How to cast love spells on a man using candles. Suppositories. Recipe in Latin, rules for extracting, theory. Suppositories - general information

The article provides information that may be useful for all women who dream of a quick solution to unpleasant situations that may arise for everyone.

Conspiracy of a Siberian healer to find out the truth in a dream using candles

In order to find out the whole truth in a dream, according to the recommendations Siberian healer, it is necessary to carry out a special ritual with a candle. To do this, you need to twist two candles that are the same size during the full moon and light them on both sides. After this, you should read the words of the conspiracy:

“Mother of God, I pray to Your son that my desire may be fulfilled. May God's grace visit me through my insight in a dream. May the angel of sleep tell me what awaits me: today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Immediately after the prayer is read, the candles must be extinguished and go to bed. This ritual cannot be performed more than once a month.

Conspiracy if you urgently need money for a candle wick

To carry out such a conspiracy, you need to purchase a new candle and pull the wick out of it. During the waxing moon, take the wick in the middle and light it from both sides, it is advisable to do this at the same time. As soon as the wick lights up, you need to quickly read the spell: “The fire is eternal, and my spirit is marked with gold, silver and all good things. Amen". After the words have been spoken, the wick should be immediately extinguished and placed in the wallet so that it is always nearby.

Candle spell for love

To carry out a love spell, you need to take two church wax candles and twist them together. While they are twisting, you need to say the words: “As these candles are twisted together, so the slave (name) and I will be twisted together.”

After this, you will need to light the candles and again say the words of the conspiracy: “I do not light a candle, but I light the heart and soul of God’s servant (name) for me, servant (name), forever.” At the end of reading the plot, you should leave the candles to burn out until the very end. This ritual must be carried out for 9 days without interruption even once.

How to get rid of a rival using candles, plot

To commit a conspiracy against a rival, you need to take a candle in your left hand and light it. Let it burn a little so that the wax is in the water, then extinguish it by dipping it in water.

In this case, the following words of the conspiracy should be spoken:
“Like fire avoids water, like fire avoids water,
So the servant of God (name) avoids the servant of God (name), avoids the servant of God (name),
Let them quarrel and argue like fish on dry land, they won’t get along.”

After this, you need to remove the candle and dry the wick. Once it is dry, it needs to be re-lit and held over water again. As soon as a couple of drops of wax are in the water, you need to put the candle back into the water and say the following words:

“As water fears fire, as water runs away from fire,
So the servant of God (name) is afraid of the servant of God (name),
Runs away from God's servant (name),
She won’t want to see him, she can’t hear him.
I close the conspiracy from my rival on a wax seal,
I will bury her love for her beloved in the ground.
The word is strong to the rival servant of God (name) molded"

At the end of the ritual, the wax that has formed in the water must be taken and buried under a birch, linden or alder tree.

Conspiracy for reconciliation with 12 candles

To carry out such a conspiracy, it is necessary to place 12 thick church candles on the table, and next to them the personalized icons of the couple. The words of the conspiracy must be read for 12 days, 12 times in the morning and evening. At the end of reading, each time you need to gently fluff the candles with your fingers. For the 12th time, the remains of the candles should be folded into a white handkerchief and placed behind the icon of the Mother of God, so that no one knows or sees it. The words of the conspiracy are:

“God bless.
From the throne to the temple, to the very royal gates
An angel was walking.
The Mother of God stands at the gate
And Michael the Archangel.
The Mother of God is holding a sword and saber.
Kills evil with a sword,
He cuts off a quarrel with a saber.
Lord, put the world in its place
In the hearts of God's servants (names).
Strengthen peace, tranquility,
Close the gates tighter
And the key, Lord, throw it into the swamp.
Ae, Esm, Azhe, An, Abu, Ali!
Mother of God, bless.
Lord Jesus Christ,
Command, command the world to live and be in peace.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Cleaning spark plugs and annealing with a spark plug

Cleaning with a candle, which is popularly also called annealing, is an effective and truly powerful way to cleanse a person’s chakras and his energy field from the evil eye, damage and all other negativity. To carry out such a ritual, you need to wrap the candle in foil, making an impromptu “skirt” so that the wax does not drip and damage your hand during the procedure. You need such a candle at a distance of about 10 centimeters, starting from right side to the left and from the very bottom to the top, lead in front and behind the person who needs to cleanse the aura. In this case, during annealing, you should pronounce the following words of the conspiracy:

“I anneal you (name) with holy fire, burn out all the evil from you (name). Go away, evil, with smoke, soot, tears, candles, and don’t come back to you (name). So be it!”

You need to read this number of times until the candle begins to burn evenly without hissing. In places where the candle fire is very active, it is necessary to read the plot several times and carefully, persistently.

Candle conspiracies consequences

The consequences of such spells using candles have consequences. However, the extent of the effect depends on what kind of ritual is performed. If a candle is used to remove and expel damage, the evil eye, or to cleanse the body of diseases, then it is mainly the person who is doing the cleansing who suffers from such rituals. If he does not put a block, then all troubles and misfortunes can pass to him.

In the case when love spells, spells for melancholy and insomnia, drying of a person, or turning away from a loved one and divorce in the family are made with the help of a candle, then the consequences of such conspiracies will definitely be. The person who commits this kind rituals, I am obliged to pay off to higher powers so that everything goes smoothly and easily.

Otherwise, the person on whom such conspiracies are made may become crazy, not sleep at night, suffer from alcohol addiction, and show strong aggression towards other people. However, a person who makes such conspiracies can also be subject to the negative influence of higher powers.

There is also a type of conspiracies using candles that carry severe consequences in case they are carried out by people inexperienced in magic, or without fulfilling all necessary conditions. These are rituals to cause damage different types gravity. Such conspiracies are very powerful, and therefore require in return the powerful energy of the person who commits them. Otherwise, such magic will take away your health and worsen your moral and psychological state. Might even turn around fatal for someone who tries to perform such rituals.

Conspiracy to call on candles and remove negativity

In order to make a spell for a challenge, you need to prepare a church candle, a saucer and a needle. You need to write your lover’s name on the candle with a needle and stick it into the candle parallel to the wick. After this, you need to light the candle, open the window and shout the words seven times:

“I didn’t pierce a candle with a needle today, I pierced (name)’s heart with a needle.
Now I won't have to be bored alone.
He will come to me and stay with me.”

At the end of the ritual, when the candle burns out, it will need to be taken to the crossroads and left there. To remove negativity using a candle, you need to wash yourself before the ritual. clean water. Next, you need to retire to the room, put a mirror and stand in front of it completely naked. Light a candle and move it in smooth circular movements clockwise around the head, neck, chest, abdomen and legs with the words:

“This Child is cleansed from the pain of illness, from the suffering of the womb, from damage and the evil eye, from all leprosy, from this day and forever! To the glory of our Gods and Ancestors! Amen". Near each chakra, you should say the words of the spell 4 times, then extinguish the candle and throw it in any body of water with a fast current.

Candle spell on how to remove excess weight and belly fat

Candle spell to remove overweight and belly fat, carried out once a month. This is the time when the moon is in its waning phase, and its first day is the perfect time to perform such a ritual. To do this, you need to light an ordinary wax church candle, sit opposite it and, looking at the bright fire, say the words of the conspiracy:

“The wax from the light melts, gives light, and so does my body, dissolving its fat. Let the rays of joy fly from my body into the sky, let the fat melt with it, it will not come back! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

If there is no confidence that such a conspiracy will work after one time, then you can repeat it a month later, again on the first day of the waning month.

Red candle spell

Based on magical practice, love spells are usually cast on a red candle, since it symbolizes strong, passionate feelings loving people, since it is an attribute of Red magic. Such candles are used by both girls and men in rituals. For such a ritual, on Friday, during the waxing moon, you need to take a blank sheet of paper and write on it all the data of your beloved. After this, light a red candle and burn a sheet of paper from its fire. When the paper turns into ashes, you need to go out onto the road and scatter it, saying the following words:

“Love me, (name), for who I am. My radiant eyes, my strong hands, silken curls, stately gait, white face, brave heart. Don't resist me and your destiny. To stand in front of the altar and for us to always be together. Ashes, fly, find the heart of your beloved. Key, lock, tongue. Amen"

Candle spell to remove illness

Candle spells to remove illness are recommended to be carried out during the waning moon at sunset. To do this, you need to take a church candle and light it. After this, move a burning candle in the chest area, while saying the following words of the conspiracy:

“In an open field there is a damp oak tree and in that damp oak tree lives an iron man. That iron man cannot be given drink and food, neither bread nor salt, nor any vegetables, but only illnesses and various ailments. In the bright month I am enlightened, I close myself with a castle, from amen, amen, so that all the bodily pains of the same iron man are fed, and they do not come to me, the servant of God (name). Not forever, not forever. Enemy Satan, get away from me, the servant of God/servant of God (name), behind three doors, behind four locks and lock all diseases behind three doors, behind four locks. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

You should move the candle creating an impromptu cross. At the end of reading the words of the conspiracy, you need to put the rest of the charmed candle under the pillow, and in the morning put it for the repose of illnesses in the church. This must be done before noon the next day.

Love spell on two twisted church candles

To carry out such a love spell, you need to take a light church candle and speak to it with these words: “This candle has hidden the heart of God’s servant (name).”

“Lord, make our lives and souls one. May my chosen one pay attention to me and let his heart be inflamed for me with such strong love as I have for him. May I be alone in his heart every day from morning to midnight. And he, and only he, will always be in mine. Let him not have feelings for another woman in this life, and I will not love another man.”

When prescribing some medicines, which are produced in finished form by enterprises of the pharmaceutical industry, only the dosage form and the active medicinal substance are indicated, because A standard drug has a very specific composition of its constituent drugs. In this case, the prescription begins by indicating the dosage form in the accusative case (take what?): Tabulettas, Suppositoria, Lamellas ophthalmicas (Ass. plur. – accusative case plural). Then indicate the name of the medicinal substance and its single dose, and then the number of tablets with the word numero (Ass. sing. from numerus– number) number.

For example:

Recipe: Tabulettas Bromcamphorae 0,25 numero 10

Take: Bromocamphor tablets 0.25, number 10

Some tablets containing several drugs are known under special trade names, e.g. Aeron tablets, Pentalgin tablets ( Tabulettae « Aeronum», Tabulettae « Pentalginum"). When prescribing such tablets, the prescription begins with the name of the dosage form - Tabulettas (Ass. plur), then indicate in quotation marks the trade name of the tablets with a capital letter in Nom. s ing and their number with the word numero.

For example:

Recipe: Tabulettas « Pentalginum" number 20

When prescribing suppositories, begin by indicating the dosage form suppositoria (Ass. sing), then after the preposition cum follows the name of the medicinal substance in Ass. sing. and its dose. The script ends with the word numero.

For example:

Recipe: Suppositoria cum Ichthyol o 0.2 numero 10

Take: Candles with ichthyol 0.2 number 10

Recipe: Lamellas ophthalmicas cum Florenal o № 30

Take: Eye films with Florenal number 30

Various kinds of instructions to the pharmacist in the prescription are written in the form of a conjunctiva ( conjunctivus) or imperative ( imperative).

In Russian, the conjunctive is usually translated with the word “let” or “yes” with the 3rd person form of the present or future tense; or – indefinite form of the verb:

Misce– mix (imperative mood)

Misceatur– let (yes) be mixed or mixed!

Signa– designate (imperative mood)

Signature– let it be designated or designated!

In recipes, the subjunctive mood is used in the 3rd person singular or plural passive voice, while the imperative mood is used in the 2nd person singular:

Misce. Da. Signa. Mix it up. Give. Designate – imperative mood

Misceā tur. Detur. Signē tur. Let it be mixed (everything). Let (the medicine) be given. Let it be indicated - the subjunctive mood.

Da tales doses (ACC) – Give out such doses – imperative mood

Dentur tales doses (Nom) – Let such doses be given out (or given out) – subjunctive mood.

Typically, in prescriptions that indicate what dosage form should be given to the drugs prescribed by the doctor, a subordinate clause with the verb is used fio, fiĕri– to do, become, turn out, be formed, standing in the conjunctive with a conjunction ut– so that (it may be omitted in the recipe):

Misce, ut fiаt unguentum. Mix to form an ointment.

Misce fiat pasta. Mix to make a paste.

Verb fio, fiĕri incorrect: it has endings in the active voice, and the meaning is in the passive voice; this verb essentially serves as the passive voice of the verb facio, ĕre- do.

Verb fiĕri used in the recipe only in the 3rd person singular and in the 3rd person plural:

fiat– let it form, let it work out.

fiant– let them form, let them succeed.

Mutual love is rare. In the case when you have done everything you could to win the heart of a man, but he is still indifferent to you, you can try to bewitch him. But what to do if you are scared to perform a ritual through blood, but you simply don’t have a photo of your loved one? Use a love spell on candles. It can be easily done at home, and the effect, believe me, will pleasantly surprise you.

Before you get acquainted with the rituals, know that not all candles are suitable for love spells. Even if you have a souvenir in the form of a red or white candle, you cannot use it, because you cannot be sure that magical traditions were observed during production.

Not all candles are suitable for love spells

Candle and its magic

If you decide to make a love spell using candles, take only new ones. Those that were lit at least once, or served as a decorative element for a long time, are not suitable. They absorb the energy of surrounding events and are considered “dirty”. For love spells, you need special candles made according to all the canons of magic. They may differ from ordinary ones in shape, color and material from which they are made. When choosing a candle, rely on your intuition and pay attention to the color. Color carries energy and affects the ritual in different ways.

Candle color and its meaning.

  • Red contains health, energy and strength. It is used to arouse passion, increase sexual attraction, make a man fall in love with you and marry him. Positively affects masculinity and willpower. Can help you get pregnant and give birth to a baby. Improves physical condition.
  • Orange is an indicator of energy and luck.
  • Pink – romantic love, friendship.
  • Purple – removal of damage, success in business, professional achievements, luck, strengthening of magical abilities.
  • Yellow - enhances the effect of a love spell, gives magical power during rituals. Used for predictions. Enhances attractiveness, improves memory and learning ability.
  • Blue – agreement, calm, patience. Helps with meditation.
  • Green – youth, beauty, success in work and finances.
  • White – purity, sincerity, protection. Maybe, if necessary, replace the candle with any other color.

We make the candle ourselves

Love spell candles can be made at home. This requires cotton threads and wax, which is easy to obtain from beekeepers. You will need aromatic oils and dyes. Thin candles can be made using a tube of cream, paste or glue. Attach the wick to the lid and lower it into the tube. Place the tube in a jar and fill it with slightly cooled wax, then leave it to harden. For a thick candle, pour melted, well-cooled wax into a container of water. Wait for the wax to harden, remove it, place the wick on the left side and twist it so that it is in the middle of the candle. In a day it will completely harden and be ready for the ritual.

Before making candles, you need to perform certain steps.

  1. Clean the apartment, make the bed.
  2. Take a shower.
  3. Think positively.
  4. You can turn on relaxing music.

Now you can begin the ritual.

Love spell on a white candle

This love spell will be effective whether you want to find new love or rekindle old feelings. It is very simple to perform, so it is well suited for those who are dealing with magic for the first time.

  1. Take a candle that is wide so that you can make an inscription, but not high, so that you don’t have to wait long for it to burn completely
  2. Place the candle on the table or altar if you have one.
  3. Surround the candle with things that are dear to you and your loved one. These could be shells if you both love the sea, joint photos, or, as a last resort, paper with written words that are important to both of you.
  4. If you have a white rose, take its thorn and write the spell on the candle: “my love come to me” 3 times. If there is no thorn, you can make an inscription using a knife or needle.
  5. Light a candle, peering into the flame, imagine your beloved man, think about how happy you will be together. Keep these images in your head until the candle burns out completely.
  6. Wrap the rest of the wax and things lying near the candle in a white cloth and hide it in a secret place.

Love spell on a white candle - very simple to perform

With this ritual, you will force a man to give you all the love that his heart is capable of. But it may happen that you get tired of the relationship and want to cancel the love spell. To do this, simply take out the hidden package and burn it. You can tear the photo together into small pieces and throw it into a body of water (where there is a current).

Love spell with a pink candle

This ritual belongs to white magic. He can not only bewitch a specific person, but will also make sure that love and happiness find you on your own. Choose a place where no one will disturb you. Take a few minutes to meditate, try to free your thoughts from everyday worries and tune into a positive mood. It's good if you have a photo of your loved one. If you mentally send him love for a week, the effect of the love spell will intensify.

  • On the night from Thursday to Friday, light a pink candle.
  • Draw a circle on a white sheet of paper and write the first and last name of the desired man in it. If you don’t have a chosen one yet, make a schematic drawing of two people.
  • Close your eyes. Imagine yourself walking next to your loved one. Whisper the spell three times:

    “May our love burn brightly like the flame of this candle. So be it!”

  • Do not put out the candle under any circumstances, let it burn out. Keep the piece of paper and the remaining wax under your pillow for 3 days. You can also add a photo to them.

Here another way to bewitch a person using a pink candle: cut a heart on a candle, light it and place it on the window so that the light of the growing moon falls on it. Place a bottle of your favorite perfume in front of the candle. And say:

“Venus, help me, tie my beloved. Let the aroma beckon him, let him be drawn to me like a magnet.”

Let the candle burn out. Use these perfumes every time you appear among people. You can sprinkle them on the photo. In a month he is yours.

Spells with a red candle

If you want to arouse sexual desire in a man, you will need a red candle. Scribble your name and your loved one's name on it. Light it on the night when the moon is in Scorpio. Look at the photo of your chosen one for a few minutes (if you have one). Close your eyes, imagine how you are having sex with the one you want to bewitch. Immerse yourself in your erotic fantasies. After a while, when you have vaginal discharge, smear a burning candle with it and read the spell:

“The candle is red, the candle is bright, kindle (the man’s name) desire, lure him to me. So be it!”

Put out the candle. If you do not have any discharge, the ritual will not work.

This love spell is very strong. But be careful what you wish for. Make sure you don't get bored with this person and have to avoid him.

The love spell on a red candle is very strong

When making a love spell using candles, be sure to follow the precautions fire safety. Do not leave a candle unattended. We want to burn in the fire of love, and we don’t need a real fire at all.

Spell with glass ball and candle

To bewitch your loved one, light a red candle and, holding a ball in your hands, mentally visualize your desires. Then recite the spell:

“Higher powers come, make my dreams come true. Love will only bring joy, so let the whirlpool of feelings swirl around you and me faster. The door to the world of happiness will open for us.”

Then take your photos and stack them so that your faces are facing each other. Place the photo in the bottom of your underwear drawer. The man will soon call or make an appointment.

Conspiracy of two candles

This love spell is easy to do at home. Take candles and try to fill them with your positive energy. Don't picture a specific man in your mind. Just imagine how love fills you. Place the candles on the table as follows: red on the left side, white on the right. Place a moonstone in the middle if you have one. Place cinnamon around the candles to form a figure eight and say:

“Goddess of light, bring me happiness, true and bright. Let new love will find me as soon as possible. So be it."

Extinguish the candles or leave them to burn out.

Before making a love spell on candles, let's look at its positive and negative sides.

  • It is not necessary to have a photo of your loved one;
  • easy to do at home;
  • no need to use blood.
  • there is a risk of buying unsuitable candles; you will have to make them at home;
  • The ritual takes a long time, as you often need to wait until the candle burns out.

Make a love spell on candles, in a photo, or choose another method - decide for yourself. The main thing is to try to do it right, because magic does not forgive mistakes.