Databank of courts of general jurisdiction. Bank of decisions of courts of general jurisdiction. How can you find out if you have been sued?

Not only the persons participating in the process, but also any interested citizens can familiarize themselves with the decision made by the court. This can be done through Internet resources that were created to implement the principle of openness of the judicial system. There is an electronic bank court decisions, in which, after entering into legal force, the results of the meeting are published.

Where to view court decisions

All acts adopted by the court, including decisions, information articles and explanations of the law must be published on the Internet on the official websites of the judiciary. To search for a case, you need to know its number or full name of the plaintiff/defendant. But the most important thing is to know exactly in which court of general jurisdiction or specialized court the process took place.

To simplify the search for information, we created a bank of court decisions, where we combined all the acts adopted by judges, regardless of jurisdiction. These are thematic databases in which you can familiarize yourself with both general information in the case and with the decision made.

Access to the sites is free and free, with the exception of commercial portals. The only drawback of the sites is the speed of uploading information and the lack of access to archived files.

Popular resources

There are many generalized databases on court decisions on the Internet that have similar content, but differ in interface. The most popular are the following:

  • GAS "Justice"
  • Court decisions of the Russian Federation
  • Judicial and regulations RF
  • Federal Arbitration Courts of the Russian Federation

GAS “Justice” ( allows you to get acquainted not only with court decisions, but also with decisions of judicial panels, as well as learn about open vacancies and qualification requirements for the proposed positions.

Navigating the site is very simple. On the main page you can select the category of vessels you are interested in or use the search bar. In the first case, a page will open with an overview of the latest accepted documents and useful information about the activities of the court. In the second, you get access to a search form, where you can find a procedural act by the case number or the date of the decision, the name of the court, the name of the judge.

Court decisions of the Russian Federation (http://judicial decisions.rf) - a large database of results of civil and criminal proceedings with an advanced search function. You can find a decision in a case using information about the plaintiff, defendant or judge, as well as an excerpt from the text of the document.

Judicial and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation ( has an additional function of searching for a case based on the article of law that was violated. The website presents generalized judicial practice on specific types dispute, which is arranged in chronological order. A huge plus is the presence of a collection of current legislative acts on the portal.

Federal Arbitration Courts of the Russian Federation ( – a bank of decisions of arbitration courts. This resource is especially important for entrepreneurs. The law requires that the practice of arbitration disputes be uniform, so you can find similar cases and understand in advance in whose favor the issue will be resolved.

Advantages of the Judgment Bank

  • Criminal, civil, arbitration cases of any authority are combined in one database
  • Intuitive navigation making it easy to find information
  • Possibility to analyze judicial practice in similar cases
  • Check the performance of a particular lawyer

Which cases are not subject to publication?

The Federal Law “On ensuring access to information about the activities of the courts of the Russian Federation” establishes a ban on publication in electronic form decisions in the following cases:

  • Considered in closed session
  • About adoption
  • About sexual integrity
  • On declaring a person incompetent
  • About forced hospitalization
  • About crimes against state security

Thanks to the principle of openness of the courts, anyone can become familiar with the practice of making decisions on specific disputes in any branch of law. With the help of the resources discussed, you can obtain information quickly and reliably.

What types of judicial acts are there and what is their role in legal proceedings? Receiving copies of judicial acts, as well as familiarizing yourself with them online - how to do this? You need to know these nuances if you had to become a participant in the process in court.

Types of judicial acts

In courts of general jurisdiction, which include district, city, magistrate judges, as well as higher courts, civil, administrative and criminal cases are heard. During the proceedings, the court issues several types of enforcement acts.

Documents issued by the court:

  • solutions;
  • definitions;
  • court orders.

The court decision has the function of resolving the case on its merits, that is, completing it and eliminating the dispute. The court is vested with power, therefore its decision must be compulsorily executed by those persons to whom it relates. The decision gives instructions: which person must fulfill what obligations and to whom.

The concept of a determination differs from a decision in that it does not relate to the resolution of a case (Article 224 of the Code of Civil Procedure). If the proceedings end in a ruling, then the parties' demands are not satisfied. These may be such final acts as a determination to suspend proceedings, when the plaintiff renounced his claims or the parties agreed to a settlement.

A preemptive determination means that legal proceedings cannot be started due to any obstacles, for example, a determination to leave the application without progress. More often, determinations are made during the course of legal proceedings, for example, a determination to refuse to provide evidence.

By preparatory rulings, the court makes proceedings possible, calling experts and witnesses, requesting evidence, and so on.

Private rulings are issued simultaneously with a decision of a court of general jurisdiction and are directed against violations of the law by citizens and organizations.

The rulings are read out in the courtroom, and those absent are sent copies of the suppressive and final rulings (Article 227 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation).

The concept of a court order is similar to a decision, since it also means the end of a case. However, the court order is issued by the judge independently without any proceedings (Articles 121-130 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation). This is possible when no additional evidence is required, listening to the positions of the parties, or attracting experts and witnesses. The issuance of a court order in a court of general jurisdiction is carried out after consideration of the accepted application, supported by written evidence.

Examples of cases of issuing this act are debt collection, reclaiming property, and others. If the judge has no questions about resolving the application, then he issues a court order, and copies of it are issued to the applicant and the debtor. The defaulter can appeal the order within ten days. If this does not happen, the order will enter into legal force.

After receiving copies of the order that has entered into force, the claimant can contact the bailiffs.

Deadlines and search for judicial acts

Today all regulatory and legal acts RF are available on the Internet. There is also such a thing as an online database of decisions. For example, the “Sudakt” service (Judicial and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation) contains all the rulings of the country’s courts - decisions, rulings, sentences.

Organizing a search for a solution or determination in your case is very simple. The bank provides a search based on various criteria - type of court, including courts of general jurisdiction, type of document, its number, period of issue, name of the judge and others.

In order to keep track of all accepted acts in your case, quickly see, download or print a document, make the required number of copies, you just need to enter the known data in the form on the website located on the left. The database contains millions of documents, constantly updated with new ones. Being aware of all stages of the process, having an idea of ​​​​resolved issues via a computer or smartphone is very convenient.

It is important that acts adopted by a court of general jurisdiction do not come into force immediately. First, a period is given to appeal them.

Thus, an appeal against a court decision can be filed within a month. Some rulings (for example, those that impede the progress of the case) can be appealed within a month, and objections can be filed against those that cannot be appealed by law.

A court order and decisions can be appealed within ten days. Sometimes decisions are subject to immediate execution (Article 211 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation), for example, when collecting alimony.

Supreme Court Russian Federation is the highest judicial body in civil cases, on resolving economic disputes, criminal, administrative cases.

Plenum of the Supreme Court

Presidium of the Supreme Court

Arbitration courts

  • Supervisory authority – 72 thousand judicial acts
  • Cassation instance – 1 million judicial acts
  • Appellate instance – 2 million judicial acts
  • First instance – 16 million judicial acts

Arbitration courts hear cases on economic disputes and other cases related to the implementation of entrepreneurial and other economic activities, with the participation of organizations that are legal entities, citizens with the status individual entrepreneur, as well as in some cases with the participation of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, government agencies, organs local government, other organs.

Courts of general jurisdiction

  • Civil cases - 15 million judicial acts
  • Administrative cases - 5 million judicial acts
  • Criminal cases - 3 million judicial acts
  • Other cases under the jurisdiction of the courtsthousands. judicial acts

Courts of general jurisdiction administer justice by resolving disputes and considering cases within their competence through civil, administrative and criminal proceedings.

Justices of the peace

  • Civil cases - 7 million judicial acts
  • Administrative cases - 18 million judicial acts
  • Criminal cases - 1 million judicial acts
  • Other cases handled by the courts - 1 million judicial acts

Magistrates in the Russian Federation are judges of general jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and are part of the unified judicial system of the Russian Federation. The activities of justices of the peace are carried out within the judicial district at judicial sites.


Judicial practice

Courts of general jurisdiction of the Russian Federation

The system of courts of general jurisdiction in the Russian Federation consists of federal courts of general jurisdiction and courts of general jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Supreme courts of republics, regional, regional courts, city courts federal significance, court of the autonomous region, courts of autonomous districts;

District courts, city courts, interdistrict courts;

Military courts, the powers, procedure for formation and operation of which are established by federal constitutional law;

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Specialized courts, the powers, procedure for formation and operation of which are established by federal constitutional law.

All civil and administrative cases on the protection of violated or disputed rights, freedoms and interests protected by law, with the exception of cases that, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are considered by other courts;

All criminal cases;

Other cases referred to by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws and federal laws to their jurisdiction.

Judicial practice of courts of general jurisdiction

"Judicial and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation"

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Database of court decisions of courts of general jurisdiction - Quick search for information on a case of interest in 2017

The database of court decisions of courts of general jurisdiction allows you to find information on the results of hearings by case number, full name of participants and other data.

Information regarding new solutions is posted on average within 5 business days.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to find out how to solve your particular problem, contact a consultant:

To make verdicts of courts of the Russian Federation available online, a database of court decisions of courts of general jurisdiction was developed.

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Both completed and pending cases are entered into the system.

At the moment, there are many different databases of court decisions.

Some of them are commercial and provide more extensive capabilities, others operate free of charge.

Let's start with an overview of the most common system.

What does the online database look like?

One of the main resources providing information on decisions of courts of general jurisdiction is the State Automated System “Justice”.

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As of May 2017, the database contains data on:

  • judicial acts of courts of general jurisdiction;
  • judicial acts of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation;
  • criminal cases.

The online database allows you to search by category or by case criteria. The system provides complete information on legal proceedings.

To create a unified base, three difficulties must be overcome.

First, to develop and launch a search system that will collect information on judicial authorities throughout the country.

The second task is to systematize the enormous amount of information in the database.

Thirdly, the developers had to develop a convenient and understandable interface so that the user could easily find the necessary information.

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Where can I find the database? If we talk about the State Automated System “Justice”, it is located at

From this page you can go to the search form.

How information about a case gets into the system

The Justice system, like similar databases of court decisions of courts of general jurisdiction, helps to quickly find information on a case.

But how is information entered into this bank?

Let's look at this process step by step.

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  1. The secretary or clerk enters information about the trial into the program.
  2. The system automatically generates a case file.
  3. The finished file is sent to the official resource.

Thanks to this algorithm, the workload of forensic specialists is reduced.

Information is published promptly and becomes available to users in a short time.

Important: most Russian ships applies the State Automated System “Justice” program.

An interesting question: when is information about a case published in the system?

In most cases within five business days. This figure varies depending on technical support court.

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What criteria are used to search?

To find information on a specific case, the Online Database provides a field for specifying the parameters of the proceedings.

You can search by one characteristic or by several.

To find a case card, you need to enter some (or one) of the following parameters:

The easiest way to find information is by case number. It is assigned to each individual proceeding.

It is worth considering that if the hearings drag on for several years, the case may be re-numbered.

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The case numbers in the database look like 2-124/2017. The first number indicates the category of the case. “2” in our example shows that we are talking about civil dispute(as an example, these include proceedings under contracts for the provision of services, loans or purchase and sale).

The second number represents the serial number of the proceedings. The year is indicated at the end.

Important: a search in the system can be carried out using either one or several parameters.

In addition to the case number, the surname of the judge or participants in the process is entered in the criteria field.

Regarding the parties, when entering your full name, there is a high probability of errors due to the fact that namesakes may be involved in different cases.

Some search nuances

The database of court decisions of courts of general jurisdiction (where a reference from the place of work may be required) includes two categories: civil and criminal cases.

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When searching, you should also take into account the region in which the hearing is taking place. To quickly find the information you need, you should indicate the details of the parties.

The question arises: what judiciary included in the category of courts of general jurisdiction? This includes courts:

It is worth noting that information on cases tried by military courts is provided only in general terms.

Most of them are military secrets, so access to this data is limited.

In the search form, you can enter various criteria, including the full name of the participants, the name of the judge, and the region.

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However, in such cases it is often necessary to filter the results obtained due to coincidences in the details of the case.

The most convenient way is to indicate the number trial. This significantly speeds up the search.

Why was it necessary to create databases?

Online databases containing data on court decisions are created in accordance with the requirements of Law No. 262-FZ.

This act obliges the courts to make decisions and sentences publicly available.

Thanks to the formation of electronic databases, the following goals were achieved:

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  1. Legal proceedings become open in accordance with international standards.
  2. Citizens can always be aware of the progress of the case.
  3. If the hearing was held in absentia, the parties will be able to better understand the decision made.
  4. The database allows specialists various areas get acquainted with real examples from judicial practice.
  5. When searching for a lawyer, a litigant can review cases with his participation and see the percentage of cases won.

Important: at the request of the participants in the process, some data (for example, registration address or TIN, which is changed when changing the last name) can be removed from the system.

The database of court decisions of courts of general jurisdiction will be an invaluable help both for a novice lawyer who lacks practice and for an experienced lawyer.

What other portals provide information?

GAS "Justice" is not the only resource that provides information on legal proceedings.

Let's look at other systems.

Still have questions? Find out how to solve exactly your problem - call right now:

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  1. “Judicial and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation” (abbreviated as SudAct). The portal contains more than 100 million acts, which include decisions of magistrate and arbitration courts, as well as courts of general jurisdiction. In addition to verdicts, on the site you can find reviews of the most common disputes (urgent employment contracts or contract agreements), real cases are given as illustrations.
  2. RosJustice. This service also contains about 100 million solutions. The disadvantage of the resource is that the search is somewhat difficult; you cannot find a case by its number. To display information on the desired process, in the line with keywords you should enter the details of the parties or the name of the judicial authority.
  3. Archive of court decisions. 55 million decisions of courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts are collected here. A convenient option is to save the document in .

Let's summarize the above. The database of court decisions of courts of general jurisdiction contains data on the results of hearings that are open to public access.

The search is carried out by case number or other parameters, such as the full name of the participants or the last name of the judge.


New decisions are published within 5 working days. The frequency of updating information depends on the technical base of the court.

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Complaint to the prosecutor's office against bailiffs: Sample and reasons for drafting

Bailiff Service: How to find out debt by last name?!

File of arbitration cases in 2017 – Step by step instructions by search in the system

Unified Register of Small Business Entities: Detailed instructions for obtaining data in 2017 - catalog of judicial acts of Russia

A judicial act is a law enforcement act of a court that resolves a criminal, civil or administrative case on its merits. Courts are divided into first, appellate, cassation and supervisory instances.

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Judicial acts in Russian system There are the following types of justice:

  • verdict, that is, a court decision in a criminal case
  • civil court decision
  • other judicial acts, which include court rulings and decisions, as well as court orders.

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I’m sitting and roaring. I’m completely disappointed. The whole impression of the purchase is spoiled. The long-awaited 10-year renovation is completed. We started furnishing the apartment with furniture. They assembled the City living room for us. After assembly, a chip was discovered on the facade of the wall cabinet in the City living room. I immediately called the salon. Employees of the Dyatkovo salon on Komsomolskaya street 77 in Yoshkar-Ola (office of Maya-3 LLC, in Cheboksary) do not agree to dialogue on replacing the part. They don't value their reputation. More rubles wasted. I spent so long trying to persuade my husband to buy this furniture, praising the quality on the advice of a friend. My husband will now reproach me all his life. And I also wanted to order a bedroom, I would have flown in for more. Now only with a lawsuit.

I am Olga Anatolyevna Tsaregorodtseva. Agreement dated 06/19/2017. Order 471 dated 06/19/2017. Agreement dated 07/24/2017. Order 546 dated 07/24/2017. Payment in cash through the cash register. Employees of the Dyatkovo salon on Komsomolskaya str. 77 in Yoshkar -Ola, phone 85, (office of Maya-3 LLC, Cheboksary, P. Lumumba St., 6, tel. (8352)) do not agree to dialogue on replacing the part.

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Reviewed by: Passerby

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You will not be convicted for a misdemeanor!

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Database of court decisions in civil cases

M-96/First instance

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M-90/First instance

Decision city of Moscow Tambov garrison military court Anatoly Nikolaevich Tishkov

M-299/First instance

Decision city of Moscow Tambov garrison military court Dmitry Alexandrovich Letunovsky

M-36/First instance

Determination of the city of Moscow Tambov garrison military court Losev Valery Aleksandrovich

M-39/First instance

Decision city of Moscow Nizhny Novgorod garrison military court Maxim Vladimirovich Sidelnikov

M-71/First instance

Decision city of Moscow Nizhny Novgorod garrison military court Apanovich Mikhail Viktorovich VP Chita garrison Kiselev V.V.

M-59/First instance

Determination of the city of Moscow Nizhny Novgorod Garrison Military Court Maxim Vladimirovich Sidelnikov Federal Institution "Ural Federal District of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for Nizhny Novgorod region» Savchenko E.V.

M-43/First instance

Decision city of Moscow Nizhny Novgorod garrison military court Sergey Olegovich Sysalov

M-112/First instance

Federal Institution of the Ural Federal District of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the Tver Region Osipenko A.S.

M-165/First instance

M-157/First instance

Decision of the city of Moscow Tver garrison military court Kharaborkin A.A. FKU ERTS MO RF Batalov T.R.

M-119/First instance

Decision of the city of Moscow Tver garrison military court Krasovsky A.A.

M-107/First instance

Decision of the city of Moscow Tver garrison military court Popov A.V.

M-84/First instance

Decision of the city of Moscow Tver garrison military court Galtsov S.A. FKU Military Commissariat of the Tver Region Samtsov A.N.

M-173/First instance

Determination of the city of Moscow Tver garrison military court Popov A.V.

M-131/First instance

Decision of the city of Moscow Tver garrison military court Kolub A.A.

M-99/First instance

Decision of the city of Moscow Tver garrison military court Popov A.V.

M-107/First instance

Decision of the city of Moscow Tver garrison military court Popov A.V. PKU Military unit Chikunov G.L.

M-9/First instance

Decision city of Moscow Tula garrison military court Shalnev D.V.

M-59/First instance

Decision city of Moscow Tula garrison military court Shalnev D.V. Commander of the military unit Zhuravlev S.S.

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Each copied material must be accompanied by a direct link to the source and the correct indication of the name of the author of the material (lawyer, lawyer).

Any commercial use materials and publications in printed publications allowed only with written consent administration

All responsibility for the materials posted and the information contained in them lies with their authors - users registered on the site.

How to find out a court decision in a civil or administrative claim?

Persons participating in the trial are given a copy of the court decision against receipt, in the form of a document, or sent by mail.

But there are times when the court’s verdict needs to be known to a person who is not a participant in the process.

In the modern world, anyone can find out the result of almost any court hearing. We’ll talk about how to find out the court’s decision in the article.

Where does it begin and what does foreclosure on the debtor’s property include? Find out about this from our article.

Available methods

How to find out what decision the court made? One of the easiest ways to find out what the court has decided is to appear in person at the trial.

Immediately after the end of the proceedings, the judge announces the operative part of the case.

If the address of the place of hearing in the case is known, then you can pick up a copy of the court decision by going to the office of the institution yourself. You can also call the judge’s secretary or the court office at the contact number and get the necessary information on the case.

Currently, courts publish all information on cases online on their official websites.

If none of the listed options is suitable, then you can wait for the court decision to arrive by mail - according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the parties, regardless of their presence at the trial, are required to be notified of the decision by mail.

Where and after what time?

  1. In a civil case. The rules for drawing up and issuing a court decision in a civil case are subject to procedural rules - they are determined by the procedural civil code RF. A court decision in a civil case is read out by the judge in the courtroom immediately after its adoption, and a copy is handed out after the hearing. If you were unable to appear at the trial, then after it is over, you can call the court at the contact number, pick up the document from the office yourself, and wait for it to be sent by mail.
  2. By administrative matter. The rules for making a judicial decision in an administrative case are regulated by the Code of Administrative Procedure. The verdict is read out by the judge immediately after the hearing of the case. Persons who took part in the process are given copies of the court decision against receipt.

In case of failure to appear at the court hearing, you can find out the contents of the decision using any of the above methods.

  • About deprivation of rights. If the magistrate court makes a decision to deprive driver's license, the court sends a notice to the driver and he must independently pick up a copy of the decision from the office of the institution. You can also find out the decision by calling the court by phone or visiting the official website.
  • Read about how to make an addition to a statement of claim that has already been filed here.

    Internet to help

    Is it possible to find out a court decision via the Internet? The contents of the court decision can be found online.

    In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, courts of any instance are required to post decisions, decisions and information on cases on their official websites in the public domain.

    There are also special resources on the Internet where by name, date or case number you can find out information about the case of interest and the result of the hearing:

    1. State Automated System of the Russian Federation “Justice” - from the main page of the official website, you must follow the link “Search for judicial acts” - in the search form that opens, you can obtain information on any court hearing by entering the available information on the case of interest in special fields.
    2. Federal Arbitration Courts of the Russian Federation - from the main page of the official website, go to the “Card Index of Arbitration Cases” section, then enter the available information about the trial in the search form on the left side.
    3. RosPravosudie is a site with an extensive database of court decisions, courts, lawyers, advocates and judges, as well as an excellent search system. You can obtain the information you are interested in by selecting a court, judge, lawyer or region using the appropriate filters.
    4. Judicial decisions.RF - a resource with a unified database of decisions of courts of general jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and an advanced search. You can obtain information about the conclusion of a trial by entering information about the case into the search form and clicking the “search” button.

    The procedure for refunding state fees in case of refusal of a claim in arbitration court is described on our website.


    How to find out a court decision online?

    1. First of all, you need to enter the name of the court in which the trial took place in any search engine, then you need to go to the official website of the institution.
    2. Next, you need to go to the “Judicial Proceedings” section - this page will display a table with a list of cases scheduled for hearing on a specific date.
    3. If you know what day of the month the trial took place, then the date of the hearing must be entered in a special field. In the list that opens, you need to find your last name; the decision on the case is in the far right column.
    4. If the date of the trial is unknown, you can find out the result of the hearing:
    • by the last name of the plaintiff or defendant - to do this, from the “Judicial Proceedings” page, you need to follow the link “Search for information on cases”, in the file cabinet that opens, enter your own in the required “last name” field, at the bottom of the page click “find” - the solution is in the rightmost column;
    • by case number - also from the “Judicial Records Management” page, open the “Search for information on cases” section, enter the number in the “Case (material) number” field, click “find”. In the outermost column you can see the result of the hearing.

    If the name of the court in which the trial was taking place is unknown, you can simply enter your last name, case number and city name in any search engine - the search results will definitely show necessary information, provided that the city court complies with applicable law.

    What can't you watch online?

    The results of which cases are not posted on the Internet?

    According to the current laws of the Russian Federation, the results of hearings of cases are not posted publicly on the Internet:

    • held in closed meetings;
    • about crimes against sexual integrity;
    • about adoption;
    • affecting state security;
    • on recognition of incapacity;
    • about forced hospitalization.

    It is sometimes difficult for an ordinary person without special education to understand all legal subtleties, but thanks to the achievements of civilization, anyone, having at hand a computer with Internet access, can, if desired, find out the verdict in civil, criminal, administrative and any other paperwork.

    How to write a statement of collection legal expenses for the services of a representative in a civil case? Find out the answer right now.

    You can learn how to view the court decision on the portal of the State Automated System of the Russian Federation “Justice” from the video:

    Bank of decisions of courts of general jurisdiction in civil cases

    The bank of court decisions combines information about cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction, about the details and results of hearings. These details are relevant for legal professionals (lawyers, notaries, corporate lawyers) and ordinary citizens who are faced with the task of protecting their legitimate interests or learning about the results of a particular proceeding. The information is publicly available, so getting the answers you need is easy.

    Why do we need data on decisions made?

    Information from the data bank is necessary for the following purposes:

    • Successful dispute resolution - analysis of current practice helps to build the right strategy of behavior leading to victory in a particular case.
    • Drawing up legal claims - analysis of data from the bank will help a lawyer or an ordinary person to correctly file a claim and provide the necessary references to the law.
    • Confirm the correctness of your train of thought - an analysis of established practice will help a novice lawyer or interested person to check to make sure that he has chosen the right defense tactics, and if necessary, make adjustments.

    How to access?

    Information about the results of the proceedings is posted online as they are completed. The timing of the appearance of information on the Internet depends on the technical equipment of a particular government agency.

    There are the following ways to obtain information about civil and criminal proceedings:

    • Access to the website of the court in which a specific case was heard. As a rule, information is posted there in a compressed form, reduced to a short text of the decision.
    • Databases that accumulate information about judicial and regulatory acts, for example,
    • Commercial resources that collect information about court verdicts. You will have to pay for access to such sites, but their management is responsible for the accuracy of the data provided.

    The judicial database is constantly updated. According to various estimates, today it contains information on more than 95 million cases. They contain only official and reliable information obtained from the official resources of Russian courts.

    Get free advice from an experienced lawyer on basic life situations:

    How to find out a court decision in the Russian Federation by last name in 2017

    Of course, the ideal would be to attend the trial in person so that you can defend yourself if necessary. Participants in the trial are given documents about the result in the form of papers. If you were unable to attend in person or are not a party to the case, there are other ways you can find out about the decision. You can find out the court's decision on the Internet online. All courts provide information on official websites.

    In what situations can the trial proceed without you?

    How can I find out the default judgment?

    Most often, people who are involved in the divorce process do not want to attend court. The claim can be satisfied even after requiring the mandatory presence of both parties, and in the case of visiting only one of them. There have been situations when a court decision was made in the absence of both plaintiffs.

    The trial can be postponed if one of the parties fails to appear only when the case is not urgent and has never been postponed before. If it is proven that the other party deliberately and without good reason avoids the trial, then the presence of one plaintiff is sufficient for a decision. How to find out a court decision online by last name - read below.

    How to find out the result of the process by last name

    IN modern times all necessary information is transferred to the Internet. Federal Law No. 262 “On ensuring access to information about the activities of courts in the Russian Federation” was adopted, from which it follows that all courts undertake to provide residents of Russia with access to information about trials and decisions on them. All details are published on the official websites of the courts.

    You can find a court decision by last name on the website of the court in which your trial took place. Go to the “Judicial Proceedings” section and find the required solution there. There will be a separate column with results.

    Other options

    If you do not know the name of the court, then court cases can be found by the names of the participants or the case number by entering the available data in any search engine. But this search only works if the court fulfills its obligations to post this information online. Sometimes this information may take a little time.

    There is also an all-Russian website of the Supreme Arbitration Courts. In the column “Bank of decisions of arbitration courts” you can see the results of the desired investigation. His address:

    The unified database of court decisions includes cases from all regions. To date, there are almost 8 million results. Operating this site is quite easy. Searching for court cases by last name is carried out as follows.

    1. In the search bar, enter a relevant query containing part of the document.
    2. Select a region to search for a solution.
    3. Next is the definition of the category of judicial review and the stage of consideration of the case - the first instance stage, appeal, etc.

    All relevant court decisions will be shown to you by date of publication, that is, you will immediately have access to the latest decisions that fit your parameters. General jurisdiction website address:

    The justice of these courts consists of resolving disputes and considering cases that fall within their competence, in accordance with the norm established by Part 2 of Article 118 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    Find out how to file a complaint against a bailiff if he doesn't do his job?

    The results of consideration of which cases are not posted on the Internet

    It is not possible to find out the court's decision in every investigation. The law “On ensuring access to information about the activities of courts in the Russian Federation” specifies cases that must be hidden. These include investigations:

    • about adoption;
    • those that were conducted behind closed doors;
    • affecting the security of the country;
    • on recognition of incapacity;
    • about forced hospitalization;
    • on making corrections or changes to the civil registration record;
    • on the establishment of facts of legal significance considered by courts of general jurisdiction;
    • about a crime against sexual integrity.

    The full list can be seen in paragraph 4 of article 15 of this law.

    How can you find out if you have been sued?

    There are standard rules of jurisdiction. The best solution You will need to contact a qualified lawyer, since jurisdiction in most cases is difficult to determine. If we consider the most common situations, we can note the basic principle - the claim must be filed at the place of residence (registration) of the defendant. If it concerns any institutions, then this is - legal address. Almost all types of claims within the jurisdiction of district courts fall into this type of claim. But this applies only to those cases in which they are not related to rights to real estate.

    There is a separate series of claims that are filed at the place of residence (location) of the plaintiff. It follows from this that the check must be done on both the defendant and the plaintiff. If the matter concerns claims for rights to real estate, then they are filed in court at the location of this very property. This is exclusive jurisdiction. Such a claim will fall within the competence of magistrates. They also have a website with a general search by name and region.

    It will be easy to find criminal cases by last name on the Internet. And you can appeal them within a month. The best solution would be to attend the process in person so that you can fully protect yourself.

    Video instruction “How to find out if a bank has filed a lawsuit for non-payment of a loan?”

    Infographic “How to find out a court decision”

    • Due to frequent changes in legislation, information sometimes becomes outdated faster than we can update it on the website.
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    I need to know the court date in April mc statement submitted for parole from colony 28, Berezniki Perm region and who the judge is, the name of the defendant is Sultangulova Ilsina, born in 1957.

    Hello! It is possible to find out court decisions by last name. Information on the time (date) and place of consideration of the court case can be found by going to the court’s website or by calling their contact phone number. Log in to the site and in the search line by participant’s last name, write the defendant’s last name and at the end put a tick in the display box full list. If you are a participant in a procedural case, you must be notified with a summons.

    How to find out a court decision by last name. I don’t know the date and district court

    Sometimes finding a court decision by last name is not so easy, because nowhere in the law does it stipulate that judges are required to provide information on court proceedings on the Internet in electronic form. You can go to the court’s website and try to search there, but you don’t know which court. The easiest way is to go to the court archives, but again, to do this you need to know exactly where the case was heard.

    How can I find out how long I have been banned from entering the Russian Federation?

    You can find out about the entry ban by sending a request to the Federal Migration Service. It is necessary to take into account that if the ban goes through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the FSB, then you have the right to refuse a visa without explanation and you will not be able to challenge it even in judicial procedure. By the way, court decisions by last name can be found on the Internet.

    How to find out the court's decision. the trial took place without my participation

    Hello. Finding a court decision by last name may not be easy, but there are several search options.

    On the website of the court in which the hearing took place, you can find the decision by last name. In the “Litigation” section there is a separate column with the results of trials.

    If you don’t know the name of the court, you can try to find a court case by the last names of the participants by entering this data in a search engine. But this option will only work if the court fulfills its obligations to post the results on the Internet.

    You can also use the website of the Supreme Arbitration Courts, the address of which is Find the column “Bank of Arbitration Court Decisions” and look at court decisions.

    Hello. Maybe the court's decision could be lawful if there were no notices and the trial went on without me (I didn't even know that it was taking place). Awarded RUR

    Hello. You need to file an application to set aside the default judgment. You have the right to do this within 7 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the decision. If the default judgment is not cancelled, submit appeal. Given that you were not properly notified, you have everything you need to have the default judgment overturned. When considering, let's say cassation appeal to the decision, accepted by the court first instance, if the higher court decides that you were not properly notified, it will overturn the decision made by the lower court, even if it is fair. You will most likely have to pay off your debts, but perhaps you can at least reduce them or gain time.

    Hello! Please tell me on which Internet resource I can find a court order by its number?

    Hello. To find court records by last name, try using the State Automated System of the Russian Federation “Justice”, which is located at

    Using the service, you can clarify information related to the consideration of cases in courts and court decisions made on them.

    I want to know who conducted my trial? and where was it held by full name?

    Hello, if you don’t know the name of the court, you can find court cases based on the names of the participants by entering the available data in the browser’s search engine. But this option only works if the court fulfills its obligations to post this information online. You can also try looking at the website of the Supreme Arbitration Courts, the address of which is: In the column “Bank of decisions of arbitration courts” you can see the results of the desired investigation.

    Hello. Tell me where I can find out the debt by the court order number?

    Hello. In order to find out the debt and court decisions by last name, you need to go to the official website of the bailiffs

    The FSSP of Russia on its website presents a fairly convenient service that allows you to find out your debts online. The service allows you to receive information about availability enforcement proceedings in relation to both individuals and legal entities.

    I am a former entrepreneur...from 2006 to 2014 I abandoned all my business, did not work and did not pay taxes...because I thought that nothing would happen to me for 2014 I closed my business...the tax office closed everything for me...difficulties arose in the pension system... I paid 140 thousand rubles for 2 years... now I have received papers from the tax office saying that I owe another 100 thousand rubles... although the tax office filed a claim against me arbitration court and the court rejected the they are sending me papers about payment of money..I am a pensioner..I don’t work..what should I do??

    Hello. The tax office has the right to collect debts accumulated from legal entity or individual entrepreneur within two years in court. Apparently due to expiration limitation period, the arbitration court and rejected their claim.

    Is it possible to get a registered letter from the court at the post office for a daughter who has a different last name and how to do it. Daughter lives in another city

    Hello. The letter can only be received by the daughter with a passport or by another person, if available. notarized power of attorney the right to receive such letters. There are few options, either your daughter comes and receives the letter in person, or she writes a power of attorney for you and sends it by mail, and you can receive the letter locally.

    Good morning! I wanted to know the court decision in the case of my brother! He is sitting in Moscow. In his last letter he indicated that he will be tried in the Mytishchi court. How can I find out the verdict and where will he be sent??

    Hello. You can obtain information about a court decision via the Internet; there are special services for searching court cases by last name. This is possible thanks to Law FZ-262 “On ensuring access to information about the activities of courts in the Russian Federation.” According to it, every citizen has the right to receive information about court decisions. However, not all records may have information in the public domain. There are cases that are not made publicly available, for example: adoption, declaring a citizen incompetent, crimes against sexual freedom and integrity, forced treatment in a psychiatric hospital and some more.

    Good afternoon How to find out the court's decision, I was absent from the trial.

    Hello. If you know at what address the hearing on the case took place, then you can pick up a copy of the court decision by yourself by contacting the office of the institution. Another way to find out the court decision is to go to the official website of the court where the hearing took place and search for the court decision by last name. If you are not in a hurry, you can wait for the court's decision by mail - according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the parties are required to be notified of the decision by mail.

    A criminal case has been opened against Artyukhov I.V. in Lipetsk for an economic crime. I am also a victim, how can I join this cause?

    Hello. A person becomes a victim in a procedural sense in a criminal case only after the investigator (judge) makes a decision recognizing the citizen as a victim. The law gives the victim the right to present evidence, make petitions, get acquainted with all the materials of the case from the moment the preliminary investigation is completed, participate in the court hearing, file challenges, file complaints against the actions of the person conducting the inquiry, the investigator, the prosecutor and the court, as well as file complaints against the verdict and the court's ruling and the people's judge's ruling. You must be able to use these rights. Contact the prosecutor's office and report that you are also a victim so that you can be included in the process.

    I have to have a court hearing for a criminal offense, the summons arrived but I didn’t have time to take it on time, how do I find out when and where it will be?

    Hello. You need to clarify the address of the court that sent you the summons. This can be done on the GAS Justice website. Lists of cases scheduled for consideration and court telephone numbers are also published there. You should call back and specify the time of the court hearing by name, or independently find your case in the lists of cases scheduled for hearing. In the modern world, finding court records by last name is not difficult.

    Hello! Tell me what package of documents I need to collect for a non-working parent for child support? what exactly is needed?

    Hello. Documents required to collect child support from a non-working father:

    Certificate of marriage and divorce (copies);

    Child's birth certificate;

    A certificate confirming the defendant’s lack of income;

    The application must indicate information about the applicant, defendant and children, as well as the amount of debt (if any) and the reasons that led to its formation.

    How can I find out what date the court is scheduled for online?

    Hello. You will need to search the court's website by address; most trials are conducted at the defendant's place of residence. On the website, enter the full names of the participants in the process, after which the necessary information on the case should be provided in the search. Alternatively, you can find a phone number and call.

    Good afternoon! The mortgage trial was held today. The court decided to collect the apartment from me. How can you effectively appeal a court decision? What is the deadline for filing a complaint?

    Hello. All rules for appealing a court decision are set out in the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation:

    Article 320. Right of appeal

    1. Decisions of the court of first instance that have not entered into legal force may be appealed on appeal in accordance with the rules provided for by this chapter.

    You can file a complaint within 30 days from the date of the court’s decision. With such serious questions, you should contact a lawyer so that he can study all the materials of the case and help draw up an appeal.

    Hello, there were 2 trials. The decisions have been made. I can’t find a single one in the database.. Or maybe it’s all fabricated. My brother was convicted. The lawyer said the meeting was closed. How to check?

    Hello. A closed court hearing is possible both in criminal and civil process. In this case, persons who are not related to the proceedings are not allowed into the courtroom. Article 10 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation stipulates the reasons the presence of which obliges a meeting to be held behind closed doors. Disclosure of any information that has become known to participants is prohibited. It is not possible to obtain information from the media in this case. You can only act through a lawyer.

    Hello, can you tell me how and where to get a court ruling, which was in 2005 and issued a deportation and a fine of 2000, which was also not paid, I received a temporary residence permit under the state program, but when applying for citizenship they do not accept documents without a ruling?

    Hello. Contact the archives of the court in which the decision was made. Write an application addressed to the chairman of the court asking for a copy of the court decision. You indicate necessary information: case number, subject of the trial, judge, parties and date of the decision - you may have any information from the listed list. After a positive resolution, you receive a copy of the court decision.

    Hello. Our daughter was sentenced to Adler, and we ourselves are from Irkutsk. We hired Irkutsk lawyers. They have flown to Adler 4 times since June. Once the trial was postponed due to the failure of a witness to appear; it was the interrogator who wrote the testimony incorrectly. The court summoned him within 4 days\as the lawyer told me about this\it turned out the witness had gone on vacation. The court postponed the case for a month.Accordingly, the lawyers flew from Adler to Irkutsk.\this was according to the lawyer\A month later the lawyers called that there would be a trial a few days later\we paid the money under the contract and for the trial in advance, the lawyers demanded otherwise they wouldn’t fly\We gave them money, about 80 thousand for one lawyer, there were 2 of them from one company, one of my daughters was defended. the other is my daughter's accomplice. They flew away. But we had contact with our daughter by phone in the pre-trial detention center. She told us that she was not called to the stage. We were informed about this by a lawyer. They said that they would sort it out in court. And so they promised us that they would bring our daughter tomorrow every day for a week. In the end, the judge postponed the trial for a month because he was going on vacation. And the lawyers demanded another 8 thousand for travel expenses because... the judge said that by mistake the defendants were not brought to trial within a week. I want to know from whom I can officially obtain the court record. If I am the father of the already convicted woman, I was not a member of the court case. I doubted the lawyers. the judge informed them a day later that the trial was being postponed. The lawyers deceived us and lived in Adler for another 5 days, for which they demanded a large amount of money from us without a report. The report was in writing for one trip in free form, which we cannot verify. For example... .They wrote that the hotel costs 4,500 rubles and that they spent the money to visit the detention center on a taxi... Help me how to get the court record because they also demand 15 thousand for the appeal and also money for the last trip to Adler where the trial took place and it was extended due to refusal the lawyer is unprepared for the debate for 3 days. I ask you to help with advice, I no longer have the capabilities or the nerves. My daughter was given 10 years general regime. There are no criminal convictions. Characteristics are good.

    Hello. Send by registered mail with a notification requesting that a copy of the court decision be sent to you. A receipt will be returned to you, indicating the date the court received your application. I want to warn you right away that this will be quite long, since 30 days are allotted for consideration of your application. To speed up the procedure for obtaining a copy of the court decision, you can indicate in your application the fax number to which a copy of the decision can be sent (if you do not necessarily require a copy with a blue seal).

    Dear Artyom Ivanovich, I already know the court’s decision. I need a copy of the court protocol. Where it is described who postponed the trial and why. To present this document to the bar association. The lawyers completely lied and are extorting money. They blame everything on the judge as if he was debugging the court I haven’t been to court and I can’t prove to them that they are \simple swindlers with the status of a lawyer. With respect, Victor.

    Obtaining a copy of the protocol is similar. To obtain a duplicate of the protocol, you, as an interested party, submit an application to the court for a copy of the protocol of the court session, in the manner as I described above. If the court refuses to issue a duplicate at the request, this action can be challenged through a private complaint.

    Thanks Artyom Ivanovich, I’ll try it. After all, I don’t have many options and opportunities. But I have great respect for your response. Few people answer my questions on the Internet. You are the first. I will have many questions for you, maybe they correspond to the forum, but I really need your answers. Sincerely, Victor .

    Hello, how can I find out what date my husband will have his trial?

    Hello. Call the court where the case will be heard.

    Good afternoon How to find out who has assigned my Statement of Claim for consideration. I only know the court where they filed and the date of the incoming number is not on the application.

    Hello. The most correct thing would be to contact the court secretary and clarify this information, especially in which court it was filed statement of claim You know. In addition, you can try to track all the movements of documents in your case on the website of the relevant court. Use the search by your last name and see when the documents were submitted and the date of the meeting and whether they were accepted at all.

    Hello. Is it legal court decision on of which I was not notified, the court decision was not sent, it took place in another city where I am not registered and have never lived. I only found out today from an SMS from Sberbank

    Hello. Yes, the trial can take place without the presence of the defendant. If the court decision was in absentia, then, in accordance with Article 237 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, you have the right to appeal it in several ways: through the cancellation of the decision by the court that made it, or on appeal. When filing an application to cancel a default judgment in accordance with Article 238 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, you must provide evidence indicating that your failure to appear at the court hearing is valid (you did not receive notifications, lived in another city, etc.)

    The account was frozen without my participation. To support two minor children, is this legal?

    Hello. By court decision, the bailiff has the right to confiscate from the debtor cash stored in accounts in banks or other credit institutions. If you have arrears in alimony and there is a court decision on collection, then the accounts were legally seized.

    Hello, I want to ask, I have a daughter from ex-wife I pay alimony but I have a son from my common-law wife. How much alimony will I pay for two?

    Hello. According to the law, alimony payments for two children are provided in the amount of 33% of the payer’s total income. For each child there will be 16.5% of your interest total income. However, if the first wife filed a lawsuit for alimony, but the second did not, then it is necessary to notify the court about the change in financial situation and that you have a second child - to recalculate the amount of alimony. After the court has considered the case, all you have to do is find out the court’s decision and pay the children the required amount.

    Hello, I wanted to know if there was a trial in my case?

    I don't pay the loan. How is this possible?

    Hello. There are several options for how to find out if there is a lawsuit from a bank to collect a loan. The first is to contact a bank branch yourself or by phone. The second one can be found online in the specialized “Justice” system. Here you will have to check the availability of the case and judicial act by your last name. To do this, you will need to select the Subject of the Russian Federation and indicate “Participant in the process”, and leave the remaining fields empty.

    Hello, I have a question for you. I received a salary of 50 percent, the accounting department said that I came writ of execution from the bank. I personally was not at the trial and did not know anything, does the bank have such a right, if so, how can the retention rate be reduced and what to do next? Thanks in advance.

    Hello. Yes, the bank has the right to sue, and the court has the authority to make a judgment without a defendant. This often happens that a citizen finds out a court decision unexpectedly. Have you received any notification that there will be a trial? If not, and if the appeal deadline has not been missed, you can cancel it. In addition, you can contact the court that made the decision with an application and ask to defer or pay the debt in installments (Article 434 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation).

    Is it possible to return a product without a receipt to the store, according to the Russian law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”

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    Termination of the contract in unilaterally, according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

    Heirs of the first stage according to the law of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation: who are the heirs of the first stage and how the inheritance is divided

    The procedure for entering into inheritance after death, without a will

    They want to replace fines for beatings with arrest

    Handing the summons into the hands of the conscript may be made optional

    Changes have been made to the technical regulations for fat and oil products

    Citizens may be allowed to pay taxes ahead of schedule

    Employers will be able to fire drunk workers if they refuse to be tested

    The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only.

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    The bank of court decisions combines information about cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction, about the details and results of hearings. These details are relevant for legal professionals (lawyers, notaries, corporate lawyers) and ordinary citizens who are faced with the task of protecting their legitimate interests or learning about the results of a particular proceeding. The information is publicly available, so getting the answers you need is easy.

    Why do we need data on decisions made?

    Information from the data bank is necessary for the following purposes:

    • Successful dispute resolution - analysis of current practice helps to build the right strategy of behavior leading to victory in a particular case.
    • Drawing up legal claims - analysis of data from the bank will help a lawyer or an ordinary person to correctly file a claim and provide the necessary references to the law.
    • Confirm the correctness of your train of thought - an analysis of established practice will help a novice lawyer or interested person to check to make sure that he has chosen the right defense tactics, and if necessary, make adjustments.

    The existence of data banks on civil and criminal cases is in accordance with the provisions Russian legislation. It states that all decisions made by the courts must be available to the general public. The only exception is proceedings involving commercial or state secrets that are not subject to disclosure to third parties.

    How to access?

    Information about the results of the proceedings is posted online as they are completed. The timing of the appearance of information on the Internet depends on the technical equipment of a particular government agency.

    There are the following ways to obtain information about civil and criminal proceedings:

    • Access to the website of the court in which a specific case was heard. As a rule, information is posted there in a compressed form, reduced to a short text of the decision.
    • Databases that accumulate information about judicial and regulatory acts, for example,
    • Commercial resources that collect information about court verdicts. You will have to pay for access to such sites, but their management is responsible for the accuracy of the data provided.

    The judicial database is constantly updated. According to various estimates, today it contains information on more than 95 million cases. They contain only official and reliable information obtained from the official resources of Russian courts.

    Russian courts of general jurisdiction are called upon to administer justice based on compliance with the laws of the Russian Federation. According to their competence, they resolve disputes and cases, guided by civil, criminal and administrative legislation. Decisions of courts of general jurisdiction in civil cases that have entered into force are binding on citizens and all branches of government.

    Courts of the Russian Federation

    The judicial system operating in Russia is represented by courts of general jurisdiction, Constitutional and arbitration courts. Moreover, each authority is not subordinate to a higher one, but makes independent decisions for which he bears full responsibility.

    In the Russian Federation, courts of general jurisdiction (COJ) are accessible to every citizen of the country and are divided into:

    1. Federal SOYU, which includes institutions at all levels (the Supreme Court of the state or individual territories, republics, autonomous regions and districts, district, inter-district, city). Also included in this category are military courts at various levels.
    2. Magistrates are the lowest authority that administers justice in accordance with the law on courts of general jurisdiction in Russia. If such an official is not elected, the district court performs his work.

    Federal courts of general jurisdiction are the totality of all courts Russian Federation, which administer justice in the country.

    The legislative framework on courts of general jurisdiction in the state is presented:

    • The Constitution of Russia;
    • constitutional Federal Laws on the court system in the Russian state;
    • laws regulating the activities of military courts;
    • constitutional provisions of the Russian Federation on the organization of courts of general jurisdiction.

    The judicial and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation of courts of general jurisdiction are regulated on a legislative basis, which reflect the system, structure, and powers of the SOJ. Also, the Federal Law on SOYU outlines how institutions should interact with higher authorities, other government agencies, and officials at all levels.

    In their work, federal courts of general jurisdiction are guided by the Federal Law on Legal Proceedings, using the principles and norms recognized in Russian and.

    A higher authority can cancel or change the decisions of the Council of Justice in civil cases if citizens apply within the period established by law.

    Judicial system

    Court decisions and rulings

    The decision is made on behalf of the state (Russian Federation) in a deliberation room where the presence of unauthorized persons other than judges is prohibited. In case of violation of the Federal Law on the will of the court, the action is considered illegal and serves as a reason for appealing the verdict to higher authorities.

    The decision adopted by the SOYU takes legal force within the following periods:

    • in a month, if the parties did not use the appeal;
    • if after an appeal the decision is upheld, a certain period remains;
    • In case of cancellation or modification of a decision by the appellate institution, the new decision takes effect immediately after its proclamation.

    Those who disagree with the appeal decision (after the decision has entered into force) must apply to the courts with a new claim.

    What is the definition?

    After a judicial investigation, questions often remain that are not directly related to the case under consideration, but arise in its process. They also require strict implementation. Court documents that set out the judges' views on this issue are called rulings.

    In order to justify the entry into force of a determination made in the deliberation room of the Council of Justice, it is necessary to adhere to the following procedure in accordance with Art. 225 Code of Civil Procedure of Russia:

    • indicate the exact time and place where additional judicial acts are issued;
    • indicate the name of the judicial institution, details of all judges present and the secretary;
    • define essence controversial issue , list the participants in the process;
    • motivate conclusions based on the implementation of the laws of the Russian Federation;
    • indicate the period and conditions for the entry into force of the determination;
    • explain how you can appeal the decision, defining the deadlines.

    Court documents (rulings) are allowed to be adopted outside the deliberation room if their decision is not particularly difficult. In this case, it is necessary to record the definitions in the minutes of the meeting.

    The rulings of a court of general jurisdiction enter into legal force as soon as they are announced. For persons who are involved in the case but were not present during the announcement of the rulings, court documents (copies) sent for review within three days.

    Important! The immediate entry into force of the determination may be delayed if an appeal is allowed.

    Search a case by last name

    Sometimes it is not possible to personally participate in the trial, so many are interested in how to find out the outcome of the hearing by the names of its participants. The maximum period for a judicial investigation is 2–3 months.

    Therefore, unless the continued presence of one of the parties is of utmost importance, meetings continue in her absence. Sometimes both interested parties are not present when a decision is made.

    It is permitted if the person has informed in writing that for good reasons he cannot attend the meeting. The absence of a party to the process may be explained by the person’s reluctance to solve the problem in this way. If a participant constantly fails to appear at meetings, he can be forced to be brought or the process can be carried out in his absence. The judge decides what to do.

    The law requires courts at any level to ensure free access of citizens to judicial and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation. For this purpose, information is posted on the official website on the Internet. Information is available to users online.

    It is not possible to find every civil or criminal case by last name. The following investigation results are hidden from public access:

    • documents indicating the child’s new parents and his current place of residence;
    • forced hospitalization;
    • corrected or changed information in registry office documents;
    • sexual assault crimes;
    • results of hearings of cases behind closed doors;
    • crimes against state security.

    Information about solutions

    In order for a person to find out whether a lawsuit has been filed against him or her, it is necessary check the register of court decisions at your address, at the location of the disputed property. The claim is not always filed at the place of registration of the defendant. If the property that they want to sue is located in another region, the statement of claim is filed there. Therefore, a person may not even suspect that legal proceedings have been initiated against him.

    Judicial proceedings by surname - optimal search option all types of claims. At the same time, one should not lose sight of justices of the peace, information about whose cases is posted on a separate website.

    Personal presence at the meeting allows you to better understand the nuances of the problem in order to ensure effective protection. Appeal an unsatisfactory decision court allowed within a calendar month from the date of announcement of the verdict.

    Using known data about the court, information about the participants in the process, each person can find out what decision was made:

    • Using the search engine of any browser, you should find the official website of the court in which the case was heard;
    • in the “Judicial Proceedings” section the register of decisions made on a certain date of the desired month and year is displayed;
    • if the date of the hearing is unknown for any reason, you should enter your details (defendant, judge, lawyer or other participant in the process) by last name from the “Judicial Proceedings” page and look at the result in the last column on the right side;
    • also find information by case number. The required numbers are entered into the desired column and the “search” button is pressed.

    Register of court decisions

    If it's difficult to get necessary information online, recommended contact the office by phone judicial institution. To help users, additional sites with an expanded search base have been opened:,, http://judicial decisions.rf/ and others).

    Attention! To find information, you can seek help from an experienced lawyer.

    What civil_cases are considered by courts_of_general_jurisdiction

    The register of court decisions is available to citizens to make obtaining the results of hearings easier, without requiring a personal visit to the office of the relevant institution. Each if desired interested person may request information about the outcome of the case and the decision taken or definition.