What are the penalties for violating traffic rules? What sanctions are provided for violating traffic rules? What offenses can lead to deprivation of a crust and more?

It includes 43 articles describing different types violations of both the Road Traffic Rules (TRAF) and others regulatory documents regulating traffic on the roads.

The main means of punishment under most articles is. Its amount varies significantly depending on a number of factors:

  1. Public danger of violation. It is easy to notice that a driver who has exceeded the speed slightly (by only 20 km) is less dangerous for other road users than one who either got behind the wheel drunk or handed over control to a drunk driver: although violating the speed limit is fraught with an accident, it ends in an accident almost always.
  2. Repetition of violation. If a citizen has already been punished, but did not draw conclusions for himself and did not change his behavior - re-punishment should be more serious and may be accompanied by additional penalties, for example, deprivation of the right to drive a car.
  3. The categories of persons to which the offender belongs. Obviously, the official must be more responsible in his actions than the ordinary citizen, and the organization (quite capable of hiring employees who will specifically monitor compliance with the rules) will be even more to blame for the violation than the official.

Well, now let’s see what exactly they are appointed for various amounts fines and what additional measures of liability they may be accompanied by.

When do you get punished for 2000 rubles?

Fines for traffic violations in the amount of exactly 2 thousand are assigned for the following violations:

For most of these fines, except in specially specified cases, the “20-50” rule applies: if less than 20 days from the date of assignment, you can pay not the full amount, but only 50% of it (in this case, 1000 rubles).

Reference! From the above list of violations, only violations of the speed limit or movement on pedestrian or bicycle routes can be noted using automatic recording means. All others require the actions of a traffic police inspector who personally noted the violation.

Penalty in the amount of 2,500 rubles: parking and other offenses

Now let’s “raise the bar” and consider what violation of traffic rules or other rules can result in a larger fine – 2,500 rubles.

Such fines are provided for the following offences:

10000: what happens for?

Let's move on to even larger amounts of punishment. The perpetrator may receive a fine of 10,000 rubles if he commits one of the following offenses:

Attention! In all cases, except those specifically noted, the discount rule applies. However, it does not apply if the fine was imposed with a deferment or installment payment.

Collection of 30 thousand rubles

Finally, let’s consider why the traffic police or other authorities that impose penalties for offenses in the area traffic, they can fine the culprit up to 30,000 rubles. The list of offenses here will be as follows:


It is easy to see that with the same amount of fine, the essence of the violation may be very different. In addition, even with the same basic punishment, different additional measures of influence may be applied.

Finally, in most cases, the culprit can reduce the amount to be paid - but this is not always possible.

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

1. There is a fine monetary recovery, assigned within the limits provided for by this Code.

2. The fine is set in the amount of five thousand to five million rubles or in the amount wages or other income of a convicted person for a period from two weeks to five years or is calculated as a multiple of the cost of the item or the amount of commercial bribery, bribery of a contract service employee, contract manager, member of the procurement commission and other authorized persons representing the interests of the customer in the field of procurement of goods , works, services to ensure state or municipal needs, bribes or the amount of illegally transferred cash and (or) cost monetary instruments. A fine in the amount of five hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of more than three years may be imposed only in cases specifically provided for by the relevant articles of the Special Part of this Code, with the exception of cases where the amount of the fine is calculated based on an amount that is a multiple of the amount of commercial bribery , bribery of a contract service employee, contract manager, member of the procurement commission and other authorized persons representing the interests of the customer in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state or municipal needs, bribes or the amount of illegally transferred funds and (or) the cost of funds tools. A fine calculated based on an amount that is a multiple of the amount of commercial bribery, bribery of a contract service employee, contract manager, member of the procurement commission and other authorized persons representing the interests of the customer in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state or municipal needs, bribe or the amount of illegally moved funds and (or) the value of monetary instruments, is established in the amount of up to one hundred times the amount of such bribery, bribe or the amount of illegally moved funds and (or) the value of monetary instruments, but cannot be less than twenty-five thousand rubles and more than five hundred million rubles

(see text in the previous edition)

3. The amount of the fine is determined by the court, taking into account the gravity of the crime committed and the property status of the convicted person and his family, as well as taking into account the possibility of the convicted person receiving wages or other income. Taking into account the same circumstances, the court may impose a fine with installment payment in certain installments for a period of up to five years.

(see text in the previous edition)

4. Fine in quality additional type punishment may be imposed only in cases provided for in the relevant articles of the Special Part of this Code.

5. In the case of malicious evasion of payment of a fine imposed as the main punishment, with the exception of cases where a fine is imposed in an amount calculated on the basis of the value, a multiple of the value of the item or the amount of commercial bribery or bribe, the fine is replaced by another punishment, with the exception of imprisonment. In the case of malicious evasion of payment of a fine in an amount calculated on the basis of a multiple of the value of the item or the amount of commercial bribery or bribery imposed as the main punishment, the fine is replaced by a punishment within the limits of the sanction provided for by the relevant article of the Special Part of this Code. In this case, the imposed punishment cannot be conditional.

(see text in the previous edition)

Today administrative responsibility has changed categorically. Previously, the state traffic inspectorate only fined violators, but now they have wide opportunities. They operate in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, but the new traffic police fine table provides for a variety of punishments. Drivers should think about this if they don’t want to unexpectedly get arrested due to their own mistake.

Highlighting in a table

If you are interested in traffic police fines and prices, the table will help you navigate faster. For this purpose, special highlighting of individual lines with color is used. It attracts the attention of car owners, suggesting which points they should pay special attention to.

How were the shades chosen?

  • Blue color indicates possible deprivation driver's license.
  • Red color indicates possible arrest for 15 days.

Driver's license suspension and arrest are the most serious penalties. They cannot be replaced with a fine, since such administrative liability is provided only for serious violations. A good example is serious injury caused during an accident.

If you print out the traffic police fines table for 2020, you will be able to check the legality of the inspectors’ actions at any time. You should not immediately agree to sanctions. When it is possible to refute them, you need to act in a similar way. An experienced lawyer will tell you how to draw up an application so as not to lose your driver’s license.

Convenient table of traffic police fines as of January 1, 2020

When you need a table of traffic police fines online, the official website will provide up-to-date information. It is impossible to be interested in changes made to traffic rules every day. Such data is not provided instantly, and a delay can increase the driver's liability; it is much more practical to regularly visit the appropriate page.

The table construction is optimized for convenient presentation of information. Volumetric data is not hidden behind dry numbers and article numbers, so the driver is able to realistically assess the actions of the state traffic inspectorate. Due to this, he will be much less likely to violate current requirements.

Systematized data is simple and understandable, but often it is impossible to do without the help of a specialist. Thus, a fine for overdue payment entails several punishment options. Having clarified the details of the Code of Administrative Offenses, it will be possible to find a simple way out to prove to the government official that he is not guilty. After which the punishment will be significantly softened, turning into a minimum payment.

Articles and list of violations in traffic rules: status as of January 1, 2020.

  • Articles that are punishable by deprivation of a driver's license are highlighted in blue.
  • Articles for which administrative arrest is provided for up to 15 days are highlighted in red.

Article of the Administrative Code



8.23 Operation by citizens of cars, motorcycles or other mechanical vehicles whose content of pollutants in emissions or the level of noise they produce during operation exceeds the standards established by state standards Russian Federation 500 rub.
11.23 p.1 Driving a vehicle or releasing a vehicle for transportation of goods and (or) passengers without a tachograph, if its installation on the vehicle is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as with a non-working (blocked, modified or faulty) or inappropriate established requirements by the tachograph, with the exception of the case of a breakdown of the tachograph after the vehicle is put on line, as well as in violation of the established rules for using the tachograph (including blocking, adjustment, modification or falsification of the information registered by it) 1 000 3 000 rub.
11.23 p.2 Violation of the established work and rest schedule by a person driving a vehicle for transporting goods and (or) passengers 1 000 3 000 rub.
11.26 Usage auto vehicles owned by foreign carriers for the transportation of goods and (or) passengers between points located on the territory of the Russian Federation 150 000 200 000 RUB Vehicle detention
11.27 Driving a vehicle without a distinctive sign on it and (or) its trailers of the state of registration of the vehicle (trailer) when carrying out international road transport, as well as without the corresponding transport document for the transported cargo or, in established cases, without lists of passengers of a bus carrying out irregular transportation 200 500 rub.
11.29 p.1 Carrying out international road transport with unfilled permits, permits filled out in violation of the established rules...except for the cases provided for in part 2 of this article, or without a registration coupon issued by the authorities state control(supervision) over the implementation of international road transport For the driver: 100 000 150 000 rub. Vehicle detention
11.29 p.2 Carrying out international road transportation of goods and (or) passengers from the territory of the Russian Federation to the territory of a third state or from the territory of a third state to the territory of the Russian Federation with an unfilled permit or a permit filled out in violation of established rules, or without permission For the driver: 150 000 200 000 RUB Vehicle detention
12.1 part 1 Driving a vehicle not registered in accordance with the established procedure 500 – 800 RUB for repeated violation - 5000 rubles or deprivation of rights from 1 to 3 months
12.1 part 2 Driving a passenger taxi, bus or truck designed and equipped for the transport of people, with more than eight seats (except for the driver), a specialized vehicle designed and equipped for the transport of dangerous goods that have not passed state technical inspection or technical inspection 500 – 800 rub.
12.2 part 1 Driving a vehicle with unreadable, non-standard or improperly installed state standard state registration marks, except for the cases provided for in Part 2 warning or 500 rub.
12.2 part 2 Driving a vehicle without state registration plates, as well as driving a vehicle without state registration plates installed in designated places, or driving a vehicle with state registration plates modified or equipped with the use of devices or materials that impede the identification of state registration plates or allow their modification or hide 5 000 rub. or deprivation of rights from 1 to 3 months.
12.2 part 3 Installation of deliberately false state registration plates on a vehicle For citizens: 2 500 RUB For an official: 15 000 20 000 rub. On legal. face: 400 000 500 000 rub.
12.2 part 4 Driving a vehicle with obviously false state registration plates Deprivation of rights for 6 - 12 months.
12.3 part 1 Driving a vehicle by a driver who does not have registration documents for the vehicle, and in established cases, documents provided for by customs legislation Customs Union, with marks from customs authorities confirming the temporary import of the vehicle Warning or 500 rub. Removal from control, detention of a vehicle.
12.3 part 2 Driving a vehicle by a driver who does not have documents for the right to drive it, an insurance policy of compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners, with the exception of the case provided for in Part 2 of Article 12.37 of this Code, and in cases provided for by law, waybill or shipping documents Warning or fine 500 rub.
12.3 part 2.1 Transportation of passengers and luggage by a passenger vehicle used to provide services for the transportation of passengers and luggage by a driver who does not have a permit to carry out activities for the transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxi 5 000 rub
12.3 part 3 Transferring control of a vehicle to a person who does not have documents for the right to drive it 3 000 rub.
12.4 part 1 Installation on the front of the vehicle of lighting devices with red lights or red reflective devices, as well as lighting devices, the color of the lights and operating mode of which do not comply with the requirements of the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety For citizens: 3 000 RUB For an official: 15 000 20 000 rub. On legal. face: 400 000 500 000
12.4 part 2 Installation on a vehicle without appropriate permission of devices for supplying special light or sound signals(except for security alarms) or illegal installation on a vehicle of a passenger taxi identification lamp or a “Disabled Person” identification sign For citizens: 5 000 RUB For an official: 20 000 rub. On legal. face: 500 000 rub. with confiscation of devices.
12.4 part 3 Illegal application of special color schemes of emergency service vehicles or the color scheme of a passenger taxi on the external surfaces of a vehicle For citizens: 5 000 RUB For an official: 20 000 rub. On legal. face: 500 000 rub.
12.5 part 1 Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, operation of the vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 - 7 of this article , — Warning or fine 500 rub.
12.5 part 2 Driving a vehicle with a known faulty braking system (except for the parking brake), steering or coupling device (as part of a train) 500 rub.
12.5 part 3 Driving a vehicle on the front of which are installed lighting devices with red lights or red reflective devices, as well as lighting devices, the color of the lights and the mode of operation of which do not comply with the requirements of the Basic Regulations for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of safety officials traffic Deprivation of rights for 6 - 12 months. Confiscation of devices.
12.5 part 3.1 Driving a vehicle with glass installed (including glass coated with transparent colored films), the light transmission of which does not meet the requirements of the technical regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles 500 rub.
12.5 part 4 Driving a vehicle on which, without appropriate permission, devices are installed to provide special light or sound signals (except for security alarms) Deprivation of rights for 12 - 18 months with confiscation of devices.
12.5 part 4.1 Driving a vehicle on which a taxi identification lamp is illegally installed or identification mark"Disabled person" 5 000 rub. with confiscation of devices.
12.5 p.5 Use of devices for sending special light or sound signals (with the exception of security alarms) installed without appropriate permission while driving a vehicle Deprivation of rights for 18 - 24 months with confiscation of devices.
12.5 part 6 Driving a vehicle on the outer surfaces of which special color schemes of emergency service vehicles are illegally applied Deprivation of rights for 12 - 18 months
12.5 part 7 Driving a vehicle on which the color scheme of a passenger taxi has been illegally applied 5 000 rub.
12.6 Driving a vehicle by a driver not wearing a seat belt, transporting passengers not wearing seat belts if the design of the vehicle provides for seat belts, as well as driving a motorcycle or transporting passengers on a motorcycle without motorcycle helmets or wearing unfastened motorcycle helmets 1 000 rub.
12.7 part 1 Driving a vehicle by a driver who does not have the right to drive a vehicle (except for training driving) 5 000 — 15 000 rub.
12.7 part 2 Driving a vehicle by a driver deprived of the right to drive a vehicle ., or arrest for up to 15 days or compulsory work from 100 to 200 hours

/ removal from driving a vehicle, detention of a vehicle

12.7 part 3 Transferring control of a vehicle to a person who obviously does not have the right to drive a vehicle (except for training driving) or is deprived of such right 30 000 rub.
12.8 part 1 Driving a vehicle by a driver who is intoxicated, if such actions do not constitute a criminal offense 30 000 rub., with deprivation of rights for 18 - 24 months; for repeated violation - 200 000 300 000 rub. or compulsory work for up to 480 hours, or forced labor for up to 24 months, or imprisonment for up to 24 months.

removal from driving a vehicle, detention of a vehicle

12.8 part 2 Transferring control of a vehicle to a person who is intoxicated 30 000 rub. with deprivation of rights for 18 - 24 months.
12.8 part 3 Driving a vehicle by a driver who is intoxicated and does not have the right to drive vehicles or is deprived of the right to drive vehicles, unless such actions contain a criminal offense Arrest for 10 - 15 days (who is not subject to arrest - 30 000 rubles) Vehicle detention
12.9 part 1 Exceeding the established speed of the vehicle by at least 10, but not more than 20 kilometers per hour The norm is excluded
12.9 part 2 Exceeding the established speed of the vehicle by more than 20, but not more than 40 kilometers per hour 500 rub
12.9 part 3 Exceeding the established vehicle speed by more than 40, but not more than 60 kilometers per hour 1 000 – 1 500 rub. Repeated - 2 000 – 2 500
12.9 part 4 Exceeding the established speed of a vehicle by more than 60, but not more than 80 kilometers per hour 2 000 – 2 500 rub. or deprivation of rights for 4 - 6 months; in case of repeated violation - deprivation of rights for 12 months or 5 000 rub.**
12.9 p.5 Exceeding the established speed of a vehicle by more than 80 kilometers per hour 5 000 rub. or deprivation of rights for 6 months; in case of repeated violation - deprivation of rights for 12 months or 5 000 rub.**
12.10 p.1 Crossing a railway track outside a railway crossing, entering a railway crossing when the barrier is closed or closing, or when there is a prohibiting signal from the traffic light or the person on duty at the crossing, as well as stopping or parking at a railway crossing 1 000 rub. or deprivation of rights for 3 - 6 months
12.10 p.2 Violation of the rules of passage through railway crossings, except for the cases provided for in Part 1 of this article 1 000 rub.
12.10 p.3 Disqualification for 12 months.
12.11 part 1 Driving on a highway in a vehicle whose speed is technical specifications or according to its condition, less than 40 kilometers per hour, as well as stopping a vehicle on a highway outside of special parking areas 1 000 rub.
12.11 part 2 Driving a truck with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons on a motorway beyond the second lane, as well as training driving on a motorway 1 000 rub.
12.11 part 3 Turning or driving a vehicle into technological gaps in the dividing strip on a highway or driving in reverse on a highway 2 500 rub.
12.12 p.1 Driving through a prohibiting traffic light signal or a traffic controller's prohibiting gesture, except for the cases provided for in Part 1 of Article 12.10 of this Code and Part 2 of this Article 1 000 rub., in case of repeated violation 5 000 or deprivation of rights for 4 - 6 months
12.12 p.2 Failure to comply with the requirement of the Traffic Rules to stop in front of the stop line indicated by road signs or markings of the roadway, when there is a prohibiting traffic light signal or a prohibiting gesture from a traffic controller 800 rub.
12.13 p.1 Driving to an intersection or crossing a roadway in the event of a traffic jam that has forced the driver to stop, creating an obstacle for the vehicle to move in the transverse direction 1 000 rub.
12.13 p.2 Failure to comply with the requirement of the Traffic Rules to give way to a vehicle having priority right of passage through intersections 1 000 rub.
12.14 p.1 Failure to comply with the requirement of the Traffic Rules to give a signal before starting to move, change lanes, turn, turn around or stop Warning or fine 500 rub.
12.14 part 1.1 Failure to comply with the requirements of the Traffic Rules, except for established cases, before turning right, left or making a U-turn, take the appropriate extreme position in advance on the roadway intended for traffic in this direction Warning or fine 500 rub.
12.14 p.2 Turning around or reversing in places where such maneuvers are prohibited, except for the cases provided for in Part 3 of Article 12.11 and Part 2 of Article 12.16 of this Code 500 rub.
12.14 p.3 Failure to comply with the requirement of the Traffic Rules to give way to a vehicle enjoying the priority right of movement, except for the cases provided for in Part 2 of Article 12.13 and Article 12.17 of this Code Warning or fine 500 rub.
12.15 p.1 Violation of the rules for placing a vehicle on the roadway, oncoming crossings, as well as driving along the side of the road or crossing an organized transport or pedestrian convoy or taking a place in it 1 500 rub.
12.15 part 1.1 Failure by the driver of a slow-moving vehicle, a vehicle transporting large cargo, or a vehicle moving at a speed not exceeding 30 kilometers per hour, outside populated areas, to comply with the requirements of the Road Traffic Rules to allow vehicles following him to pass in order to overtake or get ahead of him 1 000 1 500 rub.
12.15 p.2 Driving on bicycle or pedestrian paths or sidewalks in violation of the Traffic Rules 2 000 rub.
12.15 p.3 Driving, in violation of the Traffic Rules, into a lane intended for oncoming traffic when going around an obstacle, or onto tram tracks in the opposite direction when going around an obstacle 1 000 – 1 500 rub.
12.15 p.4 Driving, in violation of the Traffic Rules, onto a lane intended for oncoming traffic, or onto tram tracks in the opposite direction, except for the cases provided for in Part 3 of this article 5 000
12.15 p.5 Recommitment administrative offense, provided for in Part 4 of Art. 12.15 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 5 000 rub.**
12.16 p.1 Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings of the roadway, except for the cases provided for in parts 2 - 7 of this article and other articles of this chapter Warning or fine 500 rub.
12.16 p.2 Turning left or making a U-turn in violation of the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings 1 000 — 1 500 rub.
12.16 p.3 Driving in the opposite direction on a one-way road 5 000 rub. or deprivation of rights for 4 - 6 months
12.16 part 3.1 Repeated commission of an administrative offense under Part 3 of Art. 12.16 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Disqualification for 12 months or fine 5 000 rub.**
12.16 p.4 Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings prohibiting stopping or parking of vehicles, except as provided for in paragraph 5 of this article 1 500 rub., Vehicle detention
12.16 p.5 The violation provided for in paragraph 4 of this article, committed in the city federal significance Moscow or St. Petersburg 3 000 rub., vehicle detention
12.16 p.6 Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs prohibiting the movement of freight vehicles, except for the case provided for in paragraph 7 of this article 500 rub.
12.16 p.7 The violation provided for in Part 6 of this article and committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg 5 000 rub.
12.17 p.1 Failure to provide priority in traffic to a route vehicle, as well as a vehicle with a flashing light turned on at the same time blue and a special sound signal Warning or fine 500 rub.
12.17 part 1.1 Movement of vehicles along the lane for fixed-route vehicles or stopping on the said lane in violation of the Traffic Rules, except for the cases provided for in parts 3 - 5 of Article 12.15 of this Code, and the case provided for in Part 1.2 of this article of this article 1 500 rub.
12.17 part 1.2 The violation provided for in Part 1.1 of this article, committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg 3 000 rub.
12.17 p.2 Failure to provide priority in movement to a vehicle that has special color schemes, inscriptions and designations applied to the outer surfaces, with a blue flashing light and a special sound signal turned on at the same time 500 rub., or deprivation of rights for 1 - 3 months
12.18 Failure to comply with the requirement of the Traffic Rules to give way to pedestrians, cyclists or other road users (except for vehicle drivers) who have priority in traffic 1 500 rub.
12.19 p.1 Violation of the rules for stopping or parking a vehicle, except for the cases provided for in Part 1 of Article 12.10 of this Code and Parts 2 - 6 of this Article Warning or fine 500 rub.
12.19 p.2 Violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles in places designated for stopping or parking vehicles of disabled people 5 000 rub.
12.19 p.3 Stopping or parking of vehicles at a pedestrian crossing and closer than 5 meters in front of it, with the exception of a forced stop and the case provided for in Part 6 of this article, or violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles on the sidewalk, except for the case provided for in Part 6 of this article 1 000 rub., vehicle detention
12.19 part 3.1 Stopping or parking of vehicles at stopping places for route vehicles or parking for passenger taxis, or closer than 15 meters from stopping places for minibus vehicles or parking for passenger taxis, with the exception of stopping for boarding or disembarking passengers, forced stops and cases provided for in parts 4 and 6 of this articles 1 000 rub., vehicle detention
12.19 part 3.2 Stopping or parking a vehicle on tram tracks or stopping or parking a vehicle further than the first row from the edge of the roadway, with the exception of a forced stop and the cases provided for in parts 4 and 6 of this article 1 500 rub., vehicle detention
12.19 p.4 Violation of the rules for stopping or parking a vehicle on the roadway, resulting in the creation of obstacles to the movement of other vehicles, as well as stopping or parking a vehicle in a tunnel, except for the case provided for in Part 6 of this article 2 000 rub., vehicle detention
12.19 p.5 2 500 rub.
12.19 p.6 Violations provided for in parts 3 - 4 of this article, committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg 3 000 rub., vehicle detention
12.20 Violation of the rules for using external lighting devices, sound signals, hazard warning lights or warning triangles Warning or fine 500 rub.
12.21 p.1 Violation of cargo transportation rules, as well as towing rules Warning or fine 500 rub.
12.21.1 part 1 Movement of a heavy and (or) large vehicle exceeding the permissible dimensions by no more than 10 cm, or exceeding the permissible vehicle weight by 2 to 10% For the driver: 1 000 1 500 RUB For an official: 10 000 15 000 rub. On legal. face: 100 000 150 000 RUB Vehicle detention
12.21.1 part 2 Movement of a heavy and (or) large vehicle exceeding the permissible dimensions by 10 to 20 cm, or exceeding the permissible vehicle weight by 10 to 20% For the driver: 3 000 4 000 RUB For an official: 25 000 35 000 rub. On legal. face: 250 000 300 000 RUB Vehicle detention
12.21.1 part 3 Movement of a heavy and (or) large vehicle exceeding the permissible dimensions from 20 to 50 cm, or exceeding the permissible weight from 20 to 50% For the driver: 5 000 10 000 35 000 40 000 rub. On legal. face: 350 000 400 000 RUB Vehicle detention
12.21.1 part 4 Movement of a heavy and (or) large vehicle exceeding the permissible dimensions specified in a special permit from 10 to 20 cm, or exceeding the permissible weight from 10 to 20% For the driver: 3 000 3 500 RUB For an official: 20 000 25 000 rub. On legal. face: 200 000 250 000 RUB Vehicle detention
12.21.1 part 5 Movement of a heavy and (or) large vehicle exceeding the permissible dimensions specified in a special permit from 20 to 50 cm, or exceeding the permissible weight from 20 to 50% For the driver: 4 000 5 000 rub. or deprivation of rights for 2-4 months For an official: 30 000 40 000 rub. On legal. face: 300 000 400 000 RUB Vehicle detention
12.21.1 part 6 Movement of a heavy and (or) large vehicle exceeding the permissible dimensions by more than 50 cm, or exceeding the permissible weight by more than 50% For the driver: 7 000 10 000 rub. or deprivation of rights for 4-6 months For an official: 45 000 50 000 rub. On legal. face: 400 000 500 000 RUB Vehicle detention
12.21.1 part 7 Violation of traffic rules for heavy and (or) large vehicles, except for the cases provided for in parts 1 - 6 of this article For the driver: 1 000 1 500 RUB For an official: 5 000 10 000 rub. On legal. face: 50 000 100 000 rub.
12.21.1 part 8 Provision by the shipper of inaccurate information about the weight or dimensions of the cargo in the documents for the transported cargo or failure to indicate information about the number, date or validity period of the special permit, if this resulted in a violation provided for in Part 1, 2 or 4 of this article For the driver: 1 500 2 000 RUB For an official: 15 000 20 000 rub. On legal. face: 200 000 300 000 rub.
12.21.1 part 9 Provision by the shipper of inaccurate information about the weight or dimensions of the cargo in the documents for the transported cargo or failure to indicate information about the number, date or validity period of the special permit, if this resulted in a violation provided for in Part 3, 5 or 6 of this article For the driver: 5 000 RUB For an official: 25 000 30 000 rub. On legal. face: 350 000 400 000 rub.
12.21.1 hour 10 Exceeding the permissible weight of the vehicle and (or) the permissible load on the axle of the vehicle ... or the dimensions specified in the special permit, legal entities or individual entrepreneurs who loaded the cargo into the vehicle For an official: 80 000 100 000 rub. On legal. face: 250 000 400 000 rub.
12.21.1 part 11 Failure to comply with road signs prohibiting the movement of vehicles whose axle load exceeds those indicated on the road sign, if the movement of such vehicles is carried out without special permission 5 000 rub.
12.21.2 part 1 Transportation of dangerous goods by a driver who does not have a certificate of training for vehicle drivers transporting dangerous goods, a certificate of vehicle approval for the transportation of dangerous goods, a special permit, an agreed transportation route or an emergency card of the hazard information system provided for by the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods, as well as the transportation of dangerous goods cargo on a vehicle whose design does not comply with the requirements of the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods or which lacks elements of a hazard information system or equipment or means used to eliminate the consequences of an incident during the transportation of dangerous goods, or non-compliance with the conditions for the transportation of dangerous goods provided for by these rules For the driver: 2 000 2 500 rub., or deprivation of rights for 4 - 6 months. For an official: 15 000 20 000 rub. On legal. face: 400 000 500 000 RUB Vehicle detention
12.21.2 part 2 Violation of the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods, except for the cases provided for in Part 1 of this article For the driver: 1 000 1 500 RUB For an official: 5 000 10 000 rub. On legal. face: 150 000 250 000 rub.
12.21.3 part 1 Movement of a vehicle weighing over 12 tons without paying a fee, causing damage to public roads 5 000
12.21.3 part 2 Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for in Part 1 of this article 10 000 rub.Excluding vehicles of foreign carriers
12.22 Violation of driving lessons rules by a driver teaching driving a vehicle Warning or fine 500 rub.
12.23 p.1 Violation of the rules for transporting people, except for the cases provided for in Part 2 of this article 500 rub.
12.23 p.2 Transporting people outside the cabin of a car (except for cases permitted by the Road Traffic Rules), tractor, other self-propelled vehicles, on a cargo trailer, in a caravan trailer, in the back of a cargo motorcycle or outside the seating areas provided for by the design of the motorcycle 1 000 rub.
12.23 p.3 Violation of the requirements for the transportation of children established by the Traffic Rules - 3 000 rub.
12.24 p.1 Violation of traffic rules or vehicle operating rules, resulting in minor harm to the victim’s health 2 500 – 5 000 RUB or deprivation of rights for 12 - 18 months
12.24 p.2 Violation of traffic rules or vehicle operating rules, resulting in the infliction of moderate harm to the health of the victim 10 000 – 25 000 RUB or deprivation of rights for 18 - 24 months
12.25 p.1 Failure to comply with the requirement to provide a vehicle to police officers or other persons who, in cases provided for by law, are granted the right to use vehicles 500 rub.
12.25 p.2 Failure to comply with a lawful request of a police officer to stop a vehicle 500 800 rub.
12.25 p.3 Failure to comply with a legal requirement official military automobile inspection to stop a vehicle of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, engineering, technical, road construction military formations under federal bodies executive branch or rescue military units federal body executive power authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense 500 800 rub.
12.26 p.1 Failure by the driver to comply with the lawful request of a police officer to undergo a medical examination for intoxication 30 000
12.26 p.2 Failure by the driver of a vehicle who does not have the right to drive vehicles or has been deprived of the right to drive vehicles to comply with the legal requirement of an authorized official to undergo a medical examination for intoxication Arrest for 10 - 15 days. Fine 30 000 rub. for persons against whom arrest cannot be applied

/ removal from driving a vehicle, detention of a vehicle

12.27 p.1 Failure by the driver to fulfill the duties provided for by the Traffic Rules in connection with a traffic accident in which he is a participant, except for the cases provided for in Part 2 of this article 1 000 rub.
12.27 p.2 Abandonment by a driver in violation of traffic rules accident scene, of which he was a member Deprivation of rights for 12 - 18 months or arrest for up to 15 days
12.27 p.3 Failure to comply with the requirement of the Traffic Rules to prohibit the driver from consuming alcoholic beverages, narcotic or psychotropic substances after a traffic accident in which he is involved, or after the vehicle was stopped at the request of a police officer, until an examination by an authorized official is carried out in order to establish state of intoxication or until an authorized official makes a decision to exempt from such an examination 30 000 rub. and deprivation of rights for 18 - 24 months. Vehicle detention
12.28 p.1 Violation of the rules established for the movement of vehicles in residential areas, except for the case provided for in Part 2 of this article 1 500 rub
12.28 p.2 The violation provided for in Part 1 of this article, committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg 3 000 rub.
12.29 p.m. 1 Violation Traffic rules for pedestrians or a passenger in a car Warning or fine 500 rub.
12.29 p.2 Violation of traffic rules by a person driving a bicycle, or by a driver or other person directly involved in the process of road traffic 800 rub.
12.29 h. 3 Violation of traffic rules by persons specified in part 2 of this article, committed while intoxicated 1 000 1 500 rub.
12.30 p.1 Violation of traffic rules by a pedestrian, vehicle passenger or other road user (except for the vehicle driver), resulting in interference with the vehicle's movement 1 000 rub.
12.30 p.2 Violation of traffic rules by a pedestrian, vehicle passenger or other road user (except for the vehicle driver), which negligently resulted in the infliction of slight or moderate harm to the health of the victim 1 000 1 500 rub.
12.31 p.1 Release onto the line of a vehicle that is not registered in the prescribed manner or has not passed state technical inspection or technical inspection For an official: 500 rub. On legal. face: 50 000 rub.
12.31 p.2 Release of a vehicle that has faults that prohibit operation, or has been converted without the appropriate permit For an official: 5 000 8 000 rub.
12.31 p.3 Release onto the line of a vehicle with obviously false state registration plates or with lighting devices installed on its front part with red lights or red reflective devices, as well as lighting devices, the color of the lights and the operating mode of which do not meet the requirements For an official: 15 000 20 000 rub. On legal. face: 50 000 rub.
12.31 p.3 Release onto the line of a vehicle with devices installed on it without appropriate permission to provide special light or sound signals (with the exception of security alarms), drawing diagrams of special services For an official: 20 000 rub. On legal. face: 50 000 rub.
12.31.1 part 1 Carrying out transportation in violation of professional and qualification requirements for employees For an official: 20 000 rub. On legal. face: 100 000 rub.
12.31.1 part 2 Carrying out transportation in violation of the requirements for pre-trip and post-trip medical examinations of vehicle drivers For citizens: 3 000 RUB For an official: 5 000 rub. On legal. face: 30 000 rub.
12.31.1 part 3 Carrying out transportation in violation of the requirements for pre-trip inspection of the technical condition of vehicles For citizens: 3 000 RUB For an official: 5 000 rub. On legal. face: 30 000 rub.
12.32 Permitting a driver who is intoxicated or does not have the right to drive a vehicle to drive a vehicle For an official: 20 000 rub. On legal. face: 100 000 rub.
12.32.1 Permission to drive a vehicle for a driver who does not have a Russian national driver's license For an official: 50 000 rub.
12.33 Damage to roads, railway crossings, and other road structures, which poses a threat to traffic safety, deliberate creation of interference, including contamination of the road surface For citizens: 5 000 10 000 RUB For an official: 25 000 rub. On legal. face: 300 000 rub.
12.36.1 Use by the driver while the vehicle is moving of a telephone that is not equipped technical device allowing hands-free negotiations 1 500 rub.
12.37 p.1 Driving a vehicle during the period of its use, not provided for by the MTPL insurance policy, as well as driving a vehicle in violation of the conditions stipulated by this insurance policy for driving this vehicle only by the drivers specified in this insurance policy 500 rub.
12.37 p.2 Failure by the vehicle owner to comply with the established federal law obligations to insure your civil liability, as well as driving a vehicle, if such a mandatory requirement is obviously absent 800 rub.
14.38 part 1 Placing advertising that resembles traffic signs, or placing advertising on a traffic sign, its support or any other device intended to regulate traffic For citizens: 2 000 2 500 RUB For an official: 10 000 15 000 rub. On legal. face: 100 000 200 000 rub.
14.38 p.2 The use of a vehicle exclusively or primarily as a mobile advertising structure ... as a result of which the vehicle has lost all or part of the functions for which it was intended, re-equipping the body of a vehicle to give it the appearance of a specific product For citizens: 3 000 5 000 RUB For an official: 30 000 50 000 rub. On legal. face: 500 000 1 000 000 rub.
14.38 p.4 Placement on a vehicle of advertising that poses a threat to road safety, including advertising that restricts the view of the person driving the vehicle and other road users For citizens: 2 000 2 500 RUB For an official: 10 000 20 000 rub. On legal. face: 200 000 500 000 rub.
14.38 p.5 Distribution of sound advertising using vehicles, as well as sound advertising distributed using vehicles For citizens: 2 000 2 500 RUB For an official: 4 000 7 000 rub. On legal. face: 40 000 100 000 rub.
19.3 part 1 Disobedience to a lawful order or requirement of a police officer, military personnel or employee of a body or institution of the penal system in connection with the performance of their duties to protect public order and ensure public safety, as well as obstruction of their performance of official duties 500 1 000 rub. or arrest for up to 15 days.
19.22 Violation of the rules of state registration of vehicles of all types (with the exception of sea vessels and mixed (river-sea) navigation vessels), mechanisms and installations, if required For citizens: 1 500 2 000 RUB For an official: 2 000 3 500 rub. On legal. face: 5 000 10 000 rub.
20.25 p.1 Non-payment administrative fine within the period provided for by this Code a fine equal to twice the amount of the unpaid fine, but not less than 1000 rubles. either arrest for up to 15 days, or compulsory work for up to 50 hours
20.25 p.2 Unauthorized abandonment of the place of detention administrative arrest or evasion of serving an administrative arrest Arrest for up to 15 days, or compulsory work for up to 50 hours
20.25 p.4 Evasion from serving compulsory labor Fine 150 000 300 000 rub. or arrest for up to 15 days


  • TS – Vehicle

* – from July 1, 2008, it is allowed to move a vehicle to the place where the reason for prohibiting the operation of the vehicle is eliminated, but no more than within 24 hours from the moment the operation of the vehicle is prohibited.** – in the event of an administrative offense being recorded by special technical means operating in automatic mode that have functions photography, filming, video recording, or by means of photography, filming, video recording (without the participation of traffic police inspectors) - a fine of 5,000 rubles.

For Russian drivers There is a penalty for violating traffic rules. A traffic police fine of 1,500 rubles will have to be paid for parking and stopping, as well as turning around in the wrong place. For what other violation? Traffic fine will be the above amount?

A traffic fine of 1500, when and for what can it be imposed?

The following violations will be fined this amount:

  • speed that exceeds the permissible threshold by 40-60 km/h;
  • driving on the side of the road;
  • obstructing the movement of a convoy or infiltrating it;
  • avoiding obstacles in the oncoming lane;
  • idle time/driving of a car in a lane allocated for route transport;
  • entry to/exit to tram tracks oncoming lane to avoid obstacles;
  • refusal to admit traffic participants from the priority category (cyclists, motorcyclists, pedestrians);
  • stopping in the middle of the road (in other places), interfering with unhindered movement along the road;
  • staying (stopping) on ​​tram lines, except in cases of vehicle breakdown;
  • transportation of cargo if its dimensions exceed the norm (specified in the accompanying documentation) by more than 10 cm;
  • transportation of goods classified as “dangerous” if the rules are not followed;
  • moving heavy objects, the mass of which is 5 percent or more greater than the load level permissible for the axle part of the car. Take into account the standards for this category of vehicle;
  • holding a telephone in your hands while talking on mobile device. To avoid a fine, it is important to acquire a device that provides hands-free communication;
  • violation of vehicle registration rules. This refers to all vehicles except water and air vehicles.

This type of punishment is also imposed on a pedestrian/other road user whose actions provoked a deterioration (of moderate and mild severity) in the victim’s health.
The category of violations for which such a fine is imposed is prescribed in Art. 12.9-12.36 Code of Administrative Offences.

Important! The evidence recorded by cameras on the road can serve as evidence of guilt. A driver who has been fined can always appeal the decision in court.

Changes occur periodically in certain article of the Code of Administrative Offenses, concerning Motorists do not always have the opportunity and desire to monitor all amendments made to the Administrative Code.

Quite often on forums there are questions of this kind: for which a traffic police inspector can issue a fine of 800 rubles. To help drivers, we have compiled a table of traffic police fines today. It will allow car owners to avoid traffic violations and feel more confident when meeting with traffic police officers.

On many sites you can find tables that contain new editions of parts of the articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation with an emphasis on the punishment provided for by them.

The main criterion of our table is the amount of the fine and other sanction provided by law for a specific offense.

Traffic violation Other sanctions applicable to this offense
Fine 250 rubles
By car traveling internationally road transport, or The driver does not have documents for the cargo. In established cases, the driver of a bus intended for irregular transportation did not have a list of passengers from 200 to 500 rub.
Fines of 500 rubles
For driving a car with license plates that do not meet the standards Warning
The driver does not have a vehicle registration certificate with him. When temporarily importing a car, there are no customs documents required by law In the first case, a warning, and in the second, the car is detained
There was no such thing compulsory insurance, as a valid MTPL policy. The driver did not have a waybill or transport and shipping documents in the case where they are provided for by law Warning
Driving a car during a period not specified in the MTPL policy. Driving by drivers other than those listed in this insurance document. This is equivalent to the situation - driving a vehicle without mandatory documents established by traffic regulations
The car has problems: with steering, braking system with the exception of the parking brake Driving suspension and car detention
The car has faults. All conditions are not met safe operation cars required by traffic regulations Warning
The driver ignored traffic rules and did not give a sign before changing lanes, turning or turning around, or stopping Warning
Before turning or turning, you did not take the appropriate extreme position in advance Warning
Made a U-turn or moved in reverse where it is prohibited
Did not give way to emergency vehicles that have the right of way Warning
Failure to perform actions prescribed by signs or road markings Warning
The motorist did not give priority to a minibus or car with a blue light and a special sound signal on. Warning
The motorist violated the rules for installing a warning triangle or using hazard warning lights at the scene of an accident. Warning
The rules for transporting goods and towing were violated Warning
The car owner ignored the rules for transporting people
Failure to provide a car to police officers or other officials in cases provided for by the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations
Traffic rules were violated by the passenger of the vehicle, as well as by another person Warning
Fine from 500 to 800 rubles
For ignoring the legal requirement of employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate of Russia to stop the car
For failure to comply with a legal requirement of an authorized official Armed Forces and other military services stop the car
For driving a car that has not passed the registration procedure prescribed by law
Transportation of passengers and luggage was carried out by passenger taxi, bus, by freight transport with no more than 8 passenger seats that have not passed technical inspection
Fine 800 rub.
The motorist did not issue a compulsory motor liability insurance policy within the time limits stipulated by the traffic rules.
Failure to stop the vehicle in front of the appropriate road markings, as well as when there is a prohibiting traffic light signal or a gesture from the traffic controller on duty
For violation of traffic rules by a cyclist, driver and other traffic participants, except motorists
Fine 1000 rubles.
The driver and passenger are not wearing a seat belt
Driving through a red traffic light, as well as a prohibitory gesture from a traffic controller
For going to an intersection or crossing roads during a traffic jam. In such a situation, a stopped car will interfere with the driving of other vehicles in the transverse direction.
Did not give way to vehicles that, according to traffic regulations, have priority when passing through an intersection
For violation of traffic rules by a car passenger or pedestrian, as a result of which interference was created for the movement of cars
For not turning on the hazard warning lights or displaying a warning triangle after an accident
Fine of 1000 – 1500 rubles
A car moving at a speed of less than 30 km/h, or carrying a large load, did not allow the car to overtake outside the settlement
, as well as in order to avoid obstacles
As a result of a violation of traffic rules by a pedestrian or a passenger in a car, slight or moderate harm was caused to the victim's health through negligence
Exceeding the permissible speed by more than 40 but less than 60 km/h
Traffic police fine 1500 rubles
For traffic violations regarding the location of the car on the road lanes and oncoming traffic. For driving on the side of the road, crossing a pedestrian or car column, as well as wedging into it
Vehicle detention
If the driver was talking on the phone while driving, which does not have special equipment that allows you not to hold it in your hands while talking
Did not give way to pedestrians and cyclists who, according to traffic rules, have priority in traffic
Fine from 1000 to 3000 rubles
Driving a vehicle intended for transporting passengers or cargo, with an inoperative device that allows you to control the speed, route, and rest mode of the driver For a manager 5-10 thousand rubles.
The driver of a vehicle for transporting goods and people violated the rest and work schedule
Fine 2000 rubles
Interfering with traffic, violating the rules of parking or stopping a car on the roadway Vehicle detention
Repeatedly exceeding the permissible speed above 40 but less than 60 km/h Fine from 2000 to 2500 rubles.
Fine 3000 rubles
Transferring control of the car to a motorist who does not have a driver's license
The vehicle is equipped with lighting devices that do not meet GOST standards With confiscation of devices
Fine 50,000 rubles
Vehicle detention
For ignoring the sign limiting the axle load. The exception is situations in which the driver has special permission
For driving a car that was illegally installed with: a “Disabled” sign, a taxi identification lamp; checkered taxi Confiscation of sign and equipment

The table clearly shows that violation of those traffic rules for which fines of 500 rubles are provided, often the traffic police inspector can limit himself to only a warning.

What offenses can lead to deprivation of a crust and more?

We have separately grouped types of traffic violations and other penalties for a certain period.

The length of the sanction depends on the severity of the offense.

Offense Minimum and maximum punishment
Driving a vehicle by a driver who does not have a driving license Fine from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles. The traffic police inspector will remove the offender from driving and detain the vehicle.
. License plates are not installed in the intended place. A device is used that does not allow state registration numbers to be seen Traffic police fines of 5,000 rubles. or deprivation of a license from 1 to 3 months
30,000 rub. either administrative arrest for up to 15 days, or 100-200 hours of compulsory work. The violator is removed from driving and the vehicle is detained
30,000 rub.
Transferring control of a car to a drunk driver A fine of 30,000 rubles and deprivation of a driver’s license for 18-24 months, as well as detention of the vehicle
Driving a vehicle by a driver who is in a state of alcohol intoxication if his actions are not subject to criminal punishment
The motorist refused to undergo a medical examination for intoxication if his actions are not subject to criminal punishment
The driver, deprived of his license, refused the medical examination procedure Administrative arrest for a period of 10-15 days. Administrative fine 30,000 rubles. for those persons who by law cannot be arrested
After the accident and before the medical examination, the driver drank alcohol or took drugs or psychotropic substances 30,000 rub. and deprivation of a license for 18-24 months, as well as detention of a vehicle
The victim suffered minor injuries as a result of the car accident. 2500-5000 rub. or deprivation of a license for 12-18 months
Exceeding the permissible speed by more than 60 but less than 80 km/h 2000-2500 rub. or deprivation of a license for 4-6 months
Repeated speeding in the range from 60 to 80 km/h, as well as over 80 km/h Administrative fine of 5 thousand rubles or deprivation of license for 6 months
Driving is a drunk motorist who has been deprived of his license for driving under the influence of alcohol. 200,000-300,000 rub. or up to 480 hours of compulsory labor, or up to 24 months of forced labor, or imprisonment for up to 24 months
For violation of the following rules: leaving the railway crossing with a closed barrier; departure for railway crossing at

prohibiting signal on duty, as well as traffic lights; parking or stopping at a railway crossing; crossing a railway track outside a crossing

1000 rub. or deprivation of a license for 3-6 months
For repeated violation of the rules of passage through a railway crossing or crossing a railway track in places not intended for this purpose Deprivation of license for 12 months

Now you know what can lead to a fine of 15,000 rubles. These are the biggest sanctions for failure to comply with traffic rules, which means that a vehicle can only be driven by a driver who has the right to do so.

Traffic police officers record the offense by drawing up a protocol. Then a resolution is issued indicating the amount of the sanction. The offender knows how much he needs to pay.

There have been some pleasant changes for drivers. The clause on speeding by more than 10, but not more than 20 km/h has been excluded. Fines are provided only for exceeding the permissible speedometer indicator in this place by more than 20 km/h.

For which offenses is the punishment more severe in Moscow and St. Petersburg?

It should be taken into account that the Administrative Code provides for increased penalties for some traffic violations in Moscow and St. Petersburg, which have the status of cities of federal significance.

Let's consider what the fine will be different cities for one offense:

As we can see, responsibility for the considered traffic violations in Moscow and St. Petersburg is higher. In these cities, a fine of 3,000 rubles is provided for violating traffic rules, for which lower fines apply in other parts of the country.

A new traffic police fine is issued by the inspectorate to improve the safety of very heavy traffic.

What sanctions can be applied to large vehicles?

There are different amounts of penalties for dimensions for violations of the permissible dimensions of a vehicle. The cost of a sanction for citizens holding a position whose duties include controlling transportation is higher than for a driver, and even higher for an enterprise.

Bottom line

We examined in detail what penalties are provided for violation Current traffic rules legislation. At the same time, attention was focused on when the removal of citizens from driving a vehicle and the direction of vehicles to the impound area is used.

The tables indicate how many years drivers are suspended from driving a vehicle for various offenses.

Information grouped in this way will help you quickly figure out, for example, in which cases a fine of 3,000 rubles is provided. for parking at the stopping place of route vehicles. You can easily find sanctions for driving without documents provided for by traffic rules and other offenses. We wish you good luck on the roads!

Exceeding the permissible vehicle dimensions by Amount of fines, rubles
for drivers on officials for legal entities in case of recording on cameras
No more than 10 cm 1000-1500 10000-15000 100000-150000 150000
From 10 to 20 cm 3000-4000 25000-30000 250000-300000 300000
From 20 to 50 cm 5000-10000 or deprivation of a license for 2-4 months 35000-40000 350000-400000 400000
More than 50 cm 7000-10000 or deprivation of license for a period of 4 to 6 months