Happy birthday to the editor-in-chief. Happy Birthday, beloved newspaper! “AiF” is congratulated by famous people of Russia. To the editorial team of the newspaper “Our Time”

Dear readers, you are holding in your hands an unusual issue of Arguments and Facts. And not only because this is our traditional question and answer number - a “signature dish” that we prepare for you twice a year, answering your most interesting, pressing and pressing questions.

This is our common holiday!

This issue is also special because it is dedicated to our common holiday - the 40th anniversary of the newspaper. All last week, “AiF” felt like a happy birthday boy, barely having time to accept congratulations and wishes - government telegrams, colorful postcards, just calls from a variety of people.

We thank everyone. It's nice to know that we are valued, read, and discussed. That 40 years of hard work and creative search, which more than one generation of journalists, editors, and other employees of the AiF publishing house have been engaged in, have not been in vain and continue to bear fruit.

What is “Arguments and Facts” today? We are still the most read weekly newspaper in Russia - every week we are read by 7.5% of the entire adult population of Russia. The six-month audience is more than 17.7 million people. AiF is the leader among socio-political weeklies in terms of audience. Professionals have repeatedly recognized us as “Brand No. 1 in Russia.”

Today, AiF has the largest network of regional and foreign editorial offices among print media: 64 in Russia and 15 abroad. The circulation of one issue exceeds 1.5 million copies. The newspaper is distributed by subscription and retail in 56 countries, including Western Europe, the USA, Canada, Thailand, Australia, Israel, the CIS countries, the Baltic states and even Ukraine.

In difficult times for the press, when newspapers around the world are closing one after another, we are expanding our boundaries and increasing our audience. Now in the Balkans. , and for the first time the newspaper is published entirely in a foreign language - Serbian!

The electronic version of the newspaper is also breaking records. In March 2018, the site received 23,715,784 visitors. Another record is the average daily attendance: it amounted to 1,227,059 people. We are grateful to all readers and promise: it will only get better and more interesting, come to !

People say: 40 years are not celebrated. In fact, we follow this advice and celebrate our anniversary in a working manner, without unnecessary fanfare, continuing to make for you the best - in your opinion - newspaper in the country. And we already have the main gift - this is the devotion with which you read us. It is a guarantee that AiF will celebrate more than one anniversary.

According to Mediascope NRS-Russia, a study for September 2017 - February 2018 among people over 16 years old living in cities with a population of more than 100,000 people.

Readers and editors are congratulated by people famous throughout the country

Dmitry Medvedev, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation: “A truly popular publication”

For 40 years now, your famous publication has been published and delights millions of people in our country and far beyond its borders with bright and interesting materials. And I cordially congratulate you and everyone who loves AiF on this significant date.

AiF has come a long way in 40 years. It developed and changed along with the country, managed to find its own corporate style, and became a truly popular publication. Indeed, in their essays and articles, AIF members cover current topics, respond to topical events, conduct confidential conversations with people, and answer questions that concern them.

I remember our communication in the editorial office in 2008 with great warmth. “Arguments and Facts” is made by a wonderful team of journalists, editors, reporters, columnists and photojournalists. Thanks to your professionalism and energy, the publication still occupies a special place among the media today. And most importantly, it enjoys the trust and great love of readers. And this is not only a weighty argument, but also an indisputable fact.

I wish you new creative success, inspiration and all the best!

Sergei Sobyanin, Mayor of Moscow: “A newspaper that is interesting to everyone”

“Arguments and Facts” is an amazing publication. How can you be interesting to residents of a small village and a big city at the same time? Rural doctors, school teachers, university professors, white-collar workers from large corporations? Pensioners, middle-aged people and the very young? The answer is obvious: in each issue of the newspaper, readers find facts that interest them and reasonable, sometimes unexpected arguments.

I remember that at the beginning of its journey, AiF was distributed through a closed subscription. And when every person in our country finally had the opportunity to buy this unusual newspaper, its circulation skyrocketed. To get into the Guinness Book of Records, many set ridiculous records. Arguments and Facts only needed to get into the Soyuzpechat kiosks to become the most popular weekly in the world. In 1990, a unique circulation was recorded - 33,431,100 copies with an audience estimate of more than 100 million readers.

What about today? Fewer copies of one issue are printed, but the audience is still 3 times the circulation. An electronic version of the publication has been added to the paper newspaper.

AiF has been keeping up with the times for 40 years. I wish the publication’s staff new successes, and its readers health, prosperity and all the best.

Valentina Matvienko, Chairman of the Federation Council: “You set the bar high”

You have something to be proud of. In a short time, from a narrow-profile publication, you have become one of the leading national newspapers in Russia, an authoritative and influential platform for public opinion in the country.

“AiF” has developed its own clear signature style, its own, unique style. Its distinctive feature is a sincere, truthful, substantive conversation with the reader, free from omissions, verbal evasions, and even more so lies. Only the truth, only, as stated in the very name of your publication, arguments and facts, only a response to what worries people.

Using all possible journalistic means, the newspaper helps its readers understand the kaleidoscope of events and explains the essence of what is happening in an accessible form. And people appreciate this attitude. “Arguments and Facts” enjoy the respect and trust of readers, as evidenced by multi-million circulation.

What is especially important is that the weekly does not stand still. You develop dynamically, master new topics, genres and formats, and do not shy away from pressing problems. At the same time, you carefully preserve all the best in your traditions, and most importantly, keep the bar of journalistic work high.

I would like to wish the management and all employees of Argumenty i Fakty new creative achievements, success, and prosperity!

Vyacheslav Volodin, Chairman of the State Duma: “Invariably relevant topics”

Thanks to the talent, skill and innovative ideas of journalists, your newspaper has earned well-deserved recognition and respect from millions of people in our country and far beyond its borders.

Today, the publication develops and enhances the glorious traditions laid down by previous generations of weekly journalists. Consistently relevant topics, unique style and the use of modern technologies allow Argumenty i Fakty to remain one of the most read publications in the country for many years.
I wish you creative success and all the best!

Tatyana Golikova, Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation: “Professionalism and creative energy”

Please accept my congratulations on the 40th anniversary of the first issue of the Argumenty i Fakty newspaper! The high professionalism and creative energy of the AiF editorial team predetermined the significant role of the publication in Russian market information.

Using such a pleasant occasion, I would like to express my gratitude for building constructive cooperation between Argumenty i Fakty and the Accounts Chamber. It is gratifying that over the years of working together we have managed to achieve business relations based on respect and mutual understanding.

I sincerely wish you good health, prosperity and professional success!

Vladimir Medinsky, Minister of Culture: AiF is valued for its authenticity

For many years, AiF has been valued for its reliability, balanced approach to the presentation of material, and the variety of topics covered. It is very important that the newspaper is constantly developing, looking for new interesting formats, and using its resources to implement socially significant projects.

Of course, all the successes achieved were made possible thanks to the well-coordinated work of a team of true professionals, like-minded people, responsible people who are wholeheartedly devoted to journalism. And the best assessment of your work is the newspaper’s demand among the widest audience.

I wish “Arguments and Facts” to remain always relevant, in tune with the times, a publication that remains faithful to its wonderful traditions and principles!

Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill: “Don’t forget about moral values”

Four decades is not a long time, but over the years, thanks to the efforts of the creative team, the weekly has gained popularity and taken its rightful place in the Russian-language media space. It is gratifying to note that in conditions when many media outlets sometimes circulate unverified facts and frivolous arguments, AiF maintains its reputation as a reliable and reliable source of information.

I would like to express special gratitude to the editors for their regular coverage of the life and activities of the Russian Church, for materials telling about enduring moral values, historical, spiritual and cultural heritage Orthodoxy.

I wish the editor-in-chief, staff and readers of the weekly fortress of strength, God's help, inspiration and success in further work.

Sergei Shoigu, Russian Defense Minister: “Good luck for another 100 years!”

Mikhail Chernikov, chief state inspector security traffic RF: “We found the key to the hearts of millions”

Thanks to its diverse audience, the newspaper “Arguments and Facts” can rightfully be called one of the most popular publications both in Russia and abroad. You managed to find your unique and inimitable style, to find the key to the hearts of readers, among whom are millions of car enthusiasts, since the newspaper pays significant attention to issues of road safety and the work of State Automobile Inspectorate employees. I am confident that in the future our creative cooperation will only strengthen and develop in the name of a noble goal - preserving the life and health of citizens on the roads of Russia! Today it is a pleasure to congratulate you on the holiday and wish the entire team good health, happiness, great creative success and new achievements!

Veronika Skvortsova, Minister of Health: “Both answers and advice”

I wish the talented AiF team to enjoy success, creative inspiration and lightness of pen for many years to come. Be healthy!

Veniamin Kondratyev, Governor of the Krasnodar Territory: “They trust and wait”

“Arguments and Facts” is loved for its truthfulness, reliability, closeness to the reader, for its ability to conduct an open conversation and always respond to people’s problems. Residents of the Krasnodar Territory read AiF with great pleasure, trust the publication’s materials and always look forward to news about their region.

I'm sure many more years await you successful work. Inspiration and new great victories!

Maxim Reshetnikov, Governor Perm region: "Expert and critic"

For many residents of the Perm region, your newspaper is a reliable and objective source of information. And also a competent expert and fair critic. It's interesting to read your newspaper. It’s nice that you preserve the best traditions of domestic journalism and at the same time are not afraid to change: you actively communicate with readers via the Internet, social media. I wish the entire staff of the newspaper new successes, creative ideas and projects!

Mikhail Seslavinsky, head of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications: “All these years - at the forefront of social and political life”

I cordially congratulate you on the 40th anniversary of the publication of the first issue of the newspaper “Arguments and Facts”!

All these years, the weekly has been at the forefront of the country's socio-political life, shaping the information agenda for tens of millions of its readers in Russia and abroad.

This is responsible work that requires high journalistic and editorial skills, and the ability to quickly master new media technologies. The special secret of the leadership and success of “Arguments and Facts” is the ability to understand your audience, speak the same language with the reader, and a clear civic position of the publication’s staff.

Let the newspaper's anniversary be the starting point for finding new interesting projects and publications. I wish the editorial team further professional achievements, creative success and prosperity!

Yuri Solomin, People's Artist of the USSR: “You support me in difficult times”

“AiF” not only maintains a high standard for its professional activities, covering events in Russia and the world in detail, but also tries to reach new heights by participating in charity, supporting its readers in difficult times in both word and deed. I wish you not to stop there and treat your reader with your heart - the way you have always done!

Olga Vasilyeva, Minister of Education and Science: “We conquered the information Olympus”

On behalf of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the 40th anniversary of the weekly “A-Arguments and Facts”!

Over the years, your publication has become the flagship of domestic journalism, conquering both Russian and world Olympus in information sphere. With your high professionalism and impartial coverage of the socio-political life of our country, you have won the trust of more than one generation of readers.

I wish the staff of the weekly “Arguments and Facts” preservation of the traditions of quality journalism, inexhaustible inspiration and bright creative success in new projects!

Alexander Zhukov, President of the Russian Olympic Committee: “This is a place for discussion”

40 years is an entire era in the life of our society, which has found an objective and honest reflection on the pages of your publication.

On the pages of the weekly there is always room for different points of view and free discussion on the most important issues. Such popularity and social significance of the publication is the result of serious professional daily painstaking work.

Congratulations to the AiF team on their anniversary! Health, prosperity, new creative successes and further expansion of the readership!

Tatyana Tarasova, Honored Trainer of the USSR: “I’m proud to have been reading you for many years”

“Arguments and facts” is a special phenomenon. I remember those times when it was almost impossible to get AiF. The newspaper was distributed by special subscription. And to buy it, you had to go to the kiosk at 6 in the morning, and you didn’t always get the weekly.

The reader loves AiF for the reliability and accuracy of the presentation of materials. He trusts Arguments and Facts, so he read, reads and will continue to read this wonderful newspaper. And I am proud to be your long-time reader.

Nikolai Karpol, Honored Coach of the USSR and Russia, head coach of the Uralochka volleyball team since 1969: “Stay true to yourself!”

I am turning 80 years old, and AiF is 40. I clearly remember: when “Arguments and Facts” first appeared in the Soviet Union, they were extremely popular. This is one of the few newspapers that I try to buy today, because AiF can give a lot to a person, even if he is twice as old as the weekly.

I wish you to increase your army of loyal readers, remain true to yourself and delight with bright materials. Continue to teach kindness and not to be afraid of difficulties.



On behalf of the Bobruisk City Executive Committee, I congratulate the editorial staff and all readers of “Evening Bobruisk” on the 10th anniversary of one of the most popular city newspapers!

“Vecherka” has long become a friend and advisor for many families of Bobruisk residents. The fates of thousands of our fellow countrymen - people of different professions, different generations - were reflected on the newspaper pages.

You have your own recognizable and very attractive face, you have your own firm and clear handwriting, an accomplished character. The editorial team managed to make the newspaper interesting and in demand, and to win public recognition.

In every region and city special role local funds play mass media, they are trusted, their opinions are listened to. Readers on the pages of publications want to be able to quickly receive high-quality and reliable information. All this fully applies to you.

I am confident that enormous creative potential and high journalistic skills will continue to be the key to the fruitful activities of the newspaper’s creators. Bear the high title of journalist with honor, remain faithful to your professional and civic duty.

With all my heart I wish you new creative ups and downs, the trust of readers and a flair for everything new and interesting, happiness, health and prosperity!

Chairman of the Bobruisk City Executive Committee

Dmitry Bonokhov.

Bishop of Bobruisk and Bykhov Seraphim.

Dear Natalya Mikhailovna! I heartily congratulate you and the entire team of “Evening Bobruisk” on the 10th anniversary of the first episode!

In my opinion, “Evening Bobruisk” really, as it claims to be, adheres to an objective and neutral style of presenting materials. He treats the people he writes about with respect, and treats the city he works for with love.

I would especially like to thank the publication for its cooperation with our Church, for its joint Christian witness in society. This work of ours is aimed at the spiritual creation of people, the moral education of youth, the revival of shrines and historically important and dear places for Bobruisk residents.

On the days of your (and our) holiday, dear friends, we wish you God's blessings, success in your creativity, many good friends, prosperity and a happy new year.

Bishop of Bobruisk and Bykhov Seraphim

(guest of “Evenings” 2008)

Mikhail Grigorievich Bondarenko, former chairman of the Bobruisk City Executive Committee.

I really love your newspaper. The main thing is that it is objective and unobtrusive, does not reflect the opinion of any political party or public association, and does not impose a certain point of view.

Each reader of “Evening” can receive an objective reflection of events - and you, citizens, decide for yourself how to perceive what happened, whether it is good or bad. I would like to wish the newspaper to remain as it is - popular, in demand, progressive. Happy newspaper anniversary to all Vecherka employees! And from me, greetings and congratulations on the upcoming holidays to all Bobruisk residents!

“NG-science” splits the atom.

The government of the people is more fun.

And the dollar falls like a jack somewhere,

And we are celebrating your anniversary.

The culture believes in a god behind the barn.

The military is trumpeting our victory.

So, we congratulate ourselves too.

The Russian economy is wonderful,

Russian politics is the best.

We say thank you to the government

For choice, for victory and success.

Freedom, they say, came naked,

Well, the whole yard is chasing her.

And it suits us like this:

We definitely won’t die from modesty.

That's it. Gilyay and I are walking.

Ostozhenka goes beyond Arbat.

And we love you, we congratulate you.

Well, friends, another 60?


On behalf of the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and on my own behalf, I cordially congratulate you on your anniversary.

You have a vivid biography behind you. You managed to fully realize your rich potential in all your positions. A prominent representative of the expert community, a talented journalist, an experienced leader, today you successfully head one of the most authoritative publications modern Russia.

Under your leadership, Nezavisimaya Gazeta continues to strengthen its position in the domestic media market. The publication's materials, including those on international topics, are invariably distinguished by their professionalism and freshness of approach.

The ministry values ​​partnerships with the newspaper's editorial office. We are ready to deepen interaction in the interests of forming an objective image of modern Russia and strengthening its position in the world.

I sincerely wish you good health, prosperity, and new successes in your work for the benefit of the Fatherland.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia

Sergey Lavrov

Dear Konstantin Vadimovich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your anniversary!

Thanks to your professionalism, broad outlook and journalistic talent, Nezavisimaya Gazeta today is rightfully one of the most authoritative media resources not only in Russia, but also abroad.

An objective approach, balanced assessments and a deep immersion in the problems of topics that concern society, especially those related to the Russian Army, have been and remain the main principles of the editorial board of the publication headed by you and its flagship supplement, “Independent Military Review”.

I wish you all the best!

Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

army general

Sergei Shoigu

Dear Konstantin Vadimovich!

Happy birthday to you!

As a successful leader, you not only combine outstanding leadership skills and hard work, but also have exceptional creative abilities.

Thanks to your talent, life wisdom and ability to make management decisions, Nezavisimaya Gazeta has become one of the leading periodicals of modern Russia, acting as a guarantor of an unbiased and interesting assessment of the activities of the country's law enforcement agencies.

Your active work in the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia allows you to build trusting relationships between police officers and civil society.

I wish you good health, stability and new interesting projects.

Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia,

Colonel General of Police

Vladimir Kolokoltsev

Dear Konstantin Vadimovich!

The Renaissance gave civilization a type of universal person who is capable of achieving brilliant success simultaneously in a variety of fields. Nowadays there are few such people, but, fortunately, they exist. And one of the clearest examples of such versatility is you, who combines an effective entrepreneur, an influential public figure and, of course, an outstanding editor-in-chief. Your bright interest in life and love of work allow you to be a true professional in each of these guises.

Dear Konstantin! I sincerely congratulate you on your milestone anniversary! I highly value you as a person and a professional, and I am proud of our friendship. You are in the prime of your creative powers, and I am deeply convinced that your main achievements are ahead.


President, Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of Russia German Gref

Dear Konstantin Vadimovich!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your 60th anniversary.

You belong to the galaxy of outstanding representatives of Russian journalism. Your articles, books and original programs have always been distinguished by their sharpness, depth of thought and true patriotism. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, which you head, is one of the most influential media outlets in our country, whose sharp publications become an event in modern domestic journalism.

Your public activities have earned you the reputation of a person sincerely interested in the prosperity of Russia, an innovator who is in many ways ahead of his time, and a thinker whose ideas have long set the tone for socio-political discussions.

I sincerely wish you success in implementing all your plans, health and all the best.


Oleg Deripaska

Dear Konstantin!

I am glad to congratulate you on your anniversary - still modest in terms of the number of years lived, but important, because you already have both experience and achievements behind you.

Your generation supported perestroika, nominated many bright people who changed the face of politics, culture, the press, and the whole society. We all had to take unbeaten paths and take responsibility. The step you took several years ago - the decision to head Nezavisimaya Gazeta - demonstrated that you are not afraid of difficult tasks. The newspaper was born during the years of perestroika and became living proof that glasnost and freedom of speech are not a slogan or an empty phrase. Then she went through a long and difficult journey, she had her ups and downs. By becoming editor-in-chief, you ensured that the newspaper did not get lost among other media, so that it had its own face and voice.

I think you will not be surprised that my main wishes to you are related to your newspaper. Today, the role of the media is no less - and perhaps more - important than in the years when the country began its historical turn. Times are difficult now. Transparency, freedom and responsibility of the media must be defended. Without this we will not be able to move towards genuine democracy, without this strong civil society, which really influences politics and the fate of the country. I wish the newspaper comprehensive, objective coverage of the life of Russia and the world, and I wish you the strength and energy to maintain and strengthen the place of Nezavisimaya among the publications that thinking citizens of the country turn to first.

You, Konstantin, are at an age when you can make far-reaching plans. I wish you to fulfill all your plans!

Mikhail Gorbachev

Dear Konstantin!

When I say, “Congratulations, dear!”, I really mean it.

You are dear to me with your willingness to learn and teach, to be surprised and rejoice, to love and be friends, to advise and help.

Your main quality is dear to me - the desire to get to the bottom of the truth, understand to the end and not deviate from the truth.

I am happy that life brought me together with you - a Russian European, a conservative freethinker, an enlightened liberal. You have everything: a wonderful family and true friends. You are making the best newspaper, you still have many discoveries and achievements ahead.

Happy birthday, dear Kostya!

Pavel Lungin

Dear Konstantin Vadimovich!

The Union of Journalists of Russia congratulates you on your wonderful anniversary – your 60th birthday. You have been heading one of the most read newspapers in Russia for many years. We know you as a person who, having taken on the difficult publishing burden, was able to maintain respect for NG and maintain the authority of the famous printed publication.

Your newspaper is always at the forefront of the country's public life; it criticizes the authorities with interest, sharply, and often impartially. And at the same time, we know you as a patriot of Russia, a citizen with an interested position.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta has become an integral part of our political landscape. It allows its authors to express a variety of positions, constantly looking for and finding new forms of communication with the reader.

We wish you good health, creative longevity, success in your journalistic and publishing work.


Chairman of the Union of Journalists of Russia Vsevolod Bogdanov

Happy birthday to you!
There is a lot of happiness in life!
And may God protect you
On the way!

Be successful, always
Edit correctly
So that people never
Don't fray your nerves!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Dear Editor,
Happy Birthday!
We won't give you a tractor,
If you want, we will!

If you love in the garden
Dig around at your leisure,
We wish the weather class
And don't let the flies bite you!

We wish you in life
Joy and inspiration,
Let the fees increase
Edit with more zeal!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Years pass day by day, -
People are all getting old
Only us, friend, never
After all, we won’t grow old?!-

You are an editor of all places!-
So come on baby
Our life for years
Edit everything!

Happy Birthday Editor
Purchased and owned by the site.

Our editor is kind, cool,
You clear quarrels from texts,
We wish you a happy holiday
On your birthday - pattern

From love, wealth, fairy tales,
May life be wonderful!
Plus we wish you bright colors,
So that there is drive and optimism!

Purchased and owned by the site.

To correct notes,
Publications and posts,
You must have a rare mind,
After all, it’s not that easy...

I say with admiration,
And I want to congratulate you,
Our editor, happy birthday!
Won't you rule us today?

Get paid often
She will always be above the roof,
And let joy and happiness
Your heart has been breathing for 100 years!

Purchased and owned by the site.

I am writing a poem to you, wishing
Lots of happiness and love!-
You are beautiful, darling
You are the editor from within!

If anything, edit it, -
I'm about to get angry!
So smart and beautiful
I'm proud of the birthday girl!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Happy Birthday Editor

Purchased and owned by the site.

Stop running, editor.
And your turmoil
Happy Birthday!

Let's wish chaos
This day is free,
Drink, walk, that’s your destiny -
Schedule for today!

In life may you always
The sun is shining brightly,
At night your star
Happiness is coming through the window!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Edit someone
Not easy, but very difficult,
And this is how it works
It would be boring for me...

But you love this kind of work,
You're a workaholic, I know
The holiday will be incomparable
I wish you a happy birthday!

I am your cool charisma
I won’t stop admiring you,
Have everything you want in life
Let your wishes come true!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Editing notes
And you have articles all the years,
Sharp, caustic remarks
You always avoid!

This is a sign of nobility
Wisdom and kindness,
On the birthday of excellence
I wish from a star!

Also may fate be for modesty
Gives luxury and lave,
To always walk to the fullest,
So that the family can live in abundance!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Happy birthday, editor. R decisive, E natural, D spruce, A authentic, TO reactive, T hardworking, ABOUT careful, R versatile - you are an editor, which is what you need. And I sincerely wish to never lose my worthy qualities and always bring any business to a furor of success. Good luck in all your endeavors, support and love from your family, health, patience and inspiration.

Happy birthday to a great editor. I want to wish you a wonderful and useful information, excellent work and great articles, interesting ideas and a creative approach, brave enthusiasm and undoubted luck, great success and happy days.

Happy birthday to a successful editor and a wonderful person. I wish you excellent articles and brave work, stable activity and good success, true luck and joyful moments, a beautiful life and eternal happiness.

I want to congratulate the magnificent editor on his birthday and sincerely wish him error-free work and brilliant activity, great respect and diverse interests in life, incredible happiness and good hope, sincere feelings and great luck.

Happy birthday to a great editor! We wish the texts to always be excellent, the layout to be easy, and the authors to be understanding! Let them be clear technical specifications, great mood and always good spirits! Realize yourself, improve, develop your creative potential!

Happy birthday. I wish to make wonderful articles from any set of words that even the lazy will want to read, I also wish to dashingly correct any shortcomings in life, as well as shortcomings in creative activity. Good luck, success, good fame and a wealthy life.

Happy birthday to the master of correct wording and competent speech. I wish to be the best editor in the world, I wish that, under your leadership, excellent texts and articles are published that are read in one breath. Well, I also wish that there are no eclipses in your head, life, or soul, so that the sun of inspiration, happiness and good luck always shines for you.

Happy birthday. I wish you the vigilance of an eagle, so that you can instantly correct any mistake in an article, eliminate any blot in life. Let work be a favorite thing that brings high salaries and pleasure for the soul, may you manage to edit every day, replacing sadness with positive emotions, and bad weather with joy and unearthly feelings of love!