Prepare a story about the flags of 1 2 countries. State flag of Russia. Brief description and characteristics of the Russian flag. Flag without country

Flags differ not only in colors, but also in proportions. The width and length of the panel is usually determined by the legislation of the country. In addition to images, figures and stripes of various colors, they may also contain inscriptions.

Each color on the flag is symbolic; it reveals a certain phenomenon or historical fact. One of the most striking examples is in Kenya, where the Maasai shield is used as a basis. The red color on it symbolizes the blood shed by the people in the struggle for independence, black - the actual dark-skinned population of the country, white speaks of peace, green - of the rich natural resources countries .

The most depressing color – black – has a rather gloomy interpretation on flags. He usually talks about tragic events in the country's history: for example, brutal wars. An exception to this rule is African countries: there, indigenous people are designated in a similar way on their national flags. And also the Bahamas, where the black triangle proclaims the unity of the people.

The flag of the Philippines can be flown normally, with the blue stripe facing up, or upside down. In the latter case, this becomes a sign that war has begun.

All the flags of the world, and there are more than 500 of them, are rectangles or squares. Except in Nepali: it resembles two fused triangles. Each of them represents the dynasty that rules the kingdom.

In Denmark there is a law according to which a person is responsible for burning any flag of peace and for other desecration of it. But this rule does not apply to Danish.

British submarines sometimes fly pirate flags when rising to the surface. But this does not mean at all that sea robbers are sailing on them. During the First World War, when submarines were tested, the English admiral A. Wilson met the appearance new technology very hostile. He said that submarines were fighting an unfair war and prisoners from enemy submarines should be hanged as pirates. The British themselves really liked the comparison with pirates. Even today, when returning from each successfully completed mission, submariners often flaunt their “Jolly Roger.”

On the flag of the Chelyabinsk region, located far from the southern latitudes, you can see an image of a white camel loaded with luggage. There is no mistake here, because it was through these lands that numerous trade caravans passed through in the 19th century, and it was not unusual for Ural residents to see camels.

In Saudi Arabia, the flag is never lowered as a sign of mourning.

The image of the future Alaska flag was proposed by a 13-year-old teenager. And the current arrangement of stars on the US flag (after Alaska and Hawaii joined the States) is an 18-year-old boy, Robert Heft. Moreover, the school teacher to whom the guy showed his work didn’t like it: they didn’t give Robert a grade higher than a “B minus”. The teacher promised that he would change the grade if the US Congressmen approved this project. Congressmen approved, and the assessment had to be revised.

Canada could have a beaver instead of a maple leaf. It was this that Canadians considered their main symbol in the 19th century. But since a canvas depicting a beaver would look quite comical and certainly not solemn, they remembered another symbol, which, by and large, was not even a symbol: the sugar maple. But the maple leaf depicted on the Canadian flag does not exist in nature. The real leaf has 27 sharp protrusions, but in the figure there are only 11.

August 22 - National Flag Day Russian Federation. This is a great reason to tell your child about one of the main symbols of our country. And so that you have something to tell, we will remind you a little about his history.

When did the Russian tricolor first appear?

The white-blue-red flag first appeared in the 17th century, under the second tsar from the Romanov dynasty - Alexei Mikhailovich. It was then that the first Russian military sailing ship of the European type “Eagle” was built. A Dutch consultant, merchant Johann van Sweden, was hired for its construction, and his fellow countryman, Captain David Butler, was appointed to command the “Eagle.” Among other things, the foreigners inquired which flag to fly on the ship, explaining to the Russian sovereign that all ships sailed under the flags of their countries.

Here we need to make a small clarification: until this moment there were no flags in Russia. Russian troops went to battle with banners: trapezoidal banners, richly decorated with religious images. Each banner was unique.

Great banner of Ivan the Terrible (modern drawing) 1560

So it is not surprising that the Tsar and the Boyar Duma asked what the flag on the ship should look like? As an example, the Dutch demonstrated their native tricolor - red, white and blue. Perhaps the king decided that only such colors could be used, or perhaps he did not attach any importance to this, but red, white and blue fabric was delivered to the ship. The first Russian flag, similar to the Dutch one, was sewn from it in 1668.

Flag of the Netherlands (since 1648)

The exact type of that flag is unknown, but according to one of the scientific hypotheses, it was then that the order of our tricolor was determined: white, blue, red. A quarter of a century later, the son of Alexei Mikhailovich, the first Russian Emperor Peter I, went to sea with such a flag.

What other flags were there in Russia?

“Flag creation” in Russia has just begun with the new tricolor! Of course, the navy had the most flags - inspiration was still drawn from the heraldry of European powers: for example, the Kaiser flag resembled the British one, and the naval flag with the St. Andrew's cross resembled the Scottish one.

Flag of Great Britain (1606-1801), Keyser flag, huy of the Russian fleet (1720-1924)

Flag of Scotland, Naval ensign of Russia (1720–1918, 1992–present)

(Click on photo to enlarge)

The white-blue-red flag was also not boring - the stripes on it swapped places, it was decorated with crosses and double-headed eagles, until at the beginning of the 18th century, the decree of Peter I “On flags on merchant river vessels” assigned it the familiar look. And at the same time, as is clear from the name of the decree, it also defined its purpose: for commercial and other non-military courts.

If certainty was achieved with the flags of the ships (forced - going to sea without demonstrating one’s nationality was simply dangerous, they could be mistaken for pirates...), then with the state flag everything was not so good. A flag that represented Russia as a country, for a long time there wasn't. For the coronation of each sovereign, they prepared their own flag, richly decorated with inscriptions, coats of arms of the controlled territories, symbols of power... Thus, Alexey Mikhailovich Romanov, immediately after the experiment with the first naval flag, ordered the state flag: it was a white rectangular banner with a wide red border, in the center of which was a golden double-headed eagle and emblems symbolizing subject kingdoms, principalities and lands. His son Peter I replaced the background with a gold one, and placed nautical maps in the beaks and paws of the black eagle. Elizaveta Petrovna took the cards away from the eagle, but surrounded it with three dozen shields with the coats of arms of the governed principalities...

The end of this anarchy of flags was put by numismatist and heraldist, founder of the Russian Archaeological Society, Baron Boris Köhne. For the coronation of Alexander II in 1856, he proposed heraldic colors based on the colors of the state coat of arms (golden shield with a black double-headed eagle, with silver crowns, scepter and orb) - gold, silver and black.

The coat of arms of the Russian Empire

However, the black-yellow-white flag also did not become national! It was used only by government agencies, as well as in all events related to the imperial family. If an ordinary citizen wanted to show patriotism, he had to be content with the white-blue-red tricolor. At the beginning of the twentieth century, there was even an attempt to “marry” the imperial and popular flags: a golden square with a double-headed eagle was added to the democratic tricolor. However, nothing came of this idea - the flag was no longer the issue. The greatest social catastrophe of the 20th century was approaching.

Return of the tricolor

Great October socialist revolution(or the October coup - depending on how you look at it) left the flag with only one color - red. The country lived under the red banner for the next 74 years. The tricolor was remembered only in 1987 - public organizations and political parties used it to demonstrate the rejection of communist ideology. Sometimes it got really bad unusual shapes; Thus, in the match for the world championship title in 1990, chess player Garry Kasparov competed under the tricolor, and his compatriot rival Anatoly Karpov competed under the red banner. Strange, isn't it? The tricolor again, as in Tsarist Russia, became the people's “double flag”

Throughout 1990, the authorities of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic tried to legalize the tricolor flag, but the decision was postponed over and over again until an attempted coup d'etat took place in the Soviet Union on August 18, 1991. State Committee under the state of emergency (GKChP) represented conservative forces whose goal was to preserve the USSR unchanged. They were opposed by the authorities of the RSFSR, led by the first president of the republic, Boris Yeltsin, elected two months earlier: they wanted to transform the union state on a new basis. Since the Conservatives used the communist red flag, their opponents marched under the tricolor.

When the Democrats, three days later, on August 22, celebrated their victory, a rally of thousands took place in front of the White House, during which Boris Yeltsin announced that it had been decided to make the tricolor banner the new state flag of Russia.

The demonstrators immediately carried out a huge banner of the Russian tricolor. In honor of this event, in 1994 it was decided to make August 22 the Day of the State Flag of Russia.

You might be surprised, but the 1991 tricolor and the current national flag are completely different! In 1991, a flag of white, azure and scarlet stripes was approved (so beautiful!) and only in 1993, on the eve of the adoption of the new constitution, the romantic azure was replaced by blue, and the scarlet color by red.

(Azure-scarlet and blue-red options. Click on photo to enlarge)

What do the colors of the Russian flag mean?

There is no official interpretation of the colors of the Russian flag. However, it is generally accepted that white the color symbolizes nobility, blue- loyalty and honor, red color - courage.

There is an alternative interpretation: white color means freedom, blue- the color of the Mother of God, patron of Russia, and red- a symbol of sovereignty.

Finally, in pre-revolutionary times, three colors were interpreted as three fraternal Slavic peoples who formed the basis of the empire: white- Belarusians, blue- Little Russians (Ukrainians) and red- the Russians themselves.

White, blue and red are contrasting, recognizable colors that are difficult to confuse with something else (unlike, for example, pink or light green). We were not the first to come up with the idea of ​​using them - as you remember, there was a creative reworking of the Dutch flag. However, the similarity is not always explained by coincidence - in 1848 the Pan-Slavic Congress in Prague, which united representatives Slavic peoples, which did not have their own statehood at that time, decided to take the colors of the Russian tricolor as the basis for the flags of the liberation movements. And today the flags of Slovakia, Slovenia and Serbia are similar to ours, and the Slovaks and Slovenes differ only in the state emblems on the tricolor.

(Flags of Slovenia, Slovakia and Serbia. Click on photo to enlarge).

How to remember the arrangement of colors on the Russian flag

There are several mnemonic techniques for remembering the location of the stripes on the Russian flag. If you yourself confuse them, then remember about the almighty counterintelligence in the USSR - KGB. These are the colors of our flag: red-blue-white.

Russian sailors called our flag BeSiK. The word is really easy to remember, moreover, it’s easier to remember any flag: the Dutch have KraBeS, and the French have SiBeK...

If all else fails, you will have to resort to a last resort - a not entirely respectful, but effective mnemonic rule: “ Bull's Delirium"- white-blue-red. Now you definitely won’t get confused (the main thing is not to remember the mare out loud every time you see the flag - it’s somehow inconvenient...) If you come up with other simple and memorable rules, add them in the comments!

Prepared by Alena Novikova

Illustrations taken from Wikipedia

The Russian flag is a tricolor. The flag consists of three equal horizontal stripes. The top stripe is white, the middle stripe is blue, and the bottom stripe is red.

The design of the Russian flag is based on the flag of the Netherlands. The Russian flag, in turn, was based on many flags of Slavic states in Europe, and the colors used in these flags (white, blue, red) are often called pan-Slavic colors - they gradually came to signify the independence and unity of the Slavs. Official meaning there is no symbolism of the Russian flag, but according to the most common opinion, the flag is given the following interpretation: white color symbolizes generosity and sincerity; blue denotes loyalty, honesty, and wisdom; red signifies courage, generosity, and love. It is also widely believed that red stands for Russians, blue for Ukrainians, and white for Belarusians.

A Brief History of the Russian Flag

The current Russian flag was adopted on August 21, 1991, shortly before Russia became an independent state and a member of the United Nations (December 26, 1991). Most historians believe that Russian flag in its modern form appeared during the time of Peter I, or more precisely, his visit to the Netherlands in 1699. He went there in order to gain knowledge about shipbuilding from local craftsmen. During the trip, he came to the conclusion that Russia also needed a naval banner. He came up with a Russian flag, similar to the flag of the Netherlands, but with Russian colors. The flag he invented was used as the Russian naval flag for merchant ships, and later (in 1883) it was adopted as the civil flag of Russia. After the Russian Revolution of 1917, when Russia became part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the current flag was replaced by another. After the collapse Soviet Union in 1991, the current Russian flag began to be used again.

National flag Russian Federation is the official symbol of Russia along with its coat of arms and anthem. Rectangular panel of white, blue and red colors - Russian tricolor- has its own history. The flag has changed over the centuries, and its history reflects the stages of development and change in Russia.



Until the 17th century, there was no single state flag in Russia. The first mention of it is associated with the name of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov. In 1668, in accordance with European tradition, he ordered the flag to be raised over the first Russian warship, called the Eagle. It is known that scarlet, white and blue materials were purchased to make the first flag, although there is no exact information about what it looked like. There are several versions on this matter; according to one of them, a double-headed eagle was also depicted on the flag. It is believed that the type of the first naval flag went back to some Streltsy banners of the mid-17th century, or even earlier periods.


This year, while sailing on the White Sea, Peter I for the first time used the “flag of the Tsar of Moscow” on his yacht. The flag consisted of three horizontal stripes (white, blue and red), with a golden double-headed eagle located in the center of the flag. Thus, the fleet has its own single flag, which can de facto be considered the state flag of Russia.


On January 20, Peter I issued a decree on the placement of a white-blue-red flag on merchant ships. This flag was also used as a field flag of the Russian army, and white-blue-red scarves were part of the officer's uniform from 1700 to 1732.


The navy adopted a white St. Andrew's flag with an azure cross, created in honor of the Order of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called. The layout of the flag was created personally by Peter I.


Based on the Peter the Great tricolor, other flags were subsequently developed. So, in 1806, the flag of the Russian-American campaign appeared: a traditional tricolor with a black double-headed eagle and the inscription “Russian-American Company” in the middle of the white stripe.


Alexander II approved a new flag design for special occasions (black-yellow-white). The initiator of the changes was Baron Kene, who drew the emperor's attention to the fact that the colors of the flag did not correspond to the colors of the coat of arms, while this circumstance was contrary to the rules of German heraldry.


A decree was issued in which black, orange (gold) and white were called the state colors of the Russian Empire. Its colors symbolized earth, gold and silver. Note that the black-yellow-white flag was never popular in society - the associations with Austria and the House of Habsburg were too strong.


During the celebration of the coronation of Alexander III, the emperor drew attention to the contrast of the festive procession, decorated with black, yellow and white flowers, and the city, in which white, blue and red colors predominated. On April 28, 1883, the emperor ordered that the white-blue-red flag of the merchant marine fleet be used exclusively on special occasions.


On the eve of the coronation of Nicholas II, Peter's tricolor was officially given the status of the state flag. The red color symbolized “sovereignty,” the azure color symbolized the patronage of the Mother of God, and the white color symbolized freedom and independence.


In April of this year, at the suggestion of Sverdlov, the state flag became a red banner with the gold inscription of the RSFSR in the upper left corner. The idea of ​​the flag appears to have been borrowed from European revolutionaries and socialists.


Up until this time, the state flag of the RSFSR was often replaced by a red banner without inscriptions or drawings. On May 2, 1954, by decree of the Presidium of the RSFSR, the final version of the flag was approved. Now the flag consisted of a red panel with a light blue stripe at the pole across the entire width of the flag. On the red cloth, in the upper left corner, were depicted a golden sickle and hammer, as well as a red five-pointed star bordered with gold above them.


On August 22, 1991, a new history of the Russian flag began. The state flag was recognized as a rectangular panel with different-sized horizontal stripes of white, blue and red colors and an aspect ratio of 1:2. Since 1994, August 22 has been declared the Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation.


On December 11 of this year, Russian President Boris Yeltsin issued Decree No. 2126 “On the State Flag of the Russian Federation,” which approved the colors and proportions of the flag in the form in which we have them now.


Since October 15, 2008, the state flag of the Russian Federation can be used by private individuals, public associations, enterprises, institutions and organizations for purposes that do not violate the flag.

Each power must have its own official distinctive features, in particular its state flag. It is the most recognizable symbol of the country, as it is individual and unique. Let's look at what the state flag represents in general and the Russian flag in particular, learn about the meaning of the tricolor in our symbolism, as well as the history of the flag of the Russian Federation. But before that, let's take a look at general information about this symbolism.

What is the national flag?

As a rule, it is a panel of certain proportions, which can be made of fabric of one or several colors. The flag often bears the state emblem or emblem. With the help of colors and images contained on it, the socio-political structure of a given country can be reflected.

The meaning of the flag for the state

In ancient times, to determine the identity of warriors at a great distance, settlement, a ship to one country or another was a big problem. A flag was created to solve this problem. Then a banner of bright colors, raised in a prominent place, began to serve as the best means of identification.

Country flag like state symbol is extremely important for instilling patriotism, love for one’s homeland, a sense of blood and spiritual unity with previous generations, people who defended its sovereignty. He connects the life of every citizen with the fate of his country and has great value in international relations.

Many Russians are wondering what this means. There is no clear official interpretation on this matter. Attempts are being made to connect its colors with the meanings accepted in ancient times, the events of recent centuries in the territory occupied by Russian Empire, as well as processes that have occurred recently.

What is the flag of the Russian Federation today?

The main symbol of the country is made in the form of a rectangular panel. It consists of three horizontal stripes of equal width. The top has a middle - blue, and the bottom one is red. The ratio of width to length is 2:3.

The history of the flag in its current form begins in August 1991, when in Moscow the white-blue-red tricolor, which was used in the pre-revolutionary period, was again raised over the White House, where it was meeting. Its use was legislated in November 1991. Then the width of the flag to its length was ratioed as 1:2. The proportion was changed to 2:3 by presidential decree in December 1993. The “Regulations on the State Flag of the Russian Federation” indicate all important nuances. Later, on December 25, 2000, the President of Russia signed a law containing the description and status of the flag. This document is still in force today and is constitutional in nature.

History of the creation of the flag of the Russian Federation

During the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, his father in 1668, the tricolor was used as symbolism to designate the first warship called “Eagle”. And although the colors were the same, the design of the flag was different. Historians to this day have not found his exact image. But we can say with confidence that the modern flag of Russia.

After this, the son of Alexei Mikhailovich, Emperor Peter the Great, used this tricolor on his yacht. It was called the flag of the Moscow Tsar. Unlike the first version, the prototype of the modern symbols of the Russian state, it was almost identical to the modern version. It also consisted of three equal stripes: the top stripe was white, the middle was blue, and the bottom was red. But still there was a difference. In the middle of the panel was a golden double-headed eagle. In addition, the flag was not a symbol of the entire state, but only of Peter the Great himself.

As is known, in past centuries the merchant fleet played important role in the life of the country. He was the bridge between Russian state and other countries. Therefore, a symbol was simply needed that would represent the Russian fleet. In 1720, the tricolor became the official flag. True, only the country's merchant fleet. It is completely identical to the modern flag of Russia. However, it did not have the same comprehensive significance. It was used during holidays (by decree of 1883 by Alexander the Third).

The white-blue-red tricolor was approved as the state flag in 1896 before the coronation of Nicholas II. But in Soviet times it was replaced by a plain red banner with a gold sickle, hammer and star.

The history of the state flag of the Russian Federation in its modern form continued in November 1991, when the same white-blue-red stripes were recognized as the official components of the main element of national symbols. This was then recorded in a regulation approved by presidential decree in December 1993. Special federal law, which are installed legal status and the procedure for using the Russian flag, was signed by the President on December 25, 2000.

Russian flag

The state symbols of the country have some allegory. The description of the Federation should begin with its colors. Let's look at what it means.

The color white was once associated with nobility and frankness. Blue - with honesty and fidelity, impeccability and chastity. Red symbolized masculinity, courage, generosity and love. Later, the interpretation of the scarlet color spread as a symbol of continuity and solidarity of the Slavic peoples.

The history of the flag of the Russian Federation has preserved evidence various options explanations of the choice of tricolor colors. According to one of them, he showed unity Orthodox Church, sovereign power and people, where the white stripe was blue - power, and the red symbolized the Russian people.

At the beginning of the last century, there was an opinion that the first stripe meant freedom, the second indicated the patronage of the Mother of God, and the last denoted power. Today, as before, judgments are being made that the colors of the Russian flag are associated with such concepts as faith, hope and love.

Using a flag

The symbols of the country in their current form were legally restored in 1991. The adopted decrees show us the importance of the flag of the Russian Federation for the life of the country and society, as well as its role in international legal relations.

Thus, the flag must be constantly raised on organ buildings. Other objects are also decorated with it on national holidays. His image is placed on cars, planes and ships of the country's top leaders. In accordance with the ritual established by the President of the country, it must rise every day in military units and formations. The law also provides for other options for using this official symbol of the state.


The role of the Russian flag is extremely important for the life of a modern state and its future socio-political development, the positioning of the country in the world. It performs an important task and is a symbol of patriotism.

A special place is occupied by the history of the flag of the Russian Federation, which briefly reflects the socio-political processes taking place in society. The symbol of a country is not a static concept, but an important element of its sovereignty, which has its own logic of development. Therefore, the history of the origin of the flag of the Russian Federation requires constant study by heraldry specialists, scientists, and the public.