Principles of additional education for children and adolescents. Principles of additional education. Principles of studying in Russia

From the right organization additional education The quality of a child's future largely depends on it. Therefore, parents need to approach the choice of the form of additional education with all responsibility. Today we will tell you about the main forms of children's additional education and highlight the main features of each of them.

In conditions modern society The basic school curriculum is unlikely to be enough for the full development of your child. The more creative qualities you help him develop, the wider his horizons and communication, the higher his potential will become.

Parents will be helped to broaden their child’s horizons, as well as “show” all their abilities. children's additional education, which is aimed at the comprehensive realization of all the creative and personal abilities of children. It finds expression in many forms of work: clubs, electives, sections, creative studios, etc.

The principles of organizing children's associations in the context of additional education are based on:

  • on a voluntary basis;
  • the opportunity to change organizations or attend several classes;
  • conducting classes in a prescribed form (individually, in groups);
  • work and rest schedule;
  • individual approach.

It is important to understand that the quality of his future largely depends on the correct organization of a child’s additional education. Therefore, parents need to approach the choice of the form of additional education with all responsibility.

Today we will tell you about the main forms of children's additional education and highlight the main features of each of them.

Forms of children's additional education


A circle (creative, subject) is an association of children based on their interests and subject knowledge, which allows them to develop their creative inclinations, expand their knowledge and communicative experience. Club activities are carried out according to a specially developed program, however, if necessary, the manager can make adjustments. Work with children is carried out on the principles of developing initiative, creativity, and an individual approach.

Features: the main goal is training, the formation of skills and abilities regarding a specific subject, thematic diversity (dance club, quilling, origami, literature, etc.).


An ensemble is a creative group that performs general musical and choreographic performances (song, dance).

Features: the main goal is harmonious personality development through aesthetic education, development of artistic and creative skills, clearly specific profile activities, a variety of forms of classes, a combination of individual and group training, the participation of children of different age groups.


A studio is a group of children united by common interests, tasks and activities.

Features: the main goal is the development of creative abilities and talents of children, a specific profile of activity (choreography, fine arts, theater, literature), in-depth study of the dominant subject, demonstration of achievements, search for new effective methods of working with creative children.


School - form of additional education, curriculum, which combines the study of several interrelated disciplines or is aimed at studying one profile.

Features: complexity, presence of a school concept, charter, educational program, priority is given to training, a strict system of knowledge control, stepwise nature of training, certain conditions for admission, school completion certificate


Theater is a creative group whose main goal is to reproduce artistic action on stage and realize children's creative potential (fashion theater, social theater).

Features: a variety of forms of classes, the study of theater as an art form, a clear system of conditions for recruiting participants, non-standard lesson program, the predominance of the artistic and aesthetic component in the program, wide creative practice.


An elective is an auxiliary form of the pedagogical process aimed at satisfying the interests of the child, research activities, identifying the creative abilities of children, in-depth study of the subject, language, as well as the development of creative thinking and preparing gifted children for Olympiads and competitions. There are electives as part of the general education program (they are organized on the basis of the school) and electives on a private basis.

School electives do not repeat the content of the school curriculum. In classes, children receive additional, deeper knowledge of the subject and reinforce the learned material by completing independent tasks. The knowledge testing process is more educational than controlling. To interest a child in an activity, the topics should be varied and the methods of work non-standard.

Tutoring classes

Tutoring classes are a form of training that differs from classic classroom classes in the presence of a private teacher and an individual work program, taking into account the educational priorities of a particular student.

Features: private form of delivery, paid basis, symbiosis of repeating material and learning new things, eliminating knowledge gaps, high intensity of material delivery, group classes are possible, distance learning (thanks to specialized portals, websites, IT technologies), tutoring is aimed mainly at eliminating deficiencies in mastering the general education program.

Center for Creativity and Development

Center for Creativity and Development - a multidisciplinary educational institution for additional education of children; educational organization, the main goal of which is to develop the physical and creative potential of children.

Features: classes are conducted from the age of six months, a combination of different directions and types of activities (artistic, sports, military-patriotic, social-pedagogical, tourism and local history), the possibility of specialized training of high school students, an established schedule of classes, the practice of holding classes and holidays with parents (even for the youngest children).


A club is an association based on common interests for communication and leisure activities.

Features: the presence of children's self-government bodies, symbols and attributes (for example, motto, uniform, emblem), club charter, traditions, as well as communication between different generations of students.

Additional education is an integral part general education system. Thanks to the diversity of its forms, it becomes possible to develop a child’s creative potential and individuality from early childhood.

Goals The concepts are:

ensuring the child’s rights to development, personal self-determination and self-realization;

expanding opportunities to meet the diverse educational interests of children and their families;

development of the innovative potential of society.

To achieve the goals of the Concept, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

development of additional personal education as a resource for motivating individuals to knowledge, creativity, work, art and sports;

designing motivating educational environments as a necessary condition for the “social development situation” of younger generations;

integration of additional and general education, aimed at expanding the variability and individualization of the education system as a whole;

development of tools for assessing the achievements of children and adolescents, promoting the growth of their self-esteem and cognitive interests in general and additional education, diagnostics of motivation for personal achievements;

increasing the variability, quality and accessibility of additional education for everyone;

updating the content of additional education for children in accordance with the interests of children, the needs of family and society;

ensuring conditions for everyone to have access to global knowledge and technologies;

development of infrastructure for additional education for children through state support and ensuring investment attractiveness;

creation of a mechanism for financial support of the right of children to participate in additional general education programs, regardless of place of residence, health status, or socio-economic status of the family;

formation of an effective interdepartmental system for managing the development of additional education for children;

creating conditions for family and public participation in managing the development of the system of additional education for children.

IV. Principles of state policy for the development of additional education for children

The development of additional education for children and the effective use of its potential requires the state to build a responsible policy in this area through the adoption of modern, scientifically based decisions both in the field of content and technology, and in terms of the development of management and economic models.

The following innovative instruments of state regulation and management of the development of additional education for children are in demand, preserving its fundamental freedom and non-formalization, based on the principles of public-state partnership in order to motivate, involve and support all subjects in the field of education (children, families and organizations):

the principle of the state’s social guarantee for high-quality and safe additional education for children;

the principle of public-state partnership in order to expand the involvement of children in additional education, including expanding the state’s obligations for budgetary financing of additional education, as well as stimulating and supporting families;

the principle of realizing the right to develop personal and professional self-determination of children and adolescents in various types of constructive and personality-forming activities;

the principle of public-state partnership in order to support the diversity of childhood, identity and uniqueness of the individual by expanding the range of additional general developmental and additional pre-professional programs of various directions and networks of additional education organizations that ensure the familiarization of children with traditional and universal values ​​in a modern information post-industrial multicultural society;

the principle of expanding social and academic mobility of children and adolescents through additional education;

the principle of public-state partnership in order to motivate mass media (mass media, television, the Internet, social and intellectual networks, publishing houses) to expand the repertoire of high-quality popular science programs, broadcasts, digital and printed products, mobile distance learning resources aimed at personal and professional self-determination of children and adolescents, their self-education and positive socialization;

the principle of promoting public-private partnerships in the gaming industry producing safe games (including computer games general developmental and educational nature), toys, simulation models that contribute to expanding the conditions for the implementation of additional general education programs, psychological and pedagogical design of educational environments, stimulating children to cognition, creativity and constructive activity;

the principle of public-state partnership in order to motivate various organizations engaged in educational activities (scientific organizations, cultural organizations, sports, healthcare and business) to provide opportunities in these organizations for the implementation of additional education for children and adolescents (libraries, museums, theaters, exhibitions, homes cultures, clubs, children's hospitals, research institutes, universities, shopping and industrial complexes);

the principle of program orientation, where the educational program, and not the educational organization, is considered the basic element of the additional education system;

the principle of continuity and continuity of additional education, ensuring the possibility of continuing educational trajectories at all age stages.

The design and implementation of additional general education programs should be based on the following foundations:

freedom of choice of educational programs and mode of their development;

compliance of educational programs and forms of additional education with the age and individual characteristics of children;

variability, flexibility and mobility of educational programs;

multi-level (graded) educational programs;

modularity of the content of educational programs, the possibility of offsetting results;

focus on meta-subject and personal educational results;

creative and productive nature of educational programs;

open and network nature of implementation.

Regularities of the educational process Unity of goals, content and methods of the educational process The implementation of this pattern presupposes the development of the essential spheres of a person, characterizing the way of his life, the harmony, freedom and versatility of a person, his happiness and well-being among people. The unity of education and upbringing It is upbringing that forms in a person such internal qualities personality, such as beliefs, moral principles, values, attitudes, motives, character traits.

Mandatory inclusion of students in various types activities based on conscious choice and taking into account personal characteristics. These patterns determine the principles of operation of an institution of additional education for children, i.e. the basic requirements for the content, forms and methods of its work, ensuring the implementation of the main goals and objectives.

Principles of additional education for children The principle of variability of learning, taking into account personal characteristics, involves providing an individual educational trajectory for each student through the creation of the maximum number of diverse socio-technological spaces based on the programs available to him; tempo, rhythm, methods of action and certification of mastering programs. The principle of subjectivity of education prescribes the orientation of teachers towards the maximum activation of the subject position of the individual and the formation of his experience of self-knowledge, self-education and self-realization.

The principle of humanistic orientation of education requires the voluntary inclusion of the student in one or another activity, the presence of a goal - accessible, understandable, conscious; trust in the child in choosing means and ways to achieve the goal, faith in the possibility of achieving the goals. The principle of a heuristic environment means that creativity dominates in the organization of additional education educational activities, while creativity is considered as a universal criterion for assessing personality and relationships in a team. This principle requires the creation of conditions for students to choose forms of participation in educational activities, to support various initiatives aimed at achieving significant goals and self-realization of the individuality of both teachers and students.

Requirements for educational institutions of additional education for children. IN educational institutions additional education for children: The main educational program being implemented is the educational program (programs); Educational activities are aimed at developing the individual’s motivation for knowledge and creativity, promoting health, professional self-determination, adapting students to life in society, and developing their common culture; The needs of children, the needs of families, other educational institutions, children's and youth associations, and national and cultural traditions are taken into account; Mass events with students are organized and held; Are being created necessary conditions for meaningful leisure time for children and parents; Work is being carried out to provide assistance to children's and youth public associations, teaching staff of other educational institutions and the implementation of additional educational programs, the implementation of leisure and extracurricular activities.

Types of educational institutions for additional education of children: center, palace, house for the development of creativity of children and youth of various names and directions, station, club, children's studio, children's park, school, museum, children's recreational and educational camp, children's art gallery, schoolchildren's room, base children's and youth tourism and excursions, children's stadium.

The criterion for classifying an educational institution for additional education of children as the appropriate type is the focus of the additional educational programs implemented in it: scientific and technical; sports and technical; physical education and sports; artistic and aesthetic; tourism and local history; ecological and biological; military-patriotic; socio-pedagogical; cultural; natural science.

Lastovka Larisa Vasilievna
Job title: Deputy Director for Educational Resource Management, Additional Education Teacher
Educational institution: MAUDO DDT "Eureka"
Location: Domodedovo city, Moscow region
Name of material: presentation
Subject: "Principles, methods and forms of work in institutions of additional education for children"
Publication date: 12/14/2015

Text part of the publication

 The educational process in an institution of additional education for children is a specially organized activity of teachers and students aimed at solving the problems of education, upbringing and personal development.  The educational process in an institution of additional education for children is a specially organized activity of teachers and students aimed at solving the problems of education, upbringing and personal development.
 The purpose of the educational process is to create conditions for self-expression, self-development and self-determination of students.  .  The purpose of the educational process is to create conditions for self-expression, self-development and self-determination of students.  .



 Principle – basic, starting position – the guiding idea of ​​pedagogical theory, concept that determines the content, organizational forms and methods of educational and educational work.  . 


 Principle – basic, starting position – the guiding idea of ​​pedagogical theory, concept that determines the content, organizational forms and methods of educational and educational work.  .
 Today, 4 groups of principles have been formulated, which are the scientific, pedagogical and practical basis for organizing the educational process in an institution of additional education for children  Today, 4 groups of principles have been formulated, which are the scientific, pedagogical and practical basis for organizing the educational process in an institution of additional education for children
 1. General strategic 









– providing every child with the right to freedom, happiness, development of abilities and preparation for life in society.  1. General strategic 

(children, teachers, educational environment, institutions); 

– the educational process is based on the enduring values ​​of general cultural human dignity, attention to historical values ​​and their role in the development of art, science and culture; 

– providing each child with the right to choose his own educational trajectory of development and participation in the educational process; 



– providing every child with the right to freedom, happiness, development of abilities and preparation for life in society.

2. Value-oriented
 the principle of conformity to nature - taking into account the age and individual characteristics, inclinations, and capabilities of students when including them in various types of activities;  the principle of cultural conformity - focus on the needs of society and the individual students, the unity of man and the socio-cultural environment, adaptation of children to modern living conditions of society;  the principle of vitality – a response to the current needs of today. 
2. Value-oriented
 the principle of conformity to nature - taking into account the age and individual characteristics, inclinations, and capabilities of students when including them in various types of activities;  the principle of cultural conformity - focus on the needs of society and the individual students, the unity of man and the socio-cultural environment, adaptation of children to modern living conditions of society;  the principle of vitality – a response to the current needs of today.
 3.
 the principle of child-centrism - the interests of the child are a priority, turning him into an equal subject of the educational process;  the principle of differentiation and individualization of education - in the educational process, the inclinations and abilities of children in various areas of activity are identified and developed, taking into account their capabilities and interests;  the principle of fun and creativity - the educational process should contribute to the development of children’s creative abilities;  the principle of consistency - continuity of knowledge;  the principle of cooperation – joint activities of children and adults.  3.
 the principle of child-centrism - the interests of the child are a priority, turning him into an equal subject of the educational process;  the principle of differentiation and individualization of education - in the educational process, the inclinations and abilities of children in various areas of activity are identified and developed, taking into account their capabilities and interests;  the principle of fun and creativity - the educational process should contribute to the development of children’s creative abilities;  the principle of consistency - continuity of knowledge;  the principle of cooperation – joint activities of children and adults.

  The educational process combines different types of classes:  - group,  - individual,  - theoretical,  - practical,  - creative,  - gaming, etc. 
4. Teachers’ focus on continuity

their own education and development.
  The educational process combines different types of classes:  - group,  - individual,  - theoretical,  - practical,  - creative,  - gaming, etc.
 Most often, traditional forms of organizing activities are used in the educational process:  training sessions,  lectures,  seminars,  conferences,  excursions,  hikes,  educational games, etc.  The educational process in an additional education institution performs two groups of functions: educational and social-pedagogical.
 Non-traditional forms of organizing the educational process include:  · competition classes: competitions, tournaments, quizzes, relay races, etc.;  · activities that imitate social practice: reportage, interview, invention, commentary, auction, rally, benefit performance, oral magazine, living newspaper, etc.;  · classes based on non-traditional organization of educational material: presentation, confession, etc.;  · fantasy activities: fairy tale, performance, surprise, adventure, etc.;  · activities that imitate social activities: court, investigation, Academic Council, parliament, etc.  Non-traditional forms of organizing the educational process include:  · competition classes: competitions, tournaments, quizzes, relay races, etc.;  · activities that imitate social practice: reportage, interview, invention, commentary, auction, rally, benefit performance, oral magazine, living newspaper, etc.;  · classes based on non-traditional organization of educational material: presentation, confession, etc.;  · fantasy activities: fairy tale, performance, surprise, adventure, etc.;  · activities that imitate social activities: court, investigation, Academic Council, parliament, etc.

Educational functions
– children’s satisfaction of their various needs in the form of intellectual, psychological and pedagogical services that allow the child to master, deepen knowledge, develop skills and abilities that he receives in a comprehensive school, providing the opportunity to study branches of knowledge that are not used in school and other educational institutions . Functional training may include pre-professional and initial vocational training 
Educational functions
– children’s satisfaction of their various needs in the form of intellectual, psychological and pedagogical services that allow the child to master, deepen knowledge, develop skills and abilities that he receives in a comprehensive school, providing the opportunity to study branches of knowledge that are not used in school and other educational institutions . Functional training may include pre-professional and initial vocational training.

Social and pedagogical functions
– education, social protection, health improvement, rehabilitation, communication, recreation and compensation, social adaptation. 
Educational process in the institution

additional education is being built in

in accordance with its specifics


Content features include:

· variety of functions, activities and

additional educational programs;

· variety of content aspects

activities: theoretical, practical,

exploratory, experienced, educational,

creative, industrial, self-educational and


· individual approach combined with social

direction of activity; opportunity

individual work with gifted children;

· implementation of variable, differentiated,

comprehensive educational programs.



intellectual development).

To organizational features

educational process in UDOD include:

classes are held during free time from regular studies


training is organized on a voluntary basis

all parties (children, parents, teachers);

the psychological atmosphere is informal


children are given the opportunity to combine

various directions and forms of classes;

students are allowed to move from one group to another

other (by topic, age, level

intellectual development).

 Functions of a teacher in organizing the educational process:  1. Introducing children to the history of the institution of additional education, its activities and development prospects, the profile of the elected association, its traditions and objectives, self-government bodies, and the achievements of the association’s students.  2. Familiarity with the nature of the activity and its organization in the institution.  3. Organization of events to form a unified children's team.  4. Organization and conduct of public events, meetings, group and individual classes and consultations.  5. Ensuring the consistency of all activities provided for in the institution’s plan.  6. A unique development and drawing up of long-term plans based on an analysis of the work in the previous year and taking into account the characteristics and interests of the new set of children.  7. Organization of theoretical and practical classes, independent creative activities of children.  8. Organization of educational work, individual lessons; working with parents.  9. Accounting for all the activities and achievements of the team and individual students, changes in the inclinations of children, analysis of their development.  Functions of a teacher in organizing the educational process:  1. Introducing children to the history of the institution of additional education, its activities and development prospects, the profile of the elected association, its traditions and objectives, self-government bodies, and the achievements of the association’s students.  2. Familiarity with the nature of the activity and its organization in the institution.  3. Organization of events to form a unified children's team.  4. Organization and conduct of public events, meetings, group and individual classes and consultations.  5. Ensuring the consistency of all activities provided for in the institution’s plan.  6. A unique development and drawing up of long-term plans based on an analysis of the work in the previous year and taking into account the characteristics and interests of the new set of children.  7. Organization of theoretical and practical classes, independent creative activities of children.  8. Organization of educational work, individual lessons; working with parents.  9. Accounting for all the activities and achievements of the team and individual students, changes in the inclinations of children, analysis of their development.

Cultural life is an important part of studying. Spiritual values ​​and ideals are reflected in human behavior and form important sociocultural skills. Additional education in Russia is designed to educate a worthy younger generation that will ensure the progress of society and the country.

Fundamentals of Russian subsidiary education

Democratic reforms that began in the early 90s of the last century became the basis for the transformation of children's additional education. The term “additional education” first appeared in 1992 in one of the articles of the law on education. This document approved the transition from an ideological communist educational system to a diverse, democratic and humanistic program for educating full-fledged citizens and determined a change in the importance of out-of-school institutions. in Russia has moved to a qualitatively new stage of development.

Additional education for children has become a new phenomenon in pedagogical activity - a unique phenomenon that is aimed at preserving the personality and uniqueness of each child. This process consists of:

  • from satisfying the natural desire of a developing person to understand himself and the world around him;
  • activating the creative and constructive potential of children;
  • formation and development of space for children's and adolescent well-being.

The circumstances that determined the need to change the out-of-school component of education when moving it to a new qualitative level:

  1. The presence of fundamental changes in a person’s consciousness and his views on social life. The process of forming a specialist gives way to the leading position of educating an individual from the position of developmental pedagogy.
  2. Transformation of the trend of civilizational growth in the welfare of the countries of the post-socialist camp from technogenic to anthropogenic.
  3. Increasing popularity among parents and children of informational, educational, cultural and leisure services. As a result, there is an increase in the number of varieties of informal educational components in the development of society and the individual.

Additional education at school is one of the types of training that is able to meet the constantly changing educational and sociocultural needs of the younger generation.

The goal of additional education institutions is to organize, within the boundaries of a single educational space, conditions for the active development of children in accordance with their interests, needs and desires, so that every child strives to learn new things in the world around him and try himself in inventive, creative and sports activities.

The historical analysis of educational reforms of past years conducted by educational theorists showed that in Russia the ideas for the development of out-of-school institutions were correct, but were distorted for the sake of ideology. Experience of childhood and adolescence social movement should be taken into account and reformed to suit the present times.


Well-established allows you to preserve and strengthen children's psychophysical health, educate and promote constant interest in knowledge, raise the bar of self-regulation high and develop creative inclinations in boys and girls. DL is both a means of continuous learning and the formation of an individual and a source of motivation for educational activities when choosing a profile of study, and subsequently a profession.

The main task of any organization of additional education in Russia is the early identification of the child’s abilities, talents and interests. This is the mission of the psychological service. Determining children's individual abilities is a dynamic process that requires constant monitoring.

The most important element of school preschool education is clubs. They develop and maintain students’ interest in certain areas, pushing the boundaries of knowledge, skills and abilities developed during the learning process. The diversity of sections contributes to the comprehensive development of the individual.

The team of teachers working in the school system of additional education is called upon to:

  1. Motivate students to learn new things.
  2. Create a basis for realizing creative potential.
  3. Develop spiritual qualities and mental abilities of the individual.
  4. Detect and prevent antisocial behavior.
  5. Introduce students to recognized universal and cultural values.
  6. Cultivate conditions for self-determination in all spheres, from social to professional.
  7. Form and consolidate school traditions.

Stages and functions of additional education in schools

Competent management plays an important role in ensuring the successful functioning of the subsidiary education system. Management is not so much orders from the administration to teachers and children, but rather the interaction of all parties, in which each acts as a subject and object of the management process at the same time.

Typically, the system of additional education at school contains 4 stages of development:

  1. Diagnostic and informational - studying the interests, wishes and needs of students.
  2. Methodological - teachers provide timely support to students in the process of choosing an upcoming activity.
  3. Organizational - like-minded people unite in sections, circles and other groups of interests.
  4. Analytical - results are monitored, successes are consolidated, ongoing monitoring of the educational process is carried out, prospects are identified, the capabilities of independent factors are taken into account and the maximum is used.

School additional education differs from out-of-school education and is manifested:

All these features serve as the basis for determining the functions of school additional education:

  1. Educational. Training children using programs to enable them to obtain previously unknown information.
  2. Educational. Enrichment of the cultural environment of a general education organization, formation of school culture, and on its basis discussion of specific moral perspectives. Unobtrusiveness of the educational process with the aim of introducing schoolchildren to culture.
  3. Creative. Creation of a mobile system that can help in the realization of personal creative inclinations.
  4. Integration. Formation of an integral in-school learning space.
  5. Socialization. Acquiring social experience, mastering lessons on reproducing connections with society, acquiring what is necessary for everyday life individual qualities.
  6. Self-realization. Self-determination in the social and cultural spheres of life, overcoming and living through successful situations, personal self-development.

Keeping students engaged in extracurricular activities helps solve a number of problems. The most significant:

  • Prevention of homelessness and neglect.
  • Distraction from acquiring bad habits.
  • Crime prevention.
  • Expanding the boundaries of knowledge, interests of students and developing their abilities.
  • Training in previously unknown types of professional activities.
  • Formation of a cohesive school team.