A trip to visit my husband in Poland with children. Holidays with children in Poland. Travel to a sporting event

Kirill's story is about how, shortly after the birth of his daughter, he and his wife moved to live in Poland. How did they do it?

The idea of ​​moving has been in my head for a long time

The litmus test was the wedding of my older sister in 2010 and her departure abroad. Well, and a few more events of that time.

I wasn't married then. I was not burdened with a family and all sorts of such problems.

I had enough of everything. Your own business, apartment, car, money.

Fateful online dating

One fine February evening, the Lord brought me together with my future wife.

She came to my page and tagged a photo of my fishing friends, as it turned out, and her acquaintances. Minsk is a small village.

When she got into the car... In general, she never left it again. We never parted again!

Masha had a child from her first marriage

But things didn’t work out with my children.

Photo source: www.factroom.ru

I was seriously worried. We thought the worst, but after taking a course of magic pills that we had to get abroad, we finally became parents.

Positive result. Hooray!

One fine day I got a call at work and Masha told me that the test was positive! Hooray!!!

And so we began to live in anxious anticipation.

Photo source: uzy.ru


Unfortunately, the birth was premature. Our girl weighing 960 g was born and they named her Nadezhda.

After staying in the hospital for more than 2 months, we were discharged home. Was there any point in staying if you had to carry everything of your own?

Photo source: plan-baby.ru

But if you consider who you are ultimately doing all this for, you can close your eyes to everything.

When my daughter was 6-7 months old, I decided

We're moving! We chose Poland. According to local laws, foreigners have the right to conduct business in the country and the right to obtain a residence permit, and subsequently permanent residence.

Photo source: i.ytimg.com

So, moving!

I came home one day and told my wife, Masha, we are moving.

I collected all the documents, opened a company in Poland and submitted an application to provide me and my wife, as the founder of the company, with a work visa, and my children with accompanying visas for the same period.

Photo source: visaby.com

There is nothing complicated or difficult in this, everything is done without any special difficulties.

This is a very serious step

I. Of course, I understood that moving, and even the whole family with an infant, is a very serious step, but also I no longer had the strength to stay in Belarus.

Visas were approved immediately.

Photo source: content.onliner.by

I went first

I needed to rent an apartment for the first time, find out about schools for my eldest daughter, and learn a language that I didn’t know at all.

I lived there alone for about a month and a half and called his people to me.

Photo source: 24minsk.by

They traveled by train

We removed the entire compartment at once to make it more convenient with the child. The borders passed perfectly, no one disturbed the sleeping children, and the Polish border guards even spoke in whispers.

And so the family met

I brought them home to new apartment with new furniture and plumbing. Real estate prices here were the same as in Belarus.

Photo source: sumdu.edu.ua

The eldest daughter was sent to school

No problem. My wife brought a transcript from an old Belarusian school, without any translation.

Translation was needed only for the birth certificate.

They took me around the whole school, showed me the class teacher, classes, where there will be an afterschool, a dining room, in general, everything.

Photo source: gopolsha.com

The eldest daughter is very happy

Tatyana is very happy and happy about the move and new friends:

Dad, everyone here is so kind and smiling. Everyone wants to be my friend.

One girl even learned a poem in Russian and told it to Tanya to surprise her, isn’t it nice? Very!

Photo source: fimary.com

Studying is easy

Everything is explained. In addition, Tanya has additional Polish lesson. For this purpose, a teacher comes from the municipality and teaches her.
Swimming pool once a week. There is such a subject - religion.

Poland is 98% a religious country, maybe that’s why everyone here is so friendly and helpful.

Photo source: www.sputnikstudenta.com

Overall, we really like it!

Since I am officially employed by my company, all members of my family are covered by my insurance in medical institutions.

Did I get what I wanted?

Of course yes! My children will live in Europe, where minimum wages is (Poland 1850zł=$450).

Photo source: pp.vk.me

What awaits them is European education, which is valued all over the world, peace and confidence in the future, stability, fresh air, cheap holiday at world-class resorts.

What else is needed for happiness?

Kirill Astakhov

Many Ukrainians want to move to live abroad and choose the neighboring country – Poland. It’s not so easy to leave once and for all, so you have to start with a trip to earn money, and then look for ways to stay in the country legally.

However, this method is more suitable for those who are planning to move on their own, but doing it with their family, especially if there are minor children, is much more difficult.

How to travel to Poland with your family?

The simplest, but not quick way- this, again, is to go with one of the family members, and then take everyone else with you.

The main catch is that the migrant must not only obtain a residence permit, but also legally reside abroad for at least 2 years. Thus, the family will not be able to reunite soon, because you need to collect all the necessary documents and prove that you can provide for your family if it is completely supported by you.

Having submitted all the documents at your place of residence in Poland and received permission to bring your family in, you can finally find yourself back among your family.

What is needed for a family to move to a Ukrainian citizen working in Poland?

  1. It is better to choose a job where the employee is signed by the mind about the good, and not the mind of the evil, since only under it the employee is entitled to insurance and paid leave.
  2. The salary level should be sufficient to provide for each family member who plans to move. In particular, none of them should need social assistance. As a result, the salary must be at least PLN 3,000/month gross for a family consisting of father, mother and child.
  3. Initially, you need to work steadily for at least 3 months, only then apply for a residence permit - if the audit shows that the employer consistently pays wages and pays taxes, the chance of getting it will be much higher.
  4. All family members must have insurance, and it is better to include minor children in the policy of a parent already working in Poland.

It is very important to pay attention to obtaining a visa for your wife and child. If the mother also has plans, then she can get work visa, and minor children can be included in the voivodeship invitation by an already working father. In this case, it is necessary to take care of a kindergarten or school for the child in advance - the consul may take into account the existence of an agreement on the place of education of the child when he decides whether to issue a visa or not.

In order for a child to go abroad, namely to Poland, it is necessary to know the basic rules and requirements of both the border service and the Embassy.

Purpose of the trip:

  • tourist visit to Poland
  • participation in various programs and competitions
  • visiting relatives or friends
  • conducting cultural activities
  • treatment/health check
  • obtaining education (both secondary and higher), etc.

The purpose of the visit is not enough to travel abroad. You need to have a document that confirms this goal and gives you the right to cross the border. Such a document is not only a foreign passport, but also a visa. There are two main questions here: what is needed to get a child? foreign passport, and how to get a visa to go to Poland? The answer to the first question is very simple. You need to prepare the necessary documents and contact a certain service that produces foreign passports. In most cases, employees of the passport office (or other organization) may ask you to present various documents.

What documents does a child need to travel to Poland?

Many people believe that if parents, or one of them, have open visa to Poland, then the child does not need to open it. This is a misconception. Even if the child is included in the parents’ passport, he still needs to obtain a visa (it will be pasted into the parents’ passport).

The child travels to Poland alone

  • Independent travel within the European Union is allowed from 14 years of age
  • The child must have his own passport
  • permission from both parents to travel

A child travels to Poland with one of the parents

  • permission from the parent who remains at home to allow the child to leave the country

A child travels to Poland accompanied by third parties

  • both parents provide consent to a third party (grandparent)
  • copies of pages internal passports both parents

Visa category

It is very important to know what documents to collect and what category of visa a child needs to obtain to travel to Poland. First of all, you need to know that there are two categories of visa - Schengen and National (C I D). They differ in the purpose of the visit, certificates, number of days. According to the Schengen category, you can stay in Poland for no more than 90 days per six months (according to the Schengen Code), with a National visa - no more than 365 per year (in most cases this can be for study, guests and the presence of a Pole Card).

When issuing a visa for a child, we must know that the parents must also have a visa. In another case, they will submit documents to the Embassy on the same day as the child. There may be another option when the child travels to Poland with an accompanying person.

Tourist trip

Let's consider different options for a child's travel to Poland. Let's consider the most common purpose of a visit - tourism. Having such a visa allows you to stay in the Schengen zone for no more than 90 days per six months. To open such a visa for a child, you must first register at the Consulate or Visa Application Center.

Required documents

  • fill out a special form to submit documents to the Embassy
  • buy health insurance
  • book and pay at least 50% of the hotel
  • make a travel plan
  • take two color photos measuring 3.5 x 4.5
  • prepare copies of passports (child and parents, domestic and foreign)
  • prepare a certificate from the bank stating that you have funds for the trip (for any first-degree relative of the child)
  • take a certificate from school/kindergarten (if the child does not study anywhere, then you need a certificate from the work of one of the parents; if this option is not available, then you need documents that confirm the financial connection of the child’s parents with the country of permanent residence)
  • prepare a notarized agreement from parents for the child to travel abroad
  • make a copy of the child's birth certificate

This is all necessary list documents for a visa for a child for tourism purposes. For the most part, the package of documents is not much different from other Schengen categories. More on this a little later. Let's look at what you need to pay attention to when preparing documents. Firstly, the form is filled out by one of the parents in Latin, and the parents also sign everywhere. Secondly, in a medical insurance policy, the insurer is one of the parents (or an accompanying person), and the insured person is the child. Because only an adult citizen can be an insurer. Regarding the hotel, a category such as tourism requires at least 50% payment. The hotel reservation must include the full names of both the child and parents.

Travel plan

A travel plan can be drawn up in any form (from going abroad to returning home). There are also separate requirements for photographs. They must be clear and of high quality. Photos wearing any hats or glasses are not accepted. To the certificate from the bank about the availability of funds, you need to add a sponsorship letter from the person who issues this certificate. It should be noted that the package of documents must also contain proof of family ties, since only first-degree relatives can provide a certificate from the bank. A certificate from the kindergarten/school stating that the child is studying, as well as a certificate from the bank, must be taken maximum one month before submitting the documents.

Special attention should be paid to the notarized agreement of the parents for the child’s trip abroad. It will not be needed only when it is a one-time trip with your parents. It is also possible not to make an agreement from the father or mother if the child is included in the passport as one of them. In all other options, the agreement is one of the priority documents for a child’s visa. The content may vary and there is no single template. But any notarial agreement between parents must include the following information:

  • details of the child and parents, signatures
  • who will be the child's accompanying person?
  • for what period is the agreement valid?
  • Which countries does the agreement apply to?

This is the whole list necessary documents, which will be needed both when obtaining a visa for a child and when crossing the border to Poland.

Travel to a sporting event

In order for a child to travel abroad for another purpose, for example, to participate in sports competitions, additional documents will be needed.

Required documents

  • invitation to competitions from Poland
  • supporting documents on participation in sports competitions from school or other institution

Thus, most other categories (except tourism or repatriation) require a document on the basis of which you can travel to Poland - an invitation.

Study trip

If the child goes to Poland for the purpose of studying (this also applies to various educational courses and internships), the visa will be category D.

Required documents

  • visa application form
  • medical insurance policy for the entire period of stay
  • an invitation from an educational institution indicating the terms of study
  • identification (for example, student ID)
  • parental agreement for the departure of a minor (must be stamped by a notary)
  • passports, birth certificate, photo

Life cards

There may be other options. It is common for parents to work in the Republic of Poland, to have a Pole's Card or even a residence permit (Card for Life). Such options also allow you to open a D visa. The documents are not very different from the above documents. To open such visas, you need an invitation, because this is a document that primarily justifies the purpose of the trip. Please note that if the parents have a Pole Card, then they must request a visa. Such a document can be written in any form by hand in Polish. This visa entitles the child to stay abroad for no more than 100 days per year.

Crossing the border

Crossing the border is a less difficult step. Here you need to be patient and take everything you need with you (for example, passports, notary agreement and other documents). Border Guard checks all documents very carefully, so take your trip to Poland seriously, especially with a child. Thus, for the trip to be successful, you need to prepare in advance and open a visa for a specific purpose.

Full list Short list

Poland seems to me to be a country underestimated by Russian tourists; at least, most of my friends do not come here specifically, but only sometimes plan their European routes through Poland. And in vain. This is a country with history, wonderful cuisine and amazing hospitality. Of course, Poland extends its hospitality to the youngest tourists - children. I can’t count how many times my daughter and I have been here, and every time our vacation was filled with impressions, comfort and joy.

We and our child were always surrounded by care both from hotel and cafe workers, and from local residents, who, it seemed to us, loved children very much and were happy to have such guests. Therefore, I can confidently recommend Poland to everyone who travels with their child for your joint vacation.

General nuances


In order for the holiday to be positive for children, it must also be so for parents. From my own experience, I can say that you can organize an interesting trip with a child of any age, the main thing is not to overload him and yourself. Don’t worry about making the trip perfect: children have different moods. For example, sometimes instead of a museum we could spend the whole day at the playground near the hotel. Be prepared for any turns. Don’t try to cover everything at once; think over your route in advance and choose the places you definitely want to visit, and visit the rest if possible.

I am sure that it is not necessary to choose only children's entertainment: after all, recreation should be interesting for adults too. Of course, it’s unlikely that your baby will be ready to spend hours walking with you around castles or historical centers, but with a small, lightweight stroller and a couple of new toys, you’ll most likely be able to visit several of these attractions. You can already try to come to an agreement with an older child. We usually divide our holidays into parent and child ones, for example, in the morning we go to the museum, and in the afternoon to the water park.

Road and transport

You can get to Poland from Russia in any available way; you can read more about this in this. In my opinion and experience, the most inconvenient option is the bus: firstly, customs control It takes a long time, even adults will get tired; secondly, the child is forced to spend the entire journey in one position, there is no opportunity to walk, as on an airplane or train, much less stop and walk, as if you were driving a car.

Our family lives in Kaliningrad, and since the Polish border is about fifty kilometers away, we travel by car. To get there from the main part of Russia, I would choose a plane. I didn’t travel by train, but according to reviews from my friends, this method is also quite convenient.

It seems to me that in order for the road to be calm and positive, you need to take care of some things:

  1. Food. Regardless of what kind of transport you take, you will definitely want to eat, and if you can cope with your feeling of hunger, then an unfed child will definitely be unhappy and in a bad mood. That is why I always have cookies, dried fruits, vegetable purees, in general, what the baby is used to eating every day. Of course, you need to take small, sealed packages, especially on an airplane, where there are strict transportation rules, but on our flights they treated food for the child with loyalty and only once put out an open bottle of water. By the way, take the water with a special children's cap: you will be protected from unnecessary changes of clothes.
  2. Cloth. We rarely went on a trip without spilled juice or a banana smeared on a T-shirt, so take at least one set of clothes with you. And if you travel in the cold season, then it is convenient to replace bulky shoes with warm socks along the way.
  3. Lessons in transport. The road is a long and sedentary task, so think about what the child will do in a limited space. Some time before the trip, you can choose a new one as a gift or hide a few of your baby’s favorite toys. Finding them later on the plane, the child can get very carried away. Take markers and small colored notebooks, and don’t forget to download a couple of cartoons to your tablet. This point is definitely worth paying attention to, because a capricious, bored child can ruin the road not only for you.

In general, Poland is a country where it is worth driving a car, and if you have the opportunity to rent a car, then take advantage of it immediately (you can see offers and prices). The roads in the country are good, and the distances are not too long, the only negative is the price of fuel, gasoline is twice as expensive.

Moving from place to place with a child in a car is more convenient than even in the most comfortable bus. Primarily because you can stop when necessary. Children's playgrounds, found on Polish highways near cafes and gas stations, will be very useful. Sometimes you come across entire entertainment centers with carousels and a zoo, as, for example, on the route from Gdansk to (photo above).


I advise you to choose a place to stay overnight in advance. Find out about a baby cot, if you need one, and whether there are additional payments for those traveling with a child. Although I have not encountered any demands to pay for a separate place for the baby, I have heard that this sometimes happens. We usually chose apartments with a kitchen: our daughter eats at different times, and we often had dinner at home if the day was busy and we didn’t want to go somewhere, so it was important for me that I could cook something quickly.


There were no problems with food in Poland. We started our travels to this country with our daughter when she was about two years old. Many cafes have a children's menu, although all sorts of spices and sauces are added to the dishes, but when we asked to remove something, they usually met us halfway. My daughter liked the local dumplings, or pierogi as they are called here, and she devoured them with pleasure. We also bought baby products like vegetable or fruit purees in Poland, and they are no different from Russian ones, so you will always find something to feed your child.

What else

I advise you to take your usual medicines, firstly, children begin to get sick spontaneously, and sometimes there is no time to find their way in a foreign country, and secondly, many medicines in the European Union are sold only by prescription. I usually pack a first aid kit with the essentials, and it doesn’t take up much space in my luggage. Take a thermometer with you to measure your temperature, the one you always use. I take a simple thermometer, and it fits perfectly in the glove compartment, without disturbing anyone or risking being broken.

Where to go

If you think about any specific holiday destination in Poland, then there is complete freedom. You can go enjoy nature or explore cities - both you and your child will find entertainment.

All at least somewhat touristic places are prepared, in my opinion, quite well for welcoming children. The sidewalks are smooth, it’s easy to move around with a stroller, it can only get in the way large number people moving along the road with you. It’s rare that a cafe doesn’t offer a highchair for children; almost everywhere there are coloring books and pencils, toys or entire playrooms. Next, I will tell you what entertainment awaits you and your child on the most common tourist routes in Poland.


The first place for a children's holiday in this wonderful country that comes to mind is the winter capital of Poland. Although, this place is wonderful at any time of the year. One of my favorite Polish cities, suitable for children of all ages. If your child is still very young, then you can simply enjoy walks and breathe the mountain air. There are no industries around, so it is fresh and clean.

If your child is already a little older, then play on the playgrounds, ride horses in Krupówka or go somewhere.

Water park (Aqua Park Zakopane) and thermal center (Terma Bania)

The Zakopane water park has a good children's area, many slides for teenagers and in general it is very nice and cool. But, besides this water amusement park, 20 kilometers from Zakopane there is a wonderful thermal center. There's not much fun for kids, but the warm water and stunning views from the outdoor outdoor pool will also delight parents. This center is called Terma Bania, it is divided into three zones, so noisy games with children will not interfere with anyone’s relaxation and rest.

Alpine skiing

Older children should already be introduced to skiing, for example, in Szymoskova Polyana there is an excellent slide for beginner skiers and snowboarders; you can also find a Russian-speaking instructor.

There is a training program here, upon completion of which a special certificate is issued confirming completion of the course. Such preparation costs 185 EUR (780 PLN). In general, Zakopane has many trails for beginners, so it is a great place for children.

Tatra Museum

If you want to go to museums, choose the Tatra Museum, whose exhibits tell about the life, culture of the population, as well as the local nature. Costumes, tools, furniture, musical instruments typical of the region, as well as stuffed animals are presented, but in my opinion they look a little creepy. Here children are welcome and even allowed to touch many objects at the exhibitions, of course, so as not to damage them.


A trip to Zakopane can be combined with a visit to Krakow - the ancient capital of Poland - a very cozy city steeped in the history of Polish kings. It is located just over a hundred kilometers from, and if you are not by car, you can appreciate the convenience of Polish buses. Krakow is not only a large Polish city, but also one of the centers of tourism, so there is a lot of entertainment for children here.

Zoo (Krakow Zoo)

Although it is small, it is cozy and located in a very interesting place called the Volsky Forest. There are also walking and cycling routes beloved by city residents.

An adult ticket costs about 4 EUR (18 PLN), but we were allowed in for free because the cashier was not there.

Energylandia Park

Visit the Energylandia center near Krakow in the town of Zator. This is a huge amusement park with a huge amount attractions for both children and adults. Here you buy one ticket, which is valid for all carousels. For children under three years old you will pay a symbolic 0.23 EUR (1 PLN), for children up to 140 centimeters tall - 14 EUR (59 PLN), for others the ticket will cost 25 EUR (109 PLN). Discounts apply to disabled people, pregnant women and birthdays.

The Museum Of Municipal Engineering

There is an interesting museum in Krakow that perfectly combines education and entertainment - the Museum of Urban Engineering. The building in which it is located used to be a tram depot, then it was adapted for exhibition purposes. The museum has several permanent exhibitions; our daughter liked the one about cars the most. I think this place is more suitable for visiting with children over three years old. Ticket costs 2.5 EUR (10 PLN), family (two adults, two children) - 7 EUR (30 PLN). A tour in Russian will cost 11.5 EUR (50 PLN). Read more about Krakow.


If you want to go to the Polish capital, then it will not disappoint you either and is suitable for a child. Of course, it’s not my favorite city, and (this is subjective, of course) not the most beautiful, but still it is a modern metropolis with diverse architecture and a rich history. So this city definitely deserves attention.

Copernicus Science Center

In my opinion, this is the most interesting entertainment in the city, and although I am no longer a child, I go there with great pleasure.

It’s not worth bringing a baby to this place, but a slightly older child is fine. This is a large center where your children can get acquainted with various physical phenomena, optical illusions, anatomy, astrology and other sciences. There is complete freedom here, you can touch, move everything, conduct experiments yourself, in general, there are no restrictions.

The only barrier may be language; all descriptions of how to use the exhibits are in Polish and English, sometimes Russian is found, but not everywhere. If your child has not yet mastered foreign language, then your help will be useful to him, although much is intuitive, and even if you cannot read anything, it will still be interesting. Our daughter often thinks about this center, and although we spent almost 7 hours there, we still didn’t cover a lot. By the way, I advise you to come here early in the morning before opening, at 9 am. It is unlikely that even in this case you will avoid the queue, but at least you will have time to get inside. If you arrive in the afternoon, you may simply not have time to enter the center.

The scientific complex has a shop, a cafe and a children's playroom, for which you will be given a ticket at the box office when purchasing a ticket. To prevent children from crowding in the playroom, all visitors are divided into groups, and the ticket will indicate what time you can come to the children's room. We got there about three hours after we entered the museum. In the playground, a child can not only have fun and run around, but also learn a lot of interesting things, for example, what the world looks like through the eyes of a dog or snake. A ticket to the Copernicus Center costs 6.3 EUR (27 PLN), a family ticket for two adults and two children will cost 16.8 EUR (72 PLN).

Roof Garden (Warsaw University Library Roof Garden)

It’s worth taking your child to the park on the roof of the library, it’s very close to the science center. Don't be afraid of the heights, everything is fenced and safe. You will have a beautiful view of the surrounding area and can relax on a bench surrounded by beautiful flowers and other plants.

There aren't any exciting activities there, but it's a great place for you to relax on the grass while your little one runs and plays.

Warsaw City Center

Be sure to take a walk through the historical center, but there are dangers for your parents’ wallet: literally at every step there are souvenir shops, toys, balls and giant soap bubbles for half a euro.

My daughter’s eyes simply ran wild, and by the end of the walk our cash reserves were a little depleted.

Waterpark Wodny Park

In general, judging by our daughter, you can visit water parks in any city. If your child also loves water activities, then he will definitely enjoy the Warsaw Aquatic Center. We were in a place called Wodny Park, where, by the way, the only Olympic swimming pool in the city is located.

The water park itself has slides, a jacuzzi, a fast-flowing river, in general, everything that children usually look for in such centers. Parents can take turns enjoying the SPA: available here different types massage or other treatments. A ticket to the water park for the whole day from Monday to Friday costs 21.5 EUR (92 PLN), and on Saturday, Sunday and holidays- 31 EUR (133 PLN).

Gdansk, Sopot, Gdynia

The next very common tourist destination in Poland is the Tricity: Gdansk and Gdynia. With children I would live in Sopot, a small town on the Baltic coast.

It is fresh, clean, there is a place to walk, some even swim in the summer, although the sea is not too warm. In general, these three cities can be covered at one time, since they are very close to each other, and entertainment can be chosen throughout the Tricity.

Loopy's World Entertainment Center

This is a large children's entertainment center in Gdańsk. There are many attractions, slides, cars, dry pools and all sorts of other interesting fun. Adults can relax with a cup of coffee or join the children and have fun with them. For a child under three years old, the ticket price is 9.3 EUR (40 PLN), for others - 10.7 EUR (46 PLN). An adult accompanying a child can enter for free.

Adventure Park

I would take an older child to the Adventure Park in Gdynia. This is a place for sporty children who love thrills, and for parents who want to be sure that such entertainment is safe. There is a rope park with a height of 10 to 20 meters, ATVs, horses, a climbing wall, a shooting range and much more. For younger children there are inflatable trampolines, another small ropes course and a traditional playground with a sandbox. You must buy a separate ticket for each type of entertainment. Prices are very different: from 8 to 30 EUR, fun for kids is cheaper: from 2 to 8 EUR.

Children's goods stores

In Gdansk and Gdynia, I advise you to visit the children's store Mama i Ja: there is a huge selection of all kinds of toys for children of any age, both parents and kids will be amazed. Well, what children don’t like toys? Another store I liked is Akpol Baby in Gdansk. There is a huge assortment of all kinds of goods: clothes, feeding supplies, baby monitors and everything else. The store constantly has some promotions and sales on different groups of products, so there is also an opportunity to save money.

Water parks

There are water parks in Sopot and Gdynia, of which we were only in Sopot (I can’t count how many times). There is a good area for children, with several slides for both very young children and those who have already grown up a little. There is a jacuzzi, the main pool is not too deep, I think 1.3 meters; Around the children's area you can relax in a sun lounger, there are quite a lot of them, and we always found a free one. The prices are very reasonable: an hour in the water park from Monday to Friday costs 4.7 EUR (20 PLN), 3 hours - 9.3 EUR (40 PLN), a day ticket - 11.7 EUR (50 PLN). On weekends and holidays, the price of visiting the water park is slightly higher: one hour costs 5.4 EUR (23 PLN), three hours - 10.5 EUR (45 PLN), a day ticket - 14.2 EUR (60 PLN). For children under 16 years of age and adults over 65 years of age there is a discount on a ticket of approximately 1.2 EUR (5 PLN), a child under three years old is admitted free of charge.

Zoo (Oliwa Zoo)

There is a wonderful zoo in Gdansk. The territory is large, but it is possible to get around it; if you are traveling with a stroller, then there should be no problems at all. For the especially lazy, a train rides around the park for an additional fee. There are cafes and places to relax. There are many open enclosures, the animals are very interesting to watch, some come close to visitors and even pose for photos. A ticket costs about 5.8 EUR (25 PLN).

Gdansk City Center

Gdansk in general is a very beautiful city, at least one of the most impressive in Poland, and this is largely due to the well-preserved historical center. Be sure to take a walk along it.

I advise you to go to the Motlawa River embankment. Here you can ride a boat or a motor ship, the duration of the trips and the price are very different, so choosing a suitable route will not be a problem. If you don’t want to swim, there are ships at the pier with restaurants where you can have dinner overlooking the river.

Another interesting memory for both us and our daughter was visiting the Christmas market in Gdansk. In general, the city during this period was beautiful: a huge Christmas tree and thousands of lights made it a truly fabulous place, even more bewitching than usual. The fair had children's carousels, lots of delicious food, unusual or traditional souvenirs and an attractive festive atmosphere. Be sure to try to come during the Christmas period.


Marienburg Castle (Malbork Castle Museum)

Malbork is famous for Marienburg, one of the largest medieval monuments in Poland. After the Great Patriotic War it was almost completely destroyed, but the Poles restored it.

The castle is very large, you can easily plan a whole day to visit it. There are Russian-speaking guides, and I advise you to use them, because the history of this place is very rich.

Dinosaur Park Dino Park

Malbork itself is a small city, and there is not much entertainment here. You can take your child to the park of moving dinosaurs, which is called Dino Park. In addition to dinosaurs, there is a rope park, a fossil museum, attractions, and trampolines. A regular ticket per person costs 6 EUR (26 PLN), a family ticket for two adults and one child will cost 16.6 EUR (71 PLN).

Torun, Bydgoszcz, Grudziadz

If you love beautiful European cities, but are not crazy about crowds, then I recommend you visit Torun, Bydgoszcz and Grudziadz. You can choose any of them for accommodation: these are fairly quiet places, and hotel prices are not too different. We lived in Bydgoszcz, although I liked Torun most of all - a very beautiful medieval town that was not damaged during the Second World War and was preserved in its original form.

Be sure to take time to visit the castles and the historical center, it is not too big and the children should not be too tired.

Jura Park Dinosaur Park

For children's entertainment, near Torun in the town of Solec Kujawski there is a dinosaur park called Jura Park. There are about a hundred models in it. Some seem like harmless lizards, while others are a little scary even for adults, but it’s interesting.

In addition to dinosaurs, there are paid and free attractions, souvenir shops, cafes and a play area. In summer, a ticket costs 5.8 EUR (25 PLN), in winter - 4.2 EUR (18 PLN).

Torun gingerbread (Torun's gingerbread)

Another local attraction is the Torun gingerbread, a real legend of the city. In the center there is a special gingerbread shop with different fillings, chocolate and many other variations.

To be honest, we didn’t like it, even our sweet-toothed daughter didn’t eat it, but try it anyway: everyone has different tastes, maybe you’ll like a local gastronomic celebrity.

Bydgoszcz City Center

The city of Bydgoszcz, 46 kilometers from Torun, is also worthy of attention. A very pleasant place, although I didn’t experience any special emotions, except perhaps the joy of meeting street performers, their music inspired and lifted my spirits for the whole day, and Poles and tourists started dancing right on the bridge near the tightrope walker’s monument.

It's a nice Polish town, but it's a little hard for me to form any idea of ​​it other than "a nice Polish town."

The central square with the fountain is a favorite place for children's running competitions, and the monument also attracts the attention of children.

Kids Play Children's Center

Among the places that are worth visiting in Bydgoszcz, I would like to highlight the Kids Play children's center - two floors of entertainment for children of any age, many carousels, a trampoline, a dry pool and much more. By the way, they also thought about parents: it’s convenient to watch the children, soft sofas, coffee or tea, free Internet.

From Monday to Thursday, an hour of play will cost 2.8 EUR (12 PLN), an unlimited ticket will cost 4.7 EUR (20 PLN). From Friday to Sunday, a ticket for an hour will cost 3.5 EUR (15 PLN), and a ticket for the day will cost 5.8 EUR (25 PLN). If you want someone to look after your child, the price of the service is 3.5 EUR (15 PLN) on weekdays and 4.7 EUR (20 PLN) from Friday to Sunday.

Geothermal center Geotermia

In the city of Grudziadz, which is 70 kilometers from Bydgoszcz, the most interesting and popular place is the geothermal salt pools, they are called Geotermia. They are designed for bathing both children and adults; Several pools are available, differing in temperature and salt concentration. Such baths, as written on the center’s website, are useful for everyone and help with stress, insomnia, and illnesses respiratory tract and many other ailments, for prevention, of course, is also good. An hour in geothermal pools costs only 4.2 EUR (18 PLN), two hours - 6 EUR (26 PLN), unlimited stay - 9.3 EUR (40 PLN).

Masurian lakes

I also cannot ignore or recommend the Masurian Lakes region. This region is also called the Masurian Lake District: about two thousand bodies of water surrounded by forests, natural parks and reserves. An excellent place for a calm, measured holiday. The most popular resort towns are Giżycko, Mikolajki, Iława, and Ryn. Of the places listed, we were only in Mikołajki, the center of Polish yachting.

Yacht rental

You can rent a boat with a crew and create your own route, or ride with a group of tourists. I think that for a child who loves boat trips, any of the options will be interesting.

Of course, long-term rental of a yacht is not a cheap pleasure, but renting a motor boat for a short time is not so expensive. A 30-minute ride will cost from 35 EUR (150 PLN) to 70 EUR (300 PLN) depending on the chosen vessel.

Tropicana Waterpark

The water park in Mikolajki has long been a favorite of residents of the Kaliningrad region, who come here on weekends. It is called Tropikana and is located on the territory of the Golebiewski Hotel. The water park is wonderful, there is a children's area, different pools and slides for all ages. Hotel guests use the aquatic center for free, for everyone else the entrance costs 7 EUR (30 PLN), for a child - 3.5 EUR (15 PLN), and children under four years old visit the Tropicana for free.


Car rental- also an aggregation of prices from all rental companies, all in one place, let's go!

Anything to add?

The reasons for the migration of citizens from Belarus and Ukraine to Poland are very different. Some people go to earn extra money, some go to study, some use Poland as a temporary place of residence. In all these cases, it is not uncommon for adults to move with their children.

It is safe to say that Poland’s eastern neighbors, neither economically, nor socially, nor politically, are competitive states for the EU. In this regard, most people moving to Poland are not just trying to get money and take it home, but also trying to settle here with their entire family.

Many, not seeing a future for their children in their homeland, think about immersing them in the European environment of education, medicine and services as early as possible. However, the great desire to move the whole family to Poland comes into contact with the same fear of change that is inherent in the majority of our citizens.

It’s one thing to come on your own, stay in a hostel, devote your free time only to looking for work, and be a little restrictive on your diet. And in case of the first failure, you can immediately return home and, with the acquired knowledge, move west again. In the case of children, the moving plan needs to be thought out a little more carefully, especially with regard to the financial issue.

Initially, you need to decide on a specific city to move to, or even better, find a job there in advance, since an apartment for the whole family will be rented there, and in the future the children will be sent to a kindergarten or school, which should be located not far from the apartment. You should also have a cash reserve with you in case of delays in employment or other unplanned situations.

There is nothing difficult in terms of children’s adaptation to a new country. As practice shows, this is no more difficult than moving to another city or region in your homeland. In addition, it should be taken into account that the younger the child, the faster he will get used to the move. As for the language barrier, it goes away within a few months. Children get used to a new environment very quickly, especially if they actively participate in dialogues. After all, in schools and kindergartens, all classes are held in a playful manner, plus, hearing only Polish and speaking it with peers, the child will master the language before you.

Enrolling a child in kindergarten and school will not be difficult, especially in big cities, the main thing is that all documents are in order, visas, registration (zameldowanie). There will be no problems even getting into free kindergartens. Plus, the absence of a system of bribes and “extortions” in some cases makes settling a child in Poland much simpler than at home.

Do not be afraid that there will be a biased attitude towards your child on the part of the administration, just because he is a foreigner. In Poland, the relationship is person to person, not people to people, so each specific case is individual. If there are attacks on this matter from classmates, then, as a rule, they are exclusively of a teenage nature and can easily be resolved through a peaceful conversation with their parents.

After a year of living with their family in Poland, the children will get so used to it that they will consider what is happening as the norm and will definitely not experience discomfort because of it.