Suppositories for hemorrhoids. What suppositories help with hemorrhoids - a review of the best drugs on the market. Rating of suppositories for hemorrhoids

On the website of the Gorzdrav pharmacy you can order products for the treatment of hemorrhoids. We offer rectal suppositories at affordable prices. Our catalog also includes other medications: ointments, tablets, drops, gels, oils and injection solutions. Before you buy the drug, you can read the brief instructions, which contain contraindications, a description of the active substance and precautions. This allows you to carefully select medications for men and women, as well as for patients of different ages.

Where to order remedies for hemorrhoids?

The Gorzdrav pharmacy chain has more than 700 branches operating in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Moscow and Leningrad regions. You can order remedies for hemorrhoids on our website and arrange delivery to the nearest point of sale. When receiving medications, you will need to tell the pharmacist the number and pay for the goods in cash or by bank card.

The Gorzdrav website presents a convenient sorting system that allows you to find available analogues of drugs by active substance. You can also view instructions and certificates here.

Use of antihemorrhoidal drugs

Hemorrhoids are a disease of the circulatory system associated with the pathology of the veins that form peculiar nodes around the rectum. It may be accompanied by expansion, deformation, inflammation, partial destruction and thrombosis of blood vessels.

Antihemorrhoidal suppositories are usually prescribed for chronic course diseases. Its symptoms are:

  • a feeling of discomfort that increases with physical activity;
  • pain and itching in the anus;
  • partial prolapse of hemorrhoids when straining;
  • pathological constipation[i]

In this case, activity restriction, massage and physiotherapy are indicated. Additional medications for hemorrhoids are also used: tablets, ointments, oils and others. Once symptoms are eliminated, special attention is paid to prevention.

In the acute form of the disease, stopping bleeding is necessary. In most cases, a minimally invasive type of surgery is prescribed. Hemostatic agents are taken under the supervision of a physician, having carefully studied the contraindications in the instructions for use.

Release forms

The most common suppositories are for hemorrhoids. Local application allows you to get a quick effect: reduce the intensity of pain, relieve inflammation and eliminate constipation. Our catalog also includes following forms medications:

  • tablets and capsules;
  • ointments, creams and gels;
  • oils;
  • suspensions;
  • drops;
  • herbal preparations.

For whom

When choosing a medicine for hemorrhoids for men, you should pay attention to the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect of the drug. Representatives of the stronger sex are more often exposed to physical activity, which aggravates the course of the disease. When treating hemorrhoids, precautions must be taken. This applies in particular to:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • children under 12 years of age.


Any medicine should be taken as prescribed by a doctor. It would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the contraindications to the use of suppositories for hemorrhoids. Typically these include:

  • individual intolerance to the active substance;
  • thromboembolism;
  • fungal and bacterial infections in the area of ​​treatment;
  • dermatitis;
  • acute inflammation;
  • necrotic processes;
  • pathology of the prostate gland.


Some certificates of goods presented in our catalog.



  1. [i] Vorobyov G. I., Shelygin Yu. A., Blagodarny L. A. Hemorrhoids. M.: Publishing house "Mitra-Press", 2002. 192 p.
  2. Haemorrhoids. Clinic, diagnosis, treatment methods: Methodological guidelines for doctors. - SPb.: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. acad. I. P. Pavlova. 2010.-28 p.

Typically, we are accustomed to assessing the effectiveness of drugs by their price category. But in the case of treating hemorrhoids, you can deviate from this rule.

The path of development of the disease and its clinical symptoms can be completely eliminated by inexpensive suppositories for hemorrhoids.

The key to successful treatment is the correct identification of the main symptom. After all, even ultra-modern and effective drugs may be useless if they do not act on the cause of the disease.

Inexpensive and effective suppositories for hemorrhoids can be grouped according to their main action.


“Delladonna extract”, rectal suppositories – 48 rubles.

The action of the suppositories is due to the content of belladonna alkaloids - atropine, hyoscyamine, scopolamine. These substances act on smooth muscle fibers, promoting their relaxation. This is an important mechanism for eliminating muscle spasm of the anal sphincter, which develops in response to irritation of the nerve endings. In the rectum, such irritating factors are feces caked due to constipation and the remains of gastric juice, which is an aggressive solution of hydrochloric acid and various enzymes. Their effect on the damaged rectal mucosa causes sharp pain, and then severe spasm of the anal sphincter.

Suppositories with belladonna, when used immediately after bowel movement, relieve this painful spasm

“Anuzol” – 80 rubles.

"Anuzol" for rectal use contains several active components in the best ratio. These are the active substances of belladonna extract, a mixture of zinc and bismuth sulfate salts. Zinc sulfate reduces tissue inflammation due to its active astringent effect. In addition, the substance causes coagulation of proteins in pathogenic bacteria, as a result of which they die, and the place where the suppositories are used is protected from infection.

The combined action of the components relieves discomfort and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It is good to use Anuzol to relieve spasmodic pain and heal microtraumas of the rectal mucosa.

“Betiol” – 63 rubles.

The combination of belladonna extract with ichthyol allows us to recommend “Betiol” in the treatment of hemorrhoids, both to combat pain and to treat inflammation, microtrauma and anal fissure. Ichthyol has established itself as an excellent antiseptic and wound-healing agent. When introduced into the anus, it comes into contact with the mucous membrane and is well absorbed into the local blood flow, causes vasoconstriction, thereby reducing swelling and pus production during infection. It has an antiseptic effect, preventing the spread of the infectious and inflammatory process to the pelvic organs.

Ichthammol can also act as the main medicinal substance in suppositories

The name of the drug is “Ichthyol”, rectal suppositories with a dosage of 200 mg. Price – from 79 rub. Even in this monocomposition, it has a mild analgesic effect, regulates vascular tone, restores microcirculation, eliminates inflammation and swelling of perihemorrhoidal tissues.

In addition to the antispasmodic effect, suppositories can also have a direct analgesic effect by blocking the production of pain impulses in nerve cells. The group of medications includes local anesthetics - novocaine, benzocaine.

“Suppositories with novocaine” – 43 rubles.

The cheapest suppositories for pain relief from hemorrhoid attacks. Can be used before or immediately after bowel movement. The main task of the drug is to quickly relieve pain caused by the passage of stool through inflamed hemorrhoids. Novocaine is a local drug, but in case of overdose it can cause systemic side effects - fluctuations in blood pressure, weakness, convulsions, itching.

As a means to relieve attacks of pain from hemorrhoids, it can be used for no longer than five days. If the pain does not go away, you should seek medical help.

“Anestezol” – 94 rubles.

Contains benzocaine, which is also a local anesthetic.

This drug, along with an anesthetic, will have a good anti-inflammatory and astringent effect.

Thanks to the subgallate and levomenthol included in bismuth, the suppositories dry out the inflamed nodes and prevent the leakage of inflammatory exudate. Used for hemorrhoids and anal fissures as a hemostatic and analgesic.

“Olestesin” – 143 rubles.

The drug cannot be called the cheapest, but it effectively combines anesthesin (to eliminate pain) and sea buckthorn oil (for healing and tissue regeneration). In addition, suppositories also increase the tone of the vessels of the cavernous bodies, which helps reduce blood stagnation and reduce the level of discomfort. The third component in the composition, etazol sodium, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Thus, the key aspects of the disease are eliminated - pain, swelling and inflammation, bleeding and damage to the mucous membrane in the intestine.


Heparin ointment – ​​about 50-70 rubles. Heparin suppositories exist in combinations with other active ingredients.

The active substance is sodium heparin - a direct anticoagulant. It prevents the development of a dangerous complication - the formation of blood clots in hemorrhoids. Thrombi are blood clots that fill the lumen of varicose veins, stretching their walls and causing pain. Heparin at a dose of 1000 units most effectively dissolves blood clots and prevents their formation.

Nigepan - a combination of heparin with anesthesin

The more expensive drugs “Nigepan” (243 rubles) and “Hepatrombin G” (208 rubles) contain a combination of heparin with anesthesin or prednisolone, laumacrogol. And the range of their effects is wider - additional analgesic, anti-edematous and venosclerotic effects. These suppositories will help fight hemorrhoids more effectively.


"Methyluracil", rectal suppositories - 89 rubles.

Methyluracil stimulates cells to recover. Due to the fact that the drug promotes the healing of microtraumas and cracks in hemorrhoids, pain is reduced and the general condition of the patient improves. You can also count on the anti-inflammatory immunomodulatory effect of suppositories. Under the influence of the drug, active production of protective interferon proteins begins at the site of application. This prevents a possible complication of hemorrhoids in the form of an infectious process.

“Sea buckthorn oil”, suppositories – 75-118 rubles.

These are cheap suppositories for hemorrhoids that have an anti-inflammatory effect on altered hemorrhoidal veins. They help soften stools and make defecation less painful.

Suppositories are good as a wound-healing and reparative drug

“Calendula”, rectal suppositories – 92 rubles.

Active substances from the extract of the calendula plant relieve inflammation and pain, strengthen local immunity and have antiseptic, vascular-strengthening properties due to the presence of selenium, and also have a weak antispasmodic effect. Thanks to this activity, suppositories with calendula are used as an anti-inflammatory, soothing, and wound-healing agent.

Calendula suppositories are considered homeopathic remedies.

Stop bleeding

"Neo Anuzol" - up to 150 rubles.

The astringent effect of candles is largely due to tannin.– a natural component of phenolic origin, which forms stable bonds with proteins and polysaccharides. Therefore, suppositories are used for bleeding hemorrhoids or anal fissure.

The antibacterial effect of the drug is realized thanks to the combination of methylene blue and iodine in the suppositories. Together with resorcinol, these components produce an antiseptic treatment of damage to the mucous membrane during hemorrhoids, preventing the development of complications. In addition, resorcinol has a dermatoprotective effect.

The general effect of the drug is hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and local anesthetic.

"Neo Anuzol" helps against itching, burning, bleeding, skin irritation, fights infection


In addition to local anesthetic suppositories, pain syndrome due to hemorrhoids can also be relieved by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They block the mechanism of inflammation itself, reduce pain, swelling, and help reduce temperature locally and at the level of the entire body.

Among the cheap drugs, we can mention suppositories with Diclofenac. The price varies depending on the dosage - 50 mg or 100 mg, but does not exceed 150 rubles. When used rectally, the drug is well absorbed by the rectal mucosa and literally within half an hour its effect develops fully.

The main thing is to understand that these suppositories do not affect the cause of hemorrhoids, but eliminate its symptom – pain

Also, diclofenac sodium has a weak desensitizing property, that is, it reduces the violent reaction of the immune system, which also reduces inflammation of the vascular wall and the leakage of exudate into the surrounding tissues. Suppositories are placed once or twice a day, depending on the dose and effect.

Hemorrhoids, if they suddenly happen, make life very difficult - the nodes hurt, irritate, interfere with bowel movements, and bleed. This disease, of course, is unpleasant, but completely curable if the problem is not neglected.

On at the moment There is a very large selection of medications available to treat this unpleasant disease at home. The most popular are local remedies presented in the form of ointments and suppositories, very often one medicinal product Available in these two forms.

It is more convenient to apply ointments to external hemorrhoids, and suppositories will help alleviate the condition in the presence of internal hemorrhoids. Most medications for hemorrhoids contain natural ingredients that are practically not absorbed into the blood. Therefore, the use of some suppositories and ointments for the treatment of this disease is permitted during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In this article we will try to choose the best suppositories for hemorrhoids, which are the most effective, but at the same time inexpensive. Leave your reviews about the drugs in the comments.

The use of suppositories for hemorrhoids

Medicinal suppositories for hemorrhoids, offered in pharmacies, are quite effective and can significantly reduce acute pain, itching and burning. The mechanism of action of suppositories is their ability to melt at temperatures above 31°C and transform into a liquid state.

At the same time the following effects are achieved:

  • rapid absorption of drugs;
  • local effect of the drug on the affected areas;
  • ease of administration;
  • painless use;
  • no load on the digestive tract.

In order for suppositories for hemorrhoids to be administered smoothly, it is best to lie on your side. You can stand, leaning forward a little, but this complicates the procedure. You don't need to hold the product in your hands for a long time because it melts. With your free hand, you need to spread the buttocks and insert the suppository so that it passes into the ampulla of the rectum, passing the sphincter. For a less painful insertion, you can lubricate the end of the candle with Vaseline or baby cream.

Read also, for treatment at home.

Types of suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids

It is very difficult to unequivocally answer the question which suppositories are best for hemorrhoids. The choice depends on the symptoms and course of the disease. To make it more convenient to determine effective drug, they were divided into groups:

  1. Painkiller suppositories– their action is aimed at relieving pain, itching, burning. The main active ingredients in their composition are analgesic drugs - novocaine, anesthesin. Most often used in the first stages of the disease. This is Procto-Glyvenol, Ketonal.
  2. Anti-inflammatory suppositories are indicated for almost all patients, because they contain only natural substances. These are sea buckthorn oil, propolis, St. John's wort extract, tea tree oil. They should not be used only by those patients who have had cases of allergies to any natural substance. In addition to suppositories with oils and plant extracts, Anuzol, Neo-Anuzol, Relief, Proctosan and Posterisan also help well.
  3. Hemostatic suppositories designed to stop bleeding, which can cause anemia, and if left untreated, lead to fatal outcome. The hemostatic suppositories contain calcium, vikasol, and dicinone. The effect of using such suppositories is an increase in the rate of blood clotting. They are usually used at the last stage of hemorrhoids.
  4. Candles with adrenaline. This remedy has an excellent hemostatic and analgesic effect. However, adrenaline increases blood pressure, so this method is mainly used by young patients.
  5. Candles with belladonna. They have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. They contain natural ingredients. The instructions for the drug recommend using it for hemorrhoids of varying severity, as well as anal fissures. Despite the naturalness of the drug, it has a number of contraindications, so you should not use them yourself.
  6. Suppositories with propolis. A common, affordable and effective drug for the treatment of hemorrhoids, which relieves inflammation, reduces the size of hemorrhoids, and has an analgesic and antimicrobial effect.
  7. Candles of combined properties. These effective suppositories for hemorrhoids contain several substances with different properties. For example, combination drugs can have both analgesic and hemostatic effects. This group includes suppositories for hemorrhoids and fissures “Relief Advance”, “Procto-glivenol”, “Proctosedil” and others. All these drugs have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous properties.

As you can see, the choice of effective suppositories and ointments for hemorrhoids depends on the predominant symptom - bleeding, pain, itching or inflammation of the skin around the anus.

Effective and inexpensive suppositories for hemorrhoids: list

Among the best suppositories that are used to treat hemorrhoids at home are the following TOP drugs:

  • . A complex drug that has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and bactericidal effects. Price: 220-270 rub.
  • . Has antipruritic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effects. Price: 400-470 rub.
  • Procto-glivenol. It contains two active substances - lidocaine and tribenoside. These rectal suppositories have anti-inflammatory, venotonic and local anesthetic properties. Price: 350-400 rub.
  • . The shark liver oil included in the composition has an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect, promotes rapid wound healing. The anesthetic benzocaine is used as a pain reliever. Used to relieve inflammation and pain. Price 350 rub.
  • Relief Ultra. The drug has anti-inflammatory, drying, wound-healing and astringent properties. Price 330-380 rub.
  • . It has anticoagulant, antiallergic and antiexudative effects. The substances included in the drug accelerate tissue regeneration, stimulating metabolic processes. Price 170 rub.
  • . They have local anesthetic, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory properties. The drug contains substances that block pain. Price 300-350 rub.
  • Suppositories with propolis. They have analgesic properties. To prepare them, you need to mix an aqueous solution of propolis with an ointment base. This could be petroleum jelly, butter or lanolin. Price 160-200 rub.
  • Candles with sea buckthorn. Used in complex therapy or when other suppositories are contraindicated (during pregnancy), sea buckthorn oil promotes rapid healing of damaged tissues, stimulates reparative processes of the mucous membranes and on the skin. Price: 100 rub.

Each type of rectal suppository for hemorrhoids is designed to eliminate the causes and symptoms certain type diseases due to the substances contained in the composition, so the drug is prescribed individually.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy

The first rule during pregnancy is do not self-medicate. For any reason, including hemorrhoids, you should consult a doctor, because not all medications can be used during this period.

Under the supervision of medical personnel, the following suppositories may be recommended:

  • Natalsid;
  • Olestesin;
  • Belladonna extract;
  • Nigepan;
  • Neo-Anuzol;
  • Posterisan;
  • Candles with sea buckthorn oil;
  • Glycerin suppositories.

As for the other drugs, then there are certain restrictions:

  • Hepatrombin G - from the second trimester;
  • Relief - with extreme caution;
  • Advance relief - not applicable;
  • Relief ultra - from the fourth month;
  • Procto-Glyvenol - from the second trimester, as prescribed by a doctor;
  • Aurobin: according to instructions, can be used from the second trimester;
  • Proctosedyl - not allowed;
  • Ultraproct is only possible as a last resort.

In general, rectal suppositories can be used during pregnancy, but preferably only those made from natural, plant-based bases. Such drugs have fewer contraindications, have a milder and more gentle effect, and do not exhibit side effects.

When should you not use rectal suppositories?

Contraindications to the introduction of suppositories for hemorrhoids:

  • stable hypertension;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • ulcers and erosions of the rectum;
  • severe general swelling;
  • allergy to the components of candles;
  • infectious inflammatory diseases and the development of tumors in the rectum;
  • diabetes mellitus, complicated by immune disorders and trophic disorders of the legs.

Remember that treatment of hemorrhoids should not be limited only to the use of suppositories. The set of measures to combat the disease includes changing lifestyle, increasing physical activity, proper nutrition, giving up bad habits.

This plant-based drug has not lost its popularity for many years. The traditional version of suppositories, which contain only sea buckthorn oil, or the drug Olestesin, additionally enriched with analgesic and antimicrobial components.

Sea buckthorn suppositories have a positive effect on the inflamed intestinal mucosa, significantly speed up regeneration processes, thanks to which they successfully cope with cracks and other damage.

Ichthyol suppositories for hemorrhoids

On early stages hemorrhoids, rectal ichthyol suppositories are widely used for rapid pain relief and effective elimination of inflammation, which is based on the active antimicrobial effect of the drug.

Suppositories with ichthyol for hemorrhoids are prescribed quite often. They have pronounced anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties, reducing pain due to these effects, and promote rapid healing of anal fissures.

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Hemorrhoids are a pathological process that affects the cavernous bodies around the rectum. The disease develops due to excessive blood flow and stagnation in the pelvic vessels. The elasticity of the ligaments that hold the rectum and surrounding vessels is impaired. Fixed outward from the lumen of the rectum. When nodes fall out, strangulation and bleeding develop. The pathological process is accompanied by severe pain, discomfort, and worsens the patient’s quality of life.

The pathology is chronic and requires complex treatment using general therapeutic and local remedies. Suppositories for resorption of hemorrhoids are considered to be effective and affordable means of treatment.

Today's pharmaceutical industry provides patients with a range of medications in the form of suppositories to get rid of an unpleasant disease. The final choice is made by the attending physician, taking into account the patient’s condition.

A number of rectal suppositories with various principles of action have been developed. Chemical composition and the pharmacological effect of suppositories varies. Effects of suppositories:

  1. Analgesic effect. The suppositories contain local anesthetics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Local anesthetics often include benzocaine or lidocaine.
  2. The anti-inflammatory effect is due to the presence of non-steroidal components and corticosteroid hormones in the dosage form. The suppositories are characterized by an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. Suppositories contain potent components - they should be used in a short course.
  3. Hemostatic and wound-healing components stop bleeding from anal fissures and heal.
  4. Suppositories containing venotonics strengthen vascular walls and increase the elasticity of the tissues of the cavernous bodies. In case of exacerbation of hemorrhoids with prolapse of nodes outward, this reduces the node in size and helps to reduce it.
  5. The addition of anticoagulants to suppositories prevents the development of blood clots in the pelvic vessels. Heparin is often used as an active substance. When bleeding from anal fissures, the use of suppositories is strictly contraindicated!

Rectal absorbable suppositories are made on the basis of solid oils (cocoa butter). Once in the rectum, they melt easily. The active ingredients are absorbed through the mucous membrane and act on the internal nodes. Ointments for hemorrhoids with prolapsed nodes are used to treat the external form of the disease.


Suppositories have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Relieves swelling and helps resolve hemorrhoids. The suppositories contain the local anesthetic lidocaine and venotonics.

The suppositories quickly melt at a temperature of 38-39 degrees and are absorbed into the tissues of the rectum and cavernous bodies. The remedies are effective in the acute stages of the disease, when the inflamed node has fallen out and hurts.


The suppositories contain the local anesthetic benzocaine. Suppositories contain zinc - an antiseptic - and menthol, which has an analgesic effect and eliminates burning in the anus.


The candles contain belladonna plant extract. The drug has a pronounced analgesic effect and relieves spasms. Under the influence of the drug, the rectum stops hurting and swelling. The drug has long been used in proctology and is characterized by effectiveness in internal forms of the disease.

Anti-inflammatory suppositories

The group of drugs includes corticosteroid hormones, substances that have a venotonic effect. The drugs quickly eliminate the inflammatory process and accelerate the resorption of the hemorrhoid. Used for a short course. Contraindications to the use of suppositories are during pregnancy and early childhood.

Gepatrombin G

The hormonal drug is effective in treating the acute stage of hemorrhoids. The composition contains a glucocorticosteroid component, heparin - helps relieve swelling and prevent the formation of blood clots. The drug is effective when the node does not dissolve for a long time.

It should be used for a short course due to the side effects that glucocorticosteroids have on the body. Thanks to suppositories, it is possible to relieve swelling and pain from hemorrhoids, reduce the size of the lump, and prevent prolapse. If a large knot has fallen out, it is recommended to use.

Proctosedyl M

Proctosedyl M suppositories have a similar composition - they contain a hormonal component, venotonics. Due to the presence of a vasoconstrictor in the composition, suppositories relieve inflammation and stop bleeding. Treatment helps protect against thrombosis, which often acts as a complication of hemorrhoids. Suppositories are effective when hemorrhoids are inflamed and do not resolve for a long time.


The drug contains the hormonal component prednisolone and heparin. Suppositories relieve pain and swelling during inflammation. Prevents the formation of blood clots in nodes. If bleeding develops, suppositories are contraindicated.

Wound healing suppositories

To heal wounds and cracks in the rectum and for ruptured hemorrhoids, it is recommended to use suppositories with an anti-inflammatory and healing component.


The drug is based on an extract from seaweed. Safe and effective for the treatment of inflammatory processes and cracks in hemorrhoids. The use of Natalsid suppositories is required to heal wounds and microscopic cracks in the mucous membrane, reduce bleeding, and inflammation in the nodes. Indications for use are external and internal hemorrhoids.


Relief is a popular suppository for hemorrhoids that dissolves nodes and promotes rapid healing. The drug is based on shark liver oil. It has a pronounced wound-healing and absorbable effect.

Treatment with Relief suppositories reduces the inflammatory process, relieves itching and burning in the rectum. Suppositories with an antiseptic effect prevent the addition of a secondary infection and the development of complications. With the use of suppositories, hemorrhoids decrease in size, and blood flow in the vessels of the rectum improves. Relief is available in the form of an ointment for external use - it can treat prolapsed hemorrhoids.

Relief suppositories and ointments are safe and are used to treat hemorrhoids in pregnant women and young children.

Methyluracil suppositories

They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, absorbable and wound-healing effect.

Suppositories containing propolis are characterized by anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Known for strong allergenic properties. Must be used with caution.

Glycerin suppositories

Suppositories with glycerin have a dual effect on inflamed hemorrhoids. One side is a laxative effect and prevention of constipation. The other side is the enveloping effect of glycerin, the ability to heal microscopic wounds and cracks.

The use of suppositories during pregnancy and early childhood

Hemorrhoids often develop in women during pregnancy. An increase in pressure in the pelvic cavity due to increasing pressure from the uterus is considered a provoking factor for the development of the disease in pregnant women.

Many medical procedures during pregnancy are contraindicated. Proctologists select safe medications for expectant mothers. Relief suppositories and ointment are effective and safe for hemorrhoids in pregnant women and children. The active substances of the drugs do not penetrate the hematoplacental barrier and do not cause harm to the unborn baby.

A proven ointment for hemorrhoids for external use in children and pregnant women is Relief ointment. When a secondary infection occurs and bleeding develops, Levomekol ointment is effective.

The pharmaceutical industry does not produce special suppositories for hemorrhoids for children. Use candles for adults. They are divided into parts based on the child’s body weight. Candles must be inserted carefully to a shallow depth. Before use, it is advisable to cleanse the intestines.

Rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids can relieve pain, burning and itching, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, stop bleeding, relieve inflammation and swelling. When used correctly, the drugs do not cause side effects, act gently, and treat not only the symptoms, but also the very cause of the disease.

Rectal suppositories: who are they prescribed for?

Suppositories against hemorrhoids are a universal remedy suitable for any form of the disease. The drug is affordable, easy to use, sold without a prescription and suitable for treatment at home. In pharmacies you can find suppositories of different price categories that have analgesic, hemostatic, venotonic, decongestant or anti-inflammatory effects. Most types of rectal suppositories contain several active elements that can affect several symptoms at once.

The question, which suppositories are best for hemorrhoids, is asked by all patients. There is no single correct answer; it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body and symptoms. Most often, suppositories are used for the internal form of the disease. The drug is injected into the anus, after a few minutes the solid base begins to melt, the active substances are released and absorbed into the tissue. Pain-relieving components act on nerve endings within a few minutes, bringing quick relief. Hemostatic agents with an astringent effect promote rapid healing of wounds on the skin and mucous membranes. Antibacterial drugs block the proliferation of pathogenic and opportunistic microflora, preventing inflammation and suppuration.

Suppositories for internal hemorrhoids help to reduce nodes, heal minor damage to the mucosa, and stop rectal bleeding. Emollient components help to quickly cure painful anal fissures that form at the junction of the skin and mucous membrane. All suppositories have a laxative effect, which is important for patients suffering from chronic constipation. Preparations with glycerin, papaverine, and natural oils can normalize bowel movements.

The coloproctologist should decide which suppositories to choose for hemorrhoids. It takes into account the individual condition of the patient, the degree and form of the disease, and the presence of other chronic ailments. The right product works quickly. If the effect does not appear after 1-2 days, it is better to replace the suppositories with more appropriate ones. The names of popular drugs can be found in specialized publications; the descriptions list in detail the active ingredients, indications and contraindications.

Contraindications and side effects

Anti-hemorrhoid suppositories are very effective, but they also have contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with before starting treatment. Rectal suppositories are contraindicated for:

  • tendency to diarrhea;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • chronic illnesses in severe form (diabetes, tuberculosis);
  • fungal and viral infections;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • malignant tumors;
  • individual allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

Preparations with heparin or other anticoagulant components should not be used for blood diseases (hemophilia).

Pregnant women should take special care. In the 1st trimester, antibiotics that can affect the development of the fetus are prohibited. In later stages, these drugs can be used under the constant supervision of a doctor. Pregnant women, children under 10 years of age, debilitated and elderly patients should not use suppositories with belladonna extract, high doses of lidocaine, benzocaine and other anesthetics.

Candles are inserted 1-2 times a day. If the recommended dose is exceeded, it is possible side effects: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache.

What suppositories are best to use?

For the treatment of hemorrhoids, suppositories with a combined effect are prescribed. All drugs can be divided into several groups:

  • venotonic;
  • anticoagulants;
  • hemostatic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing;
  • decongestants;
  • general strengthening;
  • laxatives.

In pharmacies you can buy both very cheap and quite expensive drugs. The price is influenced by the prestige of the brand and the number of active ingredients. Some suppositories are included in series along with tablets, ointments, gels or drops. To enhance the effect, products from the line can be used in combination.

Suppositories are low-toxic and non-hazardous medications. The drugs should be stored in a cool place, away from heating devices and direct sunlight. You can place the package in the bottom compartment of the refrigerator. It is important to protect the candles from drying out. The expiration date is indicated on the packaging; after its expiration, the drugs are disposed of along with household waste.

Pain Relief Options

Hemorrhoids in different stages are accompanied by pain, burning and itching. In the later phases of the disease, the patient experiences discomfort even at rest, and every trip to the toilet turns into a real test. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, medications with benzocaine, lidocaine, and belladonna extract are suitable. They are part of such popular products as Relief Advance, Ketonal, Anuzol, Anestezol.

>In the initial stages of hemorrhoids, Procto-Glivenol containing benzocaine and tribenzoid is recommended. The drug strengthens blood vessels, restores damaged tissue, and completely relieves discomfort. 2-3 suppositories are used per day, the course depends on the individual condition of the patient.

Painkiller. Inexpensive Ichthyol suppositories have wound-healing and antibacterial effects. They have no contraindications and are suitable for older people, pregnant women, and children of any age. Has a good analgesic effect Voltaren. The drug contains diclofenac, which has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects. Suppositories help with sudden exacerbations and are used as an effective express remedy. They should not be used for course treatment.

Suppositories with adrenaline will cope with advanced hemorrhoids. Such drugs are not available for free sale. The medicine is prescribed by a doctor, after which the pharmacist prepares it for a specific patient. Suppositories quickly relieve painful swelling, reduce the size of hemorrhoids, and prevent inflammation. Drugs with adrenaline combine well with venotonic and restorative drugs; they are used in courses of 1-2 weeks.

Venotonic and hemostatic agents

Drugs that strengthen the venous walls and improve blood flow will help prevent the growth of hemorrhoids and further deformation of blood vessels. Suppositories contain diosmin, hesperidin, prednisolone and heparin. They improve the outflow of lymph, prevent the formation of adhesions and blood clots. The best suppositories for hemorrhoids in this category are Hepazolon containing heparin and an increased dose of lidocaine. Suppositories also work well Nigepan, Genferon, Relief. Heparin suppositories for hemorrhoids are used in courses of 10-14 days, inserting them 1-2 times a day.

Homeopathic suppositories for hemorrhoids can cure minor internal injuries. They are recommended for the treatment of weakened and elderly patients who do not tolerate potent drugs. Viburkol suppositories with extracts of belladonna, nightshade, meadow lumbago, chamomile and plantain can stop internal bleeding. The drug has no contraindications and is suitable for long courses exceeding 3 weeks.

For frequent rectal bleeding, you can use Chinese suppositories for hemorrhoids. They contain extracts medicinal herbs, which have analgesic, decongestant and astringent effects. Suppositories based on propolis have a good hemostatic effect, for example, Prostopin. The medicine contains mountain honey, royal jelly, natural wax and other bee products. Can strengthen venous walls and prevent ruptures Natalsid, containing hyaluronic acid and brown algae extract. Preparations with synthetic components will also help to cope with damage: Gepatrombin G, Procto-Glyvenol, Proctosan.

What suppositories will relieve inflammation and swelling?

For hemorrhoids prone to frequent inflammation, suppositories with natural sea buckthorn oil are used. The most popular drug in this group is Olestesin. Candles can be used for 3 weeks; they quickly heal microtraumas, prevent suppuration, and allow you to get rid of internal and external swelling. They also have an anti-inflammatory effect Heparin suppositories for hemorrhoids, which can be alternated with antibiotics and wound-healing drugs.

With extensive internal damage, infection from feces is possible. Suppositories with antibiotics will help cope with the problem. It is better to use them under the supervision of a doctor, since the products in this group have an impressive list of contraindications. Antibiotics are not recommended for fungal or viral infections, cancer and severe forms of chronic illnesses.

For various types of inflammation, drugs containing chloramphenicol, framycetin, and tetracycline are used. The active components quickly destroy pathogenic microbes, preventing complications: tissue necrosis, purulent fistulas, inflammation of hemorrhoids. The most effective rectal capsules are Proctosedyl, which contain framycetin. Products with a thin gel shell dissolve a few minutes after administration and act almost instantly. The product effectively destroys Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

For fungal infections that cause burning, itching and other unpleasant sensations, Nystatin based on the active substance of the same name helps. Suppositories cope with a variety of viruses and can be used for 2 weeks in a row. To enhance the effect, changes in diet are necessary.

Anti-inflammatory suppositories for hemorrhoids are used in courses of 7-10 days. The exact dosage and duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor. You need to be especially careful when using medications containing antibiotics. It is impossible to interrupt treatment with such suppositories; it can be extended only after consultation with a proctologist.

For effective treatment of hemorrhoids, our readers advise Rectin.
This natural remedy quickly relieves pain and itching, promotes the healing of anal fissures and hemorrhoids.
The drug contains only natural ingredients with maximum effectiveness. The product has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Proctology.

What will help with advanced hemorrhoids?

At stage 3 of the disease, conventional drugs may be ineffective. The advanced form is accompanied by severe pain, fissures in the anus, large nodes that often fall out of the anus and require manual reduction, extensive damage to the skin and mucous membranes. The patient experiences severe weakness, the body's defenses are significantly reduced. Possible loss of appetite, insomnia, problems with bowel movements.

Usually at this stage, proctologists recommend surgery, but radical intervention is not suitable for all patients. Contraindications will be age, the presence of chronic diseases, and a tendency to rectal bleeding. In this case, conservative treatment continues, but suppositories with a more active effect are selected.

Ultraproct will help to cope with weeping wounds, deep cracks and abrasions. It contains fluocortolone and cinchocaine, relieves pain, swelling and other unpleasant symptoms. Genferon is capable of relieving severe inflammation characteristic of advanced hemorrhoids. The suppositories contain interferon and taurine. The combination of these substances quickly relieves aggravation, eliminates unpleasant symptoms and inhibits the growth of hemorrhoids.

P For chronic hemorrhoids, Betiol based on belladonna extract helps well. The drug relieves pain, itching and burning, reduces swelling, and improves overall well-being. Treatment can be long-term, since there is no addictive effect. Hemorol can be used to restore damaged tissue and improve the general condition of the patient. The composition includes a complex of plant extracts: seeds horse chestnut, belladonna, yarrow, gorse, chamomile. A generous dose of benzocaine is added for pain relief. The product is used in courses of 1-2 weeks; it combines well with stronger medications.

Folk recipes

You can make effective suppositories for hemorrhoids with your own hands. Ice suppositories help with swelling, burning and itching. They are made from a decoction of chamomile, calendula, yarrow or sage. A handful of dry raw materials is poured into 1 liter of boiling water, heated over low heat for 5-7 minutes, infused and filtered. The cooled broth is poured into molds or blisters left over from purchased candles. After freezing in the refrigerator, homemade products are ready to eat. They are introduced for 1-2 minutes, having previously lubricated the surface with petroleum jelly or glycerin. The course of treatment lasts 3-5 days, after a break it can be repeated. Ice suppositories should not be used for severe inflammation, rectal bleeding or increased sensitivity to cold.

Candles for hemorrhoids and fissures can also be made with your own hands. Beeswax or unsalted pork fat is suitable as a base. The product is melted in a water bath, crushed propolis (1 tbsp), honey (1 tsp) and a small amount of mumiyo are added to the hot mass. The mixture is stirred, and after cooling, torpedo-shaped suppositories with a slightly pointed tip are molded from it by hand. They should be stored in the refrigerator, taken out immediately before use.

At home, you can make hemostatic suppositories from raw potatoes. Small torpedo-shaped blanks are cut out of the tubers, and the ends are carefully rounded. The products are lubricated with liquid honey and inserted into the anus for 2-3 hours. You need to act carefully; a hard surface can injure loose tissue. Suppositories relieve swelling and inflammation, reduce bleeding, and increase tissue elasticity. You can use them for 7-10 days in a row, after completing the course it is recommended to take a break.

Terms of use

A coloproctologist can explain how to insert suppositories correctly. Before the procedure, thorough toileting of the anorectal area is necessary. It is recommended to wash with warm water and baby soap or a neutral gel without dyes or fragrances. It is advisable to empty the intestines; if normal bowel movements are not possible, you can do an enema. You should not abuse forced cleaning.

The suppository is removed from the packaging and lightly moistened with water. It is convenient to insert the suppository while lying on your side. Some patients prefer to squat. It is important to relax the sphincter muscles so that the hard surface of the candle does not injure the inflamed tissue. The product should fit completely into the anus and not stick out. After administration, you need to lie down for at least 15 minutes, overcoming the urge to defecate. For greater effectiveness, the procedure can be done before bed. In the morning, the patient’s condition improves significantly, which is facilitated by restful sleep and complete relaxation.

Some candles are left until completely dissolved. Others that have a solid base are removed after 1-2 hours. For those who do not tolerate dense suppositories well, soft gel capsules are suitable, which dissolve very quickly and do not cause discomfort even to patients with hypersensitivity.

Rectal suppositories can be used in conjunction with ointments. They are rubbed into external hemorrhoids and damaged skin. At night, it is recommended to make a restorative compress, which goes well with candles. Treatment lasts 7-10 days, in some cases it is extended to 2-3 weeks. After a break, the therapeutic course can be repeated.

How to supplement the treatment?

Suppositories for hemorrhoids by themselves are not able to cope with the disease. They relieve unpleasant symptoms, eliminate pain, swelling and inflammation, and strengthen the venous walls. However, to combat the cause of the disease, you will have to use other medications: tablets, drops, gels, ointments. Injections of Lidocaine or Benzocaine can relieve severe attacks of pain during exacerbations. They act faster than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and do not have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

A mandatory treatment item is diet. It is necessary to limit the caloric content of the diet, giving up fatty and fried foods, normalize the drinking regime, and include as much fiber in the menu as possible. A speedy recovery is facilitated by giving up alcohol and tobacco, increasing physical activity, and avoiding stress.

Antihemorrhoidal suppositories can quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms and significantly improve the patient’s well-being. An experienced coloproctologist will help you decide what is best to use at the initial stage of the disease or in case of advanced disease. For the drugs to be as effective as possible, you need to give up bad habits, move more and make changes to your diet.