The theme of the week in kindergarten is winter fun. Comprehensive - thematic plan for the week “Winter fun. Running on one ski

Goals and objectives of the thematic week "Winter Games and Fun"

: provide children with adequate active rest during a winter walk, provide them with the opportunity to participate in a variety of games and recreational activities.
carrying out the thematic week "Winter Games and Fun" is: attracting the attention of teachers and specialists of preschool education, as well as parents (legal representatives) of pupils to the problems of organizing children's play in the winter. increasing the professional level of teachers on organizing children's play activities in the winter; providing children with adequate active rest during a winter walk, providing them with the opportunity to participate in a variety of games and recreational activities; developing students' interest in various types winter games and fun; identifying the most rational methods for organizing children’s entertaining and physical activities during a winter walk; expanding the list of sports games, fun and entertainment in order to enrich the content of walks with children in the winter; involving parents (legal representatives) in creating conditions for holding winter events at the preschool site; translation of advanced pedagogical experience into the wider practice of preschool educational institutions.


Group activities

Activities on the walk


"Winter's Tale"

1st half of the day

Game "The Snowman Is Missing"
The snowman disappeared in the forest. He ran away somewhere. Maybe he was scared of the wolf? Maybe he knocked the bunny off the road and his feet are drowning in the snowdrifts?
To find a snowman you need to become strong!

Morning exercises “A snowman walks through the forest”

: raise the emotional and muscle tone of children. “The snowman walks through the forest, makes his way through bushes and trees, climbs over fallen trees, feasts on rowan and viburnum berries, walks along a narrow path, jumps after a bunny, etc.”
A teacher and children find a Snowman's bag containing

mittens, but they got mixed up!

consolidation of knowledge of basic colors and their names; create a need for joint actions with peers.
paper mittens with designs of different colors according to the number of children. (The mittens for the bunnies are mixed up)
Thematic role-playing game “The Snow Maiden is visiting”

develop the ability to take on a role, act in accordance with it, and engage in simple role-playing dialogue based on the plot of the game.
: game panel with a picture of a refrigerator, ice cream, ice cream cake, etc. The teacher explains: “All the children had breakfast, but the Snow Maiden remained hungry. We’ll invite her to visit and feed her, but the Snow Maiden doesn’t eat anything hot, because she’s made of snow and might melt.”
The teacher says that all the children are prepared for

The search for the snowman can begin.

Game – journey “In the winter fairy forest”
The teacher suggests going into the winter forest in search of a snowman. Children perform various actions by imitation: walking through deep snow, making their way through a thicket, meeting titmice, a fox, imitating their movements, onomatopoeizing. Children find a snowman and look at it.
Outdoor game "Don't freeze your hands"

develop dexterity and will. Children stand in a circle. The child must quickly remove his hands before being touched with the wand.
Outdoor games
"The Sparrows and the Cat", "The Fox and the Birds".
Outdoor games with snowballs.

Riding on ice slides.

Work order:
clearing benches of snow, shoveling snow
2nd half of the day

Acting out the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s hut” (on


develop interest in fairy tales, the desire to listen to them, empathize with the characters, the ability to answer the teacher’s questions on
the plot.
Exercise “Collecting beads”

: develop fine motor skills, consolidate the perception of shape and color. Children collect beads to decorate a snow woman on the site.
Reading poems and works about winter.


"Visiting Grandfather


1st half of the day

Surprise moment
The teacher draws the children’s attention to a small puddle near the battery and asks them to determine where it came from. Finds Snowman with the children near the cold window. He says that he came to them from Santa Claus to invite children to him, but is not sure that the children are ready for such a journey.
Morning exercises “The Path to Santa Claus”

create a cheerful, positive mood. Children ski to the forest, walk along a narrow path, crawl under snowy branches in a half-squat, jump to reach a fragrant cone and smell it, fly like bullfinches, jump like bunnies, roll over like bears in a den, etc.
Breathing exercises:
We all love D.M. He won't freeze the guys. We will come to him soon. We’ll invite you to visit us (we blow on the snowflakes so that they fly away in different directions and sit on the ground)
Experimenting "turning a white snowflake into

colored ice."

continue to introduce children to the properties of snow, water and ice. Draw basic conclusions during the experiment. Develop observation skills and interest in
Games with snow

consolidate children's knowledge about the color of snow and its qualities; develop motor skills and accuracy. “Santa Claus lives in the forest and knows everything about snow. We also need to find out more in order to answer all his questions.”
Drawing with sticks on the snow.
Goal: to develop children's imagination and visual skills. “Santa Claus sent magic wands with which you can draw magical pictures in the snow”
Making a pattern of multi-colored ice floes.

develop creative abilities, consolidate knowledge about color and shape. « D.M. I left a magic chest with colored pieces of ice under the tree so that the children could use them to make a carpet and make him happy.”
Outdoor games:
“Run to me”, “Birds in the nests”, “Catch and throw!”
Games with snow, sledding, ice

roller coaster

Experimentation. Remind the children that the snow in the group melts and turns into water. We poured this water into jars. Then the paint was thinned. Add to water. Then the colored jars were taken outside. During the walk, the children watched the water freeze. Conclude that in the cold the water froze and turned into colored ice.
2nd half of the day

Collective didactic game

"Fix the blanket"

: consolidation of knowledge about geometric shapes
: a large sheet of paper with slits, geometric shapes according to the number of children corresponding to the slots. “Blanket D.M. Mice have gnawed through it, it's all full of holes. We need help patching it up."
D.M. arrives. (toy) conversation about the winter season.

Reading fairy tales with a winter theme.

We are playing"

1st half of the day

Surprise moment.
Behind an elegant screen, the teacher and the children find a box, and in the box is Parsley. On behalf of Parsley, he invites the children to play all day.
Parsley with children “Let’s get acquainted”
Morning exercises “We can do this too”
(based on a poem by S. Mikhalkov)
(Parsley is interested) “Why do people hang feeders on the street?” Goal: to form an idea about wintering birds, consolidate and generalize children’s knowledge about the purpose of bird feeders, enrich the vocabulary by introducing new words: feed, feeder. Cultivate a love for birds and a desire to help them in winter conditions.
The game is a journey into the winter forest.
Goal: to develop imagination, consolidate ideas about animals living in the forest. "Parsley has never been in the winter forest"
Observation "How birds fly to

Goal: to teach children, by looking at birds, to distinguish them by size, plumage color, and sounds made.
Outdoor game with speech accompaniment
“Zimushka - Winter” We have been waiting for winter for a long time. We all looked out the window. Finally she came. Hello winter - Perform the “spring” in place, hands on the belt. They clap their hands.

Productive activity: “Birdhouse.”
Goal: - continue to teach children to carefully stick an image on a given plane of a sheet (only on the silhouette of a tree) - consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes: square, triangle, circle - develop fine motor skills of the hands winter! There is snow everywhere on lush branches, the wind is almost inaudible. Like light feathers, snowflakes swirl in the dance. The fast river is silent, the bird song does not sound. Hey, guys, come out and sit on the sled. We sat on the sled and rolled down the hill. Together we got on our skis and walked one after another. Together, everyone, running and running, We rolled a snowball. Then we went to kindergarten, ate soup, and went to bed. Smoothly raise the right hand to the side, then the left; slowly lower their hands down. Spin in place, arms to the sides - down. They squat and clasp their arms around their shoulders. They walk in place. Lightly on their toes, they run in a circle one after another. They walk with long strides, swinging their arms forward and up, and moving them back and down. Hand movements are alternate. They stop, bend forward, wave their arms forward - down, palms up. They walk in place. They squat down, placing their hands palm to palm under the cheek.
Game "On the snow bridge".
Children walk one after another along the snow bank, trying not to fall and keep their balance.
2nd half of the day

Didactic games:
What first, what then"
- children show the seasons in order. The goal is to consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons. "
" The teacher names the objects of the season, the children determine. The goal is to develop attention, develop thinking and speech.
“What kind of ice?”
- children give a description of the ice. The goal is to teach children to select a relative adjective, expand their vocabulary.
Reading poems and nursery rhymes about winter.


"Winter Fun"

1st half of the day

Surprise moment.
The teacher finds a white paper bunny on the glass window with a letter attached, which states that D.M. near his house in the forest he made a Snow Bunny, who really wants to visit the children. But he will be able to do this only when the children complete all of D.M.’s tasks.
Games with building materials

"Let's build a house for a bunny"
Goal: to develop design skills, the ability to demonstrate how to build simple structures, to consolidate the names of parts in speech, to develop motor skills, and the ability to correlate movements with words. “The snow bunny will come, but he has nowhere to live...”
Morning exercises
The teacher accidentally finds the Snow Bunny behind the plants, who has already arrived and is watching the children. The bunny invites children to go to a winter fairy tale. (Movements are performed in accordance with the text) So we came to the winter forest. There are so many miracles around here. On the right is a birch tree in a fur coat, on the left is a Christmas tree looking at the children. Snowflakes are spinning in the sky and falling beautifully on the ground, So the bunny galloped, He ran away from the fox. And this is a gray wolf prowling, He is looking for a way to the fox We all will hide now
Icicle watching
Goal: to enrich knowledge about the phenomena of inanimate nature, to activate children’s vocabulary. “The snow bunny has never seen such icicles in the forest. One day he licked it and got sick.” Together with the bunny, examine the icicle and repeat the safety rules.
Outdoor game “Snowflakes and the Wind”

develop the ability to act on a signal, develop imagination. At the signal “wind” - children run in different directions, pretending to be snowflakes, at the signal “The wind has died down” to the words: “White snowflakes fly, spin and quietly fall to the ground.”
Low mobility game “Find the animals by


develop focused attention, spatial orientation, and activate speech.
Dolls sledding.

teach children to play out the plot with dolls in accordance with the time of year, using the doll as a play partner.
Games with snow. Modeling a snow woman.

improve children's skills in sculpting from
Then he won't find us. There is beauty and peace here in the forest. And it’s time for us to go home.
Productive activities of “Mittens”
Goal: consolidate knowledge about color, shape, develop the ability to navigate the plane of a sheet. Equipment: for each child a pair of mittens, one of which has a finished applique, the other is a blank for it. “The snow bunny wants to bring beautiful mittens to his friends in the forest, since their paws are freezing” from the snow, teach him, with the help of an adult, how to create a structure, decorate it, and play with it.
2nd half of the day

theatrical performance,
“Mitten” (based on a Russian folk tale).
: develop interest in theatrical performances, encourage the creative initiative of children, the desire to take on a role.
Conversation “How beautiful the winter forest is!”

Looking at illustrations of a winter landscape.

Finger games:


One two, three four
bend their fingers
You and I made a snowball
"Making a Snowball"
Round, strong
Show a circle, clasp your palms together,
Very smooth
Stroking one palm over the other
And not at all sweet
They wag their fingers.
Once - we'll throw it up
"Tossed up"
Two - we'll catch you
They squat and “catch.”
Three - let's drop
They get up and “drop.”
And we'll break it
They stomp.


"Visiting a fairy tale"

1st half of the day


The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that someone is crying. He invites you to listen and leads you to the place where the Christmas tree stood. The children find a crying cone. She talks about how someone took away the Christmas tree. The teacher and the children decide to find her.
Morning exercises “Journey to the winter forest”
The cone tells the children that the tree could have returned to the winter forest and they need to look for it there. The cone was completely sad; the tree was never found.
Productive activity "Herringbone"
(drawing a Christmas tree in an unconventional way - with a fork) Purpose: To introduce children to unconventional methods of drawing (drawing with a fork); teach children to convey the image of a Christmas tree in drawing, to place the image over the entire sheet of paper; form figurative ideas; evoke a feeling of joy from the result of the work. A fox mask is found on the property. They make the assumption that the fox took the Christmas tree to itself.
Outdoor game "Fox and Hares"

develop dexterity, speed, teach to act on a signal. Bunnies scattered across the forest lawn. These are the bunnies. Running bunnies. Suddenly a little fox runs, a red-haired sister, looking for: where are the bunnies, Bunnies are runaways. (the fox catches bunnies) A ​​fox mask is found on the site. They make the assumption that the fox took the Christmas tree to itself.
Outdoor games

"We're on the trail"

Clearing the path from snow.
In the snow-covered areas of the playground, the teacher finds Christmas tree decorations, assumes that the Christmas tree has lost them, and invites the children to follow the tracks to clear the path of snow. Finding a Christmas tree.
Winter round dance around the Christmas tree.

unite children, develop a sense of rhythm, teach them to coordinate movements with words.
Making colored ice floes for decoration

Christmas trees.

consolidate knowledge about the properties of water, develop imagination, and activate vocabulary.

2nd half of the day

Individual – subgroup work on sculpting “Balls”

for the Christmas tree"

consolidate the ability to roll a ball out of clay or plasticine, develop fine motor skills, and enrich your vocabulary.
Didactic game"Pick a Pair"

consolidate knowledge of primary colors.
balls of different colors, with different patterns.
Dramatization of "The Fox and the Hare"

consolidate knowledge of fairy tales, develop interest in fairy tales, and activate speech during the show.

In our kindergarten“Sunshine” has become a good tradition of holding a Week of winter games and fun. According to the annual work plan, it is carried out immediately after the New Year holidays. This academic year, such a week was held from January 9 to 17, 2014.
The goals and objectives of the thematic week were:

Creating conditions for physical development, increasing physical activity and broadening the horizons of children;
ensuring children have adequate active recreation during winter walks; providing them with the opportunity to participate in a variety of games and recreational activities:
promoting children's health;
identifying the most rational methods for organizing children's entertaining and physical activities while walking in winter;
enriching the content of walks in winter by expanding the list of sports games, fun and entertainment;
generalization and introduction into the educational process of advanced pedagogical experience of joint activities of children, teachers and parents.

To prepare and conduct a thematic Week in kindergarten, a creative group of teachers from all age groups was created. The head of the creative group was the physical group instructor Natalya Viktorovna Uzhegova.
Members of the creative group drew up a plan for the Week, Scenarios for activities with children, outdoor games and relay races have been selected . At the pedagogical meeting, members of the creative group presented methodological recommendations for the Week.
The Week of Winter Games and Fun was held on a thematic basis. Each day of the week was dedicated to a theme related to the winter season.
Based on this plan, the group teachers organized various activities with children, varied in form and content.
Informative conversations were held about the winter season, united by a common theme "Three White Horses" , accompanied by viewing children's multimedia presentations about the winter months and their distinctive features.
Physical education aroused great interest among children “We are not afraid of frost!” with a variety of relay races, fun games, and outdoor games.
A competition of ice figures and patterns was organized "Secrets of the Ice Mosaic" . Using ice cubes from colored water frozen in containers, the children laid out various flat shapes and patterns in their areas. Creative works were assessed by the Snow Queen herself.
Exhibitions of reproductions of paintings about winter by famous artists were held in all age groups. "In the kingdom of Zimushka-Winter" .
An environmental action was carried out “Take care of birds in winter!” . Conversations were held with children on the topic "Caring for Birds in Winter" . A competition for the best feeder was organized together with parents. During walks, teachers and children built a real "Bird's dining room" , with a variety of bird food, conducted bird observations.
Productive activities with children were presented "City of Masters" : with the help of non-traditional visual techniques of art, appliqué, and paper construction, children created a variety of fun toys and winter landscapes.
Most of the activities with children were carried out in the fresh air: fun games “Ice sleds”, “Sleigh train”, experimental activities with snow and ice, learning new outdoor games and so on.
One of the days of the Week was dedicated to the upcoming Winter Olympics in Sochi. During the walk, the Small Winter Olympic Games were held with children of all age groups. Three teams of children competed in various winter sports - biathlon, hockey, cross-country skiing, luge, and visited "Station of winter mysteries" . During the day, children had conversations about the history and symbols of the Olympics, and didactic games about winter sports.
The Week ended with traditional folk entertainment - Carols. Pupils preparatory group prepared wonderful entertainment for the children of other groups with folk fun games, music and dance numbers, and also told a lot of interesting things about this folk tradition.
All events held during the Week of Winter Games and Fun were carried out at a high quality level, a good emotional uplift, and contributed to the physical, aesthetic and cognitive development of children. The children were able not only to spend their winter holidays interestingly and usefully, but also to stock up on positive energy for the second half of the year.
The coherent, clear, organized work of the members of the creative group played a major role in organizing and conducting the Week.
The group teachers presented photo reports on the results of the Week. Materials about the Week of Winter Games and Fun were published on the kindergarten website.

Program content.

Target: bring joy to children: develop in children the need for daily physical activity and the ability to regulate it. Develop children's motor skills, agility, speed, strength.

Educational field "Physical development"": continue to form ideas about the importance of physical activity in human life; develop the ability to maintain correct posture; develop interest in sports games; teach children to independently organize familiar sports games; maintain interest in physical culture and sports; improve movement coordination.

Educational field "Social and communicative development": foster friendly relationships between children; develop the ability to notice changes in the world around you; consolidate the ability to behave correctly in nature.

Educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development": continue to develop a sustainable interest in visual arts; cultivate independence, teach to actively and creatively use previously learned methods of representation in drawing, modeling, appliqué; develop the ability to notice shortcomings in your work and correct them; develop fantasy and imagination.

Educational area "Cognitive development": continue to learn how to navigate in space; clarify children’s knowledge about the seasons, months, winter sports; continue to teach children to play various educational games; form ideas about the transition of substances from solid to liquid and vice versa; develop memory, attention, logical thinking.

Educational field “Speech development”: consolidate the ability to convey one’s attitude towards nature in stories and productive species activities; develop the ability to maintain a conversation; improve the dialogical form of speech; learn to retell short tales and stories coherently, consistently and expressively.

Materials and equipment: card file of winter sports, laptop, paints, fairy tales, feeders, bird food, tape recorder, plasticine, consultations for parents, images with a winter landscape, illustrations with winter fun.

“In the kingdom of winter-winter” (opening of the week)

Time Contents of the work/
Morning 1. Exhibition of children's creativity "Winter - Winter"
2. Communicative activity: Conversation: “Fun in winter” Purpose: to expand children’s understanding of winter games and fun, to expand children’s vocabulary.
3. D/i “Who needs what.” Goal: to form ideas about winter sports.
4. Independent play activities for children in the art corner.
OD Drawing "Winter's Tale"
2. OD on schedule.
Walk 1. Bird watching Purpose: to develop attentiveness, the ability to distinguish birds, and arouse interest in the environment.
2. P/i “Snow Carousel”. Goal: develop attention and dexterity.
3. Experimental activity “Making colored ice floes” Purpose: to form children’s ideas about the property of water to freeze in the cold, taking the form of a container, to develop imagination.
4. Hanging ice figures. Goal: to develop imagination, to evoke a desire to make the site beautiful.
Afternoon 1. Examination of illustrations about winter sports. Goal: to arouse interest in sports, expand children’s vocabulary.
2. Reading I. Surikov “Childhood” Goal: to develop children’s ability to listen carefully, to maintain interest in poetry.
3. Acting out the fairy tale “Teremok”
4. Independent play activities for children with printed board games “Who spends the winter how?”

“Whoever is having fun is not afraid of frost!” (winter sports)

Time Contents of the work/
Morning 1. Exhibition “What kind of winter tales are there?”
2. Communicative activity: Examination of illustrations R N S. Conversation on fairy tales Goal: remember winter fairy tales, brave and strong characters.
3. D/i. "Winter words" Goal: to develop attention and the ability to select words related to winter.
4. Independent play activities of children in the sports corner.
OD 1. Work in the creative workshops “Zimushka-winter”.
Modeling "Bullfinch"
2. OD on schedule.
Walk 1. Conversation: “Winter is full of wonders and fun.” Watching the wind
Goal: to develop observation skills, interest in phenomena inanimate nature, their features in winter.
2. Outdoor game “Two Frosts” Purpose: to develop dexterity, learn to distribute roles.
3. “Measuring water level” Purpose: to identify changes in the volume of liquid during freezing.
4. Labor in nature is to shovel snow into one pile.
5. Independent activity of children.
Afternoon 1. Examination of paintings depicting children’s winter games.
Writing stories for children.
2. Reading and discussion of the story by A. Vvedensky “On Skis”
3. Listening to children's songs “If only there were no winter”, “Three white horses”. Goal: create a joyful mood, cultivate a love of music.
4. Independent play activities for children (board and printed games).

Health Day “Winter has come and brought joy”

Time Contents of the work/
Morning 1. Organization of RPPS (changes in development centers, exhibitions.).
2. Examination of the illustrations “Winter Landscapes”.
3. Game-situation “How we play in winter”
4. Independent play activities for children (name of the center).
OD 1. Work in the creative workshops “Zimushka-winter”.
Drawing "Snowy Forest"
2. OD on schedule.
Walk Sports leisure “Winter has come and brought fun” (outdoor games and relay races for children of younger, middle and older age).
Making snow sculptures, buildings, decorating areas.
Afternoon 1. Didactic game “Damaged Phone” Purpose: development of auditory attention
2. Viewing the fairy tale “Moroz Ivanovich”
3. Acting out the fairy tale “Stutterer’s Hut.”
4. Sr game “We are athletes”

"Winter's Tale"

Time Contents of the work/
Morning 1. Exhibition of books with winter tales.
2. Communication activity: Conversation “Winter Games” Purpose: to introduce winter sports, winter fun, entertainment.
3. Board-printed game quiz “First Grader”
4. Independent play activities for children in the art corner
OD 1. Work in creative workshops “Zimushka-winter”
Application “Zayushkina’s hut”
2. OD on schedule.
Walk 1. Observation of trees in winter. Goal: to promote knowledge about preserving trees during the cold season.
2. Outdoor game “Kite and hen”
. Goal: to consolidate the ability to act together, develop speed and agility.
3. Experimentation “Ice is a strongman”
Purpose: to draw children's attention to a tightly closed plastic bottle filled to the top with water, and invite them to make a proposal about what will happen to the water if it freezes.
4. Rake the snow into a pile
5. Independent activity of children.
Making snow sculptures, buildings, decorating areas.
Afternoon 1. Communication activity: Conversation “In winter on the hill”
Goal: to teach children to obey the rules of behavior when sliding down the hill. Develop endurance and patience - the ability to wait your turn.
2. Reading G. Skrebitsky “How a squirrel spends the winter.” Purpose: answer questions about the content of the text listened to.
3. Watching the cartoon “The Snow Queen”
4. S-r game: “Family” (Plot: “We’re going to winter walk»)
Didactic game: “Find your match”
Purpose: to consolidate geometric shapes.
Finger gymnastics: “Who has what kind of fur coat?”

“Merry Christmas Carols” (closing of the week)

Time Contents of the work/
Morning 1. Listening to the song “White Snowflakes”
The story “Old names of our months”
2. Ecological game “Seasons”
Goal: to develop logical thinking and enrich children’s horizons with the concept of seasonal changes in nature.
3. D/i “Winter safety rule”
Goal: know the winter safety rules; be able to identify from pictures dangerous situation.
Board and printed games: “What month”
sr game: "Builders"
4. Independent play activities for children in the drawing corner “Christmas Coloring Books”
Musical entertainment “Merry Christmas carols” (folk fun games, music and dance numbers)
Walk 1. Observation of snow.
Goal: consolidate knowledge of the properties of snow.
2. Outdoor game “Brave guys”
Goal: to practice walking and running in different directions, to develop agility.
3. Conducting experiments with snow. Practice the ability to conduct simple experiments with snow and ice on your own.
4. Playing with snowballs
5. Independent activity of children.
Review-competition of ice buildings and decorations “Secrets of the Ice Mosaic”
Afternoon 1. Conversation “How the curious tongue was punished.”
Goal: to give children knowledge that iron objects are very dangerous in winter, that you should not touch them with your tongue, lips or bare hands.
2. Reading the story by V. Suteev “Christmas tree”
3. Exhibition of drawings: “Kaleidoscope of winter games and fun”
4. Independent play activities of children.

2. Exhibition of drawings “Kaleidoscope of winter games and fun.”

3. Take part in the environmental campaign: “Take care of birds in winter” (making bird feeders).

4. Consultation: “How to properly dress a child in winter.”

5. Parents’ participation in preparing the area for winter games and decorating the area with ice buildings.

6. Preparation of information for parents: “Winter safety rules.”

The theme of the month, week, day (Monday) is “Winter games and fun.”


Group, subgroup


"City of Masters"


Morning exercises.

Opening of the week “Winter Games and Fun”.

Conversation "Fun in winter."

Tasks: clarify children’s ideas about winter fun games; expand your vocabulary using nouns (sleds, skis, skates, skiers, figure skater, skating rink).

Individual work on speech development: didactic game “Whose?” (Lesha, Danya Kh., Lida).

Tasks: exercise children in the formation of possessive adjectives, introduce them to the rules of word formation, teach them to choose the correct sounding options.

Role-playing game “Winter Journey”.

Tasks : teach children to form play groups. Develop the ability to take into account the interests of comrades.

Expand children's understanding of natural phenomena in the winter season and winter fun.

Design of visual information for parents: “Experiments with water”, “Fun winter games”.

Speech development. “Sounds “Ch-Shch”, listening to nursery rhymes, modeling, finding differences in two similar drawings.

Target: promote the development of phonemic hearing, encouraging you to distinguish the consonant sounds “CH-SH” in words. Continue to develop the ability to divide words into syllables using a word model. Promote the development of visual and auditory attention.To develop interest in speech activity, independence, initiative in solving cognitive problems(E.V. Kolesnikova “From Word to Sound”, p. 46).

Drawing "Zimushka-crystal".

Target : clarify children's knowledge about winter. Continue learning to draw a landscape using means of expression wax crayons and watercolor paints. Teach aesthetic perception of nature, show creativity and imagination.


Observation “The snow is spinning, flying, flying.” Tasks : draw children’s attention to the variety of snowflakes, draw once again to the properties of snow, expand their vocabulary: fluffy, shiny, sticky, crumbly

Outdoor games “Trap-Christmas Trees”, “Two Frosts”.

Tasks: to develop in children the ability to navigate in space.

Work: clearing the veranda from snow.

Individual work on movement development "Who's next?" (Semyon, Misha, Sasha).

Tasks: practice throwing snowballs with your right and left hands in a certain direction.

Didactic game “Draw the same amount” (drawing in the snow).

Tasks: strengthen in children the ability to establish correspondence between the number of objects, number and figure.

Construction of snow buildings, snow fortresses from snow. Games with snow buildings.

Independent activities of children.

Tasks : to develop in children the ability to find activities of interest, play together with other children, and avoid conflict situations.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

Getting ready for bed.

Reading the Russian folk tale “Winter quarters of animals”

Tasks: developing interest in fairy tales and fairy-tale characters; creating an emotional positive mood; development of imagination.

Canteen duty


Tasks: cultivate responsibility, conscientiousness, and develop teamwork skills.

Self-service: game situation “We are helpers.”

Tasks : teach children to help each other in mastering the rules of self-service.


Listening to the song “If only there were no winter”

Labor + experimentation: Make the water multi-colored and pour it into the molds. We prepare material for decorating buildings (we make decorations from plastic cups and boxes).

Didactic game “Who am I ? (Dima, Polina, Olya, Nikita V.).

Tasks : teach children to describe the appearance of their comrades, their clothes, and compose descriptive riddles. Develop the ability to decentrate attention.

Coloring coloring pages on the theme: “Winter sports.”

Children's independent games with building materials.

Tasks: teach children to make buildings, select appropriate building materials, and play with buildings. Develop imagination and creative initiative.

Organized educational activities

Physical training (according to the plan of the physical manager)


Observation for the weather.

Tasks: invite the children to describe the weather and answer: “Is it always frosty on a sunny day?” or “Is it always cloudy during a thaw?”

Outdoor games: “From bump to bump”, “I’ll freeze”.

Tasks: develop motor activity, endurance, interest in group games, create a joyful mood.

Planning educational work for January.

The theme of the month, week, day (Tuesday) is “Winter games and fun.”


Joint activities between adults and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with specialists, parents, social partners

Group, subgroup


"Day of Folk Games and Fun"


Morning exercises.

Conversations about the cultural traditions of the winter games in Russia.

Tasks: introduce children totraditionsyour people, create a desire to learn more about them; broaden children's horizons, introduce them tofolk games and amusements.

Didactic game "Associations" (Dima, Egor, Olya, Ulyana).

Tasks : expansion of vocabulary, development of speechassociations, development of imagination.

Independent activity of children in the area of ​​visual activity: drawing according to plan.

Tasks: develop hand movements in drawing strokes, strokes, vertical, horizontal and rounded lines.

Exhibition of drawings by children and parents “Winter-winter”. Visual information “Joint visual activities at home.”

Organized educational activities

Cognitive development (FCKM) "Winter fun"

Target : fix the names of the winter games, the names of winter sports equipment. Summarize and systematize children's knowledge about winter sports. To instill in children a desire to play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Application “The hut is icy and bast.” Target : teach children to create on the same applicative basis (wall - large square, roof - triangle, window - small square) different images of fairy-tale huts - bast for the bunny and ice for the fox. Reinforce the method of cutting a square diagonally to obtain two triangles. Develop creative thinking and imagination.


Game session with a psychologist “Winter fun”.


Observation “Here are our pieces of ice.”

Tasks : draw a conclusion about the properties of water in the cold season, expand children’s horizons, curiosity, interest in experimenting with snow.

Folk games “Burn, Burn Clear”, “Golden Gate”, “Ring”.

Tasks: improve children’s ability to correctly perform game actions. Develop speed of movement and reaction, agility.

Work : decorating buildings with multi-colored pieces of ice.

Individual work on

movement development (Lesha, Sonya, Dasha N.).

Tasks : strengthen the skills of good repulsion and soft landing during jumps.

Games with snow, construction of snow buildings

Russian folk game "Heel".

A circle with a diameter of 2-3 meters is drawn on snow or ice. The driver stands inside the circle. He holds a small piece of ice in his hand. The rest of the children jump on one leg from the outside of the circle. You can't cross the line! The guys are trying to push the ice back into the circle. The driver beats off the ice with a stick. If someone managed to drive a piece of ice into a circle, then he becomes the driver.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

Getting ready for bed.

Learning poems dedicated to winter.

Tasks: work to increase the expressiveness of children's speech. Develop memory and artistic abilities.

Canteen duty


Tasks: Discuss with children the significance of the work being done, teach them to plan their actions, and talk about the results of their work.

Self-service: consolidate the skills of dressing and undressing quickly, neatly, and maintaining order in your closet.


Health-improving activities after sleep: awakening gymnastics.

Reading fiction and dramatization of r.n. fairy tales "Morozko".

Tasks: continue to introduce children to works of Russian folk art, teach them to evaluate the actions of heroes. Develop expressive speech.

Theatrical games "Arms and feet".

Tasks: develop active attention and speed of reaction.

Rhythmic movements “Snowflakes and fluffs” (Julia, Sasha, Lida).

Tasks: develop motor activity and the ability to navigate in space.

An ancient Russian folk game (with musical accompaniment) “Blizzard”.

Tasks : to instill children’s interest in folk art, maintain children’s good mood, develop the ability to act in accordance with the words of the song in a friendly and harmonious manner.


Observation : flora in winter.

Tasks : invite children to examine trees and shrubs, teach them to name the characteristic signs of the condition flora in winter.

Outdoor games: downhill skating on ice skates, outdoor game “Raven”.

Planning educational work for January.

The theme of the month, week, day (Wednesday) is “Winter games and fun.”


Joint activities between adults and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with specialists, parents, social partners

Group, subgroup


"Day of Winter Sports Games"


Morning exercises.

Conversation with children on the topic “If you want to be healthy!”

Tasks : introduce winter sports; give an idea of ​​the importance of physical exercise for the body in winter.

Individual work on FEMP: didactic game “Find the same amount” (Danya Kh., Serezha, Lida).

Tasks : exercise children in counting from 1 to 10. Teach to compare the number of objects in different ways, explain the results.

Independent activity in the physical development center. “Along the path on one leg.”

Tasks: practice performing the jump alternately on one leg while moving forward, develop leg strength.

Independent activity of children in the play area: games with dolls and cars.

Consultation “Seven parental misconceptions about frosty weather.”

Organized educational activities

Speech development . Compiling a story based on the painting “Winter Fun”.

Target: teach children to see all objects in a picture and combine them; develop the ability to compose a short story;

consolidate children's knowledge about winter and winter phenomena; clarify knowledge about winter types of games and fun; enrich and activate children's vocabulary; develop logical thinking, memory, imagination.

Drawing “I’m happily rolling downhill into a snowdrift.”

Target : teach children to convey the plot using accessible graphic means. Develop compositional skills: draw across an entire sheet of paper, drawing a horizon line, convey proportional and spatial relationships between objects (I.A. Lykova, p. 116).

Physical training . Sports festival “The Snowman Invites...”


Wildlife watching . Watching bullfinches.

Tasks: expand knowledge and ideas about the appearance and habits of bullfinches, read poems and riddles about bullfinches.

Outdoor games "Relay

in pairs", "Obstacle course", "Who is faster?"

Tasks: teach children to follow the rules of the game. Develop speech, dexterity and reaction speed.

Work: decorating buildings with colored water.

Movement development work. "On the Ice Paths" (Julia, Dima, Olya, Lesha).

Tasks: strengthen the ability to slide along an ice path on two legs, on ice floes, create a good mood from skating.

Didactic game: “One, two, three, find what could be dangerous.”

Tasks: consolidate ideas about the sources of danger in the house, develop intelligence and attention.

Sports game bandy.

Tasks : teach children how to dribble a ball with a stick, avoid obstacles, and make passes to a partner. Develop coordination of movements, dexterity, cultivate endurance.

Games with snow: building a snow house.

Role-playing games of children's choice.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

Getting ready for bed.

Reading the story “Gorka” by F. Gubin.

Tasks :pcontinue to teach children to listen to stories; help children correctly perceive the content of the work and empathize with its characters.

Canteen duty


Tasks: to help improve children’s table setting skills and to teach them to independently perform the duties of a table attendant from start to finish.

Self-service: game situation “My appearance”.

Tasks: strengthen children’s ability to use individual personal hygiene items (handkerchief, comb, towel), and monitor their appearance.


Health-improving activities after sleep: awakening gymnastics, walking along massage paths.

Work in the sensory education corner.

Tasks: systematize children's knowledge about the various properties of water, stimulate the inclusion of different senses.

Individual sculpting work “Winter fun” (Egor, Sonya, Dasha N., Dasha F.).

Tasks: teach how to compose a collective composition from sculpted figures, conveying the relationships between them.

Coloring illustrations from coloring books.

Independent activity in the book corner. Examination of the painting “Winter Fun”.

Tasks : clarify children’s ideas about winter games, fun (snowballs, skis, skates, sleds, sliding down the mountain, sliding along an ice path) teach them to write stories in the first person.


Observation of the Constellation.

Tasks: invite children to find familiar constellations, recall the names of constellations, and tell about the origin of some names.

Outdoor games “Empty Space”, “Snowball Traps”.

Tasks : teach children to follow the rules of games, to play the roles of players and traps. Develop accuracy and dexterity.

Planning educational work for January.

The theme of the month, week, day (Thursday) is “Winter games and fun.”


Joint activities between adults and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with specialists, parents, social partners

Group, subgroup


"Visiting a Winter's Tale"


Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic “Forest Tale”.

Tasks: consolidate knowledgechildrenOthe forest and its inhabitants. Develop the ability to convey contentfairy talesin the drawing.

Examination of paintings by Russian artists depicting winter landscapes, illustrations for fairy tales about winter.

Individual work on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech. Didactic game “Fantastic Beast”(Sasha, Nikita V., Misha, Seryozha).

Tasks : exercise children in the formation of possessive adjectives; in composing simple common sentences.

Independent work in the center of theatrical activities . Dramatization game "Terem-Teremok" .

Tasks: to develop the ability to express one’s emotions, voluntary attention, to intensify interest in theatrical art, and to develop speech.

« Snow structures" - joint work of parents and educators with children to build a slide and a sliding path, followed by watering them with water.

Organized educational activities

Cognitive development (FEMP) "Calendar".

Target : introduce the calendar; talk about different types calendars; induce in children the desire to plan their lives according to a calendar; practice counting within 9; continue to teach to distinguish and name geometric figures (V.P. Novikova “Mathematics in kindergarten”, p. 45).

Music (according to the music director’s plan)


Observation: nature in winter.

Tasks : Continue to introduce children to the characteristic features of nature in winter. Teach children to admire the beauty of winter nature and talk about their feelings.

Outdoor games “Baba Yaga”, “Entertainers”, “Sly Fox”.

Tasks: teach to follow the rules of the game, act quickly and deftly; practice running.

Work: building a snow slide for dolls.

Individual work on the development of “Knock down the flag” movements (Lesha, Ulyana, Egor)

Tasks: learn to throw snowballs at a target, develop accuracy and attention.

Printing on snow.

Tasks: develop imagination, precision of movements, a sense of rhythm when drawing up a pattern in the snow (on a flat surface of snow, using different shapes, create a pattern or picture, tell what happened).

Independent play activities of children.

Tasks : to develop the ability to find something to do according to your interests, to unite in groups for joint games, to cultivate friendly relationships during the game.

Construction from snow layers. Making colored ice cubes.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

Getting ready for bed.

Reading the fairy tale “Moroz Ivanovich” by V. Odoevsky.

Tasks : develop artistic perception and aesthetic taste, develop literary speech.

Canteen duty (Lida).

Tasks: teach children to independently and conscientiously perform the duties of dining room attendants, set the table, and clear away dishes after meals.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills.

Tasks: to form in children a conscious attitude towards their appearance, the desire to look neat.


Health-improving activities after sleep: awakening gymnastics, walking along massage paths.

Evening of mysteries “You will recognize winter.”

Tasks: cultivate the ability to understand the figurative meaning of words and phrases, cultivate a love for Russian folk art.

Learning poems dedicated to winter (Olya, Ulyana, Semyon, Dima).

Objectives: work to increase the expressiveness of children’s speech. Develop memory and artistic abilities.

Role-playing game "Family".

Tasks: teach children to independently assign roles in accordance with the game plan, to cultivate interest in the game.

Game-experimentation. Experiments “Snow, Ice and Water”, “Footprints in the Snow”.

Tasks: continue to introduce children to the properties of snow, develop children's observation, attention and speech.

Work in coloring books.


Watching snowfall.

Tasks: invite children to tell, based on the results of observation, how snowflakes move, what they are like, to help them draw a conclusion about the connection between the shape and characteristics of the movement of snowflakes with air temperature and wind patterns. Develop observation and logical thinking.

Outdoor game “Crucian carp and pike”, “Ring”.

Tasks: teach children to act in accordance with the rules of the game, improve the execution of basic movements when running. Develop reaction speed and agility.

Game activities based on children's interests .

Tasks : to develop in children independence, activity, and the ability to spend their leisure time interestingly and usefully.

Planning educational work for January.

The theme of the month, week, day (Friday) is “Winter games and fun.”


Joint activities between adults and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with specialists, parents, social partners

Group, subgroup


"Health Day"


Morning exercises « A healthy body, a healthy mind."

Conversation on the topic: “I am friends with physical education both at home and in the garden.”

Tasks : learn to take care of your health; instill love for physical exercise; cultivate a desire to be healthy.

Individual work on the sound culture of speech. Exercise "Training" (Seryozha, Dasha F., Egor).

Tasks: develop phonemic hearing, speech attention, speech breathing, consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds and words.

Low mobility games “Recognize by voice”, “Who has the ball?”

Tasks: develop analytical hearing, help memorize the voices of children in the group, cultivate attention and intelligence.

Photo report for parents in the “Week of Winter Games and Fun” group.

Organized educational activities

Cognitive development (FCCM) “What is health and how to increase it.”

Target: consolidate and enrich children's knowledge about what health is, how to maintain and increase it. To form in children ideas about the dependence of health on physical activity and proper nutrition. Develop the emotional-volitional sphere and play activity, speech activity. Cultivate a desire to take care of your health, a sense of empathy, and a desire to help.

Physical training (street)


Observation: clothes of passers-by.

Tasks : invite children to look at passers-by, pay attention to outerwear, hats, shoes. Telling us that dressing according to the season means taking care of your health.

Outdoor relay games: "Transport the medicine" (running, coordination of movements)"Take a seat in the hoop" (jumping, agility development).

Tasks: practice running in different directions; develop slow and fast running.

Work : clearing snow on the site.

Individual work on movement development. Throwing a snowball into the distance (Olya, Ulyana, Sasha, Semyon).

Tasks: strengthen the skills of throwing a snowball into the distance with your right and left hands.

Didactic game « Day, night - a day away."

Tasks: strengthen children's ability to navigate time and correctly use the names of parts of the day.

A health jog around the territory of the Labyrinth kindergarten.

Tasks: exercise children in running, develop endurance and functional capabilities of the body. Teach children to navigate the territory of the kindergarten and follow the route.

Games with snow.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

Getting ready for bed.

Reading A. Barto “The Dirty Girl”, I. Semenov “How to Become a Little Girl”.

Tasks : ncontinue to teach children to listen to stories; help children correctly perceive the content of the work.

Canteen duty


Tasks: contribute to the improvement of skills related to the duties of the duty officer. Involve children in serving the second course and clearing dishes from tables.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: exercise “Cleaners”.

Tasks: improve previously acquired cultural and hygienic skills by children.


Health-improving activities after sleep: awakening gymnastics, walking along massage paths.

Quiz “Zimushka-crystal”.

Tasks: expanding children's horizons; development of cognitive activity and individual abilities of students.

Outdoor games “Corners”, “Fishing Rod”.

Target : teach children to run from place to place quickly, unnoticed by the leader. Develop dexterity, speed of movement, spatial orientation.

Drawing based on A. Barto’s poem “The Dirty Girl.” (Yulia, Sonya, Dasha N.).

Role-playing game "Polyclinic".

Tasks: using an indirect method of guidance, lead children to independently create a game plan; develop the ability to use substitute objects.

Games with large building materials .


Observation for the weather .

Tasks : invite children to characterize the weather, compose a collective comparative story “Weather in the morning and evening” based on signal symbols indicating the main characteristics of the weather (cloudiness, temperature, wind, precipitation).

Outdoor game "Ball to the driver."

Tasks : introduce children to the rules of the game, teach them to use the ability they have mastered to throw and catch the ball in the game. Develop gross motor skills and cultivate sense of purpose.

Alesya Chistova
Planning a Week of Winter Games and Fun (senior group)



Conversation "Fun in winter."

Objectives: to clarify children’s ideas about winter fun games; expand the vocabulary using nouns (sled, skis, skates, skiers, figure skater, skating rink).

Didactic game “Guess what’s hidden”: theme “Winter sports games”

Goal: to teach children to imagine objects according to their verbal description, to create a description of various objects according to plan. Develop verbal and non-verbal imagination.

Lesson: “Winter sports”

Goal: To introduce children to winter sports: skiing, biathlon, speed skating. Expand and clarify children's knowledge about the differences and similarities of these species. To clarify knowledge about athletes’ uniforms, sports attributes, and equipment necessary for sports. Activate your vocabulary of verbs, adjectives, plural nouns. number. Develop vocabulary, thinking, speech, cognitive activity. Cultivate interest and desire for sports to improve health.


Outdoor games “Trap-Christmas Trees”, “Two Frosts”.

Objectives: to develop in children the ability to navigate in space.


Quiz “Who can name the most winter sports?”

Invite children to divide into two teams and take part in a competition to test their knowledge of winter sports and winter sports games.

Goal: to systematize ideas about winter sports, to promote the development of logical thinking and reaction speed.

Evening. Walk.

Sports exercises: sledding.

Goal: to train children in descending a mountain, standing with their knees on a sled, to teach them to move towards certain landmarks. Develop agility, strength, endurance.

Fun game “Snowballs”.

Goal: to develop accuracy, eye, to develop the ability to navigate in space. Increase physical activity and bring joy from the game.

Working with parents.

Invite parents to tell their children what winter sports they are interested in, what they did in childhood, and continue to do now.



Conversations about the cultural traditions of the winter games in Russia.

Objectives: to introduce children to the traditions of their people, to create a desire to learn more about them; broaden children's horizons, introduce them to folk games and amusements.

Watching a fragment of a TV show from the series “Chronicle of the Winter Olympics.”

Goal: to continue to acquaint children with winter sports, with the concepts of “Olympiad”, “Winter Olympics”. Instill an interest in physical education and sports.

Offer to consider the uniform of the Russian national team, pay attention to the signs of Russian symbols on the athletes’ costumes.


Role-playing game “Family”: plot “Winter Walk”

Goal: to teach children to use in the game ideas about options for active leisure activities related to sports: ice skating, sledding, skating, etc. Perform mastered actions with attributes in the game.

Relay game “Pass the wand”.

Goal: to train children in running, to teach them to act in accordance with the rules of the relay race. Foster a sense of camaraderie and responsibility for the overall result.

Games with snow: making a snowman.

Goal: continue to teach children to act in concert, select objects for making parts and decorating a figure.

Invite the children to talk about their work and come up with a fairy tale about a snowman.


Reading the story by A. Maleinov “On the Lenin Hills.”

Goal: to develop children’s interest in fiction, teach them to listen carefully, and answer questions about the content of the work. Arouse interest in winter sports. Pay attention to the author's description of the ski trip.

Didactic game "Winter Sports".

What are the names of the athletes (athlete, sportswoman who engage in skiing? (skiers, skier, skier), etc.

Didactic game “Which one?”

Goal: to activate in children’s speech the names of attributes necessary for practicing various winter sports, to learn to select adjectives for them, to coordinate words in sentences. Develop coherent speech, learn to answer questions, focusing on their structure and content.

Evening. Walk.

Outdoor game "Pair running".

Introduce children to the rules of the game, teach them to perform actions when given a signal. Offer to tell what qualities a player must have in order to win. Discuss the rules safe movement on the playground in winter.

Physical exercise “Ice tracks”.

Goal: continue to teach children how to run, take off, and maintain balance when moving on ice paths. Remind the safety rules that must be followed when performing the exercise.



Guessing riddles about sports, sportswear and shoes. Goal: continue to teach children to recognize objects by description.

Sedentary game "Entertainers".

Goal: imitate the movements of different athletes.


Sports game bandy.

Goal: to teach children to throw the ball at the goal: short throws (with the hand) and throws with a wide swing. Learn to combine moving around the court with throwing. Develop accuracy and accuracy of movements.

Sled relay race.

Goal: teach children to sled each other and perform speed exercises. Develop strength, endurance, coordination of movements.


Examination of a reproduction of A. Daineka’s painting “Hockey Players”.

Goal: to introduce children to a new type of art - mosaic, to draw attention to it characteristic features. Talk about the rules and tactics of the game.

Offer to compose a story based on the picture, talk about the actions of the hockey players, their form, and the attributes of the game.

Animation hall: watching the cartoon “Puck! Puck!

Goal: to continue to introduce children to the sports game of hockey, to the rules of the game, to enrich the experience of emotional and sensory knowledge. Instill an interest in physical education and a desire to play sports.

Evening. Walk.

Relay game “Exactly on target”.

Goal: to teach children to throw at a target, act at a fast pace, and begin the exercise only after the previous team member returns. Develop speed qualities, accuracy, cultivate friendly relationships in the game.

Outdoor game “Hunters and Hares”.

Goal: to improve children’s ability to follow the rules of the game. Develop reaction speed, dexterity, coordination of movements. Increase interest in completing the task correctly.



Independent activity in the book corner. Examination of the painting “Winter Fun”.

Objectives: to clarify children’s ideas about winter games and fun (snowballs, skiing, skating, sledding, skiing down a mountain, sliding along an ice path) to teach how to write stories in the first person.


Folk games “Burn, Burn Clear”, “Golden Gate”, “Ring”.

Objectives: to improve children’s ability to correctly perform game actions. Develop speed of movement and reaction, agility.


Reading fiction and dramatization of the river. n. fairy tales "Morozko".

Objectives: continue to introduce children to works of Russian folk art, teach them to evaluate the actions of heroes. Develop expressive speech.

Evening. Walk.

Outdoor games “Empty Space”, “Snowball Traps”.

Objectives: teach children to follow the rules of games, play the roles of players and traps. Develop accuracy and dexterity.



D/i "Safety Rules"

Goal: to consolidate safety rules in winter; be able to identify a dangerous situation from pictures; describe it and the rules that must be followed so as not to get injured or die.


Outdoor games “Baba Yaga”, “Entertainers”, “Sly Fox”.

Objectives: teach to follow the rules of the game, act quickly and deftly; practice running.


Reading the fairy tale by K. D. Ushinsky “Four Wishes”

Goal: continue to introduce children to works that talk about winter entertainment, expand knowledge about winter entertainment, cultivate attention, and strengthen listening skills.

Problem situation: what can happen to a child if he eats snow? Reading “The Winter's Tale” by S. Kozlov.

Evening. Walk.

Winter relay races: “Tumbleball”, “Who can carry all the snowballs faster”, “Jump over a snowdrift”, “Who can climb a snowy mountain faster”.

Goal: to introduce children to the traditions of big-time sports; develop speed, agility, strength, accuracy, endurance. Strengthen knowledge of winter sports.

Develop a sense of camaraderie, the ability to win and lose.