SP 12.13130 ​​fire safety standards

Goals and principles of standardization in Russian Federation established by Federal Law No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002 “On Technical Regulation”, and the rules for applying sets of rules - by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for developing and approving codes of rules” dated November 19, 2008 N 858

Information about changes to this set of rules is published in the annually published information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in information system for public use - on the official website of the developer (FGU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia) on the Internet

1.1 This set of rules has been developed in accordance with Articles 24, 25, 26, 27 Federal Law dated July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ "Technical regulations on requirements fire safety", is normative document on fire safety in the field of standardization of voluntary use and establishes methods for determining classification criteria for classifying buildings (or parts of buildings between fire walls - fire compartments), structures, buildings and premises (hereinafter referred to as buildings and premises) for industrial and warehouse purposes of class F5 into categories on explosion and fire hazards, as well as methods for determining the classification characteristics of categories of outdoor installations for production and storage purposes (hereinafter referred to as outdoor installations) according to fire hazard.

1.2 Classification of buildings and premises by explosion and fire hazard is used to establish fire safety requirements aimed at preventing the possibility of a fire and ensuring fire protection of people and property in the event of a fire.

The classification of outdoor installations by fire hazard is used to establish fire safety requirements aimed at preventing the possibility of a fire and ensuring fire protection for people and property in the event of a fire in outdoor installations.

For premises and buildings for the production and storage of explosives (hereinafter - explosives), means of initiating explosives, buildings and structures designed according to special standards and rules approved in accordance with the established procedure;

For outdoor installations for the production and storage of explosives, means of initiating explosives, outdoor installations designed according to special norms and rules approved in the prescribed manner, as well as for assessing the level of explosion hazard of outdoor installations.

1.4 This set of rules can be used in the development of special technical conditions for the design of buildings, structures, structures and outdoor installations.

GOST 12.1.044-89* System of occupational safety standards. Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. Nomenclature of indicators and methods for their determination

Note - When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3.3 explosion of a steam-air mixture in a limited volume (tank or production premises): The process of combustion of a flammable steam-air mixture formed in a limited volume with an increase in pressure in this volume.

3.4 explosion of a tank with superheated liquid when exposed to a fire: The process of destruction of a tank when the liquid in the tank is heated from a fire source to a temperature exceeding the normal boiling point, with further explosive boiling of the liquid. The process is accompanied by the formation of pressure waves, and, if the liquid is flammable, a “fireball”.

3.5 explosive mixture: A mixture of air or oxidizer with flammable gases, vapors of flammable liquids, flammable dusts or fibers, which, at a certain concentration and the occurrence of a source of initiation of explosion, is capable of exploding.

3.6 switch-off time (operation time): The period of time from the beginning of the possible flow of flammable substances from the pipeline (perforation, rupture, change in nominal pressure, etc.) until the complete cessation of the flow of gas or liquid into the room.

3.7 category of fire (explosion) hazard of the object: Classification characteristics of the fire (explosion) hazard of a building (or parts of a building between fire walls - fire compartments), structures, structures, premises, external installations.

3.8 logical event tree: Graphic reflection of the general nature of the development of possible emergency situations and accidents with a reflection of the cause-and-effect relationship of events depending on the specific hazard of the object of risk assessment, taking into account the influence of existing protective measures on them.

3.9 fireball: Large-scale diffusion combustion, which occurs when a tank containing a flammable liquid or gas under pressure ruptures, igniting the contents of the tank.

3.10 indoor fire: The process of diffusion combustion of solid, liquid and gaseous flammable substances located in a room, causing heating of building structures and technological equipment with a possible loss of their load-bearing capacity.

SP 12.13130.2009 as amended No. 1 “Definition of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations for explosion and fire hazards”

  1. 1. Scope of application
  2. 2. Normative references
  3. 3. Terms and definitions
  4. 4. General provisions
  5. 5. Categories of premises according to explosion and fire hazard
  6. 6. Categories of buildings according to explosion and fire hazard
  7. 7. Categories of outdoor installations by fire hazard
  8. 8. Fire risk assessment
  9. Appendix A (mandatory). Methods for determining categories of premises A and B
  10. Appendix B (mandatory). Methods for determining categories of premises B1-B4
  11. Appendix B (mandatory). Methods for calculating fire hazard criteria for outdoor installations
  12. Appendix D (mandatory). Methodology for calculating the conditional probability of injury to a person
  13. Appendix E (recommended). Calculation determination of the coefficient Z of participation in the combustion of flammable gases and vapors of unheated flammable liquids


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by Federal Law No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002 “On Technical Regulation”, and the rules for applying sets of rules are established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for developing and approving sets of rules” dated November 19, 2008 No. 858

Information on the set of rules SP 12.13130.2009 as amended No. 1 “Definition of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations for explosion and fire hazards”

  • INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 274 “Fire Safety”
  • APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated March 25, 2009 No. 182
  • REGISTERED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology


1.1 SP 12.13130.2009 “Definition of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations for explosion and fire hazards” was developed in accordance with Articles 24, 25, 26, 27 of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements ", is a regulatory document on fire safety in the field of standardization of voluntary use and establishes methods for determining classification criteria for classifying buildings (or parts of buildings between fire walls - fire compartments), structures, buildings and premises (hereinafter referred to as buildings and premises) industrial and warehouse assignment of class F5 to categories of explosion and fire hazard, as well as methods for determining the classification characteristics of categories of outdoor installations for industrial and warehouse purposes in terms of fire hazard.

1.2 Classification of buildings and premises by explosion and fire hazard is used to establish fire safety requirements aimed at preventing the possibility of a fire and ensuring fire protection of people and property in the event of a fire.

The classification of outdoor installations by fire hazard is used to establish fire safety requirements aimed at preventing the possibility of a fire and ensuring fire protection for people and property in the event of a fire in outdoor installations.

1.3 SP 12.13130.2009 "Definition of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations for explosion and fire hazards" does not apply to:

  • for premises and buildings for the production and storage of explosives (hereinafter - explosives), means of initiating explosives, buildings and structures designed according to special norms and rules approved in the prescribed manner;
  • for external installations for the production and storage of explosives, means of initiating explosives, external installations designed according to special norms and rules approved in the prescribed manner, as well as for assessing the level of explosion hazard of external installations.

1.4 SP 12.13130.2009 "Definition of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations for explosion and fire hazards" can be used in the development of special technical specifications for the design of buildings, structures, structures and outdoor installations.

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No. 384-FZ Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures

PDF, 269.8 KB

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Manual for the application of SP 12.13130.2009 "Determination of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations for explosion and fire hazards"

The manual was developed in connection with the approval and enforcement of the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated March 25, 2009 N 182 SP 12.13130.2009 “Definition of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations for explosion and fire hazards.”

The procedure for determining and simplified methods for calculating the parameters of explosion and fire hazards and the categories of premises for explosion and fire hazards, the procedure for determining the categories of outdoor installations for fire hazards, information about the fire and explosion hazard and physical and chemical properties of widely used flammable and combustible liquids, flammable gases, combustible dusts and solids are given. flammable substances and materials. Examples of calculations of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations for the explosion and fire hazard of specific objects are presented.

The manual is intended for practical use by organizations involved in the categorization of production and storage facilities, buildings and outdoor installations according to explosion and fire hazards.


In connection with the approval and entry into force of the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated March 25, 2009 N 182 SP 12.13130.2009 “Determination of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations for explosion and fire hazards,” it became necessary to revise the previously existing Manual for the use of NPB 105-95 "Determination of categories of premises and buildings according to explosion and fire hazard."

The relevance of the revision of the Manual for the use of NPB 105-95 was determined by the introduction of categorization of outdoor installations by fire hazard and methods for calculating fire hazard criteria for outdoor installations in NPB 105-03 and subsequently in SP 12.13130.2009, the introduction of Amendment No. 1 to SP 12.13130.2009, clarifying calculation method for determining room category B4 and calculation method for determining the horizontal dimensions of zones limiting gas and steam-air mixtures with a fuel concentration above the lower concentration limit of flame propagation, introducing into SP 12.13130.2009 a calculation method for determining the mass of vapors heated to the boiling point of flammable and combustible liquids , and appeals from citizens and organizations on the issues of determining the categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations for explosion and fire hazards relating to the provisions of NPB 105-03, SP 12.13130.2009 and the Manual for the use of NPB 105-95.

A significant part of the proposals and comments related to the desire to include in the document the procedure for determining and simplified methods for calculating the parameters of explosion and fire hazards and categories of premises for explosion and fire hazards, the procedure for determining the categories of outdoor installations for fire hazards, information about fire and explosion hazards and physical and chemical properties of widely used flammable liquids (flammable liquids), flammable liquids (FL), flammable gases (GG), combustible dusts and solid combustible substances and materials, as well as examples of calculations of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations for the explosion and fire hazard of specific objects. Materials of this kind are the subject of consideration of this methodological document, which contains detailed explanations on the practical use of calculation methods for determining the categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations for explosion and fire hazards.

The Manual provides the procedure for determining and simplified methods for calculating the parameters of explosion and fire hazards and categories of premises for explosion and fire hazards, the procedure for determining the categories of outdoor installations for fire hazards, information about the fire and explosion hazard properties of widely used combustible substances and materials and typical examples of calculations for categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations for explosion and fire hazards of specific objects.

The manual examines calculation methods for determining the categories of premises (A, B, B1 - B4, D, D), buildings (A, B, C, D, E) and outdoor installations (AN, BN, VN, GN, DN) for explosion and fire protection and fire hazard in which flammable gases, flammable and combustible liquids, flammable dust and solid combustible substances and materials are located (circulated).

Sequence and order of carrying out the necessary calculations, selection of initial data, justification of the design option taking into account the features technological processes production are reflected in standard examples of calculations of categories of premises, buildings and external installations for explosion and fire hazards.

The data necessary to carry out the above calculations is presented in Appendix. 1-4.

1 Regionapplications

1.1 This set of rules was developed in accordance with Articles 24, 25, 26, 27 of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements”, is a regulatory document on fire safety in the field of standardization of voluntary use and establishes methods for determining classification criteria for classifying buildings (or parts of buildings between fire walls - fire compartments), structures, structures and premises (hereinafter referred to as buildings and premises) for industrial and warehouse purposes of class F5 into categories of explosion and fire hazard, as well as methods for determining classification characteristics of categories of outdoor installations for production and warehouse purposes (hereinafter referred to as outdoor installations) according to fire hazard.

1.2 Classification of buildings and premises by explosion and fire hazard is used to establish fire safety requirements aimed at preventing the possibility of a fire and ensuring fire protection of people and property in the event of a fire.

The classification of outdoor installations by fire hazard is used to establish fire safety requirements aimed at preventing the possibility of a fire and ensuring fire protection for people and property in the event of a fire in outdoor installations.

1.3 This set of rules does not apply to:

For premises and buildings for the production and storage of explosives (hereinafter referred to as explosives), means of initiating explosives, buildings and structures designed according to special norms and rules approved in the prescribed manner;

For outdoor installations for the production and storage of explosives, means of initiating explosives, outdoor installations designed according to special norms and rules approved in the prescribed manner, as well as for assessing the level of explosion hazard of outdoor installations.

1.4 This set of rules can be used in the development of special technical conditions for the design of buildings, structures, structures and outdoor installations.