Certification of health workers to obtain a qualification category: studying the new procedure. Certification of specialists with higher professional education IV. Forms of work of the certification commission

Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Russian Federation dated July 25, 2011 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 23, 2011, Registration No. 21875. Published in “RG” No. 216 dated September 28, 2011 on p. 21)

I. General provisions

1.1. The Regulations on the procedure for obtaining qualification categories by medical and pharmaceutical workers (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) determines the procedure for obtaining qualification categories by medical and pharmaceutical workers (hereinafter referred to as specialists).

1.2. Obtaining qualification categories by specialists is carried out on the basis of checking the conformity of professional knowledge and their professional skills (hereinafter referred to as the qualification exam).

1.3. The qualification exam aims to stimulate the growth of specialist qualifications, improve the selection, placement and use of personnel in the healthcare system of the Russian Federation, and increase personal responsibility for the performance of professional and job responsibilities.

1.4. The process of obtaining qualification categories is ensured by certification commissions and includes procedures for obtaining qualification categories - stages of assessing the conformity of professional knowledge and skills of specialists (hereinafter referred to as qualification procedures).

1.5. Certification commissions in their activities are guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, these Regulations, departmental regulations legal acts, regulatory legal acts of bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation.

1.6. Principles of the qualifying examination:

independence and objectivity of expert assessments;

openness of qualification procedures;

sequential assignment of qualification categories;

compliance with professional ethics;

compliance with the strict sequence of qualification procedures provided for by these Regulations;

high qualifications and competence of persons carrying out qualification procedures.

1.7. The system of certification commissions includes:

The Central Attestation Commission, created by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation;

certification commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, created by healthcare management bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

departmental certification commissions, departmental certification commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in healthcare, scientific and educational institutions medical institutions, created federal authorities executive branch and other departments as appropriate.

1.8. Certification commissions consist of expert groups corresponding to the specialties (areas) for which the certification commissions carry out established qualification procedures, and the Coordination Committee certification commission(hereinafter referred to as the Committee), which coordinates the work of expert groups.

1.9. The expert groups include employees of health authorities, members of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, managers and specialists of medical, scientific and educational organizations having knowledge sufficient to conduct a qualifying examination in the declared specialties.

1.10. The Committee includes a chairman - chairman of the certification commission, deputy chairman - deputy chairman of the certification commission, executive secretary - executive secretary of the certification commission, deputy executive secretary - deputy executive secretary of the certification commission, members of the Committee.

The expert groups include a chairman, deputy chairman, secretary, and members of expert groups.

In the absence of the Chairman of the Committee (expert group), his powers are exercised by his deputy.

1.11. The personal composition of certification commissions and the regulations on their work are approved by order of the body under which they are created. The personnel of certification commissions is updated as necessary.

Changes in personnel are approved by order of the body under which they are created.

1.12. Certification commissions carry out their activities in accordance with the sequence of qualification procedures established by these Regulations. Qualification procedures are aimed at assessing the professional qualifications and competence of specialists.

1.13. A specialist can receive a qualification category both in the main and in a combined specialty.

1.14. Qualification categories are assigned in accordance with the current nomenclature of specialties.

II. The procedure for obtaining qualification categories

2.1. Qualification categories are assigned to specialists who have a level of theoretical training and practical skills corresponding to the qualification characteristics of specialists, and work experience in their specialty:

the second - at least three years for specialists with higher and secondary vocational education;

the first - at least seven years for specialists with higher professional education and at least five years for specialists with secondary vocational education;

higher - at least ten years for specialists with higher professional education and at least seven years for specialists with secondary vocational education.

2.2. When assigning qualification categories, the following sequence is used: second, first, highest.

2.3. Specialists who have expressed a desire to receive (confirm) a qualification category submit to the certification commission:

an application from a specialist addressed to the chairman of the certification commission, which indicates the qualification category for which he is applying, the presence or absence of a previously assigned one qualification category, the date of its assignment, the specialist’s personal signature and date (the recommended sample is given in Appendix No. 1 to these Regulations);

a completed qualification sheet in printed form, certified by the HR department (the recommended sample is given in Appendix No. 2 to these Regulations);

a report on the professional activities of a specialist, agreed upon with the head of the organization and certified by its seal, and including an analysis of professional activities over the last three years of work - for specialists with higher professional education and beyond last year work - for workers with secondary vocational education with their personal signature (the recommended sample is given in Appendix No. 3 to these Regulations). The report must contain the specialist’s conclusions about his work, proposals for improving the organization of the provision and quality of medical care to the population. The report must contain reliable data in the description of the work performed by the specialist, rationalization proposals, and patents. If the head of a medical organization refuses to approve a report on the specialist’s professional activities, the head issues a written explanation of the reasons for the refusal, which is attached to the rest of the examination documentation;

copies of education documents (diploma, certificate, certificates, specialist certificates and other documents), work book, certified in accordance with the established procedure;

in case of change of surname, name, patronymic - a copy of the document confirming the fact of change of surname, name, patronymic;

a copy of the certificate of assignment of a qualification category (if available) or a copy of the order of assignment of a qualification category.

2.4. The head of the organization in which the specialist carries out professional activities creates conditions for:

submission by the specialist of qualification documentation drawn up in accordance with the requirements of completeness and correctness;

interaction between the organization and the certification commission regarding the procedure for obtaining a qualification category by a specialist;

submission to the certification commission of information on the number of specialists carrying out professional activities in a medical organization and who have undergone the procedure for obtaining a qualification category (indicating the certification commission and the received qualification category), as well as specialists wishing to receive (confirm) the qualification category in the next calendar year;

notification of a specialist who has expressed a desire to receive a qualification category.

2.5. The requirements specified in paragraphs 2.3 and 2.4 of these Regulations, regarding the need to certify documents submitted by a specialist and ensure the organization’s interaction with the certification commission, do not apply to specialists carrying out professional activities in the private healthcare system.

2.6. The documents that make up the qualification documentation must be neatly executed and bound.

2.7. Qualification documentation is sent to the certification commissions by post, as well as directly by the specialist, an official of the organization authorized to interact with the organization in which the specialist carries out professional activities with the certification commission.

2.8. In order to maintain a previously assigned qualification category, the specialist sends qualification documentation to the certification commission no later than four months before the expiration of the qualification category. If the examination documentation is sent later than the specified period, the date of the qualification exam may be set after the expiration of the qualification category.

III. Procedure for meeting of certification commissions

3.1. A meeting of the certification commission is scheduled within a period not exceeding three months from the date of registration of the examination documentation.

3.2. Specialists from federal government institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation submit qualification documentation to the Central Attestation Commission.

Specialists of state institutions under the jurisdiction of other federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation submit qualification documentation to the relevant departmental certification commissions.

Specialists carrying out medical and pharmaceutical activities in organizations state system healthcare of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the municipal healthcare system, as well as specialists carrying out professional activities in the private healthcare system, submit qualification documentation to the certification commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the territory of which they carry out their activities.

3.3. Qualification documentation received by the certification commission is registered in the document registration journal (the recommended sample is given in Appendix No. 4 to these Regulations) after checking its compliance with the requirements of completeness and correctness of execution within 7 calendar days. If the qualification documentation does not meet the specified requirements, the person who submitted the qualification documentation ( official the organization in which the specialist carries out professional activities, authorized to interact with the organization with the certification commission) are informed of the reasons for the refusal to accept examination documentation with an explanation of the possibility of eliminating them.

A refusal to accept qualification documentation received by the certification commission must be sent to the specialist no later than 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the examination documentation by the certification commission.

To eliminate deficiencies in the qualification documentation, the specialist is asked to eliminate the identified deficiencies within a month.

3.4. Monitoring compliance with the registration procedure, completeness requirements and correct execution of qualification documentation submitted to the certification commission is carried out by the executive secretary of the relevant certification commission.

3.5. The executive secretary of the certification commission, no later than one month from the date of registration of the qualification documentation, determines the expert group of the certification commission corresponding to the specialty (direction) declared in the qualification documentation and agrees with its chairman on the timing of the specialist’s qualification examination.

3.6. Based on the results of reviewing the qualification documentation, the chairman of the expert group determines the members of the expert group to review the report on the specialist’s professional activities.

3.7. The chairman of the expert group determines the need to attract independent specialists (experts) to review the report on the specialist’s professional activities.

3.8. A review of a report on the professional activities of a specialist is signed by members of the expert group participating in the review or independent specialists (experts) and the chairman of the expert group.

3.9. The review should reflect:

possession modern methods diagnostics and treatment, adequate to the qualification requirements for specialists of the second, first and highest categories;

participation of a specialist in the work of a scientific society or professional medical association;

availability of publications and printed works;

duration and timing of the last advanced training;

forms of self-education used by a specialist;

volume compliance theoretical knowledge, actually performed diagnostic and therapeutic practical skills and qualification requirements for specialists in the declared qualification category.

3.10. The period for examination of qualification documentation by an expert group cannot exceed 14 calendar days.

3.11. Based on the results of the review, the expert group prepares a conclusion on the assessment of the specialist’s report and, together with the executive secretary of the certification commission, determines the date for the meeting in the specialty stated in the qualification documentation.

The secretary of the expert group notifies the specialist about the date of the meeting.

3.12. During the expert group meeting, the specialist is tested and interviewed.

Testing involves performing test tasks corresponding to the declared qualification category and specialty, and is recognized as a passed specialist subject to at least 70% correct answers to test tasks.

The interview involves a survey of a specialist by members of an expert group on theoretical and practical issues corresponding to the specialty stated in the qualification documentation.

3.13. At a meeting of the expert group, the secretary of the expert group keeps individual protocols of specialists undergoing qualification procedures (the recommended sample is given in Appendix No. 5 to these Regulations). Each individual protocol is certified by the members and the chairman of the expert group.

3.14. The decision on the compliance of a specialist with the declared category is made based on the results of testing, interviews and taking into account the assessment of the report on the professional activities of the specialist and is entered into the qualification sheet.

3.15. At the meeting, the expert group of the certification commission makes one of the following decisions:

assign a second qualification category;

improve the second qualification category by assigning the first;

upgrade the first qualification category with assignment to the highest;

confirm the previously assigned qualified category;

remove the first (highest) qualification category and assign a lower qualification category;

deprive of qualification category (second, first, highest);

reschedule certification;

refuse to assign a qualification category.

3.16. In case of deprivation, downgrading or refusal to assign a higher qualification category, the specialist’s individual protocol indicates the reasons why the expert group of the certification commission made the corresponding decision.

3.17. The assessment of a specialist’s qualifications is adopted by open voting if at least 2/3 of the members of the expert group of the certification commission are present at the meeting.

3.19. When making a decision to assign a qualification category to a specialist who is a member of the certification commission, the latter does not participate in voting.

3.20. A specialist has the right to take a second qualification exam, but not earlier than one year after a decision is made about non-compliance with the qualification category.

3.21. Individual protocols of the specialists being examined are sent to the executive secretary of the certification commission for the preparation of minutes of the meeting of the certification commission (the recommended sample is given in Appendix No. 6 to these Regulations). The minutes of the meeting of the expert group are certified by the members of the expert group and approved by the deputy chairman of the certification commission.

3.22. Replacing a member of the expert group with another person who is not part of it is not permitted.

3.23. A draft order for the assignment of a qualification category is prepared by the executive secretary of the certification commission based on its decision. The body under which the certification commission is created issues an order to assign a qualification category within one month.

3.24. Within a week from the date of issuance of the order to assign a qualification category, the executive secretary of the certification commission draws up a document confirming receipt of the qualification category, which is signed by the chairman of the certification commission and certified by the seal of the body under which it was created.

3.25. A document confirming the assignment of a qualification category is issued to a specialist or a person authorized by him (based on a power of attorney) upon presentation of an identification document of the recipient, or sent via the postal service (with the consent of the specialist).

3.26. The issued document on assignment of a qualification category is registered in the document registration journal.

3.27. In case of loss of a document on assignment of a qualification category, based on a written application from a specialist to the certification commission, a duplicate is issued within a month. When registering it, the word “Duplicate” is written on the top left side.

3.28. Qualification documentation, copies of orders for the assignment of qualification categories and other organizational and administrative documents relating to the work of the certification commission are stored in the certification commission for five years, after which they are subject to destruction in accordance with the established procedure.

3.29. The specialist has the right to familiarize himself with the documents submitted to the certification commission.

3.30. Decisions of certification commissions, within thirty days from the date of their adoption, can be appealed by sending an application justifying the reasons for disagreement to the bodies under which the certification commissions were created, as well as to the Central Certification Commission.

3.31. In cases of conflict, an employee can appeal the decision of the certification commission in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.32. Information (certificate, extract from the protocol, etc.) about specialists who have received a qualification category can be issued upon a written request from the specialist himself or at the request of law enforcement agencies.

IV. Forms of work of the certification commission

4.1. Certification commission:

analyzes the activities of specialists with higher and secondary vocational education who have submitted documents for obtaining qualification categories;

summarizes the experience of work and implementation of qualification procedures and provides an annual report to the body under which it was created;

considers the need to hold off-site meetings.

4.2. The need to hold an on-site meeting is determined by the certification commission based on requests from organizations and other structures representing the interests of specialists. When studying the issue of the need to hold an on-site meeting, the certification commission has the right to request data on the quantitative composition of specialists wishing to receive a qualification category, and the specialties (directions) declared for the qualification exam.

4.3. The chairman of the certification commission sends to the body under which the certification commission was created a justification for the need (or lack of need) to hold an on-site meeting of the certification commission.

4.4. When preparing a justification for the need (lack of need), the following are taken into account:

workload level of the expert groups of the certification commission and their members at the main place of implementation labor activity;

circumstances due to which specialists wishing to pass the qualification exam cannot appear at the meeting place of the certification commission;

the quantitative composition of specialists wishing to pass the qualification exam;

information about the qualifications of these specialists, provided by the organizations in which they carry out professional activities;

the ability to comply with the requirements, including the qualification procedures established by these Regulations, during the on-site meeting of the certification commission.

4.5. The body under which the certification commission is created makes a decision to hold a visiting meeting of the certification commission and, by its order, approves the personal composition of the certification commission and expert groups, the timing of the visiting meeting of the certification commission and its tasks.

A doctor who treats teeth has not only a specialization (generalist, surgeon, orthodontist, etc.), but also a category. How are they different from each other? categories of dentists, What category does a dentist’s career begin with, and how can it be improved?

Categories of dentists and requirements for obtaining them

For all doctors, including dentists, promotion is a natural part of professional growth. However, first of all, you need to become a dentist, and getting this profession is not so easy. First, yesterday's schoolboy must enter the medical school, and then spend several years mastering the educational program in order to successfully complete it. Medical education is rightfully considered one of the most difficult: to obtain a medical diploma you will need to work long and hard. Meanwhile, the dentist profession is quite popular. This is not only a very interesting specialty, but also one of the highest paid.

So, a dentist's career begins with appropriate education. During their studies at the university, students choose a specialization within which in the future they will be able to increase their category: therapist, orthodontist, periodontist, etc.

Graduation from university is followed by a new stage – internship. Only after finishing it can the dentist begin work. During practice, the doctor will gain professional experience and improve his qualifications. And in order to determine the level of qualification of a doctor and designate it, categories of dentists are assigned.

Like other doctors, dentists can improve their qualifications. The list of requirements corresponding to each category of dentists, as well as the procedure for their assignment, is established by law.

Each profession has its own categories, the number of which can reach six. As for the dental profession, there are only three categories: first, second and highest. The rules for obtaining them are set out in Federal laws and orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

To obtain a higher qualification category, a doctor or pharmacist must be certified. The procedure and timing for medical workers and pharmaceutical workers to undergo certification to obtain a qualification category have been approved

Clause 5 of the Order states that the category of doctor is valid for five years after it was assigned. Clause 6 also clarifies that a doctor can try to pass certification for a higher category only three years after receiving the current category.

Clause 11 states that if a specialist received a category before 08/04/2013, it will be valid for the period for which it was assigned.

According to the first paragraph of the Procedure, the basis for obtaining a doctor of each category is certification.

Initially, the doctor has a basic – second category. Then, if certain conditions are met, he can receive the first, and then the highest category.

Outdated requirements

Current requirements

Five or more years of experience in your specialty

At least three years of experience in their specialty, regardless of whether the dentist has a higher or secondary vocational education

The doctor submitted a report on professional activity, on the basis of which the category was assigned in absentia

Working as a department head or head of a health care facility at the city or district level

Seven or more years of work experience in their specialty if the dentist has a higher education, and five years if the specialist has a secondary vocational education

Work as the head of a medical institution at the regional, regional or republic level

Dentist highest category must have at least ten years of work experience in his specialty if he has a higher education, and from seven years if he has a secondary education

Assignment and confirmation of category in person

The dentist confirms his right to receive a category before a commission that not only evaluates the report, but also conducts an interview

So, the main factor when assigning a new category of dentists is experience. But one diploma and several years of work as a dentist will not be enough.

To successfully pass certification, a doctor must constantly increase his base of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, and improve his qualifications in various ways.

Although even this does not give any guarantee, since the decision on the doctor’s compliance with professional requirements is made in person by the certification commission.

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Preparation for assignment to the category of dentists

Stage 1. Creation of a commission that makes a decision on assigning a qualification category to a doctor.

In order for a dentist to confirm his knowledge to obtain a new category of dentist, he must undergo certification. The doctor is assessed by an attestation commission, the procedure for creating which is indicated in clause 12 of the Procedure approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated April 23, 2013 N 240n. Within the commission there is a coordinating committee and groups of experts.

For each specialty in which candidates will be certified, a separate expert group is assembled.

According to clause 14 of the Procedure, the certification commission must include:

  • chief specialists of medical and pharmaceutical organizations;
  • specialists from non-profit professional medical organizations;
  • representatives of the government body or organization that assembles the commission;
  • representatives of the organization in which the candidate works;
  • other persons.

Clause 14 of the Procedure also notes that a specific list of commission members must be approved by order of the government body or organization that forms this commission.

Stage 2. Submitting a package of documents for consideration by the commission.

Documents should be submitted to the organization or government body that convenes the commission no later than four months before the end of the dentist’s category. It is possible to submit papers both in person and by mail. Clauses 20 and 21 of the Procedure list the list of required documents:

1. Application addressed to the chairman of the commission signed by the doctor himself. It should contain the following data:

  • Full name of the applicant;
  • what category he would like to receive;
  • information about the current dentist category, including the date it was received;
  • consent to receive and process the doctor’s personal data;
  • date of document execution.

2. Certification sheet of the dentist, the form of which can be seen in the first appendix to the Procedure. The printed sheet must be certified by a personnel specialist.

3. Information about the work done for a certain period. For doctors with higher education it is three years, with an average of one year. The report consists of two main parts:

  • description of the work performed by the dentist;
  • summing up professional activities and developing options for its improvement.

The document must be signed by the dentist himself, as well as his employer; The organization's seal is also required.

If for some reason the manager does not agree on the report for assigning the category of dentist, the specialist may require an explanation of the reasons in writing. He includes the received paper in his package of documents.

5. A certified copy of the work book and diploma of higher or secondary specialized education, as well as other documents (certificates, certificates, etc.).

7. If the doctor has changed his last name, first name or patronymic, a document confirming this fact is required.

Clause 21 of the Procedure clarifies that if a dentist submits a package of documents late, an interview for assignment of a new category can be held after the expiration of the current one.

Stage 3. Reception of documents by the commission.

The procedure for accepting documents from doctors is also regulated by the Procedure:

  • when the documents are submitted by the dentist to the commission, they are entered into the registration journal on the same day;
  • then they check the correctness of filling out the application, compliance with the requirements for drawing up the certification sheet, as well as the presence of all necessary documents.

If any errors are detected in the design or the package of documents is incomplete, the commission will refuse the doctor to accept the application. A letter of refusal stating the reasons must be sent within a week. Having received it, the dentist will be able to correct the mistakes made and again submit his documents for consideration by the commission.

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What is the procedure for certification of dentists for the category?

Stage 1.Verification of professional skills.

A dentist can receive a higher category only if he successfully passes an exam consisting of three parts (clause 7 of the Procedure):

  • evaluation by specialists of a report on the work done prepared by a doctor;
  • passing the test;
  • face-to-face interview.

The purpose of these tests is to test the level of knowledge and skills of the dentist and make sure that they really correspond to a higher category. It is those skills that are directly related to the work in the specialty of a given doctor that are assessed. Also remember that a real specialist should know all about dental office cleaning and disinfectants .

According to clause 18 of the Procedure, the commission has the right to evaluate work for the category of dentist only if at least half of all its members are present at the meeting.

Clause 19 regulates the keeping of minutes of the meeting. The secretary fills out the protocol, and after the meeting it must also be signed by the chairman and other members of the commission. The form of this document is given in the second Appendix to the Procedure.

  1. Review by the commission of the received package of documents. According to clause 17 and clause 24 of the Procedure, 30 days are allotted for this.
  2. Also, the doctor’s work report must be reviewed within 30 days. Based on the results of its study, the commission issues an official conclusion.
  3. Within thirty days after submitting the documents, the date and location of the dentist examination must be determined. The specialist must find out where and when the exam will take place at least 30 days before the scheduled date. This information must be communicated to the doctor personally, and can also be additionally posted on the Internet on the official page of the organization and on information stands. Clause 16 of the Procedure allows for remote examinations, as well as the format of an on-site meeting of the certification commission.
  4. Interview and testing. Clause 24 of the Procedure establishes that the interview and testing must be carried out no later than 70 days after the dentist has submitted documents to the commission. As for testing, clause 25 of the Procedure establishes that a result is considered successful when the doctor correctly solves 70% of the test tasks.P. 26 of the Order states that proceeding to the interview is possible only when the dentist has successfully completed the test part of the exam. Experts must find out whether the candidate’s level of knowledge and training corresponds to the category of dentist for which he is applying. To do this, members of the commission will ask questions regarding the theoretical and practical aspects of work in the certified specialty.
  5. The decision to assign or refuse to assign a new category to a doctor, which is made based on the results of testing his knowledge (clauses 19, 27 of the Procedure).

All present members of the certification commission take part in the voting. A simple majority vote is required to decide whether or not to assign a new category to a dentist. If the votes are equally divided, the decision is made by the chairman of the commission.

According to clause 19 of the Procedure, if the candidate is a member of the commission, then he cannot participate in voting on assigning a category to himself.

Clause 27 of the Procedure contains a list of reasons that allow members of the commission to decide to refuse to assign a category:

  • negative assessment of the report on the work done, which the dentist provided to the commission;
  • failure of the candidate to pass the test part of the exam (less than 70% of correct answers);
  • failure of the doctor to appear at the organization on the day of testing or interview.

According to paragraphs 28, 29 of the Procedure, the decision of the commission (if it was decided not to assign a category, the refusal must be justified) is recorded in the minutes of the meeting and in the dentist’s certification sheet.

Clause 19 of the Procedure provides that a member of the commission has the right to disagree with the final decision. In this case, he can express his opinion in writing and attach the paper to the protocol.

Stage 2. Issuing an order to assign new categories to dentists and transferring the relevant documents to them.

Clause 32 of the Procedure provides that, based on the results of meetings of certification commissions, an administrative act of a state body or organization is issued on the assignment of qualification categories to doctors.

Clauses 33 and 34 regulate the procedure for notifying the dentist about the decision taken. To do this, the secretary of the certification commission is obliged to:

  • make an extract from the relevant order, which reflects the results of certification and the assignment of categories of dentists to specialists;
  • deliver the extract to each dentist personally, or arrange postal delivery. The deadline for delivery of the extract is also established by law - no later than 120 days after the doctor submitted the documents for registration;
  • enter information about the delivery or mailing of the extract into the document registration journal.

Stage 3. The doctor appeals the decision taken by the commission.

If a dentist believes that his certification work for the category of dentist has been assessed unfairly, he can file a complaint with the government body or organization under which it was formed. Clauses 16, 35 of the Procedure establish that the doctor has the right to challenge the decision within a year after the decision is made.

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What should a dentist's report look like for a category?

Section 1. Introduction.

Information about the report writer. The volume of this part is about a page. The dentist should briefly describe his work and major achievements. It is worth noting the completion of advanced training courses and mentioning the presence of professional awards.

Information about the dentist's place of work. Here you need to provide basic data about the medical institution, such as the number of visits, types of procedures performed, etc. Particular attention should be paid to the distinctive features of the institution.

Information about the department in which the doctor works. It is necessary to concisely, but at the same time informatively describe the activities of the department, the established principles of labor organization, and performance indicators for the reporting period. Provide information about the technical equipment (availability of equipment for conducting research, procedures, etc.), as well as about the workforce and what place the dentist occupies in it.

Section 2. Main part - information about the dentist’s work activity during the last three years.

All given indicators must be compared with annual data analysis last three years. A candidate for the category of dentist can also cite for comparison similar indicators at the place of work, city, region and country. If you use infographics, you must provide an explanation for it, including:

Description of the contingent. Statistics regarding the age and gender characteristics of patients, the most common diseases, characteristics of the course of the disease, etc. You can compare the characteristics of the population with previous years.

Diagnostic system. The doctor can identify the most common diseases and describe the system for diagnosing them using tables, algorithms, etc. It will be a plus if the dentist demonstrates awareness of modern methods diagnostics, their capabilities, indications and contraindications.

Section 3. List of laws and official documents that the dentist is guided by in his work.

1. Type of document (order, resolution, letter, guidelines).

2. The government body that adopted the document (Ministry of Health, city or regional health department, government).

3.Date of acceptance.

4.Document number.

5.Full name.

Section 4. List of sources.

Author's articles, including those written with the participation of other doctors. It is necessary to provide a photocopy of the journal pages, if the article was published, a list of monographs, titles of reports and other materials written over the past five years.

A list of books on the specialty read by the dentist over the past five years, as well as the literature he used to prepare the report.

Additional payment for categories of dentists

Depending on the level of professionalism of the doctor and the set of skills that he possesses, his salary also changes. After receiving the category of dentist, a specialist can count on an increase.

Both employees and managers of medical institutions can receive additional payments for the category.

The amount of the surcharge will depend on the basic wages dentist

The right to receive it is legislatively enshrined in the annex to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 6.

The supplement is calculated as a percentage of the salary.

The size of a dentist’s salary increase depends on two factors:

  • the qualification category he has;
  • the position that a doctor holds in a medical institution.

However, when determining the amount of the bonus, such a factor as the period of work of the doctor in his position is not taken into account.

Allowances are paid to the doctor monthly from the salary fund.

% bonus in relation to salary

Certification of a doctor (Latin attestatio - certificate) is a determination of the qualifications of a medical specialist in accordance with his theoretical and practical training, carried out by a special commission; Based on the results of certification, the doctor is assigned the appropriate qualification category.

Goals and objectives

Certification of a doctor for assignment of a qualification category is carried out voluntarily (at the request of the doctor) and is considered as one of the mechanisms state control the quality of specialist training and the level of medical care provided to the population.

It is assumed that the certification/recertification system stimulates the growth of specialists’ qualifications and increases personal responsibility in the performance of their functional duties.

During certification, professional qualifications, competence are assessed taking into account compliance with qualification characteristics, as well as the doctor’s ability to perform official duties in accordance with the position held.

The procedure for obtaining qualification categories

The qualifications of a specialist are determined by three qualification categories: second, first and highest. Moreover, the qualification category can be obtained both for the main and for a combined position. When assigning qualification categories, consistency is required, but in rare cases exceptions are made. The requirements are as follows:

Second qualification category
First qualification category
Highest qualification category

Validity periods for qualification categories

Since 2012, a number of social benefits (maintaining the category during pregnancy/maternity leave and parental leave until the child reaches the age of 3 years; maintaining the category for 1 year in case of dismissal due to staff reduction; deferment of recertification for 3 months in case of temporary disability, business trips, etc.) were lost. Now the validity period of a qualification category (without retaking) can be extended only at the request of the chief physician to the certification commission, which either agrees or not.

If a specialist refuses the next re-certification, the previously assigned qualification category is lost from the moment the five-year period for its assignment expires.

Submitting an application

No later than 4 months before the expiration of the qualification category, the specialist must submit an application to the certification commission to confirm the existing qualification category or to obtain a higher one.

The application must be accompanied by an attestation sheet and a work report for the last three years (for specialists with higher professional education) or for the last year (for workers with secondary vocational education), approved by the head of the organization in which the specialist works. Plus the list of documents required according to the Regulations on obtaining qualification categories.

Certification commission and examination procedure

Since previously, according to Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 314 of August 9, 2001, each certification commission itself determined the order, procedures and methods of its work, in different regions of the country this “order, procedure and methods of work” differed significantly:

  • For example, in Samara, when certifying/recertifying for the highest qualification category, it was required to provide a photocopy of an article published in a journal or collection. And in Kemerovo in the 90s, the first category was not given without a certificate.
  • In some regions, certification was organized in 2 stages. At the first stage, doctors go through testing, which included questions on special dangerous infections And HIV infection, in disaster medicine and emergency medical care, in clinical transfusiology, in the examination of temporary disability and, of course, questions in your specialty. At the second stage - through an interview at a meeting of the certification commission (or subcommittee for the specialty).
  • Individual commissions established their own rules and criteria for assigning one or another qualification category. For example, an interesting scale for assessing a specialist doctor during certification was used by the Association of Anesthesiologists of the North-West (St. Petersburg). For the highest category, it was necessary to score more than 5 points, as well as conduct scientific and teaching activities and participate in international conferences.

Since 2011, the “order, procedure and working methods” of certification commissions have become unified. Now certification involves testing and an interview on theoretical and practical issues corresponding to the specialty stated in the qualification documentation.

Specialists who fail the certification tests have the right to re-examine on time, but only one year after the first attempt.

Admission to certification

For certification not allowed doctors who have not undergone advanced training in the certified specialty in state educational institutions over the past five years.

Extreme measures

If the administration of a healthcare facility applies to the certification commission with a proposal for early recertification of a specialist in order to downgrade or remove the qualification category, then it is obliged to send documents to the certification commission containing the validity of this appeal. Re-certification is carried out by inviting this unfortunate person to a meeting of the certification commission. If a doctor does not appear at the commission without a good reason, then recertification can be carried out in his absence.


All decisions of the certification commission can be appealed by the doctor (or the administration of the health care facility) to 30 days from the date of their issuance. It is enough just to send an application justifying the reasons for disagreement to the Central Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation or to the body under which a specific certification commission was created.

Legends of days gone by

In the last century, there were two types of certification in our country (order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 1280 dated December 17, 1981):

  1. Certification to determine knowledge and practical skills is mandatory.
  2. Certification for assignment of a qualification category is voluntary.

Subsequent orders of the Ministry of Health/Medical Industry of the Russian Federation left only one certification - for the assignment of qualification categories. Instead of mandatory certification to determine knowledge and practical skills, certification was introduced.

It's interesting that although " Certification to determine knowledge and practical skills“was established as mandatory for doctors who do not have a qualification category; in fact, it was not mandatory and during the course of it no one found out the level of qualifications of the person being certified.

  • Firstly, who should be sent for this certification was determined by the head physician himself. He himself imagined necessary documents to the commission. The most the main document was the characteristics, which reflected the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the doctor’s work, the level of theoretical and practical training, qualifications, compliance with production discipline, moral qualities, participation in socialist competition, the movement for a communist attitude towards work and in public life.
  • Secondly, certification was carried out only on the basis of submitted documents (without the presence of a doctor), taking into account moral qualities and participation in the public life of the team.

Based on the submitted documents, the certification commission could make three decisions:

  1. the doctor is qualified for his position
  2. corresponds to the position held, subject to mandatory implementation of the commission’s recommendations with certification after a year
  3. does not correspond to the position held

In the latter case, the doctor must be invited to a meeting of the commission, and the head physician must, within two months after the conclusion of the commission, decide to transfer the loser, with his consent, to another job. If such a transfer was impossible (no consent of the doctor or a vacant position), the doctor was fired.

Thus, in principle, a good idea - mandatory control over medical knowledge for everyone - has turned into a fiction (today, only voluntary certification for the assignment of a qualification category remains).

In 2011, the requirements for obtaining qualification categories changed. The new standards were approved by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated July 25, 2011 “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories by medical and pharmaceutical workers.”

Obtaining qualification categories by specialists is carried out on the basis of checking the conformity of professional knowledge and their professional skills in the form of a qualification exam, which is accepted by the certification commission.

The system of certification commissions includes:

The Central Attestation Commission, created by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation;
certification commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, created by healthcare management bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
departmental certification commissions, departmental certification commissions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in healthcare institutions,
scientific and educational medical institutions created by federal executive authorities and other departments according to their affiliation.

Qualification categories are assigned in accordance with the current nomenclature of specialties. Moreover, a specialist can receive a qualification category both in the main and in a combined specialty.

What is the procedure for obtaining qualification categories?

Qualification categories are assigned to specialists who have a level of theoretical training and practical skills corresponding to the qualification characteristics of specialists, and work experience in their specialty:

  • second- at least three years for specialists with higher and secondary vocational education;
  • first- at least seven years for specialists with higher professional education and at least five years for specialists with secondary vocational education;
  • highest- at least ten years for specialists with higher professional education and at least seven years for specialists with secondary vocational education.
When assigning qualification categories, the following sequence is used: second, first, highest.

Specialists who have expressed a desire to receive (confirm) a qualification category submit to the certification commission:

  • an application from a specialist addressed to the chairman of the certification commission, which indicates the qualification category for which he is applying,
  • the presence or absence of a previously assigned qualification category, the date of its assignment, the specialist’s personal signature and date;
  • a completed printed qualification sheet certified by the HR department;
  • a report on the professional activities of a specialist, agreed upon with the head of the organization and certified by its seal, and including an analysis of professional activities for the last three years of work - for specialists with higher vocational education and for the last year of work - for workers with secondary vocational education, with their personal signature. The report must contain the specialist’s conclusions about his work, proposals for improving the organization of the provision and quality of medical care to the population. The report must contain reliable data in the description of the work performed by the specialist, rationalization proposals, and patents. If the head of a medical organization refuses to approve a report on the specialist’s professional activities, the head issues a written explanation of the reasons for the refusal, which is attached to the rest of the examination documentation;
  • copies of education documents (diploma, certificate, certificates, specialist certificates and other documents), work record books, certified in the prescribed manner;
  • in case of change of surname, name, patronymic - a copy of the document confirming the fact of change of surname, name, patronymic;
  • a copy of the certificate of assignment of a qualification category (if available) or a copy of the order of assignment of a qualification category.
Samples of documents can be found in the appendix to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development