The Jewish seer's predictions about Russia and Crimea have already begun to come true. What do the stars have in store for the Crimean peninsula in the new year? What awaits in the future of Crimea predictions

Despite all the achievements of science and progress in general, there are people who believe in the influence of stars on the fate of humanity and individual states. In times of trial and beyond, they try to lift the veil of mystery and therefore turn to those who understand the influence of stars most - clairvoyants. We offer a forecast for the future of Ukraine from the strongest psychics in the world.

Now the people of Ukraine are in the most difficult conditions of social transformation, so they, more than ever, need to know what will happen next. We hope that we will at least help you understand this issue a little. It is clear that each soothsayer sees his own picture of the future, so it is in vain to think that all predictions will be similar to each other. But, perhaps, this is the value of different points of view, that each person can choose exactly what he lacks or what is closer.

What Vanga predicted for Ukraine

If we talk about the forecasts of this soothsayer, it is worth noting that she never mentioned Ukraine separately. Speaking about the future, she, first of all, meant humanity or a separate part of it, in this case, Eastern Europe. It should be noted that all her forecasts were allegorical and symbolic in nature. The woman was illiterate and could hardly operate with modern concepts. Nevertheless, from its forecasts one can discern the general trend in the development of a particular region. Speaking about the future, she repeatedly mentioned that Slavic peoples will go through unprecedented trials. It may happen that brother will go against brother and a lot of blood will be shed. Analyzing these words, we can assume that she meant exactly what is happening in Ukraine now.

Indeed, one part of Ukrainian society decided to dictate its terms to another part of the country. It is clear that this did not lead to anything good - a military confrontation occurred, as a result of which about ten thousand people have already died. At the same time, Vanga noted that just during this period Sagittarius will appear, who will be able to eliminate the existing contradiction and end the war. It is now difficult to say what and whom exactly the psychic had in mind. But this is not so important, the main thing for all of us is that the military conflict will finally end and the long-awaited peace will come. Many researchers of Vanga’s legacy are confident that the soothsayer spoke about the 2018 elections in Russia, as a result of which the person who will change Russia and its attitude towards its former territories, namely Ukraine, will win.

Although there are people who interpret these words of Vanga in their own way. They believe that, on the contrary, there will be new person, supported by the people, who will radically change the situation and better times will come for Donbass.

How Pavel Globa and Tamara Globa see this situation

As the astrologer noted, he saw the crisis in Ukraine eight years ago. The difficult situation in this country could lead to an armed conflict on the border with Russia. This forecast has now been confirmed. A revolution actually took place on the territory of Ukraine, as a result of which political forces came to power that opposed good neighborly relations with Russia. At some point, such actions of the new government became unacceptable for Donbass and Crimea. They advocated secession from Ukraine. The population of these regions held a referendum on sovereignty. However, if Crimea managed to become part of Russia, then a real war began in the east of the country.

Predicting further events, Pavel Globa is confident that in the near future Ukraine will split into several autonomous entities. The east of this country will join the Russian Federation, and other parts will be part of Ukraine on the basis of autonomy. In a few years, when attempts to join the EU are unsuccessful, the rest of this country will completely change the vector of its development and again begin to be friends with Russia. A Union of Slavic states is being formed, which will begin to flourish in the post-Soviet space and become an example for other states. It should be noted that Pavel Globa did not always predict correctly. For example, just recently he said that Yulia Tymoshenko will become the future president of Ukraine. However, this never happened.

Former wife Tamara Globa completely agrees with her husband. The only thing she also noted was that Ukraine would break up into five sovereign states and that there would be a military confrontation between it and Russia. In addition, the soothsayer noted that the EU will collapse, and NATO will weaken so much that it will not pose a threat to Russia.

It should be noted that Tamara Globa was right when she predicted:

  • the beginning of the Chechen war;
  • World Cup 2018;
  • fires near Moscow in 2010.

So decide for yourself whether to believe in her. at the moment or not.

What does Alexander Lytvyn predict for Ukraine?

This psychic also cannot say anything good for Donbass and Ukraine yet. He notes that the confrontation between these regions will continue for several years. The new authorities of Ukraine will redistribute property, and the people of this country will become one of the poorest in the world. For now, the country's leadership benefits from this situation in the country. Alexander Lytvyn is confident that the salvation of Ukraine lies in the unification of all Slavic states. However, in this country the moment has not yet come for the population to protest against the existing government. As soon as such a time comes, the citizens of Ukraine will choose a worthy leader who will lead this country along the path of positive development.

Forecast for Donbass and Ukraine from Molfarka Magdalena

The famous sorceress believes that Ukraine will remain a single state. The conflict in the east of the country will subside after the people force the ruling circles to conduct a dialogue with both representatives of Donbass and Russia. This will happen most quickly after the victory of a new political force in the country.

Mogdalena is confident that Crimea will also return to the fold of Ukraine, but this will not happen in 2018, but in fifteen years. By this time there will be a change political elites, both in Ukraine and in Russia. It may happen that the Crimeans themselves will ask to return to their “stepmother”.

The clairvoyant also believes that the events of 2014 could not be avoided, as it was destined by the stars. She believes that thanks to past events, the self-awareness of the masses has grown. Now nothing can stop the people. People are filled with patriotism and are ready to change anything and everything for the prosperity of their Motherland. All this will yield results in the coming years. Ukraine will be on a par with the leading countries of the world.

Speaking about the new leader of this country, the psychic emphasized that he will be a person who has unquestioned authority among the people. He will lead the country along a new path, similar to the Baltic one.

Prophecies from the ancient elders

As experts say, God himself speaks to us through the mouths of the elders, so it is interesting to know what these respected people think about Ukraine:

Ion Ignatenko The elder accurately predicted the events on the Maidan, as well as the war in Donbass. There is a possibility that opposition in the East of Ukraine could escalate into the Third World War. At the same time, he predicts the creation of a single Orthodox state led by Moscow.
Athonite Elder Macarius This monk believes that Ukraine can win in two cases:
  • if all the men of the country come to the defense of the state;
  • when the Ukrainian government repents and starts making reforms in the country.

According to many ancient Athonite elders, Ukraine will soon rise again, for the spirit of Kievan Rus has been awakened. Having experienced enormous upheavals, the Ukrainian people will create a state that will be akin to China in its successes. The renewed country will take its previous name Kievan Rus, with its capital in the city of Kyiv. Crimea will return to Ukraine, but as the land of the Tatars. This will happen before 2025.

As can be seen from the article, predictions from the strongest psychics differ from each other. Everyone can choose what they see fit.

A couple of years ago, relations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation ceased to be friendly. The main reason for this is the division of territory that for some time belonged to the USSR. Each side wants to get its own. It may seem that the Russian Federation retreated and gave the Ukrainian authorities the opportunity to resolve difficulties, but nevertheless, the problem of Crimea leaving the borders of the territory of one state is “acute” at the moment.

Well-known seers offer their own points of view on this problem about what will happen to Crimea in two thousand and eighteen; the predictions are mainly divided into two opposite sides. First, you need to indicate what the assumptions say in terms of two states: Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

Ukraine is going through difficult times for it, for its population, and the government of this state, one might say, is entangled in own desires. Management decisions have a negative impact on the local population, which leads to a negative attitude among residents. As for forecasts for the future, they are not the most rosy.

The forecast expressed by famous psychics in two thousand and eighteen specifically for the peninsula concerns the fact that Ukraine in various ways will resist the disconnection of this territory. Previously, the territory of this peninsula was within the borders of the USSR, then, after the process of secession of a number of republics, it became part of Ukraine. Actions of a military nature have a negative impact on the security of the state itself. If this state had acted differently, it is possible that there would have been a different outcome and the situation that exists at the moment would not have developed.

The EU wanted to eliminate the integrity of the state itself, but on the contrary, it only strengthens its own positions and becomes only stronger. The Russian Federation will not depend on other partners. Seers insist that assistance to this state will come precisely from China. After unification, these two states will take leading positions among other states.

Russia is facing a change of direction in terms of religion, and it is possible that the residents themselves will change their faith. Russia will receive a large number of visitors at its own borders. The country has had to endure difficult times, but nevertheless the situation here is improving over time. You should not expect any rapid results; it will take a couple of years to achieve stability.

With Crimea Russian Federation relations will change and will ultimately be stable and to some extent friendly. Most seers predict the process of annexing this warm peninsula to a country with a large territory. Even the same predictions of Vanga herself for the year two thousand and eighteen for this peninsula indicate that this warm peninsula will become one with the Russian Federation. There is one point that concerns only the fact that a certain time or at least the temporary boundaries of the process of the entry of these two territories is not known. It is worth saying that the Government of Ukraine will also not rule the land of this peninsula. They will simply establish their legal positions. If difficulties arise on this peninsula, he will be provided with support, including financial support, if necessary.

Psychics say that this peninsula will be popular among large quantity people, including as a place for tourism, tourists from a variety of countries will eventually come here. Here, all those who come will be able to relax, have a good rest and also look at the beautiful landscapes and fascinating nature that Crimea is so rich in. Residents will actually be proud of their Motherland.

Previously, only positive information could be found around the word Crimea, because the mention of this peninsula brought constant smiles to people, because it was associated with the warm sea, endless beaches and mountain peaks. However, after the territory ceased to be part of Ukraine and, as in prehistoric times, became part of Russia, the situation has changed dramatically and now many are interested in what predictions there are for Crimea for 2018.

History of the problem

Only the lazy don’t know how and when the problems between the Russian and Ukrainian authorities arose, because this was literally all over the news. The main cause of the problem was the struggle for territory, which in the past was property Soviet Union, and it is still extremely difficult to say which side of the conflict is right. Today, the Ukrainian authorities consider the Crimean peninsula to be theirs originally, and Russia has already introduced its own rules of life there - passports, money, and so on.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that the Ukrainian authorities have been experiencing serious problems recently, in which they themselves have long been entangled. They cannot decide on their own principles and rules, which is what the common people suffer from, which is why it is extremely difficult to make any predictions in such a situation.

It is impossible to say as accurately as possible what will happen to Crimea in 2018, predictions about which are not as common as we would like, but everyone should think about what awaits the residents of the peninsula and collect all available information on this matter.

General predictions for Crimea

If we summarize the predictions for the Crimean Peninsula, we can conclude that they look quite optimistic. It is believed that soon it will be possible to open new enterprises and production facilities in this territory without any problems, develop the energy sector, which is facing serious problems today, and also solve all the problems associated with the crisis that has affected the whole world.

The area will develop most actively information technology, as well as (no matter how strange it may sound), the space industry (today this information seems incredible). There will be a large naval spaceport on the coast, as it once was back in 1968, and it will glorify not only Crimea, but also Russia, to which it belongs.

Many are interested in whether Vanga’s predictions for 2018 exist for Crimea, but to be frank, they do not exist as such. At one time, the clairvoyant predicted the detachment of the peninsula and its annexation to another territory, but experts could not accurately decipher her words, but there is no doubt that they turned out to be true. Vanga did not say anything more about what residents of the peninsula can expect in the near future, so it is worth focusing on the predictions of more modern astrologers or clairvoyants.

Predictions of astrologers and clairvoyants

First of all, it is necessary to discuss the words of the clairvoyant Khayal, who became famous after a show about psychics. However, his words are quite ambiguous, because he does not say anything specific about life on the peninsula, but only advises residents to prepare for the difficulties that await them in the future, and to realize that only very strong people. He also believes that the course of events can change at any moment, and it is necessary to be prepared for this.

Andrey Andreev, a cosmorhythmologist, also does not say anything specific, but he believes that the peninsula will develop economically and implement its production program, so in general it will benefit the country of which it is a part.

In general, the psychics’ forecast for Crimea in 2018 also emphasizes that Crimea will most likely remain part of the Russian Federation. Ukrainian psychics and the country's authorities are confident that in the future it will return to the control of Ukrainian territory, but the development of this event is unlikely, so there is no point in hoping for it. Historically, the peninsula belonged more to the Russian Federation, and today it has simply returned to its composition; all that remains is to come to terms with this fact and accept it.

Will tourism develop?

In conclusion, a few words must be said that today the tourism business on the peninsula is not going through the best of times. However, Crimea is very beautiful place, surrounded by the waters of the Black Sea, where there are a lot of useful substances, so not only ordinary tourism, but also medicinal tourism can flourish in this direction. Of course, the authorities in Russia will have to spend time and money on developing the tourism business; there is a lot of work to be done, but tourism will develop and there is no doubt about it.

We always want to know the future...especially when the country is in such a difficult situation, when the people are devastated and don’t know what to do next, so that it doesn’t get even worse!
Of course, all predictions are conditional and there is no point in blindly believing in them, but it’s worth checking out!


It was in the last days of her life that the Bulgarian clairvoyant made the most interesting statements about Ukraine and Russia. For example, she said about the international role of Ukraine: “it (Ukraine) will become the main one among the five countries.

Perhaps this applies to GUUAM (the union of Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Moldova). But, as you yourself understand, it is possible. The statements of the prophets are always vague due to the inability to specify what they saw. Even if the future is visible, it must be interpreted verbally, and this is not always possible for various reasons.

About the lives of people, ordinary citizens, Vanga said that “After many difficulties, people will heal very well, and a wonderful time will come for Ukraine itself.”

Her most striking prediction concerns the events of 2013-2014. the following: “In the land of underground holes and man-made mountains, everything will shake, from this much will collapse in the west and much will rise in the east. And Sagittarius will come and will stand for twenty and three years, and what stood for 20 and 3 years will be ground into powder...”

It can be explained or translated into understandable language as follows: “the land of underground holes and man-made mountains” is the Donetsk land, Sagittarius is Igor Strelkov - the leader of the defense of Novorossiya. “...and it will stand for 20 and 3 years” is a prediction of the future, but the second part “and what stood for twenty and three years will be ground into powder...” - this is Ukraine after the collapse of the Union and it existed for 23 years.

“There will be a cry, there will be gunpowder, there will be darkness, there will be a rabbit, but everything will scatter and be carried away by the wind...”

This is interpreted as follows: Poroshenko is gunpowder - this nickname was given to him in his youth, Klitschko is a cry, Yatsenyuk is called a rabbit for his eyes, and darkness is Tymoshenko. Further, everything is clear.

“Crimea will break away from one shore and grow to the other.” Irrevocably...

Vanga also prophesied good things for Russia, and said that women would give birth to strong and healthy children, and they, in turn, would change the history and fate of Russia.

There is no force that could break Russia... Russia will develop, grow and strengthen, we add that these are not her words, but the words of St. Sergius. “Too much has been sacrificed. No one can stop Russia. She will sweep away everything from her path and will not only survive, but will also become the ruler of the world.”

“Russia will again become a great empire. And above all, an empire of the spirit.”

As for the third world war, the Bulgarian Cassandra once predicted that it would not happen. She put it something like this: “there will be individual outbreaks, but they won’t affect everyone at once.”

She also said that “there will be no Kyiv Apocalypse.” And “we will overcome everything, there is no war and there will not be. Everything will work out..."

As for her prophecies regarding 2014, there are only predictions regarding diseases. “Many people will be covered in pustules, skin cancer and other skin diseases due to chemical warfare.” This is all. According to her forecasts (this is her next date of predictions), by 2016 Europe will be deserted due to the consequences of a natural disaster, namely a flood.

Vanga’s predictions about the future of earthlings are very interesting:

By 2028, a new source of energy will appear. Humanity will begin to conquer space.

In 2125, a signal from aliens will be received in Hungary. And in 50 years the first meeting will take place. Extraterrestrial civilizations will transfer technologies with which it will be possible to build houses under water and in the atmosphere.

In 2183, a colony of earthlings on Mars will demand independence.

In 100 years, scientists will invent a time machine.

In 2341, a threat from outer space will appear on Earth. By 3797, life on our planet will die, and humanity will be in search of a new home in the Universe.


Specifically about Ukraine or any other events directly or indirectly related to the current events in Ukraine, Casey was not found in the readings. There is an opinion that the events of the Maidan in 2014 will begin a chain reaction that could trigger the outbreak of the third world war. Like Vanga, Casey did not confirm the assumption that the third world war may happen. Most of all, his prophecies were associated with the onset of climate warming, and as a result of many natural disasters, climatic and seismic disasters will affect the entire planet and change the geography of the continental land, many cities will disappear.

As for Russia, Casey also had it connected with the future of the world. Here are quotes from his readings:

“Hope will come to the world from Russia. Not from the communists, not from the Bolsheviks, but from liberated Russia! It will be years before this happens. The new religious development of Russia will give the world the last hope.”

“The mission of the peoples of Slavic Russia is to radically change the essence of human relationships. From the East will come liberation from selfishness and gross material passions. Relations between peoples will be restored on a new basis: trust and wisdom.”

Of all the foresights he has and presented related to the future, there are only those related to the collapse of the USSR. For the seventies of the last century, such a prediction was unthinkable and hardly plausible: “In 20 years, this country will not even have a monument... Russia will become a free new country!”

Until now, there are no predictions from Wolf Messing about the future of Russia! At least until his archive is declassified.

If the audience of his extraordinary sessions and performances asked him about the future of Russia, for example, in the 21st century, both they and perhaps we in our present would know about it. But everyone was interested in the present and the near future, which directly concerns a person personally. Would you become interested in the future 50 years from now, in which you may no longer exist, if you had the opportunity to talk with a great seer and the time of communication was limited?


It's no secret that Michel Nostradamus “encrypted” all his visions of the future in quatrains. Although it is certain that the encryption of predictions is not a fact, it is possible that he had difficulty interpreting his visions due to the lack of words and expressions to describe it. After all, neither the names of cities and countries, nor the characteristics of systems, forms of government, diseases, objects, things and much more that he could “look” at from the past did not exist then. All that remained was to express it allegorically and figuratively.

Most likely, the quatrains encrypted neither secret knowledge intended for the elite, but acceptable symbolism and imagery inherent in his time.

However, before the advent of great peace, union and harmony, there will be long times of difficult trials.

Also, judging by the katrans of Nostradamus, China will take a dominant position in the world, which will allow it to place nuclear weapons in the countries of the Middle East and Africa, and thereby provoke a global conflict between China and the United States. Resolving the conflict will be extremely difficult, but Russia will act as a guarantor of security, whose influence throughout the world will incredibly increase.

Also, the deciphered quatrains of Nostradamus contain indications of cataclysms caused by climate warming. Their consequence will be the displacement of continents and changes in the boundaries of continental land. The most difficult years for humanity will be 11 years from 2055 to 2066.

The year 2016, which is quite difficult in the world's perception, is coming to an end. I would like to know what awaits humanity next, the near future is especially interesting, that is, the coming year. Russia recently annexed Crimea to its lands, which also experienced many difficulties and suffering. That's why predictions for 2017year for Crimeaimportant for every Russian or Ukrainian to know.

The popular clairvoyant Khayal, whom everyone knows from the show “Battle of Psychics,” prophesied an ambiguous fate for Crimea. Crimeans, in his opinion, should not give in to problems and understand that a difficult life lies ahead, and that the strongest can survive. And the course of events is unstable, everything can change at any moment, and you need to prepare yourself for this.

Cosmorhythmologist Andrey Andreev about the future of Crimea

Andrei Andreev does not have such a pessimistic view of the situation with Crimea. The republic's economy will develop, and the production program will be implemented. After all, the plans of the authorities could not come true for a long time. Their turn has almost come.

What will happen to Crimea in 2017, predictions

It will become possible to open new enterprises and establish production. Energy problems will be resolved. The crisis of past years will turn into experience and benefit for the republic.

In the production sector, the information technology, space and scientific research industries will develop. A naval cosmodrome has been designed on the Black Sea coast.

Already back in 1968, a lunar rover was tested. Now and until 2021, something similar to the old cosmodrome and test site can be created.

Should we hope for growth in economic indicators in Crimea?

Residents of the republic are at a loss are optimistic, despite the crisis economic situation on the peninsula, as well as in the rest of the world community. The fishing industry will begin to develop; will open and begin to work with new oil and gas fields.

There will be many obstacles in the way of those suffering to create problems for Crimeans. There will even be cases with a boomerang effect. Already from the middle - late autumn of 2016, the authorities will begin to implement new Crimean projects, the course of economic events will gradually gain momentum towards improvement.

Crimea and tourism

Now and in the near future, the tourism sector in general is going through difficult times, due to difficult economic and political circumstances in the world. Crimea is no exception. Moreover, it is necessary to develop the infrastructure of the peninsula beforehand. Also required professional work management, high-quality and extensive information about where and how you can relax in the south of Russia.

Crimea is a fertile place where, for example, health tourism can flourish. But everything needs work. And next year, thanks to the joint efforts of tourism workers and authorities, will be a step up.

Will Ukraine return Crimea?

The location of Crimea can be envied, because it is in outer space. Therefore, the space infrastructure of the peninsula needs to be recreated and developed, which is entirely within the capabilities of the Russian Federation.

The Republic owns a telescope that can carry out space communications with different points of the solar system. Crimea is a leading territory in space exploration.Psychic forecast in2017 for Crimeasaid that the peninsula will solve new innovative and space problems as part of Russia, since in 2017 space will begin to be studied more closely and deeply.

Of course, there is a lot of talk about the new Russian republic, some of which are negative, but we must not forget that Crimea is under influence from different parts of the world, so difficulties simply cannot be avoided. We can only hope for the fortitude and power of our compatriots.

Clairvoyant Yulia Mechnikova, who took part in the show “Battle of Psychics,” also claims that Crimea will remain under the leadership of the Russian Federation next year.

Ukraine today is split, separated territorially, formally and psychologically. This especially affected the southeast of the country. For at least 7 years there will be redistribution and conflicts, after which Ukraine will need a lot of time to recover.

Psychics from Ukraine, on the contrary, say that the Crimean lands will be returned, the country will add new territories, for example, Rostov and the region. However, this may just be patriotism. Nobody knows for sure.

What Vanga prophesied about Crimea

The seer from Bulgaria was blind, and her visions were described by assistants, who then deciphered everything. The clairvoyant immediately explained something herself. Both are confirmed. Therefore, you can listen to Vanga’s predictions.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant said that the Crimean lands would belong to Russia for a long time. Although in the future it will become an independent state, ruled by the Crimean Tatars.

If we look into the distant future, then, according to Vanga’s visions, the Turkish state will be the defender of Crimea in times of turmoil.

Vanga's predictions for 2017 for CrimeaThey also have a different interpretation: they will no longer divide the republic, it will be a unifying link. The peninsula will be able to unite Christians and Muslims, which will further ensure a peaceful life on the planet.