Look how salaries differ in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine. Analysis of wages in Belarus by sector and region. Overview and dynamics of salaries Territorial distribution of average salaries

As Dmitry Kruk, a researcher at the Belarusian Economic Research and Educational Center (BEROC), noted in an interview with RBC, in 2017, an increase in real wages was actually recorded in Belarus, although not radical (according to Belstat, it amounted to 7.5% compared to the previous year ). “The peak of real wages occurred in mid-2014, then they declined for three years until they resumed [growth] last year, approximately from the second quarter,” the expert said, noting that the dynamics of wages according to PPP has its own characteristics and may differ.

Situation in Russia

In 2015, real accrued wages in Russia decreased by 9% compared to the previous year, HSE experts recall, citing Rosstat. In subsequent years, it grew at a slow pace: the increase was plus 0.8% in 2016 and plus 2.9% in 2017. The growth of nominal indicators in these years was 5.1, 7.9 and 6.7%, respectively. At the same time, the devaluation of the ruble in 2014-2015 led to a reduction in wages in Russia in dollar terms, economists note.

The Ministry of Economic Development expects a slowdown in the growth rate of real wages from the planned 6.3% in 2018 to 0.8% in 2019. As follows from the ministry’s forecast (*.pdf), this is primarily due to the high base of 2018, since the salaries of social workers (they fell under the May 2012 decrees) were brought to the target level, and the minimum wage to living wage. Other reasons may be the acceleration of inflation and a change in the timing of indexation of salaries of public sector employees (from October 1, 2019 instead of January 1, as this year). In 2020, wages will increase by 1.5%, in 2021 - by 2.3%, and in the next three years - by 2.8% annually, the Ministry of Economic Development predicts.

The countries closest to Russia in terms of average monthly wages are Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan: in 2017, wages there amounted to 76% of the Russian figure ($1,252 at PPP). In general, in all CIS countries, except Belarus, comparable salaries are lower than in Russia. In Ukraine, which previously decided to leave the CIS, the average salary according to PPP is also consistently lower than Russian indicators. In 2017, it amounted to $1074 (65% of the Russian one).

Eastern Europe and BRICS

Among the countries of Eastern Europe, Russia is inferior in terms of wages according to PPP to such countries as Poland ($2343), Czech Republic ($2026), Croatia ($1950) and Hungary ($2107), follows from the monitoring. Bulgaria and Romania lag behind Russia in terms of wages, but recent years The difference in wages in Russia and these countries is rapidly decreasing, experts say.

As for the two BRICS partners considered in the monitoring, Russia is ahead of them in terms of wages. In China, at the nominal exchange rate, wages exceed Russian wages, but when switching to PPP calculations, Russia maintains a higher figure, HSE experts note. Thus, in 2016 (there are no comparable data for 2017 for China yet), the average salary in China was $1,461, and in Russia — $1,561. But the gap is also narrowing: in 2011 it was more than $450, and in 2016 it was $100. In Brazil, the average salary last year reached only $1,407 - its level of wages in Russia is consistently higher.

The average salary in Belarus has been growing for five months in a row - since February of this year. In July, according to official statistics, the average Belarusian income was 827.5 rubles. Having studied Belstat data, the site tells in which industries wages have increased the most over the month.

Transport workers' wages increased the most in July. For example, in the field of “auxiliary activities of air transport” - by 148.7 rubles, in passenger air transport - by 136.9 rubles, in freight railway transport - by 101.8 rubles. True, in the field of air cargo transport, salaries fell just as much - by 135 rubles.

Also in July, salaries in insurance (76.4 rubles), production of coke and petroleum products (57.4 rubles), tourism (57.1 rubles) and science (44.5 rubles) increased significantly.

The leaders in the decline in wages, in addition to air workers freight transport, became workers in the electrical equipment production sector (minus 43 rubles), employees of parent organizations (minus 37.8 rubles), as well as in the education sector (minus 24 rubles).

Top 10 areas where salaries increased the most in July


Salary in July, in rubles

Air transport support activities


Passenger air transport activities

Activities of freight railway transport

Air transport activities


Activities of land and pipeline transport


Insurance, reinsurance and additional pension provision, except for compulsory social insurance


Transport activities, warehousing, postal and courier activities


Production of coke and petroleum products


Tourism activities; booking services and related activities


Activities of other passenger land transport


Top 10 areas where wages fell the most in July


Salary in July, in rubles

How did your salary change over the month?

Air cargo transport activities


Electrical equipment production


Activities of parent organizations


Scientific research and development

Education 541,3
Information technologies and activities in the field of information services 3496,3

Postal and courier activities

Activities in the field of architecture 991

Production of computing, electronic and optical equipment


Publishing activities, activities in the field of audio and video recording, reproduction and broadcasting


Let us remind you that in April of this year the President said that a salary of 1000 rubles is the minimum that the state should help people earn. Achieving the average salary in Belarus in 2017 of 1000 rubles, as required Alexander Lukashenko, actually, Minister of Labor and Social Protection Irina Kostevich.

Help website. The nominal accrued average monthly salary includes income tax and mandatory employee insurance contribution. Employers' contributions to employee social insurance are not included in the average salary. Average earnings are determined by Belstat specialists by dividing the wage fund accrued to the organization's employees, including income tax and the employee's compulsory insurance contribution, for the reporting period by the number of employees of the organization and by the number of months in the period.

19:09 — REGNUM Average wages in Belarus are growing. As reported today, October 9, the head of the Committee on Labor, Employment and Social Protection Zhanna Romanovich at an operational meeting in the Minsk City Executive Committee, the nominal average monthly salary in Minsk for the period from January to August of this year amounted to 1,101 rubles.

According to Romanovich, the plan to increase wages in countries is being carried out ahead of schedule. In dollar equivalent 1101 Belarusian ruble- that's $559.34. The highest salary level was recorded in August, when the average income of citizens after deducting all taxes was 1138.3 Belarusian rubles.

At the same time, employees in budgetary organizations began to receive less. On average it is only 739 rubles ($375).

Let us recall that at the beginning of 2017 the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko ordered to raise the average salary in the country to a thousand rubles. According to the Belarusian leader, it is important that labor productivity grows along with wages.

At the end of September, the Minister of Labor and social protection Irina Kostevich stated that, in general, the authorities are coping with the president’s instructions, and the task of ensuring a salary level of an average of one thousand rubles will be completed. However, not all regions manage to fulfill Lukashenko’s instructions. Kostevich noted that in January-August 2017, the average salary lags behind the established schedule in certain regions and certain types of activities.

As previously reported IA REGNUM, in January 2017, the nominal accrued average wage of workers in Belarus, according to Belstat, was 720.7 rubles, which is 80.9 rubles less than in December 2016. This became a kind of record. Since February, after Lukashenko’s statement about the need to increase this indicator, wages began to rise.

However, if we take the average salary in Belarus for July 2017, it turns out that it was only about 820 rubles, that is, in fact, it was less than 20 rubles more compared to December 2016. In addition, if you recalculate the average salary of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus at the weighted average dollar exchange rate for July (1.955), it turns out that wages fell by almost $10 compared to June and amounted to $423.

It is also noteworthy that in May the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population decided not to index the population’s cash income, since inflation for that month did not exceed 5%. According to Belstat, inflation in May was 0.3%; since January 2017, prices for goods and services have increased by 2.7%. According to Belarusian legislation, indexation of the population's monetary income is carried out only if the increase in consumer prices exceeded 5% since the previous date of income revision.

In July, for the same reason, the minimum wage, public sector salaries, scholarships and military allowances were not indexed. In August, salaries of civil servants and income received from budget sources were also not indexed due to the low level of inflation. Moreover, the last time in the republic cash income populations were indexed from January 1, 2017.

In addition to the fact that income received from budget sources has not been indexed in Belarus for a long time, there is another, no less important issue— there are few vacancies in the republic that offer more or less acceptable wages. According to Belstat, in May only 12% of the population had an income of more than 600 rubles, while 4.5 million citizens received 350 rubles. Sputnik studied proposals from the vacancy bank of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Belarus, where by May 31 almost 51 thousand vacant positions were offered. Only 28.8 thousand of these vacancies are designed for wages of more than 350 rubles. There are only 1,167 vacancies where the salary is about a thousand rubles (2.3% of the total). The latter are, as a rule, vacancies for top managers and deputy directors of IT companies.

As the correspondent found out IA REGNUM, as of today, October 9, the nationwide vacancy bank has 56,443 offers. Judging by the ranking of vacancies, specialist doctors, car drivers, nurses, salespeople and cleaners are most in demand. At the same time, the proposed salary for medical specialists in Ivanovo is approximately 361 rubles, in the Minsk region - 265 rubles, in Minsk itself there are vacancies paid for 620 and 820 rubles. Drivers in the Minsk region are offered vacancies with wages ranging from 265 rubles, in Grodno - 400-500 rubles. The average salary of nurses, even in Minsk, does not exceed 500 rubles. Salaries of sellers, depending on the region, vary from 265 rubles to 400.

After A. Lukashenko’s announcement that the banner of the fight for the $500 average salary in Belarus was again being raised in Belarus, this time in 2017, Belstat reported on the 2nd month in a row of its decline: in October it fell again not only in $-equivalent, but also nominally in Br-rubles. Now, in order to reach a $500 salary at least in December 2017, it needs to grow by more than a third in a year and 2 months, and for the current dollar exchange rate to remain the same all this time. What foreign exchange resources will be required for this and whether another “2011” will come after 2017 is not reported.

Moreover, according to the traditional seasonal dynamics of the indicator, the average salary will decrease in November, and taking into account the dollar that has already risen in price this month, the decrease in the $ equivalent of November salaries will be quite noticeable. So you will have to rise to $500 from an even lower value and in a shorter period of time.

And wages are already falling in real terms, taking into account inflation. for a long time: in the “month to the corresponding month of the previous year” format - 28 consecutive months. Over the course of a year (October 2016 to October 2015), real wages decreased by 5%, and over 3 years (to October 2013) - by 10.7%.

In October, the average salary in Belarus decreased after 4 months of growth

The average accrued (before taxes) wages in October amounted to Br722.9, which is Br10.0 less than in September. This decrease is the 2nd in a row after 4 consecutive months of growth. The dynamics of last year are repeated, when in each subsequent autumn month there was a drop in the national average salary compared to the previous one. This means that we can expect a decrease in the average salary in November.

However, the long-term trend in the dynamics of nominal wages in Belarus is upward, and the basis for this nominal increase in wages is inflationary growth. Over the past 10 years, from October 2006 to October 2016, the average salary has increased 11.7 times.

The historically record average national salary was the month before last, Br750.3, August 2016. And, looking at the dynamics of the indicator in all previous years, this maximum will last until December, traditionally the most “salary” month of the year.

Salaries in Belarus over the years of independence: inflationary growth hundreds of millions of times

If we express today's salaries in the format of 1990, without taking into account the denominations that took place in Belarus in 1994 (1:10), 2000 (1:1000) and 2016 (1:10000), then the October salary of 2016 - this is 72.29 billion rubles, when in October 1991 there were 640, and in December 1990 - 269, then still, Soviet rubles.

That is, the nominal growth over 26 years and 10 months amounted to 269 million times (October 2016 to December 1990). For comparison, in Ukraine – 1.2 million times, in Russia – 80 thousand times: inflation in Belarus during the post-Soviet period became the highest among all countries of the former USSR.

Real wages in October decreased from September by 2.1%, over the year - by 5.0%, and over 3 years - by 10.7%

The October average salary is nominally lower than the September one by 1.36%. And since in October Belstat determined monthly inflation at 0.80%, real wages decreased by 2.1%. This is the second month in a row that real wages have fallen compared to the previous month.

Compared to the corresponding month of last year, the average October salary in 2016 remains lower in real terms: nominally it increased by 5.72% (by Br39.1) compared to October 2016, but prices for consumer goods and services for the year (October 16th to October 15th) increased by 11.0%. The result is a real drop in wages by 5.0%.

The dynamics of real wages (compared to the corresponding month of the previous year) entered the “minus” zone in July 2014, has been there for 28 months already, and, apparently, will remain there at least until the end of 2016.

Since in October 2015 there was a negative value (by October 2014), and in October 2014 (by October 2013), then over 3 years real wages decreased significantly: October 2016 to October 2013 - by 10.7%. This is, so far, the most great value a fall in real wages by 2013, the last stable and calm year in the region.

$- the equivalent of the average salary in Belarus decreased in October by $1 - to $379

In October, the dollar in Belarus fell by 1.11% (at the rates of the last trading in the month on the BVSE), and this strengthening of the Br-ruble, with a 1.36% nominal drop in the accrued average salary, compensated for the corresponding decrease in its $-equivalent: the national average fell by only $1, to $379 . In October 2015 it was $392: a drop over the year, thus $13 (by 3.3%). The drop over 2 years is much greater – $216 (by 36.3%).

Historically, the maximum $-equivalent of average Belarusian salaries was $626 in July 2014 (at the end of the month exchange rate - at the last BVSE trading in July 2014). Obviously, the record will not be updated here for many years. And in the worst case scenario (a fall in world oil prices below $35, with this comes another collapse of the Rr-ruble, and with it the Br-ruble) - the level of the crisis months of the devaluation year 2011 - below $300.

In 1991, the $ equivalent of Belarusian salaries, the national average, was less than $10 at the then market rate. During the period 1992-94. - 20-30 dollars equivalent. Until mid-2000, the average dollar salary in Belarus was less than $100. Although, of course, the purchasing power of the dollar in those years was very high in Belarus.

Goal - $500

In Belarus, again, like many years ago, the country’s leadership announced the goal of achieving a $500 salary, this time in 2017. From the October “point” of $379 it will have to be raised by 32%.

In November, the dollar in Belarus rose (at this moment - by 3.05% from the beginning of the month), and since another traditional nominal drop in the November average salary in the country is predicted, based on the average long-term dynamics of the indicator in Belarus, the $-equivalent next month may will decrease noticeably, and reaching a $500 salary even in the most distant and “salary” month of 2017 – December – will have to start from a lower point.

Taking into account the long-term monthly dynamics of the average salary, you can draw up a rough forecast plan for bringing it to $500 by December 2017, and then monitor its implementation. At the same time, of course, the main thing is to maintain a stable Br-ruble to dollar exchange rate, weakening it over the year by no more than 10%, without which there can be no talk of any $500.

But even with a stable exchange rate, the rise in the average salary indicator looks very steep on the graph, although quite real - but only with economic growth.

Average annual monthly salary in dollars in Belarus - $364

The possibility of achieving an average annual monthly salary in Belarus equivalent to $500 in 2017 looks even less realistic. Now the average accrued salary for the last 12 months (from November 2015 to October 2016) is only $364. And the maximum value remains $592 (2014).

Now the third and strongest wave of decline in dollar values ​​of wages over the past more than 15 years is ending: the 1st was in 2009 after a one-time devaluation at the very beginning of the year, the 2nd - during the monetary and financial crisis of 2011, 3rd - after the devaluation of December 2014 - January 2015.

Previous peak values ​​of the average annual salary in $ equivalent: in 2008 - $414 per month, before the 2011 crisis - $437 per month. “Bottom” due to the global crisis of 2008-09. - $356, and due to the 2011 crisis - $314.

As can be seen from the graph, the fall has practically stopped. And according to the results of 2016, the average salary in dollars in Belarus will remain within these achieved limits - $360-370. In 2015 it was $418, in 2014 - $579, in the super-devaluation year 2011 - $333, in the crisis year 2009 - $356, in 2008 - $414.

Regional statistics

Traditionally, Minsk salaries are significantly higher than regional ones. The lowest average salary in October was in the Vitebsk region (last month the Mogilev region was an outsider).

In October, real wages fell the most since September also in the Vitebsk region, and less than others in Minsk.

Over the year, the most significant decrease in real wages occurred in the Gomel region. The least is again in the capital.

In $ equivalent, the average salary in October decreased in all regions. She grew up in the capital (the same thing happened last month). The largest drop in the $-equivalent in October was in the Vitebsk region.

The dollar equivalent of salaries in Minsk, on average in the city, has been consistently above $500 for 8 months now, while in the regions statistics have not shown an average salary of $500 since the end of 2014.

In addition, from year to year, capital salaries exceed regional ones by an increasing percentage: relative to the average salary throughout the country, the average salary in Minsk in October 2016 was 40% higher. The only region where the average salary is not lower than the republican average is Minsk.

In recent years, the “gap” of Minsk salaries has become increasingly larger; in the Minsk region they have all this time fluctuated around the national average level, and in the regions they have decreased relative to the Belarusian average.