Card index of winter walks in the first junior group. Card index of walks “Winter” for children of the first junior group. One winter evening

Antonina Savitskaya
Summary of the open lesson “Winter Walk” in the first junior group

Winter walk


Help children develop coordination "speech-movement", improve motor activity;

Pay attention to the beauty of nature in winter, using paintings, poems, riddles, and activate children’s vocabulary;

Introduce the properties of snow - cold, white, melts in a warm room;

Learn to treat wildlife with care (help birds in winter, recognize and distinguish sparrows, tits;

Arouse interest in group work (drawing, develop visual perception, attention, imagination;

Form a positive emotional attitude.

Material: painting « Winter fun» , trees, stump, toy Bunny, birds (made of paper, feeder, seeds, snow in a basin, unfinished winter landscape, white paint, wet wipes.


1. “Speech development in kindergarten” Gerbova V.V.

2. Plans classes on pr. "Development" For junior groups in kindergarten. L. A. Wenger, O. M. Dyachenko.

3. Notes on logorhythmic lessons for children aged 2-3 years. M. Yu. Kartushina.

4. Magazine "Pre-school education", No. 11, 2007

5. « Walking activities with kids» Teplyuk S. N.

The music is quiet.

Educator: Look how beautiful it is outside!

White fluffy snow

Spinning in the air

And the ground is quiet

Falls, lies down

I. Surikov

What time of year is it now? (Winter)

That's right, winter: It’s cold outside, there’s snow, frost. Where is the snow? (on bushes, on trees, on paths, on roofs). How beautiful it is outside!

Guys, look at the picture we have painted. What do you see here? What are the children doing? (They go sledding, skiing, play snowballs, make a snow woman).

We sculpted a snow woman with morning:

The woman's hat was made from a bucket,

Nose made of carrots, hands made of sticks,

A broom is made from a broom, and a scythe is made from a washcloth...

Do you like to walk in winter? And aren't you afraid of frost? Then get dressed quickly and let's go for a walk in winter forest.

Winter forest, winter forest,

It's full of miracles!

Exercise "Let's dress warmly"

Look outside the window

White tracks

Let's go for a walk anyway! (walk in place)

Put it on your feet

Warm boots. (tilts)

This one is from the right leg,

This one is from the left leg.

Mittens for the hands (Hands up)

Warm sisters. (twirl palms)

Fur jackets,

Down hats. ( "put on")

Well, is everyone ready? Then let's go for a walk. Oh, there’s so much snow, it’s hard to walk, your feet are falling into the snowdrifts (walk slowly). Pull your legs out, lift them high (raises legs high). Tired? It's very difficult to walk. We need to rest, get on the sled, let's go.

Our children got into the sleds,

They sang a song loudly.

We rolled far

No one will catch them.

Game "Sled" ("are going", music sounds "Sleigh").

Here we are. Beauty in the forest. There is snow all around. Look, a snowdrift! (They find a basin with snow). What color is the snow? (white). Touch it with your finger, how does it feel? (cold). The snow is cold, you can’t put snow in your mouth.

But the stump was covered with snow. And someone hid behind a stump. Listen to the riddle and guess who This:

Long ears

Fast legs.

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots.

That's right, this is Bunny. Bunny is frozen, it’s cold in the forest in winter. (I take out Bunny)

Once upon a time there lived a Bunny,

Long ears.

Frostbitten Bunny

The nose is on the edge.

V. Horval

Show how Bunny is frozen.

Plastic mystery

(They hunch tensely, hunched over, pulling their heads into their shoulders, warming their hands with their breath)

Let's help Bunny warm up?

Exercise "The bunny is warming itself"

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws.

Clap-clap, clap-clap.

We need to warm our paws. (clap)

It's cold for the bunny to stand

Bunny needs to dance.

Skok-skok, skok-skok,

Bunny needs to jump. (jumping)

So Bunny has warmed up, thank you guys.

But someone is sitting on a branch! (birds). The birds are cold in winter and hungry. No bugs or worms to eat.

But the birds! How cold it is

In the air!

Will we help

Defenseless like that?

They need to be fed

It will be easy for them

Survive the cold!

What can you feed birds in winter? (children's answer)

Maxim, Nika, pour some seeds into the feeder (pour in). So the birds are flying to feeder:

Chick-tweet, chick-tweet,

Jump-jump along the path.

Peck, don't be shy!

Who is this?. (Sparrow)

And here is another bird flying. Look what beautiful:

Little black hat,

Thin paws

The bird has a yellow breast.

Who is she? (Tit)

The birds are sitting and pecking at the seeds.

Little bird

She flew to us.

Little bird

I'll give you some grains. (perform movements)

Little bird

Pecks the grains

Little bird

Sings a song:

chirp, chirp, chirp.

T. Potapenko

Guys, do you know how to make a feeder? Get your fists ready.


I'm knocking with a hammer

I want to build a house.

I'm building a big house.

The birds will eat in it.

Well done, everyone did it. And now it's time for us to return. (Sit on chairs)

Look! What kind of picture is this? After all, this is the forest where we walked. Only something is missing, you can’t see that it’s winter. (snow)

Let's draw a little white snowball. Today we will draw with our fingers. Come closer, we'll draw a lot of snow.

We took some paint on our fingers,

They attached it and removed it.

(Music plays, children draw)

(Wipe fingers with napkins)

Now we have a picture where winter forest. Where is our snowdrift? Let's find him... Look what happened? Where is the snow? (The snow melts because it’s warm here, and in the warmth the snow melts, resulting in water). And in the spring, when the sun warms up, it becomes warm outside, the snow will melt, streams will run, and birds will sing in the forest.

Here's ours the walk is over, it's time for us to go back.

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Image library:

Winter came to us at night (observation after snowfall)

Target. Note how much snow fell, how big the snowdrifts were. Measure the snowdrifts with a snowmeter. Give the concept of “snowfall”. Look at the trees after a snowfall: they are all standing in the snow, as if wearing warm fur coats; it is difficult for the trees to hold the snow. Branches may break due to the weight of the snow. We will help them, shake off the snow. There is snow all around. Everything is white and white. Very beautiful. Like in a fairy tale. Admire this snowy winter picture. Footprints are clearly visible in clean snow. Introduce children to bird tracks. Pay attention to how the janitors remove snow with shovels, they clear the paths so that it is convenient for people to walk.

Methodological techniques. Reading the poem “Winter came to us at night - everyone at home is wearing white hats...”, “Snow, snowfall, the guys have a lot to do.”

Game "Pathfinders" (finding footprints in the snow).

Drawing with a stick on the snow.

Measuring snow with a snowmeter.

Clearing paths of snow.

White fluffy snow

Target. Watch with your children how it snows. Note its properties: white, fluffy, light, comes in flakes, quietly spins in the air and lies on the ground, trees... Snow, like a duvet, covers the Earth. Falling snowflakes look like white flies or light butterflies.

Teach children to see the beauty of a winter, snowy landscape, the beauty of falling snow. Keep children in a good, cheerful mood.

Methodological techniques.

Make a riddle:

The star spun in the air a little,

She sat down and melted on my palm. (Snowflake.)

Looking at snowflakes. White, patterned little star.

You fly into my hand, sit for a minute.

Offer to depict falling snowflakes.

Admiring the beauty of the winter landscape.

Quietly, quietly the snow is falling,

White snow, shaggy.

We will clear the snow and ice

In the yard with a shovel.

Invite the children to clear the snow from the path with shovels.

Frost and sun - a wonderful day

Target. On a clear, sunny, winter day, admire the winter landscape. The sun is shining outside, it is not warming. Invite the children to close their eyes and expose their faces to the sun's rays. Frost pricks my cheeks. It's cold outside.

On a frosty sunny day the sky is clear and there are no clouds.

Snow lies everywhere: on trees, bushes, houses and the ground. It sparkles with different lights, sparkles like silver. The snow crunches underfoot. You can't sculpt with it in cold weather.

Teach children to admire the beauty of a winter day and maintain a good mood.

Learn to see the beauty around you.

Methodological techniques.

Make a riddle: He plucks, bites, and tries to drive him home. (Freezing.)

A lot of snow fell

I can’t pass, I can’t pass.

Oh, frost-frost,

You kids (Tanya, Vanya, etc.) don’t freeze!

Admire the snow. It is fluffy and light.

Listen to the snow crunching under your feet - snowflakes are breaking.

On a frosty day you cannot sculpt from snow.

Children and dolls sledding.

One winter evening

Target. On an evening walk, pay attention to how early it gets dark in winter. Lanterns come on, lights come on in houses, stars and the moon appear in the sky. From the light that falls from the windows and from the lanterns, the snow turns silver and shimmers with different lights. The stars twinkle in the sky like precious stones. Admire the sparkling snow, evening sky and winter evening.

Methodical techniques. Pay attention to the evening sky.

Find the moon and stars in the sky. What a beautiful evening!

Admire the sparkling snow.

Winter's Tale

Target. Admire the beauty of the winter landscape. The trees are all covered in snow, like heroes from a fairy tale. They don’t have fluffy snow clothes, they feel warm in them, but if there is a lot of snow on the trees, then the tree branches can break from the weight. We can help our friends and shake off the snow from them.

Pay attention to the birch tree, which stands as if in a silver and lace sundress, among its friends - trees. The snow on the branches sparkles and sparkles in different shades. Cultivate admiration for the Russian beauty birch. Teach children to come to the aid of trees during heavy snowfall.

Methodical techniques. Admire the beauty of the winter landscape.

Fluffy snow lay on the branches,

Children playing on the porch:

They sculpt a woman under the window,

They roll a snowball together.

The trees are all covered in snow. The weight of the branches may break. Together with the children, shake off the snow from the branches.

Find a birch tree, examine it and admire the Russian beauty birch tree.

Birch, my birch,

My white birch, curly birch!

All the birds come to visit us

Target. Draw the children's attention to the bird pillar. Note that many birds have flown to warmer climes, and those that remain with us need our help. Invite children to think about how we can help birds, how we can feed them. Observe what birds arrive and how they behave at the feeder, what food they eat. Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help them in difficult winter times, and take care of them.

Methodological techniques.

Making a riddle.

Watching the birds fly to the feeder.

The birds flew away to the south.

Turned out to be braver than everyone else

Our yard sparrow.

Kholodov was not afraid,

He stayed with us for the winter.

Don't be sorry for bread crumbs

The sparrow deserved them.

Feeding birds with dry food.

Alexandra Stefanko
Plan for a yearly walk for young children



Observations Observing the wind, how the wind blows, trees sway, leaves fall to the ground. Bird watching. What kind of birds they are, shape, color, big and small. Introduce children with the properties of wet sand. Make Easter cakes and show them to each child. Tractor monitoring (digs the ground, drives). Tree watching (what are there, what kind of leaves, consider the leaves). Cloud watching (what they are.) Talk about autumn, what time of year it is now. Bird watching. Sand games (remind children about the properties of wet sand). Weather observations. Tell children about cloudy and clear weather and how to determine it. Insect observation (spiders, bugs, what they are, how many legs they have). Watching the trees, how the leaves fall, what color they become. Games with natural materials. Watching the wind blow, trees swaying, leaves falling to the ground. Pay attention to the fact that the leaves have become multi-colored, how do they fall, what color? Observation of herbaceous plants. Learn to admire autumn flowers (the grass is low and the trees are tall). Observing nature in autumn. Tell children about the time of year. Watch the falling leaves. Observing flowers in a flower bed. Observing the sky as it looks in autumn. Observing the clouds, clouds, what they are. Watching the Janitor (what he does and how he removes leaves from the plots). Tree watching (leaves fall from the trees, branches become bare). Insect observation (beetles). Appearance of insects (there is a head, torso, legs, wings). When it gets cold, insects hide. Observing the wind and clouds. How do we know that the weather is windy and cloudy? P/n “The little white bunny is sitting...”. Game "Run to me".



Remote material: cars, dolls, scoops, buckets. Help children get involved in the game, create a plot for the game "Doll Tanya is coming to visit". Show how to make Easter cakes for a doll. P/n "Along the Path" (exercise children walking in a limited area). Errand Games (let's collect pebbles from the site). Game “Bring what I call”. P/n "Bubble". Learn to walk - "I'm a chicken". P/n "Sun and Rain". Game “What I buried in the sand”. Give children sticks for independent play. P/n "Catch up with the dog". Sand buildings (garage for cars). Games with leaves. Stringing leaves on a twig. Game “We ran to the grass - we ran away from the grass”. Games in the sand, rolling cars. Game "Flowers Grow". P/n "Big Legs". Games with sand Easter cakes and secrets in the sand (we bury the molds). P/n "Breeze". Sandbox games - building a house for the little ones. D.I. "On our site". P/n "Catch a Butterfly". P/n “The little white bunny is sitting...”. Game "Run to me".


Individual work Step over piles of sand, developing the ability to overcome a small obstacle on the way. Learn to wipe your feet.

Exercise children while walking in a limited area. P/n "Along the Path". Walking training – "I am a chicken". Strengthen the ability to run in a flock. P/n "Catch up with me"



Target walk« Walk on the lawn» . See what's growing on the lawn. Admire the flowers with their wonderful shape, color, smell. Cultivate a caring attitude towards plants and insects.

“What is the weather like?” Observations of seasonal phenomena. Introduce children with nature in the wonderful time of autumn. What's happened "Leaf Fall"? « Walk to the garden» Give children an idea of ​​where vegetables grow. Learn to recognize carrots and tomatoes. enrich children new impressions. Getting to know the shape and size of vegetables. "To the clearing to the butterflies" Give an idea about insects, as well as butterflies, what they alive: breathe, move, eat.

Observations Observations of herbaceous plants. Give ideas about them. Grass is short compared to trees, it grows on the ground, you can touch it. The grass can be low or high. The root holds the grass in the ground. If you water the grass, it grows quickly. They grow in a flowerbed asters: blue and red, white, etc.

Insects (butterflies, ladybugs). Give an idea of ​​insects. Bring to the understanding that all insects alive: they breathe, move, feed. Show the distinctive features of insects. Observing the sun. Form the concept that life on earth requires the sun. The sun is warming up outside. The sun appears less often in the sky, it warms less, and every day it becomes colder.

Sky observation. Show the features of the autumn sky. The sky is blue at the beginning of autumn, and then becomes gray.

Give a basic idea of ​​the properties of sand. Dry sand crumbles. If you pour water on sand, it becomes wet. You can make Easter cakes and pies from wet sand, or draw with a stick. Vegetables (turnip, carrot, cucumber, tomato). Give an idea about vegetables. Develop the ability to find vegetables in the garden. Learn to distinguish vegetables by taste, appearance and shape. Carrots and turnips grow in the ground. The carrots are hard, orange in color, and long. The turnip is firm, yellow, round. The cucumber is hard, green, oblong. The tomato is soft, red, round. All vegetables grow in the garden.

Watching the rain. Show what autumn rain can be different: warm or cold. After the rain, everything around is wet. It's raining and puddles appear. You can walk through puddles in rubber boots, then your feet will not get wet. Tree Observations (maple, birch, spruce). Give ideas about trees. The trees are tall, to see their tops you need to lift your head up. The trees are tall and the grass is short. The tree has a trunk, it is solid. A tree grows from the ground, its roots are in the ground. The roots hold the tree so it doesn't fall. There are many branches and leaves on the trunk. Show the structural features of trees (trunk, branches, leaves, needles). Introduce the characteristic features of autumn trees. Show that tree leaves change color in autumn. Learn to distinguish leaves by color (yellow, green, red).


“We ran to the grass - we ran away from the grass”

"Stand up, baby, one more time"

"Big Legs"

"Flowers Grow"

"Vorotsa" "Happy Geese"

"Good and Bad Weather"

"The Birds Are Flying"

"Knock - knock with a hammer"

"Loud-quiet" "Wonderful bag",

"Find and name",

"Guess who's screaming",

"Birds and the Car"

"On a smooth path"


"Sun and Rain"



“This is how the sun rises”

"Run for the ball"

Labor Learn to collect toys before leaving for walk. Collect leaves, twigs, pebbles in buckets, take them to a specific place. Collect sand in a sandbox. Sweep sand from the side of the sandbox.

Individual work Consider pebbles: big and small

Accustom children walk only on the playground. Monitor their physical activity. Learn to make sand cakes, draw on the sand with a stick, play ball

Learn children play with sand, build Easter cakes (from molds, at home (from buckets). Ensure that children do not destroy each other's buildings

In order to increase physical activity, ask children bring a toy lying at the other end of the site Teach children With the help of an adult, put on clothes and pants correctly.

Explain that you should not disturb other children during games.

Teach children step over objects with your legs raised high. Development of movements. Running: P/n "Leaf Fall"

Target: practice running. Learn to slowly spin and squat to imitate leaves.

Ball games: throw the ball to the bench.


activities I week II week III week IV week

Target walk"Meet the Sun".

Target: Give children an idea of ​​the sun and the moon. Educate children interest and desire to observe the sun and moon.

“Consider our spruce”.

Target: introduce children with a new tree, it is green, prickly, with needles. Learn children admire the spruce.

Target: introduce children with a sparrow and a crow. Learn to distinguish them by size and color. Maintain an interest in bird life.

"Introduction to Apple and Pear"

Target: give children ideas about fruits (apple and pear). Learn to distinguish fruits by name, shape, color, surface, taste and smell. Develop sensory sensations children.

Observations Observing the sun. The sun appears in the sky less often, it warms less, and it becomes colder every day.

Watching the rain. Show the simplest connections between phenomena in nature. You can walk through puddles in rubber boots, then your feet will not get wet. The car drives through a puddle and splashes fly far from under the wheels. When it rains, people walk under umbrellas. Raindrops are knocking on the roofs of houses. Tree watching. (spruce, maple, birch) The trees are tall; you have to raise your head to see their tops. The trees are tall, the grass is low. The tree has a trunk, it is solid. A tree grows from the ground, its roots are in the ground, the roots hold the tree, so it does not fall. There are many branches and leaves on the trunk. Tree branches are thin and can break. All trees fall leaves - leaf fall. Dry leaves rustle underfoot. Every day there are fewer and fewer leaves on the trees. But the tree remains green, it has needles instead of leaves. Birds (pigeons, crows, sparrows). Give an idea about birds. Learn to recognize birds by sight. Learn to recognize and notice how birds move (fly, walk, jump, peck food, drink water from a puddle). Reinforce the idea of ​​how live birds differ from toy birds. Form emotional responsiveness.

Give basic ideas about the properties of water. Clean water is clear. Dirty water is not clear. It became cold, the water froze, and ice formed on the puddles. Water can be poured from one bucket to another. Fruits (apples and pears). I blocks and pears grow on trees. They ripen in late summer and autumn. Apples and pears come in red, yellow, and green. Fruits are hard and soft. They can taste sweet or sour. Give an idea of ​​what fruit is harvested in autumn. Learn to distinguish them by appearance, taste, shape and name. Watching the wind. Learn to identify windy weather. The weather is windy - the trees are swaying, people dress warmer. A light breeze or a cold gusty wind is blowing.


"Day and Night", "Sun and Rain"


"Pick Up the Object"


"Autumn Leaves

“We kick, stomp, stomp” “The children went to kindergarten”

“Who is quieter? "Leaves"


"Feet along the path"

"Find the biggest leaf"

“Arrange the leaves by color”

“Find and bring a yellow leaf”

"Let's go to the forest"

"We are autumn leaves" “Show me the same bird”

"Birds and the Car"

"Jump up to your palm" "Crows"

“Who is screaming?” "In the Poultry Yard"

"Leaves are Falling"

“Find something I’ll name”

"Wind" (Develops language skills)

"Taste it"

"Wonderful bag"

"Guess who called"

"The gray bunny is sitting"

"Run to what I call"


“Catch a snowball in your palm”

Labor Let's clear the sand from the steps and benches. Help rake leaves from the area. We shovel wet snow from the paths. We will remove all the branches from the Toy Collecting area after the game.

Individual work Development work movements:

Learn to walk well. D/u "The bunnies are jumping - the mice are coming", "Follow me".

Work on movement development:

Learn to step over obstacles on the ground. D/u "Don't step on a pebble", "Walk the path". Development work movements:

Learn to walk up and down the children's ladder in alternating steps.

D/u "Steps", "Step over the stick". Development work movements:

Learn to walk on a slightly inclined board. D/u "Walk as I do"- free walking behind the teacher.


activities I week II week III week IV week

Target walk"Introduction to beets and potatoes" Target: introduce children with beets and potatoes: features of their shape, color and taste. Continue to develop sensory awareness children, the ability to hear the teacher and answer questions. “What does the spruce tree have?” Target: continue to introduce children with a spruce tree - there is a trunk, branches with prickly needles. There are a lot of needles, they are green and small. Spruce branches grow along the entire trunk. The spruce is very beautiful. “Winter came to us at night” Target: Note how much snow fell, how big the snowdrifts were. Measure the snowdrifts with a snowmeter. Give concepts "snowfall". Examine the trees after a snowfall. "White snow fluffy" Target: watch with children how it snows. Tag him properties: white, fluffy, light, comes in flakes, quietly spins in the air and lies on the ground, trees. Teaches children see the beauty of the winter landscape.

Observations Observation of herbaceous plants. Show the characteristics of herbaceous plants in winter. There is no grass. Only occasionally does a little grass peek out from under the snow. Observations of the sun. Show that the sun shines in all seasons. The sun is shining, which means it's a sunny day. Observation of trees and bushes. Invite the children to touch and hug the birch tree. It is cold, the trunk is white. There are no leaves on the branches. The breeze shakes the branches. Invite the children to blow on the birch tree and help the wind sway the tree. Please note that the birch tree is large and tall, and the bushes are low and small. Observations of phenomena nature: rain or snow. It's raining, snow is falling. Give some ideas about cause-and-effect relationships. It’s raining – it’s wet, there are puddles all around, you can’t walk. Snow is cold, you can’t put it in your mouth, you’ll get sick. When the sun is shining it’s warm, when the wind is blowing it’s cold, you need to put on a coat, boots, and a hat. Tree observations. Show the characteristics of deciduous and coniferous trees in winter. In winter, maple and birch trees stand without leaves. The tree has green needles instead of leaves. If the sun is shining, the snow on the trees glistens. Observations of phenomena nature: ice and snow

Remember with the children that there used to be water in the concrete flower beds, but now it has become very cold, and the water froze, creating ice. It is hard and cold. Snow falls on the ice

Snow falls on the paths, on the sand, on children. Invite children to catch snowflakes with their mittens. The snow is white and cold. Sky observation. Show the features of the winter sky. The sky in winter can be blue, blue, gray. It's dark outside in the morning. In the evening it starts to get dark early. Before snowfall, the sky becomes dark. Observations of the condition and changes of the weather (it is warm or cold, it is snowing, the wind is blowing, the sun is shining, the sun is hiding).

Watching the wind. Show the features of windy weather in winter. A cold wind blows, people turn up their collars. The wind lifts and swirls the snow. The wind howls.

During a snowfall, show the children how the snow falls. You can catch a snowflake on your mitten and examine it. He is white and beautiful. All around is white and white. The snow is light.


Educational and didactic games P/i "I'm running away from children» . Target: learn children act on the teacher’s verbal signal. Teaches you to run without bumping into each other. Di "Where is the cat". Target: learn children answer the question where is the cat? (on a tree, under a bench, behind a bush, using prepositions. Create a joyful mood children. P/n "Train" teacher - train, children - carriages

Di "Big and Small" P/n "Father Frost"

Target: learn to act on a signal from the teacher, teach children running around.

Di “Find a toy of the same color”

P/n "Sparrows and the cat". Learn children imitate the flight of birds, show how sparrows peck grains and run away at the teacher’s word "The cat is coming" (take on toy cat walk)

P/n “One, two, three – run to the bench”

Labor Encourage to sweep away snow from benches and buildings on the site.

Teach how to collect snow in a pile, encourage you to make simple buildings and play with them (chair, table for dolls).

Individual work Learn to perform familiar everyday actions at the request of an adult. D/u “Go put it down...”, "Go get it", "Bring (take it and put it down)", D/i "Errands" Learn to group homogeneous objects, focus on words "such", "not like that". D/u "Grouping objects by shape". Learn to navigate in two sizes (large and small, find objects of these sizes. D/u “Laying out homogeneous objects of different sizes into two groups”. Learn to step over small obstacles on the ground. D/u "Step over the stick".


activities I week II week III week

Target walk"White snow fluffy" Target: continue to introduce children with the properties of snow: it is white, cold, melts in your hands. Learn to admire the snow. "All the birds come to visit us" Target: pay attention children on the bird pole. Note that many birds have flown to warmer regions, and those that remain with us need our help. “Our Christmas tree is alive” Target: cultivate a caring attitude towards a living tree, a desire to help it - shake snow off its branches, protect and take care of it, and not break branches.

Observations Observations of snow. The snow is white, cold, melts on your hand, lies on platforms, trees, benches. You can’t take it without gloves; you can put it in a bucket with a spatula. There was a lot of snow and snowdrifts formed. You can make snowballs and snowmen from snow. If you squeeze the snow tightly in your palm, it will melt and turn into water. Tree observations. Expand ideas about trees: a tree has a trunk and branches. If the wind blows, the snow flies off the trees. There are berries preserved on the rowan tree. Birds fly in and peck the rowan berries. Observation of clothes people: warm jackets, fur coats, hats, mittens. It's cold outside, so everyone is dressed warmly. Observations of wintering birds. Tell them that in winter the birds have nothing to eat, no grains, offer to feed the birds. Doves, sparrows, and crows peck crumbs. Birds jump, peck, fly. All birds fly and flap their wings while flying. The birds' bodies are covered with feathers, so they are not cold. It got colder - the birds got ruffled. Sparrows fly in a flock. Bird watching. Pay attention children on pigeons, raven, sparrows. Watching a flock of waxwings. These birds flew to us to eat rowan berries and keep warm. There are a lot of them, they fly in large flocks, emitting a characteristic whistle. Give an idea of ​​the bullfinch. There are many beautiful red-breasted bullfinches sitting on a tree. Bullfinches especially love to peck rowan berries. Bird tracks remain in the snow.


Educational and didactic games P/i "The snow is spinning". Target: learn to perform actions according to the word of an adult. D/n Let's take the pussy on a sled. Learn children carry a sled with a toy, holding it by a string

P/n "The Crows and the Little Dog"

Target: clarify the movements of birds, the sounds they make. Learn to act on the teacher’s signal

Di "Slide". With the children, build a snow slide (small mound, ride the P/n doll on a sled "Shaggy Dog"

Target: learn to act on a signal, develop orientation in the environment, train in running. Develop imagination (who we will be, how we will wake up the dog)

Didactic game: Running errands - bring a large shovel, a small shovel, a large bucket, a small ball.

Labor Learn to sculpt lumps out of snow, play with them.

Continue to teach how to help clear snow on the site.

Individual work Learn to throw a ball into a basket on the ground. D/u "Throw the ball into the basket".

Learn to run in different directions. D/u "Run to me", "Catch up with me". Learn to navigate flowers: red, yellow, green, blue. Learn to group objects by color. D/u “Laying out homogeneous objects, sharply different in color, into two groups.”


activities I week II week III week IV week

Target walk"One Winter Evening". Target: pay attention to how early it gets dark in winter. The lights come on. Admire the sparkling snow, evening sky and winter evening. "Winter's Tale" Target: admire the beauty of the winter landscape. Learn children come to the aid of trees during heavy snowfall. "How Snow Becomes Water" Target: show how snow melts in warmth and becomes water. Melt water is dirty and contains debris. Snow is dirty. You can't put it in your mouth.

“Comparison of a toy tree and a live one” Target: consolidate knowledge children about live spruce. Show the difference between a live spruce and an artificial tree. Cultivate a sense of admiration for a living tree.

Observations Examination of traces left in the snow by a person, a dog, a bird

Watching the wind

Consider how the wind sways the branches of the trees and drives the clouds across the sky. Offer to children "help" the wind shakes the trees, blows on them.

Looking at the trees in their winter attire evokes a feeling of admiration. Teach not to break bushes, cultivate a caring attitude towards nature. Consideration ice: hard, smooth, transparent, slippery, can fall

Watching the icicles on roof: long, thin, dripping water. The sun is shining brighter, the birds are singing louder, spring is coming.

Continue to introduce the properties of water. Water freezes in the cold. Water can be frozen in a mold. The water froze - it turned out to be ice. If you bring ice into a room, it will melt and become water again. Observations on snow: white, fluffy, cold, lies on the ground, cannot be taken into the mouth, you can get sick. You can put it in a bucket with a spatula.

Everything became white and white

All the paths are covered with snow

Continue to teach to see the beauty of winter trees. Consider a spruce and a deciduous tree, suggest finding the differences.

Record the names of the birds that fly to the feeder. Observation of the sun: it shines brightly, it’s warm, the birds rejoice in it and chirp merrily. The sun invites spring to visit

The cloud is hiding behind the forest

The sun looks from the sky

And so pure

Kind, radiant

If we could get him,

We would kiss him!

Strengthen ideas about signs winter: cold, a lot of light, it lies on the ground, trees, houses. People put on warm clothes.


Educational and didactic games P/i "Breeze"

Teacher - the wind blows on children- snowflakes and they fly from one place to another

Game exercise "The Wind Is Blowing"

The wind is blowing in our faces, the tree is swaying

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter

The tree is getting higher and higher

Didactic game "Where is the bird" (toy). Target: learn children use in active speech prepositions: on, behind, under, above P/i "Snowflakes"

A snowball is quietly falling into a clearing, onto a meadow. The snowflakes and white fluffs have settled down. But suddenly a breeze blew,

our snowball began to spin. All the snowflakes and white fluffs are dancing.

Game exercise "The wind is blowing in our faces". Di

The bear was walking through the forest, looking for the children, for a long, long time he growled, sat down in the snow and dozed off. Let's wake up the bear

Teddy bear, little darling, get up,

Catch up with the kids. P/n "Catch up with the dog"- running in a certain direction. Di "Where is the dog"

Target (on, behind, under, over)

P/n "Sparrows and the cat". Learn children imitate the flight of birds, teach them to flap their wings, peck grains and run away at the words of the teacher "the cat is coming". P/n "Catch up with the dog"

Target: teach to run in a certain direction

Offer to ride toys on a sled.

Di "Where is the toy"

Target: use prepositions in active speech (on, behind, under, over)

Labor Continue to teach how to collect snow in a pile, make simple buildings and play with them.

Individual work Learn to step over several obstacles in alternating steps. D/u "Step over the stick". Learn to maintain balance when walking in a limited area. D/u "Walk the path". Learn to change pace: walking and running. D/u "Step - run".

"Catch up with the doll"


activities I week II week III week IV week

Target walk"Colorful Ice" Target: show the children that colored water in the cold turned into colored ice. The ice is hard, cold, shiny, and does not flow. “Who flies to the feeder?” Target: introduce children with birds that sit on the feeder or wait for food near it. Arouse interest in bird behavior. Attract children to feed birds. “Water can be cold or hot” Target: develop skin sensations children– learn to distinguish between cold and hot water, to correctly denote it in words. "The pigeons have flown to the feeder" Target: introduce children with pigeons - they are big, gray, larger than a sparrow. They peck at the feeder and coo. Cultivate a desire to observe the behavior of birds and a desire to take care of them and feed them.

Observations Observations birds: crow and sparrow. Continue to develop the ability to distinguish birds by appearance (dove, crow, sparrow).

A big crow screams kar-kar, a small sparrow screams chik-chirk.

Feeding the birds means instilling respect and care for animals. Learn to notice like birds move around: walk, jump, fly, peck food, drink water from a puddle. Pay attention to autumn Sun: It's getting warmer, the snow is starting to melt. Spring is beginning. The sun is shining, icicles have appeared on the roofs. Observations of streams and puddles. Spring has come, it has become warmer. The snow is wet, it melts, resulting in puddles.

Pay attention children for that how they are dressed. It has become warmer, the sun has warmed up, so everyone is dressed more lightly. Spring has already arrived.

Show the features of the spring sky. In spring the sky is often blue and cloudless. Sometimes white clouds float across the sky. Dark clouds in the sky mean rain. After the rain, a rainbow appears in the sky. Observations of the sun. It shines brightly, it’s warm, the birds rejoice in it and chirp merrily. The sun invites spring to visit

Sun (repetition)

The cloud is hiding behind the forest

The sun looks from the sky

If we could get him, We would kiss him.

Continue to introduce the natural phenomenon - wind. The wind blows clouds across the sky. The wind is blowing - the trees are swaying, the turntables are spinning. Observations of seasonal changes. The sun is shining brightly, the sun is warm, the birds are singing happily, the roofs are dripping.

Cloud watching: clouds in the sky, white, fluffy. The sky is clear - no clouds.

Show the properties of snow in spring. In spring the snow begins to melt. Icicles appear on the roofs. On the ground, white snow turns gray. Gradually all the snow on the ground will melt.


Educational and didactic games P/i "The Crows and the Little Dog"

Target: clarify the movements of birds, teach to act on a signal from the teacher

Didactic game

“Come on, let’s run to the place I name.”.

P/n "Birds and Rain"

Target: learn children act on the word of an adult. Learn to perform imitation movements.

Errand games: Bring a bucket of the same color as the spatula. P/n "Shaggy Dog"

Target: teaches children act on a signal, develop orientation in the environment, train in running.

Di "Let's put the dolls to sleep"

(take on walk two scarves with ribbons for dolls)

Games with pinwheels and ribbons. Movable games:

"The doll is dancing"

Let's take our dolls,

Let's go for a walk with the dolls

We walk slowly

One and two, one and two.

We took the dolls by the hands

We danced with them

La-la-la, la-la-la

My doll is dancing

Game exercise: stepping over an obstacle

Labor To consolidate the ability to collect snow into piles, sculpt and roll lumps, encourage them to compare them with objects and animals.

Individual work Learn to jump, jump. D/u "Jump to the branch". Learn to understand a short story (without showing actions) about familiar events. D/u "What did we do on walk, “Who came, who left?” Learn how to complete up to 3 tasks (take it, take it, put it down). D/u "Help the doll".

Learn to run at a mincing pace. D/u “We take the bus slowly and quickly”.


activities I week II week III week IV week

Target walk"Colorful Water" Target: clarify knowledge children about that that clean water flows from the tap. But water can be made colored by adding paints to it. Such water becomes opaque, nothing can be seen through it. “What do we treat the birds with?” Target: continue to introduce children with that that the birds are alive. We must take care of them, feed them. "Introduction to Tomato, Cucumber and Cabbage" Target: consolidate knowledge children about turnips, carrots, beets, cabbage. Learn to find them in the picture. Introduce children with tomato, cucumber and cabbage. Learn to distinguish vegetables by shape, color, taste, hardness. Know their names. "Getting to know citrus: lemon and orange" Target: give knowledge about lemon and orange: know the names of fruits, their sensory characteristics. Develop sensory sensations, the joy of perceiving beautiful fruits and their smell.

Observations Observations of seasonal changes. Tell the children that in the spring a cheerful wind came to us. The wind knows how to play with flags (take the flags outside) and sultans

Pay attention to the behavior of sparrows. They chirp and fly a lot, flying from bush to bush. Offer to listen to the cooing of pigeons. Explain that the birds are warm and are enjoying spring.

Watch how clothes have changed children. Looking at the sand.

The sand is fine and damp. You can find pebbles in the sand. They brought sand by car so that the children could build houses and Easter cakes from it. Let's build a house for toys out of sand.

Strengthen the desire to watch insects. Expand your understanding of insects. Continue learning to identify insects. Butterflies and ladybugs fly, ants crawl on the ground. Flies fly. Create a desire to admire the green grass that appears. Green grass appeared on the site. The grass stems are very thin and bend and break easily.

Observations of the sky and clouds. The sky is blue, clear, with white clouds running across it. The sky is gray, dark, there are clouds on it, and it is raining.

The sky is clear - the sun is shining. The sky is gloomy - the sun is hidden. Continue to introduce the properties of water. The water heats up in the sun and becomes warm. Plants in the garden are watered with water. Birds drink water from a puddle. When the water is clean, it is transparent. Observations of grass and leaves. Grass appeared: it is green, tender, soft (run your hand across the grass)

The grass ant rose from its sleep...

Birds peck grass, cats eat grass. Reinforce ideas about shrubs. Consider the twigs bushes: The leaves of the buds are peeking out. They enjoy the warmth and sun. Lilac blooms beautifully. Lilac flowers smell fragrant. You can smell them.


Educational and didactic games P/i "Chicks and the Cat". Target: learn to act according to the word of an adult. Teach during the game children to sounds, made by animals

Di “Show me the same one”.

P/n "I'm running away from children»

Target: exercise children running, create a joyful mood, teach not to bump into each other.

Di "Find and name". P/n "Sun and Rain"

Learn children to walk, run in all directions, and at the teacher’s signal run to one object, "hide" from the rain.

P/n "Locomotive"

Target: teach to move at different paces, change direction, show objects, convey the characteristic movements of animals and birds. "The horned goat is coming"- learn to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Labor Continue to teach how to assemble toys after walks.

Learn how to make drains for water from the site (streams).

Individual work Learn to finish quatrains in familiar verses. Reading familiar nursery rhymes, poems, songs.

Learn to name objects by demonstration. Di "Who is missing" "We run like mice".

Learn to jump, jump. D/u "Jump to the Ribbon".


activities I week II week III week IV week

Target walk“Getting to know sand and making Easter cakes” Target: introduce children with sand properties: dry, free-flowing, you can make Easter cakes from wet sand. Dry sand is light, brown, wet, dark, cold. “Which sparrows, which crows?” Target: continue to introduce children with a sparrow and a crow. Learn to distinguish them by size and color. Maintain an interest in bird life. Attract children to feed them.

"Meet the Mother and Stepmother" Target: show a new plant, tell its name, highlight its characteristic features (short, stem covered in scales, yellow flowers) "Meet the Dandelion" Target: consolidate knowledge children about mother and stepmother(it is not fluffy, low, the stem is covered in scales). Introduce dandelion (yellow, fluffy flower, long, smooth stem). Foster a sense of admiration for the beauty of plants.

Observations Observation of seasonal changes. The gentle sun warms everything around: flowers are blooming, the grass is turning green, and there are a lot of green leaves on the trees and bushes. Everyone is happy warmth: birds, animals, insects, people. In summer there is no need to dress warmly. Continue to introduce the properties of sand. Dry sand crumbles. You can make Easter cakes from wet sand. When it rains, the sand is wet. After wet sand, you need to wash your hands. Observation of plants - there are a lot of leaves, the trees are green. Leaves grow on twigs. When the wind blows, the branches sway, the leaves sway, and whisper.” The tree has one leg - the trunk, it is thick so that the tree stands well and does not fall. Observations of worms. Show the distinctive features of the worm. Appearance worm: long, rope-like, has no legs. A worm crawls on the ground. Crawling into the ground, the worms loosen it. Sky observation. The sky is blue. There are clouds or clouds in the sky. The clouds are white and fluffy. The clouds are dark and heavy. If there are clouds, it may rain. Birds and planes are flying in the sky. The sun is shining in the sky. The sky is clear, gloomy.

Examine the flowering plants in the flowerbed, teach them to admire them, but not to pick them. Fix the names of the parts plants: stem, flower. Consider a dandelion. The dandelion has a stem, a leaf and a flower. The stem is fragile and breaks easily. Flower, yellow. In place of the flower, fluff appears - dandelion seeds. Looking at sand in a sandbox. Dry sand crumbles easily and rolls off your palm. Invite the children to take a handful of sand, then, opening their palm, see how the sand "runs away", rolls off the palm. You can’t make Easter cakes and pies out of it. (try). Wet sand squeezes in the palm, sticks to the hands, plops off the palm in small lumps. You can make pies and Easter cakes from wet sand. Insect observations (flies, butterflies, ladybugs, ants).


Educational and didactic games P/i "Catch the Bird"

Material: a bright bird made of cardboard with an elastic band.

Target: Children should try to catch the bird. Learn children correct use of prepositions, clarify the name of the main buildings on the site.

P/n “Run to the thing that I name”.

Target: running in a flock in a certain direction.

P/n "Loaf".

Target: Perform actions according to the text. Consolidation concepts: high, low, wide, narrow.

P/n "My funny ringing ball" (rolling on the ground, two-handed throws).

P/n "Hares and Fox"- running away from the fox

Di "Stones"- collect large pebbles in a large bucket, and small ones in a small bucket. P/n "The gray bunny is sitting". Target: learn children perform movements perform movements in accordance with the text. Learn to jump, clap your hands, run away. Bring joy to children.

Di "Little and Big"

(leaves, pebbles)

Labor Sweep the floor in houses and other buildings, collect pebbles, and lay out shapes from them.

Individual work Teach children play together, together with peers. Creating a game situation. “We are building a house together”. Learn to run at a mincing pace. D/u "The Birds Are Flying". Learn to hold the ball with one or two hands. D/u "Bring the ball".

Learn to catch the ball from close range. D/u "Catch the Ball".


I week II week III week IV week

Target walk Theme: "Sun" (“Mom caresses us, the sun warms us”).

Target: expand your understanding of the sun (in winter it shines, in summer it shines and warms). Subject: "Rain" (“It’s going to rain more, the grass will be thicker”).

Target: give an idea that rain promotes the growth of plants, show the connection between living and inanimate nature. Subject: "Trees, shrubs and flowers".

Target: expand knowledge children about bushes, trees, flowers and herbs. Subject: “I’ll go and dig up a garden bed.”.

Target: introduce children with the end result of work in the vegetable garden and flower garden (based on pictures and models).

Observations Observing the sun (warm, shines brightly); children determine where it is warmer - in the sun or in the shade (touch sand, asphalt, pebbles).

The sun is very hot, children walk around in shorts and panama hats. If the summer is warm, people sunbathe and their skin darkens. In sunny weather, you should not be in the sun - you can get sunburned. It is better to walk in the shade of trees and bushes.

Expand your understanding of shrubs. Show that berries are ripening on the bushes. In summer, berries ripen on the bushes.

Show that the sky is different in summer. The sky can be blue and cloudless, gray. Sometimes clouds float across the sky. Experiments with water: children learn that water pours, flows, heats up (especially in the sun); You can make Easter cakes from wet sand and even build houses.

Show the properties of water.

The water is heated by the sun. Plants in the garden are watered with water. Birds drink water from a puddle. When the water is clean, it is transparent. Water flows, it can be poured from one vessel to another. When it's hot outside, people and animals get thirsty. Everyone drinks water. You can only drink clean water.

Show that summer rain can be different. Warm rain falls and puddles appear. After the rain, all the trees are wet, the leaves, the houses are wet. Observations of the weather conditions (hot time of day, the wind shakes the trees, leaves rustle, clouds float across the sky, children play with pinwheels and plumes.

Reinforce ideas about trees. Show the changes that occur to trees in the summer.

Develop a caring attitude towards nature.

Show the features of windy weather in summer. A warm breeze is blowing. The wind blows - branches and trees sway. The wind blows and the leaves rustle. Strong winds blow and branches break and fall to the ground. A strong wind is blowing and sand is rising from the ground. The wind blows and large waves form in the river and sea. Wildlife. Children look at flowering plants (rosehip, dandelion, grass, compare them) spruce and birch trees (name distinctive features); insects (ant and beetle); compare size and color, watch birds, listen to their singing.

Expand your understanding of bird behavior in summer. Continue to develop the ability to distinguish birds by appearance (dove, crow, sparrow, starling, duck). Features of the appearance of different birds. Birds bathe in sand and puddles. Birds feed their young (carry food in beak). Expand your understanding of insects. Strengthen the desire to observe

for insects. Butterflies flutter, beetles fly. Longhorned beetles have long antennae. Beetles have hard wings.

Outdoor games "Sun and Rain", "Hang a wreath", “I walk with a wreath”, “Don’t stumble, don’t trample”, "Balls in the Basket", "Cars" "My funny ringing ball", "Bubble", "Crested Hen", "Feet along the path", "On a smooth path" "Aircraft", "Train", "Roll the ball", "Beetles", "Sunny bunnies", "Jump up to your palm". "Sparrows and the car", "At the bear in the forest...", "Birds in Nests", "Catch a Butterfly", “Walk through the stream

Educational and didactic games Games with pebbles: tell me what it feels like, find the heaviest pebble, arrange the pebbles from largest to smallest (and vice versa.) "Tell me what kind of sunshine", (selection of epithets, "Find out by touch" (stones, sand). “Who has whom?”, “Who gives what?” (pets). Games with pictures. "Find out and name", (vegetables and fruits). "Feed the Animal". “Pour and pour”, (water games). “How are you living?”. “Find it like mine”, "Fold the flower", "Know the Flowers", “Find the flower from the image in the picture”, "Making holes"(from sand, "Empty and Full"(bucket of sand, "Fists - palms". “Find a piece of paper that I’ll show you”, "Find a Pair", "Flies, crawls, jumps", "Who Lives Where", “Pour it in - pour it out” (playing with sand).


Labor In a corner of wildlife and on the site.

Target: teach and help adults care for plants in a corner of wildlife and flowers in flower beds. Watering plants.

Individual work Teach children Put on clothes correctly and put on sandals yourself.

Explain that you should not disturb other children while playing.

Teach children step over objects with your legs raised high. Learn children jump up on two legs. Jumping off a log "A lot is a little". Introduction to the concept "number" on cones and pebbles. Jumping over an obstacle. Walking on toes; game exercise “Who is quieter?”. Jumping on two legs, game exercise "Bunnies". Throwing a ball at a distance.

Compacting sand on both sides. Game exercise "Throw the ball to your friend", "Pass the ball around", "How the bee buzzes" (on the development of articulation and hearing). Throwing the ball up "Catch the ball".


I week II week III week IV week

Target walk Theme: "Our friends" (about insects) Target: give an idea of ​​butterflies, dragonflies, bees, ants. Subject: "Swallows and midges"

Target: give an idea of ​​the benefits and harms of birds and insects in nature. Subject: "Save water". Target: to give an idea that without water all living things die, stories about the importance of water in human life, about the need to treat it with care. Subject: "Magic trills".

Target: expand knowledge children about birds, talk about the diversity of species and role in nature. Pay attention to what some birds look like and what their voices are.

Observations Observation of insects (how butterflies flutter from flower to flower; how a beetle crawls; how a beetle differs from a butterfly, a butterfly from a dragonfly; the benefits and harms of insects, such as flies). Watching a ladybug (seven-point)– red with black spots. Grasshoppers chatter in the grass. Strengthen the desire to watch insects. Expand your understanding of insects. Continue to learn to distinguish insects from other living creatures.

Show the features of windy weather in summer. A warm breeze is blowing. The wind blows - trees and branches sway. The wind blows and the leaves rustle. A strong wind blows - branches break and fall to the ground.

Weather observations. (hot, sun, rain, wind, clouds, clouds, thunderstorm, behavior children during a thunderstorm). Expand your understanding of bird behavior in summer. Continue to develop the ability to distinguish birds by appearance (dove, crow, sparrow). Birds bathe in puddles and sand. They feed their young (carry food in beak). Create a desire to watch birds flying to the kindergarten site.

Show that the sky is different in summer . Sometimes clouds float across the sky. The sky is overcast, which means it will rain. Lightning flashes in the sky, thunder rumbles. After the rain a rainbow appears. Experiments with water. Show properties of water (water has no shape, dissolves sugar, does not dissolve river sand). The water heats up in the sun and becomes warm. Plants in the garden are watered with water. When the water is clean it is transparent. Water flows, it can be poured from one vessel to another. When it's hot outside, people and animals get thirsty. You can only drink clean water.

Show the properties of sand. In the morning, adults water the sand so that it is moist and there is fresh air in the area. Dry sand crumbles. You can make Easter cakes from wet sand. If you step on wet sand, a footprint remains. You can draw on the sand. Monitoring the growth and development of plants on the site and in the garden (peas, potatoes, zucchini, clover, bells, daisies are blooming). Develop a desire to admire flowering herbaceous plants. Learn to distinguish some garden and wildflowers by shape, color and smell. There are many beautiful plants in the flowerbed, they are blooming. All plants - chamomile, bellflower, clover - have flowers of different shapes and colors. Plants should not be watered in sunny weather - they can be burned. You need to water the plants in the evening, when the sun has hidden.

Show that summer rain can be different. It's warm raining. After the rain, all the trees, leaves, houses are wet. It's raining and puddles appear.


educational and didactic games "Moths"

“My cheerful, ringing ball”


"Light and Dark"


"Chicken - Corydalis"


“Aw, aw!”


"Butterflies" "Sun and Rain"


"Birds in Nests"

"Geese, geese..."

"The Third Wheel"

"Find the biggest bird"

"Feed the Animals"

"Who Lives Where"

"Find out and name"

"Ah, birch"

"Snail", "Cossack Spider" Games with water: “Pour, pour, measure”, "Water and Air", "Drowning - not drowning" (cork, cone, stone, sliver)

"At the bear in the forest..."

Sand games

“Which is heavier?”

"Secrets in the Sand"

"Sand and Water"

"Cat and Mice"

“Find a piece of paper like mine”, “Find something I’ll name”

"Make a bouquet"

"Don't trample the grass"

"In the Forest", "Weave a wreath"

"A Trip to the Forest" "Springs"

“Here sits our dog Barbos”

Labor In a corner of nature and on the site.

Orders: making crafts from natural materials; helping adults care for plants in a corner of nature; watering flowers in flower beds; collecting sand on the site with shovels. Transferring sand in buckets.

Hardening Air baths breathing: take 10 breaths, first through the right, then through the left nostril, alternately closing them with the thumb and index finger of the right hand. Myogymnastics "Horses" "Let's start the car" "Kiss"- stretch your lips forward "proboscis" And "peck". "The ball burst" sleep stop

Individual work Working with children to develop physical activity (jumping on both legs and stepping over objects). P/n “My cheerful, ringing ball”, "Through the Stream". Walking on a log. Balance training (practice jumping over obstacles). P/n "On a smooth path". Running in different directions. Game exercise "I'll catch up". Work on the development of motor activity. Performing a variety of jumps. P/n "Birds in Nests". Drawing strokes and lines on wet sand. Compacting sand on both sides. Work on the development of motor activity. Balance training. P/n "Don't stumble, don't fall". Balance exercises. "Step over". Rolling the plasticine in a circular motion.


I week II week III week IV week

Target walk Theme: “What a miracle this garden bed is”. Target: tell children about vegetables and their health benefits. Subject: “I enter the forest as if I were entering a tower”.

Target: consolidate knowledge children about trees and shrubs. Subject: "Delicious basket" Target: consolidate knowledge children about berries. Subject: "Green Pharmacy"

Target: talk about the benefits and harms of certain plants.

Observations Observation of natural phenomena (rain, wind, fog, dew). Sun and rain help the fruits ripen (berries, vegetables, fruits, root vegetables). Show how vegetables grow in summer. Vegetables grow in the garden. They need to be looked after. The vegetables were small at the beginning of summer, but grew over the summer. At the end of summer, many vegetables can be eaten - they are ripe. Show that the sky is different in summer (blue, cloudless, gray). Sometimes clouds float across the sky. The sky is overcast, which means it will rain. Lightning flashes in the sky, thunder rumbles. After the rain a rainbow appears. Please note children for that how tall the grass has grown; mushrooms appeared in the forest after the rains; at the first signs of wilting (the grass has withered, the leaves on the birch have turned yellow); how the flower garden and garden have changed (children look at familiar trees, listen to birds singing); the grass on the site has been mowed (adult labor on earth). At the end of summer, fruits ripen on the trees - apples, pears, bird cherry. Leaves on trees have different shapes. Expand your understanding of shrubs. Show that berries are ripening on the bushes - raspberries, currants. The berries are picked and eaten. Watching the sun (heats less, the air has become cooler, clothes are warmer). Learn to distinguish some garden and wildflowers by shape, color and smell. Show the properties of water. The water heats up in the sun and becomes warm. Plants in the garden are watered with water. Birds drink water from a puddle. When the water is clean, it is transparent. Observation of natural materials (children compare which sand is heavier - dry or wet; draw with sticks on the sand; examine and compare sand and clay).

Expand your understanding of insects. Continue to learn to distinguish insects from other living creatures. Butterflies flutter, beetles fly. Ladybug is red with black spots. Grasshoppers chatter in the grass.


educational and didactic games "Taste it"


“Legs, legs, where were you running? We went to the forest to pick mushrooms"

"Sunny Bunny"

"Sun and Rain"

"Wonderful bag (vegetables, fruits)»


"Barely - barely - barely"

"The Mother Hen and the Chicks"

"Feet along the path"

"Catch-up" "By the Bear in the Forest"

"Birds in Nests"

“Who came to us?”


“Who lives where?”

“Who among us is not washed?”

"Weave a wreath"

"Through the Obstacle"

Wind games (sultans, turntables)

"Magic Sieve" game with cones.

"Kittens and Puppies" "A Trip to the Forest"

"Collect mushrooms"

“Find the same leaf”

"Fun Fishing"

"Shaggy Dog"

"Who is quieter"


"The Hen and the Chicks"

"Paired pictures"(berries)

Domino "Fruits. Berries"

"On the path to the house"

Paired pictures "Berries" “One, two, three – find a bush!”

“Find a piece of paper like mine”, "Horses"


"Don't trample the grass"

"In the Forest"


“Here sits our dog Barbos”

"The mice are walking along the path"

"Run - Jump"

Labor Harvesting flower seeds in flower beds, dry grass for crafts, collecting and drying leaves, cleaning the area from debris (collecting pebbles, twigs, sand, sweeping paths, removing sand from gazebos, benches, tables, watering flowers in flower beds, loosening the soil

Hardening Air baths: in shorts and a T-shirt, washing hands up to the elbow, neck, upper chest. Sunbathing. Tempering nasal breathing: open your mouth, press the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth (this turns off mouth breathing). Repeat 4-5 times. Take a deep breath, while exhaling, while simultaneously tapping your fingers on the wings of your nose, pronounce the syllables "ba-bo-boo". Myogymnastics "Horses"- click your tongue for 30 seconds. "Let's start the car"- say d-d-d-d for 30 seconds. "Parsley". With your lips open, place your little fingers on the corners of your mouth and in this position try to close your lips. "The ball burst"- puff out your cheeks and slowly squeeze out air through clenched lips with your fists. Walking barefoot after sleep: walk barefoot along the salt path, do exercises to strengthen stop: pull off your socks one by one and together; rolling balls, rolling pins with the soles of the feet, various movements of the toes.


work Working with children to develop motor skills activity: walking one after another in a circle; stepping over objects. Round dances games: "Weave a wreath", "Through the Obstacle". Work on the development of motor activity (different types of walking). “Who is quieter?” Round dance game "Loaf". Work on the development of motor activity (crawling under collars, climbing on various objects on the site, for example, on tires buried vertically). "Mice in a hole", "Horses". Work on the development of motor activity (crawl on all fours). Outdoor game "The mice are walking along the path".


1. “Individual development children in preschool educational institutions" S. V. Lesina Volgograd - 2008

2. "Classes on walking with kids» S. N. Teplyuk Moscow - 2006

3. “Classes on the formation of elementary ecological ideas” O. A. Solomennikova Moscow - 2008

4. "Acquaintance young children with nature» T. N. Zenina Moscow - 2009

5. "Educational games for kids" A. S. Galanov Moscow - 2008

6. “Working with children 2-3 years old in the summer” I. I. Airapetyants Moscow - 2009

Winter walk in the 1st junior group of preschool educational institutions. Observations of natural phenomena in winter

teach children to name and notice natural phenomena, develop children’s speech.
tell children about snow,
fix the time of year;
consolidate the words “white”, “cold”,
enrich your vocabulary with adjectives.
Target: expand children's understanding of the world around them,
Description: This material will be useful for teachers of the 1st junior group. Thanks to the use of playful techniques and short poems in their work, children develop a deep cognitive interest in nature.
While getting dressed for a walk, the teacher reads a poem by Z. Alexandrova
One, two, three, four, five:
We're going for a walk.
Katya tied up
The scarf is striped.
Katya is lucky with her sleigh
From porch to gate.
And Seryozha is on the path
He throws crumbs to the pigeons.
... Girls and boys
They bounce like balls
They stomp their feet,
They laugh merrily.
Children of the first subgroup go out into the street, the teacher plays the game “Catch the Dog”.
The teacher has a toy dog ​​in his hands. Having shown it to the children, he leaves or runs to the other side and invites the children to catch up with the dog. When the children run up to the teacher, he says: “And now the dog will catch up with you. Run away."
The children run back.
When all the children have left, the teacher invites them to go to the site.
The teacher reads an excerpt from Z. Alexandrova’s poem “Snowball”:
“The snowball is fluttering and spinning,
It's white outside.
And puddles turned
Into transparent glass."
- What time of year?
Children's answers.
The teacher draws attention to the fact that it is very cold, there are no leaves on the trees, and there is snow.
Then everyone repeats the poem again together.
Educator: What kind of snow?
Children's answers (white, cold, fluffy - enrichment with adjectives)
The teacher reads an excerpt from I. Surikov’s poem “Winter”
“White snow is fluffy,
Spinning in the air
And the ground is quiet,
Falls, lies down.
And in the morning snow
The field turned white
Like a veil
Everything dressed him.”
Conversation on a poem.
Educator: guys, let's look at the snowflakes.
Children look at snowflakes together with their teacher.
Educator: and now you and I will be snowflakes.
The teacher invites the children to spin around like snowflakes.
Educator: Now listen to the riddle:
“Small, white, long ears. Jump and jump through the forest.”
Children: bunny.
Outdoor game “The little white bunny is sitting”
White bunny sitting
And he moves his ears. (Children imitate movements with their ears)
Like this, like this
He wiggles his ears.
It's cold for the bunny to sit
We need to warm our paws.
Clap, clap, clap, clap,
We need to warm our paws.
Children clap their hands
It's cold for the bunny to stand
The bunny needs to jump,
Skok-skok, skok-skok,
The bunny needs to jump.
The kids are jumping.
During the game, the teacher walks and talks with the children, adding new words to the dictionary.
Didactic game "Hit the target."
Children throw a ball into holes in the snow. During this game, the teacher reinforces the shape and color.
Guys, what did you and I do on our walk?
What did we do with the snow?
(We left traces.
We made lumps for the game "Aim at the Target".
We looked at the snow.
They guessed the riddle.
Read a poem.)
Children spend the remaining time of the walk in independent activities.
After the walk, the children return to the group in subgroups.

Target: to instill in children respect for the work of adults, to form a desire to help others.

Progress of the walk

The children went for a walk, looked around - there were high snowdrifts all around, winter-winter, it was impossible to pass, impossible to pass. The snow needs to be removed, otherwise it’s difficult for people to walk, you can’t carry a stroller with a baby, cars slip.

Suddenly everyone hears the sound of an engine approaching. A snowplow is moving along the sidewalk. I drove by, and it immediately became cleaner, because its brushes are wide—the entire width of the sidewalk. The children wait for the car to turn around and go back, again watching its work. The driver sits in the cab, looks carefully around, and drives the car smoothly. The brushes spin, clearing snow from the sidewalk.

A janitor with a wide shovel comes out into the yard. He clears the snow from the edges of the sidewalk and throws it to the side. The teacher invites the children to help the janitor.

Children dismantle shovels and begin to remove snow at the entrance to the kindergarten. The janitor saw it, came up, and thanked me for the help. He shows them how to hold a shovel correctly and where to throw snow.

The guys return to the site, where they are met by a large crow (toy). The teacher offers to play the game “Crow and the Dog”.

The walk ends.

Winter walk for younger preschoolers on the theme: “The Snow Maiden is visiting us”

Target: introduce children to birch, Christmas tree, and their distinctive external features; practice spatial orientation.

Progress of the walk

The fluffy greenery of the Christmas tree stands out against the background of snow. The teacher turns to the children: “Look, all the trees and bushes are bare, one Christmas tree is green and beautiful. She came to visit us on New Year's Eve. Remember? How was it decorated? Look how prickly its needles are, touch it with your palm! What does the Christmas tree smell like? (He slightly crushes the Christmas tree needles in his hands and lets the children smell them.) Do you like it? The Christmas tree is fluffy. Its branches are called paws, they are thick and green. The Christmas tree is beautiful, the children really like it!” Children repeat these words.

Everyone notes that winter loves the Christmas tree and wraps it in snowdrifts. High snowdrifts, the Christmas tree is barely visible.

Then the teacher draws the children’s attention to the white trunk of the birch, invites them to hug, stroke the birch, feel its smooth, silky surface and clarifies: white birch. Children clasp the birch tree with their hands and decide what kind of trunk it has: thick or thin. Then they find other birch trees on the site, note which one is the thickest (two of them clasp the trunk), the tallest.

Runs are carried out in order to clarify the names of the trees. “One, two, three—find a Christmas tree!” Everyone runs from tree to tree, waiting for the next command: “One, two, three—run to the birch tree!” The teacher asks how the children knew that it was a birch (Christmas tree); explains that trees and bushes must be treated with care and their branches must not be broken.

While running around the site, the children notice the Snow Maiden on the path (the teacher quietly puts out a large Snow Maiden doll). The children rejoice, examine her outfit in detail, remember the New Year's holiday, and then begin to build her a house (cutting out a cube from a snow bank), decorate it with multi-colored pieces of ice, all the time turning to the Snow Maiden: “Do you like the house? Now won’t you leave us into the forest?”

After the construction is completed, the children begin to play with the Snow Maiden: take her on a sled, show her her plot, talk about the purpose of the structures. Then everyone moves on to free play.

At the end of the walk, the game “Horned Goat” is played.

Winter walk for younger preschoolers on the theme: “Grey rabbit, white bunny”

Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about the structure of the body of animals, clarify the names of the body parts of a rabbit (hare); develop a caring attitude towards animals and a desire to care for them.

Progress of the walk

Children go for a walk. But a surprise awaits them: a rabbit is sitting in a cage on the veranda. The teacher takes his time and gives the children the opportunity to express their attitude towards the animal. Then he carefully takes the rabbit out of the cage and hugs him close: “Kuzya doesn’t know you, he’s afraid.” The children vying with each other to reassure: “Don’t be afraid, we are kind!”

After such statements, every (even timid) child is not afraid to stroke an animal, defines: gray, soft, fluffy; runs his finger along the ears (long), touches the tail (small, short). Children treat the rabbit, noting: sniffs, gnaws, chews, sits; they show him jumping. Older children, together with the teacher, count: two ears, one tail, four paws. You can continue the observation by telling the children that the rabbit Kuzi has a brother, a hare, who lives in the forest.

Everyone walks around the site, looks for a dummy hare, and compares whether the brother hare is similar to his brother rabbit Kuzya. The children themselves note how the brothers move and what they like to eat. The teacher clarifies: the hare wears a gray coat in summer and white in winter. Why? What color is winter? What about the bunny's fur coat? The teacher leads the children to the correct conclusion: “There is a little white hare sitting in the snow, you can’t see him, no one will hurt you.”

The teacher turns to the children: “Who has a white fur coat like a hare? Who has a gray one like Brother Rabbit? Now everyone jump together like hares and rabbits.” Taking a toy hare and a cat, you can tell the kids the fairy tale “Long and Short”.

Then everyone switches to building the tower, remembers the fairy tale, and clarifies that the little animals will not freeze in the tower in winter. A cube is cut out of a snowdrift (or shaft), and there are shelves in it. The teacher offers the children one after another fairy tale characters (soft toys prepared in advance). Children arrange them, deciding who will live high and who will live low. But you can’t put a bear anywhere - it’s too big, it won’t fit! Let him sit next to you.

The teacher says: “What great fellows! They found housing for everyone in the tower. Now no one will freeze. And the bear’s fur coat is warm, it’s not cold for him to sit by the tower. Which one of you has a fur coat of the same color? Who is our little bear? Come on, Deniska, show me how the bear stomps, walks and waddles. Who else will show you how a bear walks? How does the cunning little fox-sister run? Her fur coat is elegant, red. Look, Tanya has the same hat. Come on, Tanya, run around like a little fox-sister.”

At the end of the walk, the game “Little Bunny, go out into the garden” or “Playful Bunnies” is played.

Winter walk for younger preschoolers on the topic: “Excursion along the street”

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about vehicles, behavior on the road, markings, and traffic lights.

Progress of the walk

Children, together with the teacher, slowly walk along the sidewalk, noting what kind of transport is moving along the street: bus, trolleybus, truck, car, covered van. With the help of questions, the teacher consolidates children's knowledge about the purpose of each type of transport.

Then the game “My Car” is played. Each child chooses at his own request: “My car is blue,” “My car is red,” “And my bus is orange,” “And I have a truck.” Now everyone is waiting to see what car will appear on the road. The teacher helps everyone: “It’s Serezha’s red car that has passed,” “Oh, how many Sasha’s trucks are driving here!”

Children stop at the intersection, remember the rules of crossing, why there is a traffic light here, what kind of lights it has, what they show; They note how all the cars obediently move at his command. The turn sign lights up at the traffic light. The older children prompt: “Go left!” and show the direction with your hand. The adult asks them to think: “How will we get to kindergarten? Where should we turn, left or right? First point with your hand, then tell the exact direction.”

After returning to the site, children can first listen to the fairy tale “The Three-Eyed Commander” (see appendix), and then play on their own.

At the end of the walk, the outdoor game “Train Locomotive” is played.

Winter walk for younger preschoolers on the topic: “Where does the bear sleep?”

Target: teach children to perform the necessary actions and get results; take care of others, do not disturb needlessly.

Progress of the walk

The children went for a walk on a cold, windy, cloudy day. The teacher says: “Skillful hands do not know boredom! And that’s right, there is no time to be bored. We need to build a labyrinth to make it more interesting for everyone to play.”

A labyrinth can be quickly built in a remote, quiet corner of the site. The teacher lays out the paths. Children clean them with shovels, sliders, and throw snow onto the shafts. Then the snow banks on top and along the slopes are decorated with colorful cords, ribbons, and multi-colored pieces of ice. At the end of the work, the children put the equipment back in place. The teacher says: “When you’ve finished your work, go for a walk!”

The kids begin to play freely - run through the maze, catch up with each other.

But then the teacher calls the children over and mysteriously asks: “What kind of snowdrift is so huge that grew up in the farthest corner of the area under the Christmas tree? Nobody knows? Let’s slowly approach and look at him carefully.”

Approaching the Christmas tree, the adult reads I. Tokmakova’s poem “Like on a hill - snow, snow...” The children are surprised and look at the snowdrift. The teacher reminds: “When it was autumn, beautiful colorful leaves were falling all around - it was leaf fall. You and I wandered through the leaves, listening to them rustle under our feet. Then they collected the leaves and brought them here - here the bear chose a place to sleep. We helped build his house. Who remembers the name of the bear's house? Den. Where does a bear sleep in winter? That's right, in the den. And Mother Winter took care of it and provided him with a warm blanket of snow. He's warm."

The teacher reads the poem again and asks: “Why can’t you make noise? Can you make noise when you sleep? Don’t you make noise when grandma or grandpa is sleeping at home? Well done, we need to take care of everyone who wants to sleep - let them sleep, rest, and gain strength. And the bear sleeps in the den all winter. He will wake up strong and rested.”

Then the teacher leads the children to dummies of animals placed around the site (except for the bear - he is sleeping); says: “The animals in the forest are cold and hungry in winter. The ground is covered with snow: grass does not grow, there are no mushrooms or berries. Carrots and cabbage for the bunny do not grow in the snow. Wolves roam the forest (children show), foxes run (children show), hares gallop (children gallop as hares) - everyone is looking for prey. And all around there is only white snow and biting frost. One smart bear lies down in his warm den and sleeps. He is not afraid of either frost or blizzard. He sleeps all winter in a warm den!”

Children bring carrots, cabbage for the hares, and pine cones for the squirrels.

Returning with the children to the veranda, the teacher invites those who wish to fashion a room for dolls out of snow. If the children don’t want to, then you can remember the fairy tale “The Three Bears” and build a dining room based on its plot.

During joint activities, the teacher clarifies: whose chair was built? Who has more stool: Mikhail Potapovich or Elizaveta Petrovna? Who has the smallest chair?

Children themselves place cups and spoons of different sizes on the table, and willingly share their knowledge with others.

You can immediately make a bedroom for the entire bear family, if the children have the desire and interest, or you can continue construction the next day.

The children finish the construction, show it to their dolls, and everyone goes down the slide and sleds their dolls.

At the end of the walk, the game “Mice Dance in a Round Dance” is played.