Social networks and family problems. How social networks are destroying marriages. How social networks destroy your relationships Internet communication destroys relationships, kills family

Stop spending your evenings on “cosy” social networks! It turns out that this can ruin your relationship!

According to a study of 581 Twitter users, large quantity time on this social network is associated with an increase in quarrels in couples. At the same time, even those couples who are in long-term relationships come under attack. Misunderstandings and disagreements, in turn, increase the risk of infidelity and even relationship breakups.

“Extensive social media use can negatively impact couple relationships by increasing jealousy between partners,” says Dr. Scott Krakower, a psychiatrist at Zucker Hillside Hospital in New York City. Thanks to social networks you are losing huge amount time that you could spend together with your loved one.

To gauge Twitter's impact on romance, researchers created a 20-item online questionnaire that was sent to more than 3.4 million users of the blue bird social network. The study, in which 581 volunteers ultimately agreed to participate, was published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networks ( Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social networking).

The questions were aimed at finding out the amount of time spent on Twitter, as well as its impact on interpersonal relationships.

It turned out that on average users spend 52 minutes a day on Twitter, 5 days a week.

It turned out that an increase in the amount of time spent on this social network was associated with an increase in conflicts in couples, infidelity and breakups. Quarrels arose no matter how long the partners dated.

According to Krakower, this can be explained by two reasons.

In addition, information posted on Twitter can be misinterpreted by a partner, which provides many reasons for misunderstandings, quarrels and jealousy.
“However, we tend to believe that these Twitter-related problems are not the root of the evil, but merely symptoms of relationship discord,” says Paul Hockmeyer, a marriage and family therapist in New York City. - I don’t think that it is social networks that lead to breakups in relationships. The reason for separation is usually mistrust and insufficiently honest relationships between partners, which manifest themselves, including on social platforms.”

In a problematic relationship, the unhappy partner will be disturbed and irritated by any hobby of his other half, even if it is embroidery or golf, in a word, any activity that takes time away from love.

"Twitter isn't the problem with the spat," Hockmeyer says. “Social networks help you escape from real problems.” So do not rush to scold your husband for spending too much time on social networks, because the reason for this may be problems in the family.
It has been shown that one social network account for two helps reduce the number of conflicts. To solve the problem, you can set a time limit for using the Internet for entertainment purposes.

You, in turn, should not delve into the analysis of your soul mate’s page. Some people spend hours thinking about what this or that “repost” might mean. If you find yourself visiting your loved one's profile for the tenth time a day, tell yourself to stop.


Here is the letter:

“I feel like the Internet and social media are destroying my family. I say this with all frankness and clarity. I am 40 years old, my wife is 36, we have a wonderful son Oleg, who is 13. And you know, I am starting to notice that I am losing them. Not in the usual sense: no one is getting divorced (yet), my son does not make any claims against me as a father, but I communicate with them less and less. And the reason for this is not that I am not sociable or that I love football more than my family. I really believe that social media is primarily to blame for this. My father always said: problems in a family begin when they stop talking. And now it happened.

The wife, a school teacher who works part-time, hides behind the fact that she is busy preparing for lessons, spends all evenings on Odnoklassniki, and if she wants to talk, she often chooses her friend, who now lives in the USA, as an interlocutor. It's a similar story with my son. He generally never gets out of games, chats, VKontakte, Facebook and other similar places. When you try to talk to him, he immediately becomes wary: will dad really give him another beating for getting a C in math or will he teach him about life? One gets the feeling that he is not interested in anything at all except who wrote what on the wall or in his status. As an object for communication, he is interested in me less and less. I’m not on VKontakte.

When I was 13, my friends and I would run away from home and never part with a soccer ball. When I got a little older, naturally, girls were added to my circle of interests. Now children and teenagers sit, as if sewn, at home and do not run away anywhere. Some will say that this is great - it has become easier to follow them, but I don’t think so. It seems to me that social networks are what will ultimately destroy the traditional institution of family.

Why, for example, take a long time to look after a girl, give flowers, if there are dating sites? Why go on dates when you can chat via Skype? The Internet has made our life easier, information more accessible, and at the same time it (life) has become more banal, more predictable. And in general - this is no longer real life, this is a surrogate. Alexey."

Psychologists say: social networks pose a threat to relationships, and can often lead to divorce. And these are not just empty words. The American Academy of Family Law Attorneys conducted a study that showed that in every one of five divorce cases, the well-known social network Facebook appears to some extent. 81% of lawyers specializing in divorce in the United States admit that in their practice, in 80% of cases, evidence of infidelity is gleaned from social networks; by the way, 66% of cases are on Facebook.

The British Sun cites as an illustration the story of one of the lawyers specializing in divorce. She claims that over the past 9 months, all of her clients have used Facebook materials to prove adultery.

Cheating on the Internet is becoming one of the main reasons for divorce. So, in Germany, for example, today every fourth married couple breaks up because of this.

Psychologist Ian Kerner calls the “Facebook bomb” those brain “signals” that a person receives from the past after meeting his ex-girlfriend or high school crush online. Everything that has exhausted itself and should go into the past is again filled with meaning and life, displacing current relationships. But, according to psychologists, the main problem is that people only remember positive moments of the past. And first love always leaves an indelible mark on the mind.

Online friendships are highly idealized. In the human mind, the line between fiction and reality is blurred. The person is completely “invisible” behind standard phrases and “smiles”. You can create any image for yourself, and the interlocutor will have absolutely no idea about the person’s real “I,” quietly disappearing into the notorious “matrix.”

Specialists from the St. Petersburg Psychoanalytic Center published the results of their study on the influence of social networks on the number of divorces. According to their findings, 15% of marriages broke up precisely because of them.

Internet use separates family members from each other. While people increasingly use social media to stay connected with family and friends, the irony is that the Internet is reducing the actual time people spend with those around them.

The percentage of people who say they spend less time with family members because of the Internet has nearly tripled (from 11% in 2006 to 28% last year).

Almost a third of marriages in Russia and Ukraine are now experiencing a crisis under the influence of social resources. Due to the inability to use social resources, misunderstandings arise among spouses. The desire to flaunt one's personal life on social media often ends in the destruction of a family and the dissolution of a marriage, reports the Associated Press.

A study published by Ohio State University noted that students who use Facebook spend less time studying and have lower grades than students who do not use popular social networks.

“Most of the students behaved like smokers who hide after school to take a puff. They could not resist and secretly looked at their pages using their phones,” the researchers say. Many of them are so attached to social networks that they spend more than 21 hours a day online. They don't have enough time for real, quality interactions with friends and family.

Interestingly, many students admitted that social media is an unhealthy addiction that is destroying their health and relationships.

Children can face a variety of dangers on social media. Among the main ones are corruption, involvement in sexual activities via the Internet, inculcation of an illegal and asocial worldview (extremism and terrorism, culture of violence), collection of information via the Internet about children and their environment for the purpose of committing illegal actions.

There is also an important and harmful psychological aspect. In the real world, you need to be able to get along with different people, whom you need to tolerate and communicate with - this is how character is formed. In the virtual world, you can exclude “irritants” - just press the button, “remove from friends” - and there is no problem. The result is depression, self-isolation, inability to decide conflict situations and other bouquet of mental disorders - not immediately, of course, slowly and imperceptibly. The results are formalized in statistics and will show themselves in all their glory in 10 years.

This is a future we didn't expect. This is a drug whose addiction must be recognized as one of the most dangerous today.

In summary: a social network is a hurricane for a person’s weak psyche, which at the same time destroys families and brings losses to companies. This is a sticky and viscous web that envelops and creates an impenetrable cocoon that breaks the connection with the real world and living people.

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The harmful effects of social media on relationships and marriage

Now the whole world is actively using social networks. Some people constantly chat on VKontakte or Facebook, others post beach photos (or food) on Instagram, and others constantly update Twitter, hoping to read the latest news. We think it’s no secret that any of these social networks can rightfully be called “time wasters.” Their influence is so strong that many psychologists have to save marriages that are gradually collapsing from excessive time spent on social networks.

“In fact, addiction to social networks or online games is just the beginning. Indeed, the problem can be the development of this addiction into alcohol or drugs. Also, quite often such partners begin to go “to the left” to their lovers, which rightly can lead to a break in the relationship. The most important thing in this situation is to talk to each other. A successfully conducted dialogue is already 80% of success. Partners just need to realize the problem that is hanging over them, agree on its resolution and begin to restore the relationship. At the same time, one should not be condemned for returning to a bad habit,” Prishchepa added.

Family problems due to social networks

By the end of this year, the number of divorces due to the fault of Facebook and other popular Internet sites may reach 45-50%, and by 2020, social networks may become the main cause of divorces not only in America, but also in Europe.

According to Gallup, one in three divorces last year involved a social network. This figure has been growing for the eighth year in a row - since the launch of the legendary Facebook resource. The more popular Mark Zuckerberg's creation becomes, the more Americans file for divorce.

The current situation frightens not only the creators of social networks, but also numerous fighters for a happy family life.

What are the reasons for all these divorces?

There are five main reasons why family life flies downhill. Firstly, many men and women do not advertise that they are married. They set the status to single instead of married, do not post photos with an engaged person, add friends unknown to their wife (husband) and join dating groups.

Any of these facts infuriates the other half, who immediately begins to think about betrayal and their own inferiority. Suspicions, naturally, gradually turn into jealousy.

Thus, a resident of South Dakota, Al Jones, divorced his wife only because she added several friends to her friends. gym, and did not publicly display a single photograph with Jones.

The latter attacked his wife shouting: “You are ashamed of me! I hate you!

This couple lived together for 7 years and had four small children, who with great difficulty survived the trial and separation from their parents. In fact, the social network ruined the lives of six once happy people.

The second reason is flirting. A comment written or a compliment received instantly arouses suspicion.

Alaska resident Paula Hammers, for example, filed for divorce when she read her husband's comments to her former classmates. The woman was especially angry by the fact that her husband was sending messages from his work computer, but he was constantly late from work, citing being busy.

The third reason is personal correspondence. It is not reflected on user pages, but husbands and wives find out about it when one of them forgets to “log out” or leaves a cell phone unattended.

So, in the state of Florida last year, more than a hundred marriages collapsed. Moreover, in all cases, divorce documents were filed a week after the wedding. The initiators were, as a rule, wives. They were horrified when they read intimate correspondence, which turned out to be nothing more than virtual sex.

Some husbands tried to justify that they corresponded with other women before meeting their current spouse. However, this did not help either.

The wives felt humiliated and insulted. Many were frightened by the “dirty fantasies” of the faithful and their promiscuous sex lives.

Fourthly, many husbands and wives find out about their partner’s infidelities thanks to anonymous messages. In California, for example, a prostitute is under investigation who, after having sex with clients, found them on social networks and began writing to their relatives.

The prosecutor's office does not know what to do with this intriguer. On the one hand, she wrote the pure truth and even, to some extent, opened the eyes of deceived people.

On the other hand, it contributed to the destruction of large, happy families (20% of married men use the services of “moths” in the USA).

There are a great many such informers on social networks. Sometimes they destroy families due to elementary envy and awareness of their own inferiority. Even if the information they release is not true, tension arises in family relationships.

The fifth reason is the most significant and very rarely mentioned in the press. The fact is that social networks are interested in the maximum number of clicks, so information about a person (photos, groups, friends, hobbies, comments, etc.) should be as accessible as possible.

A person should have the right to surf the site under a name other than his own and use someone else’s photo. He should have the right to completely hide information about himself.

In Texas, for example, there was a recent case where a man registered on a social network, and his page automatically reflected the pages of everyone whose email addresses were in his email (received and sent). So he saw his own wife, who was “sat” on the Internet not under her first and last name, but with her photograph. She used a fake account to correspond with her lovers, but it surfaced thanks to new feature on the resource.

The couple has already filed for divorce, and the woman caught cheating plans to sue an online resource that, in her opinion, interferes with her personal life.

Social networks in America, it is worth noting, spend billions of dollars on litigation. Large teams of professional lawyers try to resolve all complaints before trial and journalistic intervention.

Such cases, as a rule, do not receive wide publicity.

“Social media is a very dangerous product,” said Bill Ansday, a leader in the movement to shut down such sites. - In fact, people's personal lives are put on public display. And if 15 years ago people could send each other exclusively text messages through social networks, now you can even track their location.”

Ansday advises married people to never join social networks.

“A happy family life is a private family life,” he repeats endlessly.

Many divorce experts claim that if there were no social networks, there would be no fewer divorces.

Every new hobby for most Americans was accompanied by divorce.

“At different times, landline telephones, dating sections in newspapers, mobile phones, cameras in mobile phones, video cameras, surveillance cameras and many other items, says researcher Travis Lloyd. “Any invention that enabled long-distance communication or storage of information was criticized for ruining marriages.”

The Internet and social networks, as a result, have only combined all the inventions, giving rise to a huge amount of uncontrolled pornography, virtual prostitution, so-called “text sex” and much more, which does not contribute to the strengthening of family relationships.

Consequently, popular Internet resources not only divorce people, but also marry them. Moreover, there are much more weddings after dating on Facebook and other sites than divorce proceedings.

The conclusion from all of the above is the following: even when alone with oneself (that is, on a page on social networks that is as closed as possible from the outside world), a person must behave as if others are closely watching him.

First of all, relatives (husbands, wives, children). After all, as terrible statistics show, even the slightest stupidity can completely ruin the life of your entire family.

83 comments to the post “Problems in the family due to social networks”

Unfortunately, this really happens.

No matter how stupid and stupid it may seem...

Yeah...and it’s sad!

I believe that those people who broke up because of social networks (it’s funny to write such a thing) are unworthy of being together until they wiser up.

Social networks, like everything, have their pros and cons. Although, in my opinion, a lot still depends on the user himself: use it, but the main thing is not to spend all your time on all sorts of VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

no matter how stupid it may sound...

I'm getting divorced soon... because of Twitter.

I completely agree with you!

There is no need to register with them, especially no need to give anyone access (password) to the page. Even if you have been together for a long time, this does not mean that nothing will happen.

Last year I completely left all social networks, because it almost really led to a divorce... I haven’t been anywhere for 8 months, now I’ve created new pages, joint with my husband, I think this even improves relationships - everything is now available to each other, yes and all sorts of fools don’t write, seeing that the page is a couple.

Oh, what nonsense! Networks are created for communication, and if everything is fine between spouses, then they are unlikely to hang out on social networks to the detriment of family relationships)

Sheer paranoia! And the “honest prostitute” is actually a show. That's why men who buy this woman's body for a while tell her their first and last name? Not otherwise than for such curiosities. And what about the fallen woman herself? By doing this, she deprives herself of a regular client base, and, as a result, a certain part of her income. As Comrade said there. Zadornov about Americans? =)

I don’t think she’s losing much, I’m more than sure she has enough clients -)))

Yes, you can call it a pretext! This is extremely unreasonable. Although... once again he or she simply showed their distrust of each other... sad of course

Social networks have a great influence on the world, this has been happening for a long time, since the advent of the idea it was already clear... but to say that this is evil is stupid, because they help very well. think about it

In fact, a person himself decides what to do and what not to do.

Everyone makes their own choice, but will they choose the right path...

It’s not sad, but it’s a fact.. they diverge because of social networks - because of a bunch of pixels on the monitor…. Is it necessary to restrain yourself if things are already going on and the relationship is heating up... this is a problem... GLOBAL

Oh...we constantly quarrel over social media. networks! We want to remove ourselves from there altogether! Or create one common page...

This is all insanely stupid and ridiculous!

I also think it’s stupid to quarrel and make scandals over social networks. Every person is free to have their own space. And for divorce this is not a reason, but a pretext.

firstly social Networks are like a dating service, only covered by girlfriends, friends... this is how to find out who is writing to your spouse? friend, girlfriend, lover(s), classmate(s), classmate(s), you ask - they say one thing, and after some time another comes out! You can’t do without hacking and espionage (if you don’t trust)… and if you trust, then there is a chance to be made a fool… Personally, I don’t like this prospect! and you start asking, in response (if there’s nothing to hide, they’ll show you everything), and if there’s something to hide, they either freak out because they’re already tired of asking, or they just throw out phrases: leave me alone, oh yeah, I’m with my lover (choi) hee hee hee... verdict One, the registry office needs to include the following clause in the oath: “Do you agree to give her the passwords for your pages on social networks?”... this will probably soon be the only way out! Otherwise, soon there won’t even be a wedding... Social. networks are an extra temptation and the slightest litter, or crack in a relationship, it is immediately filled by social media. net. how easy it was before to make peace, but now, they didn’t have time to quarrel, and he (she) had already consulted with all his friends and received a bunch of advice: break up! why do you need this? every trifle will be thought through to the point of tragedy... or someone has already “caressed” or cared for it...

P.S. I apologize for the mistakes in the text, I want to sleep, automatically, I just couldn’t resist answering...

I don’t think that social networks can cause quarrels and divorces, the reasons rather lie in the problems existing in relationships, and if you wish, you can make acquaintances at a tram stop!

I can’t argue, but on social media. networks are easier, you don’t even have to walk, spruce things up until something worthwhile burns out)

Of course, jealousy is always present in relationships! But the most important thing is trust. When your loved one has both a login and a password for your mail, there are no misunderstandings - and life is calmer! And believe me, no communication with third parties can replace a loved one and his love with trust!!

The whole problem is that the login and password with all the contents are private territory owner, and can be opened only at will, but what if there is no such desire?

There are both pros and cons, but the choice is yours, friends!

For some people this can actually be a problem. I don’t recommend jealous people to be on social networks.

It's a pity that this is true(

Everyone has their own point of view, there’s nothing wrong with me being on social media. I don’t see networks!

probably 100% of social network users have argued with their significant other about this at least once in their lives

Yes, there really are a lot of problems and

I know several married couples who broke up because of social media. Although it seems to me that this is just an excuse.

Still, we need to trust each other. For example, I’m not interested in anyone except my husband, even though I’m online.

ugh..I rarely spend time on social media. networks and I hope this doesn’t happen to me! People better go for a walk, don’t sit day and night on social networks!

hmm... I agree((people often confuse virtual life with real life... it's sad((

What am I, I have a cat: D about social networks, I personally log on for the music

Interesting statistics, the most best way meet only in person.

I really don’t understand people who meet on social networks.

What a horror. I believe that social Networks must be used for their intended purpose, for communication. I wrote to a friend and that’s it, I left the network.

sometimes it helps

Not many people find both husbands and wives that way)) and everything is fine


whatever one may say... but now that’s the only way to get acquainted

How can you quarrel over a contact and Facebook... I don’t understand.(

I support)) generally nonsense)

there are more serious problems

I couldn’t think of it myself... but I found a guy online)) and are very happy))

as my friend says: “If your wife is in Odnoklassniki, then there is nothing to eat, the dishes are not washed, the place is not cleaned, etc.”

“Darling, did you come back so quickly!?” - 10 hours have passed since my husband left for work.

Thanks to this article, I am on social networks much less. After all, I heard that even families are being destroyed because of social networks. I want to save my family and friends, so I am on social networks much less often than before, Thank you very much.

Both funny and stupid. When you realize that you are eager to get to the computer, maybe it would be better to force yourself to go outside and chat in real life. You'll see that the problems will disappear.

There is a problem. It's everyone's choice... I think you just need to know the limits of being on a social network, and not hang out day and night (((((And then we’ll forget how to communicate in real life.....

That's how! You need to let your husband in less, otherwise it’s fraught with consequences!

well... unfortunately, online correspondence for many people replaces real communication, which is much better))))

Interesting statistics))) but to be honest, it’s sad ((

yeah) how many scandals I caused for myself..) it’s terrible to remember) although we met on VKontakte)

Oh and yes. It takes a lot of time)

There is no sales left for personal life 😎

and my husband and I met on a social network... I think that this is just an excuse for a quarrel, if you have problems, then what does the network have to do with it...

so that if there is anything you can do to excuse yourself from the fact that you are stealing sausage from the refrigerator)

As usual... We are looking for problems for ourselves))) 🙁 You just need to know when to stop!

In my opinion, getting a divorce because of a social network is stupid, but there are also cases when you can find compromising photos there or read correspondence.

and my husband and I have trust, believe me, life is easier this way, always tell the truth and nothing will happen if the love is real!

It’s really worth thinking about..thanks for the article!

soon the registry office will actually ask not “are you ready to take a wife or are there husbands” but “are you ready to exchange login and passwords for a social network”, what a kick-ass.

I think the divorce is due to social media. networks is not possible. It's always just an excuse or a reason.

Of course, if the relationship has lost a little of its former passion, then one of the spouses may turn to social networks. But it’s clear why - to make up for what he cannot get in real life. So before you break off a relationship, think about why your significant other did this or that way.

damn, it’s just that if you are faithful to a person and he (she) means something to you, then you won’t write comments or communicate with people that he (she) doesn’t like! I don’t have any secrets from my boyfriend, he can always come from my page (I’m not hiding anything), but he doesn’t come in, and he’s not registered anywhere.

YES this is a problem. After reading this article I learned a lot more reasons!

This is a BIG problem. After reading this article I learned a lot more reasons!

This trouble bypasses me)) blah blah blah blah blah)))))

I have been living with my husband for about two years. He recently registered in VKontakte (I may be a bastard, but I like everything to be under control, I know his username and password) and often comments on photos of girls with the phrases YOU LOOK COOL AS ALWAYS, SUNNY! etc. I know that he doesn’t know her and will never see her, but I’m still jealous of him!! Social networks are really evil, but we can’t live without them now..... 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁

you just need to remove it from social media. network games! and everything will be fine!

It all depends, it seems to me, on the person himself, and not on social networks)

Hmm, after all, people are different, they will find something to make a fuss about)

that's it) what problems... no, unless of course you disappear every day online games, paid casinos, when you have children from children. I need to pick up the garden...

True, it all depends on the person himself. It happens when your other half sulks or forbids you to do even something harmless, while you happily correspond on social media with the opposite sex without explanation. After which life together is it becoming unbearable, or is there a way out?

Hm, interesting article, which you can think about.

Well, you can correspond in different ways. who just asks how you are and that’s it. and for some people the attacks are not so harmless ((

I think in all countries of the world everyone is jealous, they check their mail, hence the quarrels and divorces.

Oh, these jealous people) can always find something to quarrel about) although before social networks it was simply difficult to “find out” something) but now consider yourself being watched) or you liked it and that’s it)

posovetuite i prashu devushek daite mne otvek na moi vopros: vot u menia est devushka, u nas vsio est vstrechalis koroche u nas vsio sluchilos, mi poznakomilis cherez socialnoi seti Moi Mir, ona neskolko raz obeshala udalit etot akkuant no viju chto ne udalila, zaxodit pochti kajdi vtoroi den chto vi dumaete na etot shet?

How social networks affect family relationships. 8 facts you need to know

An expert psychologist talks about the positive and negative impact of social networks on family relationships.

Today it is difficult to find a person who does not have a page on a social network. Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter, Instagram - we cannot live a day without looking at the social network and posting a post or photo there. We share our impressions of the films and performances we watched, talk about the exhibitions we visited, publish photographs of food from restaurants and selfies with friends.

Such high Internet activity affects not only our relationships with friends, but also relationships within the family. What those who don’t want social networks to have a bad impact on their relationship with their husband or children need to know, says psychologist Anastasia Mostovskaya.

The positive impact of social networks on family relationships

Now I can no longer remember how difficult it was for parents whose children lived in other cities or countries before the advent of Skype. Talking on the phone was expensive, and writing letters took a long time. Now everything is much simpler. At any convenient time, you can write to your child via chat or call on Skype. And not only to hear a voice, but also to see a familiar face. And it will be fast and free.

Families have common leisure time

Facebook has a great service called “create an event.” Scrolling through the feed, mom can see an interesting family event and go to it with her children. This is very convenient, because usually on the event page you can see photos, invite friends, or even get discounts.

A funny picture, funny meme, video or article on the topic of the day spreads on social networks at the speed of light, collecting likes from all over the world. I saw it in the morning, quickly noted my relatives, and in the evening everyone was quoting or discussing it at dinner.

The negative impact of social networks on family relationships

People stopped communicating in person

Parents and children have quick way communications. It can be difficult to communicate face-to-face with children during adolescence. And through social networks, which captivate them so much, this is easier to do. However, there is also a flip side to the coin.

According to psychological studies, about 30% of people use smartphones, tablets and other gadgets to communicate with their loved ones through social networks instead of talking to them in person. One in five people admitted that they find out what their family members are doing from their social media statuses rather than asking them directly, even if they are sitting in the next room.

Children develop psychological problems

Research shows that children aged 8 to 18 spend about 7 hours a day on social media, or 50 hours a week. This means that during this time they do not study, do not hang out with peers and do not spend time with their families. Because of this lifestyle, they gain weight and become absent-minded.

When it comes to family relationships, social networks must be used with caution. Let's imagine that there is a conflict between wife and husband. The wife writes about this on her page on a social network or in a public page. And the husband is worried that personal information got into the network and became the property of many, not always familiar, people. This leads to additional conflicts.

Social media can ruin a family's reputation

Monitor the content of your social network page. Because if your husband thinks that your posts are stupid or spoil the reputation of the family, then this may cause a quarrel. Don't forget about jealousy. It happens that ex-boyfriends send us friendship requests, and your husband is unlikely to like this.

Stealth is another warning sign

If you feel like you want to roll down the window every time your husband comes into the room, you should ask yourself why this is happening. Marriage is built on trust. Therefore, psychologists recommend that spouses who are very active on social networks share passwords for their pages with each other.

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How do social networks affect family relationships?

Most of us can no longer imagine our lives without social networks. But for family relationships, Facebook, Twitter and other resources are more destructive than creative. This is evidenced by published statistics.

Every third divorce in the world occurs due to social networks. The absence of any barriers and a wide choice of partners for communication on social networks leads to a surge in desires. The number of betrayals, since the emergence of such a concept as a social network, has tripled. The number of intra-family conflicts has also increased, because 80% of people tend to trust online friends more than their husbands and wives.

Social networks also have a negative impact on the relationship between children and parents. On average, children begin to independently use social networks at the age of 10. Gradually, the time spent by a teenager on the Internet increases. As a result, 20% of teenagers are able to be online 21 hours a day, using Wi-Fi and any other available methods. 80% of parents are sure that they know what their children are doing on the Internet, but children have the opposite opinion - 31% of children are convinced that their parents do not even know what they are doing on the Internet. 69% of parents include their children as friends on social networks, but children reciprocate and friend their ancestors only in 32% of cases. The worst thing is that 90% of teenagers trust the advice of their peers on websites, and, first of all, turn to them for advice, and not to their parents.

Among other things, excessive enthusiasm for electronic communication leads to decreased immunity, cardiovascular diseases and mental disharmony. Low mobility and often empty thought processes (processing boring and unnecessary information) contribute to the development of diseases

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Along with children and teenagers, adults and parents of children are also not protected from the negative influence of the Internet. Today the Internet, in particular its social networks, are an inseparable factor in people's lives. For example, many adults spend most of their time communicating with members of various groups.

In fairness, it should be noted that modern technologies and social networks have brought a lot of useful things to people. However, the harm and negative impact of these networks concerns more the human factor. In principle, when a person crosses the threshold of moderation and begins to violate norms, this is always accompanied by negative consequences. This rule undoubtedly applies to social networks and the Internet in general.
New technologies have made a significant contribution to simplifying many issues and matters relating to human life. Thanks to the development of science and technology, many problems of human society have been eliminated and many human diseases have been eradicated. Although in the past travel distance was considered an important factor in the presence or absence of communication between people, today, thanks to the Internet and social networks, the connection of people with each other has taken on a wide and global scale.

Previously, if a person moved a considerable distance from home, the only means of communication was an international telephone, the services of which, in turn, were expensive. However, today things are different. Having gone to the ends of the world, a person can contact his relatives and friends through social networks and almost free of charge. Moreover, he can post his photo or a pleasant fragment from his life that he remembers on his page or avatar and share his joy with friends and family, who can go to his page and see photos and other materials.

Distinguished by their special attractiveness and opportunities, social networks attract a diverse range of people with very different views on life and interests. The desire to establish new connections and, in general, to connect with other people and social connections constantly forces a social network participant to return to the virtual world. Excessive time spent in a virtual environment, which has already been called Internet addiction, has a strong negative impact on the individual and society as a whole and affects the strength of the family and the relationships between its members.

The family, as the most important unit of society, serves as the place for the development and education of healthy and useful members of society. A society consisting of healthy families, in which kindness, love and affection abound between members, has a promising and bright future.
One psychologist notes: “I remember the child’s mother who said that her daughter was very shy and retiring. When the child was brought to a psychologist to find out the reasons for this behavior, he asked to bring several samples of her drawings to the next appointment. The psychologist's attention was drawn to the fact that in all the child's drawings the absence of the father was felt. The psychologist asked the child’s mother if she was divorced. The woman objected in surprise and said that she was married and had been living with the child’s father for 10 years. “Why then doesn’t your daughter draw her father in her drawings?” asked the psychologist.

The woman complained that her husband, returning from work after a short rest, sits down at the computer and does not pay attention to the child. And if a girl comes to her father and turns to him with a request, he shouts at her and kicks her out so as not to distract her. “Not only the child, but also I have not seen any love or attention from him for many years. I feel that I am tired and I no longer have the strength, as a result, I am no longer able to respond with attention to the games and pranks of my child,” - said the child's mother.

This story can serve as the reality of life for many families of our century. Not only fathers, but also many mothers find themselves bewitched by the spell of the virtual world. And when they come to their senses and return to the real world, they realize that several hours have passed.
Internet addiction, addiction to social networks and spending time non-stop on these networks have destroyed the relationships of many families. The time that spouses should seemingly spend on loving each other, having a good time and solving family problems and issues through sincere communication, spouses usually spend on social networks, where they leave reviews on photos and posts of others and satisfy their curiosity by visiting personal pages of other users. Women, sometimes completely immersed in social networks, forget about raising children and household chores, which displeases their children and spouses.

Researchers note one interesting point regarding social networks. Users usually post the good and joyful moments of their lives on their pages, while the hidden reality of life and their problems remain behind the curtain. This has a negative impact on people who live in less favorable conditions, and whose lives may not have worked out or have not worked out as they would like. This, as a result, sets the stage for depression for some, and for others it causes discord in families who compare their lives with the lives of other people.

All these facts, of course, do not indicate that technology and modern means connections are destructive. Technologies are not inherently destructive or harmful. What is wrong is a person’s approach to them, its incorrect and inept use, and as a result, a detrimental and negative impact on people’s lives and lifestyles.

Due to unlimited time spent on social networks, women do not devote due time and attention to their husbands and children, and husbands do not have time to give love and affection to their wives and children, which leads to a weakening of family foundations. Moreover, on social networks it is much easier to meet and establish connections with the opposite sex than in real life.
A social media user tries to show others his positive sides and what might attract others and rarely exposes his shortcomings. This, of course, attracts users, despite the fact that if they lived together in the real world, and not in a virtual environment, it is possible that they would not live even a day together due to the large number of disagreements and problems. Meeting the opposite sex on social networks is much faster than in real life, sometimes with just a few clicks. Such connections, of course, cause a not very kind and encouraging reaction from the spouses, which causes them to have antipathy towards each other.

At the same time, some married users think that a virtual relationship is a minor sin in terms of morality, but is not considered betrayal. However, according to psychologists, the spouse suffers from such a relationship no less than if he cheated on her in real life. Sometimes there are cases when a man or woman, having tied their lives by marriage, maintain their virtual relationships with the opposite sex on social networks. Of course, such relationships, even virtual ones, do not evoke very pleasant feelings; he or she feels deceived. Such marriages are usually fraught with divorce. Shocking statistics from Western countries indicating an increase in divorces, the cause of which is suspicion or antipathy of one of the spouses caused by the fact that the other spouse is an active user of social networks and maintains virtual relationships with the opposite sex, proves the detrimental nature of such relationships for the family and society as a whole.

When the sincerity and love that should reign in the family is undermined, when the light of love and human feelings between spouses goes out, this entails disastrous consequences for society. Members of society who grew up in families in which there were constant tensions, quarrels and squabbles endure serious psychological pressure, which undoubtedly affects their moral health and social relations with other members of society. In turn, a society consisting of healthy and strong families guarantees the psychological health of society and its sufficient dynamics and development. This is also stated in religious teachings, which have long taught us that if families are complete and healthy, then society will be healthy.

Experts in the field of religion are convinced that the emotional connection between family members serves as a necessary means that can reflect the negative impact and influence of the media, which includes the Internet and social networks, on the family environment and atmosphere. An emotional bond is formed and strengthened when there is dialogue and communication between members in the family atmosphere. Therefore, parents must be vigilant and not allow the virtual environment, which has now become an integral part of the lives of members of society, to undermine the deep and close bonds between them and their children, and, by properly using modern technology, make it a means of greater strengthening of relationships and love between members family.

American sociologists have found that about 60% of married couples who filed for divorce blame social networks for their failed marriage. They give a disappointing forecast - in the future, the Internet may become the main reason for the separation of spouses.

How social media can ruin a marriage

Constantly comparing your partner with others. Scrolling through your news feed on social networks, you can catch yourself feeling that all the people there are beautiful, happy and successful. We see processed, bright photographs of their busy lives, women are always beautiful and have slender figures, men are clean-shaven and drive expensive cars. Looking at this, the partner may begin to compare his spouse with a tanned model, and this will sooner or later lead to constant criticism and claims against her.

Secret correspondence. Psychologists have found that even innocent communication on the Internet can cause emotional attachment between people. The husband (or spouse) begins to hide his correspondence, creates secrets, and sets passwords on his gadgets. If a person has a pen pal of the opposite sex on the Internet, then a frequent desire to “sit on the phone,” be alone, or leave the room will give him away.

Cheating partner. Ordinary communication on the Internet can develop into something more. One of the partners may feel tenderness and interest in the other, he will want to transfer the virtual romance to the real world. The spouse can invite his crush on a date, appear at home less often and hide correspondence on the Internet.

Dating sites. It's no secret that dating sites involve communication between a man and a woman, which does not always end with correspondence and innocent flirting. This type of social networks, as a rule, does not imply searching for a partner for a long-term romance; usually people are looking for a short affair there. Simply meeting someone on a social network is one thing, but purposefully looking for a new partner on dating sites is another.

An online interlocutor is better than a real one. Quite a lot of people note that in correspondence they can say things that they are afraid to talk about in real life. It’s easier to hide from the judgment of online friends and much easier to survive. It is for this reason that a spouse can tell more to virtual acquaintances than to his significant other. This is one of the signs of distrust, embarrassment and reluctance to share your problems with a loved one.

Constant attention to social networks. Social networks can captivate a spouse much more than real communication with family members and friends. They are full of bright pictures and spectacular photographs, which are sometimes difficult to tear yourself away from. This can captivate the partner so that reality seems too boring and monotonous, and communication with loved ones cannot give enough positive emotions.

Neglect of family. Psychologists say that the desire to spend more time communicating with virtual interlocutors influences the spouse’s desire to pay attention to his family. He wants to take a break from the routine, look at photographs of beautiful girls or hot countries. The partner gets aesthetic pleasure from this and wants to get away from everyday problems.

How to Avoid a Social Media Breakup

In order to distract your partner from communicating on the Internet, you can show him that real life can be much more exciting than correspondence. You can invite your spouse to go on a trip to be alone and communicate more. If this is not possible, then suggest watching an interesting film or visiting some new places: unusual exhibitions or quests.

One option is to talk openly and say that you love your spouse and want to spend more time with him. Ask him to agree on how much time each of you will spend on the Internet, and how much time the two of you will spend together. You just need to remember that spending time together should evoke some positive emotions that can draw your spouse’s attention back to family life.

Social networks can affect family relationships, but if there is harmony and love between spouses, then no amount of online correspondence can destroy it. It is necessary to communicate more, spend time together, and also respect each other, then social networks will not be able to influence a strong union. What do you think? Leave your comments and don't forget to click on the buttons and

Social media is gaining more and more power over modern relationships. And while some laugh it off with the phrase “what happens on Facebook stays on Facebook,” others believe that showing sympathy, even through virtual “likes,” is a real sign of betrayal. Is online communication with your significant other worth increased attention? What signs might indicate an impending problem? **Friendship with “exes”** A couple of clicks, and once lost contacts can be resumed. No one has canceled curiosity, but is it worth returning to a relationship that was once passed through? Trying to find out what happened with your ex may not be understood by your current partner. Think about what is more important to you: the past or the present? **Dominance of virtual life over real life** The desire to “check email” can take up a good half of a family evening. And trying to quickly see how many likes your last photo got will easily lead to the thread of a conversation going away. This video perfectly demonstrates that sometimes family members have to make really big efforts to regain the attention of a household member. Observe yourself - when do you most often try to get your phone out? Why do you open a browser page even if you don't need the Internet? Maybe the computer is an attempt to avoid conflicts? If so, you should close the laptop lid and honestly face the problems. Even if this problem is addiction to gadgets.

**Frank statuses** Despite the fact that Facebook often asks “What are you thinking?”, it is not at all necessary to bare your whole soul online. Google remembers everything. It is also worth remembering that messages may well become publicly available, despite the “private” settings. So, if you want to discuss the latest fight at home with friends on social networks, it is better to do this in private correspondence. **Public opinion** Previously, parents could judge everything and everyone. Time has passed, but the habit remains. Why involve third parties in family conflicts remains a mystery. Relationships are not always smooth, and you need to learn to live through problems on your own. In the end, negative experiences make us mature. **Caring for non-existent pets** Think about what makes up your virtual life today? How much time do you spend in front of a monitor screen just because you play, communicate, relax and entertain yourself using a computer? Write down the number of hours you spend on your “virtual” life and think about what you can do for your family and your relationships today. Virtual life creates many substitutes for real relationships, but being behind a monitor screen only creates the illusion that it is not. **Flirting** Comments, “likes” on photos, random remarks in other people’s conversations – over the last ten years modern society has created many rules of virtual etiquette, which are gradually being reinforced. Should you or should you not add strangers to your social networks? How to take a “like” from a cute work colleague? As a flirt or as a sign of politeness? When trying to determine the line between what is permissible and what is not, common sense will prevail. At the end of the day, flirting is still flirting. **Facebook does not replace communication** If you increasingly resolve current issues with your partner through chats and correspondence on social networks, you should start worrying. If you live together and still don't find time to be together, then it's time to reconsider your schedule. After all, you've put a lot of effort into starting your family. It's worth fighting for.