Elective course program "graphics and design". SRS during the period of intermediate certification. Scope of discipline and types of academic work

Graphic means of displaying information are widely used in all spheres of society. Graphic images are characterized by imagery, symbolism, compactness, and relative ease of reading. It is these qualities of graphic images that determine their expanded use.

The implementation of the principle of cultural conformity of the content of general secondary education is impossible without familiarizing schoolchildren with a huge layer of graphic culture. Over its centuries-old history, a graphic language of business communication has been developed in its depths. The study of a graphic language as a synthetic language, which has its own semantic basis, is necessary, since it is generally recognized as an international language of communication. Its value can become one of the advantageous characteristics when getting a job, as well as continuing education.

The graphic language acquires great importance within the framework of the national doctrine of education of the Russian Federation, the strategic goals of which are closely linked to the tasks of economic development of the country and the establishment of its status as a world power in the field of culture, science, and high technology.

The development of the theoretical foundations of descriptive geometry, engineering graphics and other related sciences has expanded the methods of obtaining graphic images. Along with manual methods, computer methods for generating graphic images and drawing up design documentation, which contain geometric, technical, technological and other information about the object, are increasingly being used. Using new information technology provides the creation, editing, storage, replication of images using various software, as well as the ability to transmit them via communication networks.

Since a comprehensive school prepares graduates for life in a society built on a system of market relations capable of adapting to rapid changes in work, they therefore need thorough, systematic graphic training that ensures their labor mobility, advanced training and change of profession. Thus, the direction of education that develops the logical, spatial thinking of students based on graphic activities associated with a clear understanding of image methods adopted in the creative practice of people comes to the fore.

The close connection between teaching graphics and life, productive work opens up real opportunities for the development of creative activity of students in the process of their graphic training, provides for the familiarization of students with the concept of production and technical nature and the requirements of technical aesthetics, develops the ability to observe and compare objects and their images, highlight them essential features and properties.

In addition, graphic training provides the conditions for high-quality mastery of other subjects of the school curriculum, ensuring their propaedeutics, the participation of schoolchildren in project and design activities, most effectively and purposefully develops visual-figurative thinking, which has a very important place in any creative process, since a new solution appears before your mind's eye in the form of pictures, diagrams, models. In addition, in the process of mastering this discipline, the reproductive and productive imagination is improved, manifested in the creation of three-dimensional images of the real world and the construction of new ones (design, redesign, improvement, transformation, etc.). These intellectual operations are universal in nature and can be applied in other forms and activities. The development of spatial concepts allows schoolchildren to develop effective ways processing information - visualization, which contributes to huge time savings. With this method of work, information is almost instantly transformed into some generalized model containing the necessary and sufficient elements for understanding the form, situation, phenomenon. Thus, a person’s cognitive abilities develop, the range of mental means and mental operations used expands, which, in turn, increases a person’s adaptive capabilities.

Modern requirements for a secondary school graduate necessitate strengthening graphic education, which is part of general education. modern man. In this regard, it becomes relevant to consider the graphic education of schoolchildren from the standpoint of sufficiency for the adaptation of a secondary school graduate to the conditions of life and work in modern society.

Graphic education is understood as the process of development and self-development of a student associated with the mastery of graphic culture and graphic literacy.

The graphic culture of a schoolchild is a body of knowledge about graphic methods, methods, means, rules for displaying and reading information, its preservation, transmission, transformation and use in science, production, design, architecture, economics, public spheres of society, as well as a set of graphic skills , allowing to record and generate the results of reproductive and creative activity.

Considering the importance of the subject for the social adaptation of school graduates, the uniqueness of the subject area (none of the subjects in the school cycle forms an understanding of graphic systems, methods, means and ways of presenting information), propaedeutic nature in relation to other subjects of the school curriculum, I consider it necessary to use the opportunities curriculum and teach the elective course “Graphics. Technical drawing” for students in grades 7-8.

Venue of the elective course “Graphics. Technical drawing” MBOU Secondary School No. 17, Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia. Main form of organization educational activities is the educational and practical activity of students. Each section of the course includes basic theoretical information and graphic works.

In the classes, textbooks and drawing aids recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, interactive resources are used. This course is advisable to study based on the need to take into account the needs of the student’s personality, his family and society, the prevalence of the studied technological skills in the field of production and education.

The program is compiled on the basis of the mandatory minimum content according to the schedule

for incomplete high school 1 each school hour per week for one year in accordance with the textbook: A.D. Botvinnikov, V.N. Vinogradov, I.S. Vyshepolsky, M. Astrel. AST, 2010. And it assumes the continuation of the elective course, since it does not cover the content of the graphics program for graduates recommended by the standard.

I. Explanatory note

The “Graphics. Technical Drawing” program is designed for students in grades 7-8 of secondary school for 34 hours. The purpose of this program is to, based on the knowledge acquired by students in the process of technology and mathematics lessons, solve the problem of bridging the ever-increasing gap between the amount of knowledge and the timing of students’ training, provide more detailed graphic training, and deepen interdisciplinary connections.

The program is based on the drawing textbook by A.D. Botvinnikov, V.P. Vinogradov, I.S. Vyshnepolsky.

The elective course introduces students to the concepts of technical drawing and axonometric projection. Based on these concepts, the program examines images of the simplest geometric bodies.

The presentation of the material sets the task, based on the skills acquired in drawing lessons, to gradually instill in students more specific rules of graphics.

During the course, moving from drawing to performing developments of geometric bodies, a connection is formed between flat images and a three-dimensional body.

1. The student must have an understanding of straight, broken, curved, parallel, and perpendicular lines. What is a circle, semicircle, arc of a circle? Clearly distinguish between the simplest geometric bodies and their formative bodies.

  1. Must have an understanding of how to construct a technical drawing.
  2. Have skills in simple geometric constructions.
  3. Be able to unwrap a geometric body.
  4. Have minimal drawing skills.
  5. Be able to perform a simple analysis of the shape of an object consisting of several geometric bodies.

1. Introduction (4 hours)


Distinguish between straight, broken, curved, parallel, perpendicular lines,

Distinguish between a circle, a semicircle, an arc of a circle,

Divide the circle into 3, 4, 6, 8 parts.

2. Rules for the design of drawings. (14 hours)

Drawing fonts (5 hours)


Ability to select the correct font size

Accurate determination of the ratio of height and width of letters and numbers in inscriptions,

Correct identification of the type of letters and numbers.

Drawing lines (2 hours). Rules for applying dimensions (4 hours).

Scale (1 hour). Pairing (2 hours).

The concept of standards. Lines: solid thick - main, dashed, solid thin, solid wavy, dash-dotted and thin dash-dotted with two dots. Formats, frame and title block.

Some information about applying dimensions (extension and dimension lines, arrows, diameter and radius signs; indicating the thickness and length of the part with an inscription; location of dimensional numbers).

Application and designation of scale. What is pairing and how to do it.


Knowledge of GOST standards, the ability to use drawing lines in accordance with their purpose, the ability to select and apply the required number of dimensions, the ability to use different scales, and know how to construct interfaces.

3. Drawing the simplest geometric solids (15 hours)

The simplest geometric constructions.


Be able to name, show, depict a cube, parallelepiped, pyramid, cone, truncated cone, cylinder and name the geometric figures that form them,

Know what technical drawing is, axonometric projection and how to perform it.

III. Calendar and thematic planning.

IV. Technological map.

V. Test materials

VI. Educational and methodological literature

1. Botvinnikov A.D., Vinogradov V.N., Vyshnepolsky I.S. Drawing: Textbook. for 7-8 grades. general education institutions. - M.: ACT: Astrel, 2007.

2. Vasilenko E.L., Zhukova E.T. Drawing task cards for 7th grade. - M.: Education, 1988.

3. Vasilenko E.A., Zhukova E.T., Katkhanova Yu.F., Tereshchenko A.L. Drawing task cards for 8th grade. - M.: Education, 1990.

4. Gerver VL. Creativity in drawing lessons. - M.: Vlados, 1998.

5. Gordeenko N.L., Stepakova V.V. Drawing: 9th grade: Textbook. for general education schools / Ed. V.V. Stepakova. - M.: ACT: Astrel, 2006.

6. Botvinnikov AD. and others. Drawing: Methodological manual for the textbook. - M. Astrel: ACT, 2003..

7. Preobrazhenskaya N.G., Kuchukova T.V., Belyaeva I.L. Workbook on drawing. - M.: Ventana-graf, 1998.

8. Dictionary-reference book for drawing / V.N. Vinogradov, E.A. Vasilenko, A.A. Alkhimenok et al. - M.: Education, 1999.

9. Podshibyakin V.V., Technical drawing assignments for grade 8. -S.Lyceum, 1999

Municipal educational institution "Poeduginskaya basic secondary school"

Accepted I approve:

at a meeting of the pedagogical director of the school

school council

Protocol No.__________ ____________ /Petukhov V.V./

From “______” __________2014. Order No. ___ dated ________2014.


elective course





Poedugi, 2014


"Graphics and Design"

Explanatory note

Preparing graduates for self-determination, for independent life, and developing the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice are the most important tasks facing modern education. The course is aimed at 9th grade students (15-16 years old), is designed for 12 hours, 1 hour is allocated for each lesson.

The program allows you to gain knowledge, skills and abilities in the subject “Graphics and Design”, an idea of ​​the goals, content, general strategy of teaching, education and development of students using this course. Specifies the content of subject topics of the educational standard, gives an approximate distribution of hours by sections of the course.

Course for this educational program directed to determine by 9th grade students a further profile of study in high school.

Main goal is to develop the creative abilities of students based on expanding the knowledge of engineering graphics and design fundamentals acquired in primary school.

Tasks :

develop the ability to practically apply general technical knowledge, develop cognitive and organizational competence;

to introduce students to graphic culture, to mastering graphic methods of transmitting information;

develop logical and spatial thinking;

develop design abilities;

contribute to the formation of aesthetic, artistic tastes, elements of general culture.

Relevance.Feature This program is an in-depth study of the topics “Drawing and Graphics” and “Introduction to Graphic Design”, which are important in the life of a modern person. During the training, interdisciplinary connections with geometry, fine arts, design, and technology are realized. The connection with labor training is expressed in the use of such general work techniques as reading drawings, making sketches, using measuring tools, etc. In the learning process, it is assumed to use the experience of students acquired in fine art classes (knowledge of shape, perspective, technical drawing, basics of design, etc. .). The connection with mathematics is manifested in schoolchildren’s knowledge of such concepts as point, line, ray, angle, plane, perpendicular, parallelism of lines, geometric figures and bodies, similarity, etc. Thus, the proposed elective course is not an end in itself, but a means of cognitive and creative, creative activity, during which the student will acquire universal competencies.

The topics and sections studied are built in a logical sequence of the educational process, taking into account interdisciplinary connections and age characteristics of students.

The educational objectives of the course contribute to the labor, polytechnic and vocational training of schoolchildren, the formation of the foundations of graphic literacy, the ability to draw up drawing and graphic documentation and consciously use it in the process of work.

Reading, making drawings and sketches of parts, as well as assembly units, and analyzing them create the prerequisites for the development of a penchant for studying technology in schoolchildren.

The course offered in the program is based on studying the shape of objects, rules for reading graphic images, methods and rules for graphically depicting information about products, and performing graphic documentation.

Subject course « Graphics and design » consists of two sections: drawing and graphic design.

In the section drawing The following areas are considered:

    sections and sections

    typical connections of parts

    assembly drawings

    construction drawings.

In the section basics of graphic design material is studied in the following areas:


    shape and styling

Each section of the program includes basic theoretical information and practical work. The program provides for creative and design work. The priority methods are exercises, practical, graphic work and the project method.

Novelty. The integrated nature of the content of the training “Graphics and Design” involves the construction of the educational process based on the use of interdisciplinary connections with geometry, algebra, physics and technical work, history and art.

Expected learning outcome


Students should know:

The concepts of “form”, “method of similarities”, “graphic design”, etc.;

Flat and volumetric forms, their properties and main characteristics;

Fundamentals of Graphic Design;

Basics of modeling and design;

Stages of project activities;

Students should be able to:

Carry out sketches and technical drawings depending on the tasks and purpose;

Solve creative problems;

Compose an object or image using variability;

Apply acquired knowledge when performing creative projects;

Design an object, modify and improve it according to a given condition.

For assessments Based on the results achieved, schoolchildren are offered creative tasks to model forms as images and to complete a sketch of a graphic design product. To monitor and evaluate learning outcomes, use observation of the student’s work and evaluation of the creative project based on criteria.

Thematic plan


Sections, topics

Number of hours



Total quantity

Basics of graphic design.

4 hours

Basics of graphic design. Tools: brush, pen, sponge, ink, watercolor, gouache.

Color perception. Color. Light, shadow.

Perspective. Skyline. Linear perspective. Proportions

Forms and their stylization. Modeling forms from plasticine (principle: the whole is made from individual parts). Creation of objects with specified properties.


8 hours

Projection methods.

General information about sections and sections. Graphic work "Cuts".

Typical connections of parts. Graphic work “Hairpin connection”.

Assembly drawings. Practical work.

Total number of hours by section

12 h

Main content of the program

I. Basics of graphic design. (4 hours)

2.1.Basics of graphic design. (1 hour)

Types of graphics. Line. Strokes. Dots. Tools: brush, pen, sponge, ink, watercolor, gouache, paper.

Line. Silhouette. Spot and space. Various artistic techniques. Their capabilities and features of solution and designation. Expression of the visual sensation of plane and space, volume.

2.2. Perspective. Skyline. (2 hours)

Skyline. Vanishing point. Line of perspective. Point of view. Optical illusions. Linear perspective. Perspective of a square, circle. Frontal, angular perspective. Image of individual objects taking into account the laws of perspective.

2.3. Form and their stylization. (1 hour)

Broadcast characteristic features shapes, proportions and designs, objects. Expressiveness of the form and appearance of the product. Basic properties of volumetric-spatial forms. Mass, texture, size, geometric appearance. Position in space. Graphic techniques for displaying shapes on a plane. Graphic techniques to enhance the visual and aesthetic impact of form. Shape and style.

Modeling molds from plasticine (principle: the whole is made from individual parts). Creation of objects with specified properties.

II. Drawing. (8 hours)

1.1. Projection methods. (2 hours)

Projection. Projection. Projection methods: parallel (oblique, rectangular) and central. Drawings in the system of rectangular projections. Axonometric projections. Technical drawing. Arrangement of views in the drawing: main, top view, left view.

1.2. General information about sections and sections. (4 hours)

Sections. Rules for performing superimposed and extended sections. Designation of sections.

Cuts. The difference between sections and sections. Simple cuts (frontal, horizontal and profile).

Connecting part of the view and part of the section. Designation of cuts. Local cuts. Reading drawings.

1.3. Assembly drawings. (2 hours)

Typical connections of parts. Detachable and permanent connections. Bolted, stud, keyed, pin, screw. Image of the thread on the rod. Metric thread designation. Working with reference material. Reading drawings containing images of studied parts connections. Making a keyed connection.

Generalization and systematization of knowledge about assembly drawings. Hatching sections and adjacent parts. Reading assembly drawings.

Requirements for the level of training of 9th grade graduates

in the subject "Graphics and Design"

As a result of studying the subject, the student must

according to drawing:


    conventional image of a carving;

    rules for constructing assembly drawings;

    rules for constructing, designating and reading sections and sections;

    types of connections;

    purpose and use of construction drawings, their varieties;

be able to

    analyze the shape of the product and its components;

    perform assembly drawings;

    prepare assembly and construction drawings;

on the basics of graphics and design:


    types and basics of graphics, materials;

    concepts: line, stroke, point;

    perspective, horizon line;

    form and space;


be able to

    use various means of expression;

    analyze and convey the shape and volume of an object using various artistic techniques;

    build a perspective of the interior and plein air;

    carry out sketches of objects, observing design requirements;

    independently design objects, taking into account the shape, texture, location in space;

    independently analyze, monitor and evaluate project activities.

1. The teacher retains the right to redistribute time depending on the chosen means of teaching and the level of training of schoolchildren, which will allow learning to take into account their interests and abilities.

2. The polytechnic orientation of the course is carried out on the basis of the connection between theory and practice, technical and artistic design activities. It is advisable to carry out interdisciplinary connections with mathematics, fine arts, and computer science.

3. The creative potential of the individual is developed through the inclusion of schoolchildren in various types of creative activities related to the use of graphic knowledge and skills in the process of solving problem situations and creative tasks. The process of acquiring knowledge includes four stages: understanding, memorizing, applying knowledge according to the rule and solving creative problems. The stages are associated with the activity of recognizing, reproducing, solving standard and non-standard problems that require the application of knowledge in new situations. To implement these tasks, a package of tasks has been created for each topic.

4. Systematic appeal to creative problems creates the prerequisites for the development of students’ creative potential, which is realized when solving problems with elements of technical design and modeling. For example, the task of modeling from plasticine requires each student to work individually on their own image. The simplest geometric bodies are sculpted, and when assembled, a solid image is formed. Each model is presented to the whole group in disassembled form and the guys suggest what it could be. Original models receive the highest scores.

5. The final work is to create a logo for the school event. Schoolchildren create it taking into account their interests. The final lesson is devoted to the presentation of projects and their discussion. An assessment sheet is used, where students evaluate the work of others according to the following criteria:

    does the logo correspond to the declared event;

    does the image convey the main idea;

    Are the main principles of logo design taken into account, etc.

8. It is necessary to completely eliminate all unproductive elements of graphic activity, saving children from redrawing the terms of the tasks. Workbooks should be used to complete the work.

9. The program provides for self-education and the possibility of independent work for the student.

Literature for teachers:

    1. Sokolnikova N.M. Fine arts: textbook for grades 5 – 8: In 4 hours. Part 1. Basics of drawing. Obninsk: Title, 1996.

  1. Sokolnikova N.M. Fine arts: textbook for grades 5 – 8: In 4 hours. Part 2. Basics of painting. Obninsk: Title, 1996.

Literature for students:

    1. Vorotnikov I.A. Entertaining drawing: a book for secondary school students. – M.: Education, 1990.

      Pavlova A.A., Korzinova E.I. Drawing and graphics. Grades 8-9: textbook for general education. institutions. – M.: Mnemosyne, 2007.

      Titov S.V. Entertaining drawing in lessons and extracurricular activities. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.

Resource support

    Computer equipment, projector, screen.

    A package of task cards and creative tasks by topic.

    Drawing tools.

    Checked workbooks.

    Art materials (felt pens, plasticine, colored paper, etc.)

    Pavlova A.A. Graphics and drawing. 7-9 grades. Workbooks 1-2.-M.: Humanite. Ed. VLADOS Center, 2001.

    Internet resources.

Ministry of General and vocational education

Rostov region

state budget professional educational institution

Rostov region

"Volgodonsk Technical School of Information Technologies,

business and design named after V.V. Samarsky"


professional module

PM 02.

basic professional educational program

secondary vocational education in specialty

02.54.01 Design (by industry)

(training program for mid-level specialists)




sewing cycle and design

Protocol dated “_30_”__ 08 __2015 No. 1


Deputy director for sustainable development

________/ O. V. Kobeletskaya/



Cyclic commission of professional

sewing cycle and design

Protocol dated “__”_______20___ №___

Chairman of the Central Committee _____/O.A. Sergeeva/


Deputy director for sustainable development



Work program of the professional moduledeveloped on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Vocational Education (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education) in the specialty 54.02.01 Design (training program for mid-level specialists) (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 878 of August 25, 2010, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 14, 2010 No. 18427), included in the enlarged group of specialties 54.00.00 “Fine and applied types arts"

Developer organization:State budgetary professional educational institution of the Rostov region "Volgodonsk College of Information Technologies, Business and Design named after V.V. Samarsky" (GBPOU RO "VTITBiD")


Ponomareva A. A., teacher of higher education qualification category GBPOU RO "VTITBiD",

Mololkina T.S., teacher at GBPOU RO "VTITBiD".


Kobeletskaya O. V., Deputy Director for SD of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Regional Educational Institutions "VTITBiD";

Dontsova L.N. - head of educational courses additional education for adults "Range"







PM.02 Technical execution of artistic and construction (design) projects in the material

1.1. Scope of application of the work program

The work program of the professional module (hereinafter referred to as the work program) is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the specialty 54.02.01 Design , included in the enlarged group of specialties 54.00.00 “Fine and applied arts” in terms of mastering the main type of professional activity (VPA):“Technical execution of artistic and construction (design) projects in the material”and related professional competencies(PC):

PC 2.1

PC 2.2 Create reference samples of a design object or its individual elements in a layout or material.

PC 2.3

PC 2.4

1.2. Goals and objectives of the professional module - requirements for the results of mastering the module:

In order to master the specified type of professional activity and the corresponding professional competencies, the student during the development of the professional module must:

have practical experience:

be able to:

  • select materials taking into account their form-building properties
  • produce reference samples of a design object or its individual elements in a layout or material;
  • carry out technical drawings of the project to develop the design of the product, taking into account the features of the technology;

Develop a technological map for the production of the author’s project;


Range, properties, testing methods and quality assessment of materials;

Technological, operational and hygienic requirements requirements for materials.

1.3. Number of hours for mastering the professional module program:

total – 885 hours, including:

the maximum educational load of a student is 741 hours, including:

The student’s mandatory classroom teaching load is 522 hours;

Student’s independent work – 219 hours;

Educational and industrial practice – 228 hours. 2. RESULTS OF MASTERING THE PROFESSIONAL MODULE

The result of mastering the professional module program is the students’ mastery of a type of professional activityTechnical execution of artistic and construction (design) projects in the material, including professional (PC) and general (GC) competencies:


Name of learning outcome

PC 2.1

Use materials taking into account their form-building properties.

PC 2.2

Create reference samples of a design object or its individual elements in a layout or material.

PC 2.3

Develop product design taking into account manufacturing technology, carry out technical drawings.

PC 2.4

Develop a technological map for product manufacturing.

OK 1.

Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it.

OK 2.

Organize your own activities, choose standard methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3.

Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and take responsibility for them.

OK 4.

Search and use information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

OK 5.

Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 6.

Work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and consumers.

OK 7.

Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates) and for the results of completing tasks.

OK 8.

Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, and consciously plan professional development.

OK 9.

To navigate the conditions of frequent changes in technology in professional activities.


3.1. Thematic plan of the professional module


professional competencies

Names of sections of the professional module *

Total hours

Amount of time allocated for mastering an interdisciplinary course(s)


Mandatory classroom teaching load of the student

Independent work of the student




(according to specialty profile),




incl. laboratory work and practical classes,




PC 2.1, PC 2.2

Section 1. Execution of reference samples of design objects in the layout, material, taking into account their form-building properties

PC 2.3, PC. 2.4

Section 2.

Industrial practice,(according to specialty profile)


3.2. Contents of training in the professional module

Names of sections of the professional module (PM), interdisciplinary courses (IDC) and topics

Hours volume

Mastery level

PM.02 Technical execution of artistic and construction (design) projects in the material

MDK 02.01 Implementation of artistic and design projects in the material

Section PM 1. Execution of reference samples of design objects in a layout, material, taking into account their form-building properties

Topic 1.1

Methodology of artistic and design volumetric prototyping

Introduction. The role of prototyping in artistic and design activities.Layout is a means of identifying optimal composition and layout options, as well as a creative search for new forms. Advantages of prototyping. The choice of material for the layout in connection with the artistic design task. Basic prototyping materials and technology for their processing. Imitation of mock-up materials (texture, color, shine, etc.) in order to bring their appearance closer to the real product. Learning layout techniques

Spatial environment of the subject. Aesthetic content of volumetric prototyping forms. New functional and technological solutions and their design support. Traditional and modern structural systems, transformable fencing and coverings, designs of special and engineering equipment, finishing elements and decorative solutions; materials and features of designing small forms, landscaping. System equipment design landscape design, monumental and decorative solutions. Principles of designing design objects in various art systems:

Development of a single sample of an industrial product, subject-spatial complex;

Development of industrial products in the form of kits and collections.

Aesthetics and manufacturability of designArtistic means of constructing a composition. Specific compositional properties (artistic capabilities) of plastic. Illustrative examples (including historical ones) of the use of plastic means, graphic means, combining graphics and plastic arts in order to achieve artistic expressiveness of form. Color in artistic design.

Artistic design.Artistic design analysis: study of the initial situation and construction of the design object. Functional-ergonomic and structural-technological analysis. Compositional analysis. Artistic and constructive synthesis: functional and ergonomic search, work on the composition of the product. Scale in artistic design. Selection of optimal options for compositional, colorographic, ergonomic and other solutions. Consideration of the designed product as an element of a whole complex of products surrounding a person in a specific subject environment.

Methodology for object design.Design project and its stages: design assignment; pre-project studies; preliminary sketch and design concept; preliminary design; art design project; working draft. Methods of working on projects: combinatorics method; heuristic method; heuristic method, analysis method; inversion method, deconstructivism method.

Sketch design.Sketches graphically (or plastically) Design in two ways - “from the inside” and “from the outside”. Sketch options.Volumetric design. Layout.Materials in the model: clay, plasticine, gypsum, foam plastic, various plastics, wood, cardboard, paper, plastically movable materials, easy-to-cut materials. Product design. Embodiment in the material.

Types and features of layouts.Draft (search) layouts. Clean layouts. Demonstration layouts. Combination of demo layout and technical documentation. Features of layouts.Completing a project on a tablet.Illuminated (multi-color) or ink washed drawings. Orthogonal projections - front view, side view, top view and section.

Kinematic diagram.Layout diagram. Perspective image. Chiaroscuro in conveying appearance, appearance. Product modification.Art and design project.Development of components and structural elements. Checking the feasibility and expediency of the proposed solutions. Analysis from an engineering perspective.

Layout diagram. Selection of rational construction materials, optimal technology for manufacturing products, unification of components and parts. Working out the color scheme of the product and surface texture. Execution of models and layout in conditional material. Color, material texture, graphic elements. Explanatory note, diagrams and calculations. Finish layout.

Practical exercises


Making a layout using transformable planes


Making a layout of the ornament


Making a layout using rocker surfaces


Making layouts with elements of simple volumetric shapes


Making a layout of geometrically regular bodies of revolution


Layout of complex bodies of rotation


Executing a layout using composed geometric bodies


Executing a layout using the method of connecting volumes

Topic 1.2. Range, properties, test methods and quality assessment of materials used in the prototype

A range of materials.Classification by type of materials, operational purpose, production method, functional use, design, completeness, types of products. Dependence of the range of materials on the level of design development, regulatory and technical documentation, technological preparation, organization of production, dimensional, technical, economic, aesthetic indicators, on the quality of raw materials and starting materials.

Basic properties of materials.Mechanical properties. Physical properties. Chemical properties. Technological properties. The use of material in design form as a solution to functional and artistic problems. Compositional and artistic properties of the material. Natural and artificial materials. Features of the color of natural materials. Texture and its influence on the plasticity of the form. Texture and its influence on the plasticity of form; texture and methods of processing the material.

Assessment of the quality of materials.Dependence of the assessment on the level of design development, regulatory and technical documentation, technological preparation, organization of production, dimensional, technical, economic, aesthetic indicators, on the quality of raw materials and starting materials.

Practical exercises


Execution of layout elements using surface decoration with wood imitation


Execution of layout elements using surface decoration with imitation stone


Execution of layout elements using surface decoration with metal imitation

Topic 1.3. Shaping

General rules of technological shaping.Factors influencing shaping: function of a given element; design and technological features of the implementation of this element; ergonomic features of the element, figurative, conceptual and compositional correspondence of this element to the entire complex. Objects of compositional shaping: visual, anthropometric and material structure of the object.

The concept of manufacturability.Main factors: right choice materials; optimal shape and size of the elements (parts and assemblies) included in the product; the smallest number of names of materials and finished products used in the design; low material consumption of products, maximum use of standardized elements and standard materials; rational limitation of the number of surfaces with high requirements for processing accuracy and roughness.

The object is the basis for shaping. Basic methods of shaping.Rationality. Tectonics. Structurality. Flexibility. Integrity. Plastic form. Organic. Imagery.Systematizing methods of shaping(modularity and combinatorics). Transformative methods of shaping (stylization and transformation).3D images.Operations with three-dimensional images and displaying them in a drawing

Practical exercises


Development of a project for a three-dimensional information stand for a kindergarten


Making a three-dimensional layout of an information stand on a scale of 1:2


Design project for a three-dimensional television portal in the interior


Execution of industrial product layout elements


Assembling a mock-up of an industrial product

Topic 1.4. Requirements for the selection of materials

Material consumption and compactness.Indicator of consumption of material resources in the structure of product costs. Optimization as choosing the best option. The share of material costs in the cost of production. Material cost ratio. Compact and mobile

Safety and efficiency.Characteristics: durability, frost resistance, moisture resistance, biostability, corrosion resistance, fire resistance. Possibilities for maximum waste-free use and minimum cost.

Technological requirements for materials.Plasticity, fusibility, fluidity, machinability, heat treatability, formability and shape stability, strength, elongation, rigidity.

Performance requirements for materialsStrength. Wear resistance. Rigidity. Elasticity. Anti-friction. Electrical conductivity, Thermal conductivity, corrosion resistance, heat resistance, tension, compression, friction, etc. and physical and chemical influences: the action of water, light, weather, heat, cold, etc.

Decorative qualities of construction materials.Color. Texture. Texture. Shine.Classification of finishing and decorative materials.Siding. Porcelain tiles. Ceramic tiles. Drywall. Chipboard. Fiberboard. DSP. PVC panels. Wallpaper. Wallpaper linkrust. SML- Plates. OSB - Liquid wallpaper - MDF panels. Alucobond. Plaster. Foam ceiling tiles. Mirror tiles. Glass blocks

Finishing external and internal works.Decorative plaster finishing, leveling the ceiling and walls; wall finishing (tiles, painting, cladding, wallpaper; ceiling finishing (including installation of a tension ceiling); screed (leveling the floor); laying flooring (tiles, laminate, parquet or parquet boards). Exterior works . Facing, decorative and ordinary plaster.

Finishing decorative materials.Drywall. Accessories for installation of drywall. Wallpaper, glass wallpaper. Photo wallpaper. Photo panels. Decorative plaster. Finishing panels: DSP, chipboard, MDF.Finishing and protective coatings.Primers. Putties. Pore ​​fillers and compositions of porosity fillers. Varnishes and polishes for transparent finishes. Paints and enamels for opaque finishes. Drying oils and other modern materials

The structure of a product design as a complex of components.Stable and mobile components.Tectonics of form. Shape and material.Objective features of the functional and technical layout of the object (principles of the technical solution, its effectiveness, novelty, rationality of designs, etc.)

Tectonic expressiveness. Tectonic structure. The focus of visual proposals (compositional structure, color scheme, expressiveness of form, etc.)Stylistic decision.Classification of design styles. Semantic unity of permanent design elements that provide visual perception of goods. Color, graphic, word, typographic elements

. Corporate identity and fashion.The concept of “corporate style”. The main carriers of corporate identity. Emblem, trademark.Industrial product.The purpose of an industrial product, a subject-spatial complex.

Practical exercises


Development of a layout of TV portal design elements


Making a layout of the TV portal design


Execution of elements of the children's playground layout


Making a three-dimensional model of a children's playground


Implementation of the art object project


Presentation of models, future industrial designs


Surface decor


Topic 1.5. Execution of reference samples of design objects.

Execution of individual elements of reference samples of design objects in the layout. Basic layout techniques. Basic technological operations in the manufacture of models of volumetric-spatial objects.Making planar compositions from linear elements.Classification of flat surfaces. Vertical and horizontal flat surfaces. Plane and types of plastic development of the surface depending on the classification. Breadboard techniques for identifying and developing surfaces. Means used for compositional construction and surface identification: division of divisions, comparison of surfaces of contrasting shapes, ratio of mass and space, texture and color.

Making vertical planar compositions from linear elements.Figurative and ornamental image with relatively shallow relief. Nuanced relationships between elements

Making horizontal planar compositions from linear elements.The ratio of heights, differences in levels, the interaction of their individual parts.Performing plastic surface development techniques. Plastic surface solution with volumetric elements.

Development of surfaces using order.Transformation of the drawing into a pattern-development, taking into account the designation of the lines in the drawing.Components of the layout. Development of templates based on drawings for the production of mock-ups.

Making individual elements of landscape forms and complexes from layout paper.Plastic development of the horizontal plane, landscape layout.Rigidity elements.Rigid spatial frames.Connection methods: end-to-end (on edge), using folded edges of paper.Implementation of individual elements of landscape forms and complexes.Volumetric design, development of surface relief using plastic materials (gypsum, plastics, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, etc.). Selection of materials for making a relief layout, taking into account their form-building properties

Mastering the techniques of making models of natural elements (trees, shrubs, grass, etc.) to scale from design paper. Stylization. Development of templates to obtain a three-dimensional form.Formation of volumes by folds. Assembly volumetric shape from repeating elements: making part templates, marking splines, slots.Implementation of individual elements of equipment and equipping landscape forms and complexes.Making models of natural elements (trees, shrubs, grass, etc.) to scale in various materials (wire, polyurethane foam). Application of the surface flocking method to imitate grass and moss.

Assembly and installation of mock-ups of landscape forms and complexes.Carrying out assembly operations in accordance with the sketch, fastening parts and elements. Final finishing of the layout.The use of transformable surfaces in the prototyping of elements of small object forms of decorative park sculpture.Classification of types of transformable planes: spirals, extended surface elements, elements turned at an angle to the generating planes.

Layout of transformable surfaces using spirals.Execution of elements of models of object small forms: using transformable surfaces from spirals (rectilinear, curved).Layout of transformable surfaces using extended elements.Execution of elements of mock-ups of object small forms: mock-up of a perspective portal of an architectural structure or a complex framed window opening, using the transformation of a plane into volume using extended elements.

Layout of transformable surfaces using elements rotated at an angle to the generating planes. Execution of elements of layouts of object small forms: layout of a complex arched opening, using the pairing of arcs of circles or tangents to circles

Layout of individual elements of open urban spaces and park ensembles.The use of rocker surfaces in the prototyping of building exteriors, for solving long facades. Rocker surfaces as a transitional type of transformation of plane into volume.Execution of elements of layouts of open urban spaces.Layout of a model for the decoration of elements of open urban spaces using the laws of constructing scenic-type surfaces.

Volume-spatial connections using frame forms(square, circle, ellipse, etc.). Execution of elements of layouts of open urban spaces using frame forms.Combining linear and planar elements as an option for solving a volumetric form.Execution of elements of layouts of open urban spaces using a combination of linear and planar elements.

Execution of a complex volumetric-spatial stylized form of an industrial product in a model.Dividing a complex volumetric-spatial stylized form into its component elements. Characteristics of a volumetric body: length, width, height, surface outline.Execution in a model of a complex volumetric-spatial shape formed by planes and having perpendicular edges.

Execution in a model of a complex volumetric-spatial shape formed by inclined planes. Execution in a model of a complex volumetric-spatial shape formed by curved surfaces.

Execution of a complex stereometric figure in a model, having rectilinear and curved surfaces. Development of a volumetric form using the cutting plane method.Mastering compositional techniques for the plastic development of volumetric surfaces using the cutting plane method using a developed drawing.

Execution by insertion of elements of the layout of the subject-spatial complex of the internal space of buildings and structures.Connecting simple geometric bodies into one volume or inserting one body into another.Performing a sketch development of a complex shape when making a composition by insertion.Checking the correctness of connecting geometric shapes into a complex volume (offset and depth of insets, general parameters of the compositional solution).

Definition of the development of inset lines on the sketch version.Preparing the final layout.Performing a final development of the mold when making a composition by insertion.

Mounting complex objects from several separate scans.Mastering the methods of assembly in places of inserts - “butt joint”.Execution of equipment elements for the layout of the subject-spatial complex of the internal space of buildings and structures.Main stages and sequence of layout.

Shaping in the interior depending on the material and technology.Layout of interior elements, choice of material, manufacturing technology and presentation of the layout.Layout of options for interior elements and selection of space-planning solutions for residential interiors.

Development of a layout of the main types and types of interior equipment with various technical and technological characteristics.

Installation of equipment elements for a model of a subject-spatial complex of the internal space of buildings and structures

Practical exercises


Development and implementation of the layout of elements of landscape forms


Development and implementation of a layout of a landscape complex, its equipment and equipment.


Development and execution of a layout of decorative park sculpture, advertising or exhibition installation (lanterns, benches, fences, fountains)


Development and implementation of elements of reference samples of open urban space objects (elements of a bus stop, stadium, recreation area, etc.) using the principles of “accessible environment”


Development and implementation of reference samples of open urban space objects (bus stop, stadium, recreation area, etc.) using the principles of “accessible environment”


Development of a volumetric form. Mastering compositional techniques for the plastic development of volumetric surfaces using a developed drawing


Development and execution in a model of a stylized form of a three-dimensional object of industrial products.


Development and implementation of a model of a subject-spatial complex of the internal space of buildings and structures (recreation area, fireplace area, children's room, etc.)


Development and implementation of a layout of equipment for the subject-spatial complex of the internal space of buildings and structures: furniture.

Independent work when studying section PM 1

Preparation for practical work using methodological instructions teacher, preparation of practical work, reports and preparation for their defense on the following topics:

Assortment, properties, test methods and quality assessment of materials.

Technological, operational and hygienic requirements for materials

Selection of materials taking into account their form-building properties.

Decorative qualities of construction materials, decorative and protective coatings.

Execution of reference samples of a design object or its individual elements in a layout, material

Educational practice

Types of work

Making a model of industrial products from various materials, taking into account their form-building properties.

Selection of materials and preparation of templates for making a reference sample of an object decorative form in the material.

Making a reference sample of an object's decorative form in the material.

Selection of materials and preparation of parts to complete the layout of the author's project of an open urban space.

Selection of materials and preparation of parts for the embodiment of the author's project in the material.

MDK 02.02 Fundamentals of design and technological support for design

Section PM 2.

Design and technological support for design

Topic 2.1. Development of product design taking into account manufacturing technology. Technical drawings.

Rules for the design of drawings.The concept of ESKD standards. GOST 2.301-68* ESKD “Drawing formats”. Basic formats, sizes, designations. GOST 2.104-68* ESKD “Basic inscriptions”. Drawing lines. The meaning of lines for reading a drawing. GOST 2.303-68* ESKD “Drawing lines”. Name, style, line parameters, purpose.

Drawing fonts.Types of fonts, their distinctive and general properties. Font numbers. Font parameters according to GOST 2.304-81. Rules for calculating and drawing type B drawing font with a slope of 75º.Applying dimensions. Scale. GOST 2.302-68* ESKD “Scale”. Scales: natural, enlarged, reduced. Application and designation of scales.

GOST 2.307-68* ESKD “Applying dimensions and maximum deviations”. Rules for applying dimensions in drawings. Arrow shape

Geometric constructions.Graphic techniques for dividing segments, angles, circles. Construction of regular inscribed polygons. Pairing. Pattern curves. Slope and taper, their designation in the drawings. The sequence of drawing the outline of a technical part. Fundamentals of projection drawing and technical drawing. Projection Methods. Geometric bodies (prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, ball, cube). Projecting geometric bodies onto three projection planes with points belonging to the surface

Axonometric projections. General information on the method of obtaining axonometric projections. Types of axonometric projections. Rules for constructing plane figures and geometric bodies in different types axonometric projections.Axonometric projections of objects with round surfaces. Isometric projections of circles. Methods for constructing axonometric projections of objects with round surfaces.

Main types. Basic provisions of technical drawing. Types: basic, local, additional. Remote elements. Definitions, execution rules, notations. Simple cuts. The cuts are complex. Sections.Classification of cuts (horizontal, vertical, oblique, local). Connecting half a view with half a section. Purpose of cuts, methods of designation in drawings. Classification of cuts (stepped, broken). Methods of implementation and designations in the drawings. Sections, their types and designations.

Technical drawing.Purpose of technical drawing. The difference between a technical drawing and a drawing made in an axonometric projection. Dependence of the clarity of a technical drawing on the choice of axonometric axes. Sketching technique: flat geometric figures located in planes parallel to any of the projection planes; geometric bodies, models. Types and methods of applying shadows to surfaces.Brief information about construction drawings.Structural elements of the building. Foundation. Walls. Finishing supports. Partitions. Floors. Roofs. Openings. Scales on construction drawings. Lines on construction drawings. Symbols of window and door openings, stairs and other structural elements of the building, in accordance with GOST 21.501-93. Symbols of sanitary equipment (GOST 21.205-93).

Construction drawing. Reading a construction drawing.Building facade. Building plan.

Section of the building. Drawing stages. Dimensioning. Contents of the explication.Development Sequence technological map manufacturing the product.Description of the sequence of operations. Execution of graphic images. Materials and tools used. Time allocated for each operation

Drawings for constructing developments of geometric bodies.Development of a cone, cube, prism, pyramid, cylinder.Drawings of developments of polyhedra.Tetrahedron. Octahedron. Icosahedron. Dodecahedron.

Constructing a perspective image using an orthogonal drawing using the architects' method.Choosing the right point of view. Removing the point of view from the object;

position of the main beam; position of the picture plane; position of the horizon line. Recommendations for choosing a point of view.Execution of furniture drawings. Children's furniture. Kitchen. Living rooms. Hallways. Bathroom furniture. Upholstered furniture.

Execution of furniture drawings.Country furniture. Wardrobes. Sliding wardrobes

Headsets. Coffee tables. Offices.Drawings furniture fittings . Furniture fittings, window and door fittings and fasteners, supports and furniture moldings of various profiles. Nomenclature of furniture fittings. Devices for windows and doors: hinges, handles, locks, latches, screws, flaps, latches, couplers, clamps, stops, stops, squares, etc.

Furniture decor drawings.Fitting styles: classic, modern or minimalist. Ethnic.. Exclusive elements. Thematic accessories. Decorative accessories.Interior wall scan. Frontal projection of the wall and elements adjacent to it. Types of coatings, finishes, sizes and locations of all decorative elements, niches, decorative panels, sconces, protrusions. Section drawings. Complex multi-level ceilings, floors, walls.

Master plan drawing.The concept of a master plan. Layout plan (plan for the location of buildings and structures); relief organization plan; plan of earth masses; master plan of utility networks; territory improvement plan.Graphic designations of materials in sections. Metals and hard alloys. Non-metallic materials. Tree. Concrete. Ceramics and silicate materials. The soil is natural. Glass and other translucent materials. Brickwork.

Drawings of interior elements.Staircase drawings. Basic, or main, service, or auxiliary. Sectional view of the staircase. Staircase in plan.

Drawings of staircases.Drawings of urban space equipment. Stop complex. View drawing. Cuts. Technical drawing. Nodal connections. Specification.

Drawings of urban space equipment.Benches. Urns. Flower girls. Fountains.Technical drawings of urban space equipment.

Practical work


Execution of drawing lines.


Making a drawing font


Drawing a part using techniques for dividing a circle into equal parts.


Drawing the contour of a part with the construction of a mate and one of the pattern curves.


Making mates between two circles


Performing isometric projections of circles


Execution of drawings of developments of geometric bodies


Drawing of a part, model in three views and in axonometry


Execution of technical drawings of models, parts objects


Construction of the third type of part using the given two types, making the necessary cuts. Applying dimensions. Performing an isometric projection with a ¼ section cut out.


Development of drawings of industrial products


Development of furniture drawings


Development of drawings for furniture fittings and decorative elements


Execution of construction drawing


Drawing of staircases


Development of a master plan drawing


Development of a technological map for product manufacturing


Development of drawings of interior layouts of residential premises


Development of office interior layout drawings


Drawings of residential interior elements

Independent work when studying section PM 2

Approximate topics of extracurricular independent work

Systematic study of lesson notes, educational and specialized literature (on questions to paragraphs, chapters of textbooks compiled by the teacher).

Preparation for practical work using methodological recommendations teacher, preparation of practical works, reports and preparation for their defense, familiarization with analogues of design objects of interest in an artistic and compositional sense

Create a composition using a drawing font

Make a geometric pattern in a circle

Perform an axonometry of a model with a hole. in different projection planes

Making cuts in views and axonometry

Making a drawing of an art object in three views and axonometry

Draw a design product drawing and axonometry in color

Make furniture drawings

Draw a master plan sketch

Make an interior layout drawing

Develop a technological map for product manufacturing

Make a drawing of urban space equipment.

Make a drawing of an interior element

Draw sketches of staircases

Make a drawing of urban space equipment

Make a drawing and technical drawing of an element of a children's playground

Educational practice

Types of work

Execution of technical drawings of the project to develop the design of the product, taking into account the features of the technology.

Development of a technological map for the production of the project.

Making graphic images of methods for processing components and parts of industrial products.

Execution of a technical drawing of a product taking into account the features of the technology

Execution of drawings of urban space equipment

Performing interior wall scans

Industrial practice (according to specialty profile)

Types of work:

Development of a design project for a youth recreation area.

Development of a design project for industrial products

Development of a design project for an individual subject environment in accordance with a given style (artistic image)

Development of a design project for an individual subject environment in accordance with specified conditions

Development of a design project for the external environment in accordance with a given style (artistic image)

Development of a design project for the external environment in accordance with specified conditions

TOTAL according to PM.02


4.1. Logistics support

The implementation of the professional module presupposes the presence of an art and design laboratory; layout of graphic works.

Equipment for laboratories and laboratory workplaces:

Sets of teaching aids;

Sets of visual aids;



Sets of educational and methodological documentation;

Didactic material: visual aids, tables, task cards, photographs, etc.;

Teacher's board

Models, objects, dummies, collections, photographs, layouts,

Still Life Fund;

Methodological Fund;

Regulatory documents;

Teaching aids;

Instructional and technological cards

Drawing tools

Tools: pencils, erasers, patterns, brushes, rulers, breadboard knives or cutters, - a circular knife; scissors, etc.;

Materials: gouache set, watercolor paints 24 colors, PVA glue, adhesives for various purposes, Whatman paper, special board made of plywood, plastic or hardboard, colored paper and cardboard of various textures and textures and for various purposes, measuring device; preparation room; drawing board or stretcher; sub-layout, right triangles at angles of 30, 60 and 45°; cabinets for storing visual aids, handouts, tools and equipment, etc.

The implementation of the module program involves mandatory educational practice, which is carried out dispersedly within each section of the professional module, and practical training (in the profile), which is carried out in a concentrated manner.

4.2. Information support for training

Main sources:

1.N. Stasyuk, T. Kiseleva, I. Orlova. Layout. Publisher: Architecture-S 2010.

2. N. Kalmykova, I. Maksimova Layout from paper and cardboard Publisher: KDU, 2011.

3.Design and modeling of industrial products. Vasin S.A., Talashchuk A.Yu. and others - M.: Publishing house: Mashinostroenie-1, 2009.

4. Zaenchik V.M., Karachev A.A., Shmelev V.E. Fundamentals of creative design activity: Subject environment and design. M.: Academy, 2009.

5. Ott A. Industrial design course. Sketch. Embodiment. Presentation. M.: Art and pedagogical publishing house, 2008.

6. F. I. Puychescu, S. N. Muravyov, N. A. Chvanova. Engineering graphics. – M. Publishing house "Academy", 2011.

7. A. M. Brodsky. E. M. Fazlulin. V. A. Khaldinov. Engineering graphics. - M. Publishing house "Academy", 2010.

8. V. P. Pokataev, S. D. Mikheev. Design and equipment of the urban environment. Rostov n/a. Phoenix, 2011.

Additional sources:

1. A. Grashin. Design of children's subject development environment. Publisher: Architecture-S 2008.

2. Marietta Surina. Color and symbol in art, design and architecture.

Publisher: MarT, Phoenix Series: School of Design 2010.

3. N. Kalmykova, I. Maksimova. Surface design. Composition, plasticity, graphics, color. Publisher: KDU -2010.

5. V. Ustin. Artistic interior design Publisher: AST, Astrel, Poligrafizdat, 2010.

6. N. Zhdanova. Teaching the basics of design. Lesson notes, publishing house: Vlados 2011.

7 Miroslav Adamczyk. Design and the basics of composition in design creativity and photography. Publisher: Harvest 2010.

9. Nodar Kancheli. Building spatial structures. Publisher: Association of Construction Universities, 2009.

10. A. Khvorostov, D. Khvorostov. Artistic woodwork. Layout and carving Publisher: Vlados 2008.

11. M. Kalinicheva, M. Reshetova. Technical aesthetics and design.

Publisher: Academic Project, Culture 2011.

12. L.D. Chainova. Ergodesign of industrial products and subject-spatial environment. Publisher: Book on Demand 2009.

13. Ustin V.B. Composition in design. Methodological foundations of compositional and artistic form-building in design creativity: Textbook. - AST, Harvest, Astrel, 2010.

14. Ermolaeva L.P. Fundamentals of design art: textbook. - M.: Architecture-s, 2009.

15. N. Bryzgov, S. Voronezhtsev, V. Loginov. Creative design laboratory. Project graphics. Publishing house V. Shevchuk - 2010.

16. E. V. Parikova, G. N. Fomicheva, V. A. Elizarova. Materials science (dry construction). Textbook for primary vocational education Publishing-Academy. 2011.

17. Belyaeva S.E. Fundamentals of fine arts and artistic design: a textbook for primary vocational education - M.: Academy, 2011.

18.Aesthetics and design of non-food products. Tsarev V.I. - M.: Academy, 2007.

19.Bhaskaran L. Design and time. Style and trends in contemporary art and architecture. M.: Art-Rodnik, 2007.

20. Valentina Stepakova. Drawing. Publisher: Prosveshchenie. 2011. 21.Galina Chumachenko. Technical drawing. Publisher: KnoRus. 2011.

21. Runge, V.F. Ergonomics in environmental design / V.F. Runge, Yu.P. Manusevich. - M.: Architecture, 2010.

22.Shimko, V.T. Architectural and design design. Fundamentals of theory / V.T. Shimko. - M.: Architecture, 2009.

4.3. General requirements to the organization of the educational process

To develop professional competencies, teaching methods are used: project method;

portfolio method;

individual work with students.

Types of consultations: individual according to schedule.

Educational materials

Educational practice is carried out on the basis of the educational institution, production practice - in design studios of the city.

Disciplines, the study of which should precede the development of this module:

EN.03. Fundamentals of information technologies in professional activities;

OP. 01. Materials science;

OP. 03. Drawing with the basics of perspective;

OP. 04. Painting with the basics of color science;

OP. 05. History of design;

OP. 06. History of fine arts;

PM. 01. Development of artistic and design (design) projects for industrial products, object-spatial complexes.

4.4. Staffing of the educational process

Requirements for the qualifications of teaching (engineering and pedagogical) personnel providing training in an interdisciplinary course (courses): availability of higher professional education corresponding to the profile of the taught module.

  • Requirements for the qualifications of teaching staff supervising the practice: availability of higher professional education corresponding to the profile of the taught module with mandatory internship in specialized organizations at least once every 3 years.





PC 2.1

Use materials taking into account their form-building properties.

  • accuracy of selection of the most important components of artistic and design activities - materials;
  • correct use in work of methodological principles of rational selection of basic and finishing materials;

- competent choice of classification, properties and methods for assessing the quality of structural and decorative materials;

  • correct use in practice of knowledge about the relationship between the properties of a material and its areas of application;
  • correct use of methods for activating the search for ideas in work

No. 1 Execution of a layout using transformable planes

No. 2 Making a layout of the ornament

No. 3 Execution of a layout using rocker surfaces

No. 4 Execution of layouts with elements of simple volumetric shapes

No. 5 Making a layout of geometrically regular bodies of revolution

No. 6 Making a layout of complex bodies of rotation

No. 7 Execution of a layout using composed geometric bodies

No. 8 Implementation of a layout using the method of connecting volumes

No. 9 Execution of layout elements using surface decoration with wood imitation

No. 10 Execution of layout elements using surface decoration with imitation stone

No. 11 Execution of layout elements using surface decoration with metal imitation

No. 12Development of a project for a three-dimensional information stand for a kindergarten

No. 13 Execution of a three-dimensional layout of an information stand on a scale of 1:2

No. 14Design project for a three-dimensional television portal in the interior

No. 15 Execution of elements of the layout of an industrial product

No. 16Assembling a model of an industrial product

No. 17 Development of a layout of TV portal design elements

No. 18 Execution of a TV portal design layout

PC 2.2

Create reference samples of design objects or its individual elements in a layout or material.

- the correct choice of the main stages of work on the design project;

- correct use of techniques and skills in volumetric modeling of environmental objects and their elements;

  • correct use in work of techniques and means of compositional organization of volumetric-spatial form;

- correct use of the expressive capabilities and properties of various materials and types of coatings;

-correct use of prototyping and modeling skills at different stages of work on a design project.

Assessment of knowledge during ongoing monitoring.

Assessment of practical work:

No. 19 Execution of elements of the children's playground layout

No. 20 Making a three-dimensional model of a children's playground

No. 21 Implementation of an art object project

No. 22 Presentation of models, future industrial designs

No. 24 Implementation of an advertising layout using a trademark

No. 25 Development and implementation of the layout of elements of landscape forms

No. 26 Development and implementation of a layout of a landscape complex, its equipment and equipment.

No. 27 Development and implementation of a layout of decorative park sculpture, advertising or exhibition installation (lanterns, benches, fences, fountains)

No. 28 Development and implementation of elements of reference samples of open urban space objects (elements of a bus stop, stadium, recreation area, etc.) using the principles of “accessible environment”

No. 29 Development and implementation of reference samples of open urban space objects (bus stop, stadium, recreation area, etc.) using the principles of “accessible environment”

No. 30 Development of a three-dimensional form. Mastering compositional techniques for the plastic development of volumetric surfaces using a developed drawing

No. 31 Development and execution in a model of a stylized form of a three-dimensional object of industrial products.

No. 32 Development and implementation of a model of a subject-spatial complex of the internal space of buildings and structures (recreation area, fireplace area, children's room, etc.)

No. 33 Development and implementation of a layout of equipment for the object-spatial complex of the internal space of buildings and structures: furniture

Evaluation of educational and production work educational practice.

PC 2.3

Develop product design taking into account manufacturing technology, carry out technical drawings.

  • correct use of techniques and methods of pre-project and design research;
  • correct choice of design concept, validity of the project idea;
  • correct use in practice of knowledge about materials and technology of constructive solutions in the interior;
  • correctness, clarity and reasoning of typologies of constructive solutions of urban design;
  • the correctness of using the design of elements and forms of the environment as a means of improving its artistic quality;

- correct use of knowledge and skills of design and technological support for design and engineering.

Assessment of knowledge during ongoing monitoring.

Assessment of practical work:

No. 1 Execution of drawing lines.

No. 2 Making a drawing font

No. 3 Drawing a part using techniques for dividing a circle into equal parts.

No. 4 Drawing the contour of a part with the construction of a mate and one of the pattern curves.

No. 5 Performing mates of two circles

No. 6 Performing isometric projections of circles

No. 7 Execution of drawings of developments of geometric bodies

No. 8 Execution of a drawing of a part, a model in three views and in axonometry

No. 9 Execution of technical drawings of models, parts objects

No. 10Construction of the third type of part using the given two types, making the necessary cuts. Applying dimensions. Performing an isometric projection with a ¼ section cut out.

No. 11 Development of drawings of industrial products

No. 12Development of furniture drawings

No. 13 Development of drawings for furniture fittings and decorative elements

No. 14 Execution of a construction drawing

No. 15 Execution of a drawing of flights of stairs

No. 16Development of a master plan drawing

No. 18 Development of drawings of interior layouts of residential premises

No. 19 Development of office interior layout drawings

No. 20 Drawings of interior elements of a living space

Evaluation of educational and industrial work of educational practice (industrial training).

PC 2.4

Develop a technological map for product manufacturing.

-effectiveness of working with basic legal literature;

- correct use of knowledge and skills in creating technical documentation for a design project.

Assessment of knowledge during ongoing monitoring.

Assessment of practical work:

No. 17 Development of a technological map for product manufacturing

Evaluation of educational and production work of educational practice.

Forms and methods for monitoring and assessing learning outcomes should allow students to check not only the formation of professional competencies, but also the development of general competencies and the skills that support them.


(mastered general competencies)

Main indicators for assessing results

Forms and methods of monitoring and evaluation

OK.1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it.

- demonstration of understanding of the essence and social significance of one’s future profession;

-high-quality implementation of professional tasks in the development and creation of a design project;

- competent application of knowledge in practice.

-Expert assessment:

- results of students’ activities in the process of mastering the professional module

-in practical classes;

- portfolio

- by defining design stages

OK.2. Organize your own activities, choose standard methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

- planning of own activities;

- competent choice of methods and methods of project implementation;

- correct assessment of the effectiveness and quality of the project being developed.

OK.3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and take responsibility for them.

  • competent knowledge of decision-making methods in standard and non-standard situations;
  • correct ability to identify problems in professionally oriented situations;
  • competent proposal of solutions to the problem,
  • effective assessment of expected results;
  • correct adjustment, control of a professionally oriented problem situation;

awareness of the degree of responsibility for making professional decisions.

Expert assessment:

Expert assessment:

- standard and non-standard decision-making when developing a design project;

- formation of professional skills and personal development in research work on the project

OK.4. Search and use information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

  • competent extraction and analysis of information from various sources;
  • knowledge of methods of searching and analyzing information;

-application of the information found to solve professional problems, professional and personal development.

OK.5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

  • possession of basic skills in working with computer information systems;
  • competent work with information reference and legal systems;

- competent work with e-mail and resources

OK.6. Work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and consumers.

  • effective interaction with students and teachers during training;
  • understanding of common goals;
  • ability to formulate questions and proposals for the development and creation of a design project;
  • correctness in coordinating one’s actions with colleagues, management, and consumers;

- the ability to control your behavior, your emotions, your mood.

Expert assessment:

- results of students’ activities in the process of mastering educational programs,

-in practical classes;

- when performing work at various stages of production practice;

- when conducting: tests, exams in interdisciplinary courses, exam (qualifying) on ​​the module

OK.7. Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates) and for the results of completing tasks.

  • the ability to voluntarily take responsibility for the overall team result;
  • mastery of methods of self-analysis and correction of the results of one’s own work;

- awareness in setting the goal of mastery various types work and determining the corresponding result of the activity.

OK.8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development

  • awareness of oneself as a responsible member of the professional community;
  • planning professional activities according to the idea of ​​the tasks and prospects for the development of modern design;

-ability to independently organize activities to improve professional performance

OK.9. To navigate the conditions of frequent changes in technology in professional activities.

  • ability to monitor changes in technological and legal framework design activities in the media;

-participation in professional competitions, seminars, conferences, discussions, etc.

Expert assessment:

- developing skills in working with the media, prof. portfolio.


Ponomareva A. A., teacher at GBPOU RO “VTITBiD”;

Mololkina T.S., teacher at GBPOU RO "VTITBiD".


Kobeletskaya O. V., deputy. Director for SD GBPOU RO "VTITBiD";

Dontsova L.N., head of educational courses for additional education for adults “Diapazon”

Home > Work program



State educational institution of higher professional education "Voronezh State Pedagogical University"


Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs _____________G.P. Ivanova

"__"___________ 20__



Level of the main educational program Bachelor's degree Direction of training design Profile - environmental design Form of study - full-time Duration of mastering OOP - normative (4 years) Faculty - Institute of Culture and Art Department of Design Head of educational and methodological department ______________________________ T.V. Maizel Director of Institute of Science and Technology __________________________ E.V. Panicheva Head of the Department of Design ______________O.V .Kirichenko

Voronezh – 2011

Work program academic discipline approved at the meeting of the Department of Design dated “___”_____20___. Minutes No._______ Head of the Department of Design_____________________ O.V. Kirichenko The work program of the academic discipline was approved by the Academic Council of the Institute of Culture and Art from “____”____________20_____. Protocol No.________ Developers: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor ____________________________ N.V. Vlasova


Purpose studying technical drawing is the formation in students of a scientifically based approach to depicting three-dimensional objects of the real world on a plane and their relative positions in space (by studying algorithms for solving positional and metric problems). Studying the subject contributes to the formation of spatial concepts, stimulates logical and analytical thinking, develops the ability to abstract and spatial imagination. At the same time, the tasks of developing compositional skills, mastery of professional terminology, and improving graphic skills are solved. The program provides for the study of such sections of technical drawing as: the main standard types of axonometric projections, methods of axonometric projection, methods of shading the surfaces of volumetric bodies, the theory of shadows and the construction of shadows in orthogonal and axonometric projections, etc. Orthogonal projection is the basis for studying the content of this academic discipline. Training is structured in the form of practical classes and laboratory workshops with a short lecture-conversation at the beginning of the academic hour. The main specialization of professional education (environmental design, costume design, graphic design) determined the adaptation and specific focus of the content of the “Technical Drawing” discipline. Particular attention is paid to sections directly related to future profession: projection of a complex spatial shape, construction of the line of intersection of curved surfaces in axonometry, construction of developments as a geometric basis for creating patterns. Practical construction of shadows in orthogonal and axonometric projections gives the future specialist skills in sketch design, not related to computer graphics, used in the final stages of design. In the process of mastering this discipline, the student forms and demonstrates the following: general professional competencies : - able to synthesize a set of possible solutions to a problem or approaches to implementing a project; scientifically substantiate your proposals (PC-1); -demonstrates possible techniques for harmonizing forms and structures, develops a set of functional and compositional solutions to metric and positional problems (PC-3); -capable of designing objects, complexes, objects, capable of preparing a full set of documentation for a design project for its implementation (PC-4).


2.1. The academic discipline “Technical Drawing” belongs to the general professional cycle. 2.2. To study this discipline, the following knowledge, skills and abilities are required, formed by previous disciplines: “Descriptive Geometry” (1st year, 1st semester): Knowledge of the properties of projections of geometric elements - points, straight lines and planes (at the beginning of one, then two elements in their relative positions ); Ability to apply transformation methods in one action (for example, the right triangle method, one rotation around the vertical or depth axis); Skills in solving exercises on a point, line and plane using images of basic geometric bodies, in which points, lines and planes are vertices, edges, faces. 2.3. A list of subsequent academic disciplines that require knowledge, skills and abilities formed by this academic discipline: “Academic drawing”, “Projection graphics”, “Perspective”.


The study of this academic discipline is aimed at developing the following general cultural and professional competencies in students:




(or parts thereof)

As a result of studying the academic discipline, students must:


Be able to


OK-1 Has a culture of thinking Methods of generalization, analysis, perception of information Set a goal and choose ways to achieve it Culture of thinking
OK -6 Capable of self-development Ways and methods to improve your skills Use the basic principles of science when solving professional problems Ways and means of cognition, learning and self-control
OK-14 Understands the essence and importance of information in the development of modern society Essential Features various types information (symbolic, visualized, technical, utilitarian-schematic, etc.) Use means of obtaining, storing and processing information The main methods, ways of obtaining information
PC-1 Analyzes and determines requirements for a design project Principles for writing a detailed project requirements specification Synthesize a set of possible solutions to spatial problems Methods of scientific substantiation of your decision/proposal
PK-3 Develops a project idea Principles of the conceptual approach to solving spatial problems Harmonize forms, structures, systems A set of functional solutions
PC-4 Designs objects, industrial designs, objects, etc. Techniques for bringing together descriptive geometry and applied graphics ( most drawings are made without using the projection axis) ;

Solve spatial problems in two projections (frontal and horizontal). The third projection (profile) is used only if the solution to the problem is simplified

A system for the rational solution of spatial (metric and positional) problems



View academic work

Total hours


hours hours hours hours

Classroom lessons (total)

34 34


- - - - -

Lectures (L)

6 6

Practical classes (PP), Seminars (C)

18 18

Laboratory work (LR)

10 10

Student independent work (SWS) (total)

34 34


- - - - -


Other types of SRS:

- - - - -

Calculation and graphic works (CGR)

16 16

Test work

7 7

Individual homework

6 6

Extracurricular reading

5 5

SRS during the period of intermediate certification

Intermediate view certification

+ +

exam (E)

TOTAL: Total labor intensity


zach. units

3 3
4.2. CONTENT OF THE ACADEMIC DISCIPLINE 4.2.1. Contents of sections of the academic discipline



Name of the academic discipline section (module)

Axonometric projections 1
The essence of the method and basic concepts. Types of axonometric projections.
2 Technical drawing 1
Form-creation. Concepts, method and ideas of form creation. Concepts of nature and ideas of humanity in formation. About the operations of projectivography
Shadow theory 1
Shading the surfaces of volumetric bodies. General concepts. Methods for shading volume. Distribution of light and shade on bodies of revolution and faceted surfaces.
4.2.2. Sections of the discipline, types of educational activities and forms of control



Types of educational activities, including independent work of students

(in hours)

Forms of current performance monitoring ( by week of the semester)


Fundamentals of technical drawing and graphics

Terminologist. dictation

2 Introduction to the subject. Goals and objectives of the course.
3 2 Axonometric projections

Terminologist. dictation

4 2 The essence of the method and basic concepts. Types of axonometric projections HF test

Standard axonometric projections. Construction of an axonometric image from given point coordinates and from an orthogonal drawing

6 Axonometry of geometric bodies.
7 Technical drawing
8 Form and shaping: modern teachings about figures, proportions and displays. Construction of projectigraphic fields

Terminologist. dictation, IDZ

9 Form-creation. Concepts, method and ideas of form creation. Concepts of nature and ideas of humanity in formation. About the operations of projectivography.
10 The role of volumetric and planar modeling in modern artistic design. The Art of Visual Messages
11 Shadow theory

Terminologist. dictation

12 Theoretical foundations constructing shadows. Lighting sources. The intersection of surfaces as the basis for practical shadow construction TESTCH
13 Shadows of a point, a straight line segment and a flat figure, shadows of geometric bodies in orthogonal projections. Methods for constructing shadows
14 Shading the surfaces of volumetric bodies. General concepts. Methods for shading volume. Distribution of light and shade on bodies of rotation and on faceted surfaces.
15 Shadows of geometric bodies in axonometry. Constructing shadows of a group of geometric bodies in axonometry
16 Constructing the contours of own and falling shadows of objects of complex shape
4.2.3. Laboratory workshop



Name of the academic discipline section

Name laboratory work

Total hours

Axonometric projections

Construction of an axonometric image from given point coordinates and from an orthogonal drawing

Technical drawing

Revealing the volume of an architectural object with a conventional lighting source. Methods for shading the volume. Hatching, scribbling, dot shading of the surface of an object.

Shadow theory

Constructing the contours of own and falling shadows of objects of complex shape in orthogonal projection





Name of the academic discipline section

Types of SRS

Total hours

Axonometric projections

The essence of the method and basic concepts. Types of axonometric projections

Standard axonometric projections. Construction of an axonometric image from given point coordinates and from an orthogonal drawing

Axonometry of geometric bodies.

Technical drawing

Form and shaping: modern teachings about figures, proportions and displays. Construction of projectigraphic fields

Form-creation. Concepts, method and ideas of form creation. Concepts of nature and ideas of humanity in formation. About the operations of projectivography

The role of volumetric and planar modeling in modern artistic design. The Art of Visual Messages

Shadow theory

Shadows of a point, a straight line segment and a flat figure, shadows of geometric bodies in orthogonal projections. Methods for constructing shadows

Shadows of geometric bodies in axonometry. Constructing shadows of a group of geometric bodies in axonometry

RGR Work program

The goal of mastering the discipline is to study spatial forms through images obtained on a plane. The issues considered in descriptive geometry as an academic discipline have two directions: pictorial, which

  • Basic educational program of higher professional education Direction of training 072500 Design (2)

    1.1. The main educational program (BEP) of a bachelor's degree, implemented by the university in the direction of training 072500 design and the training profile of graphic design, costume design, environmental design.

  • Basic educational program of primary general education of the Municipal educational institution Secondary school No. 5

    Main educational program

    The main educational program of primary general education (hereinafter referred to as the Educational Program) of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 5 was developed by a team of teachers and parents primary school Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 5 based on Art.

  • Basic educational program of primary general education MBOU "Pervomaiskaya basic secondary school"

    Main educational program

    The educational program of primary general education of the MBOU “Pervomaiskaya Basic Secondary School” was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education

  • Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

    higher education

    "Saratov State Technical University

    named after Gagarin Yu.A.”

    Department of Architectural Environment Design


    by discipline

    B.2.1.4 “Academic drawing”

    areas of training

    (54.03.01) 072500.62 “Design”

    Profile 2. “Industrial Design”

    Profile 1 "Graphic design"

    mode of study – full-time course – 1 semester – 1, 2 credit units – 4, 4 hours per week – 4, 4 academic hours – 144, 144 including:

    lectures – no practical classes – 72, 72 laboratory classes – no independent work– 72, 72 credit – 1st semester.

    exam – 2nd semester

    RGR - no course work– no course project – no Goals and objectives of the discipline 1.

    The program is compiled on the basis of the general educational standard of higher education Federal State Educational Standard-3 (HPE).

    The purpose of teaching the discipline is for student designers to acquire skills in visual literacy, develop volumetric-spatial thinking and constructive vision of objects environment, as well as in the formation of the necessary theoretical and practical basis for mastering subsequent major disciplines.

    Also, this course plays an important role in the development of aesthetic and artistic taste, which is a necessary condition for the successful professional activities of designers in modern society.

    Objectives of studying the discipline.

    The basis of student training is realistic drawing, which contributes to the development of understanding of the logic of the constructive structure of objects in the material world and, accordingly, the patterns of relationship between internal content and external form, which, in turn, is a primary task in the creative activity of designers.

    The main objectives of the course are focused on students acquiring skills in visual language as a way of thinking, creative communication and solving complex professional problems.

    This is facilitated by such tasks as students mastering the laws of perspective images of objects in space, taking into account linear and aerial perspective, acquiring the skills of conveying volume with a linear constructive drawing, where the ability to use line and stroke, as well as the method of modular proportioning, play an important role.

    2. The place of discipline in the structure of OOP HPE. A decisive role in the professional activity of a designer is played by highly developed volumetric-spatial and artistic-compositional thinking.

    The process of its development through the discipline “Academic Drawing” occurs in a complex, in close connection with such disciplines as “Academic Painting”, “Academic Sculpture”, “Propaedeutics”, “Designing”, “Art History”, “Natural Shape and Structure Formation” ", "Technical drawing".

    3. Requirements for the results of mastering the discipline The study of the discipline is aimed at developing general cultural competencies:

    Strives for self-development, improvement of his qualifications and skills (OK-6).

    Formation of professional competencies:

    Mastery of drawing, the ability to use drawings in the practice of composing and processing them in the direction of designing any object; knowledge of the principles of choosing a technique for executing a specific drawing; skills of linear constructive construction and the basics of academic painting; basic professional skills of a sculptor; modern font culture;

    methods of work in prototyping and modeling; techniques for working with color and color compositions; methods and technology of classical techniques easel graphics(engraving, etching, monotopy); basic rules and principles of typing and layout (PC-2).

    The student must know:

    Types of graphic representation of the subject environment

    Methods for visual modeling of three-dimensional shapes.

    Schools of Contemporary Art

    The student must be able to:

    Depict objects of the objective world in space based on knowledge of their structure and design;

    Choose forms and methods of depicting and modeling an object.

    The student must own:

    Methods figurative language academic drawing;

    Techniques for performing work using various graphic materials.

    4. Distribution of labor intensity (hours) of the discipline by topics and types of classes

    –  –  –

    Questions for the exam This discipline requires examination work.

    The examination work is carried out taking into account all the material studied and the acquired graphic skills.

    The purpose of the exam is to identify students’ ability for associative-figurative thinking and skills in visualizing design ideas.

    The exam task is to complete an abstract composition on the topic “man in an architectural environment.”

    In this task, it is necessary to find the most successful compositional and semantic arrangement of the human figure and elements of the architectural environment.

    In the image it is necessary to convey linear and aerial perspective, spatial arrangement and volumetric construction of objects with the identification of formative lines.

    It is allowed, if necessary to express an artistic idea, to convey light-shadow and tonal relationships.

    The task is completed in pencil on a sheet of A3 paper. The task completion time is 3 hours.

    Test tasks in the discipline ( Curriculum not provided)

    15. List of educational and methodological support for students in the discipline

    –  –  –

    Further reading

    3. 4. Daniel S. M. The art of seeing: About the creative abilities of perception, about the language of lines and colors and about the education of the viewer. L.: Art, 1990. – 223 p.

    4. Deineka A.A., Learn to draw. M., Fine Arts, 1961. A manual on drawing (under the general editorship of D.N. Kardovsky, V.N. Yakovlev, K.N. Kornilov) M., 1938.

    5. Drawing: training manual for universities / F.V. Antonov, N.P. Beschastnov, B.A. Burmistrov, etc. - M.: Legprombytizdat, 1988.

    6. Jose M. Parramon. How to draw. S.-P.: Aurora, 1996.

    7. Claudia Knights. Ink drawing. Minsk, 2000.

    8. Rabinovich M.Ts. Plastic anatomy of humans, four-legged animals and birds.

    – M.: Higher. school, 1978.

    9. A manual on drawing (under the general editorship of Kardovsky D.N., Yakovlev V.N., Kornilova K.N.) M., 1938.

    10. Beschastnov, N.P. Painting [Electronic resource]: textbook / Beschastnov N.P. - Moscow: Vlados, 2008. - 223 p. - ISBN 978-5-691-00475-9: B.ts.


    11. Magazine “Theatre. Painting. Movie. Music [Text]" for 2010-2013.

    Internet resources Internet magazine. Electronic books on drawing.

    12. vk.comdesign_inspiration_club

    13. htt://www.art-labirint msk/ru/

    14. htt://www.wm.painting.ru/ Databases, information, reference and search systems

    15. http://window.edu.ru/ Electronic library of educational and methodological literature for general and professional education

    16. http://elibrary.ru/ Scientific electronic library

    17. http://www.scholar.ru/ Scientific articles, dissertations and abstracts from electronic scientific libraries

    16. Logistics support for discipline

    Classes are conducted using interactive technologies in a special classroom “Drawing Class”. The work is done in pencil, soft materials, ink on paper on easels. The educational process uses posters depicting the skeleton and muscular system, various plaster geometric figures, household items for staging still lifes, plaster human figures, as well as visual aids depicting still lifes and a stylized human figure.

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