What lands are being distributed in the Far East map. Far Eastern hectare: how, where and why to take it. For what purposes can a Far Eastern hectare be obtained?

In February of this year, it was announced that the Far Eastern hectare program had become available to all Russian citizens. The Kremlin was proud of this apparent PR move ahead of the presidential elections. The media drew historical analogies of a hectare with Stolypin’s land reform. But moving away from unnecessary emotions and hasty conclusions, let’s try to understand the essence of the issue.


The law on the Far Eastern hectare was born under the influence of two circumstances. Firstly, a populist move with the aim of creating the appearance that Russia’s natural heritage is people’s, and not oligarchic, as one might think, looking at the picture of the export of natural resources. And a hectare of land as a gift is a clear reference to Putin’s association with a generous ruler who distributes land to the people. Secondly, this is an attempt to solve the problem of developing the Far East. When it became obvious that the priority development areas were not working to the required extent, and the task of developing the Far East had not been resolved, alternative solutions were required. Settling the Far East with a free hectare is another ploy to statistically improve the demographic picture in the federal district.

But still about the good. Land as a gift to the people is, of course, the right thing to do, but if everything is taken into account possible consequences this act. The law came into force on June 1, 2016 for residents of the Far East, and on February 1, 2017 for all citizens. According to it, any resident of the country has the opportunity to receive one free Far Eastern hectare for residential construction, farming or business activities. To get a plot, there is no need to move to the region, but at the development stage a person will be forced to move. Persons can unite and receive one plot of land for common purposes. This is a so-called collective application, on which the authorities have high hopes. Upon expiration free use(five years) a person has the right to register the plot as ownership or lease it for forty-nine years. If we are talking about a plot of land from the forest fund, then only rent is allowed. The success of the transaction will depend on the authorities who will decide to grant ownership of the site. However, the site needs to be developed and accountable for it.

The state promises support measures: preferential mortgages at 4% per annum, business subsidies and lifting allowances. By the way, none of the support measures in the law “On the Peculiarities of Providing Citizens with land plots, which are in state or municipal ownership and located on the territories of the subjects Russian Federation, part of the Far Eastern federal district, and on making changes to individual legislative acts Russian Federation" is not registered. However, there is no exact data on lifting equipment. The Minister of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East Galushka A., speaking about the hectare, spoke not about lifting funds, but about the funds provided for moving within the framework of the labor mobility program. Because of his mistake, the media reported that the allowance for the displaced would amount to 250 thousand rubles. But within the framework of the labor mobility program, 225 thousand rubles are provided, which are received not by immigrants, but by enterprises participating in the program as compensation for organizing relocation, renting housing, training a specialist and other purposes. The migrant will still have to work at the enterprise for three years. Therefore, even the government cannot answer what kind of lifting benefits the owners of the hectare will receive.

Immediately after the opening of registration for land plots, the Anti-Corruption Foundation conducted its research and found that on the very first day of registration, when the site was not yet operational, there were already “lucky ones” who were able to register their plots in the Primorsky Territory on the shore of Lake Khanka. The entire coastline was already occupied on the second day. And the most interesting thing is that among the plots there was a land plot formed by several persons, the so-called collective application. That is, already on the first day there were individuals who took advantage of the opportunity to obtain a large plot by attracting additional individuals or “dead souls.” Such efficiency on a day when the site did not make it possible to book a site clearly speaks of a corruption component. And it is very likely that this is only one of the schemes.


The history of Russia has known several examples of mass resettlement of the population as part of land development. Firstly, this is the Stolypin reform, according to which peasants were given the right to resettlement, land in Siberia, subsidies and lifts. The state allocated funds for building roads, landscaping at the new location, medical care, and public needs. By 1910, funds for food and medical services had been significantly increased. As a result of these initiatives, 2.44 million people were resettled, about 500 thousand of them returned. What is noteworthy about this project is that the state did not abandon citizens, but initially focused on creating the necessary infrastructure. Although, of course, it is worth noting that government support was insufficient even then. Secondly, this is a program for the development of virgin lands, when specialists with their families, Komsomol members, were sent to virgin lands. They worked within the framework of the general state task, undoubtedly receiving private allotments on collective farms or state farms.

Of course, this is a different example, since the land was not given for ownership, but only for use (which, however, was little different then), but it is indicative from the point of view that the state did not throw its own into the field without guarantees of infrastructural support. Of course, there were enough excesses in the program for the development of virgin lands, but still it was carried out within the framework of a large task, on which both the state and the people worked together. And young Komsomol members left to conquer virgin lands, accompanied by an orchestra, with posters, songs and a big idea in their souls. Central Committee Communist Party established certificates of honor, medals, and orders in honor of this event.

The Far Eastern hectare is now empty of value: the state does not call on the population to raise and revive the Far East, it tells the citizens - do you want free land? Come get it to the Far East. But on our own, without us, I already did a lot - I gave the land, and then you are on your own...


The authorities were counting on the free-of-charge effect that would attract Russians. However, after the first cry of joy, I remembered the classic proverb: “free cheese is only in a mousetrap.” When discussing the benefits of this hectare for an ordinary Russian, you ask a lot of questions. Of course, we are not talking about those who take a hectare on the principle “to have it”, since they give it away for free. With this approach, in 5 years these applicants will not register the hectare as their property. We are talking about those who actually plan to use it for its intended purpose.

Question one. How to live in isolation without infrastructure?

People come to the region, even if not people, but their intentions. They are given a plot of land, which, according to the law, must be located outside the boundaries of urban districts, urban settlements and rural settlements. Distance to settlements also specified. And now attention, question. Where should people go? To the forest and field? No infrastructure is provided for them. The authorities can consider the issue of building a road and installing energy only with a collective application from 20 people. But this is what they say for now, after 2018 the magic formula “there is no money, but you hold on” will be heard. Whether there are roads there is a big question. Probably the road corresponds to the concept of “off-road”; in this case, in rainy times, the owner will only be able to get there by helicopter. And this, as we understand, is a fairly limited contingent of owners. And if a person moves there to live, then the natural question is not only about heat, energy, water and gas supply, but also about the accessibility of kindergartens, schools, medical institutions and shops. All this does not exist and probably will not happen. As well as gas stations, so that the equipment is always on the go. And in this case, why come to an empty place, when you can just as easily buy this hectare inexpensively in the center, in an abandoned village, where at least there is some kind of infrastructure and transport links. And development will be cheaper.

Only wealthy people who will come to develop the land with their own means and will not need work, which is in short supply in the region, will be able to get a return on a hectare. In Yakutia, rallies have already been held against this initiative under the slogans: “Let’s save the land for future generations,” “No to raider seizure of land,” “Vouchers, free hectare, what next, gentlemen oligarchs?” It is obvious that the current owners of land plots understand what can be done with their area if a wealthy person joins forces with the “dead souls” and submits a collective request not for 1 hectare, but for much larger plots.

And to build housing, you either need your own funds or a mortgage. But in the case of a mortgage, on what collateral will the bank give it? For an unfinished house - doubtful. For a plot of land - it does not belong, but is transferred for free use. It turns out that property in another region is guaranteed. But if there is housing in another region, why drive yourself into bondage and go to distant undeveloped lands?

And for those who are ready to take a risk and expect that the state will help collective applicants and build infrastructure, it is worth looking at at least one direct line with the president, when people from central Russia for decades have not been able to get a road fixed, a school or kindergarten repaired, water, sewerage, gas or light. What then can we say about the Far East?

Question two. What is the Far Eastern hectare suitable for?

16% of applicants plan to engage in crop production, beekeeping, livestock farming and other types of agricultural activities on the hectare. However, let's look at the picture objectively. One hectare of land for professional occupation agriculture- this is not enough. To cultivate a hectare you will need special machinery and other equipment. And the harvest from one hectare will not even cover all this. And the question of the suitability of these lands for agriculture is very acute. This is not the Krasnodar region, where everything grows. This is the Far East with its mosquitoes, forty degree frosts, short summers with extreme temperatures. There are, of course, areas where everything will have time to mature. But then the question will arise about the cost of such products, which will be higher than products grown by the Chinese. And it is doubtful that residents of the Far East will line up for quality rather than price.

And for a more suitable activity economic activity- breeding deer requires special skill. And if we assume that there are those who can build their own business there, then the problem of selling finished products will follow. The state will not act as a customer, which means the new entrepreneur will also have to intensively search for distribution channels, which will not be so easy to do in the conditions of the low population of the Far East.

Question three. How will the displaced person be helped?

The most important question that any migrant asks is what can he count on besides a hectare of land?

The allowance of 225 thousand rubles is within the framework of a completely different program and goes to the employer’s cash desk, and even then this figure is not spelled out in the measures to support migrants. If an unemployed person moves to the Far East, he receives allowances in the amount of a one-time payment from one to five unemployment benefits, that is, the amount of allowances is from 4.9 thousand to 24.5 thousand rubles. The record holder was the Jewish autonomous region. There, allowances for unemployed citizens and members of their families when moving to another area to a new place of residence for employment in the direction of the employment service authorities amount to 500 rubles! Amazing generosity. However, the largest payment is due in the Kamchatka Territory: to an unemployed citizen in the amount of five times the subsistence minimum (for the Koryak Okrug - twelve times the amount), to family members - in the amount of two times. Living wage in Kamchatka amounted to 19,451 rubles at the end of 2016. That is, for a family with two children, the amount of allowances will be 250 thousand rubles. And this is the most generous region.

Preferential mortgages seem to have been mentioned by officials, but on the project’s official website it is not listed among the support measures. True, there is a clause about the deduction of 0.2 percentage points from the mortgage interest rate. in the primary housing market, and this with a mortgage rate of 13%. This is clearly not the 4% that officials used to talk about.

As for work, there are two options: assistance in finding a job, which boils down to the fact that the migrant is invited to respond to a vacancy on the website hcfe.ru. and send your resume, and employment at a ASEZ resident enterprise by sending a resume. It is difficult to understand what kind of support there is when a resident is looking for work on his own. But the most interesting thing is that on this site there are only 13 vacancies; there are already over 69.5 thousand applications submitted per hectare, and over 6.5 thousand approved.

But in some areas a quota for timber harvesting from 60 to 200 cubic meters is provided. once every ten to twenty years. But, firstly, according to the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, a person in need of housing has the opportunity to receive it free of charge or on preferential terms and without a Far Eastern hectare. And secondly, the settlers would have paid for the permitted 100 cubic meters at an average preferential price 63 rub. a little over 6,000 rubles. And this, you see, is very modest support from the state.

Grants are provided for the development of agriculture, and even then mainly on a competitive basis. The size ranges from 1.5 to 10 million rubles, and the grant does not assume that the state will cover the entire amount. As a rule, this is no more than 60%. And reimbursement of costs for loans and leasing. But, as we remember, the compensation mechanism is extremely complicated and the person moving will first pay his part in full, and only after some time the state will compensate him for the money spent. To obtain more complete information about grants, the Nadalniyvostok.rf website redirects to local ministries, but no information on grants can be found there.

Beginning entrepreneurs are provided with one-time financial assistance upon their registration as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. This is respectively from 2 to 10 thousand rubles. And a zero tax rate for two years, which is also a very modest measure of government support.

Small and medium-sized businesses are provided with subsidies to reimburse part of the costs of purchasing equipment. They also get access to preferential lending: to replenish working capital for a period of up to 3 years with a maximum rate of 12.5% ​​per annum; and for investments for a period of up to 10 years with a maximum rate of up to 13.5% per annum. A loan at a preferential rate for small businesses at the level of 10.6% per annum, for medium-sized businesses - 9.6% per annum, with a loan amount of 10 million rubles. And this is by no means small bank interest. If you remember the Industrial Development Fund, they provided loans at 6% per annum. With such rates and no guarantee of product sales, it is difficult to imagine crowds of people wanting to move to the Far East.

The issue of support for displaced people is calculated in tens of thousands, not even hundreds of thousands, while it is estimated that millions are needed for relocation. Even without running a business, your home will require about 3-5 million rubles, you will need an off-road vehicle - a jeep, that's another 2 million. You can also add the costs of doctors, schools and kindergartens for children. And the money offered by the state is only enough to fill the gas tank of a car for a month. Considering that 55% of program participants plan to build a house and set up a plot of land for personal farming, expecting good developments, we can predict that 55% of the land received will not be developed.

Question four. Can the word of officials be trusted?

According to Russian legislators, people should move to the Far East and develop new lands. Five years later the time will come sum up and register land ownership. And at this stage, problems may arise that are no longer related to legislation, but to the specifics of the work of Russian officials. There are no guarantees that a person who has settled down and invested all his savings in this hectare will not be asked for monetary compensation for the free transfer of ownership, bypassing government agencies. And the pretext can be any: both misuse of land and violation of forest or land legislation. Therefore, it is one thing to invest in your own plot, and quite another in one that can only potentially become your own. Considering the traditional schemes for “squeezing out” business in Russia, there is a possibility that a representative of the law enforcement agencies will want to receive the hectare where they will build their business as a gift. And the law, as we know, will be on their side.

Question five. Who will lose?

We should not forget that these hectares may already have owners, either informal ones who are developing them, or unrecognized by the state due to cadastre errors. For example, in the Khankaisky district of the Primorsky Territory, which fell under the law on the Far Eastern hectare, there is a plot of 150 hectares located in the area of ​​​​the villages of Rasskazovo - Kirovka - Turiy Rog. In fact, these are unclaimed shares; their status has not been settled with the peasants and their heirs. All this can become the basis for disputes.

The second point is the rights of indigenous peoples living in the areas where the hectare is provided. In the Khabarovsk Territory, the Association of Indigenous Minorities of the North (AIPN) opposed the reduction in the area of ​​traditional environmental management territories of the peoples of the Amur region by more than 50%: from 30.6 thousand hectares to 14.8 thousand hectares, which, according to its members, is associated with the implementation of the law about the Far Eastern hectare. Moreover, the reduction took place without coordination with local governments.

Question six. Doesn't the environment count?

And environmental issues - who thought about them? According to the hectare law, any activity that is not prohibited is permitted Russian legislation. Even the forest can be sold. This means there are no barriers for enterprising businessmen to cut down forests and sell them to China, especially since the land on which the forest stands was given to them for free. And in 15 years, when, according to the law, forest fund lands can be rented, there may no longer be a forest there. The situation will be similar with areas located on the shores of reservoirs: no services will monitor compliance with the environment during the operation of the site. And although the potential owner may not register the plot in 5 years, during this period he can significantly undermine the ecology of this hectare.

Yes, already at the stage of submitting applications, unexpected oddities arise. A resident of Primorye, for example, was able to obtain a plot of land in the center of the Lazovsky Federal Reserve; the system did not refuse to register the application. As Anna Barma, a representative of the Amur branch of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) of Russia, reported, the color designations of protected areas disappeared from the map in October 2016. Environmentalists are concerned that no one checks the correctness of the issuance of hectares near specially protected natural areas, on the lands of indigenous peoples or hunting grounds. Many organizations are involved in this monitoring, but not all of them have the right to refuse an application.

Question seven. Protection from foreigners.

There is a possibility that these lands will eventually go to foreigners. However, the law established a restriction in this regard: “It is not allowed to conclude contracts of purchase and sale, donation, lease, agreements for gratuitous use, agreements for trust management of property, other agreements providing for the transfer of ownership rights, possession and (or) use in relation to land plots, provided to citizens in accordance with this Federal Law, and land plots formed from them, including when making subsequent transactions, if a party to such an agreement is a foreign state, international organization, foreign citizen, stateless person, foreign legal entity or legal entity, in the authorized (share) capital of which there is a share foreign country, international organization, foreign citizens, foreign legal entities, stateless persons” (Article 11).

Legislatively, a plot of land seems to be insured, but no one will prohibit its copyright holder from allowing the Chinese onto these lands, bypassing the official lease documents. And this is the moment: when it becomes obvious that the idea is untenable in the form in which they now want to implement it, the government will say that the Russians do not want to develop the Far East, the only right way is to allow foreigners to develop it by leasing these plots to them. After all, if not themselves, then at least let foreign investors try. Considering the “far-sightedness” of our government, this option cannot be ruled out.

Question eight. Are they sane?

The question is not an idle one, but it concerns not the displaced people, but the authorities. Do they understand that no one needs this hectare in the Far East under such conditions of self-elimination of the state? And the submitted applications, of which there are now about 70 thousand, are applications from those who have no intention or desire to move and develop the Far East, with the exception of those who already live there. But judging by the speeches of government officials, they believe, or pretend to believe, in this idea.

Minister of the Far East Galushka, for example, discussed the importance of a hectare in the context of the demographic revival of the region. Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and Plenipotentiary Envoy of the President in the Far Eastern Federal District Yuri Trutnev stood out even more, declaring at the forum in Sochi that “we are looking for even larger applications, those that can become the embryos of new cities and settlements.” It would be interesting to imagine new cities in which each resident would own a hectare of land. But, however, officials are not embarrassed by the absurdity of such reasoning.

As for the country's prime minister, he was more restrained in his assessments: “I don’t think that it will give the same effect as the well-known decision made during the Stolypin period, but it will have a certain positive effect for the development of the Far East in terms of labor mobility and movement he will undoubtedly give people there.” The Prime Minister, like many officials who are looking at applications from Moscow and St. Petersburg, is convinced that residents of these cities will be able to open their own business there and start a business, while changing their place of residence? But could the Kremlin, for example, at least move its forums from Sochi and St. Petersburg to the open fields of the Far East? It’s unlikely, but for some reason they believe in the stupidity of the people. So, the distribution of one hectare without infrastructural support and powerful material support cannot be called anything other than absurdity. Moreover, the development of underdeveloped lands did not take place in such an absurd manner either under the Tsar or under the Soviet regime.

For what?

What was the purpose of this whole high-profile campaign for a Far Eastern hectare of land?

Firstly, extra PR wouldn’t hurt the president, especially on the eve of the presidential elections. Hectare is a typical populist trick designed for gullible voters. Exactly the same as the one-time payment to pensioners in the amount of five thousand rubles, announced before the elections in State Duma 2016.

Secondly, hidden two-way. At the first step, the government provides the people with a free hectare without appropriate conditions for its development. At the second step, he admits that the hectare program has failed, only a few hectares have been developed, therefore it is advisable to attract forces from abroad for the development of the region. If Russians are not ready to move to the Far East, then the government will open the gates to the Chinese. Although this has already been done a long time ago, nevertheless, after the failure of the hectare, efforts to attract neighboring peoples will only increase. It is quite possible that the hectare became a sort of distraction from China’s expansion in the Far East as a result of the agreements signed with Moscow. After all, there were many agreements; they involved attracting Chinese investment and labor. And talk about leasing land to China is still not abating.

Thirdly, the development program of the Far East with its priority development territories has exhausted itself. It became obvious that the region is not developing, but is standing still. The population is declining as a result of migration outflow to other regions of Russia (Fig. 1-2). At the same time, natural growth increases only due to Yakutia.

Rice. 1. Population of the Far Eastern Federal District (according to Rosstat)

Rice. 2. Migration of the population of the Far Eastern Federal District (according to Rosstat)

You can see how things got worse with Putin's re-election in 2012. Vimo. There was nothing left for people to hope for. A region that prospers would not become demographically depressed. The local population migrates en masse, and mainly residents of the CIS and neighboring China come, the latter, however, has an extremely small presence in Russian statistics, which can rather be considered shortcomings of migration registration.

The Far Eastern hectare could be an attempt to return to the region Russian citizens. At the moment, over 69 thousand applications have already been submitted. If all this mass of people really had the intention and determination to move, then the statistical indicators of the region would be significantly improved.

Fourth, the distribution of a free plot of land is very similar to voucher privatization. In the context of the authorities’ joy for the collective applications, there are increasing fears that a number of wealthy individuals have already started concentrating the lands of the Far East in their hands. Well, then the land will become a market commodity.

So what are officials hoping for? That the people, having rejoiced at the free lands, will en masse begin to develop them or at least move to the Far East? But the euphoria over the “freebie” will quickly give way to new apathy and will not be crowned with success. Or do they expect that the people will not see the light before the presidential elections? No matter what tricks the elite and power circles resort to, it is no longer possible to hide the scale of the disaster in the liberal Russian economy. For now, the regions associate devastation with local authorities, but the day is not far off when the connection in the cause-and-effect chain will finally be restored, and the people will come to the realization that the fish rots from the head. Where is the fish head located in the Russian state is a simple question. They show it on TV every day.


Russians and migrants from abroad were offered to move to the Far East. The authorities promise to provide everyone with 1 hectare of land in uninhabited areas.

Photo: Andrey Shapran / Global Look Press

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the law on free issuance lands to Russians in the Far East. According to the document, any citizen of Russia can receive 1 hectare of land in state or municipal ownership free of charge. You can use the land free of charge and not pay taxes for five years. In the future, the plot can be leased or taken into ownership.

RBC Real Estate tells who and under what conditions can count on a plot of land in the Far East.

Which regions are participating?

It is currently possible to get a “free hectare” in nine pilot regions of the Far East - in Chukotka, Yakutia, Kamchatka, Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, in the Amur, Magadan and Sakhalin regions, as well as in the Jewish Autonomous Region. From October 1, 2016, the program will be available to all residents in all regions of the Far East, and from February 1, 2017 - to all citizens of the Russian Federation without exception, said Minister for Development of the Far East Alexander Galushka at a meeting with the President on May 4, 2016, Interfax reports .

Who can get land?

Any citizen of Russia, as well as foreigners moving to Russia who participate in the “Voluntary Resettlement of Compatriots” program, can receive land, the law explains. Land will be allocated at the rate of 1 hectare for each family member. In other words, a family of five can count on a plot of up to five hectares. In addition, several Russian citizens (but no more than ten people) regardless of relationship - for example, business partners - can unite and receive one plot of land for common purposes.

How to register land?

In order to obtain the right to free use of a site in the Far East, you must register on the State Services portal or in your personal account on the official website Nadalniyvostok.rf. You can select a site, find out its characteristics (area, perimeter, coordinates, relief, neighboring areas), and also independently determine the boundaries on the website of the Public Cadastral Map. Next, you need to draw up and submit an application for registration of the selected plot - this can be done on the website Nadalniyvostok.rf.

After the order to provide the site for free use is issued, the citizen will receive official confirmation and an agreement. The documents will become available in your personal account on the Nadalniyvostok.rf website; the future landowner will only have to sign the agreement. Anyone who does not have access to the Internet will be able to complete documents at the nearest multifunctional center. The authorities promise that the preparation of all land documents will take no more than one month.

What plots can I get?

The law applies to territories located at least 10 km away from populated areas, provided that the population of the nearest city is no more than 50 thousand people. If the number of residents reaches 300 thousand people, then the minimum distance between the city and the plot of land is 20 km. IDPs cannot claim plots located within the boundaries of rural and urban settlements.

How to use the land?

Land can be obtained for building a house, developing livestock farming, growing crops, and also for starting a business. If a person does not use the received plot or decides to use it for purposes not prescribed by law, the land may be confiscated. The law prohibits buying and selling received plots, as well as leasing them.


The proposal to provide Russians with free plots of land in the Far East was made in 2015 by Presidential Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District Yuri Trutnev at a meeting with Vladimir Putin. “We want to propose creating a mechanism for freely allocating to every resident of the Far East and every person who would like to come to the Far East, one hectare of land that can be used for agriculture, for creating a business, forestry, and hunting,” Trutnev noted then (quote from a transcript from the Kremlin.ru portal), adding that 614 million hectares of land are state-owned.

The President approved the idea and instructed the government to work on the proposal. The bill on the “free hectare” was submitted to the State Duma at the end of November 2015.

From June 1, free provision of land plots will begin in nine pilot municipalities of the Far East regions. To obtain ownership of a hectare, you must complete seven steps.

Currently, the trial operation of a special information system is being completed to provide citizens with land plots.To the Far East.RF. On this portal, every resident of the country will be able to independently choose a hectare of land online.

Second step. Selecting a land plot using the Public Cadastral Map.

The area of ​​the provided plot cannot exceed 1 hectare per person. Lands limited in economic circulation in accordance with current legislation (specially protected natural areas, defense and security lands, lands for state needs, etc.) are not provided.

Third step. Formation and submission of an application for the provision of a land plot.

For preliminary approval of the provision of a land plot, it is necessary to fill out an application and attach a number of documents.

Within 10 days from the date of receipt of the application, the authorized body returns the application to the applicant if it does not meet the requirements or is not attached to the application necessary documents, the reasons for the return are indicated.

Within no more than 30 days from the date of receipt of the application, the authorized body considers the received application and makes a decision on preliminary approval or, if there are grounds, a decision to refuse preliminary approval and sends decision made to the applicant.

In the applicant’s personal account, it will be possible to track how the application is progressing - how many days are left to wait, how many steps have been completed, how many are ahead, who is responsible for the current stage on the part of the authorities.

Fourth step. Conclusion of a free use agreement.

A plot of land is provided for a period of five years, after which a citizen can register it for rent or ownership.

Fifth step. Selecting the type of permitted use.

Land can be obtained for any purpose not prohibited by the laws of the Russian Federation, for example, for building a house, farming, or doing business.

Sixth step. Declaration of land development.

If a citizen has developed a plot of land within five years, it automatically becomes his property.

Seventh step. Registration of ownership rights to a land plot.

Let us remind you that Federal law“On the specifics of providing citizens with land plots that are in state or municipal ownership and located on the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of the Far Eastern Federal District, and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation» developed by the Ministry of Eastern Development.

“Far Eastern hectares” will be allocated gradually. From June 1, plots will be available in selected municipalities of the Far Eastern regions.

Among them: Khankaisky district (Primorsky Territory); Amursky district (Khabarovsk Territory); Oktyabrsky district (Jewish Autonomous Region); Arkharinsky district (Amur region); Neryungri district (Republic of Sakha (Yakutia); Olsky district (Magadan region); Ust-Bolsheretsky district (Kamchatka Territory); Tymovsky district (Sakhalin region); Anadyrsky district (Chukotka Autonomous Okrug).

At the first stage, Primorye is ready to accept 13 thousand new settlers - this is the total area of ​​three land masses in the Khankaisky district, which has become a pilot municipality in the region for issuing free hectares. This area was not chosen by chance - located in the northwestern part of the region, it borders Lake Khanka and is known for its favorable climate and fertile land.

The total area of ​​land that can be provided within the framework of the law in Primorye, according to preliminary data, is about 650 thousand hectares.

As the Governor of the Primorsky Territory Vladimir Miklushevsky noted, the revolutionary law will be a huge impetus for the development of the territory - the second stage of mass settlement of the Far Eastern territory in the history of Russia.

“Everything new is well forgotten old. We remember how a similar reform of Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin at one time gave a huge impetus to the development of this region. We have to implement the law in new historical conditions. I think the law is revolutionary and absolutely correct and I support Plenipotentiary Representative Yuri Trutnev. The Far Eastern hectare will give people the opportunity to organize their own business, new production, and build houses. I am confident that as a result the region will experience dynamic development. The law on the Far Eastern hectare will become the second wave of development of the Far East in the history of Russia,” noted the head of Primorye.

From October 1, 2016, Far Eastern residents throughout the Far Eastern Federal District will be able to get their own hectare, and from February 1, 2017, all Russian citizens will have this opportunity.

According to Vladimir Miklushevsky, the adoption of this law is another link in the implementation of the eastern vector of development of the state.

“President Vladimir Putin called the development of the Far East a priority for the development of Russia in the 21st century, and over the past few years the Government has done a lot in this direction: the law on the Free Port of Vladivostok, priority development territories, the Far Eastern hectare - all these are links in one chain in the targeted policy of the state. Our task is to do everything for the effective implementation of revolutionary initiatives,” emphasized Vladimir Miklushevsky.

Ekaterina Veka,

The dream of many Russians about their own plot of land, and not about a measly six hundred square meters, but a whole hectare, may come true in the near future. Moreover, from February 1, 2017, land can be received from the state completely free of charge and used for any purpose.

The President signed a bill according to which any Russian citizen this year can receive a plot of land with an area of ​​1 hectare for free.

Who is entitled to free land

Get free land in the Far East can absolutely any citizen of the Russian Federation, and also persons returning to Russia under the program of resettlement of compatriots. Each family member can receive 1 hectare of land. For example, if you have a family of 5 people, then you have the right to a plot of up to 5 hectares.

People who are not related (for example, business partners) can also get one plot for shared use.
A hectare of land is provided for free use for a period of 5 years. Moreover, during this period you will not have to pay tax on it. After 5 years, the plot can be rented or registered as a property (free of charge or for a fee).

It will be necessary to carry out some kind of activity on the site. That is, a prerequisite is land use.

There are no specific restrictions on the use of sites. This can be farming/forestry/hunting and entrepreneurial activity and any other use not prohibited by law.
Many may have already started packing their bags and are worried whether there will be enough free land for everyone? Don’t worry, now 140,000,000 hectares are free for development. And this means that enough land practically for every citizen of the Russian Federation, despite the fact that, of course, not everyone will go.

Where are free plots allocated?

For now, a free hectare of land from the state can only be obtained in the Far East. Obviously, this is being done to correct the demographic situation in this difficult region.
The program includes:

  • Amur region
  • Jewish Autonomous Region
  • Kamchatka
  • Magadan region
  • Primorsky Krai
  • Sakhalin region
  • Khabarovsk region
  • Chukotka
  • Yakutia

The law applies to territories located at least 10 km away from populated areas, provided that the population of the nearest city is no more than 50 thousand people. If the number of residents reaches 300 thousand people, then the minimum distance between the city and the plot of land is 20 km. IDPs cannot claim plots located within the boundaries of rural and urban settlements.

How to get land

To receive a free hectare of land in the Far East you must:

  • register on a specially created website nadalniyvostok.rf or the Gosuslugi portal
  • select a suitable site, for example, using a cadastral map (a special service is also being developed for these purposes)
  • submit an application for registration of the selected plot
  • wait for the order to provide the site for free use
  • receive official confirmation and agreement
  • sign an agreement

If a citizen wishing to obtain a plot of land does not have access to the Internet, he or she must contact the nearest multifunctional center, where they will help with paperwork. It will take no more than a month to complete registration of the land plot.


It is prohibited to sell, buy, or lease plots received from the state. If the land received from the state is not used, it may be seized.


Since October 1, 2016, residents of the Far East have the right to receive a free hectare of land. During this time, as of February 1, 2017, 44,175 applications were submitted, 39,879 applications are currently under consideration, 4,296 plots were given to citizens for use.


“Far Eastern Hectare” is perhaps one of the most interesting measures to support the population adopted in Russia recently. It is clear that this is rather a measure to stop the outflow of population from the Far East and an attempt to “fix” people on earth. Maybe free plot will also serve as an additional incentive for those who decided to move under the program of resettlement of compatriots. However, it is hardly possible to imagine that people from prosperous regions will leave their homes and rush to raise the Far East. To attract people from the rest of Russia to this federal district, incentives are needed that are much more significant than a hectare of land costing no more than 50,000 rubles.

In addition, there is also the issue of infrastructure of the allocated areas. Without roads and light, this proposal will not be interesting to almost anyone. Placing the development of infrastructure for allocated areas on the shoulders of the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District means shifting this burden onto the shoulders of the people living there and actively leaving there.

As I understand it, in addition to the land itself, you can also receive grants for development. I will try to study this issue and tell you about it. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments to the post, or call the hotline.

Hotline for obtaining free land in the Far East 8 800 200 13 17

Since the beginning of February 2017, all citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to receive land plots in the Far East under the Far Eastern Hectare program. It does not matter in which region they permanently reside.

Previously, only residents of the Far Eastern Federal District (hereinafter referred to as the Far Eastern Federal District) could take advantage of this right. This procedure is completely free for applicants. It is planned that by the end of the year about one hundred thousand more people will take advantage of this opportunity. How can I get land, under what conditions and what documents will be required for this?

The law on the Far Eastern hectare has been in force since 2016. But only from the beginning of February 2017, the right to obtain plots in the Far Eastern Federal District was granted to all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of their place of permanent residence. The law does not make distinctions between those wishing to become owners of Far Eastern land plots: on a par with individuals, they can be individual entrepreneurs or legal entities. Moreover, the legislation also does not establish any restrictions on the intended use of land.

Potential owners can build residential buildings on them, conduct business or engage in agriculture. Moreover, the intended purpose of the resulting site can be changed at any time without any complications.

The size of the allocated plots should not exceed one hectare per person.

Those wishing to move to the Far East are attracted by numerous benefits and privileges in various fields, set for them:

  • allowances to the basic wages, the amount of which is set in proportion to length of service (from 30 to 100 percent);
  • reduced working hours for women (36 hours per week);
  • payment for vacation time to move to a new place of residence and settle down;
  • payment for tickets to the venue labor leave and back, but no more than twice during the year;
  • receiving labor pension on preferential terms ahead of schedule.

For those moving, it is planned to introduce preferential mortgage loans and support them if they intend to engage in agricultural development.

Conditions for obtaining a land plot under the Far Eastern Hectare program

To obtain a plot of land in the Far Eastern Federal District, everyone must have Russian citizenship. This is a mandatory condition that every applicant and his family members must meet. You can use this right only once.

Exercise your right online on the portal public services. If you do not have your own account on it, then contact the MFC, whose employees will fill out your application for free. Persons participating in this program must meet mandatory conditions established by law.

If they are not observed land plots will be confiscated:

  • within one year after you start using the land, make a final decision on how you will use it, whether buildings will be built on it, and what you plan to do. During this period of time, begin to prepare all the necessary documents and develop the land;
  • three years after registration of the site, submit a report on its intended use. The documents you collect must indicate what activities you have carried out in order to develop the land plot, and the absence of violations in the conduct of business;
  • After five years, buy the land you are using into your property or arrange a long-term lease for it. Approach your decision with all responsibility, taking into account the nuances: after all, when registering ownership rights, you will have to bear all the responsibilities of the owner of the site and pay taxes.

Since February 2017, citizens of the Russian Federation living in all regions of the country have the right to obtain the right to develop land. Foreigners, stateless persons, foreign companies. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, they cannot even rent land on the territory of the Russian Federation. A special program has been developed for compatriots living outside the country, giving them the opportunity to return to their homeland.

The law provides for the allocation of no more than one hectare of land to each person. At the request of the applicant, the area of ​​the site may be reduced.

If there are three people in a family, then they can count on three hectares of land. Citizens can unite into cooperatives to obtain land larger area depending on the planned type of activity. The law limits the maximum number of cooperative members to no more than 10 people.

Not all lands of the Far Eastern Federal District are subject to distribution: they do not include lands on which mining operations are being carried out, specially protected areas, and areas planned for use for municipal needs.

There are also restrictions on their location. They must be located no closer than 10 km to populated areas with a population of 50,000 people and no closer than 20 km to them if they have more than 300,000 people. Despite the established privileges, persons wishing to obtain land plots in the Far Eastern Federal District may encounter various difficulties. Obtaining a plot of land and its development is not an easy task.

Who can get a Far Eastern hectare of land

An application for a plot of land in the Far Eastern Federal District can be accepted from the following categories of applicants:

  • from persons with Russian citizenship;
  • from persons living outside the Russian Federation who wish to move to the country under the “Voluntary Resettlement of Compatriots” program;
  • from groups of no more than 10 people to receive a single plot of larger area.

For what purposes can the Far Eastern hectare be used?

Land plots in the Far Eastern Federal District can be obtained for use for various purposes. There are no restrictions for migrants. You can start building residential or commercial facilities on it, or engage in business or agricultural activities.

Initially, land is provided for free use for a period of up to five years. At the end of this period of time, the state commission will familiarize itself with all the documents on the development of a specific site. Only after this will he decide on the possibility of providing it as property.

Receiving ownership of a land plot gives its owners more powers in relation to it: you can dispose of it as you wish, sell, donate or exchange it, and also pass it on by inheritance. If you do not want to acquire ownership of the land, then it is possible to obtain a long-term lease for it (up to 49 years).

There are some restrictions you should be aware of. If a citizen received land from the forest fund, then it will be possible to register ownership of this plot only after 10 years, provided that its category is changed and it is removed from the forest fund land.

During the first year, make a decision about how you plan to use the land you receive. Notify the authorized authorities about this. After three years, submit a land use declaration. If the user of the land has not taken any measures to develop it, then he may lose this plot. In such circumstances, the contract of gratuitous use is terminated in unilaterally. The wishes of the land user are not taken into account.

If the resolution of the issue is referred to judiciary, then the authorized body will have to prove the fact of non-development of the land plot. The law does not contain clear criteria for defining this concept. If the land was acquired for individual housing construction, then the absence of buildings on it gives grounds to assert that the site has not been developed. In other cases, the court will make a decision taking into account the specific circumstances of the case.

When filling out an application, remember that land plots are not allocated within populated areas.

If 50,000 people live in them, then the allocated areas are located at a distance of at least 10 km from it. For settlements with a population of 300,000 people, the limit is 20 km.

Where they give free land in the Far East

Despite the provision of numerous benefits, settlers are in no hurry to obtain land plots in the Far Eastern Federal District. The main reason why this happens: the remoteness of the allocated land plots from populated areas. Those wishing to exercise their right to receive a Far Eastern hectare will receive it on those lands that are located at a distance of 10 km and 20 km from settlements with a population of 50,000 and 300,000 people, respectively. In fact, many plots of land are located in swampy or forested areas. These are undeveloped lands. Sometimes they are also difficult to reach.

It is not possible to examine these areas in detail on a virtual map; their boundaries are indicated approximately. When receiving lands by selecting them from a map, the applicant does not always actually receive what he expected. After all, the final designation of boundaries on the ground is made only after the application is approved.

Since February 2017, applications have been accepted from citizens of the Russian Federation for land plots in the areas indicated below:

  • Amursk;
  • Anadyrsky;
  • Arkharinsky;
  • Olsk;
  • Oktyabrsky;
  • Tymovsky;
  • Neryungrinsky;
  • Ust-Bolsheretsky;
  • Khankaysk.

How to find a free plot in the Far East

How to use the interactive map to decide on the choice of land? Territories marked in gray are not subject to distribution. Pay attention to the lands indicated in light color. Plots can be obtained on the territory of the following constituent entities of the Russian Federation: Yakutia, Chukotka, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Jewish Autonomous Okrug, in the Amur and Magadan regions, in the Khabarovsk Territory and Primorye.

Left-click on the location you choose. If this land plot already has an owner, then information about him will appear in the left window. Typically, land that has already been distributed is indicated in red. This means that they are already registered in the cadastral register.

On the map you can see areas marked with a green outline. This way, those areas are marked for which there are applications and they are currently being considered. If the circuit becomes blue, which means the application has been approved.

If, when you click on the selected area, the message “nothing found” appears, then you can mark on the map the area that you like. To do this, find “pencil” in the left panel. When drawing the boundaries of the site, its area will be automatically calculated, which can be seen in the left window. If the area of ​​a plot exceeds the permitted size (more than 1 hectare), its boundaries will turn red. In this case, reduce the area of ​​the land by changing its boundaries.

When you have completed your selection, click the orange “Check” button. If there are no obstacles to your receiving this particular piece of land, then an inscription will appear indicating the possibility of going to the office to submit the appropriate application.

How to take land for free in the Far East

To obtain a plot of land, you must complete the following steps:

  • register on the government services portal;
  • log into your personal account on a special website;
  • mark the boundaries of your chosen area on the cadastral map;
  • confirm your choice;
  • fill out an application for obtaining a plot and send it to the authorized bodies;
  • after approval of the application, the land plot will be provided to you for use and registered in the cadastral register;
  • sign an agreement for the free use of this site.

This entire procedure will take no more than one month. You will not have to bear any expenses. In your personal account, information will always be available on what stage the consideration of the issue is at, where exactly the site you have chosen is located, and all its characteristics.

If the solution to the issue requires cadastral work, then payment will be made from the budget and is completely free for the applicant. You will also receive information about the persons who are engaged in these works in the Far Eastern Federal District in your personal account. The completion of the work they carry out will be the issuance of a boundary plan, a boundary approval act, technical plan and extracts from the cadastral register. These documents are produced on paper and in electronic form.

If you do not have access to the Internet, submit an application through the MFC or any branch of Rosreestr.

Filing an application for registration of a Far Eastern hectare requires the provision of the following information:

  • the applicant's full name, details of his passport, personal account indicated in the insurance certificate (SNILS), address;
  • cadastral number of the plot;
  • number and date of the decision on land surveying;
  • a plot of land is purchased for ownership or lease;
  • for what purposes will the land plot be used;
  • your contact information where we can contact you.

Be sure to attach a copy of your passport and site plan. You can submit it electronically. If all these actions are performed not by you personally, but by your representative, then do not forget to give him notarized power of attorney. A copy of it is also attached to the application. Actions of authorized bodies upon request additional documents are illegal.

How to register a Far Eastern hectare as your property

The procedure for considering an application for obtaining a Far Eastern hectare ends with the conclusion of an agreement on its free use.

This agreement has a validity period of 5 years. His mandatory conditions are instructions on the characteristics of the site and its intended use. Remember that there are no problems with changing the purpose of the site.

By the end of the five-year period, make up your mind and decide whether you will take the land as your own or for a long-term lease.

The draft agreement is sent to the applicant. You have 30 days to sign it.

Then submit the signed agreement to the authorized body, send it by mail or via the Internet.

The signing of the agreement by both parties gives the owner the right to register his rights to the land plot.

Refusal to provide a Far Eastern hectare

There are circumstances in which the applicant receives a well-founded refusal:

  • if the application does not contain all the required data. For example, it does not contain contact information about the applicant or any information is indicated erroneously and does not correspond to reality;
  • if the size of the requested plot exceeds its size limit and is more than 1 hectare per person;
  • if the application came from individual who is not a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • if the application is submitted by a representative, and a copy of the notarized power of attorney is missing;
  • in the absence of a land plot plan;
  • if the application was submitted before February 2017, and the citizen does not live in the region whose residents were granted this right at the moment. Until this moment, only residents of the Far Eastern Federal District had this right.

An approved application may be canceled if a citizen violates the rules for the development of a land plot. Under such circumstances, the contract for the free use of land is terminated unilaterally without the consent of the land user.

News of the Far Eastern hectare program

Since the adoption of the law on the Far Eastern hectare, the right to receive land initially belonged only to persons living in the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District. Only since February 2017, this opportunity was provided to all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of the region of their permanent residence.

To attract immigrants, it is planned to carry out activities to support entrepreneurship: their material support, development of the necessary infrastructure. Interest in the Far Eastern Hectare program is mainly shown by young people under the age of 24. They are attracted to land plots in regions such as Primorye, Khabarovsk Territory and Amur Region.

Applications for land plots were submitted by 29 million citizens of the Russian Federation. Although not all of them will actually use these land plots in the future.