Instrumentation and automation: instrumentation and automation. Profession: electrical fitter; electric fitter;


equipment mechanic

1. General provisions

1.1. This job description defines the functional, job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the instrumentation mechanic of the Relay Technologies division (hereinafter referred to as the Instrumentation and Automation Mechanic) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (NRNU MEPhI) (hereinafter referred to as the Institution).

1.2. A person who meets the following education and training requirements is appointed to the position of instrumentation mechanic:

  • The main vocational training programs are vocational training programs for workers' professions, retraining programs for workers, advanced training programs for workers;
  • Special conditions permission to work as a instrumentation mechanic:

  • Completion of mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic medical examinations (examinations), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner prescribed by law Russian Federation;
  • 1.3. An instrumentation mechanic should know:

  • Rules for calculating resistance;
  • Symbols in electrical diagrams regarding instrumentation and automation;
  • Schematic, structural and installation and switching diagrams of technological protection, interlocking and alarm systems;
  • Design, purpose and principle of operation of relay protection devices, electrical automation and telemechanics and methods for setting them up;
  • Fundamentals of metrology;
  • Sequence and rules for installing equalization and separation vessels;
  • Concepts about errors and accuracy classes;
  • Types of laying impulse pipelines;
  • Principles of interchangeability of parts and assembly units, system of tolerances and fits, accuracy grades and roughness parameters;
  • Methods and techniques for performing metalwork and assembly work;
  • Rules for the use of universal and special devices, control and measuring instruments;
  • Name, marking, properties of processed materials;
  • Labor protection requirements, rules and safety standards in nuclear energy;
  • Purpose and classification of instruments for measuring linear and angular quantities, rules for their use;
  • Purpose, classification and design of detachable and permanent connections of parts and assemblies;
  • Safety requirements when performing plumbing work;
  • Fire safety standards and rules for plumbing work;
  • Methods and means for quality control of manufacturing and assembly of parts and assemblies;
  • Purpose and design of plumbing and electrical installation tools, rules for their use;
  • Locksmith operations, their purpose, techniques and rules of execution;
  • Technological processes of metalworking;
  • Rules for handling paints and solvents;
  • The concepts of “part” and “assembly unit”;
  • Fundamentals of metrology;
  • The most likely malfunctions of control and measuring instruments, their causes and methods of detection;
  • Occupational safety requirements radiation safety, safety rules and standards in nuclear energy;
  • Symbols in simple electrical circuits;
  • The main stages of repair and installation work, their content, the sequence of operations and the means used;
  • Basic properties of conductive materials, methods of measuring resistance in various links of an electrical circuit;
  • Fire safety standards and regulations during work;
  • Methods and means of quality control of repairs;
  • Design, purpose and principle of operation of simple and medium-complexity instrumentation and control systems;
  • Fundamentals of electronics, electrical and computer engineering to the extent required to perform the work;
  • Rules for the use of electrical measuring instruments, control and measuring instruments;
  • 1.4. An instrumentation mechanic must be able to:

  • Adjust contact groups, adjust relay operation and test relay protection devices, electrical automation and telemechanics;
  • Replace starting and shutting down equipment in electrical control circuits with voltage relief;
  • Wash and clean components and parts, clean and protect against corrosion contacts and contact surfaces of relay protection devices, electrical automation and telemechanics;
  • Draw up defect reports when diagnosing relay protection devices, electrical automation and telemechanics;
  • Read and draw up connection diagrams for relay protection devices, electrical automation and telemechanics;
  • Use test programs with registration of test results in operational and repair documentation;
  • Test technological protections, interlocks and alarms;
  • Perform measurements of input and output parameters when testing, setting up and adjusting relay protection devices, electrical automation and telemechanics after repair and installation;
  • Check the resistance of the transition contacts;
  • Assemble and disassemble relay protection devices, electrical automation and telemechanics;
  • Apply lubricant to rolling, sliding bearings and other rubbing surfaces of instruments and devices and identify their unacceptable wear;
  • Cut external and internal threads in metals and non-metals;
  • Drill, countersink and countersink holes;
  • Read drawings and diagrams;
  • Perform scraping and grinding of mating surfaces;
  • Assess the quality of plumbing and assembly work;
  • Apply and restore anti-corrosion coatings;
  • Use measuring and plumbing tools, fixtures and machines for plumbing work;
  • Install main routes for control cables and wires;
  • Calculate errors when checking and testing instruments;
  • Perform partial disassembly and adjustment of moving systems, correction or replacement of damaged parts, cleaning and lubrication of components;
  • Use electrical measuring instruments, control and measuring instruments;
  • Lay cables, wires, mark them and test them;
  • Perform partial disassembly and reassembly of measuring systems with the replacement of individual unsuitable parts;
  • Configure the regulatory part of simple and medium complexity instrumentation and control systems;
  • Install panels, consoles, devices and structures under devices;
  • Read and draw connection diagrams of simple and medium complexity;
  • Perform measurements of input and output parameters during adjustments and tests after repair and installation;
  • 1.5. An instrumentation mechanic is appointed to a position and dismissed by order of the rector of the Institution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    1.6. The instrumentation mechanic reports to the rector of the Institution and the head of the “Relay Technologies” division

    2. Labor functions

  • 2.1. Configuration and commissioning of relay protection devices, electrical automation and telemechanics.
  • 2.2. Metalworking and assembly of individual parts and assemblies.
  • 2.3. Repair, adjustment and installation of simple and medium complexity instrumentation and control systems.
  • 3. Job responsibilities

  • 3.1. Monitoring the status of technological protections and interlocks, remote control circuits, alarms and automation.
  • 3.2. Testing of relay protection systems, electrical automation and telemechanics according to test programs.
  • 3.3. Performing technological operations of setting up and adjusting relay protection devices, electrical automation and telemechanics in accordance with the required technological sequence.
  • 3.4. Identification and elimination of faults and defects in relay protection devices, electrical automation and telemechanics.
  • 3.5. Walk-throughs and inspections of equipment.
  • 3.6. Registration of work results in operational documentation.
  • 3.7. Use of design and production-technological documentation when performing work.
  • 3.8. Preparing workplaces for commissioning work.
  • 3.9. Dimensional processing of parts according to specified accuracy standards.
  • 3.10. Perform fitting operations of metalworking.
  • 3.11. Metalworking of individual parts and assemblies in accordance with the required technological sequence.
  • 3.12. Use of design and production-technological documentation when performing work.
  • 3.13. Quality control of work performed using measuring instruments.
  • 3.14. Preparing workplaces for plumbing, assembly and repair work.
  • 3.15. Identification and elimination of simple malfunctions and defects in the mechanical part of instrumentation and control systems.
  • 3.16. Checking the absence and presence of voltage on the buses and terminal blocks of equipment being taken out for repair.
  • 4.2. Improve your qualifications, undergo retraining (retraining).

    4.3. Enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve issues within the competence of the instrumentation mechanic.

    4.4. Take part in the discussion of issues included in his functional responsibilities.

    4.5. Make suggestions and comments on how to improve activities in the assigned area of ​​work.

    4.6. Contact the relevant authorities local government or to court to resolve disputes arising during the performance of functional duties.

    4.7. Use information materials and regulatory documents necessary to perform your job duties.

    4.8. Pass certification in the prescribed manner.

    5. Responsibility

    The instrumentation mechanic is responsible for:

    5.1. Failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s functional duties.

    5.2. Failure to comply with the orders and instructions of the rector of the Institution.

    5.3. Inaccurate information about the status of fulfillment of assigned tasks and instructions, violation of deadlines for their execution.

    5.4. Violation of internal labor regulations, fire safety and safety rules established in the Institution.

    5.5. Causing material damage within the limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    5.6. Disclosure of information that has become known in connection with the performance of official duties.

    For the above violations, the equipment mechanic may be subject to disciplinary, material, administrative, civil and criminal liability in accordance with current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense.

    This job description has been developed in accordance with the provisions (requirements) of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197 FZ (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) (with amendments and additions), the professional standard “Fitter for instrumentation and automation in nuclear energy” approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation dated December 25, 2014 No. 1119n and other legal acts governing labor relations.

    Repair, assembly, inspection, adjustment, testing, adjustment, installation and delivery of heat measuring, electromagnetic, electrodynamic, counting, optical-mechanical, pyrometric, automatic, recorder and other devices of medium complexity with removal of circuits. Mechanical processing of parts according to 11-12 qualifications with fitting and finishing of parts. Drawing up and installation of connection diagrams of medium complexity. Instrument painting. Soldering with various solders (copper, silver, etc.). Heat treatment of parts followed by finishing. Determination of the hardness of metals with calibrated files. Repair, adjustment and adjustment of particularly complex devices under the guidance of a more highly qualified mechanic.
    Must know: the structure, purpose and operating principle of repaired and adjusted instruments and apparatus; state standards for testing and passing individual instruments, mechanisms and apparatus; basic properties of metals, alloys and other materials used in repairs; electrical properties of conductive and insulating materials; methods of heat treatment of parts with their subsequent finishing; influence of temperatures on measurement accuracy; symbols of shut-off, control and safety valves in thermal diagrams; rules for installing restriction devices; types of impulse pipeline laying; installation of equalization and separation vessels; system of tolerances and landings, qualities and roughness parameters.

    Characteristics of the work of a 4th category instrumentation mechanic

    Repair, adjustment, testing, adjustment, installation and delivery of complex electromagnetic, electrodynamic, heat measuring, optical-mechanical, counting, automatic, pyrotechnic and other devices with fitting and finishing of parts and assemblies. Configuration and commissioning of relay protection devices, electrical automation, telemechanics. Determining defects in devices being repaired and eliminating them. Metalworking of parts according to 7-10 qualifications and assembly of gear and worm gears. Drawing up and installation of complex connection diagrams. Calculation of absolute and relative errors when checking and testing instruments. Drawing up defect reports and filling out passports and certificates for devices and machines.
    Must know: The design, principle of operation and methods of setting up repaired and adjusted complex instruments, mechanisms, apparatus, the purpose and methods of setting up instrumentation and control and adjustment devices, methods of adjusting and calibrating instruments and apparatus and the rules for taking characteristics when testing them, calculation rules resistances, diagrams of complex connections, rules for calculating absolute and relative errors when checking and testing devices, designations of thermal and electrical circuits and drawings, a system of tolerances and fits, qualities and parameters of roughness, fundamentals of mechanics and electronics in the scope of the work performed.

    Characteristics of the work of an instrumentation mechanic of the 5th category

    Repair, adjustment, testing, adjustment, installation, adjustment and delivery of complex heat-measuring, optomechanical, electrodynamic, counting, automatic and other devices with an automatic control installation with a summing mechanism and remote transmission of readings. Identification and elimination of defects in the operation of instruments, production of laboratory instruments. Drawing scales, grids and complex sketches. Conversion of electrical devices to other measurement limits. Adjustment and quality testing of all types of thermal and electrical instrumentation, automatic regulators and automatic power supply units.
    Must know: Design features of complex and precision instruments being repaired and methods for their adjustment and adjustment, the design of precision measuring instruments, the causes of defects in the operation of instruments and machines, measures to prevent and eliminate them, the kinematic diagram of recording instruments of all types, rules for repair, testing and adjustment complex instruments and machines and rules for selecting base surfaces that guarantee the required accuracy.

    Characteristics of the work of a 6th category instrument mechanic

    Characteristics of the work. Repair, adjustment, installation, testing, adjustment, adjustment and calibration of experimental, experimental and unique heat measuring, automatic and electronic equipment of projection and optical systems, radioactive devices, radio station units, direction finders, radar installations. Identification and elimination of defects in the operation of equipment. Determination of the degree of wear of parts and assemblies. Adjustment and comprehensive testing after installation diagrams of thermal control and automation of boilers, turbines and process equipment. Assembling circuits for testing thermal automation devices.
    Should know. Design, interaction of complex devices, technological process of their assembly and adjustment methods, electrical thermal circuits of thermal automation devices, design and methods of alignment of complex control and adjustment devices, properties of optical glass, metals and auxiliary materials, conductors, semiconductors used in instrument making, calculation fundamentals gear wheels of various meshing profiles and optical systems, fundamentals of physics, mechanics, telemechanics, heat engineering, electrical engineering, metrology, radio engineering and electronics in the scope of the work performed.

    Instrumentation mechanic safety precautions

    When undergoing training or performing his immediate duties in terms of compliance with safety and labor protection rules, the instrumentation mechanic is guided by the instructions for the workplace and the GENERAL REGULATIONS on the industrial safety and labor protection management system, the main provisions of which are given below.

    1. General provisions

    1.1. These Regulations have been developed on the basis of current legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation, Rules for the organization and implementation of production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements at hazardous production facility(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 263 of March 10, 1999) and Methodological recommendations for organizing production control over compliance with industrial safety requirements at hazardous production facilities (approved by Order of the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia No. 49 of April 26, 2000) .
    1.2. The Regulations were developed in order to create stable organizational and legal conditions for ensuring labor protection and industrial safety in the country and regulate:
    — functions and tasks, specific content of work to ensure compliance with industrial safety and labor protection requirements at various levels of production management;
    — the procedure for collecting, analyzing information, recording and reporting in matters of ensuring industrial safety and labor protection;
    — the procedure for exchanging information, the required level of detail in accordance with the level of management;
    — forms of accounting and state statistical reporting in this field of activity.

    2. Rights, duties and responsibilities in the field of labor protection

    2.1. Functions and tasks in the labor protection system.
    2.1.1. The main functions of the occupational safety system are:
    organization and coordination of production control work;
    — organization and coordination of labor protection work;
    — ensuring industrial safety (ensuring the safety of production equipment, technological processes, buildings and structures);
    — training workers in labor safety;
    — monitoring the state of labor conditions and safety;
    — information support for labor protection;
    — creation of economic mechanisms to ensure labor safety.
    2.1.2. Contents of work in each of these functions, the order of their implementation, responsibilities officials to ensure the safety of production facilities are regulated by Federal Laws (“On the Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health in the Russian Federation”, “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”, Labor Code), state standards SSBT systems, regulatory legal acts Ministry of Labor of Russia, state supervisory authorities, documents and these Regulations.
    2.1.3. Organization and coordination of work in the field of industrial safety and labor protection provides for:
    — presence of a labor protection and industrial safety department in accordance with current standards;
    — determination of the responsibilities and procedure for interaction of persons and services involved in ensuring occupational safety;
    — adoption and implementation of management decisions (orders, instructions, instructions, etc.).
    2.1.4. Ensuring occupational safety must be achieved by bringing technological processes, operated equipment, buildings and structures in accordance with the requirements:
    Federal Law“On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities”;
    state standards labor safety by type of technological processes, equipment operation;
    building codes and rules for ensuring the safety of buildings and structures.
    2.1.5. Occupational safety training for workers must be carried out in accordance with the requirements:
    — GOST 12.0.004-90. SSBT. “Organization of training on occupational safety. General provisions";
    — Model regulations on the procedure for training and testing knowledge on labor protection of managers and specialists of enterprises, institutions and organizations (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 12, 1994 N 65);
    — Regulations on the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations operating hazardous production facilities under the control of the State Technical Supervision Authority of Russia (Resolution No. 2 of January 11, 1999);
    — Regulatory documents “establishing the procedure for training workers in occupational safety.
    2.1.6. Information support for labor protection includes:
    — organization of information flows between different levels of production management;
    — determination of the composition of information (list of indicators), frequency and form of its presentation;
    — accounting (registration) of information as it occurs (accident, accident, inspection carried out, order issued);
    — transmission of messages (notifications) about events provided for in the list of indicators;
    — processing, storage of information, state statistical reports, sending them to established authorities;
    — appointment of those responsible for the organization and functioning of the information support system.
    2.1.7. The creation of economic mechanisms for ensuring security provides for:
    — ensuring economic interest joint stock company, its structural units, production units and everyone working in creating healthy and safe conditions labor.
    compulsory insurance workers from accidents at work and occupational diseases and concluding insurance contracts against the risk of liability for causing harm during the operation of hazardous production facilities in accordance with current legislation.

    3. Functions of managers, specialists and workers of workshops, sections within the framework of the industrial safety and labor protection management system at the enterprise

    3.1.1. Responsibility for organizing work on industrial safety and labor protection rests with the General Director
    3.1.2. Management of the organization for industrial safety and labor protection is entrusted to the chief engineer
    3.1.3. Operational, methodological management, coordination of work on industrial safety and labor protection is assigned to the head of the production control and environmental service.
    3.1.4. The responsibilities of officials set out in this section are typical for the list of positions.
    The specific responsibilities of employees in the field of industrial safety and labor protection should be reflected in their job descriptions, taking into account the structure

    3.1.38. Worker (operator, mechanic, etc.):

    - is obliged to comply with the rules of labor protection and industrial safety, fire safety, industrial sanitation when carrying out all types of work and technological operations in the workplace in accordance with job descriptions, labor protection instructions and other documents when performing certain types works;
    - before starting work, checks at his workplace the serviceability and operability of equipment, instruments, protective equipment, blocking and signaling devices, serviceability of fences, tools, fire extinguishing equipment, safety devices and devices, integrity protective grounding, absence of violations in the conduct of the technological process. Reports any violations identified during the inspection to the immediate supervisor;
    — is obliged to prevent cases of gas contamination of premises and territory, discharge of unregulated wastewater;
    - is constantly at the workplace in the required and serviceable overalls, special shoes, and has the necessary protective equipment (according to the instructions for the workplace);
    - is obliged to keep equipment and tools in good working order and clean, to prevent the presence of foreign objects in the workplace, to immediately remove workplace from foreign objects and remaining materials, parts, etc. after completion of repair and other work;
    — controls the operation of supply and exhaust ventilation;
    — carries out maintenance of equipment and communications from stationary sites or other special devices. Servicing equipment and communications from random objects (barrels, chairs, window sills, etc.) is prohibited;
    — immediately reports any violation in the maintenance and operation of equipment, communications, technological process, or any accident to the immediate supervisor of the work;
    - performs only the work that is included in the scope of his duties according to the instructions for the workplace.

    4. Implementation of control functions over the state of industrial safety and labor protection

    4.1. Control procedure
    4.1.1. Constant preventive monitoring of the state of industrial safety and labor protection in the workplace is one of the means of preventing accidents and industrial injuries and is carried out by promptly identifying deviations from industrial safety requirements and taking the necessary measures to eliminate them.
    4.1.2. The main principle of monitoring the state of working conditions and labor protection is regular inspections carried out by managers at different levels of production management according to a certain scheme.
    4.1.3. Monitoring the state of industrial safety and labor protection is carried out:
    — managers of the first level of control, direct supervisors of work (foremen, mechanics, power engineers, shift supervisors, work producers, production site foremen, etc.);
    — managers of the second level of control, heads of workshops, sections and other production departments;
    - managers of the third level of control - senior employees of the enterprise, chief specialists, heads of departments, employees production department, labor protection and industrial safety department, other departments of the enterprise;
    4.1.4. First stage of control.
    Managers of the first level of control (foremen, shift supervisors, mechanics, power engineers and other immediate supervisors of work) daily at the beginning of work, independently or with the participation of authorized persons for labor protection, must check:
    — condition and correct organization of workplaces (safe condition of the work area and workplaces, condition of passages and passages), correct warehousing and storage of parts, tools, materials;

    — sealing of equipment, shut-off and control valves and communications;

    — serviceability and uninterrupted operation of ventilation units and local suction systems;

    — workers’ compliance with safe work methods and techniques, technological regimes, instructions, work orders, production and labor discipline;
    — sanitary condition of workplaces, maintenance of sanitary premises and devices;

    — the assimilation by workers undergoing internships of safe techniques and work methods.
    Violations and shortcomings identified during the inspection must be eliminated. Violations that cannot be eliminated by the team, shift, service, require a certain time frame for their elimination, or their elimination is not within the competence of the immediate supervisor of the work, are registered in the Workshop (Site) Preventive Work Log for the subsequent adoption of appropriate measures.
    The log should reflect: the date of the inspection, the name, initials, position and signature of the inspectors, identified deficiencies and proposals for eliminating them, deadlines and persons responsible for execution. Level 1 managers must promptly inform the workshop (site) management about these violations and shortcomings, which must take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of workers.
    Responsibility for the implementation of the first stage of control, along with the foremen and work managers, also lies with their immediate supervisor, who determines the responsible executors or personally organizes the elimination of identified violations and shortcomings.
    4.1.5. Second stage of control.
    The manager of the second level of control (the head of the workshop (section) or his deputies), at least once a month, must, together with the engineer for labor protection and industrial safety, with the participation of authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection, the workshop mechanic, the deputy chief workshop, power engineer, instrumentation foreman to check the work of level 1 managers in carrying out the first stage of control, the state of conditions and labor protection at each production facility and take prompt measures to eliminate identified violations and shortcomings. When carrying out, pay special attention to:
    — the work of foremen in carrying out the first stage of monitoring and analyzing the state of working conditions (regularity and quality of inspections, their effectiveness);
    — availability and correctness of documentation on production safety issues (registration of briefings, equipment passports, etc.);
    — timeliness and completeness of implementation of measures to improve working conditions, proposals of authorized (trusted persons) on labor protection;
    — timeliness and quality of workers’ briefings by foremen and other first-level managers, correctness and quality of instructions, availability of workers’ knowledge testing certificates according to special rules;
    — correct and safe organization of workplaces (safe condition of the work area and workplaces, condition of transitions and passages);
    — technical condition and serviceability of equipment, mechanisms, instrumentation, fixtures and tools, their compliance with the requirements of safety rules and safe work conditions;
    — availability and serviceability of grounding devices for protection against static electricity;
    — sealing of equipment, shut-off and control valves and communications, operation of ventilation and air purification devices, their condition;
    — condition of containers, cylinders, receivers and other devices and vessels operating under pressure;
    — the presence and serviceability of fencing, safety and sealing devices, automatic control devices, alarms, remote control and other means of protection;
    — serviceability of lighting systems and state of illumination of workplaces;
    — availability and correct use of workers’ protective clothing and equipment personal protection(helmets, gas masks, safety glasses, safety belts, etc.);
    — correct and safe organization of work, conducting technological processes in accordance with the requirements of technological regulations, compliance by workers with safe methods and techniques of work, technological regimes, instructions, production and labor discipline;
    — sanitary condition of workplaces, maintenance of sanitary facilities, provision of workplaces with washbasins, detergents, accessories for washing in showers, availability and completeness of medical first aid kits;
    — presence and condition of instructions, posters, warning notices, safety signs, designations and markings of starting devices, control symbols;
    — preparation and implementation of hazardous, fire and gas hazardous repair work; availability and correctness of documentation for these works (work orders, permits, projects, plans, etc.);
    — performance by work managers (foremen, mechanics, etc.) of their duties to ensure safe working conditions as provided for in job descriptions.
    Violations and shortcomings identified during the inspection must be immediately eliminated. Violations that cannot be eliminated during the inspection are recorded in the Workshop (Site) Preventive Work Log for subsequent adoption of appropriate measures, indicating the performers and deadlines. If necessary, based on the results of the inspection, the workshop manager issues an order for the workshop, which is communicated to all engineering and technical workers and workers.
    If the identified violations cannot be eliminated by the forces of his department or their elimination is not within the competence of the head of the workshop, then he must inform the management of the enterprise and take appropriate measures to ensure safety.
    Responsibility for the implementation of the second stage of control and for the timely elimination of identified violations and shortcomings rests with the managers of the second level of control, heads of workshops (sections) or heads of departments equivalent to the workshop.
    4.1.6. Third stage of control.
    Managerial employees, chief specialists, heads of departments (OTN and D, OHS and industrial safety, OKSR and EZS, OPK, OOP), the commander of the VGSO as part of the permanent commission on occupational safety of the enterprise according to the approved schedule, must carry out spot checks of the work of heads of structural divisions according to implementation of the first two stages of control, the state of conditions and labor protection in departments, areas and workplaces. Employees of the production department, labor protection and industrial safety department, chief mechanic department, chief metrologist, chief power engineer, personnel training department, department capital construction, repair and operation of buildings and structures, the department of technical supervision and diagnostics, the department of environmental protection, VGSO personally or as part of the permanent commission on occupational safety of the enterprise at least twice a month according to the approved schedule, must carry out a random check of the work of the heads of structural divisions to implement the first two stages of control, the state of conditions and labor protection, industrial safety in departments, areas and workplaces.
    At the same time they check:
    — implementation of orders and instructions from the management of the enterprise, instructions from regulatory authorities, as well as implementation of proposals and elimination of comments included in logs and reports of inspections of working conditions and industrial safety;
    — availability of work plans for industrial safety and labor protection and the state of their implementation;
    — the work of shop managers, their deputies and other specialists to ensure safe working conditions in accordance with their job descriptions;
    — the effectiveness of the first two stages of control by first-level managers and shop managers (regularity, completeness, taking the necessary measures, etc.);
    — timeliness and completeness of implementation of planned measures to improve working conditions, as well as measures provided for in the acts of investigation of accidents and accidents at work;
    — timeliness and quality of worker briefings, correctness and quality of registration of logs, protocols, certificates, procedure for conducting extraordinary briefings;
    — the procedure for familiarizing employees with orders, instructions, information letters;
    — the procedure for training and probation of workers before allowing them to service complex equipment and mechanisms, whether they have documents authorizing them to work;
    — organization and composition of shop commissions for certification of workers, the procedure for the commissions, the availability of programs, their content, registration of certification results and tests of workers’ knowledge;
    — presence and condition of instructions, posters, warning notices, safety signs;
    — availability and correctness of documentation on security issues (magazines, passports, protocols, etc.);
    — technical condition and serviceability and correct operation of equipment, mechanisms, instrumentation, fixtures and tools, devices for ventilation and air purification, heating and lighting systems, grounding of equipment and structures, as well as automation and mechanization equipment, vehicles, compliance with the requirements of safety regulations and safe work conditions;
    — organizing and conducting flaw detection of equipment and technical examination of pressure vessels, lifting mechanisms and other equipment;
    — the presence and serviceability of fencing, safety and sealing devices, automatic control devices, alarms, remote control and other means of protection;
    — correct organization of work and conduct of technological processes, compliance by workers with safe work methods and techniques, technological regimes, instructions;
    — preparation and conduct of high-risk work, the availability and correctness of documentation for these works (work orders, permits, projects, plans, etc.), the procedure for conducting briefings before allowing workers to perform such work;
    - provision of workers and workplaces with protective equipment, correct use of them, condition of these equipment;
    - provision of workshops and facilities with sanitary facilities and devices, and their condition.
    Violations and shortcomings identified during the inspection must be immediately eliminated. Violations that cannot be eliminated during the inspection are recorded in the Workshop (Site) Preventive Work Log for subsequent adoption of appropriate measures, indicating the performers and deadlines.
    If identified violations and deficiencies can lead to an accident or injury to workers, then work must immediately stop until these violations are eliminated.
    The results of inspections at the third stage of control are discussed at an extended meeting of the commission and formalized in an act that provides an assessment of the state of industrial safety and the work of shop managers with conclusions and proposals for eliminating identified violations and shortcomings; if necessary, the management of the enterprise issues an order.
    Responsibility for the timely elimination of identified violations rests with the heads of workshops (sections).
    Managerial employees and specialists (engineering and technical workers) of the enterprise, when visiting workshops, sites, production facilities for their main functions, are obliged to check the state of safety and working conditions at the facilities, take the necessary measures to eliminate identified deficiencies and provide practical assistance to department heads in their work.

    Modern technologies of any human production activity are unthinkable without the use of various instrumentation, sensors for various purposes, relays and others devices of automated control systems production processes. For maintenance, adjustment and repair of this equipment there is a special service, the main working link of which includes a position called an instrumentation mechanic. Large enterprises have several such specialists with different skill levels.

    Requirements for specialists

    Gone are the days when a person “from the street” was hired as a mechanic for pressure gauges, thermometers and other simple instruments at enterprises that did not have particularly sophisticated technologies. An instrument worker was called an instrumentation mechanic, and sometimes simply an “instrument operator.”

    Now the requirements for specialists in this profession have increased, since even many small enterprises are equipped not only with ordinary direct-acting instruments, but also with automatic measuring instruments, digital equipment that have regulatory and protective functions as part of the entire technological process. Calling the locksmith profession the abbreviation “KIP” (instrument mechanic) is no longer relevant.

    A modern specialist must understand automation and be able to troubleshoot. The letter “A” appeared in the abbreviation of the mechanic’s position: instrumentation and automation. The correct position began to sound like this: instrumentation and automation mechanic.

    Therefore, trained applicants who have graduated from a secondary vocational institution are accepted for the position of mechanic in a service dealing with instruments and automatic processes. initial (vocational school) or advanced (college) levels specialty or even persons with higher technical education.

    But it’s worth taking a closer look at who a Kipovets is and what kind of profession it is.

    Skill Levels

    Depending on the knowledge and experience of workers, there are 8 categories for locksmiths. The lowest rank is first, and the highest is eighth. To move from a lower to a higher grade level, you must acquire good work experience at the previous level and pass the necessary exams qualification commission enterprises.

    All mechanics, regardless of qualifications, belong to the category of workers and are performers. The only difference is their responsibilities according to job descriptions. For such a profession it is difficult to create a standard job description, since the area the knowledge of Kipovites directly depends depending on the company they work at. But they must have knowledge of physics, electrical engineering, metallurgy, drawing, principles of design and operation of measuring instruments and automation systems of various types in any case.

    The approximate amount of knowledge and responsibilities of an instrumentation mechanic by category can be presented in a list. But it should be remembered that each enterprise can make its own specific adjustments to them.

    The list begins with the characteristics of a second-class worker, since applicants who graduate from educational institutions are accepted immediately for the position of second-class mechanic. But such a qualification will be assigned only after the employee has completed the mandatory internship period accepted at the enterprise, passed the full exams for the position and responsible duplication in the workplace. Only after positive completion of all stages of training new specialist allowed to work independently.

    All this applies to any certification of an employee for a higher job qualification. In some industries, after the responsible duplication of an instrumentation mechanic, they introduce another exam in the training of a specialist - emergency training. That is, the applicant for the position is subjected to a test on the practical application of the acquired knowledge in certain emergency production situations as part of the new qualification.

    Qualification requirements:

    • The sixth category gives the mechanic the right to repair experimental and unique equipment, including in the field of projection systems, optics, and direction finding. Such specialists are in demand in nuclear and thermal energy, thermal automation, as they are well acquainted with radioactive devices, with the installation of radars, direction finders and complex radio stations. Possess knowledge at the level of foremen and shift supervisors and can perform their duties.
    • Specialists of the highest ranks - seventh and eighth - have knowledge about microprocessor technology systems, know and are able to build various control systems on this basis, understand telemechanics, programmable controllers and electronic computer technology. And, of course, they can not only diagnose problems in complex instrument and hardware systems of this level, but also eliminate them using test and corrective technological programs. Specialists of the eighth category must be able to independently compose such test programs.

    Additional qualifications

    During preparation for any category, a Kipovets student not only learns his future job in accordance with his duties, but also strictly studies intersectoral labor protection - safety rules - when operating electrical installations, rules for operating consumer electrical installations at the level of II-IV electrical safety groups (up to 1 thousand). volts), rules, regulations and instructions for industrial safety, rules for working with tools, as well as job and production instructions.

    Certification is carried out in all these disciplines and the results are recorded in knowledge testing protocols and qualification certificates.

    The profession of an instrumentation mechanic is not as simple as it might seem from the name “fitter”. Large amount of required knowledge(electrical engineering, electronics, physics, optics, metrology, radio engineering, fundamentals of instrument engineering, metal science) must be confirmed by the appropriate education, intelligence and good learning ability of the employee.

    The average citizen, when he thinks about a locksmith, has an image of a man in bad clothes with large keys and a sledgehammer in his hand.

    His work is so hard and dirty that it can never interest an educated boy or girl. A negative attitude was developed using the example of a plumber utilities or a car service worker, who are most often encountered in everyday life. This is due to the fact that many people have no idea what the job of an instrumentation mechanic is.

    Working as an instrumentation mechanic is prestigious

    To fully understand the essence of the issue, it is first necessary to make an explanation of the abbreviation of the mysterious word. This is an abbreviated name for one industry in manufacturing that installs and repairs equipment of modern instrumentation and automation. For many, this will seem too difficult for the first time. In fact, the specialty is good and very interesting, which is very attractive to modern youth. It is prestigious to work in automation today, but the profession of an instrumentation mechanic is quite serious and requires high education.

    Difficulties in finding employment

    To apply for a job, only persons over 18 years of age are allowed, and they will also need:

    1. Medical certificate;
    2. Certificate of professional education;
    3. Vocational training;
    4. Briefing - safety precautions;
    5. Certification according to rules and instructions.

    What does the workplace of an instrumentation and automation professional look like?

    The specialist spends a considerable part of his time working on equipment repair, which has to be constantly checked and repaired. Devices with AC and DC regulators must be installed on the desktop. Always have a soldering iron with solder, acid and rosin at hand. Often you will see a small removable vise on the top of the table. The work is mostly painstaking and small, so x should always be present good lighting in the form of a lamp. A rack with compartments is placed in front of the table, where it is easy to arrange all the small parts, as well as tools. A light and comfortable swivel chair with a backrest that is not attached to the floor.

    What an instrumentation mechanic should be able to do and his responsibilities

    1. Good understanding of complex automation circuits;
    2. Under the guidance of an engineer, correct defects in them;
    3. Know wiring connections and equipment installation.
    4. Repair and install relay protection devices;
    5. Know the intricacies of setting up all sensors and meters.
    6. Install wiring and connections according to the diagram;
    7. Identify defects in all automation devices and troubleshoot them;
    8. Have skills in metalworking assembly of all parts of instruments and devices;
    9. Calculate errors of automatic lines during testing;
    10. Prepare a defect sheet for each device;
    11. Fill out certificates and passports for any automation device;
    12. Solder various contacts and connections;
    13. Determine the categories and properties of metals;
    14. Use all repair tools.

    Field of activity of the specialist

    Automation has penetrated into all areas of production and therefore a modern instrumentation mechanic must not only have good skills in his specialty, but also have extensive knowledge in all areas of industry and construction. Situations often arise when device manufacturers do not include instructions or a wiring diagram for the devices.

    Every instrumentation mechanic is obliged to always perform high-quality work and in this case they can only help high professional knowledge. His workplace can be in any industry, from a small canteen to a submarine. Maintenance and repair of automatic devices sometimes have to be carried out in a difficult environment far from the main work.

    Many today strive to go to the northern regions of the country to make good money. Our people are not afraid of the harsh climate and cold, but it is very difficult to work in such an environment. Modern automation devices made in relatively warm countries do not always withstand frost. Often, in order to launch a control line, it is necessary to completely change the entire design of the devices. And this requires serious knowledge in cybernetics and automation, where it would be almost impossible to do this without an engineer.

    Control staff – instrumentation and automation engineers

    Large enterprises always organize engineering management staff with sufficient professional experience. A highly qualified specialist with good knowledge of everything related to debugging, launching and monitoring automatic lines must be an engineer with a higher education. He will always be able to easily determine the specific data of measuring instruments and obtain a complete analysis of all control systems. His responsibilities include:

    1. Management of employees of instrumentation and automation departments;
    2. Detailed description of job descriptions and tasks;
    3. Participate in training employees in the latest technologies;
    4. Plan and implement new control and management tools;
    5. Prepare and develop projects technical documentation;
    6. Collect data for the design of new technological processes;
    7. Monitor the qualified operation of all control systems;
    8. Supervise and constantly monitor technical documentation;
    9. Promote the rapid implementation of modern programs in automation.

    Salary of instrumentation and automation specialists

    When asked about wages, the differences in explanation will be extremely contradictory. The answer lies in position and region, as well as what company the person works for. For example: in gas and oil industry earnings are significantly above average. Do not forget that most specialists work in the difficult conditions of the north on a rotational basis. In other regions, except Moscow, material incentives are approximately the same.

    The President has already announced from the rostrum the average salary in the country this year. Of course, the engineer's rate will always be more salary locksmith and that's right. The responsibility and deep knowledge of instrumentation and automation management specialists are always rated much higher.

    If you are considering other options (besides employment as a kipia mechanic), then do not limit yourself to this selection of advertisements; we have many other positions for various positions. There you can also use the search for offers from direct employers and agencies.

    Wages: from 43,000 rub. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Work experience - driver's license Category B - responsibility, without premium

    Salary: from 45,000 to 55,000 rubles. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    4-5 category

    Salary: from 60,000 rub. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Knowledge of devices, operating principles and methods of setting up repaired and adjusted complex devices, mechanisms, apparatus; purpose and methods of adjustment of instrumentation and control and adjustment devices; methods for adjusting and calibrating instruments and apparatus and rules for taking characteristics when testing them; rules for calculating resistance; complex connection diagrams; designations of thermal and electrical circuits and drawings; fundamentals of mechanics and electronics in the scope of work performed. Preferably, residence in the Naro-Fominsk region. Emergency exits are possible in case of production needs during non-working hours. Having your own transport is welcome.

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Specialized secondary education Experience from 1 year Electrical safety group III to 1000 V Knowledge of the basics of electrical engineering Knowledge of the basics of mechanics Knowledge of frequency converters, sensors, controllers Ability to read electrical diagrams (power, electronic, pneumatic, hydraulic) Honesty, resistance to stress, desire to work

    Salary: negotiable.

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Experience in production as an instrumentation mechanic, instrumentation technician, or instrumentation engineer for at least a year - Technical education in the specialty "Automation of technological processes and production" - Knowledge of the basics of electronics, electrical engineering - Ability to read technical documentation, electrical diagrams, knowledge of safety and security circuits; - Good knowledge of modern process equipment for instrumentation and control systems and process control systems and the principles of its operation - Electrical safety clearance group not lower than 3

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Experience in a similar position or as an electrician for at least 3 years Knowledge of refrigeration and compressor equipment Skills in working with electrical circuits and circuits with automation elements Education of at least secondary professional Availability of electrical safety group IV PC user, skills in 1C will be an advantage

    Salary: negotiable.

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Education: secondary, technical secondary; Special knowledge: mechanical technician, instrumentation mechanic, PC knowledge is preferred; Work experience in the specialty: 1 year; Required licenses/rights: electrical safety group – III, up to 1000V (as an advantage)

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Education: higher. Proven experience of at least five years in a similar position work book. Responsibility, attention to detail, punctuality...

    Salary: up to 34,000 rubles. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Secondary specialized education; - Necessarily! availability of an electrical safety certificate (III up to 1000 V and above); - Work experience from 1 year; - Ability to read electrical circuits (power, electronic); - Stress resistance, desire to work.

    Salary: up to 19,663 rubles. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Salary: from 56,000 rub. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Education: at least secondary specialized (technical) work experience of 1 year

    Salary: from 60,000 rub. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Average vocational education(technical) Experience in a similar position for at least 5 years Knowledge of methods for identifying and eliminating defects Methods of repair, adjustment, installation, testing, adjustment of heat measuring and electronic equipment in a forge and press shop Ability to program thermal equipment on devices of various types (VARTA. ARIES RMT. Metacon, etc.) Ability to read electrical diagrams Experience in checking electrical parameters of adjustable equipment using control and measuring instruments PC - confident user Driver's license for the right to drive an electric forklift Certificate for the right to work with lifting mechanisms - desirable. Attentiveness, hard work, diligence

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Secondary technical education

    Salary: from 38,000 rub. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    An operator of a gas and steam boiler house with the right of access to servicing gasified steam and hot water boilers with a steam pressure of more than 0.7 kgf/cm and a water temperature of over 115 C (boilers DKVR 3.5/13, with automatic safety control), steam-water heat exchanger. It is also the operator’s responsibility to monitor the level and temperature of the water in the deaerator, the pressure and temperature of the coolant in the heating main.

    Salary: from 63,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Higher education (economic, financial); Confident PC user (Excel (pivot tables), 1C Enterprise 8.3); Knowledge of basic accounting principles and management accounting; Knowledge of budgeting principles; Knowledge of budget formation techniques; Responsibility, attentiveness, tolerance for routine, consistency, communication skills, stress resistance. Confident PC user (Excel, Word, 1C Enterprise 8.2).

    Salary: up to 40,000 rubles. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Experience in similar production; Electrical safety clearance group not lower than 3rd

    Salary: from 50,000 rub. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Willingness to travel, assignment in one of the districts of the Eastern Administrative District, 2 years of work experience

    Salary: from 50,000 rub. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Minimum 3 years of experience in a similar position Responsibility Trainability Efficiency

    Salary: from 51,700 rubles. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Secondary technical education (electrical and technical, automation, instrumentation and automation); Experience in servicing building control and automation systems; Experience in operating industrial refrigeration machines and climate control equipment; ventilation and heating systems, water supply and sewerage systems; Electrical knowledge, general electronics knowledge, general mechanical knowledge; Experience in installation, equipment configuration, commissioning of instrumentation and automation; Experience in electrical installation (laying cables, connecting electrical equipment, ability to work with measuring instruments).

    Salary: from 35,000 to 40,000 rubles. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Mandatory presence of group 3 in electrical safety; - Knowledge of the structure of ventilation systems, coolers, frequency control systems of electric motors; - Knowledge of and compliance with the regulations for carrying out preventive work; - Knowledge of the basics of electrical engineering, the design and operating principle of instrumentation; - Knowledge of the basics of electronics and radio engineering; - Ability to read electrical diagrams; - Skill in working with controllers and control units.

    Salary: negotiable.

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Knowledge of electrical engineering, electronics, design and principles of operation of technological equipment, methods of setting up serviced equipment, the ability to read circuit diagrams of low-current systems, the ability to work with instruments and automation equipment.

    Salary: from 35,000 rub. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Knowledge of automation controllers is a plus. Skills maintenance, repair and metrological control from 3 years. Ability to read technical documentation and electrical diagrams. At least 3 years of experience as an instrumentation mechanic or instrumentation technician. Confident PC user. Monitoring and control of water supply and water supply parameters in the control room

    Salary: negotiable.

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Availability of an electrical safety group of at least 3 to 1000 V; Ability to read and draw electrical diagrams Knowledge of operating principles and operating rules for instrumentation and control equipment; Experience working in manufacturing enterprises; Professional attitude to work; 4-6 category

    Salary: up to 36,000 rubles. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Knowledge of electrical engineering and electronics. - design, principles of operation of technological equipment. - methods for setting up serviced equipment. - methods and methods of electrical, mechanical and complex adjustment. - PTE and PTB in the scope of qualification group 3. - Knowledge in the field of automation, ability to read circuit diagrams, ability to work with sensors, measuring instruments, automation equipment

    Salary: up to 55,000 rubles. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Education not lower than secondary vocational (radio electronics, automated control systems); At least three years of work experience in industrial enterprises; knowledge of diagrams of simple specialized control units; knowledge of the basic properties of conductive and insulating materials; knowledge of the influence of temperatures on measurement accuracy; understanding of the basics of electrical engineering in the scope of work performed.

    Salary: up to 48,000 rubles. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Knowledge and experience in the maintenance and repair of electronics and automation. Windows, MS Office. Knowledge of instrumentation and electronic equipment. Technical education. Experience in the specialty from 1 year.

    Salary: from 60,000 rub. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Experience in operating instrumentation and control systems in production.

    Salary: negotiable.

    Salary: from 45,000 rub. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Work experience of 3 years. Registration in TC. 3-6 category. Electrical safety clearance group not lower than 3rd.

    Salary: negotiable.

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Education: higher, technical (special). Work experience is required.

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Technical education in the specialty "Automation of technological processes and production" or " Automated systems management"; At least 1 year of experience in production as an instrumentation mechanic, instrumentation technician or instrumentation engineer; Knowledge of the basics of electronics and electrical engineering; Good knowledge of modern process equipment for instrumentation and automated control systems and the principles of its operation, ability to work with HART communicators, calibrators; Ability to read technical documentation, electrical diagrams, knowledge of safety and security circuits; Basic skills in working with Excel, Word, Outlook; Knowledge welcome English language(basic level).

    Salary: from 55,000 rub. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Education not lower than secondary specialized education. Experience in a similar position for at least 1 year. Knowledge of electrical and automation. Responsibility, stress resistance.

    Salary: negotiable.

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Higher education (technical). - Work experience is welcome. - Knowledge of the principles of equipment operation.

    Salary: up to 30,000 rubles. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Work experience of at least 2 years and secondary specialized education Knowledge in the field of automation, ability to read circuit diagrams, ability to work with sensors, measuring instruments and automation equipment. Basic PC knowledge.

    Salary: negotiable.

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Salary: up to 70,000 rubles. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Work experience of 3 years. Ability to quickly understand documentation, punctuality, honesty, ability to get things done.

    Salary: negotiable.

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Experience in food production in setting up and operating automatic packaging lines and modern labeling equipment; - Knowledge of modern electronics (optical sensors, level and temperature sensors, flow meters, frequency converters), electro-pneumatic automation (pneumatic terminals, electric-pneumatic distributors, pneumatic actuators). - Good knowledge of modern marking equipment and inkjet printers. - Basic knowledge of Omron, Siemens controllers.

    Salary: from 42,000 rub. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Experience in similar production; - electrical safety approval group not lower than 3rd.

    Salary: from 40,000 rub. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Minimum 3 years of experience working with automatic supply and exhaust ventilation systems. Ability to read blueprints and electrical diagrams. Knowledge of the design of supply ventilation systems.

    Salary: negotiable.

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Secondary vocational education; At least 3 years of work experience in a similar position; Electrical safety group not lower than 3; Knowledge of the basics of central heating automation; Knowledge of the main types of instrumentation and control systems used in technological processes; Ability to read automation diagrams; Ability to install, dismantle, and adjust instrumentation and control systems.

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Professional education. Work experience of 3 years. Ability to quickly understand documentation, punctuality, honesty, ability to get things done. Orion PRO - knowledge is a plus, but not a criterion. Ability to quickly understand technical documentation, high level of responsibility, punctuality, honesty, ability to get things done.

    Salary: from 40,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    Knowledge of boiler operation algorithms, automatic control and safety of boiler equipment. Understand technical documentation. Knowledge of fire and security alarm systems is preferred. Availability of a car.

    Salary: from 50,000 rub. per month

    Requirements for the applicant:

    One year of experience in a similar position. Secondary specialized/higher education. Experience in servicing ITP, TsTP, KUUTE, VNS. Knowledge of MZTA and Kontar inspectors. Driving category "B".

    Salary: from 40,000 rub. per month

    Requirements for the applicant.