Obtaining a passport for a child in Ukraine. The cost of obtaining a child’s passport in Kharkov

Those hours have passed when the fathers were afraid to leave their place with their little child. The psychology has changed, the methods and methods of looking after a child have changed, so that a trip to the border with a baby does not seem to be incredibly contagious. The only thing that can be problematic during the preparation time for such a trip is how to obtain a child’s overseas passport.


Yak zrobiti overseas passport for ditini

The first concern is that the child needs a foreign passport, and even more recently, children were simply entered into the foreign passport of their father and mother. Beginning in 2010, an individual foreign passport for a child is obligatory, so you will have to get one in any case. It is the responsibility of one of the two fathers or the official guardian to submit documents for a foreign passport for the child; it is not allowed to entrust this to someone else.

There are two types of passports, basic and biometric. The foreign passport for a child of a new age (biometric) has a special chip with information about his ruler. When traveling to a foreign country, a biometric passport is not particularly important, since the visa regime for the most part is not yet affected. Then the term for a biometric passport is ten years, and the actual one is five in total. It’s better to get a foreign passport for a child beforehand, since the appearance of children is quickly changing and problems can arise at the border within a dozen hours. And the axis of the border passport for a child of 3 rivers can already be made biometric, although the risk is that the 13-river border guard does not recognize from his photo in the territorial region.

The form of a foreign passport for a child of the 1st century, a newborn or a child of an older age is absolutely indistinguishable from each other, they have the same modern appearance as passports for adults. Now the problem is how to obtain a child’s overseas passport and other documents for this purpose.

List of necessary offensive papers:

  • – a special application form for a foreign passport for a child with the appointment of his special data and special data of his father, mother or guardian;
  • – a copy and the original of the report about the people;
  • – if the child’s certificate does not indicate a child’s age, a special insert about his appearance is also provided;
  • – the original of Father’s foreign passport, its copy, or the guardian’s foreign passport with a copy;
  • – some photographs for a foreign passport for a child are colorful, printed on a matte photo paper, the size is 3.5 by 4.5 centimeters;
  • – a receipt for the amount that was paid specially;
  • - application for a foreign passport for the child.

Well, it’s clear that the child needs a foreign passport, now the problem is food, where to take forms and where to go to fill it out. Two ministries are involved in issuing foreign passports - internal and foreign affairs. The MZS should only issue passports to those who travel outside their borders. Residents of the country are obligated to submit documents for a foreign passport to the Federal Migration Service (FMS), which is subject to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You can find it in any region. Ditina is not obligated to register in the same area as his father who is submitting documents.

The Federal Migration Service is required to provide instructions on how to issue a child’s overseas passport correctly, submit application forms and declare. If you want to prepare in advance, you can fill out an application for a foreign passport for your child and a form at the office by downloading the form and form from the website of the military service. The issuance of a foreign passport for a child, or rather the submission of documents, is sometimes handled by intermediary firms. It’s all your father’s responsibility to fill out the forms and write all the applications yourself.

Who cares about food so much as to take a photo of a child for a foreign passport? Most families have had enough of the crappy camera, so their parents are forced to take up photography in their booths. However, when filling out documents, it is better to go to the salon, even if the photos can be different, and in the salon it is better to know how to photograph the child on a foreign passport correctly.

One more meal to thank the fathers, if you can start getting a foreign passport for the newly born child. According to our law, a citizen revokes the right to a foreign passport immediately after being born. Therefore, a foreign passport for a child can begin to work as soon as he/she has been registered from the canopy and obtained a certificate from the relevant government body about his/her nationality. It is necessary to collect the same set of documents as for the foreign passport of a child 2 years ago or any other century.

We have already learned in our articles about where to send a child to the rescue.

foreign passport for a child, rules for traveling abroad

Fathers must know that a foreign passport for a child does not allow them to increase in price on their own, without adults. When the child is somewhere abroad with relatives known to the warehouse of the children's tourist group, her mother must write permission for her departure and have her certified by a notary. You are allowed to indicate the name of the grown-up who will accompany the child under an hour of increase, or given the group’s kernel. The terms of the price, the date of departure and the date of return are also indicated.

If a child crosses the border with one of the fathers, then there is no need to let the other father in. However, there may be problems with the legislation of a foreign power. If the fathers submit to the consulate a foreign passport for a child before or older, in order to get a visa, they may ask another father about those who are not against the child traveling beyond the cordon. If a large Schengen visa is issued in a foreign passport for a child, the first day will be valid or there is no more significance in principle, then the notary authorization may be written for both parents, based on the assignment of data with them two dads and if the child plans to rise in price.

When going on a trip, it is important to take with you not only your child’s foreign passport, but also your birth document, which is especially necessary because your nickname and your mother’s nickname are not avoided. This is the only way to let the guards know that the child is truly yours. In old passports it was possible to enter a child, but it does not give the right to leave, but only confirms father’s rights. If the child is recorded in the document, the brother’s certificate is not obligatory, the mother will need to obtain a foreign passport for the child.

According to current legislation, children have every right to their own foreign passport, just like adult citizens of Ukraine. You can receive it even from the first months of life - no restrictions are imposed on this.

On at the moment The issuance of foreign passports without chips has already been stopped, therefore only in biometric form.

But what does a child need to get a passport? What is the price for a child's passport? You will find answers to these and many other questions in our article.

Children's international passport in Ukraine: new rules for registration

Not long ago, a foreign passport for a child began to be issued according to new rules. Firstly, all documents are biometric. Secondly, the issuance of passports without biometrics, travel documents for children and the pasting of photographs of children into parents’ international passports are no longer carried out. Thirdly, there are differences in the rules for obtaining foreign passports for children of different ages– up to 12, 14 and 16 years old.

Let us clarify that previously issued documents are valid until the date indicated on them, however, it is impossible to take advantage of them visa-free regime. In the same way, photos of children pasted into the parental document give the right to take them abroad until the end of the validity period of their passports, but no later than the children turn 12 years old. After this, you will need to issue a separate passport for the child.

Numerous questions regarding old non-biometric documents, pasted-in photos and travel cards are related to the fact that for some time there was a parallel issuance of foreign passports with and without a chip.

Differences in international passports for children under 12, 14 or 16 years old

If you are planning to apply for a children's international passport, you should know about the features of this procedure. So, starting from the age of 12, a child must be fingerprinted (if the parents have given consent) and photographed at the department where the application is submitted. Until the age of 12, fingerprinting is not done, but a photo measuring 10 x 15 cm can be brought ready - it is scanned and used for a document.

Important: fingerprints are not the only sign biometric document. Recording a photo on a chip is sufficient grounds for a foreign passport to be considered biometric.

Validity period of a child's passport by age

From the age of 14, you must provide an internal ID passport along with other documents. If it is not there, it is impossible to obtain a passport.

Starting from the age of 16, biometric documents are issued for general principles with adults. But the difference lies in the validity period of the passport you receive. Let us clarify that the child’s age is counted from the date of birth. That is, at the age of fifteen years and eleven months, a foreign passport will be issued for four years, and a month later - for ten years.

This rule also applies to children aged fourteen. If you are planning a trip, but there are doubts that you will have time to acquire a foreign passport, then it is better to submit documents in advance, while the future traveler is thirteen years old.

Registration of a child’s passport

So how can you get a child’s passport? First you need to prepare everything necessary documents, and then contact one of the structures that are authorized to issue foreign passports in Ukraine. After this, you just have to wait until the document is ready, of which the recipient will be notified via SMS.

Documents for a child's passport

The list of documents is small and collecting them is not that difficult. Every day, 20 thousand Ukrainian citizens cope with this task - this is how many applications for a foreign passport, according to statistics, are received every day by all authorized structures.

The list of documents is as follows:

  • (copies);
  • parent identification code (copies);
  • statement from parents;
  • birth certificate (up to 14 years);
  • ID card (from 14 years old);
  • child identification code (if available);
  • old passport (if available);
  • photo of a child (up to 12 years old, if it is not possible to take a photo on the spot);
  • receipt for payment of services.

If the child does not have parents, the application must be submitted by adoptive parents or guardians. They also receive a ready-made international passport for the child.

Children's international passport in Kyiv and other cities

With a complete set of papers, you need to contact one of the listed structures that issue foreign passports in Ukraine. It is preferable to do this in the region where you are registered or live for a long time.

The cost of obtaining a child's passport in Kyiv

Where children's passports are issued (Ukraine):

  1. OVIRs (divisions of the migration service).
  2. "Passport Service" (a division of the Document Group of Companies).
  3. Administrative Services Center (check availability of services in the region).
  4. Document service “Ready” (Kyiv).
  5. Diplomatic institutions (abroad).

Children under 16 years of age undergo the document registration procedure with one of the parents (the presence of both parents is not required).

Starting from the age of 16, you can apply for a foreign passport, as well as travel on it yourself.

Any parent can obtain a document for children under 12 years of age (without fingerprints) by presenting their internal Ukrainian passport. Children are given a foreign passport with fingerprints in person, in the presence of one of the parents.

The cost of children's international passports depends on the urgency of production and the region of submission of documents. The submission procedure, as well as the list of required documents by region, are completely identical.

Children's international passport in Kharkov

The cost of obtaining a child’s passport in Kharkov

A foreign passport for a child (Ukraine) is issued in accordance with the requirements established by law. Before depositing latest changes According to Ukrainian legislation, parents could travel without a child’s passport. For example, parents could enter information about the child into their international passport or issue a travel document for the child. .

In 2015 the rules changed. A separate passport for a child is standard and mandatory document, without which the child will not be able to leave the territory of Ukraine. To complete the application, you must collect all documents and submit them to the appropriate organization.

Particular attention should be paid to the travel document, as well as the mark in the parent’s passport. If these documents were drawn up before changes were made to legislative framework, then you can cross the border with the old model.

Along with this, it is necessary to adhere to other provisions that relate to accompanying a child when leaving and entering the country.

If a child is under 16 years old, then he needs to cross the border only with his parents or guardian.

Often a child crosses the border with one of the parents. In this case, you need to draw up a document in which the second parent gives. It indicates the country of entry and length of stay. Such a document must be certified by a notary.

Sample consent for a child to travel abroad

Suitable age

At what age can a child’s passport be issued? In accordance with current legislative and regulatory acts, even a newborn can get a passport.

Please note that fingerprints are not taken from very young children, so it will not be possible to issue a biometric document. A passport will be made in a standard format, which will not differ from the usual one. It consists of 32 pages and has a soft cover.

One of the innovations is the location of the visa in the child’s passport. This way you can save space in your father or mother’s passport. Therefore, the service life of documents is significantly increased.

In the process of preparing a document for a child under 12 years of age, the package of papers can be submitted by either the mother or the father. Although a biometric document is more profitable than the standard version, but without it small child it won't work.

About the biometric passport

If desired and there is no urgent need, you can wait for the right age and. Such passports are an alternative to standard ones.

What is the difference between such a document? It contains a digital medium that contains a collection of information about a person and his biometric information. Biometric passports are in demand and popular.

Every citizen of the country will need such a document after the introduction of a visa-free regime between Ukraine and Ukraine. Crossing the border will be possible if you have such a document.

Preliminary registration of a regular visa or multiple visa is not required.

The passport format is secure. The likelihood of counterfeiting is reduced to a minimum. If a document is lost, no other entity will be able to use it for their own purposes. When preparing such documents, great attention is paid to the high level of security of each person’s confidential data.

Most parents want their children to be given a modern biometric passport. According to the State Migration Service, when applying for a biometric document, it is necessary to scan your fingerprints.

This procedure is required from the age of 12. This requires parental consent. If they refuse to take the child's fingerprints, they must write a statement of refusal. In addition, the owner's digital signature is required, and this is allowed at the age of 14.

Registration procedure

To obtain a passport for children under 12 years of age, only parents are needed. But you must submit the documentation in the presence of a child who is at least 2 years old. Migration officers take photographs in compliance with established requirements.

If the submission of the necessary documentation is carried out by one of the parents, then the permission of the second spouse will be required, which will be certified by a notary. Permission reflects the consent of the subject to obtain a foreign passport without his direct participation.

When a child has reached a certain age, documents for a foreign passport are submitted only in his presence. also served in the presence of the child. In some cases, the child is allowed to be absent during the procedure, but only for health reasons and with a medical certificate.

In addition to a set of documents, a child (up to 2 years old) will need a glossy photograph measuring 10x15 cm. The majority of the photo should be occupied by the face, and the photograph should be taken against the background of a white wall. The finished photograph is scanned. If the child is over 2 years old, he is photographed at the migration service when submitting the necessary official papers.

Parents must take care of the availability of a child’s foreign passport in a timely manner. After 2018, a child without a personal passport will not be able to leave the territory of Ukraine.

Types of passports

In 2019, citizens of Ukraine have the opportunity to issue one of the types of passports for their children:

  1. Old style.
  2. New generation.

From April 2015, issue new passport In Ukraine, even newborn children have the right. This bill also implies the fact that obtaining a biometric passport becomes a mandatory condition for those wishing to travel outside of Ukraine. But according to the law, information about children under 12 years of age will not be entered into a new passport with a chip.

But despite prerequisite registration of only a biometric travel document, citizens of Ukraine themselves choose what type of passport they want to issue. As practice shows, new bill did not stop the issuance of old-style passports.

Where to apply

To register in 2019, parents should contact any department of the State Migration Service, regardless of the place of registration.

Required documents

It is worth noting initially that it does not differ much depending on the age of the child for whom it is issued. In this case, the type of document (regular or biometric) does not matter.

Application for a child to travel abroad

If a biometric passport is issued for a child under 12 years of age, then his presence is not necessary at the migration service. But both parents must be present when submitting documents. If for some reason one of the parents cannot visit the migration service office, then he is obliged to draw up an application and have it certified by a notary. The application must indicate that the parent does not object to the issuance of a foreign passport for his child.

A child traveling abroad will need a Ukrainian children's international passport in 2019. Visually, the identity document for a young citizen abroad is no different from a document for an adult. There are no marks on it that the passport belongs to a minor. Applying for a child’s international passport in Ukraine is a fairly simple procedure. You just need to submit certain documents and pay for the service provided and a passport form.

Young residents of Ukraine going on a foreign tour are required to have a foreign passport. Moreover, regardless of age. In 2019 get children's document it became faster and easier. Making a crust is not associated with bureaucratic red tape and other difficulties.

The Migration Service of Ukraine (VMS) has stopped issuing travel documents for children. In 2019, a son or daughter cannot be included in the parents’ passport. The innovation did not cause any difficulties for families who ordered certificates before this deadline. They have the right to use existing papers until their validity expires.

Important! The deadline for using children's passes is 2018. After this, the international passport will become the only identification document for traveling abroad.

In 2019, young Ukrainians going on a visit abroad will be issued individual foreign passports. Purchasing a crust is a prerequisite for traveling to another country. Only Belarus is ready to allow Ukrainian citizens with a national identity card into its territory. To travel to other countries in the world you will need a passport and a visa.

This is what a children's pass looks like

At what age do you need a passport?

The application and accompanying papers are submitted for a child of any age. At the request of the mother and father, crust design is available even for newborns. Children's passports are ordered for children under 16 years of age.

At the age of 16, residents of Ukraine are presented with civil identity cards. And young people have the right to apply for an adult passport and request it on their own. The validity period of such a document is 10 years.

Sample of parental consent for the production of a child’s identity card for trips abroad

How long is a child's passport valid?

As of 2019, a child’s foreign passport is valid for 4 years. After 4 years, the certificate will have to be reissued. Previously, the validity of a travel document giving the right to cross the border was 3 years. With the introduction of new legal norms, the issuance of such travel cards ceased.

Nuances of biometrics

In 2019, Ukraine adopted 2 types of ID cards for citizens abroad:

  1. Old international ID card.
  2. Biometric passport with chip.

Registration of a biometric passport is impossible without fingerprinting. However, fingerprints are not taken from children under 12 years of age. Therefore, the document for foreign travel of Ukrainians under 12 years of age is an old-style booklet.

For older children, upon written request from their parents, a biometric crust is made. It contains a chip with confidential personal data.

Who is applying

A young citizen under 16 years of age does not have the right to independently submit an application for a foreign passport. Adults do this for him. Children under 12 do not even have to accompany older family members.


Father and mother come to the nearest VHI unit (registration at the place of residence is not important). Presence of both parents is desirable. There is no need to notarize permission to issue a passport.

AgePresence of a young citizen in the VHI departmentWhat to take with youSubmission process
From birth to 12 yearsNot necessary
  • Parents' internal passports (photocopies)
  • Birth certificate
  • 2 identical photo cards 35 by 45 mm.
  • 1 photograph 100 by 150 mm.
  • Receipt for payment for services provided
  • Bring documents
From 12 to 14 yearsMandatory (if the child is sick, a doctor’s certificate must be presented)
  • Ukrainian passports of parents (photocopies)
  • Birth certificate
  • Payment receipt
  • Bring papers
  • Sign consent for the production of a child passport
  • Take a photograph of the child (directly at the migration service office)
  • Get fingerprinted (if desired and with parental consent)
From 14 to 16 years oldMandatory (in case of illness, a certificate from a medical institution is required)
  • Parents' national passports (copies)
  • Birth certificate
  • Notarized consent of a child aged 14 to 18 years to travel abroad (in case of travel for permanent residence)
  • Payment receipt
  • Bring papers
  • Sign consent for the production of a child passport
  • Take a photo (directly at the migration service)
  • Go through fingerprinting (if desired and with parental consent)
  • If desired, the child puts electronic signature(for chipped IDs)

According to the new rules, the application form for registration foreign passport They are not given to parents. The form is filled out by a VHI employee, and applicants check the entered data and sign.

Photo requirements

  1. Glossy.
  2. On a white background.
  3. The face takes up 80% of the photo.

Nuances of applying for a children's passport

Nuances when submitting documents by only one parent

  • If the mother or father is absent for any reason, one parent submits the documents. The absent adult writes a statement, which is certified by a notary. If the citizen is abroad, the application is certified by the Ukrainian consulate.
  • If the parents are divorced, only the mother/father brings the documents. Additionally presented:
    • Divorce certificate.
    • Some migration service departments ask for a certificate of family composition (form No. 3 from the Housing Office).
  • If a son/daughter is being raised by a single mother, she comes to the VHI unit. Additionally presented:
    • Certificate from the registry office about the registration of the child according to the mother.
  • If one of the parents is a foreigner, the Ukrainian parent submits the documents. Additionally presented:
    • Confirmation of the child's citizenship.
    • Foreign parent's passport.

Cost of a child's passport

Children under 16 years of age do not pay a state fee for issuing a certificate (in 2019, its cost is 170 hryvnia).

The laws of Ukraine state that children under 16 years of age have the right to travel abroad in the presence of parents/guardians/accompanying persons. If a young tourist travels only with his mother/father, the second parent must draw up consent for the son/daughter to travel. If you are traveling with an accompanying person, you will need similar permission from both parents. The paper indicates the country of departure and duration of stay. Such documents are certified by a notary.

Changes made to the legislation of Ukraine in 2015 regulated the mandatory receipt of a foreign passport for a child. Previously, traveling with a minor was possible by entering their details into the parents’ passport or issuing a child’s travel document. Now, in 2019, a foreign passport for a child in Ukraine is mandatory. This can be done from birth. Those citizens who made a note about the child in their passport or issued a travel document before the amendments came into force can use the old documentation until the end of 2017.

Types of passports for children

Issue biometric passport for a child is not possible, since the procedure for obtaining it requires fingerprinting. This can be done only from the age of 12 with the consent of the parents, and independently - from the age of 16.

Therefore, a child’s foreign document is a regular paperback passport, including a page with personal data and pages for marking border crossings. From now on, a visa for a child will be affixed to his document, which is a kind of advantage: it saves space on passport pages for adults.

From the age of 12, fingerprinting is possible. But besides this, biometrics require a digital signature, and this can only be done from the age of 14. That is, only a 14-year-old citizen can receive a biometric passport.

This type of passport contains a chip with the person’s data entered on it. In Ukraine, it became popular for the reason that after the introduction of a visa-free regime with the countries of the European Union, it is possible to cross borders only with such a document. In addition, such a document is protected from forgery and provides high confidentiality - if it is lost, an attacker will not be able to find out the data.

The procedure for submitting biometric data occurs with mandatory parental presence. Starting from the age of 16, a citizen can go through this process independently, without the consent and presence of adults.

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Registration procedure

Submission of documentation for obtaining a child’s international passport takes place at the migration services offices. This is done by the child’s legal representatives. His presence is required upon reaching the age of two, since from that moment on children are photographed at the passport office, just like adults.

Up to two years of age, parents independently photograph their baby according to established rules and bring the photo with them. The photo card should be 10 by 15 in size, where the face occupies most of it, and the child himself is located on a white background. This image is scanned by a migration service employee.

One of the representatives can submit the documents, in which case the second one will need consent, certified by a notary, to issue the child a passport. Children over 12 years of age must be accompanied by an adult to the registration procedure. An exception is if the applicant himself is sick and cannot visit migration service. To confirm the fact of illness, a medical certificate is provided along with other documents.

Required Documentation

To obtain a foreign passport for a child in Ukraine in 2019, you must provide:

  1. Completed application form. It is filled out by the authorized representative of the child in the presence of a FMS employee.
  2. National passport - provided if the applicant is 16 years old, or ID-passport when he reaches 14 years old.
  3. Birth certificate – provided by persons under 14 years of age or who do not yet have an ID passport by persons under 16 years of age.
  4. Application for refusal to issue biometrics if a regular document is being drawn up.
  5. Two color photographs measuring 3.5 by 4.5, in the event that the applicant is not personally present due to illness. For children under two years of age, parents bring a 10 by 15 photo to be scanned and the digitized image entered into the passport.
  6. Confirmation of payment of the state duty or its absence.

If the applicant is under 16 years of age and lives with one of the parents, you must additionally provide a copy of one of the following documents:

  1. Death certificate of the second parent.
  2. Court decision on deprivation parental rights or recognition of the second parent as missing/incompetent.

An alternative to these documents is a certificate of registration of the child at the place of residence with one of the parents or an extract from the registry office about the birth indicating information about the father.

If an orphan goes abroad, the necessary documents must be prepared by the orphanage where the child was kept or by a foster family. In this case, you will additionally need a copy of one of the following documents:

  1. Confirmation of registration of the child with a foster family.
  2. An agreement from an orphanage or a document confirming the authority of the director of this institution.
  3. Decision of the court/guardianship authorities to establish guardianship (trusteeship).
  4. Patronage agreement.

Deadlines and registration fees

For obtaining a child’s international passport, Ukraine sets a 20-day period for consideration of the application. The exceptions are the following cases:

  1. Urgent application submission – 7 days.
  2. The nature of the trip is related to the illness of the applicant or the death of a relative living abroad – 3 days.
  3. Adoption of a child by foreigners – 10 days.

A child's passport is valid for four years until the age of 16. After this age limit, a passport is issued in the same way as for adults, for ten years.

For a minor citizen, the cost of obtaining a foreign passport is reduced by the amount of the consular fee, which in 2019 is 253 hryvnia. You will only need to pay for the form, the cost of which is 304 hryvnia 32 kopecks. This price is calculated taking into account non-urgent execution of a travel document. If the documentation is submitted taking into account urgency, the cost of collection doubles. A citizen who has reached the age of 16 is considered an adult and pays a consular fee.

There are a number of nuances when applying for a child’s passport. If one of the parents is not a citizen of Ukraine, it is necessary to provide confirmation of the Ukrainian citizenship of the child or the second parent. When changing the surname by one of the legal representatives, you must also provide documentation confirming this fact.