Junior officer courses. Accelerated commander courses for obtaining an officer rank. University with a military department

Good evening, Alexander!

According to ORDER of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated 03/17/2003 85 ON TRAINING COURSES FOR JUNIOR OFFICERS OF THE GROUND FORCES (Relevant in 2017):

1. Training in the courses is carried out according to accelerated training programs for military personnel in military specialties to acquire the skills necessary to perform duties in the primary military positions of officers, on the basis of the existing secondary (complete) general, secondary vocational or higher professional education without increasing the educational level in students. The standard period of study for the courses is 10 months, classes begin on July 1 annually. Upon completion of the courses, graduates are considered to have received reduced military training.
2. Specific training specialties from the list of training specialties in courses for which recruitment must be carried out are determined annually on the basis of applications submitted by the commanders of military districts, by the decision of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces - Deputy Minister of Defense Russian Federation. The size of the training group for each specialty must be at least 20 military personnel.
3. Military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (except for officers) who are undergoing military service under a contract (if there are at least 2.5 years left before its expiration) and by conscription (who have served for at least 6 months), under the age of 27 at the time of enrollment.

Citizens in the reserve who have expressed a desire to study at the courses, in the established order, enter military service under a contract and are appointed to vacant military positions, for which the state provides for the military ranks of soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen.
Military personnel must have a higher (incomplete higher) professional or secondary vocational education, confirmed by the corresponding state diploma. As an exception, by decision of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, agreed with the Main Personnel Directorate, military personnel with secondary (complete) general education may be considered as candidates for enrollment in courses:
those undergoing conscription military service (who have served for at least 18 months), holding the positions of platoon commanders (chiefs of crews), company foremen (batteries), senior technicians of companies (batteries);
those undergoing military service under a contract (if at least 2.5 years remain before its expiration) and conscription (having served for at least 6 months), holding military positions as sergeants and privates, having experience in combat operations and awarded state awards.

4. VUS for military positions of military personnel or civilian specialties must be single-disciplinary training specialties for training for which they are considered as candidates. As an exception, candidates may be considered whose military qualifications for the military positions they occupy do not correspond to the specialties of training in the courses due to the fact that they were appointed to these military positions during the year in connection with organizational and staffing measures from military positions that have a military qualification, single-disciplinary specialties training courses.
5. Enrollment of military personnel in courses is carried out by orders of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for Personnel, agreed with the Main Personnel Directorate, in accordance with the staffing number of variable personnel and training specialties established for the courses.
6. The deduction of military personnel of the variable composition of the courses is carried out by orders of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces - the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for Personnel, at the request of the commanders of the military districts on the territory of which the courses are located.
Dismissed military personnel of variable composition are sent for further military service to the military units from which they entered the courses. Transfer of variable personnel to other courses is not permitted.
7. Personal appointment of course graduates to vacant military positions of platoon commanders (crew chiefs), subject to replacement by junior officers, is carried out by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Simultaneously with appointment to military positions, military personnel who have a higher professional education related to the relevant military education system are awarded the first military rank"lieutenant". The rest of the military personnel, upon appointment to military positions, are awarded the first military rank of “junior lieutenant”.

Best regards, Evgeniya

Even a civilian employee who has nothing to do with the army can dream of a military career. Nevertheless, many are wondering whether it is too late to start learning the military craft, especially if before that you had to follow a different path than a military man? First of all, you need to understand what each person means by career.

  • The title doesn't really matter. The main thing is to have a corresponding position that would bring decent financial support.
  • The desire to achieve high ranks. Money fades into the background, since the army, first of all, is a calling.
  • Some average judgment about the listed factors.

Once the problem is stated, let's reformulate it. This will make it easier to find the answer to your question. How to obtain an officer rank, and can a contract soldier become an officer?

In search of the shortest path to the coveted shoulder straps, many users search for information on various forums. A trivial study of legislation does not give a complete picture of the purpose of titles, so we are often inclined to take the word of any interlocutor. The problem is that truly constructive advice can only be given by studying all the motives and goals of the future serviceman. As an alternative, we suggest dividing situations into separate groups and considering each in more detail.

The army is a dream from early childhood

In this case, everything is extremely simple. It is necessary to prepare in advance for admission to a higher military educational institution. Only such institutions produce specialists with the rank of lieutenant. In addition to the usual entrance exams required for admission to a civilian university, you will have to take physical training.

In close cooperation with the local department of the military commissariat, a medical examination of the applicant is carried out. Back in April, an application is submitted and a personal file begins to take shape. The results of the medical examination are sent to the selected university, after which the young man awaits an official call to conduct additional entrance tests.

Education at the university is carried out according to full-time. After just one year of training, a cadet can sign a contract obliging him to serve five years upon graduation. Further, the young lieutenant can be distributed to garrisons that require contract officers. Promotion will depend on the improvement of professional skills, position and personal qualities.

University with a military department

Recently, there are fewer and fewer higher educational institutions that have a military department, but they have not completely disappeared yet. The student learns not only a civilian profession, but also studies some issues of military activity. Theoretically, a graduate of such a university receives the rank of lieutenant. Practice shows that you can become a full-fledged officer after passing training. As a contract soldier, a serviceman holds an officer position.

University without a military department

Until now we have considered less popular situations, since in them, more or less, everything is defined. But if there is civil higher education, and there was no military department, then with a small degree of probability you can become a junior officer. The fact is that the assignment of regular and extraordinary ranks is within the competence of the unit command. The corresponding position may require a representative who has not so much military skills as experience working with office equipment, documentation, and communications equipment.

Homogeneous professions obtained in civilian universities are especially welcome. Even formally, the problem of lack of rank can be solved by arranging a newcomer for short-term lieutenant courses. You should not delude yourself in such a situation, as the pitfall will be difficulties in further growth. You can’t do this without a reliable protégé.

Without higher education

Sad news for those who dream of officer's shoulder straps without having a higher education. Here the situation can be resolved in three ways.

  1. Based on unimaginable personal merit, a soldier can be appointed to a lieutenant position. You can wait for such a will of fate all your life.
  2. The second method is that before the end of the contract, the serviceman has the right (if age permits) to enter a military university. After five or six years of training, activity will continue at the rank of lieutenant.
  3. Finally, no one forbids a Russian contract soldier to study in a civilian specialty by correspondence without interrupting his service. This outcome is often attractive, since the serviceman has some benefits upon admission and can count on time off to take entrance exams, intermediate and final certification. Then everything happens according to the algorithm described above.

Officer courses

It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on the possibility of taking officer courses for contract soldiers, since many believe that it is not worth wasting precious time on getting an education. After several months of course preparation, all paths will be open. This attitude is unacceptable. Let us cite as an example excerpts from the regulations on retraining at the Mikhailovsky Military Artillery Academy (MVAA).

  • Officer courses for contract soldiers with higher education are organized only at the direction of the Main Personnel Directorate under the Ministry of Defense. This means that training is irregular.
  • No one other than the State Administration can provide up-to-date information about the need for personnel, therefore information about the beginning of course training should be obtained from official sources.
  • Officer courses are organized only for contract soldiers.
  • The student must have a higher education, and the profile corresponds to the military specialty.
  • Training is carried out exclusively in the direction of the military district. Independent initiative is excluded.

It should be understood that upon completion of such courses after being awarded the rank of lieutenant, the previous contract is canceled and a new one is concluded for five years.

Reinstatement to military service

One of the most discussed topics was the reinstatement of “reserves” into service. Many truly experienced officers were left out of work against their own will. In those periods when the army was still in decline, the rationalization proposal was to reduce staff. Many not only experienced, but also combat commanders in various ranks fell under this decision. Since 2016, the situation has changed dramatically. Now contract service for reserve officers has become more than just accessible. Visiting commissions are organized, the work of which is aimed at agitation and “invitation” to serve.

An officer sent to the reserve can, if he wishes, contact the military registration and enlistment office department, where he will be helped with his restoration. Unfortunately, contract service for officers does not provide for reinstatement, but the retained rank will allow you to choose a worthy alternative.

The initiative to return comes from the commander of the eastern military district. In 26 regions of Russia there are mobile campaign groups that have all the reliable information about the “reserves”. The groups' activities take place in military commissariats. In the first six months, such subjects as St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Tambov, Lipetsk, Kursk, Bryansk, Saratov Chelyabinsk regions were covered.

The results were not long in coming. Statistics indicate that cases of officers requesting reinstatement have become more frequent. Combined arms formations, the navy, the military space forces and the air defense forces were replenished with professional personnel.

To summarize, it should be noted that a private cannot become an officer, but in modern Russian army All conditions have been created so as not to discourage the desire to advance in your career and achieve success. IN recent years The level of confidence in the armed forces among young people has increased significantly, which has resulted in an increase in the number of applicants to military universities.

Employees of military commissariats note that the proportion of draft dodgers has decreased, and the number of guys remaining to serve under contract has increased sharply. All this suggests that the army represents a stronghold of stability not only for civilians of the state, but also for the military personnel themselves.

DVOKU became a participant in a new project conceived by the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense. The school hosts accelerated (six-month) training courses for contract officers. At the end of October, the first graduation and assignment of the next titles will take place.

This is a kind of exam that summarizes several months of theoretical and practical training. 62 contract soldiers with higher education arrived at DVOKU from various regions of the country in the spring. We spent the whole summer at the training ground.

“We structured our program in such a way as to devote a large share of time to the practical component. We practice in ten disciplines: tactics, medical support, defense, engineering support, military topography, physical training, driving combat vehicles, operation,” said Vladimir Rukosuev, deputy head of the Department of Military Training and Control.

Simultaneously with DVOKU, such classes are conducted in several other military universities in the country. This is dictated by scarcity. junior officers in the Russian army. The best are promoted.

“Many guys have a wealth of military experience behind them, some have combat experience in various hot spots. The age limit is from 20 to 35 years, so the guys managed to take part in many military operations,” said a student of the accelerated officer training course from Samara region Valery Khakhov.

Many of these guys went through some stages of a complex training (for example, carrying a wounded man from the battlefield or overcoming a fire-assault line) in reality. So it wasn’t difficult for them to pass the test.

“During today’s training, the personnel showed high-quality training over the past 5 months that they have been here. I believe that these soldiers will make excellent platoon leaders. They will become assistants to their senior commanders and worthy commanders for training conscript personnel,” said Valentin Kapitonov, head of the professional training course.

Based on the results of this lesson, mentors gave access to state certification, which is scheduled for mid-October. And on the 27th there will be a ceremony for awarding course graduates the rank of lieutenant.

Svetlana Dyuzhova

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Topic 9. How to become an officer in the Russian army


1. The role of the officer corps in the Russian army

2. Rules for the admission of citizens to military educational institutions

The role of the officer corps in the Russian army

Officers are an administrative and legal category of persons who have military and military-special training (education and personally assigned officer rank).

Military educational institutions in our country first appeared under Peter I. mid-19th century in Russia there were 4 military academies, 20 cadet corps, 9 schools, 7 military schools. By the end of the 19th century, military educational institutions were divided into four categories: higher - military academies with a training period of 3-5 years; secondary schools and special schools with a duration of study of 2-3 years; secondary general education military gymnasiums and cadet corps with a training period of 6-7 years; lower military schools with a duration of study of one year.

Currently, the training of officers for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in various specialties is mainly carried out in military educational institutions of vocational education.

The leading educational, methodological and scientific centers in the military education system are military academies. A number of military academies are among the oldest institutions of higher education in the country. The Naval, Military Engineering, Military Artillery Academy and the Peter the Great Military Academy were organized in the middle of the 19th century, and the Military Medical Academy in 1798. All of them trace their history back to officer classes and schools created even earlier, at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries.

Today, the main purpose of academies is to train highly qualified officers who already have higher education and experience in officer service for higher positions. In other words, academies provide their graduates with a second higher education as specialists in managing large military groups. Graduates are appointed to positions, as a rule, no lower than the regimental level. At the same time, a number of academies accept young men who do not have officer ranks with secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education.

Military universities as a new type of military educational institutions were organized in 1995.

Military academies and military universities are multi-level military educational institutions. In addition to training leading military personnel with higher military education, they train officers for primary officer positions.

The institutions that provide training for military personnel to fill primary officer positions are military institutes. They train officers - certified specialists with higher military-special education in more than 250 specialties necessary for the army and navy.

In the coming years, the number of military institutes will increase due to the transformation of higher military schools into corresponding units.

Rules for the admission of citizens to military educational institutions

Citizens of the Russian Federation are admitted to military universities:

— with secondary (complete) general education or secondary vocational education;

- those who have not completed military service and who turned 17 years old by the end of the year, but not older than 21 years old inclusive for the year of admission;

- those who have served or have completed military service - up to 23 years of age inclusive for the year of admission.

Admission to military educational institutions is carried out on the basis of a personal application (report) of citizens, on the basis of which they are admitted to preliminary professional selection in district (city) military commissariats or in military units.

Those who submit a report are considered as candidates for admission to military universities.

Candidates receive information about the time and place of arrival to undergo professional selection through military commissariats or through the headquarters of military units.

Professional selection is carried out by university admissions committees from June 5 to June 25. During the selection process, candidates are checked according to the following criteria:

- state of health;

— military-professional orientation and individual psychological qualities;

— physical training;

- general education training.

Individual psychological qualities are checked during the candidate’s interview with professional selection specialists and during testing.

All entrance exams are conducted according to programs corresponding to curriculum secondary (complete) general education.

All military universities take entrance exams in three stages. The first stage is a psychological and psychophysiological examination of candidates. The second stage is a physical fitness test. The third stage - general education preparation is tested in the following subjects: mathematics (Unified State Exam results), physics (Unified State Exam results), Russian language (Unified State Exam results).

Candidates who have graduated from a secondary (complete) educational institution with a medal or from a secondary vocational educational institution with a “red” diploma and who meet the requirements of professional selection pass one exam in their core subject determined by the head of the higher military educational institution.

Upon receiving a grade of “five,” these candidates are exempt from further examinations, and upon receiving a grade of “four” or “three,” they will take exams in all other subjects included in the exams.

By decision of the admissions committees, winners of olympiads and competitions in individual subjects may be exempt from taking entrance exams in these subjects with a grade of “five” on the examination sheet.

The law provides some benefits for those entering military educational institutions. In particular, travel for candidates is free. It is provided by military commissariats (commanders of military units), and in case of failure to enroll, by the heads of universities at the expense of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Candidates arriving at universities are provided with free accommodation and meals, teaching aids and literature.

Candidates from among civilian youth who are not accepted for study as they have not passed professional selection are seconded to military commissariats at their place of residence. Personal files and other documents indicating the reasons for refusal to enroll in studies, as well as certificates of the results of admission to a military educational institution, are issued to candidates against signature.

Persons who have not completed military service, when enrolled in military educational institutions, acquire the status of military personnel undergoing conscription military service.

Upon reaching the age of eighteen, they enter into a contract for military service, but not before completing the first year of training.

Citizens who have completed military service under a contract, as well as those who are or have completed military service by conscription, upon enrollment in the specified educational institutions, enter into a contract before the start of training.

Those undergoing military service under a contract, when enrolled in military educational institutions, enter into a new contract.

Military personnel receiving professional military education enter into a first contract for military service for the duration of their studies at the specified educational institution and for five years of military service after its completion.

Military personnel who refuse to enter into a contract for military service in the prescribed manner are subject to expulsion from military educational institutions of vocational education

3. Conditions of study in military educational institutions

The academic year begins on September 1 and is divided into two semesters, each of which ends with an examination session. However, for first-year cadets, the academic year begins on August 1. For one to two months, they undergo combined arms training, during which they become familiar with the basics of military service and their future officer profession.

At the end of each semester, cadets are provided with vacation leaves: winter for fourteen days and summer for thirty days.

Classes are held six times a week.

More than 60 contract soldiers received the rank of lieutenant after retraining courses at DVOKU

As in civilian universities, the total volume academic work cadets are planned at a rate of no more than fifty-four hours per week. Of these, no more than thirty-six hours per week are allocated for classes with a teacher in all courses except the final year, and no more than thirty hours per week in the final year. The rest of the time is allocated for independent work cadets. It is mandatory not only to attend all classes with the teacher (classes according to the schedule), but also to self-study.

During their studies, cadets undergo practical training (production, repair, ship and other, depending on the specialty they receive). At the final stage of training, a military (naval) internship is organized. During the internship, conducted directly in the troops or navies, cadets acquire practical skills in performing the duties of their job description.

The performance of cadets is checked during ongoing monitoring, exams and tests. For excellent and well-performing cadets, along with the incentives established for military personnel, a number of additional benefits and advantages are provided:

— cadets who have demonstrated outstanding abilities may be awarded special (nominal) scholarships (by the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation);

— cadets of the second and subsequent years may be allowed to take exams and tests early; they can use the freed up time as they wish, including to increase the duration of vacations;

— cadets of the second and subsequent years can be transferred to training according to individual plans;

— in addition to the main specialty, the right to study disciplines of a second specialty may be granted, and upon full completion of its programs, to receive a second diploma upon graduation.

Those who throughout their entire training in all exams and tests received only excellent grades may be awarded gold medal(in higher military educational institutions); The names of the best graduates are included on the university honor board.

Those who graduate from a university with a gold medal and a diploma with honors or only with a diploma with honors are paid a one-time monetary reward. They have a preferential right to choose their place of service.

In connection with the additions made to Federal law“On military duty and military service” the Government of the Russian Federation approved the Regulations on military training centers and the Regulations on military training faculties (military departments) at federal state educational institutions of higher professional education.

The military training center is created for the purpose of training under the military training program for citizens of the Russian Federation studying at this educational institution on a full-time basis, for them to complete after completing this educational institution military service under contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in military positions to be filled by officers. Military training is carried out on a voluntary basis on the basis of an agreement concluded between a citizen and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Citizens up to the age of 24 who have expressed a desire to receive military training must undergo a preliminary selection, in particular to determine their health fitness for military service. The preliminary selection of candidates is carried out by the military commissariat at the place of military registration of the citizen or at the location of the higher educational institution in the manner established by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

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Currently, young people are approaching the moment of their first, truly serious, independent choice - choosing a future path in life.

Among the possible and accessible professions, there is one that has always been and will be worthy and in demand in our country.

How can I take the junior officer course?

This, in the words of the hero of the wonderful movie “Officers,” is “the profession of defending the Motherland.”

In order to become an officer Currently, it is not necessary to study at military schools or institutes, today young people have a wonderful opportunity - to receive an excellent higher education in Tomsk state university and become an officer by completing training at a military training center (MCC).

Training at the Educational Training Center at TSU is a new system of military training - training officers for military service under a contract on the basis of universities, introduced by order of the Russian government in 2008. Upon graduation from TSU and assignment of the first officer rank"Lieutenant" graduate is required to serve under a contract as an officer for three years, which are included in the general work experience. The officer enters into subsequent contracts for military service at his own request.

The Ministry of Defense begins training junior officers under an accelerated program

The Ministry of Defense has begun recruiting contract military personnel for six-month courses for lieutenants. Candidates will undergo special training, after which they will be awarded the first officer rank. Soldiers, sergeants, petty officers and warrant officers who have received a civilian higher education will be able to become cadets. First of all, infantry and tank officers will be trained for the army - there is a shortage of such commanders in the troops.

Until 2009, there were accelerated courses for junior lieutenants in Russia - KML. Their graduates, due to the consonance of this abbreviation with the Camel brand of cigarettes, received the nickname “camels” in the army.

The Ministry of Defense told Izvestia that enrollment in the courses is being carried out as an experiment. Soldiers, sergeants, petty officers and warrant officers who have served under a contract for at least three years will be able to undergo training. They must have experience commanding units. To become a cadet, a serviceman must have a positive reference from his place of service, be a good student, or better yet, an excellent student in combat training. Physical fitness at the proper level and higher education are mandatory requirements. Contract soldiers who are under 35 years of age on the day of admission will be able to enroll in the courses. If all conditions are met, the candidate is accepted for study without entrance exams.

It is planned to train commanders of the most scarce specialties in the Ground Forces. These are commanders of motorized rifle, tank, anti-aircraft and artillery platoons, as well as communications units. It is now being decided where shortened officer training courses will be organized - on the basis of military schools, military training centers in civilian universities or in combined arms training centers. The latter are found in almost all military districts.

The number of cadets is not clearly regulated. Their number will depend on the availability of vacant positions in the army. The recruitment order will be signed every year by the commanders of the military districts.

The platoons of accelerated graduation will not have to sit at their desks for long - they will have a month of theory and five months of practice. Most of the training will take place in the field - life in a tent camp, classes in combined arms combat tactics, study of relevant equipment. Particular attention will be paid to shooting and engineering training.

Graduates will be appointed to the positions of platoon commanders. As a result of the training, the armed forces should receive lieutenants who know army life from the inside. They will be able to competently command their subordinates on the march, in defense or in attack. The ceiling for the career growth of such an officer is the battalion commander.

The first graduates will test the training system. The commanders of the units where the lieutenants will end up will, after a certain time, present the characteristics of such platoons. They will indicate their strengths and weaknesses. Based on the information received, changes will be made to the training program.

There are many positions in the army where officers who have received an accelerated education can serve, military expert Viktor Murakhovsky told Izvestia. - Such courses can be organized both in military schools and in district training centers - depending on the specialty.

Courses for junior lieutenants in the Russian army, similar in their purpose, existed from 2003 to 2009. They were reduced by Anatoly Serdyukov, who then held the position of Minister of Defense. For the Moscow, North Caucasus, Leningrad and Volga-Ural military districts, officers were trained at 38 courses in the city of Kovrov, Vladimir Region. For the Siberian and Far Eastern military districts - at 34 courses in Chita. About five hundred officers were trained annually under this program.

Hello, in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation there are courses for training junior officers of the Ground Forces.

In accordance with the Instructions for the organization of training courses for junior officers of the Ground Forces, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2003 N 85, training in the courses is conducted according to accelerated training programs for military personnel in military specialties to acquire the skills necessary to perform duties in the primary military positions of officers, on the basis of the existing secondary (full) general, secondary vocational or higher professional education without increasing the educational level of students. The standard period of study for the courses is 10 months, classes begin on July 1 annually. Upon completion of the courses, graduates are considered to have received reduced military training. Military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (except for officers) who are serving under a contract (if there are at least 2.5 years left before its expiration) and conscription (who have served for at least six months) may be considered as candidates for enrollment in courses. under 27 years of age at the time of enrollment. Citizens in the reserve who have expressed a desire to study at the courses, in the established order, enter military service under a contract and are appointed to vacant military positions, for which the state provides for the military ranks of soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen. Military personnel considered as candidates for enrollment in courses must have a higher (incomplete higher) vocational or secondary vocational education, confirmed by an appropriate state diploma. As an exception, by decision of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, agreed with the Main Personnel Directorate, military personnel with secondary (complete) general education may be considered as these candidates: - undergoing conscription military service (who have served for at least 18 months) those holding the positions of platoon commanders (crew chiefs), company foremen (batteries), senior technicians of companies (batteries); - those undergoing military service under a contract (if at least 2.5 years remain before its expiration) and conscription (having served for at least 6 months), holding military positions as sergeants and privates, having experience in combat operations and awarded state awards. When enrolling in courses in accordance with the established procedure, the first contract is concluded with a serviceman undergoing military service in the military unit in which he is serving. Personal appointment of course graduates to vacant military positions of platoon commanders (crew chiefs), subject to replacement by junior officers, is carried out by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Simultaneously with appointment to military positions, military personnel who have a higher professional education related to the relevant military education system are awarded the first military rank of “lieutenant”. When appointed to military positions, the remaining military personnel are awarded the first military rank of “junior lieutenant.”