MFC issues. Registration registration through MFC. What services can be obtained at any MFC

In 2016 State Duma Russia has simplified the procedure for registration of temporary registration of persons at the place of stay, a special option has been built for the interaction of multifunctional centers and the Federal migration service.

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Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to register at the MFC and what is the time frame for receiving it? Now we will try to answer them.

Questions regarding registration on the territory Russian Federation, it became possible to solve it much easier and faster. It has become possible to obtain temporary registration through MFC centers throughout the country.

To do this, make an appointment at the nearest office for free or, upon arrival, take an electronic queue coupon and wait for a call on the display.

Documents for temporary registration at the MFC

First of all, you need to make sure that people living at the address where you want to register have no complaints, otherwise you will receive a refusal. All of them must provide written approval for temporary registration.

The following documents must be provided to the MFC branch:

  1. Citizen's passport
  2. Compiled for registration at the place of stay
  3. Written approval of all property owners and residents living at this address
  4. If you are registering in a private home,
  5. Hire or rental agreement if you are registering in rental housing

And lastly, you need the consent of the owner in the form of a statement indicating the following information: that he agrees full name, year of birth, place of birth, series and number of the passport issued by whom, at such and such an address.

On the day of submitting documents to the MFC, it is mandatory for all co-owners of the home to appear at the single window, or one, but with notarized powers of attorney.

The co-owner(s) must have a citizen’s passport with him to speed up the process; documents for housing or a lease agreement will not be superfluous, however, if you do not have these, you cannot be refused registration in accordance with the Law; in addition, the MFC representative has access to this information from a single information base.

How long does it take to register temporarily at the MFC?

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The electronic exchange of information between the MFC and the Federal Migration Service has significantly speeded up the process of obtaining documents; this eliminates paper duplication of documents.

Specialists of multifunctional centers are ready to carry out all operations in 1 working day, when previously all procedures took six to eight working days, in addition, you can check. You can do it just as quickly in the MFC.

How much does temporary registration through the MFC cost?

You can find out the exact cost of the temporary registration service through the MFC and the amount of the state fee by calling the toll-free hotline 8 800 100 70 10, from 8 am to 8 pm Moscow time.

According to the law, temporary registration is an absolutely free procedure, but please note that if you go through the procedure within 90 days from the date of moving to another place of origin, you may be subject to administrative fine in the amount of 1,500 to 2,500 rubles. The importance of this event is due to the control of population movement throughout the country.

In addition, you can sign up online for registration at the MFC by visiting the official website of your region and leave an application.

After moving, you first need to register at your place of residence. After registration, you will be able to freely use the property and receive government services without any restrictions. You can register in an apartment or house through various institutions, but the most convenient are multifunctional centers.

What documents are required for registration through the MFC?

After selling real estate or changing your place of residence, you must check out of your previous home and register in a new one. In order to use such services, you need to submit a complete package of documents:

  1. Identity document.
  2. If the apartment is municipal, then the consent of the other residents will be required.
  3. Documents that confirm the right to living space.
  4. Consent of the apartment owner for registration.
  5. Certificate of absence of debt for utilities.

If you do not provide the entire list of documents, the center will independently request them, and accordingly this will require additional time.

An MFC employee will check all the documents and give you a receipt indicating the approximate date the documents will be ready.

If you want to check out of the apartment remotely, you will need to provide 2 passports (the one who represents your interests by proxy and the passport of the one who is checking out).

What are the nuances when applying for registration through the MFC?

When registering for an apartment through the MFC, there are some features:

  • When registering someone who is not the owner of the property, the consent of the property owner is required;
  • You can register a newborn only in the apartment where at least 1 of the parents is registered;
  • When registering a child under 14 years of age, the applicant may be a parent or legal representative. In this case, the child will receive a registration form. Only the parent can sign the application;
  • If you want to check out of the apartment remotely and by proxy, then the authorized person must provide original passports everywhere. A person can be discharged without consent only after a court decision. But there are some situations in which there may be exceptions: when providing a death certificate for a citizen who is serving a sentence in prison;
  • Employees of multifunctional centers cannot demand a military ID from citizens who want to register or check out of an apartment.

There is no need to bring original documents to the living space, but it is recommended to provide copies so that there are no questions from Rosreestr.

Registration registration through the MFC

In order to register in a new place, you do not need to sign out from your old address in advance. The registration and registration at the new address will be automatically carried out.

In order to register through, you need to do the following:

  1. Collect all necessary documents.
  2. View the addresses and operating hours of the nearest centers. You can find such information on the official website of the MFC. You can also make an appointment in advance by calling the hotline or on the website. But this is not at all necessary. You can come to the MFC at any time and receive an electronic queue coupon. In the terminal you must select the service: “Registration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation (in terms of receiving and issuing documents on registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation Federation)".
  3. After the call, go to the MFC employee and present all documents.
  4. On the specified date you need to come to the MFC and receive a document with a new registration mark. If the applicant does not have a passport, he will be issued a registration certificate.

In order to obtain temporary registration, you need to use another form to fill out an application.

At the MFC, check out and register in new apartment possible within 4-8 days.

How to register a child in an apartment through the MFC?

Not only adults, but also children can register through the multifunctional center. Typically, registration of children occurs within the first month of birth or within 7 days after the birth certificate is issued.

In order to register a child through the multifunctional center, it is necessary to prepare the following package of documents:

  1. Application for registration of a child.
  2. Birth certificate.
  3. Passport of both parents.
  4. Marriage certificate (if available).
  5. Documents establishing paternity or adoption.

In addition to original documents, photocopies must be prepared.
You can register a child only at the place of residence of the parents. A child cannot be registered at the place of residence of grandparents or other relatives. You can register a child without the consent of the property owner or other family members.

In the case where the parents are registered at different addresses, the child can be registered with the mother without the consent of the father. If the child is registered at the father’s place of residence, the mother must write her consent and have it certified by a notary.

On general principles Children over 14 years of age are registered at their place of residence.

Terms and cost of registration through the MFC

The multifunctional center does not charge a state fee for the provision of such a service. But this applies only to citizens of the Russian Federation. Citizens of other countries are required to pay a fee. The state duty amount is 350 rubles.

After submitting the documents, registration in the apartment and issuance of documents will be carried out within 7 working days. If you have not provided a departure slip, the registration processing time may increase.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to contact Multifunctional centers(MFC) is not at your place of registration, so it is better to clarify in advance what you can do in this case. Since January 2018, the list of services provided to the population through the MFC has expanded significantly.

However, accepted Federal law is being implemented gradually according to the approved schedule, therefore in each region it is necessary to clarify what services are available regardless of the citizen’s registration at the place of residence. Find your nearest center in our directory.

How can you contact the MFC at a location other than your place of registration?

From the beginning of 2018, the updated Federal Law No. 384 “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services” and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1500 “On amendments to the Rules for submitting notifications about the commencement of certain types of services” come into force entrepreneurial activity and taking into account the specified notifications.” And also on January 19, 2018, D. Medvedev signed order No. 43-r, which spells out all services provided on an extraterritorial basis. The document can be viewed.

This Law provides that in the country, regardless of the applicant’s place of residence, it is possible to submit an application for the provision of services to any unit of the relevant executive authority, state extra-budgetary fund or multifunctional center.

Thus, the principle of extraterritorial service to citizens has been legalized, who can contact the MFC and submit documents for registration in a region other than where they are registered at their place of temporary or permanent residence, that is, not by registration. To contact any Multifunctional Center, identification documents and other documents necessary in the process of resolving a specific issue are required.

The list of services provided by all MFCs includes more than 40 items that reflect the most popular needs of the population and affect the activities of the following government agencies:

  • Rosreestr ( state registration rights and real estate transactions, cadastral registration);
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs:
  • Ministry of Finance;
  • Ministry of Justice;
  • Federal Tax Service;
  • Federal Customs Service;
  • Federal Bailiff Service;
  • Social Insurance Fund;
  • Pension Fund;
  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Rosselkhoznadzor;
  • Rostrud;
  • Rosvodresursy;
  • Rosimushchestvo.

What services can be obtained at any MFC

Regardless of your place of stay (temporary registration) or residence (permanent registration), you can contact any MFC to receive the following services:

  • Civil Registry Office (civil registry);
  • submit documents for the issuance of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (upon reaching 14, 20 or 45 years of age), in case of replacement or loss of an identity document;
  • foreign passport;
  • registration of citizens at their place of residence;
  • migration registration of foreign citizens;
  • hunting license;
  • issue or replacement of a driver's license;
  • registration of a vehicle;
  • individual entrepreneur registration ( individual entrepreneur) and LLC (limited liability companies);
  • TIN (individual tax number);
  • SNILS (individual personal account insurance number);
  • extract from Rosreestr;
  • registration of ownership of real estate;
  • registration of benefits individual categories and various benefits.

Of course, MFCs cannot replace departmental powers, but they contribute to more efficient receipt and processing of documents. Even if the period for issuing the result is extended compared to the relevant authority, the person does not waste time returning to the place of registration.

In each individual case, an MFC specialist considers the possibility of providing a service and issues a list additional documents for its implementation (contracts, licenses, various extracts and certificates). At this time, a bill is being considered that states that many of the supporting documents required for registration should be requested by the departments involved, rather than involving citizens for this.

Territorial and extraterritorial principle of applying to the MFC

Whether it is necessary to contact the MFC at your place of registration or whether you can use services in another region depends on what documents are needed. Most often, it is necessary to comply with the territorial principle of application when applying for unemployment benefits. maternity capital after the birth of the second (or subsequent) child, when calculating child benefits, placing on a waiting list for child care preschool(nursery or kindergarten).

This is due to the level of interaction between certain government structures; sometimes it depends on regional programs to provide additional help certain categories of citizens. For example, in various regions child benefits are allocated from local budget, which can only be obtained by citizens registered only in this region.

Terms and costs for extraterritorial circulation

When contacting the MFC, specialists always indicate the exact deadlines for processing and issuing finished documents, which may differ slightly from those provided for in specialized institutions. For example, registration of temporary or permanent registration at the place of residence may take 3–5 days longer than when directly contacting the Department for Population Migration (formerly the Federal Migration Service).

Service to citizens is provided free of charge, regardless of the place and availability of registration, however, it is necessary to provide all payment documents (receipts for payment of state duties and others) necessary for the registration procedure. To contact the MFC, you can pre-register on the website at electronic queue to select the most convenient time.

In 2017, it became possible to register and formalize property through the MFC. This service can be received by an individual or a legal entity. It is much more convenient to prepare documents through the multifunctional center than through other institutions.

What documents are required to register ownership in the MFC?

Before visiting the MFC, you must collect a complete package of documents for registration and registration of real estate. Documents must comply legislative acts, which include: apartments, land plots, dachas, etc.

To register and register real estate you must have the following documents:

  1. Identity document. For example, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a passport of a citizen of another country with a notarized translation into Russian, or a birth certificate (for minor children). It is impossible to register real estate using a military ID or a refugee document.
  2. Application for registration of property. You can fill out the application in advance by downloading it from the official website or fill it out at the center with the help of an employee.
  3. A document that establishes rights. For example, a purchase and sale agreement, a written contract, a privatization certificate, land acts, a shared construction agreement, a cadastral passport, etc.

You need to pay in advance state fee. Not all MFCs require a payment receipt. Almost all multifunctional centers have a modern intranet through which an employee can view the payment of fees by the client’s name or property address. You can pay the state fee at the bank or at the terminal of the center.

If the applicant is unable to visit the center, he can be replaced by a representative who has a power of attorney to act on his behalf. If the participant in the transaction cannot fill out the application on his own, then you can use the help of a handyman.

Cost of registering property rights in the MFC?

In order to apply for registration of property through the MFC, you must pay a state fee. Separate prices are calculated for different categories. Let's look at the most popular options:

  1. A plot of land near a residential building (share) costs 100 rubles. Land for further construction – 350 rubles. Land for farmland is 50 rubles.
  2. Garage space - 500 rubles.
  3. Apartment, dacha, house, estate, estate - 2000 rubles.
  4. Office or warehouse – 2000 rubles.
  5. Repeated issuance of the USRN extract is 350 rubles.

If the property is registered by inheritance, then you must pay an additional 0.3% of the amount. This amount cannot exceed 100,000 rubles for close relatives. For third parties 0.6 from cadastral value real estate, but not more than 1 million rubles.

For legal entities and organizations:

  1. An apartment, a dacha, a manor, an estate, a manor is 22,000 rubles.
  2. Industrial or non-residential premises– 22,000 rubles.
  3. Land - 15,000 rubles.
  4. Repeated issuance of the Unified State Register – 1000 rubles.

What kind of real estate can be registered with the MFC?

Through multifunctional centers you can register various real estate. Here are several options that can be registered through the MFC:

  1. House or parts thereof.
  2. Apartment or room.
  3. Garage
  4. Dachas under amnesty.
  5. Industrial or non-residential premises.
  6. Land plot.

If a multifunctional center does not provide such a service, you can contact the appropriate institution.

Registration and registration of property rights in the MFC

Once the entire list of documents has been collected, you can contact the nearest MFC. To do this, you need to make an appointment in advance and show up at the appointed time. If you have not done this, you can use the electronic queue coupon.
Next, fill out the application with the help of an employee or prepare it in advance. Pay the state fee in advance or use a payment terminal.
After submitting the documents, an employee will check them and give you a receipt with a number by which you can track the readiness of the documents.

Deadline for registration of ownership rights at the MFC

The multifunctional center does not independently register real estate. All documents are sent to Rosreestr, where the termination of ownership of the previous owner is registered. After this, the documents are sent back to the MFC. The period for registering real estate usually does not exceed 10 days. The average period is 5 days. The receipt issued by the employee indicates the approximate date of document readiness. You can check the status of your application using the special number indicated on the receipt.

How to register property that is inherited?

The principle of registering property received by inheritance is slightly different from the usual one. Let's consider what types of inheritance are available at the moment:

  1. By legislative order in force.
  2. According to a pre-written will.

In the first and second cases, where the basic document will confirm your rights, that is, a certificate of inheritance rights, which is issued by a notary.

To obtain such a document, you need to contact a notary’s office no later than six months after the death of the testator. After your application, the notary will study all the nuances and when he checks the information about other heirs, he will be able to issue a certificate. But it can be issued no earlier than 6 months after death.

Registration of real estate through the MFC is much more convenient and faster than through other organizations, since you can make an appointment in advance via the Internet.

Do you need to change your passport or driver license, register maternity capital, register property rights, pay utility bills? All these services can be obtained in one place - in the multifunctional center. Similar organizations appeared in Russia recently, for the first time in Moscow, and now they exist in many parts of our country, and their number is growing.


The functions of the MFC are limited to contacting municipal and government agencies, and based on current laws issue the requested documents.

What is MFC?

MFC is a “one-stop shop” service that provides the Russian population with various services from state and municipal organizations within a city or country. The applicant requests the documents he needs not to the municipal authorities, but directly to the center’s specialists. They send requests for issuance necessary documents state standard to municipal authorities. The time frame within which this service will be provided to the citizen is determined. He is notified about them, and at the appointed time comes to the MFC for the finished results of the documents.

The purpose of the MFC is:

  1. Provide the population with the opportunity to receive various government services in one place.
  2. Implement interdepartmental coordination of government agencies.
  3. Reduce the burden on state and municipal authorities to provide assistance to the population.
  4. Minimize the time it takes for citizens to respond to requests.
  5. Give them the opportunity to follow the process necessary documents, inform them about the activities of the center.
Additional information

There is an Internet portal called State Services, where you can find out where to go for certain questions. And there are multifunctional MFC centers where specialists will provide complete information, process personal data, and prepare documents within the specified time frame. Interaction with state and municipal authorities takes place without the participation of the applicant.

Who can draw up documents at the MFC?

The following can draw up documents at the MFC:

  1. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have received a passport from the age of 14 (before this, documents at the MFC for young children are received by their parents or legal representatives).
  2. Foreign citizens currently residing in the Russian Federation.
  3. Individual entrepreneurs.
  4. Legal entities.

Does the state need to pay for services provided? No, studying documents at the MFC is free. Only the state fee is paid - for issuing a passport, registering property, deed of gift, etc. Get medical compulsory medical insurance policy, SNILS, etc. are possible without any fee.

List and categories of documents

At the MFC you can issue documents of various categories.

  1. Personal papers:
    • Replace the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation after expiration (at 20, 45 years)
    • International passport.
    • Driver's license (renewed and upon replacement), compulsory motor liability insurance.
    • Hunter's ticket, permission to carry a weapon.
    • Confirmation of the absence or presence of a criminal record.
    • Prepare a work book.
  2. Family issues:
    • Arrange for alimony.
    • Submit documents to receive child benefits (lump sum at birth, maternity capital, benefits for low-income and large families).
    • Get SNILS.
    • Place your child on a waiting list kindergarten, first grade of school.
    • All questions regarding registration and discharge of close relatives, including newborn children.
    • Obtain a death or birth certificate.
    • File a divorce and obtain a certificate.
    • Change your last name.
  3. Financial services:
    • Get a supplement to any benefit.
    • Financial assistance and tax deductions.
    • Pay transport tax.
    • Submit documents to apply for a pension, to receive a social card.
  4. Housing services:
    • Apply for temporary registration at your place of stay.
    • Register or stop registering in the house register.
    • Pay utility bills, apply for a subsidy for utility bills.
    • Registration of purchase and sale of an apartment, garage, land plot, dacha amnesty.
    • Accept inheritance, gift agreement, privatization.
    • Register ownership.
    • Obtain a building permit, a certificate from the BTI, about family composition (Form 9).
    • Submit meter readings.
    • Apply for a cadastral passport.
  5. Medical services:

Business services: loan processing, individual entrepreneurship and LLC.

How to check readiness?

The applicant submits documents to the MFC according to the list provided by the center’s specialists, and established deadlines gets the result. After submitting an application for the service, a receipt is issued with a list of documents submitted and indicating the number (if it is not specified, you should definitely check with the center employee), by which you can track what stage of readiness the registration of the requested papers is at (foreign passport, SNILS, how the review is progressing applications for maternity capital, etc.). You can do this:

  • by contacting hotline center of your region by phone;
  • on his official website;
  • contact the specialists in person with a receipt, but not earlier than the deadline indicated in it for the execution of the application;
  • on the support chat of the MFC website (not everywhere there is such a site).
Additional information

Some MFCs send SMS messages to their clients about the readiness of documents.

The applicant can receive documents in person upon presentation of a passport and receipt, or by a power of attorney certified by a notary for a representative.

Nuances of processing documents at the MFC

There are some differences in the processing of documents in this institution and directly municipal organizations. As is known, the center is an intermediary between them and the applicant. General stages of registration of services:

  1. The package of documents required is the same.
  2. The same amount of state duty.
  3. There is only one application form.
  4. A receipt will be given both there and there.
  5. Pre-registration is available online.

Differences in the work of the MFC:

  1. More convenient work schedule (from 8:00 to 20:00, Saturday is a working day).
  2. There is an ATM where you can pay the state fee (one paid elsewhere is not accepted, as the details are different).
  3. The center’s specialists will make free photocopies of documents for submission.
  4. The deadline for the preparation and provision of documents in a “one-stop shop” organization increases by several days, since it takes time for delivery from the organization that issues them.
  5. It is not always possible to get a free consultation, since the center’s specialists are not familiar with all the nuances of processing certain transactions (for example, real estate).

Let's look at the example of real estate registration. When applying to Rosreestr, you need to collect the same package of documents, pay a state fee in the amount of two thousand rubles plus 400 rubles for a paper registration certificate and 250 rubles. on electronic.

Additional information

To reduce the time spent on obtaining results, you should familiarize yourself in advance with the procedure for processing the necessary papers and documents, submit the entire package, so as not to repeatedly apply for the restoration of the missing ones, since this takes time, and then the process of obtaining the necessary services will be reduced to a minimum.

Multifunctional centers are modern institutions that are within walking distance and are a convenient way to receive various services in one place. They are present even in the smallest populated areas. An increasing number of Russian citizens use them.