All about the terms of deprivation: when does it begin and end? When does the period of deprivation of a driver's license end? Checking the period of deprivation of a license

Today, the bureaucratic system of the Russian Federation allows us to provide many types of reports, extracts and simply necessary information on the World Wide Web.

One of the wonderful new government services is online check authenticity driver's license.

When is a driver's license verification procedure necessary?

At first glance, it seems that every driver knows for sure whether he has been deprived of his license or not. However, there are often circumstances in which such verification is necessary:

  • in court proceedings, the offending driver may not be sure of the time period when his driver's license is valid and additional check will bring clarity;
  • when applying for a new driver’s license, it is worth checking its validity - the human factor can always introduce an error into the traffic police information base;
  • When hiring a new driver, the employer can easily verify that the license was not obtained illegally, and he does not become an accomplice in concealing a crime.

Traffic police service for checking a driver's license

Procedure for checking the validity of any driver's license is very simple and to do this you only need to visit a special page on the website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation - There is no need for any registration or identification confirmation - everything is anonymous and confidential.

You only need to fill out three fields of a special form:

  1. Series and number of the driver's license being verified, combined;
  2. Date of issue of the driver's license in the format “day.month.year”;
  3. In the third field, a check is made that you are a living person, and not an automated program for collecting information, and you need to enter a captcha (numbers from the picture).

After entering all the data, you need to click on the “Check driver’s license” button and the system will provide up-to-date information about your license.

Possible driver license test results

Based on the results of the check, the service will provide 3 possible results: “everything is fine”, “deprivation of rights” and “invalid rights”.

Result - everything is fine

This displays the owner’s date of birth, the date of issue of the driver’s license, its validity period and the categories of vehicles (Vehicles) that can be driven. Such a document is valid and no deprivation of rights has been imposed. A small nuance of the service is that it forms vehicle categories somewhat aggregated. For example, if a driver has categories B, C, BE and CE, the system will display only the letters B, C and E.

Result: ID data not found

If the site produces such a message, then this indicates the following:

  • expired rights - their validity period has expired;
  • replacing these rights with new ones;
  • illegality of obtaining such a certificate.

It is logical that it is unacceptable to drive a car with such a license.

Result: loss of driver's license

In this case, the system will again provide the same information as with the result “everything is fine”, but will additionally provide data on the deprivation of the right to drive the vehicle: date of issue court verdict, length of disqualification and sentencing status.

This traffic police service does an excellent job of checking any driver’s restrictions regarding restrictions. The interface is laconic and does not make it difficult to understand it to obtain the necessary information.

The expiration of the period of deprivation of a driver's license is a long-awaited event for everyone who lost them as a result of traffic violations. Correctly calculating the time for the end of the sanction should be done in order to prepare for this event in advance and to gain the opportunity to drive a car again. In this article, we will consider the main recommendations of experts on how to check when the period of deprivation of a driver’s license ends, and also calculate the moment when the penalty begins to be calculated.

When does the period of revocation of a driver's license begin?

Reasons for deprivation of a driver's license may include:

  • exceeding the permissible speed limit on a certain section of the road;
  • driving on oncoming traffic or tram tracks;
  • driving a vehicle without a license plate or with a license plate placed in an undesignated place;
  • violation of rules for crossing railway crossings;
  • fleeing the scene of the accident.

The period of deprivation of a driver's license begins to count from the moment the court verdict enters into legal force. There is one caveat - the penalty begins to be calculated if the driver voluntarily transfers the driving license to the State Traffic Inspectorate within 3 working days. Otherwise, the expiration date for the deprivation of rights will be postponed by the missed time until the title document is deposited, according to the court order.

To avoid getting into such trouble, it is better to follow the following recommendations:

  • the driver should participate in the court hearing;
  • after the end of the case proceedings, it is necessary to count 10 working days intended for filing an appeal. After the expiration of the above time, the resolution gains legal force and the countdown of the period for deprivation of a driver’s license begins;
  • in issued by the judge executive document The police department is indicated where the document should be deposited. The certificate is sent within 3 working days.

It is worth noting that if the driver submitted appeal, in this case, the calculation period begins from the date of entry appeal ruling in force. If the license was confiscated as a result of drunk driving, the driver will be required to undergo special tests, based on the results of which he will be given back his documents.

How to check the expiration date of your driver's license via the Internet?

You can find out online when your license will be returned after deprivation, through the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate:

  • You should go to the official page of the traffic police website. Next, you need to fill out a special form, entering the driver’s license number and the date of issue, and request verification of the document;
  • After this operation is completed, a special table is displayed on the screen. If it does not indicate the beginning of the period of the driving ban, then you can contact the relevant authority to pick them up;
  • If the start date of the sanction is indicated, in order to find out when the period of deprivation of a driver’s license expires, it is necessary to focus on the date of announcement of the court verdict and the duration of the sanction. You will have to calculate the time of deprivation of your driver's license yourself, since such information is not indicated in the table.

Information on the revocation of a driver's license is constantly updated, so the above procedure should be carried out regularly.

Other verification methods

The deadline for returning a driver's license after deprivation can be checked independently and using other methods:

  • call the number hotline . You should provide personal information and ask to dictate necessary information. The operator will also answer all questions and provide detailed advice;
  • via email. A written request for the provision of relevant information is made;
  • contact the Department of Internal Affairs with the relevant question, who seized the driver's document for safekeeping. Information can be verified using the violator's last name. It is worth noting that a response to a written request is given within 1 month.
  • You can check when the period of deprivation of a driver’s license ends on your own, adding ten days to the allotted period after the announcement of the guilty verdict.

The minimum time for revocation of a driver's license is 30 days, the maximum by law is 3 years, but in practice there are cases of longer periods. It is impossible to pick up the certificate before this period expires. It does not change, is not transferred and cannot be changed unless appealed to the court of appeal.

thank you, another question: if at the time of the 2nd trial I will be in the army and I will be sentenced to, say, 480 hours of correctional labor, what then?


verkhoturov999, this option is not possible. Article 50 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

5. Correctional work are not assigned persons recognized as disabled people of the first group, pregnant women, women with children under three years of age, military personnel undergoing military service on call, as well as military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in military positions as privates and sergeants, if at the time of the court’s verdict they had not served the statutory period of conscription service.

Another punishment option must be chosen.

Good luck on the roads!

Max, first try contacting the traffic police for. If you are refused, find out the reasons for the refusal and write them here.

In this case, you will not have to take the theoretical exam, because the deprivation was imposed long before this rule came into effect.

Good luck on the roads!

Is it the same for probation?

verkhoturov999, imprisonment may also be imposed on a military personnel.

Hello Maxim, tell me bad In Moscow, 01/09/2018, I was issued an inspector 12.26 part 1. refusal of medicine and sent the material from the Moscow Magistrate’s Court and the magistrate’s court scheduled a court hearing for me on 03/15/2018 and I wrote a petition that the relationship would redraw me to the case and send me to my place of residence and the court accepted my petition and sent the material to my place of residence and a month later the material was received at my place of residence and the court scheduled court hearings for me on 05/15/2018 and I could not attend the court hearings that were scheduled and did not receive a suppression, tell me which traffic police department must receive a court decision


I recommend that you call the court office and clarify to which traffic police department a copy of the decision was sent. As a rule, the document is sent to a unit that serves the same territory as the court.

Good luck on the roads!

Hello, I sent a letter by 1st class with an inventory and a delivery mark, the letter arrived in 4 days, the recipient only took the letter 15 days later, the mail says that the recipient received it at the department, but where is the delivery mark, it should be in the attachment or The traffic police will send me a letter stating that they have the application and license and I have passed it (the countdown for passing the license has begun), please tell me

Can the traffic police chief send back my letter with my license? That is, not to accept?!

Alena, Hello.

1. A notification of delivery will arrive at your address after some time. It was sent back at the moment when the department employee received the registered letter.

2. If the application is not accepted, then you must be sent a written refusal (which will indicate the reason for the refusal). If you have done everything in accordance with the law, then the rights cannot refuse to accept the application.

Good luck on the roads!

Hello Maxim, you wrote to answer, as a rule, the document is sent to the department that serves the same territory as the courts, something I almost didn’t understand, tell me specifically, as a rule, which traffic police department should receive copies of the decision on the execution of the court or at the place of violation


For example, if the case was heard in the Magistrate's Court of the city of Aleksin, then the resolution will be sent to the traffic police of the city of Aleksin.

Good luck on the roads!

hello ok thank you Vasya, I understand, well, the Moscow traffic police department Dozhu received a ruling from the magistrate’s court, well, I just received a ruling that didn’t come into effect, but a ruling that came into effect. I received a traffic police unit at the place of the magistrate’s court bedroom, tell me, the Moscow traffic police department can enter the data base, thank you for your help.


Unfortunately, I don't know the answer to this question. I recommend consulting with the traffic police.

Good luck on the roads!


Hello! I am a citizen of the Republic of Belarus. I was deprived of my rights by a court in Moscow for 1.5 years. Does a foreign citizen need to submit his license to the authorities? Thank you

Alexander, Hello.

The certificate must be submitted to the traffic police. If you do not do this, the period of deprivation will not begin. At the next stop, the officers will confiscate your license, and you will either be fined 30,000 or undergo mandatory labor.

Good luck on the roads!

Hello, tell Bazhalusta, the court sent copies of the resolution on October 11 to the traffic police department and today I checked on the official website of the traffic police, answer received only the year of birth and give the issue and validity period information about the deprivation of driving rights, did not receive anything, tell Bazhalusta this is how


Maxim, Thank you!

Are you sure that a foreign citizen also needs to take the test? Yesterday, one car lawyer said that for foreign citizens, the period of imprisonment begins immediately after the court verdict.

Good luck on the roads!

Alexander, trust not lawyers, but regulatory documents. If you find information in the laws that foreign citizens You don’t need to surrender your license, which means you need to be guided by this information.

Good luck on the roads!

Hello, there is no information in the database about the deprivation of driving rights on the official traffic police website, it may be that the site was mistaken

Ramin, Hello.

Good luck on the roads!

Hello Maxim, please tell me which court orders the driver’s relationship 30,000 thousand rubles Fines for this Fines from what point the statute of limitations is calculated after court decision or the day the traffic cop report is issued

Hello Maxim, please tell me I can contact Swami by phone.


1. The limitation period for a fine is counted from the moment court session.

2. Unfortunately, I do not provide consultations by phone.

Good luck on the roads!

Hello Maxim, do you understand, yes, what fine am I talking about that the court will deprive drivers of and impose 30,000 thousand rubles? Fines for this particular fine have a statute of limitations, thank you


Good evening! The decision was made on 02/26/2018, and the license was surrendered on 02/27/2018 (the period of deprivation is 1 year), what date should the expiration date be considered? And if the deprivation is not for drunkenness, but for continuous drinking, is it necessary to undergo a medical examination and provide a medical certificate to the traffic police?

Ramin, Hello.

The statute of limitations for a fine is counted from the moment of the court hearing and is 2 years and 10 days.

Good luck on the roads!

Dmitry, Hello.

If you received a copy of the resolution on the day it was issued (02/26/2018), then the deadline began to count on March 8, 2018 (when the resolution came into force).

If you are deprived of permission to travel to the opposite direction, a medical certificate is not required.

Good luck on the roads!

Hello Maxim

I have the following question: I passed my license to the traffic police. More than half the term has passed, today I went to the official website of the traffic police to check my license and it turns out that the term has not been reduced

Hello Maxim

Period of deprivation of the right to drive: 18 months.

Status of execution of the decision: A decision was made on deprivation of the right to drive

We draw your attention!

Checking the availability of court decisions on deprivation of the right to drive is carried out exclusively by the last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth of the driver’s license holder. If it is necessary to confirm the fact of issuance of a driver’s license, as well as the presence (absence) of court decisions on deprivation of the right to drive vehicle, the holder of a driver’s license can contact the State Traffic Inspectorate unit.

and nothing more is written

Glory, Hello.

In this case, it makes sense to contact the traffic police and clarify whether the calculation of the period of deprivation has begun.

Good luck on the roads!

Hello Maxim, I have such a question, the court sent copies of the resolution to the traffic police department on October 11, please tell me this decree, after what time should the traffic police arrive if it was sewn on October 11 and for what time should the data base be deprived of the base throughout Russia thank you

Andrey Kr

Maxim, good afternoon.

I couldn't find the answer to these questions anywhere:

1. Does the term (period) specified in clause 1.1 of Article 32.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation include "Within three working days from the date of entry into force of the resolution on the appointment administrative punishment...", this day (date) "... of the entry into force of the decision on the imposition of an administrative penalty..."?

2. Is this three-day period a “procedural period” regulated by Articles 107 and 108 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation?

3. And specifically. If “the day the resolution imposing an administrative penalty in the form of deprivation of the corresponding special law" - February 14, 2018, then the three working days ends on February 16, 2018 (Friday) or February 19, 2018 (Monday)?

The first following working day.

4. If the application, complaint, other documents or cash were handed over to a communications organization, credit institution, declared or transferred to an authority or person authorized to receive them before 24 hours of the last day of the deadline, the deadline is not considered missed.

That is, in your case, the first working day is February 15 (Friday). It remains to add 2 more working days during which you can submit the document.

Good luck on the roads!

Andrey Kr

Maxim, good afternoon.

Unfortunately, to complaints both to the city traffic police and to the regional one, official responses were received that the specified three-day period begins on the day ( including, not the next one) “from the date of entry into force of the decision on the imposition of an administrative penalty.”

So, your conclusion does not coincide with the official one. I think there is no point in filing a complaint to the third instance...


Hello, tell me when checking a driver’s license on the official website of the traffic police, answer, I only receive the year of birth and give the issue and expiration date and category, please tell me this information what to say

A Russian driver's license, although not an analogue of an ID card, as, for example, in the USA or Australia, can also tell a lot about its owner. A common method of punishment for careless drivers in Russian Federation– deprivation of a driver’s license for a certain period. When hiring a stranger as a driver, in order not to expose yourself and your property to danger, it makes sense to check the driver’s license in advance for deprivation based on the applicant’s last name. The problem is that violating drivers do not always hand over their canceled licenses to the traffic police and continue to use them.

For what traffic violations can your driver's license be revoked?

According to current legislation, deprivation of rights for a period of 1 to 36 months is possible only by court decision. After the court decision, the driver must bring and surrender his license to the traffic police (from this moment the punishment period will begin to count).

The length of the period of deprivation of rights depends on the severity of the administrative offense:

  • from 1 to 4 months - for minor violations (driving without license plates or in an unregistered car, failing to give way, etc.);
  • from 4 to 6 months - for crossing railway tracks in an unspecified place or with a prohibitory sign, when lowering a barrier, exceeding speed from 60 to 80 km/h, repeated passage at a red light, exit oncoming lane etc.;
  • from 6 to 18 months - for driving a car with false license plates, repeated speeding, repeated driving into the oncoming lane, driving with flashing lights, sound signals etc.

The most serious violations are driving under the influence of alcohol/drugs, transferring control to a person who is in the same condition, guilt in an accident during which people were injured, leaving accident scene– imply deprivation of rights for 2-3 years.

How can you check your driving license for deprivation of the right to drive a car?

There are legal ways to check a particular driver’s license (DL) for deprivation of the right to drive a car (including checking the driver for deprivation of rights by last name. These are:

  • visit to the traffic police department. To do this, you must first register in the queue, have it with you, appear in person or act through a proxy. You will need to leave a statement with the traffic police indicating the reasons for the need for such data;
  • an official written appeal to the traffic police inspectorate (it can be sent by registered mail or email). The letter must indicate the reasons and purpose of the inspection.

In these two cases, a written response will be provided within a month. For those who have a short time limit, there is another, more efficient way to check - on the traffic police website. Checking for deprivation of a driver's license using the traffic police database online (using document data, not last name) is available to everyone and takes only a few minutes.

Is it possible to check your ID only by last name?

To check your driver's license, you need to know the number and series of the license, and the date of issue. It will not be possible to check for deprivation of rights in the traffic police database online by last name without indicating this information. Driver license database by full name not available for public access.

If absolutely necessary, you will have to take a longer route - collect as much information as possible about the person (full name, age, locality, where the license was issued, etc.), make a visit to the traffic police department, justify the need for such a check and wait 30 days for a response. Therefore, in order to quickly check for deprivation of a driver’s license, in addition to the last name, it is necessary to have information about the number, series and date of issue of the driver’s license.

It is important to know: in addition to deprivation of the right to drive a car, there is also such a thing as temporary restriction of a driver’s driving privileges - for debts on alimony, fines, loans, etc.

Rights are confiscated by bailiffs until the debt is repaid (671-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings”).

How to check your driver's license online: step-by-step instructions

There is nothing complicated about how to find out about the deprivation of a driver’s license from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate via the Internet, not only by last name. In order to obtain information about the validity of rights online, you must:

  1. open the official website of the traffic police;
  2. in the upper right corner (Moscow by default) select your current region of residence;
  3. select the “Services” column in the top menu and open “Driver Check”;
  4. enter all the required data in the window that opens (number, series of the certificate, date of issue);
  5. request verification;
  6. a captcha will appear that must be filled out;

The search occurs automatically in just a few seconds.

As a result of the check, three options are possible:

Before checking the deprivation of a driver’s license by last name on the traffic police website, two important circumstances should be taken into account.

Firstly, the ability to perform the check may be affected by the browser that the client uses (the best option would be latest versions browsers Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome) and time of day.

Secondly, the database on the deprivation of a driver’s license by last name and driver’s license data is not updated instantly. In addition, there is a human factor - technical workers need time to enter data and double-check it. Sometimes the system crashes. Therefore, there are errors and inconsistencies; information about the lack of a right to drive a car is not displayed on the website. In this case, you cannot do without a personal visit to the traffic police.

Even with these disadvantages, the online service for searching in the traffic police database for drivers deprived of a driver’s license by details (not only by last name) greatly simplifies life for both employers and the drivers themselves, and helps to respond to various situations in a timely manner.