How to submit documents to the insurance company after an accident. Necessary documents for payment under compulsory insurance. Claims for insurance claims

Now everyone knows that it is necessary to insure their liability in order to legally drive a car and, in the event of an accident on the road, receive compensation for damage to health or the vehicle, or both at the same time, from the insurer. Apply to insurance company costs only the injured party, because payments to the party that violated the Rules traffic, and collided with another vehicle, are not provided for.

When to contact your insurance company after an accident?

After a transport accident has occurred, the insurance company must be notified immediately about the incident, that is, as soon as such an opportunity arises. The form of notification is usually a telephone call, but you need to clarify this and look at the terms of the Insurance Agreement. Some companies' websites provide online notification of accidents via the Internet.

The victim's further application to the insurance company with the required package of documents must be made within 5 working days.

Important! Under direct compensation, the victim must submit a claim to his insurer.

In the event that in an accident:

  • two involved vehicles, including trailers;
  • damage was caused only to cars;
  • both participants have valid MTPL policies;

The victim should present documents to his insurance company. Such a case of compensation for damage in the MTPL Law is called direct.

Deadlines for contacting insurance after an accident

In the Rules compulsory insurance civil liability, the period during which an application is submitted to the insurance company is not separately indicated. But there is a link between filing an application and the deadline for filing the Notification of an Accident. Therefore, this must be done as soon as possible, but no later than 5 working days from the moment of the accident.

Important! The application must be sent to the insurance company within 5 days!

You should always carefully read all documents you sign to be prepared for the future. Because if the five-day deadline is violated, the insurer may subsequently refuse on this basis. And then you may have to resolve the issue with a deadline only in judicial procedure.

Documents for contacting the insurance company after an accident

To smoothly receive money for damages from an insurance organization, you will need to prepare and send the following documents:

  1. application for payment (download sample 2017, usually filled out at the insurer’s office);
  2. a copy of the citizen’s passport (or other document);
  3. a copy of the car registration certificate;
  4. a copy of the vehicle's passport;
  5. banking organization details for transferring payments;
  6. certificate of accident;
  7. notification of an accident;
  8. copies of the protocol and resolution on administrative offense;
  9. power of attorney for a representative, if it is not the beneficiary himself who is declaring (download sample).

The list of documents can be supplemented by the victim himself if there are documents confirming any other circumstances of the case, for example, if the damage was caused not to vehicles, but to other property.

Contacting the insurance company after 5 days

If the victim applied to the insurance company with an application for insurance payment after the expiration of the five-day period established by law, then according to clause 4.22 of the “Regulations on the rules of compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners” (approved by the Bank of Russia on September 19, 2014 No. 431-P), the period may be extended, but only if this payment depends on the results of criminal proceedings or civil case, or a decision on an administrative offense has not been issued to determine the culprit of the accident. The period may be extended until the end of the specified proceedings in the case.

If you miss the deadline to contact your insurance company in case of an accident

If the deadline for filing a notification about an accident is missed, the statute of limitations for claims compensation for damages is 3 years according to current legislation. Thus, the victim will need to file a claim in court for compensation for damage caused as a result of the accident.

What happens if you don’t take the documents after an accident to the insurance company?

If the victim has submitted an application for insurance payment, but has not provided documents, the insurer is obliged to notify within three days that the documents provided are insufficient to confirm the fact of the occurrence. insured event, and indicate full list the required package of documents that should be provided.

If the documents were not provided to the insurance company, recovery for the damage caused, both property damage and damage to the life and health of the victim, can be made in court in the framework of civil proceedings from the culprit of the accident. To do this, it is necessary to collect the required documents, including a court ruling that has entered into force, and conduct an independent examination of the vehicle and its estimated value. The statement of claim is submitted according to the jurisdiction of the cases and the amount recovered: up to 50 thousand rubles - to the magistrate; more than 50 thousand rubles - to the district court. The claim is filed for compensation of property damage at the place of residence of the defendant, but if harm is caused to the life and health of the victim, the plaintiff has the right to go to court at his place of residence.

Is it necessary to notify the insurance company of an accident (traffic accident)?

If a participant in an accident - a victim - plans to exercise the right to receive an insurance payment, then he is obliged to provide notice of the accident to the insurance company that has entered into a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement with him.

Do I need to fill it out?

The notification of an accident is mandatory and must also be signed by the other driver involved in the accident in accordance with clause 3.5 of the Regulations on the rules of OSAGO. The notice is filled out by each driver on one prescribed form provided along with the MTPL agreement, regardless of whether the relevant documents were filled out by the police officers who arrived at the scene of the accident. If there are disagreements between drivers, or more than two vehicles were involved in an accident, or if it is impossible for the participants in the accident to fill out one form, the law provides for each driver to fill out his own notification form (download the form).

If not provided (not submitted)

The law provides for a recourse claim against the culprit of the accident if he did not provide information about the road accident to his insurance company. The victim also has the right to submit claims for compensation for property damage or compensation for harm caused to life and health in civil proceedings, and to recover moral damages caused harm. Therefore, it is better for the person at fault in an accident to immediately notify the insurance company about the accident and provide the necessary notice in order to avoid a recourse claim.

Is a notification of an accident a claim to the insurance company?

A notification of an accident is not a statement of insurance payment, but is a notification to the insurer of the occurrence of an insured event. The completed accident notification form is submitted by the victim to the insurer that insured his civil liability. And only together with this notice can the victim submit an application for direct compensation for damage.

European Protocol Statement

A notification of a traffic accident or a “European report” in the case of direct compensation or without it must be completed, handed over or sent to the insurance company as soon as possible after the incident traffic accident, but no later than 5 working days. Such an insurance notice can be sent to the place of residence or location of the victim, or even to the place of the accident.

If you are the injured party in an accident that just happened, then, therefore, you are entitled to insurance compensation for an accident from the insurance company. But to get it, you need to know how to properly file an accident so that the insurer does not refuse to pay you.

If only property was damaged as a result of the accident, then the following actions must be taken:

  1. If your car does not stop due to a collision, then the driver himself is obliged to stop driving and stop the car. It is important to stay exactly at the scene of the collision.
  2. Turn on the hazard warning lights. It will tell other road users that you cannot continue driving.
  3. Get out of the car and inspect the damage.
  4. Obtain and install the emergency sign. Together with the hazard warning light, it will help draw the attention of all other drivers and tell them that you have had an accident and cannot continue driving.
  5. After these steps, you need to start registering the accident, first write down the numbers and full name of the guilty party to the accident, as well as witnesses.
  6. Call the police and let them know about the accident.
  7. After the police officer registers the accident and issues the necessary documents, you can collect a complete package of documents and go to the insurance company to write an application for payments.

If the collision results in harm to the life or health of people, then your actions will change slightly:

  1. After an accident, you are required to stop the car and remain at the scene of the collision.
  2. Turn on the emergency system and assess the extent of damage caused to the passengers of your car (if any). If damage is caused to a pedestrian, then he also needs to be inspected.
  3. Even with the slightest injury, call an ambulance, and then the police.
  4. Write down the name and cell numbers of the party at fault in the accident, as well as witnesses.
  5. Wait for the police to register the accident.
  6. Collect the necessary documents and go to the insurance company to write an application for payment of insurance compensation.

Once law enforcement officers arrive at the scene, they will take the following actions:

  • will take testimony from parties to the accident, as well as from witnesses;
  • make a schematic drawing accident scene. This figure will show the main landmarks in the area, the street name, markings, road signs and traffic lights, measure the point of collision, and how the cars are located after the accident, as well as the distance from the cars to the landmarks;
  • will conduct an inspection of the scene of the incident;
  • will inspect the damage to cars that were involved in the accident;
  • will draw up a report on the traffic accident. It indicates all damage to vehicles after an accident;
  • fill out a traffic violation protocol.

As soon as the entire process of registering a traffic accident is completed, the main thing is to meet the deadline for applying for insurance compensation and have time to collect everything necessary documents for payment under compulsory motor liability insurance.

If you understand that the injured person may not wait for help, then arrange for his delivery to the nearest medical center by asking other drivers about this, or, as a last resort, take him yourself. When you arrive at the hospital or clinic, leave your phone number, full name and license plate number there. This will help you prove to the police that you left the scene of the accident for a reason. After this, return to the scene of the accident.

Deadline for contacting the insurance company

Insurance companies strictly set the deadline for applying for insurance compensation. This is done to prevent drivers from “collecting” accidents and then demanding compensation for them. Within this period, the injured party in the accident must collect all the necessary documents and write a corresponding statement. The deadline for filing an application for compulsory motor liability insurance after an accident in 2020 is 5 working days. If the “injured” driver does not meet the established period of time, the insurer may rightfully refuse to pay. If you only write an application and do not provide any other necessary documents, then after 3 days you will receive a letter from the insurance company stating that you have not provided full list documents. If you ignore the letter, no one will consider your application.

If you still do not have time to submit an application within five days, then you can file a lawsuit with a request to extend the time for you, but only if you missed the deadline due to significant circumstances.

What documents will be needed to receive insurance payment under MTPL?

The most important point that you must complete to receive your insurance payment is to collect all the necessary documents for the insurance company after an accident. Without the provided documents, your application will be immediately rejected.

The list of documents for insurance payment under MTPL is not very large, but it is very important to comply with all points:

  1. Protocol on administrative violation.
  2. Resolution of the traffic police.
  3. Certificate from the traffic police officer about damage to the car.

If the accident was registered using the Europrotocol, then the insurance compensation rules change slightly.

Features of insurance compensation under the Europrotocol

Before you start registering a traffic accident using the Europrotocol, you need to know under what conditions you can use this registration option:

  1. Only 2 vehicles were involved in the accident. But you need to know that a car with a trailer is already listed as two cars. Therefore, if the accident involves cars with a trailer or the number of cars is more than 2, then you do not have the right to conclude a Europrotocol. If you do this, the insurance company will refuse to pay.
  2. Only vehicles were damaged in the accident. If, as a result of an accident, harm is caused to the life or health of others or the driver himself, then the conclusion of the Europrotocol will be unlawful.
  3. The culprit and the injured party fully agree on the causes of the collision. The conclusion of the Europrotocol should be a voluntary decision. If there is a disagreement regarding even one point, then you need to call the police.
  4. Having visually assessed the damage to the car, it was concluded that the cost of repair work does not exceed 100,000 rubles. This amount is the maximum at which an accident can be registered under the Europrotocol.

Only if all of the above points are observed, the conclusion of the Europrotocol will be legal, and the insurance company will not issue a reasoned refusal in your direction.

If you have complied with all the points, then you can send documents to the insurance company and write an application for payments. The list of documents changes accordingly:

  1. Copy of citizen's passport Russian Federation.
  2. A copy of your driver's license.
  3. A valid insurance policy for compulsory motor third party liability insurance (MTPL).
  4. Conclusion independent examination.
  5. Application for insurance payment.
  6. If an authorized person is submitting the application, then a certified power of attorney and a copy of the authorized person’s passport are also required.
  7. The original of the concluded Europrotocol.

You are required to provide these papers also within five days. After submitting the documents, the insurance company may require you to bring your car for a special inspection and recalculation of damages. If no controversial situations does not arise, then you will be paid compensation within the framework of the maximum possible payment under the Euro Protocol. If the stated facts about the accident of the insurance company are not enough, then it will notify you about this within 3 days and point out the missing papers

You need to know that insurance companies do not have the right to refuse payments if the party at fault for the accident has not submitted its Euroreport. And if this follows, then you have the right to demand that your insurer write a written refusal to accept the Europrotocol. You can send this refusal to the court, the RSA, the Prosecutor's Office or Rospotrebnadzor with a request to challenge the insurance company's decision.

Documents if harm is caused to life or health

If people were injured as a result of an accident, the package of documents also changes. After all, the insurance company must be aware of all the consequences of a traffic accident. Therefore, you are required to present the following documents:

  1. A copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. A copy of your driver's license.
  3. A valid insurance policy for compulsory motor third party liability insurance (MTPL).
  4. If an authorized person is submitting the application, then a certified power of attorney and a copy of the authorized person’s passport are also required.
  5. A copy of the death certificate (if someone died in an accident).
  6. An application for insurance payment, which will include the passport details of the family members of the deceased or injured person.
  7. Certificate recognizing a person as disabled due to an accident.
  8. If the injured person has children, then the child’s birth certificate must be provided.
  9. A certificate stating that the victim requires daily care due to injuries received as a result of the accident.

The maximum amount of payment if people were injured in an accident is 500,000 rubles. What can be included in a person’s insurance compensation?

  • income that was lost due to temporary disability;
  • all monetary expenses for treatment, purchases of medicines, additional food, personal hygiene products;
  • vehicle repair (if it is subject to restoration);
  • treatment in special health institutions;
  • if a special vehicle was purchased to transport the victim vehicle for its transportation, then it is also included in the amount of payments;
  • moral damage.

Consequently, the insurance compensation includes all expenses that the person would not have incurred if he had remained unharmed as a result of the accident.

Features of compensation for damage in the event of the death of a victim in an accident

If the accident caused damage not only to the health, but also to the life of the injured party, then the guilty party should be prepared for higher payments. For example, if:

  • the amount of insurance compensation exceeds the maximum established payment;
  • relatives of the injured party demand payment of moral damages.

Moral damage is the moral distress of the injured person and his relatives when the former cannot take full part in public life. Most often, compensation is paid to the victim himself or, in the event of his death, to his relatives. The monetary payment for moral damage depends on its severity:

  • light damage - compensation from 3,000 to 20,000 rubles;
  • average damage – compensation from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles;
  • heavy damage - compensation from 50,000 rubles.

Documents for compensation for damage to the property of third parties

According to established rules, road accidents can be either non-reportable or reportable. Unreported accidents are cases in which there are no injuries or fatalities, regardless of the damage caused to the vehicles.

Reportable road accidents include incidents during which people were injured. Such cases are recorded in reports, various reports, and are also subject to mandatory registration with official bodies.

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But regardless of the type, the incident must be properly documented in order to receive insurance compensation. To do this, you need to collect a certain list of documents.

What is processed on site

If there are no injuries or deaths as a result of the accident, then a traffic police inspector may be called to the scene of the incident.

During this time he must perform the following actions:

  • take testimony from eyewitnesses (if any) and participants in the accident;
  • execute a drawing;
  • carry out an inspection of the scene of the traffic accident and the vehicles that were involved in the accident;
  • draw up a document indicating all damage to the vehicle;
  • fill out a protocol on violation of the rules.

Based on the circumstances of the case, the traffic police officer issues a resolution, which will then be investigated.

In some cases, a traffic police officer may make a decision on an offense and send the participants in the incident for a medical examination. However, for unreported accidents, it may not do this.

If the participants in the accident were sent for a medical examination, then the results must be attached to the case file.

Participants in a traffic accident need to monitor all the actions of the traffic police officer and the correctness of filling out the necessary documents, since the determination of the culprit of the accident depends on this, who in the future may be brought to administrative responsibility.

This also determines whose exact insurance company will be required to pay the insurance compensation.

If during the incident the participants in the accident or other persons were injured, as well as if the accident involved fatal, then not only the traffic police officer, but also the investigator, as well as a forensic specialist, goes to the scene of the accident.

The task force inspects the accident scene and carries out the following actions:

  • a diagram of the accident is drawn on graph paper;
  • participants in the accident must be sent for a medical examination to detect the presence of alcohol and drugs in their blood;
  • A technical inspection protocol is drawn up. vehicle condition and inspection;
  • a protocol on an administrative offense (AP) is drawn up or a determination of the need to initiate a case on an administrative violation;
  • a certificate of accident is issued;
  • take explanatory notes from persons involved in the accident and eyewitnesses of the event.

The data that has been collected is subsequently handed over to the investigator without fail.

He analyzes whether there are elements of a crime in the actions of the person responsible for the accident and, in accordance with this, decides how to qualify the incident - as a criminal or an administrative case.

In the first case, the case is transferred to the investigative authorities or to the prosecutor's office, in order to then bring the culprit to criminal responsibility in accordance with the law.

In case of an accident, the diagram is of particular importance. The accident diagram is a drawing in which the following details are noted:

  • accident location with main landmarks and street names;
  • markings, traffic lights (if any), location of signs that regulate traffic;
  • the point of collision of the vehicles, their location after the accident, and the distance from all landmarks.

Traffic police officers must take measurements using a tape measure. After reading the diagram, participants in an accident must sign if they agree with the document drawn up.

The traffic police officer must make all the additions and changes noted by the participants in the accident in the diagram.

In addition, participants and eyewitnesses of the accident must express in writing their point of view on the reasons that resulted in the accident.

Drivers must logically and competently explain their actions during a collision. This will make it possible, to some extent, to convince the traffic police officer of the veracity of his version of what happened, and as a result, reduce his share of responsibility.

After completing the above steps, a certificate of accident is drawn up.

The completed certificates of the accident and the accident report are provided to both participants in the incident. In the certificates, the inspector must record visible damage to vehicles.

Based on the information recorded in the certificates, car owners will be able to subsequently receive compensation for damage from the insurance company.

That is why it is very important to indicate all damages that may not even be noticeable at first glance.

But it is categorically unacceptable to include old faults in such a document, since this is an offense and the driver can be held accountable.

Making a decision is the final stage of registration of an accident. IN this document the victim is indicated, as well as the fact of bringing him to justice in accordance with current legislation.

In practice, there are cases when both participants in the accident are at fault and then the degree of responsibility is determined for each driver.

The conclusion that the traffic police officer made in the decision regarding the culprit of the incident must correspond to the traffic rules that were violated during the accident.

If the culprit of the accident does not agree with the conclusions of the traffic police officer regarding his guilt and the extent of responsibility, then he can appeal the inspector’s decision in accordance with the procedure established by law. This can be done within 10 days.

To do this, the driver needs to express his claims in the accident report, justifying them with the provisions of regulations and significant arguments. In the future, the driver can also present statement of claim to court.

Documents required for insurance after an accident

Every driver must have liability insurance. Accordingly, the party injured in the accident can receive insurance compensation from the insurer.

But to do this, you need to know what documents need to be provided to the insurer. Below is a list of documents for insurance in case of an accident.

According to OSAGO

If the culprit of the incident has a registered claim, then his insurer is obliged to compensate for the damage caused to the injured party.

Accordingly, in this case, the insurance company will not pay any funds to restore the car to the person responsible for the accident.

If the insured person has compulsory motor liability insurance, then when contacting the insurance company after an accident, the following documents will be needed:

  • copy of passport;
  • copy of driver's license;
  • original MTPL insurance policy;
  • certificate issued by a traffic police officer;
  • administrative violation protocol;
  • resolution;
  • technical passport of the vehicle.


Provides compensation for damages even to the guilty party.

In the event of an accident, the following documents must be presented to the insurance company to receive compensation:

  • passport or other identification document;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • inspection certificate;
  • original certificate from the traffic police;
  • CASCO policy;
  • protocol on administrative offense
  • driver's license of the person who was driving at the time of the accident
  • by car;
  • certificate from a traffic police officer;
  • the account to which the compensation will be credited.

If citizens were injured in an accident, then other documents must also be submitted to the insurance company in case of an accident with victims.

In particular, in addition to the listed documents, you must also provide a death certificate (copy) or a medical report to the insurance company.

Since October 20, the traffic police has not issued certificates of road accidents. This innovation is provided for by the new administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dated August 23, 2017.

Questions poured in from car owners:

  • What documents should I submit to the insurance company after an accident?
  • How is the procedure for registering an accident now structured?
  • Do traffic police officers go to the scene?
  • Where to go with the issued documents?
  • And many, many other questions.

We will try to tell you in detail what documents you should have in case of an accident, who has the right to draw them up and where to go with them after the accident.

How to file a traffic accident? 3 Options

All drivers, both experienced and newbies, should know how to act in the event of an accident; these are the basics. The main thing is not to worry, stay calm, and then everything goes according to plan.

But practice shows that when a road accident occurs, Problems arise not with the actions of drivers, but with the paperwork.

When a car owner is in a nervous, stressful state, he can make a lot of mistakes in the documents. This is the main reason the insurance company refuses to pay.

But as we can see from the graph, there is a downward trend in the number of refusals to pay insurance.

Preparation of documents after an accident can occur in different ways, it all depends on the case.

There are actually three options:

  • participants in an accident can resolve the issue of registration on their own and not involve traffic police officers;
  • participants in the incident call the traffic police, who will fill out all the documents themselves;
  • will handle the registration emergency commissioner, he will also deal with all insurance matters of both participants in the accident in the future.

Every driver should also know that in case of any car accident, it is necessary to fill out a Notice, and if the damage is less than 50 thousand rubles (for Moscow and St. Petersburg less than 400 thousand rubles), if there are no objections from both drivers, it is necessary to fill out the Europrotocol.

Notification or Europrotocol in case of an accident

The Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” says that it is possible to register an accident without involving traffic police officers and other representatives in the form of accident commissioners, namely, using the European Protocol.

To do this together with another participant in the accident, it is worth considering the following conditions:

  • There must be two cars involved in the accident, both must have insurance;
  • during the accident, no one was injured other than the vehicle, and the damage to property should not exceed 50,000 rubles, for Moscow and St. Petersburg no more than 400,000 rubles;
  • the culprit is fully aware and admits his guilt and there should be no disagreements among the participants.

If all of the above matches, those involved in the car accident can fill out a Euro Protocol notification form.

The driver must indicate the following:

  • circumstances of the accident;
  • a diagram of the incident is made;
  • data about both drivers, cars and insurance companies is entered.

Regarding insurers, you need to write their exact name, telephone number, address, as well as the insurance series and number.

The important point is what damage the vehicle received. The insurer has the right to pay a maximum of 50,000 rubles, for Moscow and St. Petersburg no more than 400,000 rubles, if the documents were completed without the presence of employees of the relevant authorities.

After the procedure for completing documents and submitting them to the insurance organization, the victim cannot make claims to the insurance company. Even if it later turns out that the car had hidden damage, the victim will not be able to present anything to the insurer. In this case, the person responsible for the accident will have to pay the amount of damage.

There are two ways to receive a refund:

  • receiving damage through going to court;
  • voluntary compensation - it happens that the participants agree among themselves.

It often happens that insurance company employees conduct an independent examination of cars that were involved in an accident.

This procedure helps to identify all damages, as well as avoid controversial issues when paying for damages.

Registration of road accidents with the involvement of traffic police officers

If during an accident at least one of the above requirements is not met, then it is necessary to call the traffic police.

Proceedings may be necessary that relate to the circumstances after the accident. You may also need medical assistance, or evidence from medical workers about the driver’s intoxication if he denies this fact.

Also, the presence of the traffic police is mandatory when the amount of damage caused exceeds the amount of 50,000 rubles, for Moscow and St. Petersburg more than 400,000 rubles. It may also be that the culprit will insist on filling out the Europrotocol, saying that he will return the difference on his own.

This behavior of the culprit may be due to intoxication or fear of being examined, and possibly other illegal reasons.

If the driver has problems with insurance, then there may be a danger that the insurance company will take advantage of the opportunity and refuse to compensate for the damage, and then it will be necessary to demand compensation from the culprit of the accident in court. This process is quite tedious and expensive.

The registration process depends on how severe the consequences of the accident were.

So, here are the documents an inspector should issue after an accident:

  • a protocol confirming the inspection of the place where the accident occurred, as well as a diagram in accordance with which the rules of conduct on the road were violated;
  • the traffic police officer will make a decision on the need to impose an administrative penalty;
  • participants in road accidents, as well as witnesses to the incident, must provide their testimony;
  • documents from a medical institution.

If the accident did not cause any harm to health, the document package will be the same, only without the document from the hospital.

Drivers involved in an accident should familiarize themselves with the protocol, which should have been drawn up in the presence of those involved in the accident.

At the same time, you should not forget about your own capabilities.

Until the authorities arrive, you can do the following:

  • record the consequences of the accident using a smartphone (when taking pictures, it is necessary that the car’s license plate is visible on them);
  • take contacts of witnesses, you may need their testimony;
  • talk to another participant in the accident; perhaps he had an activated video recorder (its presence will greatly simplify the work of the investigation).

Documents to the insurance company after an accident

The accident is already behind you, you have documents in your hands stating its origin, now you need to take them to the insurer.

Documents for insurance in case of an accident in 2019:

  • Europrotocol or Notice, which was filled out by the participants in the accident;
  • accident report (if the incident was registered by traffic police officers);
  • passport;
  • MTPL insurance;
  • driver license;
  • power of attorney (needed if the driver is not the full owner of the vehicle).

Attention! The list of documents for the insurance company does not contain a certificate of an accident. We remind you that as of October 20, 2017, the traffic police no longer issues them!

The Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” says that Submitting documents to the insurance company after an accident must be implemented within five working days after the accident.

Pay attention! The deadline for submitting documents after an accident to the insurance company is 5 days! Missing the filing deadline is the most common reason for refusal of payment.

Documentation can be delivered to the insurer by courier, mail or in person.

It should be remembered that in order to receive compensation from the insurance company in the event of a traffic accident, it will be necessary to issue large number various kinds of documents.

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Moreover, their list is enshrined in the legislation in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. Every driver should carefully read this list in advance, this will help avoid problems in the future.

Formed at the scene of the accident

In order to avoid problems when receiving compensation from the insurance company or directly from the person responsible for the traffic accident, it will be necessary to collect all the necessary documents.

Today, their list depends on various circumstances surrounding the occurrence of an accident.

So, if the accident did not result in serious consequences, there are no victims, traffic police officers generate the following documents:

  • administrative violation protocol.

It is best to find out what documents are issued in case of an accident in advance. Since most of them will be needed by the insurance company to clarify the circumstances and formulate the payment.

In some cases, traffic police officers may simply forget to issue certificate No. 748. You should not allow such negligence; all major insurers require this document.

Issued directly. If there is a request from the victim, he is also given this document.

At the same time, the following documents are necessarily attached to the protocol, but the participants in the accident themselves are not given the following documents:

  • road accident diagram - drawn up based on an inspection of the scene of the accident;
  • Appendix – describes all mechanical damage to the vehicle;
  • explanatory - both participants and eyewitnesses of the incident.

If a traffic accident causes serious bodily injury, then in addition to those indicated above, the following documents are also drawn up:

  • protocol for checking/inspecting the technical condition of vehicles;
  • the result of a medical examination - for the presence of alcohol or drug intoxication.

To get acquainted with how to properly draw up documents in case of an accident, it is enough to simply study the legislation in force on this matter. This way, a lot of problems can be avoided.

Document for independent examination in case of an accident

Often, as a result of a traffic accident, various kinds of controversial issues arise.

For example, when drivers have any serious disagreements regarding an accident or the insurance company has significantly underestimated payments. In this case, the best way out of this situation is to conduct an examination in an independent organization.

To carry out this procedure, you will need not only the car itself and the desire of the owner, but also a certain list of documents.

It includes the following:

  • provided for the examination of the vehicle;
  • PTS – vehicle passport;
  • a certificate from the scene of a traffic accident - usually issued by a traffic police officer and given to all participants;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or another document that serves as an identification document for the customer of the examination;
  • service book – if the vehicle is being serviced by an authorized dealer.

If the customer is legal entity, then in this case it will be necessary to provide the following documents in addition to the above documents:

  • original purchase and sale agreement;
  • confirmation of the cost of the car.

The procedure for conducting an independent examination also has a large number of nuances.

It makes sense to carry it out only if the difference between the amount required for repairs and the insurance paid is more than 15% of the required amount. In all other cases, it makes sense to initiate trial No.

Documents for insurance after an accident under compulsory motor liability insurance

To receive payments from the insurance company in the event of a traffic accident, it will be necessary to provide a fairly extensive list of documents.

The absence of even one will be grounds for refusal to pay compensation. In this case, all necessary documents must be submitted to the insurance company no later than within the next 5 working days.

Otherwise, compensation may also be refused on completely legal grounds.

The list of documents required to receive payment under compulsory motor liability insurance includes the following:

  • notification of an accident;
  • a certificate of a traffic accident issued by a traffic police officer;
  • protocol on the commission of an administrative offense;
  • directly the application itself asking for compensation for harm.

Moreover, depending on various circumstances, it will be necessary to attach additional documents to the basic set of documents.

If any damage was caused to the victim’s property (vehicles, buildings, other property of individuals):

  • document confirming ownership;
  • the result of an independent examination of the damage caused to property;
  • receipts for payment for an independent examination - if this procedure was carried out at the expense of the client of the insurance company;
  • a document confirming the provision and payment of services for the evacuation of a car;
  • a document for payment for services for storing property that has been damaged in any way;
  • other documents that the victim considers necessary to submit for review to the insurance company specialists.

If, as a result of a traffic accident, the only breadwinner in the family died and it is necessary to compensate for damage, then the following documents will also be required:

  • a statement listing family members and their details in as much detail as possible;
  • a copy of the death certificate;
  • birth certificate of the child - if at the time of the death of the victim he was dependent on him;
  • certificate of disability as a result of injuries caused by an accident;
  • confirmation of the need for constant care due to damage to health as a result of a traffic accident.

It will also be necessary to submit to insurance documents to receive funds directly for the burial of the deceased himself:

  • death certificate;
  • documents confirming the existence of expenses.

The insurance company compensates for damage resulting from various types of related expenses - purchasing medicines, receiving services (the victim must not have the right to receive this).

In this case, you must submit the following documents:

  • extract from the medical history;
  • confirmation of payment for services;
  • confirmation of the fact of purchase of medicines;
  • medical report.

A complete list of documents for receiving payments in any particular case is reflected directly in the insurance rules of a particular company.

But it must be remembered that if the Investigative Committee requires documents, the execution of which for some reason is simply not possible, the victim has the right to file a corresponding application with the court.

Deadline for submitting the package to the Investigative Committee

The deadline for submitting documents to the insurance company is regulated by:

  • clause 3 art. Law No. 11;
  • paragraph 43.

According to data regulatory documents, it will be necessary to notify your insurance company about the fact of a traffic accident.

According to clause VII-41-42 of the MTPL Rules, all forms and necessary documents must be submitted to the Investigative Committee by registered mail or in person within no more than 5 days.

If the traffic accident occurred in remote places, this period can be extended to 15 days.

But it must be remembered that submitting all documents even much later than 15 days is not grounds for refusing payment.

If there is a violation of the deadlines, a refusal to pay can be made legally only in the case where the lack of data about the accident could in any way affect the obligation to pay compensation.