of their problems.

This world is difficult to understand, so we are not always ready to spend time putting ourselves in the shoes of another person. Remember that witches are people who will always live among us. You shouldn't treat them bad or good. We need to respect them and appreciate their good deeds. Nowadays, witches and other gifted people are often called psychics. Many of them believe that there is no need to torture to make life better. To do this, it is enough to think positively and do good deeds. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Paranormal abilities have always been interesting to humanity. And this concerns women most of all. Previously, they were constantly accused of witchcraft. But few people know what to do to receive this gift and become a witch.

What is witchcraft

This is a very broad concept. Witches are often considered healers. They consider themselves followers of Western neo-pagan cults. From the point of view of Christianity, a witch / witcher is a person who is related to the occult without church rank. If you look from the point of view of an ordinary person, a witch is a woman endowed with a “black gift.” This gift allows you to use your will to cause not only illness, but also the death of others.

How to become a good witch

Many people are tormented by the question: Do good witches exist and how can one become one? Everyone associates the word witch with the image of a terrible and evil sorceress who practices black magic. This is not true; not all witches practice dark magic. Yes, to become a witch of the forces of good, you will need patience and a lot of strength.

  • You need to cast the correct spell, directed not to the dark forces, but, on the contrary, to the light ones. Please note that finding a real spell is not so easy; on the Internet, 90% of spells are not working.
  • You will need a lot of time searching and studying special magical literature. Everyone is wondering what literature to look for? There are books on practical magic, and which one you will (or will not) be able to find is a mystery. In any case, you will have to learn the magical tendencies of plants, master hypnosis and meditation, develop psychic capabilities.

How to become a witch right now

Get rid of doubts and fear. Witches do not know these feelings, because they themselves instill horror in those around them. If you cannot get rid of doubts, then the instructions below will not help you.

Attracting energy

Tie a red bandage on your left wrist, which has previously lain in the dark for at least a week. It can only be put on after sunset and taken off before dawn. This is your personal energy trap.

Getting power

To accumulate enough energy, you must not give in to emotions. Try to gain as much knowledge as possible: play sports, watch science channels and read encyclopedias. Inner fire and willpower will begin to generate forces and deposit them into your trap.

You will have enough energy in just 2 weeks. To understand this, put your ear to the bandage - you should hear a distinct and at the same time quiet noise. It cannot be associated with anything; it can be either the rustle of grass or the sound of the sea.

Deception of the Universe

Nature does not see a person as a threat until he begins to break through to the dark side. You only have 1 chance! If you won't be able to follow the next instructions or something If you do it wrong, you can die or turn into an ugly old woman.

Without removing the red bandage, with your left hand touch a tree that is more than 66 years old. Touch the ground with your right hand and lift it into the sky. Cast the spell "Vito Queliz Mantio". After this the wind should pick up. After a minute, shout “Ito No.” The wind should subside.

Pay attention! You have destroyed the natural barrier and crossed the line towards dark energy. Not everyone reaches this point, only a few. Those who are destined will feel its power and understand how to use it.

How to become a witch - the last spell

In order to complete the transformation and bind the forces, all that remains is to cast an ancient spell created by the first dark sorcerers and witches.

How to become a witch - passing on the gift by inheritance

Everyone knows that this gift is passed down through the family line. This happens after one generation (to a granddaughter from a grandmother). The gift can never be passed on from a mother to her daughter.

How does the gift transfer take place? All her life the witch prepares her successor. This is important, because a young witch may be confused by an unexpected gift.

You will be very lucky if your mentor is an experienced witch or witcher. As stated above, the witch passes on the gift before death. There are times when there is simply no one to transfer abilities to, and you can take advantage of this. Just think carefully, do you need it?