Registration number of the notarized power of attorney. Methods for verifying a power of attorney. What data does it contain?

When making transactions in which the participating party is represented by a trustee, questions often arise about how to check the power of attorney for its legality and validity. This event is especially important because If the fact of invalidity is established, the transaction may be declared void, leading to negative consequences. The power of attorney can be checked for cancellation by either party using certain information resources.

Validity check

It is impossible to check a notarized power of attorney for a stranger, even if he is the other party to the transaction and is directly related to it. This prohibition operates on the basis of the provisions of the Fundamentals of Legislation on Notaries, within the framework of a general ban on the disclosure of information about documents. Despite the impossibility of obtaining information directly from a notary’s office, the other party to the transaction can take the following steps:

  1. Check the correctness of the document;
  2. Check the legality of the transferred powers;
  3. Check the parties for legal capacity.

If there is no doubt about the correctness of execution and legality of authority under the document, it is necessary to make sure that the document has not been revoked by the principal.

Who can check

In view of the above prohibition on the transfer of any information relating to notarized documents, information is transferred only to the following applicants:

  1. Persons who have drawn up a document at a notary office.
  2. Legal representatives who applied in connection with this document to a notary.
  3. Representatives of the court, prosecutor's office, investigative authorities at their request.
  4. The bailiff service, if the request is related to the direct performance of their duties.
  5. Notaries.

When is verification necessary?

The law does not provide for a requirement to verify the authenticity of a power of attorney. This measure is recommended for the parties to the transaction themselves in order to guarantee its purity and further recognition as legal.

The most common situations when citizens and legal entities check the validity of a power of attorney include:

  • Signing purchase and sale agreements;
  • Preparation of legal documents related to the disposal of the property of one of the parties;
  • Preparation of documents regulating financial relations parties (individuals and legal entities).

Checking the power of attorney for cancellation

Where to go

Despite the prohibition on receiving information from a notary, the data can be verified in two ways:

  1. Contact the principal directly;
  2. Request information in the official online resource of the Russian Notary Chamber, accessible to everyone.

The collected register of powers of attorney contains open information about powers of attorney that have been revoked by the principals for any reason.

The register was developed to:

Relationships related to the disposal of expensive property and finances require special attention. Since 2015, there has been an increase in the number of registered cases of fraud related to the execution of fake powers of attorney when concluding transactions aimed at alienating real estate.

Attention! The law does not oblige verification of authenticity, but practice shows that it is better to carry out this operation and conclude a deal with confidence than to reveal the illegality of a power of attorney after concluding an agreement and receive negative result from the agreement.

What data does it contain?

According to Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated June 17, 2014 No. 128 The Unified Register should cover the following data on the power of attorney:

  • number and date of registration in the Register of Notarial Actions and in the Register of Powers of Attorney;
  • information about the applicant;
  • type of notary service, i.e. execution of a power of attorney;
  • summary of the document;
  • series and number used to perform a notarial act;
  • information about the person who performed the notarial service;
  • information about the person who entered the data into the database;
  • positive result regarding payment;
  • scanned document;
  • information about the amendments made.

When does information about a document enter the database?

The requirements established by legislators force notaries to include information in the Register immediately following the execution of the act of expression of will.

How to check on the site?

For it is necessary to have an Internet resource and the attributes of the act itself. Next you need:

What to do if you can't find the information?

If the requested information was not found on the portal either in the active section or in the canceled section, it means that the requested power of attorney was not entered by the notary into the Register or was issued before the start of its work.

To verify the authenticity of the power of attorney, you must contact the notary who issued the power of attorney. If he refuses to provide information about the authenticity of a document he previously issued, you must contact the Federal Notary Chamber of the Russian Federation.

The work of the Register started at the beginning of 2017. Of course, there are a number of shortcomings in organizational issues: the database does not contain the absolute number of powers of attorney issued in the territory Russian Federation, perhaps not every notary performs his duties conscientiously. At the same time, the Registry has already shown good results, and many have appreciated its advantages. The service is relevant when the likelihood of fraud has increased.

The register of powers of attorney is a unified official electronic service, which is designed to prevent the use of invalid powers of attorney issued by citizens and legal entities on the territory of Russia ( joint stock companies, limited liability companies), as well as to protect their rights and legitimate interests.

The registry allows you to:

  • check the power of attorney according to the details for validity and authenticity - if it is certified by a notary;
  • obtain information about the revocation of a power of attorney made in simple written form from the register of canceled powers of attorney.

Official website of the register of powers of attorney:

Registry operator: Federal Notary Chamber (FNP)

You can obtain information about powers of attorney entered into the register and about their cancellation online: daily and around the clock.

What information can be obtained from the registry

The register of powers of attorney allows you to obtain the following information:

  • about the person who certified the power of attorney;
  • about the date of certification of the power of attorney;
  • O registration number powers of attorney in the register of notarial actions of the UIS;
  • about the date and time of entering information about the cancellation of the power of attorney in this register if the power of attorney is cancelled.

Payment for extract from the register

Access to information from the register is free.

How to check a notarized power of attorney

In order to check the power of attorney in the registry, it is enough to take a few basic steps.

Go to the official website of the registry

Fill out the form on the website:

  • in the field " Certificate date» we fill in the date when the power of attorney was certified, the date can be seen at the very beginning of the power of attorney, before its text, or at the very end, in the notary’s certification inscription;
  • in the field " Registration number» indicate the registration number of the power of attorney, it can also be found at the very end of the power of attorney in the notary’s certification inscription; until 2018 it had the format “1-4332”, since 2018 it looks like this 67/143-n/67-2018-1-97;
  • in the field " Notary» indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the notary who certified the power of attorney, this information is located after the text of the power of attorney - in the certification inscription, as well as in the notary’s seal;
  • in the field " Principal» indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the person on whose behalf the power of attorney was issued; if the power of attorney was issued by a legal entity, then indicate the OGRN and TIN.

Analysis of test results

After the check is completed, you can receive three possible answers:

Option 1

the power of attorney is valid and has not been revoked

You received the answer: Based on the entered data (Certification date 01/24/2018, Registration number 63/193-n/63-2018-1-97, full name of the notary _________________, principal full name Vyazkov Alexander Alexandrovich), a document registered in the EIS register was found on 01/24/2018 15:52 :09 No. 47910324. No information about the cancellation of the power of attorney was found.

What does it mean: the power of attorney is valid, has actually been certified by a notary, is registered in the registry and has not been revoked.

Option 2

the power of attorney exists, but not all the data you entered matches the register

You received the answer: Based on the entered data (Certification date 01/24/2018, Registration number 63/193-n/63-2018-1-97, notary's full name ______________, principal full name Vyazkov Alexander), a document with a partial match was found (Certification date 01/24/2018, Registry number 63/193-n/63-2018-1-97, full name of the notary _________________-). There may be an error in the information about the principal. Contact the notary who certified the power of attorney. There is no search for information about the revocation of a power of attorney.

What does it mean: The power of attorney was checked in the registry, but not all the entered data coincides; it is not possible to say whether the power of attorney is among those revoked or not, since a search based on this criterion was not carried out.

Option 3

a power of attorney was issued, but has now been revoked

You received the answer: Based on the entered data (Date of certification 07/24/2017, Registration number 2-799, full name of the notary ____________, principal full name Tkachenko Yana Vladimirovna), a document was found registered in the EIS register 07/24/2017 11:07:03 No. 38013063. Information about the cancellation of the power of attorney was found , registered in the EIS 12/05/2017 14:26:40.

What does it mean: this answer means that the power of attorney was issued, but is now in the status of revoked

Legal acts

The legal regulation of the register of powers of attorney is carried out by Art. 34 and art. 35 Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries, as well as departmental acts of the FNP.

Video instructions for checking the validity of a power of attorney

Sometimes citizens wonder whether how to check a notarized power of attorney how to check a notarized power of attorney for authenticity how to check Is the notarized power of attorney revoked??

In this article you will learn:

1. ;

2. ;

3. ;

4. ;

5. ;

6. .

But first, we remind you that, according to paragraph 1 of Art. 185 part 1 Civil Code Russian Federation, we quote:

  • A power of attorney is a written authority issued by one person to another person or other persons for representation before third parties.

Based on this norm, it follows that a power of attorney can be issued by:

  • on behalf of an individual (citizen) to an individual(citizen);
  • on behalf of legal entity(organizations) to a legal entity (organizations);

In addition, powers of attorney can be issued by an organization to a citizen and/or organization and vice versa, i.e. from a citizen of the organization and/or to a citizen.

Not to mention legal subtleties and despite the fact that since 2013, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation was supplemented with Article 185.1 (certification of a power of attorney), nothing has changed particularly strongly or fundamentally, because before its addition, almost the same thing was stated in Article 185, which was previously called “Power of Attorney”. But the legislator apparently decided to somewhat differentiate this article and since 2013 he has divided it into two - General provisions on the power of attorney (Article 185) and Certificate of Power of Attorney (Article 185.1). We quote art. 185.1 part 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

  • 1. Power of attorney for transactions requiring a notarial form, for filing applications for state registration rights or transactions, as well as to dispose of registered in state registers rights must be notarized, except as otherwise provided by law.
  • 2. The following are equivalent to notarized powers of attorney:
  • 1) powers of attorney of military personnel and other persons undergoing treatment in hospitals, sanatoriums and other military medical institutions, which are certified by the head of such institution, his deputy for medical affairs, and in their absence, the senior or duty doctor;
  • 2) powers of attorney of military personnel, and at points of deployment of military units, formations, institutions and military educational institutions, where there are no notary offices and other bodies performing notarial acts, also powers of attorney of employees, members of their families and family members of military personnel, which are certified by the commander (chief ) these units, formations, institutions or establishments;
  • 3) powers of attorney of persons in places of deprivation of liberty, which are certified by the head of the corresponding place of deprivation of liberty;
  • 4) powers of attorney of adult capable citizens living in stationary social service organizations, which are certified by the administration of this organization or the head (his deputy) of the relevant body social protection population.
  • 3. Power of attorney to receive wages and other payments related to labor relations, to receive remuneration for authors and inventors, pensions, benefits and scholarships or to receive correspondence, with the exception of valuable correspondence, can be certified by the organization in which the principal works or studies, and by the administration of the inpatient medical institution in which he is being treated. Such a power of attorney is certified free of charge.
  • 4. A power of attorney on behalf of a legal entity is issued signed by its head or another person authorized to do so in accordance with the law and constituent documents.

How to check the validity of a notarized power of attorney?

If you doubt something and have a strong desire to check the reality notarized power of attorney, then we recommend you several ways to solve your issue:

  1. Contact the notary who drew up and certified the power of attorney;
  2. Check the notarized power of attorney online through the website of the Federal Notary Chamber.

How to check the authenticity of a notarized power of attorney?

To check the authenticity of a notarized power of attorney, you do not need to order a special examination; you just need to enter the necessary details contained in the power of attorney on the website of the Federal Notary Chamber. And if the data in the power of attorney and on the website of the Federal Notary Chamber differs, then this is already a reason to look deeper, or even go to the police to write a statement about this fact.

Where to check a notarized power of attorney online?

where to check a notarized power of attorney online? To the question of where to check a notarized power of attorney online, we answer unequivocally: you can check a notarized power of attorney online on the official website of the Federal Notary Chamber, because Recently, this opportunity has become available to interested parties.


How to check a notarized power of attorney in the registry?

Do you want to know how to check a notarized power of attorney against the registry? It's very simple. You need to go to the official website of the Federal Notary Chamber and fill out all the necessary details in the appropriate form.

How to check a notarized power of attorney by number?

To check a notarized power of attorney by number, you must go to the official website of the Federal Notary Chamber and fill out all the necessary details in the appropriate form.

How to check whether a notarized power of attorney has been revoked?

Thanks to publicly available information on the website of the Federal Notary Chamber, anyone can check whether a notarized power of attorney has been revoked.


What actions should you take if you instruct another person to sign papers on your behalf? Let's consider both situations below and find out how to check the power of attorney with a notary.

Power of attorney: types

Power of attorney - legal document, issued to a second person to fulfill the powers specified in the document. This document comes in two types.

The first type is a power of attorney in a simple form. Written by the owner handwritten or typed on a computer. It contains information about the principal and the authorized person, with a detailed description of the people, their names, surnames, patronymics, age, if possible, passport details, the date of signing the power of attorney and its validity period.

The list contains in the document the actions that the principal allows the authorized person to carry out. This could be signing a purchase and sale agreement for an apartment, a car, a plot of land, a house, or performing actions with other documents. Such a power of attorney will not require financial investments. The main thing is that everything in it is correctly and competently designed.

The second type is a notarized power of attorney. To receive of this document you must visit a notary who will issue a power of attorney for all legal rules. Assign a number and date of issue to the power of attorney and create it on a special form. The notary will require a fee for his services. But in this case, you will know for sure that the document was drawn up by a professional who knows his business.

How to revoke a power of attorney

Despite the differences between these powers of attorney, they are both legally significant and can be referred to in official documents.

If you are forced to make a power of attorney on your behalf to another person (relative, friend, colleague), then carefully read the text of the document. Please note what actions on your behalf are specified in the power of attorney. Be sure to look at the validity period of such a license. Very often, a notary offers to make a power of attorney for a long period of time - five, ten years, justifying this by the fact that in the future you will not have to pay money again for a new license if it is required. But such a period can play a cruel joke on you. If you forget about the power of attorney issued on your behalf, then the authorized person may, even after eight or nine years, carry out legal manipulations under this power of attorney. And according to the law, you will not be able to challenge this. Therefore, it is very important not to make a power of attorney for a long term, only for the period of time that is needed. If, after all, a power of attorney was issued for a long period, then do not be lazy to revoke such a license.

To revoke a handwritten power of attorney, you must notify the trustee that you are revoking your power of attorney. This can be done in person or by mail by sending a registered letter with return receipt requested to the person’s actual residential address.

Important! It is necessary to receive the original document in hand from a trusted person.

To revoke a notarized power of attorney, you need to go to a notary and report it. Next, you or the notary will inform the authorized person that the power of attorney has been revoked, and he will have to return it to you or directly to the notary who issued it.

It is also necessary to notify other parties who are interested in this about the revocation of the license. If you ordered the sale of a car, then notify the traffic police, if you ordered the sale of real estate, then notify the Rosreestr of your site.

The third type of power of attorney is irrevocable; it is impossible to revoke such a power of attorney. All that remains is to wait for it to expire.

Check the power of attorney against the register with a notary

When to check powers of attorney:

  • concluding contracts for the purchase and sale of real estate.
  • registration of material transactions with legal companies or individuals.
  • registration of documents for certain property (sale of an apartment, house, car).

If you are involved in a transaction where the second person is represented by a trustee under a power of attorney, then it is worth spending a little time but making sure that the document is authentic and that it has not been revoked.

This document verification is optional, but recommended. It is worth checking before making a transaction.

From January 1, 2017, you can check the power of attorney on a special website For this, minimal data is needed: registration number, date of certification, full name of the notary who issued the document, and information about the acting and principal.

Having filled out the indicated fields, the site will conduct an analysis and provide the result of the power of attorney being verified: whether it is real or not, when it was issued and by whom.

Notaries are required to enter Unified register all data on issued powers of attorney every day. Data about revoked powers of attorney, which no longer carry legal force, is also entered there.

The site's service can be used around the clock, with only a computer and the Internet at hand. It is also worth noting that the service is free.

Important! Since 2015, cases of fraudulent activities related to the conclusion of contracts under false powers of attorney have increased. It is worth spending a little time checking the document rather than later dealing with the consequences of such a transaction using a false document.

Nowadays it is very important to pay close attention documents that contain information about our property, so as not to be left out.