Life is a game. Walkthrough instructions. Board game game of life

“Live playfully” - this is the motto, in our opinion, that best characterizes the essence of the board game “Game of Life” from Hasbro, which we will tell you about today. Let us remind you that we have already tested for you and shared our impressions of Hasbro games, and now it’s time for “Game of Life”.

Game history

Not too much is known about the history of the board game “Game of Life”: it was invented in the middle of the nineteenth century, but received worldwide recognition only in the 80s of the twentieth century. What is the secret of her popularity? Most likely, the fact is that in just a couple of hours of game time you can live a diverse and unpredictable life until retirement. At the same time, participants risk absolutely nothing when purchasing and selling real estate, having weddings, having children and making a career of their own choosing.

Game plot

The Game of Life provides players with the opportunity to both make business transactions and valuable purchases, as well as choose personal events. Considering that the playing field is very bright, detailed and “intricate”, the life scenario in each game will be different from the previous one. The role of chips is played by small plastic cars, into which players gradually seat new family members (spouses and children). Instead of dice there is a miniature roulette, rotating which you will find out how many moves you have to make on the playing field.

Participants receive money in their hands (paper or electronic, credited to a bank card, depending on the edition of the game). These funds are accrued on payday and can be spent on purchases and repaying a bank loan.
Before the start of the game, one of its participants is appointed as a banker, he is assigned responsibilities for issuing wages and loans.

Immediately after the start, each player has the opportunity to make a decision: whether to pursue a career, or first undergo paid training, thereby increasing their future salary.

By the time the game reaches its logical end, each player has in his arsenal a certain amount of money, real estate, various property and a baggage of memorable life events (this could be a parachute jump, a party, winning the lottery). After retirement, all players count their savings; the winner is the one who was able to accumulate a large amount of banknotes.

What's in the box?

When you open the “Games of Life” box, you will see a colorful playing field, a roulette top, game rules in Russian, chips, money (or bank cards) and event cards.

For whom?

The Game of Life can be played by 2 to 4 people. Age limit - 8 years and older.

Curious details

The roulette spinning top in The Game of Life sometimes plays the role of a real "Wheel of Fortune" when the player finds himself on the corresponding field. All participants are given the opportunity to try their luck and place bets on certain numbers. The winner receives an impressive cash prize.

We have already mentioned that there are several editions of The Game of Life, including those with paper banknotes, with bank cards and a real portable banking terminal.

Friends, we couldn’t deny ourselves the pleasure of going through a couple of laps of the “Game of Life” with our friendly editorial team. During the game, colleagues showed themselves in unexpected ways, which was previously quite difficult to guess. Some cleverly bought up real estate and committed risky financial frauds; others were most interested in acquiring a modest farm and a family with numerous offspring... Several times “Wheel of Fortune” generously presented the lucky ones with impressive winnings!

Real life is a game that we all play with passion. She can be beautiful or cruel, and everyone chooses for themselves what she will be. Here's a little guide to interesting game called "Life".

Game Basics

You may not realize it, but real life is a strategy game. It includes various mini-games, such as dancing, driving, running or sex, and the key to winning the whole game is the correct distribution of resources.

The difference between pros and losers is how they spend their time, their most valuable resource. What about money? Yes, this is also a very valuable resource, but time is still the main priority, and in order to win, you must always know where it is going.


Your game begins with your character (that is, you) being born with a random character, under random circumstances. After that, for the first 15 years of your life you go through training missions that cannot be missed.

The beginning of a serious game

Like every young player, you have a lot of energy and time, but almost no experience. Lots of things like best job, expensive property and partners are unavailable to you for the time being.

This is the time when you are constantly leveling up and your experience is growing rapidly. You will never again have as much free time to study and as much energy as you did at this age.

Your main task is to use your time as productively as possible. Remember, every job you do improves your skills and changes your position in the game:

It may seem that this is too simple for life: choose the necessary skills, upgrade them, and that’s it, you can win. Of course, in life everything is a little more complicated, because you don’t see the talent tree and cannot accurately predict which skill will be useful for what, you can only guess about it. In addition, your body does not always listen and do everything you planned. Why? Let's figure it out.

How to make your body obey

You are different from the character computer game the fact that your body does not always obey the commands of your mind. For example, when you tell yourself to go to the gym, your body completely ignores this essentially wonderful impulse.

This is not a bug in the game, everything is thought out and logical. You have a special “state scale”, which, unfortunately, you do not see. It looks something like this:

If any measure of your condition is too low, your body will not agree to do what you want. For example, try learning something when you are exhausted or hungry, and you will see how difficult it will be, almost impossible.

Your willpower scale is also very important. You have a certain amount of willpower for the day, it increases slightly during meals and is fully restored during deep sleep at night. If you have used up your willpower and it is at a very low level, you can only do what you really like.

Remember that every decision is in favor of a less attractive option (for example, going to gym instead of watching an interesting movie at home), it takes away some amount of willpower.

There are several tricks that will help you maintain your behavior in a given line of play:

  1. Maintain your tone. If you are tired, hungry or sad, your willpower will be low. So you should take care of your character so that he is capable of something.
  2. Distribute tasks rationally. Remember that willpower is a resource that needs to be replenished, and do not use it too much. If you have several tasks that require a lot of willpower, spread them out over different days, mixing them with more enjoyable ones for you.
  3. Do the most important tasks first. If you have a really important task, it is often worth spending a lot of your willpower on it. It will be more difficult for you to complete other tasks, but the main tasks will be completed perfectly and on time.
  4. Remove temptations. If you are still tempted to switch from difficult work to easy fun, you will need more willpower to do this. As a result, temptation will drain more of your valuable resource from you, and you will not be able to finish your work on time. For example, you are writing a report, and in the next tab you have a social network page open. You constantly want to switch, surf other people's pages and public pages, and this exhausts you more than you can imagine.

It turns out that The key to success in the game is to correctly combine the condition of your body and the execution of the necessary tasks.

Selecting the right tasks

Choosing the right tasks at the right time is one of the main points in the game. Some tasks have a greater impact on your condition:

Other tasks are based on your skills and abilities:

You should spend time doing things that will help you stay in top condition, such as eating well and getting enough sleep to maintain your willpower. And after that, you must spend this resource (willpower) on upgrading your skills and abilities.

Some skills are more valuable, and some of them can even open up a whole path for you, like a talent tree:

Others are independent and have no continuation:

The most effective thing is to acquire several skills and combine them with each other. It is very difficult to become the best in any field by developing just one skill, almost impossible. Much easier choose several related skills that are interconnected and upgrade them all.


Your environment has great value for your status, skills and chances to level up. Actually, you can play anywhere, but certain places are much easier. For example, if you play as a woman in some countries, some options will be closed to you.

The chances of fully discovering yourself in exactly the place where you originally found yourself can be very mediocre. Therefore, after you define your goals, consider changing the location. If in a new place you can achieve more, develop better skills and improve your condition, why not?

Search for partners

Attracting partners is an additional mini-game within the main one, and success in it most often depends on how well you complete the main storyline.

If you are in good condition and have pumped up skills, you already have a good chance of winning the mini-game.

At the beginning of the game, you can reject partners and be rejected. This is normal, but sometimes negative experiences have a bad effect on the player's condition. In order to progress further in this mini-game, the player must accumulate enough willpower and continue to move forward.

80% of success in finding a partner depends on the player's attractiveness, and if he has it, then he is spending time on the right things. If you love what you do and radiate goodwill and optimism, you automatically become attractive.

The remaining 20% ​​of success depends on being in the right place to meet your other half. That is, if you are all attractive, but you don’t go anywhere except work and home, you are unlikely to find yourself a partner.

Money, money, money

Later in the game you will need to manage the resource "money". Most players understand that you can increase the amount of money at the beginning of the game (by taking out a loan or borrowing), but, in fact, this causes more problems than benefits.

The most important rule of money: never borrow money unless you plan toas a resultget even more. For example, if you take out a student loan and invest in your profession, which will provide you with a good income, this is rational. And if you take out a loan for new shoes or a new smartphone model, this is irrational and will bring you nothing but losses.

Here are some strategies for handling finances:

  1. Doesn't think about money. This is a low stress strategy: you simply live within your income and have some for a rainy day. Make sure you spend your free time wisely so there will be no regrets.
  2. Rich. Choose your career and environment carefully, and prepare to move up quickly. You have to invest a lot in relevant skills, which takes up a lot of your time, and carefully monitor your condition so as not to burn out at work.
  3. Very rich. you start own business, because you cannot become very rich by working for someone (in principle, in our realities it is also very difficult to become simply rich without your own business). If you allocate your resources correctly, you will eventually not need to work at all.

Old age

Your options change throughout the game. A wedding and children will take up your time and energy, and will also introduce a lot of random elements into your game. This slows down your development and leveling of skills, but it also has its advantages.

Older characters have a lot of developed skills, resources and experience, so quests are open to them that are not yet available to younger players. For example, they have enough resources to write a good novel (experience + time) or buy a house (not everyone, of course, it matters what money strategy you choose).

After 80 years of age, players usually retire from the game. If you have pumped up your health skills, you can last much longer, but cheating methods for this have not yet been invented.

At the very beginning of the game, you have no influence on what environment you start in and what abilities you start with. The same goes for the end of the game: everything is already determined by how you behaved throughout the game. This is what determines how you finish your game: healthy, prosperous and happy, or not.

That's why your strategy is very important: by the time you understand how to play, most best moments already behind.

Real life is a game that we all play with passion. She can be beautiful or cruel, and everyone chooses for themselves what she will be. Here is a small guide to the most interesting game called “Life”.

Game Basics

You may not realize it, but real life is a strategy game. It includes various mini-games, such as dancing, driving, running or sex, and the key to winning the whole game is the correct distribution of resources.

The difference between pros and losers is how they spend their time, their most valuable resource. What about money? Yes, this is also a very valuable resource, but time is still the main priority, and in order to win, you must always know where it is going.


Your game begins with your character (that is, you) being born with a random character, under random circumstances. After that, for the first 15 years of your life you go through training missions that cannot be missed.

The beginning of a serious game

Like every young player, you have a lot of energy and time, but almost no experience. Many things, such as a better job, expensive property and partners, are for the time being unavailable to you.

This is the time when you are constantly leveling up and your experience is growing rapidly. You will never again have as much free time to study and as much energy as you did at this age.

Your main task is to use your time as productively as possible. Remember, every job you do improves your skills and changes your position in the game:

It may seem that this is too simple for life: choose the necessary skills, upgrade them, and that’s it, you can win. Of course, in life everything is a little more complicated, because you don’t see the talent tree and cannot accurately predict which skill will be useful for what, you can only guess about it. In addition, your body does not always listen and do everything you planned. Why? Let's figure it out.

How to make your body obey

You differ from a character in a computer game in that your body does not always obey the orders of your mind. For example, when you tell yourself to go to the gym, your body completely ignores this essentially wonderful impulse.

This is not a bug in the game, everything is thought out and logical. You have a special “state scale”, which, unfortunately, you do not see. It looks something like this:

If any measure of your condition is too low, your body will not agree to do what you want. For example, try learning something when you are exhausted or hungry, and you will see how difficult it will be, almost impossible.

Your willpower scale is also very important. You have a certain amount of willpower for the day, it increases slightly during meals and is fully restored during deep sleep at night. If you have used up your willpower and it is at a very low level, you can only do what you really like.

Remember that every decision in favor of a less attractive option (for example, going to the gym instead of watching an interesting movie at home) takes some amount of willpower.

There are several tricks that will help you maintain your behavior in a given line of play:

  1. Maintain your tone. If you are tired, hungry or sad, your willpower will be low. So you should take care of your character so that he is capable of something.
  2. Distribute tasks rationally. Remember that willpower is a resource that needs to be replenished, and do not use it too much. If you have several tasks that require a lot of willpower, spread them out over different days, mixing them with more enjoyable ones for you.
  3. Do the most important tasks first. If you have a really important task, it is often worth spending a lot of your willpower on it. It will be more difficult for you to complete other tasks, but the main tasks will be completed perfectly and on time.
  4. Remove temptations. If you are still tempted to switch from difficult work to easy fun, you will need more willpower to do this. As a result, temptation will drain more of your valuable resource from you, and you will not be able to finish your work on time. For example, you are writing a report, and in the next tab you have a social network page open. You constantly want to switch, surf other people's pages and public pages, and this exhausts you more than you can imagine.

It turns out that The key to success in the game is to correctly combine the condition of your body and the execution of the necessary tasks.

Selecting the right tasks

Choosing the right tasks at the right time is one of the main points in the game. Some tasks have a greater impact on your condition:

Other tasks are based on your skills and abilities:

You should spend time doing things that will help you stay in top condition, such as eating well and getting enough sleep to maintain your willpower. And after that, you must spend this resource (willpower) on upgrading your skills and abilities.

Some skills are more valuable, and some of them can even open up a whole path for you, like a talent tree:

Others are independent and have no continuation:

The most effective thing is to acquire several skills and combine them with each other. It is very difficult to become the best in any field by developing just one skill, almost impossible. Much easier choose several related skills that are interconnected and upgrade them all.


Your environment matters greatly to your status, skills, and chances of leveling up. Actually, you can play anywhere, but certain places are much easier. For example, if you play as a woman in some countries, some options will be closed to you.

The chances of fully discovering yourself in exactly the place where you originally found yourself can be very mediocre. Therefore, after you define your goals, consider changing the location. If in a new place you can achieve more, develop better skills and improve your condition, why not?

Search for partners

Attracting partners is an additional mini-game within the main one, and success in it most often depends on how well you complete the main storyline.

If you are in good condition and have pumped up skills, you already have a good chance of winning the mini-game.

At the beginning of the game, you can reject partners and be rejected. This is normal, but sometimes negative experiences have a bad effect on the player's condition. In order to progress further in this mini-game, the player must accumulate enough willpower and continue to move forward.

80% of success in finding a partner depends on the player's attractiveness, and if he has it, then he is spending time on the right things. If you love what you do and radiate goodwill and optimism, you automatically become attractive.

The remaining 20% ​​of success depends on being in the right place to meet your other half. That is, if you are all attractive, but you don’t go anywhere except work and home, you are unlikely to find yourself a partner.

Money, money, money

Later in the game you will need to manage the resource "money". Most players understand that you can increase the amount of money at the beginning of the game (by taking out a loan or borrowing), but, in fact, this causes more problems than benefits.

The most important rule of money: never borrow money unless you plan toas a resultget even more. For example, if you take out a student loan and invest in your profession, which will provide you with a good income, this is rational. And if you take out a loan for new shoes or a new smartphone model, this is irrational and will bring you nothing but losses.

Here are some strategies for handling finances:

  1. Doesn't think about money. This is a low stress strategy: you simply live within your income and have some for a rainy day. Make sure you spend your free time wisely so there will be no regrets.
  2. Rich. Choose your career and environment carefully, and prepare to move up quickly. You have to invest a lot in relevant skills, which takes up a lot of your time, and carefully monitor your condition so as not to burn out at work.
  3. Very rich. You start your own business because you cannot become very rich by working for someone else (in principle, in our realities it is also very difficult to become simply rich without your own business). If you allocate your resources correctly, you will eventually not need to work at all.

Old age

Your options change throughout the game. A wedding and children will take up your time and energy, and will also introduce a lot of random elements into your game. This slows down your development and leveling of skills, but it also has its advantages.

Older characters have a lot of developed skills, resources and experience, so quests are open to them that are not yet available to younger players. For example, they have enough resources to write a good novel (experience + time) or buy a house (not everyone, of course, it matters what money strategy you choose).

After 80 years of age, players usually retire from the game. If you have pumped up your health skills, you can last much longer, but cheating methods for this have not yet been invented.

At the very beginning of the game, you have no influence on what environment you start in and what abilities you start with. The same goes for the end of the game: everything is already determined by how you behaved throughout the game. This is what determines how you finish your game: healthy, prosperous and happy, or not.

This is why your strategy is very important: by the time you figure out how to play, most of the best moments are already behind you.

I was lying in the hospital last week. And since I didn’t have much desire to discuss with my grandfathers in the hall the recipe for apples soaked in cabbage, and how nice it was to walk through the water meadows on Pokrov, I had to come up with some entertainment for myself.

I thought about the game “Life”, which was mentioned on Habré not so long ago. I felt sorry for the unfortunate cells that live and die depending on the initial conditions alone, and cannot do anything for their survival. As a result, I came up with an extension for the rules of the game, with which you can simulate not only changes in population size, but also natural selection inside her.

The most impatient can do it right away, but for the rest I ask you to follow along with the story.

Just in case, let me remind you of the rules of the classic “Life”.

There is a “universe”, presented in the form of a square, divided into square fields. The field may be empty, or a cell may live on it. Each “day” of the game, a new generation of cells is calculated according to the following rules:

  • on an empty field, next to which there are exactly 3 living cells, a new cell is born;
  • if a living cell has 2 or 3 living neighbors, that cell continues to live;
  • if there are less than 2 or more than 3 neighbors, the cell dies (from “loneliness” or “overcrowding,” respectively).
The universe is “toroidal”: if you go beyond its right edge, you will find yourself on the left, with the top and bottom the same.

To give the cells a chance to fight for life, I introduced additional rules.

Before a new generation is calculated, each cell tries to find a position among the free fields surrounding it that is more attractive in its opinion and moves to it. The attractiveness of a field depends on the number of neighbors and is determined by the cell’s genome, which records how many neighbors it considers comfortable.

The genome is represented by an array of 9 gene numbers, each of which can take the value 0 (the gene is silent) or 1 (the gene is active). The first (zero element) determines the attractiveness of a point with 0 neighbors, the second - from 1 neighbors, and so on up to 8. If the gene is active, a field with the corresponding number of neighbors is considered by the cell as attractive for movement. If it is silent, the cell will not move to such a point.
For example, if a cell has a genome, it will try to move to a point that has 1 or 2 neighbors. And if there is none, it will remain in place. A random one is selected from points with equal attractiveness.

The genome is reflected in the color of the cells. The redder the cell, the more she loves being alone. The bluer it is, the more it loves company. The greener it is, the closer it is to the “golden mean” - the preference of 2 or 3 neighbors.

When a new cell is born, it receives the same genome as the one of its 3 neighbors that was the last to leave (“the last one to complete the combination is the dad”).

The order of the cells is random.

At the same time, the classic Conway's Game of Life is an extreme case when all cells have a genome.

After which I wrote an implementation of this whole idea in JavaScript:
For comparison, the calculation is carried out for two “universes” at once. On the left - according to my rules, on the right - according to classical rules Conway. At launch, universes are filled randomly. You can customize the size, number of cells at the start and the number of genes that will be active in each cell.
If you click on a cell, you can see its genome below.

I warn you right away that I tested only in Google Chrome on a small netbook screen, lying in a hospital bed, so bugs are not only possible, but definitely will happen.

Here is an example of how a population of cells with 2 active genes usually develops.
First we have the diversity of genomes. It is easier for a “blue” cell to become (4 genes out of 8 are responsible for this), so blue prevails.

The first to die out are the “misanthropes” - the red ones, then the “friendly” blue ones, leaving 3 groups, each of which has useful genes.

But the light green ones have 2 useful genes, and the rest have one each, so in the end they win, filling all the space.
In Conway's universe, by this time the population had greatly thinned out, and stable islands had formed.

What I expected to see and what actually happened.

Cells that “understood the rules of life” and strived to occupy a position with 2 or 3 neighbors, obviously, should have had an advantage and multiplied more quickly than their counterparts who were less fortunate with their genes. But in the end, due to overpopulation, a certain balance of numbers should have arisen. I hoped that, as in the classic “Life,” stable geometric or genetic combinations would be highlighted, and perhaps it would be possible to observe the symbiosis of cells with different genes.

The reality turned out to be simpler.

The population either grows to its limit and stops at some quasi-stable number, or dies. This depends, firstly, on the number of cells at the start (too few - they die from loneliness, too many - from overcrowding) and on the number of active genes, as discussed below.

When a population dies, small stable figures may remain, as in classical Life. But only the simplest ones and, as a rule, with the same genome: the squares of their 4 neighboring cells, “flashing lights”. Once I saw a figure made of cells of different genomes, but also static and small. I think this is due to the element of randomness in the choice of direction and order of cell movement.

The more genes that are activated, the more “garbage” there is in the genome, causing the cell to make incorrect decisions about the direction of movement.
Name 4 active genes, you can get 2 coexisting populations for quite a long time

8 active genes - the population is balancing on the verge of degeneration.

9 active genes are, unfortunately, too many. The population is dying.

This is how the model turned out. You can too

Not too much is known about the history of the board game “Game of Life”: it was invented in the middle of the nineteenth century, but received worldwide recognition only in the 80s of the twentieth century. What is the secret of her popularity? Most likely, the fact is that in just a couple of hours of game time you can live a diverse and unpredictable life until retirement. At the same time, participants risk absolutely nothing when purchasing and selling real estate, having weddings, having children and making a career of their own choosing.

Game plot

The Game of Life provides players with the opportunity to both make business transactions and valuable purchases, as well as choose personal events. Considering that the playing field is very bright, detailed and “intricate”, the life scenario in each game will be different from the previous one. The role of chips is played by small plastic cars, into which players gradually seat new family members (spouses and children). Instead of dice there is a miniature roulette, rotating which you will find out how many moves you have to make on the playing field.

Participants receive money in their hands (paper or electronic, credited to a bank card, depending on the edition of the game). These funds are accrued on payday and can be spent on purchases and repaying a bank loan.
Before the start of the game, one of its participants is appointed as a banker, and he is assigned responsibilities for issuing wages and loans.

Immediately after the start, each player has the opportunity to make a decision: whether to pursue a career, or first undergo paid training, thereby increasing their future salary.

By the time the game reaches its logical end, each player has in his arsenal a certain amount of money, real estate, various property and a baggage of memorable life events (this could be a parachute jump, a party, winning the lottery). After retirement, all players count their savings; the winner is the one who was able to accumulate a large amount of banknotes.

What's in the box?

When you open the “Games of Life” box, you will see a colorful playing field, a roulette top, game rules in Russian, chips, money (or bank cards) and event cards.

For whom?

The Game of Life can be played by 2 to 4 people. Age limit - 8 years and older.

Curious details

The roulette spinning top in The Game of Life sometimes plays the role of a real "Wheel of Fortune" when the player finds himself on the corresponding field. All participants are given the opportunity to try their luck and place bets on certain numbers. The winner receives an impressive cash prize.

We have already mentioned that there are several editions of the Game of Life, including those with paper banknotes, bank cards and a real portable banking terminal.

Friends, we couldn’t deny ourselves the pleasure of going through a couple of laps of the “Game of Life” with our friendly editorial team. During the game, colleagues showed themselves in unexpected ways, which was previously quite difficult to guess. Some cleverly bought real estate and committed risky financial frauds, while others were most interested in acquiring a modest farm and a family with numerous offspring... Several times, “Wheel of Fortune” generously presented the lucky ones with impressive winnings!