Pavel Pyatnitsky children. Pavel Pyatnitsky: biography and personal life. Biography: Civil Rights Movement

Pavel Pyatnitsky is a bright personality. At the beginning of 2017, the politician’s popularity increased sharply. This happened after TV viewers learned the story. But Pyatnitsky received sudden recognition from that part of the population that is least interested in politics - teenagers.

Childhood and youth

The future politician was born in 1984. According to other sources - two years later. Childhood passed in a small locality Novosibirsk region. These and other facts from Pyatnitsky’s biography are known thanks to periscope broadcasts.

At the age of 12, Pavel was already working as a correspondent for a local newspaper, albeit freelance. In 1998, he took first place in a journalism competition by writing an article about health problems. After school, according to the official version, he entered the Moscow Border Guard Institute of the FSB.

According to other sources, he studied at the Tomsk Economic and Legal Institute. There is a third version, according to which Pyatnitsky did not receive a higher education, but bought a diploma for 20 thousand rubles. On Periscope, commenting on the tragic news about a teenager who committed suicide because of a failed exam, Pyatnitsky said:

“You need to study. But a diploma will not open a path in life.”

The public figure addressed high school students and students. Perhaps the statement about the role of a diploma in a person’s life gave rise to the rumor about a purchased diploma.

There is no reliable information about Pyatnitsky’s career and personal life before 2000. Pavel Igorevich was a member of the LDPR until 2011. According to some sources, he joined the party at the age of 14. Recent years membership led the youth movement. Another fact from the politician’s biography, not officially confirmed, was that he worked for.


In November 2016 " New newspaper"published information compromising Pyatnitsky. The ugly story concerns the arrest. Accused of fraud and then other crimes, the street racer was kept in a cell on the first floor of Matrosskaya Tishina, where conditions are terrible. At first, Pyatnitsky visited Kituashvili. Having promised to improve the conditions of the arrested man, the lawyer took 100 thousand from him. However, he did nothing.

Kituashvili needed a clean mattress and linen. On Periscope, Pyatnitsky has repeatedly reported on his visit to Kituashvili and the assistance he provided. Soon, on the Nemagiya channel, bloggers who became famous for their sharply satirical reviews published a video called “Mattress Supplier.”

Pyatnitsky immediately commented on the satirical video using profanity. By the way, obscene language often appears on the politician’s pages on social networks.

At the beginning of 2017, posts dedicated to Diana Shurygina appeared on the Internet. Within a year, a 16-year-old girl acquired 200 thousand subscribers on VKontakte and 500 thousand on Instagram. The episode “Let Them Talk,” released at the end of January, discussed the rape of a girl and the fate of the perpetrator. The young man received a sentence. First - eight years. Later the term was reduced to three years. The criminal, who gained the support of millions of television viewers, was released at the beginning of 2018.

Most of the audience came out in defense of the convict, believing that the young man was a victim of Shurygina’s false testimony. Pavel Pyatnitsky became a fierce defender.

A public figure, he regularly participated in the filming of talk shows until 2017. However, the story of rape, which became extremely discussed, brought Pyatnitsky many fans. Pavel personally communicated with subscribers.

Shurygina, meanwhile, became a Runet star. Groups emerged on social networks to oppose the girl who slandered young man. Users also created communities in defense of Diana. Two more issues were published in February and March, discussing the continuation of the story. Pyatnitsky again demonstrated his oratorical talent and denounced false witnesses.

Pavel's ratings grew rapidly. IN "Twitter" he received messages from teenagers every day. He couldn’t answer everything - sometimes there were about 500 of them. Pyatnitsky regularly answered questions from subscribers on Periscope. The broadcasts covered various topics: from education to politics.

One day, a high school student turned to Pavla with a request for help in completing a social studies assignment. The lawyer, politician and public figure did not refuse. Some young subscribers called him nothing more than “Uncle Pasha.” The politician reacted positively to this appeal. But “Pavlusha” was immediately blocked for being familiar.

By the time Semenov was released, he was running another project - “Live Broadcast”. The TV people have now invited Diana's father. Of course, Pyatnitsky was also present at the shooting, who, as always, emotionally and noisily commented on what was happening.

Pyatnitsky’s remarks are harsh and biting, which is how he won the respect of TV viewers. But sometimes they are rude. Once there was a scandal with Alexandra Kholoshina. The 30-year-old granddaughter of a Soviet cinema star was expecting a child. On the set, she spoke out in defense of Diana, which is why she quarreled with Pyatnitsky.

Alexandra ended up in the hospital and almost lost her child. This happened after filming, which was immediately reported by the media. Kholoshina blamed Pyatnitsky for this, who calmly commented:

“No one forced her to go on set while she was pregnant.”

Pavel uttered many more unpleasant words on Periscope against Kholoshina for speculating about her kinship with celebrities. The scandal with the granddaughter was quickly forgotten.

Personal life

Two years before photos of Diana, the heroine of the story “On the Bottom,” appeared on the RuNet, fans of “Let Them Talk” learned the name of Pyatnitsky’s chosen one. She became Ksenia Timoschenko. Before meeting the girl, Pavel was married twice and has children from previous marriages.

The heroine of the issue, released in early March 2015, was Ekaterina Kravtsova. The woman spoke about her husband, who was in jail at that time. She met Sergei Lyubomsky during her school years. We lived together for 15 years. Sergei and Ekaterina have two children. However, Lyubovsky is now serving a sentence for the brutal beating of Ksenia, with whom he had a relationship for five years.

There is a lot that is unclear in this story. According to Pyatnitsky, he met Ksenia shortly before that tragic day when the girl ended up in the hospital with injuries and cuts. Tymoshchenko reported ex-lover about the affair with Pavel, which caused his anger. Ekaterina claims that Ksenia continued to terrorize Sergei and his wife with abusive messages even after the separation.

Pyatnitsky acted as a lawyer. Lyubomsky received eight years. Nothing is known about the wedding of Pyatnitsky and Timoschenko. Although in "Instagram" Pavel sometimes posts photos with his beautiful wife. Ksenia gave birth to a daughter. Today they are raising two children (the eldest is Lyubomsky’s son). Pyatnitsky does not talk about relationships with ex-wives. But one day he said:

“I once dreamed of having one wife, living with her all my life and waiting for my great-grandchildren. But it didn’t work out, and there are millions like me.”

Pavel Pyatnitsky now

In the issue dated March 9, StarHit told the shocking story of the lead singer of the Strelka group Ekaterina Kravtsova, shown on the air “Let them talk.” The singer’s former common-law husband, Sergei Lyubomsky, after leaving Catherine, began to live in a new civil marriage. Having parted with the beautiful Ksenia Timoschenko 5.5 years later, he could not let her go. Having learned that the girl had met her love, he tried to return her, but was eventually detained Investigative Committee for the attempted murder of Ksenia. She wrote a letter to StarHit to finally clarify the situation.

“You wrote that this story has everything - love, betrayal, a knife, blood. It really has everything, but it was covered somewhat one-sidedly. With Sergei Lyubomsky, just like Ekaterina Kravtsova at one time, I lived in a civil marriage for a total of five and a half years, so calling me a mistress is unethical and does no honor to anyone. By the way, our relationship began a year and a half after Katya and Sergei broke up and were free people.

Lyubomsky was never a millionaire either. Yes, he was engaged in business, but I was also engaged in business in the same way. I bought my first car at the age of 18 with self-earned money and subsequently relied primarily on myself. Anyone who has ever encountered small business in our country should understand that today you have a lot of business, and tomorrow it’s empty. This is how we lived too. There was no talk of any car parks or luxury palaces, and if something was purchased, it was purchased jointly and primarily for our child.

Sergei has always had an excessive addiction to alcohol. On this basis, two years ago I left him, but he returned me. I swore that this problem would never affect our family again. But... As it turned out, at the time of our breakup, he also began using drugs. Very long time I tried to help him cope with this trouble. During this period, I lost my business and my health suffered greatly, since I did not rest for days, and my whole life was devoted to only one question - how to get a person out of the drug abyss. However, if a person himself does not want to, it is impossible to help him. Not only were all the problems not resolved, but they got worse. And after Sergei shot me, it finally became clear to me that the relationship was over.

We separated. I gradually began to “come to life” after all these tears, pain and horror in which I lived for almost a year. Naturally, I did not write any messages with threats and rudeness, and even more so with insulting children, one of whom I communicated with and who are my son’s brothers, as Ekaterina stated. This is a lie. And why did I need this? Everyone has their own life and their own destiny. Moreover, I myself received similar SMS messages, but did not pay attention to them. I, as before, began to live independently, did not create obstacles for Sergei in communicating with his son, did not succumb to the provocation of conflicts and rejected incoming offers to start all over again, although Sergei sent flowers, bought me a dog, which I had dreamed of for a long time, wrote dozens messages to the mail with words of love, with requests for forgiveness, with promises that now he has come to his senses once and for all, that he will overcome this moral illness.

After some time, God brought me together with an amazing man - Paul. He was free and I was free. We started a relationship. Relationships built on trust, understanding and sincerity. I wrote about this to Sergei, who continued to send me messages, and asked him to leave me alone. After which Sergei began writing offensive messages with threats, and then wrote another “sorry” and wished us happiness, and explained the previously sent threats as a nervous breakdown. But on the same day he attempted to kill me. Everything was planned. Caught my mother and held her with a knife to her throat in the apartment, waiting for me to come from kindergarten home with the child. And I’m alive now only thanks to chance and the Lord God, and also to the guy who picked me up, bleeding, on the road and took me to the police post.

I didn’t want to, as they say, wash dirty linen in public, but people who lied and continue to lie forced me to tell the truth. I would also like to appeal to society - especially to young people. Don't use drugs - this terrible harmful thing that kills lives. Run away from people offering you this crap. Take care of yourself and your families."

Moreover, the person on whose behalf the messages are published may never even read them - helpful secretaries will do everything. Pyatnitsky himself publishes photographs there and closely monitors the comments on the posts. But for a person moving in power, this is a more than worthy indicator.

Biography of the person

In the Novosibirsk region, Pavel began to create a Youth Parliament, which was noted at the level of the regional leadership. Pavel Igorevich is officially married to Ksenia Alekseevna Pyatnitskaya. It was at this moment in the girl’s life that Pavel Pyatnitsky appeared. Little is known about further developments, but social networks Sergei Pyatnitsky began to write more and more about quiet family evenings with his wife, and Ksenia changed her last name to Pyatnitskaya.

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The future scandalous figure was born in 1984 (according to other sources - in 1982) in the Novosibirsk region. Despite his considerable achievements in the journalistic field, Pavel decided to plunge headlong into the much more promising Russian politics. While still a student, he set himself the goal of becoming a deputy. After the young politician left the ranks of the Liberal Democrats in 2011, his life did not end and even received a new impetus for development. At first he worked for the odious billionaire Sergei Polonsky. Defender of power and its ardent critic.

From 1996 to 1999 he worked as a freelance correspondent for the newspaper Selskaya Pravda, Dovolensky district, Novosibirsk region. He is a supporter of the free sale of rifled weapons, strengthening the powers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB. Supports the activities of the All-Russian Popular Front.

Date of birth: 02/3/1984. Pavel began his career with the regional newspaper “Selskaya Pravda”, where, in the role of a simple correspondent, he already became a local celebrity. The beginning of his political career is associated with joining the LDPR. What has Pavel Igorevich Pyatnitsky achieved in this field? Members of the same party believe that Pavel Pyatnitsky, whose biography is filled with contradictions, left the political association without being included in the electoral lists. In January 2013, the politician returned to the LDPR at the personal invitation of Zhirinovsky, becoming the coordinator of the regional branch of the party (Moscow region). Today Pavel Pyatnitsky, whose biography is interesting in connection with his frequent appearances on television, is the deputy chairman of the Public Monitoring Committee of the city of Moscow.

Konstantin Yakovlev himself graduated from the Physics and Mathematics College after school. Yankovsky Evgeniy Yanovich: Born April 28, 1963. in Moscow in a family of employees. Vitaly Grigorievich Yarema (Ukrainian Vitaly Grigorovich Yarema; born October 14, 1963, Strokova village, Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky district, Kiev region, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - Ukrainian political figure.

Sergei Vladimirovich Aleksashenko (born December 23, 1959 in the city of Likino-Dulevo, Orekhovo-Zuevsky district, Moscow region) is a Russian economist and manager. Boyko Oleg Viktorovich (born September 28, 1964, Moscow) - entrepreneur, president of the Finstar investment holding. Acting State Councilor Russian Federation 1st class (1998). Member of the Yandex Board of Directors. August 14, 1967 - Russian entrepreneur, founder and co-owner of the large retail chain Magnit. Viktor Filippovich Rashnikov (October 13, 1948, Magnitogorsk) - Russian metal industrialist and businessman, chairman of the board of directors of OJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. Nikolai Aleksandrovich Tsvetkov (born May 12, 1960, Putilkovo village, Krasnogorsk district, Moscow region, USSR) - entrepreneur, head of the Uralsib financial corporation. Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Chichvarkin (September 10, 1974, Leningrad) is a Russian millionaire, entrepreneur, co-founder and former co-owner of the Euroset network of cellular communication stores.

You can’t solve anything here for any amount of money,” wrote one of the former inmates of this prison, Ivan Mironov, in the book “Walled Up.” When I was arrested in Cambodia, I asked Dvorkovich and Pyatnitsky to fly there. I was simply afraid for Sergei’s health, for his mental background. And in order to protect Seryozha, she began to give him this money. I even have correspondence with him. He writes: “That’s it, the car was taken. Then Pyatnitsky wrote to me: “Olya, when will the money be available?” I no longer responded to this, because I had nothing to be afraid of: he could no longer go to the isolation ward, and nothing would happen to Sergei. So they informed me. This is surprising for me, because among those security officials who received the task of imprisoning me, I also have friends and comrades.

On May 17, 2003, he was hospitalized from the deputy house in Mitino with a typical set of diseases of novice alcoholics - dehydration, alcohol poisoning, hypovolemia. According to the Ambulance, on March 3, 2006, Pyatnitsky celebrated his real (and not a personal) birthday in the MSGU dormitory on Vernadsky Avenue. If one of them was detained for some kind of offense, a member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Pyatnitsky, immediately came to the department for a “check” and found out what the conditions of detention of the newcomer were. According to an interlocutor in the LDPR, carried away by parties and his own PR, Pyatnitsky almost forgot about the party’s affairs. Recently, the press secretary of Zhirinovsky himself, his son Igor Lebedev and Pyatnitsky (that’s the nickname Pyatnitsky was given in the party) were fired for such indifference.

He is a member of the Public Council of the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service for the city of Moscow. Member of the Expert Council of the State Duma Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Affairs of Public Associations and Religious Organizations.

S.V. Chichenin Amur region I accidentally found out from the news that we are having an online vote for the Public Chamber and that today is the last day. Is this a secret vote from the people? Whoever goes to the RF OP is a crowd of illiterate people. Candidate Altshuler makes a mistake in the word ECHO, writes ECHA, well, that’s not funny. I don't think this is necessary. Each of us does our job (even without the authority of a member of the Public Chamber).

My Mother Svetlana Markovna Rotshtein was killed by a man, if you can call him that, named Anton Sokolov. That is, no one has money, but Babushkin is showing off. Sokolov also heard these words. I don’t know what “baches” is, the last time I was caught was playing tag (that was 30-35 years ago), and the employees who suffered were injured with my assistance.

As for social activities, I continue to be actively involved in them. I have a desire to return to the Public Council under the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs under the new minister, and there are also a number of far-reaching plans. You are known as an active public figure. There is no answer from Bastrykin yet, but the deadline for me to receive it has not yet passed. What do you think, Pavel, if you had not left for Moscow in 2000 at the invitation of Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky, how would your career have developed in Novosibirsk? I can’t help but ask: Would you like to invite Sergei Minaev to Novosibirsk, at the same time organizing several meetings with readers and fans of creativity?

Pavel Pyatnitsky’s children were born in different marriages, but he tries to help them all start an independent life and not need for anything. However, in different sources there are different data about higher education Pavel. More precisely, sources disagree about which university he received his diploma from. But the young man began his political career by joining the ranks of the Liberal Democratic Party. He has been loyal to this party since his school years, when he began organizing the youth movement. It is known that he was married three times and had children from each marriage. He met his last wife under very interesting circumstances.

Edit Connections with Polonsky

In October 2016, businessman Sergei Polonsky accused Pavel Pyatnitsky of extortion.

Pavel is only 30, but he is already a well-known public figure. On at the moment time, Pavel is the deputy chairman of the Public Monitoring Committee of the city of Moscow, and, as he himself claims, is an independent public figure. Pavel Pyatnitsky is a famous political figure. Previously a member of the Liberal Democratic Party. He is 33 years old and comes from the Novosibirsk region.

However, in the story connected with Pavel Pyatnitsky’s wife Ksenia, he proved himself to be a faithful man, ready to take decisive actions for the sake of the woman he loved. At this moment, Ksenia’s relationship with the hero of our today’s article, Pavel Pyatnitsky, began.

A small part of those present consisted of random guests - mainly young people, among whom were Denisov, Rostov and Dolokhov, who was again a Semyonov officer. In the third circle, Naryshkin spoke about a meeting of the Austrian military council, in which Suvorov crowed the rooster in response to the stupidity of the Austrian generals.

The result is not what we would like - but it is there. Thieving officials are removed from their positions, some are imprisoned. In our country, public diplomacy is most often mentioned in the context of solving a variety of foreign policy problems, united only by the fact that today they are not being solved. By helping everyone defend their rights, we must help them become an organized part civil society in their countries of residence. I ask you to support my candidacy and vote for me. I will work for each of you honestly, openly and with maximum efficiency.

Pavel Igorevich Pyatnitsky February 3, 1984 (village of Dovolnoe, Novosibirsk region) - Russian public and political figure, leader of the “Civil Law” movement. Graduated from the Moscow Border Institute of the FSB of Russia.

That’s why he was Pashka America, a lucky thief, known to every business person on Pyatnitskaya, Ordynka, Kadashi and even Sukharevka, so as not to exchange himself for nickels. The stellium in Scorpio does not allow Pyatnitsky to be particularly loyal to people; he is a tough person and intolerant of those who stand in his way. However, in critical situations he shows enviable restraint. Russia today, in a time of lies and self-interest, urgently needs the ambition of managers... We will see the result!

Pyatnitsky Pavel Igorevich, nicknamed “Friday,” was born in the Novosibirsk region in 1984. Judging by his face and biography, he is “the son of a lawyer.” Together with Tsvetkov, he joined the Moscow Public Monitoring Committee, where Tsvetkov became chairman and Pyatnitsky became his deputy.


Investigation by Ulyana Skoybeda. Part 2: Version of Pavel Pyatnitsky, deputy. Head of the Moscow Public Monitoring Committee [photo, video]

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Katya Kravtsova from the Strelka group contacted the editorial office of KP with a request to stand up for her husband, businessman Sergei Lyubomsky, who received seven years for attempted murder. According to the singer, Sergei simply hit his ex-lover Ksenia Timoschenko, broke her nose, and the case received an inadequate assessment, because Ksenia’s new companion is the deputy head of the Public Monitoring Commission (POC) of Moscow, Pavel Pyatnitsky, a person close to the State Duma and law enforcement agencies. Most likely, he acts in collusion with the “raider” Leonid Venzhik and unknown scammers.

Katya was not very convincing: her husband turned out to be not a husband, but a cohabitant, the marriage was registered only when Sergei ended up in a pre-trial detention center, the singer could not name a single successful project of her businessman and was not even going to explain where Ksenia came from, who, it turns out, was such the mistress, like herself, was stabbed...

Damn, how tired of all this... - groaned statesman Pavel Pyatnitsky. - How did this Katya... get us!!!

And he roared several insults at the singer, but made an appointment. In a restaurant where cold appetizers cost from 1500 to 1900 rubles.

A young handsome guy wearing a T-shirt with Putin. From the links sent by Katya, I know that he is a defender of pedophiles, Zhirinovsky’s assistant, and suffers from delirium tremens: “Ambulance” documents are posted on the Internet, which indicate, however, not alcoholic psychosis, but brain damage... It’s strange, but it looks so you can't tell.

You yourself are a media worker,” says Pavel, “you know how such things are done: sixty percent of the truth is taken and supplied with the most vile lies. Yes, I called an ambulance when I worked in the State Duma as Zhirinovsky’s assistant and lived in a dormitory, because I really have problems with blood vessels and blood pressure, I had concussions, and I had to get hit with an iron pipe in fights! About a pedophile - it was a broadcast of “Let Them Talk”, about a girl who gave birth to an adult. I said: “Yes, I agree, he is to blame, but there is guilt on both sides, the bitch won’t want it, the dog won’t jump up,” and that’s all!!! After that they called me names on all corners, I myself was declared p...m, I wanted to sue!!! And all these leaks of incriminating evidence were done by the people who imprisoned Sergei Polonsky: I worked for Seryoga, and I stood up for him. Polonsky fled and left me powers of attorney for the entire business, I could have robbed him, transferred all the legal entities to myself, and since seven in the morning I was climbing around the construction site for a salary of 320 thousand...

Pavel almost screams, he utters a break, and it’s clear that it hurts a lot. I personally do not sympathize with either Zhirinovsky or Polonsky, but I appreciate loyalty in people.

I met Ksyusha in January 2015, I write poetry - she commented on something on Instagram. I have two failed marriages behind me, I'm so full family life… I thought: women are just meat, I don’t need anything else, I saw Ksyusha... I told her my whole life, as if in confession. I realized that I had never loved anyone before! And she said that she was married to businessman Sergei Lyubomsky and has a son...

Married? - I’m surprised.

They were not scheduled, but Sergei lived with her: there were always rumors about Strelka, and Sergei’s parents did not accept Katya. When their son became friends with Ksyusha, Sergei’s mother took his grandmother in so that Ksyusha and Sergei could live in the vacant apartment. Maxim was born...

History turned over like an hourglass.


Ksyusha is not a model, she is a normal person, she worked in the personnel department when we met, and before that she and her friend sewed clothes: Ksyusha carried bales of fabrics from China. The “tycoon” Sergei was registered as an individual entrepreneur “Kravtsova”, he used, as he himself puts it, “rubbish”, Ksyusha’s money and things disappeared, she even found a diamond ring in a pawnshop, with which Sergei proposed to her. She lives with this man for five years, loves him, forgives him, fights with hucksters, calls the Federal Drug Control Service to the hotel where he is hanging out. He beats her like a dog! Shoots her in the leg, breaks the window in the car, pulls her through the window, cuts her hands, she is covered in scars. He runs after the car, hits the hood with a knife, and then stands on his knees: “I’m an animal, forgive me, I’ll die without you”...

Swings. Unhinged emotions, unhinged psyche. Typical behavior of codependents.

The tragedy almost happened precisely at the moment of such aggravation of feelings: Sergei, from whom Ksenia left in the fall of 2014, when she lost her child from beatings, in January 2015 begins to bombard her with letters: “I love you! You are my soul mate” (“KP” is familiar with the correspondence. - Ed.). Note that he scribbles this while sitting in Katya’s kitchen, to whom at the same moment he proposes to get married and give birth to a daughter, and Katya believes... Poor Katya.

Sergei buys the husky puppy that Ksyusha dreamed of, takes a photo, sends it to her, and then walks the dog around Katya’s house. He brings money for Max, his and Ksyusha’s son, 45 thousand rubles. At first I thought: a normal father! I was eager to talk to him...

The idyll ended as soon as Ksenia told her ex that she was in a new relationship. It started: “Pi...r”, “Let your Pavlushka come here, I’ll piss in his mouth”, “Hey, you, Zhirik’s litter, I’ll clean it up for you” - after all, Sergei also read those same links...

Pavel grabbed the phone: “Are you stuck in the 90s? So, according to those concepts, you have sentenced yourself to death!”

They hit the arrow. Pavel, knowing about the client’s inappropriate behavior, asked to supervise the meeting of two operatives. Suddenly Sergei apologized and wished his ex-lover happiness, the conflict seemed settled...

And a few hours later Pavel heard Ksyushin’s whisper on the phone: “Please, he poked a knife in my face, he wanted to kill me...”


The details of the crime are known minute by minute, because the case took place in court.

Sergei went to the west of Moscow, where Ksyusha’s mother lives in a Khrushchev building. By the way, Ksenia is not Ukrainian, as I was told at the beginning of the investigation, but a Muscovite, and her mother is a teacher.

He entered the entrance, waited for his mother, slept on the stairwell, and the neighbors saw him.

Mom came, grabbed her by the hair and put a folding knife to her throat: “Be quiet, I’ll kill you.” He walked around the apartment, turning over vases of flowers given by Pyatnitsky. Poking a knife into the sofa. He asked his mother-in-law: “Should I kill you first or this whore?”, he ordered: “If I leave you, you will give Max to Katya” (but she needs it. - Ed.).

Finally Ksyusha called from downstairs.

“They are coming,” my mother said chokedly, and Sergei realized that “they” were Ksyusha and Pyatnitsky. I went to the kitchen to get a bigger knife, and Ksenia was just with her son. The grandmother managed to grab the child and drag her into the apartment, and the man knocked his ex-girlfriend down the stairs with a blow to the face so that she flew over the flight and began to knead her. Ksenia was screaming, fighting back with her hands and feet, all the glancing blows landed on her hands and face. The doors began to open, the knife broke against the wall. The criminal grabbed the victim and dragged him outside, pressed him to the ground with his knee on the playground and put a folding knife to his throat. Ksenia held on to the blade and wheezed: “Seryozha, don’t kill, we have a son!”

"Hey!" - some passers-by intervened in the darkness. Ksenia was able to escape and, choking on blood, ran to the highway...

When I rushed to the traffic police post and saw her in the ambulance,” says Pavel, “I thought she was finished!” The pads of my fingers are hanging half-cut off, there’s a hole in my face, it’s taped up here, there’s a hematoma, everything is leaking... I’m yelling: “Do something!!!”

Lyubomsky was taken ten days later. He was sitting at Katya’s house, the opera filmed him walking with the same husky on the territory of a cottage village, and was detained... near Ksenia’s house. Again with two knives.

“Well, why are you weird? - asked the opera. “You almost killed the girl.”

Sergei replied: “It would be better if I killed her.”

...To eliminate doubts among readers: the crime was filmed, the camera was installed at the entrance. Mom and the opera testified, and the boy who picked up the bleeding girl and took her to the post, where they called the doctors, testified.

There are still drops of blood on the stairs: I went there specifically and looked...

Ksenia was treated, she underwent several operations, albeit not the most serious ones. The second victim, a frightened mother, shook for a long time and drank Valocordin...

The prosecutor asked for eleven years for Sergei, the judge gave seven. The Moscow City Court approved the verdict.

And the question arose. Why was I invited to this celebration of life?


Pavel talks, and I listen like a detective.

My job is to visit places of detention, and I know different people, both criminal authorities and intelligence officers. When they found out that I had an accident, many came and said: “Pasha, we will kill him.” Me: “No way! I will act only within the law!” - there is no other way in this profession...

I immediately understand where the terrible letters with promises to release Sergei, which Ekaterina showed me, came from, and why Pyatnitsky asked the leadership of the FSIN to put the detainee in a special unit under round-the-clock surveillance: three or four people in a cell, a refrigerator and a TV. The human rights activist had to hide his enemy from his volunteer helpers.

And so it begins: Sergei is brought to court for preventive measures, and our lawyer sees bearded guys there - they look like Chechens. And hears my name. I figure out what’s what, go to the State Duma deputy from the Chechen Republic and explain that perhaps an order has been received for my murder. The lawyer managed to take a photo on her phone, they found these people and told them: “Don’t touch Pasha.”

Two months later my friend comes, former employee secret services, and says: “Colleagues have taken an order to break your legs.” He accidentally found out that those people who were preparing already had all the information: where I eat, drink, where I rent an apartment - a few more days and I would have fallen! And there are only six such cases in a year - I come to the cell, they ask me: “Give the man a teapot,” I hand it over, and this turns out to be the son of Osya Butorin (leader of the Orekhovskaya organized crime group - Ed.). In the evening they come to me: “Listen, it turns out that you are a normal guy, but they told us that you robbed Lyubomsky, took away his land.”

The trial of Sergei begins, Katya and three FSKN officers arrive there: one in civilian clothes, two with chevrons of the Grom special forces, I go up to shake hands, they say to me: “Listen, p...s, our service will deal with you and yours.” business"!!!

Pyatnitsky loses his temper:

For what?! What did we do to whom?! Did I take Ksyusha away from the family? Or am I imprisoning an innocent person: there is a video of him cutting her! Katya says: “Pyatnitsky took advantage of his position in the PMC.” Yes, if I wanted to take advantage, I would have stuck him in the most densely populated cell, and he, with his character, would have been killed there - but he hasn’t caught a cold in my pre-trial detention center in a year!

And Katya is running around on TV shows again, and again Ksyusha is a model - what kind of model is she to you?! Why are they throwing mud at my wife, with this Lolita (long colorful epithets addressed to Lolita - Ed.), the same... as the “arrow” Kravtsov herself!!!

The scandal with Lolita was notable: the presenter, after listening to Katya’s version of events (the husband just hit his mistress), said: “Wow, the poor thing’s nose was broken, she won’t be able to smell the new oligarch...”

Pyatnitsky posted a response on the Internet, in which the censored words were mainly: “Lolita, aren’t you ashamed?!”

Lolita was offended and ran to complain to the general director of NTV Kulistikov, Pavel was called “from the very top” and demanded to apologize...

Pyatnitsky says that at that moment he was ready to take a gun and shoot off the head of everyone who slandered his family and did not allow him to answer, despite the height of the offices.

...For fear of incurring the wrath of an expressive person, I will risk writing here that he nevertheless used administrative resources. An ordinary person cannot go to see a deputy from Chechnya: I really wanted to once, but I couldn’t. AND ordinary person cannot dismiss the FSKN “Grom” special forces fighters by organizing service check, which will establish that they, using uniforms and certificates, provided protection for E. Kravtsova for money, thereby causing damage to the reputation and authority of the drug control authorities (the document is in the possession of “KP”; for the remaining statements about “orders”, refusals to initiate criminal cases were issued, therefore, we only report Pavel’s opinion about why they wanted to kill him, but we do not report who exactly - Ed.). And certainly an ordinary person cannot convince the Moscow prosecutor to take personal control of the case if he believes that the investigator is conducting the investigation in the wrong way, forges the signature of the victim and is inclined to the defense version: “Two people fought in the entrance, and the girl herself ran into a knife five times.” ...

The question is, who then is Sergei Lyubomsky, if he needs to be opposed to such powers?

Read another version in the next issue of KP and on our website.

Candidate from non-profit organization

Organization: All-Russian youth public organization "Russian Sports Youth Union"

Area of ​​activity: Development of public diplomacy, popularization of Russian values ​​and support of compatriots abroad

Head of the Federal Project on Combating Corruption and Abuse of Power

Member of the Presidium of the all-Russian public organization "OFFICERS OF RUSSIA"

Supporter of the All-Russian Popular Front.

Expert of the project "SOBE RUSSIA"

I am married, raising a son with my wife.

from 1996 to 1999 - freelance correspondent in regional newspapers of the Novosibirsk region. The material “Everyone has their own assessment”, revealing health problems, took first place in the Novosibirsk regional journalist competition “Journalina - 98”

from 2002 to 2003 - assistant to a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for work in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (Administration of the Novosibirsk Region). He stood at the origins of the development of the Youth Parliament of the Novosibirsk region and youth parliamentarism in Russia in general.

from 2002 to 2011 - work in the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia and State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (LDPR faction) in various positions. In 2012, he left the ranks of the LDPR due to disagreement with the regional policy of the party and the decisions of the Supreme Council. Currently non-partisan.

Since 2005, I have been cooperating with the Board of Trustees of the Moscow Cadet Corps of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

from 2009 to 2011 - was a member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. As part of his work, he regularly checked, around the clock, the rights of citizens by police officers, and also defended the rights of honest police officers in cases where they were violated by citizens or senior management.

since 2013 - Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Public Monitoring Commission for monitoring the provision of human rights in places of forced detention and assistance to persons in places of forced detention

Hobbies: reading, poetry, karaoke, collecting antiques, active recreation

Contacts: e-mail: [email protected]

The purpose of the all-Russian youth public organization "Russian Youth Sports Union" (RosMolSport) is to unite citizens and public associations to promote the process of healthy physical formation, moral and patriotic education of the younger generation in the Russian Federation, strengthening and promoting traditional Russian values, as well as the realization of human potential in public sphere to protect our rights and legitimate interests, Carrying out sports, social and other events at the international level and the development of the individual in general.

As part of the Federal Project to Combat Corruption and Abuse of Power, we collect information about the corruption interests of certain officials, which are transmitted to the competent authorities. The result is not what we would like - but it is there. Thieving officials are removed from their positions, some are imprisoned. Civil society and public diplomacy are not empty words. But in order for words to turn into deeds, we, each of us, need to be principled, tough somewhere and go to the end


Public diplomacy is increasingly being talked about as an important foreign policy tool that Russia either does not have or does not work. In reality, public diplomacy is a long-term tool that rarely achieves what is desired in a particular situation, but creates a favorable climate for foreign policy as a whole.

It is important to understand that when talking about public diplomacy, we are talking specifically about public diplomacy as a system of interaction with foreign societies for political purposes, while the term “public diplomacy” should be understood either as its synonym or as one of the subdirections . Limiting public diplomacy to the dialogue of non-profit organizations is both a semantic and, potentially, political mistake.

In our country, public diplomacy is most often mentioned in the context of solving a variety of foreign policy problems, united only by the fact that today they are not being solved. A systematic understanding of the role of public diplomacy in Russian foreign policy is necessary.

Previously, scientists formulated the concept of “soft power” as the ability to get what you want from others through attractiveness, rather than violence or bribery. In our Russian language, the term “soft power” has been translated differently at different times – as “soft power”, “flexible power”, etc. Nowadays the most common translation is “soft power”.

In February 2012, in an article entitled “Russia and the Changing World,” our President Vladimir Putin described “soft power” as “a set of tools and methods for achieving foreign policy goals without the use of weapons, but through information and other levers of influence.” This formulation is closer to me and I am sure it is more acceptable for us - citizens of Russia.

The soft power of a state in the international arena is similar to a person's reputation in society: by expressing a respectable point of view and acting accordingly, one can become more attractive and authoritative. A person or institution with attractiveness and authority will be more likely to be perceived and heard in controversial situation. On the contrary, a negative reputation will negatively affect even the correct point of view. If the goal of developing the armed forces is to ensure the security of the nation, then the goal of public diplomacy is to increase the potential of the country’s “soft power”.

Speaking to representatives of the Russian diplomatic corps, V. Putin stated: “... the image of Russia abroad is not formed by us, so it is often distorted and does not reflect the real situation ... in our country,” and demanded to change the situation. However, so far the situation has not changed dramatically. I am sure that it is up to me, including the members of the Public Chamber of Russia, to follow the course set by the President.

In particular, members of the Public Chamber, in my opinion, must perform two priority tasks:

  • informing the foreign public about the position of Russian society on certain foreign policy decisions taken by our authorities;
  • receiving feedback from the foreign public and counter-argumentation to statements that do not correspond to reality;

So, today the politicians and expert community of Russia are faced with the task of coming to a common understanding of the content, goals and capabilities of public diplomacy. The next step will be to develop a comprehensive strategy based on this common understanding, adapt existing and create new mechanisms, as well as systems for assessing their effectiveness. The current Russian situation is not unique. It is only important to correctly use the accumulated domestic and foreign practical experience.


Many of our fellow citizens or citizens of the former USSR, who by the will of fate remained outside our country, are deprived of support and protection of their rights. At the last World Congress of Compatriots in Moscow in 2009, representatives of Russian diasporas abroad made requests and wishes to the leadership of our country on the issue of providing support and protection of their rights. Through Rossotrudnichestvo, 74 cultural centers have been opened, which are “foci” of Russian culture abroad. However, only specialists of a narrow profile are aware of their activities, and interaction with public organizations that are ready to take an active part in this work has been established to be insufficient.

The main task is to protect the right of our compatriots to use their native language. To do this, it is necessary to rely on the capabilities of human rights organizations, country councils of compatriots and the World Coordination Council of compatriots. I am confident that this will be realized.

By helping everyone protect their rights, we must help them become an organized part of civil society in their countries of residence. And from the position of equal citizens, to achieve effective enforcement of their rights on their own in certain states. Now this is hampered by disunity and lack of political, legal, moral and, at times, material support.

If necessary and desired by our former fellow citizens, assistance in voluntary resettlement to the Russian Federation, which, by the way, is one of the priority areas for improving the migration policy of the Russian Federation. Such work will contribute to the socio-economic development of Russia, which is impossible without a fundamental change in the demographic situation, which is currently characterized by an outflow of population from territories that are strategically important for Russia, and a reduction in the total population, including the working age population.


Unfortunately, after the collapse of the USSR, many of our fellow citizens began to perceive the word “value” only from the material side. This, personally, is how I explain the decline in the spiritual, moral and patriotic development of our fellow citizens. In the difficult 90s and 00s, we all had to survive. And they all did it the best they could.

Now, when the state is implementing a number of programs aimed at improving the health of the nation, strengthening, incl. spiritual and religious development, we, active representatives of civil society, need to concentrate our efforts on popularizing traditional Russian values.

Patriotic, historical, cultural, spiritual and moral education of children and youth, promotion of family values, protection of motherhood and childhood - all this is the pillars of civil and statist education not just for residents, but for the Citizens of our country.

A number of programs and projects implemented by public organizations independently, as well as with financial and other support from the state, are insufficient, since they are often carried out superficially and in one stage by the organizers. The essence of this work, in my opinion, is systematic and long-term two or three-party cooperation with active citizens of Russia, government and business representatives.

It is very unpleasant to see when, in video interviews organized by one of the famous comedians, young citizens of our country say with confidence that Rimsky and Korsakov are two different people, Marshal Zhukov was a comrade-in-arms of Lenin, and before the Russian Federation our country was called Russia. This only shows how much all of us, each of us, do not care about how and what those who walk in parks, clubs and squares today live, and tomorrow will work in the authorities state power, serve in Russian Army, manage production, treat us and our children, develop the economy and participate in other areas of our lives.

I am convinced that only a caring approach to the promotion, development and strengthening of the traditional Russian values ​​I have outlined can give our country a powerful impetus for development.


If you support me and elect me to the Public Chamber, I will also continue to work on the program settings of RosMolSport

Organization of promotion of a healthy lifestyle, physical culture and sports;

Promotion of initiatives aimed at intellectual, spiritual, physical development youth;

Promoting the development of mass children's and youth sports through the development of children's and teenagers' sports clubs at their place of residence, the organization of mass competitions among children and youth in various types sports;

Increasing the level of physical education of young people by involving them in systematic physical education and sports;

Organization of summer sports, recreational and labor camps in the prescribed manner;

Participation in the Russian sports movement;

Organization of mutual cooperation between public organizations in sports activities;

Supporting Russian coaches and teaching staff in the field of sports, creating conditions for the development of professional qualities of young instructors, teachers and trainers, facilitating the training and retraining of coaches in various sports;

Organization of charity events in support of low-income families and sick children;

Assistance in carrying out preventive work to prevent crime among children and adolescents;

Assistance in carrying out preventive work to prevent extremism and terrorism among young people;

Assistance government agencies and public organizations to curb the spread of drug addiction;

Assistance in moral and physical training youth to serve in the armed forces, Federal Service Security of the Russian Federation;

Assistance in patriotic education youth by holding historical and patriotic events, studying the history of the Fatherland, organizing meetings between youth and veterans of the Great Patriotic War, participants in local wars, veterans of the FSB;

Providing moral and other support to military personnel serving in hot spots of the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States;

Providing assistance in psychological assistance to young people who find themselves in difficult life situations;

Assistance in carrying out actions with all interested organizations in support of the development of civil society institutions;

Representation and protection of the legitimate interests of the Organization and its members in government and public structures, as well as in relations with non-governmental organizations;

Participation in international educational, sports, scientific and cultural projects.

Support for compatriots abroad, incl. in matters of sports development

Implementation of international projects


I ask you to support my candidacy and vote for me. I will work for each of you honestly, openly and with maximum efficiency. I hope that the new composition of the Public Chamber will be really efficient and that when I am elected to the chamber, I will make every effort to do so.

Questions for the candidate

Information about the candidate and information about the all-Russian public association and other non-profit organization posted on the website were provided by the candidate for membership of the OPRF and the relevant organization.

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