Migration Service ban. FMS passport check CIS blacklist - Checking the presence of grounds for not allowing IGs and LBGs to enter the territory of the Russian Federation through the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. On what grounds can an entry ban be lifted?

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If a representative of a foreign state is going to go to Russia, then before leaving it would be a good idea to find out whether there is a ban on entry into the state for him.

After all, then arrival in the country will be impossible.

How to find out in advance about a possible ban, what grounds there may be for this and how to avoid entry restrictions, you can find out in detail in our article.

Who can be banned from entering Russia?

Ban on who can get in

A ban on entry into the Russian Federation is established for violation by a foreigner of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Main normative act, which regulates issues of a ban on entry into the state, is the Federal Law “On the procedure for exit and entry into the Russian Federation.”

By general rule, when crossing the border, the person undertakes to provide representatives border service international passport and visas (if visa permission is required).

However, a ban on travel to the Russian Federation can be established even if a foreign citizen has all the permits to enter.

This is important

Consequently, a citizen of any country can become persona non grata, but only if there are grounds provided for in the law on entry and exit from Russia.

What reasons could there be for a ban?

Reasons for the ban

The legislation defines the grounds that may become a reason for a ban on a visit to Russia and unconditional cases of a travel ban.

In Art. 26 of the above Federal Law establishes grounds that may serve as a reason for refusal to enter the country (but this does not always happen).

These are the following cases:

  1. Providing false information to a foreigner about his identity for the purpose of entering the Russian Federation.
  2. Violation of sanitary or customs rules when crossing the border.
  3. He was subjected to administrative punishment in Russia two or more times within three years.
  4. During his previous visit, he exceeded his period of stay in Russia. In case of such a violation, entry is restricted for 3 years. But there is an exception - exceeding the period of stay will not lead to a ban on visiting the Russian Federation if a person was forced to stay in Russia (serious illness, death of a relative, other emergency situations).
  5. The person participates in organizations that are considered undesirable in Russia.

The law also establishes cases when a foreigner is unconditionally prohibited from entering Russia:

  1. The ban is imposed in case of a threat to the safety of Russian citizens (for example, this applies to HIV-infected people) or for reasons of security or defense capability of the country.
  2. If there has already been a decision on deportation, then the person is prohibited from visiting the Russian Federation for 5 years. If a foreigner has committed multiple violations, he cannot come to Russia for 10 years.
  3. If there is a decision on readmission - sending a foreign citizen from Russia to his country due to his failure to comply with the rules of stay in the Russian Federation. In this case, the ban period is 3 years.
  4. Unexpunged or unexpunged convictions for offenses committed in Russia.
  5. Presentation of false data.
  6. During previous trips to Russia, the person did not pay a fine or taxes.
  7. Failure to provide the necessary documentation required for the issuance of a visa.
  8. There is a reasoned decision that the person’s stay is undesirable or that this person is a US citizen and is on the list of undesirable persons for staying in the Russian Federation.
  9. Exceeding the period of stay in the country for 90 days every 180 days (3-year limit).
  10. Receiving an administrative punishment in the Russian Federation for violating public order (violation 2 or more times) or if a foreigner violated the procedure for carrying out labor activities in Russia.
  11. Violation of the period of temporary residence in the country for more than 180 days is a ban for 5 years.
  12. At the State Border, the arrival was unable to confirm his income for living in the Russian Federation.

Who imposes the ban?

Prohibiting authorities

The following government bodies can make a decision on the inadmissibility of entry into the state:

  • representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • authorized persons from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • Ministry of Defense;
  • Migration service authorities;
  • Drug Control Service;
  • Customs officials;
  • Penitentiary Service;
  • Rospotrebnadzor issues a ban if a foreigner has HIV, tuberculosis, or other dangerous diseases.
  • Foreign Intelligence Service.


If there are facts of violation on the part of a citizen of another country that allow a ban on his stay, the authorized federal body issues a decision on this.

When a persona non grata's address (if it is located on the territory of the Russian Federation) has been established, a notice of the ban must be sent to him within 3 days.

How to check if there is a ban?

How to check

If you need to find out whether you are allowed to travel to Russia, you can get information about this on the FMS website. To do this, a special field in Russian is filled out on the website, where the following information is entered:

  • Full name of the applicant;
  • date of birth;
  • what citizenship do you have?
  • the number and name of the document with which the person entered Russia during his last visit, the name of the country that issued the documents;
  • At the end of the form you must enter the code shown in the picture.

The information provided by the FMS has reference status only. That is, the answer from the FMS is not 100% reliable.

To receive an official response, which will provide accurate information about the presence or absence of an entry ban, you must submit a written application to the FMS departments. The response must be issued within 30 days and sent to you by mail. Postal delivery may take up to 10 days.

How to lift the ban on entry into Russia?

How to remove the ban

If you find out that you have indeed been banned from visiting Russia, you have every right to appeal it. However, the chances of lifting the ban will be completely different for each foreigner.

If a person was deported from the Russian Federation during a previous visit, then you can appeal your entry ban, but the ban will be denied.

If an error actually occurred and you did not receive administrative penalties or have not exceeded the terms of stay in the Russian Federation, but the FMS says the opposite, then it is worth appealing the response of the migration service, proving your innocence.

Procedure for appealing an entry ban

To lift a travel ban, you must first make such a request to the authority that issued the travel restriction.

However, the fact is that the FMS, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rospotrebnadzor and some other bodies can issue a decision on a ban on travel to Russia, but they do not have the authority to cancel their decisions, even if the reasons for the impossibility of entry of a foreigner have already disappeared.

For example, Rosportrebnadzor can issue a decision on the undesirability of a foreigner’s stay in the Russian Federation if he has been diagnosed with HIV, but does not have the right to mark him.

Then, to appeal the established ban on visits to the Russian Federation, you should contact the court through a representative. Consequently, an application is submitted to the court with a request to cancel the decision of the body that issued the ban.

The statement indicates the reasons for appealing the decision:

  • there were no grounds for closing the entry;
  • the decision was made illegally (in violation of instructions, etc.).

As for the deadlines for filing an application, you can challenge the decision to ban a visit to Russia within three months.

Moreover given period is counted from the day when the foreigner learned that a decision on the ban had been made against him.

If, for example, the period of residence in the Russian Federation was exceeded due to a serious illness, then you should attach a certificate from a doctor or confirm other reasons that prevented you from leaving on time.

Migration policy Russian state is a collection of various measures designed to resolve current issues. One of the most important issues The issue that has come to the forefront today is the issue of migrants. Some foreign citizens have recently encountered an unpleasant situation when they are subject to an entry ban.

For what reasons is entry prohibited?

There are many reasons for an entry ban. Particular attention is paid to citizens of countries unfriendly to Russia. Federal Migration Service employees pay no less attention to people arriving from migration-risk countries, or from those states in which cases of fatal infectious diseases have been recorded.

The second group of citizens whose entry into Russia is taboo includes officials and military personnel who were blacklisted in 2014, when the “sanctions war” began. The third “non-entry” group includes persons subject to injunction based on their violation Russian legislation.

Other reasons for the ban

Other reasons why a foreign person is prohibited from entering the territory of the Russian state include:

  1. Violation of rules while crossing the state border.
  2. Providing false documents
  3. Providing knowingly false information about your identity.
  4. Evasion of taxpayer obligations.

If a person suspects that entry “sanctions” apply to him, he needs to contact the authorities executive branch at your place of residence and receive all the necessary clarifications.

Where to check the entry ban

You can check your passport regarding the ban on entry into the territory of the Russian state on the official website of the Russian Federal Migration Service.

The verification can be carried out either by a foreign person or by a person without citizenship. You can check your passport regarding the entry ban by filling out the following fields on the website:

  • last name and first name (they must be entered as they are written in the passport);
  • day, month and year of birth;
  • nationality;
  • number of the applicant’s identity document;
  • date of validity of the applicant’s identity document;
  • the state or organization that issued the document;
  • security code from the picture (if it is not visible, you can click on the “audio” button and listen to the code).

After this, you need to click on the “send request” button.

For FMS employees, such data as full name, passport number and nationality of the applicant are of great importance. But this does not mean that other columns should be ignored or filled in incorrectly. The more detailed information about yourself the applicant provides, the faster he will receive a response to the request.

The FMS website is useful primarily for stateless people. The period of the ban on entry into the territory of the Russian state in some cases reaches 10 years.

Some foreign citizens are prohibited from entering Russia. If it is imposed, it is impossible to cross the Russian border, and travel costs are not refunded. To avoid possible financial problems, it is recommended to check information about restrictions in advance.

Citizens foreign countries They report a refusal to enter the Russian Federation most often when crossing the Russian border. This is due to the peculiarities of the work of the migration department, which does not inform people about the presence of entry restrictions.

Often the reasons for such a decision are:

To avoid financial and temporary losses, persons who have had problems with the law, violations of migration policy, or health problems in the past should check their status in advance with the Main Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

How long does the entry restriction into Russia last?

In case of single violations of Russian legislation and migration policy by a foreign citizen, expulsion or deportation lasts from several months to 5 years. It is possible to appeal the ban in the courts.

In case of repeated violations or attempts to illegally cross the border, the term increases to 10 years. It is almost impossible to appeal the decision.

Contacting foreign missions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

You can find out about the existence of a ban yourself at foreign missions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. This method provides 99% reliable up-to-date information on the applicant. If entry into Russia is denied, a specialist from the unit will provide full information about the reason for the negative decision and the duration of its validity.

Ways to obtain information:

  • Make a request yourself to the nearest branch of the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or with the help of a legal representative who has a notarized power of attorney;
  • Write a letter of request to the territorial office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in your state.

When visiting a branch in person, information can be obtained on the day of application. You must have a civilian or foreign passport. Notarization a power of attorney for a legal representative is issued in one of the countries of the Minsk Agreement and has the official seal of that state. Translation into Russian is not required.

A written application is sent to the department of the Main Department of Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with the help of an authorized representative or by mail to the head of the department’s representative office in the applicant’s country of residence.

The following information must be provided in free form:

  • Citizenship;
  • Date of birth;
  • Passport details of the requested person (civilian or international passport number);
  • Please indicate in your response letter the presence/absence of an entry ban and its reasons;

The period for consideration of the request is up to 10 working days. Having copies of the applicant's identification documents will speed up the process. The response is sent to the person by mail within the prescribed period.

In 2016, the Federal Migration Service was disbanded, and its functions were transferred to the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Issues of migration, registration and stay of citizens of foreign states in the Russian Federation, including the appointment and lifting of an entry ban, are now within the competence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Addresses of representative offices of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the CIS countries:

  • Republic of Armenia, Yerevan, st. Manushyan, 72;
  • Republic of Abkhazia, Sukhum, st. Lakoba, 103;
  • Republic of Belarus, Minsk, st. Novovilenskaya, 1A;
  • Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, st. Baraeva, 4;
  • Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, Manas Ave., 55;
  • Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, st. Abuali ibn Sino 29/31;
  • Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, st. Nukus, 83;
  • Republic of Moldova, Chisinau, st. Shchuseva, 85;
  • Republic of Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, Saparmurat Turkmenbashi Ave., 11;
  • Ukraine, Kiev, st. Kutuzova, 8;

It is necessary to clarify the reception time for visitors on migration issues in advance by phone or on the unit’s website.

How to check your passport for a ban on entry into Russia online

The test result can be viewed immediately. If the service shows that there is a refusal of entry, then with a 90% probability you will not be able to cross the border. The number of requests per day is not limited.

The information received does not guarantee 100% accuracy to a foreign citizen and is for reference only. For legally reliable information, you should contact the migration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in person or send a request by mail.

Is it possible to bypass the ban?

It is difficult to appeal a refusal on your own. You must be a specialist in the field of migration law. If you enlist the help of a lawyer and file statement of claim to the court or to the head of the main department of the Main Directorate of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for migration issues, then within one to two months the ban can be revised.

Firms offering the service of removing restrictions within a few days use fraudulent schemes. Persons seeking their help risk losing money or having their ban extended.

The ban on foreigners entering Russia is a temporary measure. If there are circumstances (close relatives in the Russian Federation, serious illnesses requiring highly qualified assistance), the decision is subject to appeal in court. Sometimes the Russian sanitary service introduces temporary restrictions for entire countries. This is due to epidemics and terrorist threats from representatives of these states.

In cases where there are reasons to believe that a foreign citizen may be denied entry into the territory of the Russian Federation, you should find out about this in advance. Checking the ban on entry into the Russian Federation foreign citizens will allow you to avoid difficulties when trying to cross the state border when a person deprived of rights to enter, will learn about this from representatives of the border service, and will also provide an opportunity to avoid financial expenses associated with preparing for such a trip.

Rules for entry into the Russian Federation

Entry into the Russian Federation is carried out both on the basis of visas and on a visa-free basis. Visas are issued to the foreign institutions of our country, and if a person is denied entry, he will simply be denied a visa.

At visa-free regime a citizen of another state will only learn about the entry ban when trying to cross the border, unless he takes care to obtain such information in advance.

Quite often, our citizens intending to invite guests from abroad, and foreigners planning to visit our country, wonder how to find out the ban on entry into Russia for free. All necessary information information on this issue can be obtained on the website of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where there is a database of the ban on entry into Russia. If necessary, obtain such information from electronic form Anyone can do it.

Who can impose a restriction

A number of federal ministries and departments, and, first of all, the Ministry of Internal Affairs have the right to make a decision on not allowing entry into the Russian Federation. Besides him, the FSB, SVR, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can do the same.

An entry ban is regulated by internal departmental documents, and no matter who initiates it, in all cases there must be compelling reasons for this.

Main reasons for the ban

A ban on the entry of an unwanted foreigner is a protective measure and is introduced in cases where a person who has previously been in our country has violated the law. Also, an entry ban is often applied to foreigners who are hostile to Russia and commit actions abroad that are detrimental to our state. The initiator of the ban in such situations is most often the FSB.

An entry ban can be either for a specific period or one that will be lifted after eliminating the reasons that served as the basis for making such a decision.


Closing entry into the Russian Federation for foreign citizens is possible in the following cases.

  • Violation of customs rules. The punishment for such an offense depends on its severity. For example, if a foreigner is found to have an extra carton of cigarettes, then they will not be deprived of the opportunity to visit our country. If a whole box of these cigarettes is found, then an entry ban is likely.
  • False information on entry documents. In these situations, the organs that revealed such a violation also act differentially. If a technical error is found in the document, then after it is corrected, entry will be open, but if false information is entered into the entry papers, the opportunity to visit the Russian Federation will be goodbye for a long time.
  • If a foreigner is a violator of Russian legislation. For example, if he violates the rules of living in his house or apartment, recorded based on complaints from neighbors, is caught driving drunk, or violates registration rules when traveling around the country, then this may serve as sufficient grounds for a ban on entry for a long period.
  • After the end of the permitted period of stay in our country, the foreigner did not leave on time. In this situation, the circumstances of why this happened are being clarified, and if they are considered disrespectful, the foreigner will be denied entry. If, for example, this was due to the loss of documents and an attempt to restore them, then such a measure most likely will not be applied.

In all of the above cases, the closure of entry is not unambiguous; punishment for violations may vary.


There are a number of reasons for which a ban on crossing the border of the Russian Federation is unambiguously established.

  • The person who wishes to do this commits a premeditated crime and has a criminal record for it, and it does not matter where it was committed.
  • When applying for entry, the foreigner was unable to provide documents confirming his financial solvency.
  • Using false documents for entry. This is often practiced by immigrants from Asian countries who are trying to enter our country for illegal employment.
  • Unfulfilled financial obligations. Moreover, the period of validity of such a ban will remain in effect until its expiration, even if the foreigner repays all debts and pays fines.
  • The deportation took place.

Any of the above grounds is sufficient for the violator to be denied entry for a long period.

Until elimination

In some cases, the presence of restrictions on entry into the Russian Federation may be temporary and imposed until the grounds that served as the reason for this are eliminated. For example, this happens if unintentional errors are found in the entry documents. As soon as he eliminates them, all claims will be dropped.

How to check if there is a ban on entry into the Russian Federation: Video

How to find out if there is a ban

Inviting a foreign citizen is always associated with certain financial and time costs, so when such a visit is disrupted, it is associated with material and moral damage.

In addition, there are situations when a foreigner who was in our country travels abroad, but will no longer be able to return, since entry is denied to him.

If there is a possibility that entry may be closed, then in this case you should be on the safe side and obtain such information in advance.

Checking for a ban on entry into Russia is possible on the official website of the FMS (now the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs); anyone who needs it can obtain such information. You do not need to present any documents or register for this. On this site, those who are interested will find the necessary information. To receive it, it is enough to know the personal data of such a person.

You can obtain information about whether entry is denied to a specific person in two ways: via the Internet and by visiting the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dealing with migration.

Via the Internet

Before checking the ban on entry into Russia for a foreign citizen online, you need to obtain data on the foreigner, since they will have to be indicated in the request. After this, you should go to the website of the Main Directorate of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and, using navigation, get to the desired page where requests are made electronically.

After this, you should fill out the fields there:

  • Full name the person in respect of whom the inspection is being carried out, and they should be filled out both with the letters of the Russian alphabet and the Latin alphabet;
  • date of birth;
  • from the proposed list, select the country of which the person being checked is a citizen;
  • the type of document he has, the date of issue and the country that issued it.

After all the fields are filled in, a request about whether the entry is closed should be sent. It should be taken into account that the information entered must be as accurate as possible, since the verification of the existence of grounds for denial of entry and the accuracy of the response received will depend on this.

Situations have repeatedly occurred when changing one letter in a surname or first name led to the site giving a negative answer, but in fact the person was denied entry, but this became clear much later. If there are several spelling options for a surname, then you should enter them all one by one. This minimizes the possibility of receiving an error in the response.

The answer is provided after a check has been carried out (now the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) to determine whether it contains the name of the person of interest.

The information obtained in this way about whether the entry is closed is no more than informational. In order for such information to become a document, it must be received in writing.

Visit to the branch

To check permission to enter Russia, you should submit a written request to the FMS (now the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs), whose competence includes such issues.

The application must provide information about the foreigner of interest and request information about the closure of his entry. If there is one, ask that the reasons for the ban be indicated, as well as for how long it will be in effect.

Checking migrants through the Federal Migration Service of Russia (now the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) of Russia takes no more than 10 days, after which the applicant will be given a response in writing.

Ways to lift the ban

In many cases, people who are deprived of the opportunity to enter our country are looking for ways to lift the ban on entry into the Russian Federation. This can be done through the court, but not always. For example, if the entry was closed by the FSB, then it will be almost impossible to reverse such a decision.

To seek the lifting of the entry ban, it is necessary to have “iron” arguments. For example, in our country, a person who has been denied entry into Russia has parents in need of care. A work patent or permission to study at a Russian university can also help in resolving this issue.

In addition, much will depend on the skill of the lawyer who can present these arguments favorably in court.

How does the appeal work?

In response to those who are interested in how to lift the ban on entry into Russia, we present the order of actions aimed at this.

  • Obtaining an official document confirming the existence of an entry ban. To receive it, you must send a written request to the appropriate department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and wait for an official response from there, which, by law, must come into force no later than 10 days.
  • After receiving the answer, you should prepare the available counterarguments, which must be supported by documents certified by a notary.
  • Send the collected documents to the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dealing with migration.

If the response received is not satisfactory, you should go to court, which, having considered all the arguments presented by the applicant and deeming them sufficient, may make a decision to lift the entry ban.

In this case, the person seeking help in resolving this issue can prepare to enter our country and study the issue.

It is difficult for persons who are not specialists in the field of migration legislation to independently resolve the issue of lifting the entry ban. In order to quickly and efficiently resolve the issue of lifting the entry ban, you should resort to the services of a lawyer specializing in migration law who will protect the interests of the person deprived of the opportunity to enter our country.

Deadline for lifting restrictions

The procedure for lifting a ban on entry into the Russian Federation takes at least a month. Therefore, any proposals to resolve the issue of entry within two or three days are a deception, fraught with loss of funds for the citizen, and, possibly, trouble with the law.

Arriving in a new country, any foreigner is faced with the need to adapt to new rules of behavior, comply with the laws of another state, and respect the customs and traditions of local residents. Among the migrants arriving in Russia are representatives of a variety of peoples and nationalities, mostly Asian and European. It is extremely important from the first day of your stay in Russia to comply with migration rules, not to disturb public order, and not to commit more serious offenses, so that in the future there will be no problems visiting the country. In addition, you can avoid troubles in the future by submitting exclusively truthful and reliable information about yourself to the migration services, and without resorting to fraudulent methods when processing entry documents, but initially check for an entry ban.

Who is at risk of being banned?

The border of the Russian Federation is crossed every day by thousands of citizens of other states arriving in our country for a variety of purposes. Under certain circumstances, visitors may be prohibited from entering Russia.

Such a measure is regulated today by Article 26 of Law 114-FZ, which, in particular, states that restrictive measures can be imposed on foreigners if:

  • a person arriving in the country at the time of arrival in Russia violates accepted procedure crossing the border. In such a situation, the ban may be lifted if the violations are eliminated;
  • the potential visitor provided the migration services with false information about himself when processing entry documents;
  • challenger twice within three years, preceding the trip, was brought to administrative responsibility on the territory of the Russian Federation. Such a ban is valid for three years from the date of the decision;
  • the visitor previously violated the requirement to leave the country within a month from the expiration of the residence permit. An exception here can be made for persons who were unable to leave the country on time for compelling reasons, including serious illness, the need for emergency treatment, the death of loved ones, or a natural disaster;
  • the arriving foreigner is an active participant in a public organization whose activities are recognized as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Article 27 of the same law lists those categories of foreigners who will definitely be prohibited from visiting Russia.

It is guaranteed that a ban on entry will be imposed on the following persons:

  • posing a threat to the national security of the country, order in society or the health of citizens. For example, if a foreigner is diagnosed with HIV infection, he will be prohibited from entering Russia. Cases where close relatives of the patient live in the Russian Federation and there are no other reasons not to allow him into the country are not taken into account;
  • previously expelled or deported from the country. The duration of the ban in this case can be 5 years (for a single violation) or 10 years (for multiple cases of expulsion or deportation);
  • transferred to the authorities of other countries on the basis of so-called readmission, when one state transfers to another a citizen who violates migration rules. Such a ban lasts, as a rule, 5–10 years, but in cases where the violator voluntarily leaves Russia at his own expense and assists the Ministry of Internal Affairs in every possible way, the period of restrictions can be reduced to three years;
  • with an outstanding conviction for a serious offense;
  • do not have the documents required to obtain a visa;
  • those who have not taken out medical insurance (except for employees of diplomatic missions and members of their families);
  • unable to confirm the availability of sufficient quantities cash for living in Russia;
  • included in the list of so-called unwanted visitors to our country;
  • who used fake documents to come to Russia;
  • those who have debts remaining after previous visits to Russia. Such a ban can be lifted after repayment of debts;
  • who committed administrative violations two or more times during the year preceding the trip to the Russian Federation. The duration of such a ban is 5 years;
  • significantly exceeded the permissible period of stay in the Russian Federation.

Foreigners who are prohibited from entering the Russian Federation will not be able to enter Russia through the territory of Belarus, since both countries are members of the Customs Union and crossing the border of Belarus by citizens whose presence in Russia is undesirable is illegal.

How the ban is imposed

1 million 700 thousand foreigners and stateless persons are already banned from entering Russia. A certain part of these persons continues to remain on the territory of the Russian Federation. This is due to the fact that migration services do not always have time to issue a ban for every foreigner who has committed 2 or more administrative violations. The ban is usually imposed when crossing the border by a border service inspector, who in most cases is an FSB officer. The inspector has before his eyes a so-called checklist, which includes foreigners who have violated the rules of stay on the territory of the Russian Federation or committed an administrative offense. A foreigner may not know that he is included in the control list when leaving the country, but the next time he visits the Russian Federation, he will be informed about this.

How to check the entry ban into Russia yourself

You can check on your own whether there is a ban on entry into Russia for a foreigner. To do this, you need to go to the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and fill out a form.

In the form, you must accurately indicate your personal data and submit a request for processing. The sender’s email address will receive not only an answer to the question: “is there a ban on entry into Russia?”, but also the reasons for such a ban, if any.

In addition, you can obtain up-to-date and reliable information regarding the presence or absence of a ban on entry into the country by contacting directly one of the departments of the State Administration for Migration Issues under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Video: how to independently verify that there is no ban on entry into the Russian Federation

How to remove the ban

Restrictions on entry into Russia can be lifted by contacting the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or by filing a corresponding lawsuit in court. Experience suggests that appealing to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as a rule, does not lead to the desired results, and filing a claim in court is more effective way solving the problem.

The situation with lifting the ban is complicated by the fact that a foreigner usually learns about its existence at the border from a border inspector. A foreigner cannot appeal the decision, since there is no opportunity to enter the territory of the Russian Federation. Therefore, we have to turn to relatives and friends living in the Russian Federation with a request to act as intercessors when filing an appeal in court. If a foreigner believes that the ban was imposed groundlessly or by mistake, a lawsuit is filed in court to challenge such a decision. If the ban was imposed fairly, you should confirm that there are no longer grounds for the ban and file a petition to lift the restrictions.

How is the ban lifted in practice? If a foreigner, while living in Russia, committed two administrative offenses(for example, exceeded the speed of the car or crossed the road in the wrong place) and paid the required fines, information about these violations still remains in the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the person involved is included in the control list. In other words, paying off fines does not lead to automatic lifting of restrictions: to do this, you need to go to court, submit supporting documents, and only after that the restrictions can be lifted. The decision to lift restrictions is usually made within one to two months.

As far as I know, an appeal against a decision on an entry ban is carried out in judicial procedure. And here you cannot do without a lawyer, especially if you were banned upon entering the Russian Federation.
I heard from a FMS employee that the databases are updated every few months, so a situation is possible when you enter the territory of the Russian Federation, but entry is denied to you.


Even if there is already a court decision to lift the entry ban, the information may remain in the Ministry of Internal Affairs database, so you should have the court decision with you when crossing the border. It must be remembered that this may not be enough, since the decision on removal must indicate who and within what time frame must remove the data of the person involved from the database, i.e., if the border guard does not allow the foreigner to pass, formally in this case he will be right.

Is it possible to temporarily suspend the ban?

The procedure for lifting an entry ban includes many legal nuances, which can often only be resolved with the help of specialists. For example, a typical situation where a foreigner cannot personally file an appeal in court can be resolved by seeking help from one of the specialized organizations, which, acting on behalf of the foreigner, files such an appeal. If the petition is correctly drawn up and sufficiently motivated, the court may suspend the ban for a certain period, which gives the foreigner the right to remain in the country until the court makes a final decision.

In any case, each application is considered individually, since there are no two identical precedents: the severity of the offense committed, the personal circumstances of the applicant, etc. are always taken into account. Quite often courts lift the ban or shorten its duration due to the disproportion of such a measure to the offense committed. Sometimes the ban is lifted in cases where the violation was committed due to force majeure or if the foreigner has close relatives in Russia. The basis for lifting restrictions in this case can be the European Convention on Human Rights, which declares the inviolable right of every person to privacy and provides for interference in private life only in order to protect the national security of the country.

Among other reasons why the entry ban may be lifted: having a residence permit in Russia or full-time study at a Russian university. In addition, restrictions can be lifted if a foreigner violates the terms of his stay in Russia due to illness and the need for urgent treatment.