Professions related to event organization. Leisure organizer. Description of the profession. What personal qualities should an organizer have?

Corporate Surely everyone paid attention to how the festive room was decorated. At first glance, if you look, it seems that it is very difficult to design and decorate the room, but in fact it is so simple. For this kind of activity you need to have a good and developed imagination, so that everything looks bright and impressive. Each event requires a special selection for the decoration of the hall. To gain knowledge of how to properly decorate a room, you can complete courses on organizing holidays in Moscow at the Leader educational center.

Any person who is interested in organizing celebrations can take courses on organizing holidays. After all, by acquiring skills, you can thereby please not only customers, but also your loved ones, surprising them with your ideas at any family holiday.

Courses in decorating and organizing holidays in Moscow provide an opportunity for each of you to demonstrate your skills, develop new ideas and turn them into reality.

During the classes you will be introduced to photography, videography, fireworks and much more, so that you can spend the holidays on your own, bringing joy to people. Classes are held in modern classrooms equipped with all necessary equipment. Teachers of courses in decoration and organization of holidays practicing professionals with specialized education.

Purpose of the course: to give course participants an understanding of the basics of the event manager profession in current state event business in Russia, train specialists

in the field of organizing events of various levels and nature.

Give students an understanding of the following issues:

  • Psychological aspects of the personality of an Event manager.
  • State of the Event services market in Russia and the world.
  • Areas of activity of an event manager.
  • Classification of events - types, types and forms.
  • Event as a marketing tool.
  • Features in organizing events of various types.
  • Psychological aspects of working with a client-customer.
  • Legal aspect in the field of organizing events.
  • Team work: event agency or freelance

The final form of control is protection.

To master theoretical material and apply the acquired knowledge in practice, practical seminars are provided in the form of business games and discussion sessions, which involve the creation of independent projects, discussion of the most pressing topics and emerging issues.

The program is designed for 60 academic hours, of which 40 hours are lecture courses and 20 hours are practical classes.

Prepare a portfolio. Having specific examples of your work demonstrates to future employers that you can be trusted and reinforces the impression that you have knowledge and experience.

  • Record all the events that you helped organize. Take photos, save examples of invitations and client references that demonstrate your reliability and experience. Place it in a professional looking binder or folder. If possible, scan all materials so they can be emailed to potential employers.
  • Prepare a professional resume that describes your education and experience. Be sure to list events in which you have participated as a volunteer, as well as your involvement in professional and student organizations of which you are a member.
  • Write individual cover letters to accompany your resume, applying for each vacancy. There is no one-size-fits-all cover letter that will work for every occasion. Tailor your cover letter to address the customer's specific needs and describe how you can meet them.
  • Start spreading the word online. Tell everyone you know that you are looking for a job and ask them to let you know if anything comes up. You never know who someone else might know, or what someone might hear about the work you're drawing.

    • Create an account on LinkedIn. This social network allows you to create an account and place a resume in it, which you can send out. You can also join groups and networks of other people in your industry.
    • Don't lose touch with your fellow students. If any of them got a job, ask how they did it and if there are any other openings.
    • Make business cards and carry them with you at all times. Business cards are relatively inexpensive to make and are a good idea to carry around with you because you never know where or when life might bring you into contact with someone who can help you find a job.
  • Look for work online. So many jobs can now be found online that it's important to visit popular job sites. Also, certain organizations or specialized sites may advertise vacancies in the event management field, allowing you to focus your search.

    • Superjob and HeadHunter are popular job search sites in Russia. Narrow your search to "event planner," "event management," "wedding planner," "event coordinator," or "event management."
    • The Meeting Professionals International website has a career center where you can also search for jobs ( Also check out and (the National Association of Catering Planners' job site in the US).
  • Walk the streets. Look for event planning companies near you and stop by to give them your resume. Sometimes a personal message, especially in this communication-oriented field, can make all the difference.

    • Look your best and be professional when you show up to the company. You must know the manager's name in order to ask for a short meeting with him. If an appointment is not possible at this time, please politely leave your resume with cover letter with the secretary and plan to make a follow-up phone call in a few days.
    • Carry your portfolio with you in case you are lucky enough to meet someone who hires you.
  • Consider freelancing or starting your own business. These could be steps you might want to take after a few years in the industry, or you might know right away that you want to work for yourself.

    • Research the competition. Look at what event management companies already exist in your area and what they specialize in. If you are able to be different from them in one way or another, this can be an advantage for getting on your feet and getting clients.
    • Talk to other freelancers or entrepreneurs. There is no need to comprehend everything through thorns. Rely on the expertise of those who can help you avoid some of the pitfalls that self-employment can bring.
  • Don't stop trying. Finding a job in many fields is a difficult task. Persistence will pay off, so stay positive and keep looking.

    • Form a support group of friends who are also looking for work. Surrounding yourself with people who are in the same boat as you can alleviate the feelings of alienation and frustration that come with the job search.
    • Celebrate small victories. Interviews, surveys, callbacks are all positive things. Even if they don't lead to a job at at the moment, they let you know that you are on the right track and there is interest in you to find out what you are and what you have to offer.
  • 1. What is the name of your profession (position)?

    My profession is called eventer, which is translated from English ( organizer of corporate entertainment and business events)

    2. What is your job and what are your responsibilities?

    My work is quite complex and meticulous, despite the fact that many people consider it light-hearted and fun.

    Leading the client from the first meeting to the event itself,
    - active search and attraction of new clients,
    - “cold” calls,

    Sending electronic presentations to clients,
    - making presentations at the client's office,
    - participation in tenders,
    - preparation of tender proposals,
    - concept development,
    - creating colorful presentations in Power Point for demonstration to clients,
    - concluding contracts with clients, contractors,
    - script writing,
    - copywriting of concepts, script texts, rewriting, naming, inventing slogans.
    - selection of sites,
    - selection of necessary options, contractors, artists, animation team,
    - creating a detailed budget for the event,
    - organization of corporate events: company birthdays, New Year, February 23 and March 8, Summer team building including sports programs, weddings, children's parties, PR events, festivals, etc.
    - coordination of events,
    - writing reporting articles on events carried out for the company website.<

    3. What education is required to obtain your position?

    Universities don’t teach this profession; I think a person should be born with it.

    4. Describe your work day.

    My one working day is not like another, it is not standardized, and includes all the described functionality of point 2.

    5. How comfortable are your working conditions (all day on the street, or in the office with a cup of coffee)?

    Working conditions are quite comfortable. These could be the walls of your own office, or the walls of a not so dear, but still expensive client office, a small cozy cafe where a meeting with a potential customer can take place, or any store in the city where props for an event are purchased, or any restaurant where The menu for the event is approved; in general, the scope of the workplace is, to put it mildly, wide.

    6. What do you like most about your business?

    What I love most is driving home after an event feeling completely satisfied and feeling my legs buzzing.

    7. What do you dislike most about your business?

    What I don’t like most is when I realize that the holiday is over, because it becomes a little sad that this small page of someone’s holiday has been turned over. But there is only new and interesting things ahead.

    8. If it’s not a secret, what is your salary level (is it enough to write whether you’re satisfied or not)?

    The salary level is always different and depends on the efforts put into the holiday.

    9. Describe your team, what people work with you?

    My team is not just my colleagues - it is an excellent close-knit team that will move the earth in the shortest possible time to find or come up with something, these are my great friends! And we turn this earth together.

    10. What human qualities, in your opinion, are most important in your business?

    The most important are organizational skills, creativity, charisma, the ability to persuade, and no matter how trivial it sounds, making a little candy out of..... big!

    11. Work gives me additional opportunities (here is everything that work gives you besides money, from self-expression and communication with interesting people to the opportunity to visit different countries).

    My work gives me the opportunity to communicate a lot with a variety of people, of different levels and social groups: from a simple cleaner who cleans the hall before an event, to pop stars who perform at our holiday.

    12. You have the opportunity to rate your work on a five-point scale, what rating would you give?

    I would give it a “4” with a big plus only because even a small speck of dust is striving somewhere, you always need to leave yourself a chance to strive for more.

    13. Why did you choose this job?

    I chose this job because I sincerely envied those people who worked in this field and simply dreamed of getting into it. And it's not that simple.

    It might be appropriate to ask how you found your job, and what exactly attracted you to this place.

    Do I need to train as an event organizer?

    An event organizer is one of the most interesting and vibrant professions, thanks to which it is possible to create a real fairy tale, bring many pleasant and unforgettable emotions to the participants of the event, and show all your talents and creativity. Event planners are required to plan events such as weddings, birthdays, corporate events, etc. The profession of an organizer of special events should not be confused with a toastmaster: the toastmaster’s responsibilities include entertaining guests, and the organizer creates the celebration itself from the very beginning to thinking through all the details.

    In order to become a successful event planner, you must have many qualities. First of all, this is sociability, since due to the nature of your professional activity you will have to communicate with a variety of people, many of whom are not always polite and friendly. The organizer will have to not only communicate with them, but also understand what they want and create the celebration of their dreams. And not all clients fully understand what they want to get in the end. Therefore, the organizer often acts as a psychologist, trying to understand the client’s personality, predict his desires and create exactly what he dreams of.

    A professional organizer should always be prepared for various surprises - force majeure should not be the reason that the holiday will be disrupted. Therefore, a professional constantly checks all the details, solves current problems and must have with him everything that might be needed - from a needle and thread to tidy up a torn dress to drops of Valocordin for an impressionable old lady invited to a celebration. Also, the necessary conditions for a successful career as an event organizer include ideal appearance, composure, extensive connections, the ability to think creatively and outside the box, and the constant availability of various ideas for organizing events.

    It is impossible to study many of the above qualities at a university, so it is believed that specialized training for an event organizer is of no use, but this is a misconception. Modern universities provide specialized education in this area, which involves working with people. Among the disciplines studied, the most important are psychology, mass psychology, conflict management, directing, etc. All this will help you feel more confident when working with large masses of people and be able to coordinate their actions.

    If the holiday organizer has sufficient experience and innate qualities, then he still has something to learn. Often representatives of this profession choose business training, which in the future allows them to successfully conduct business and properly manage a business or their own agency. Psychology courses are also popular, which provide valuable information that helps you communicate correctly with people, determine their type and, based on this, plan a celebration.

    Often, event organizers attend courses related to aesthetics, ethics and art. This makes it possible to reach unprecedented heights in the profession, knowing, for example, how to create a celebration in the style of the Middle Ages, how to recreate the aesthetics of a British feast, or plan a wedding in the style of Hollywood. One way or another, only constant professional growth, development and training can guarantee high results in this area.


    For friends!


    It is no secret that Russian emperors loved all kinds of holidays and parties. The celebration was sure to take place on a grand scale and capture the imagination of all guests and casual onlookers. Often, monarchs themselves took an active part in preparing celebrations, but the main concern for organizing them fell on special court “specialists” - ball managers.

    Traditionally, in the 19th century, a ball consisted of several parts: a performance, a dinner and the ball itself. However, each time these people tried to surprise the invitees with something new. For example, under Alexander III, at one of the balls in the Winter Palace, illumination with Edison electric bulbs was used for the first time.

    Description of activity

    Leisure organizers work with both children and adults. Their place of work may be an educational institution, entertainment and tourist centers, cultural and recreational institutions. As is clear from the name of the profession, the leisure organizer holds festive evenings, entertainment events, and theatrical programs for his clients. These specialists also organize corporate trainings for entire companies and conduct team-building games.

    A leisure organizer does not always act only as an event organizer. Often he himself takes an active part in the action: he plays certain roles, sings, and demonstrates dance moves.

    However, this work cannot be called complete entertainment. If this specialist works in a company specializing in organizing entertainment, he often has to perform managerial functions (establish contacts with clients, search for artists, venues for events, etc.).

    Job responsibilities

    The work of a leisure organizer can be divided into several stages. At the preparatory stage, he develops a script for the upcoming event. Depending on the age of the participants and other conditions, he selects suitable games, competitions and other activities. If the event requires it, the leisure organizer must involve other entertainment industry professionals in its conduct and preparation: designers, animators, artists of various genres, and others.

    Working in educational institutions, the organizer of leisure activities identifies gifted and talented children and develops the creative abilities of students. His responsibilities include involving schoolchildren in collective creative activities. He should try to make sure that children spend their free time interestingly and usefully. When preparing for any holiday or concert, the organizer himself conducts rehearsals with the students.

    Very often this specialist himself acts as a leader or toastmaster. In addition, directly during the event, if it involves active actions of participants, the organizer is obliged to monitor their safety and health. Depending on the place of work, after the event the organizer draws up reports and completes all the necessary documentation.

    Features of career growth

    A leisure organizer can work with people of all ages. He organizes cultural and leisure activities in cultural and sports institutions, educational organizations, palaces of creativity, entertainment centers, hotels, sanatoriums and event agencies. He can create clubs, amateur associations, circles, and also be involved in the preparation and holding of public events. Increasingly, leisure organizers are invited by the heads of various companies to host team-building games and other corporate events.

    Over time, this specialist will be able to open his own entertainment agency.

    Employee characteristics

    Working with people requires the leisure organizer to be an open and sociable person and at the same time patient and emotionally stable. He must be polite and tactful, especially when working with children.

    You can achieve success in the entertainment industry only by creating original, unique events. This, in turn, will require rich imagination and numerous talents from the leisure organizer. He must be active, creative, constantly learning, and keep abreast of trends in the field. This specialist will be helped in his work by basic knowledge in the field of acting and directing. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​will also be useful for working with foreign guests.

    Working as a leisure organizer often requires a lot of psychological and physical strength from this specialist. He must be willing to work seven days a week and at night. Any visual impairment, hearing impairment, or speech defects may become a significant problem in this work.