Lieutenant Colonel Chudinov with his family who killed him. The family of a special forces soldier was shot by a serial killer (photo). Information from Novaya Gazeta

Graduated from Moscow State University them. M. V. Lomonosov. Works at IBCh RAS since 2000. He defended his candidate's (2003) and doctoral (2011) dissertations on the development and application of genetically encoded fluorescent tools. Since 2011, he has headed the Laboratory of Genomics of Adaptive Immunity at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences.


Awards and merits

1. Medal Russian Academy Sciences with a prize for young scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2005

2. Medal of the European Academy of Sciences, 2006

3. Laureate of the program "Outstanding Scientists. Candidates and Doctors of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences", 2006-2007, 2008-2009.

4. First degree diploma from MAIK for the best publication in the journal “Bioorganic Chemistry” for 2008.

5. Prize of the MAIK “Science/Interperiodics” competition for the best publication in biological sciences for 2008.

6. Diploma for the best publication in journals of the Russian Academy of Sciences for 2008.

7. II degree diploma from MAIK for the best publication in the journal “Bioorganic Chemistry” for 2011.

8. Diploma for the best publication in journals of the Russian Academy of Sciences for 2011.

9. Diploma for the most cited publication in 2011 in the journals of the BJ Cell group.

10. President's Award Russian Federation for young scientists in the field of science and innovation for 2012

Main scientific results

He deciphered the mechanism of reversible photoactivation of fluorescence, implying cis-trans isomerization of the chromophore, and obtained a number of so-called photoactivatable proteins with a high activation contrast. The fluorescent characteristics of such proteins can change reversibly or irreversibly in response to irradiation with light of a specific wavelength, which provides unique opportunities for targeted labeling and tracking of living objects, as well as for ultra-high-resolution fluorescence microscopy technologies.

He has developed a palette of bright monomeric fluorescent proteins that fluoresce in the entire visible spectrum and allow multicolor labeling of molecules in living cells: TagBFP, TagCFP, TagGFP, TagYFP, TagRFP, as well as the far-red proteins mKate and mKate2. The TagRFP protein is the brightest monomeric red fluorescent protein developed, significantly ahead of the few available analogues, and has proven itself well in chimeric constructs with various proteins under study. The mKate2 protein is the absolute leader in brightness among monomeric far-red fluorescent proteins.

Developed bright, rapidly maturing proteins: TurboGFP, TurboYFP, TurboRFP, TurboFP602, as well as the bright far-red protein Katushka (TurboFP635). The combination of high brightness and long-wave radiation, unique for fluorescent proteins, makes it possible to effectively detect the Katyusha signal in living tissues, the permeability of which is increased in the far-red region of the spectrum. Katyusha significantly increases the sensitivity of technologies for intravital imaging of cells and tissues in intact transgenic organisms, and in the future may find its application in practical medicine.

He has obtained a number of high-contrast genetically encoded sensors based on fluorescent proteins, including calcium concentration sensors and programmed cell death sensors.

With the participation of D. M. Chudakov, the first and only genetically encoded photosensitizer KillerRed was obtained to date.

Fluorescent instruments developed by Chudakov D.M. are widely used in scientific laboratories and pharmaceutical companies.

Chudakov D.M. took part in more than 50 international conferences, in most cases as a speaker.

Under the leadership of Chudakov D.M. PhD theses were defended:

Suslova Ekaterina Andreevna, “ High-contrast genetically encoded sensors based on green fluorescent protein", 2008, majoring in Molecular Biology.

Shcherbo Dmitry Sergeevich, “ Far-red fluorescent proteins", 2010, majoring in Molecular Biology.

Putintseva Ekaterina Viktorovna, " Diversity of human T-cell receptor repertoires and its changes during aging", 2014, majoring in Molecular Biology.

Dmitry Chudakov studied at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU). Since 2000 Dr Chudakov has been working at the Shemyakin & Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBCH RAS), where he received his PhD and Doctor of Science degrees in 2003 and 2011, respectively. In 2017 he became Head of the Department of Genomics of Adaptive Immunity in IBCH RAS. Since 2013, Dmitry has also held a position of Head of the Research group Adaptive Immunity at the Central European Institute of Technology in the Czech Republic. In addition he worked at Evrogen JSC (a well-known Russian biotechnology company), and in 2016 he founded MiLaboratory LLC company that is currently a Skolkovo Innovation Center resident.

Dmitry’s research and innovation activities include, among others, development of molecular tools for the basic and biomedical studies, as well development of new methods to identify PCR and sequencing errors and analyze high-throughput sequencing data. His current focus of interest is the role of clonal T cell and B cell populations in autoimmunity and cancer, DNA technologies and software development for the quantitative analysis of individual T cell receptor and antibody repertoires in health and disease.

Dr Chudakov participated in more than 50 international conferences in more than 10 countries, mostly as a speaker. He is a holder of several patents, an author of >110 publications in peer reviewed journals, and is currently one of the most cited young biologists in Russia (h = 41). Dmitry was awarded with a number of prestigious prizes including the Presidential Prize in Science and Innovation for Young Scientists(2013). In 2016 he was awarded the title of Professor of Russian Academy of Sciences in Biology.

We work in wet lab and bioinformatics to understand the architecture of human adaptive immunity organization in health and disease, in development and aging. Our loveliest tools are high-throughput profiling of T cell receptor and antibody repertoires with the use of unique molecular identifiers (UMI), followed by advanced bioinformatics analysis.

2013 – The Presidential Prize in Science and Innovation for Young Scientists

2011 – Most cited publication in BJ Cell group, Paper of the Year 2011

2011 – Award for the best publication in journals of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2010 – Award for the best publication in the Russian journal “Bioorganic chemistry”

2008 – Award for the best publication in journals of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2007 – Award for the best publication in the Russian journal “Bioorganic chemistry”

2005 – Award of the Russian Academy of Sciences for young scientists

2006-2007 – Outstanding scientists award, Russian Academy of Sciences

2006 – Award of the European Academy of Sciences

  • Immunology

Number of ECTS credits: 6

Course Classification: Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Data Science, Computational and Data Science and Engineering

Course description:

The purpose of this course is to lay the foundation for understanding the principles of the human/mammalian immune system functioning. Such a basis is necessary for further professional growth either in the field of fundamental immunology or applied research and development in medical immunology and oncology. This course will also be important for those who want to professionalize in medical practice, pharmaceutical industry, epidemiology and health services management, engineering and business in the field of biomedicine.

The course is focused on the human immune system. The main medical aspects related to the functioning of the immune system will be considered, such as: autoimmune diseases, allergies, tumor-immune system interactions, immunotherapy, vaccinations and transplantation. Particular attention will be paid to the adaptive part of the immune system and immunogenomics: application of the new sequencing technologies and associated computational data analysis approaches to the study of the antibody and T-cell receptor repertoires in health and disease.

The course is designed for students of different biomedical background. The necessary foundation will be given in the form of lectures. Independent work of students, mainly in the form of presentations aimed to dissect the particular immunological questions at the seminars, will be differentiated in compliance with individual background.

A workshop in applied bioinformatics is included within the course. In a few hours of guided and independent work it will cover the data analysis of immune receptor high-throughput sequencing.

Basic knowledge of molecular and cell biology is highly desirable. However, we will try to make the course interesting for the purely computational people as well.

Full name: Chudakov Dmitry Mikhailovich

Position(s): Associate Professor

Disciplines taught: Immunology

Academic degree: Doctor of Biological Sciences, IBCh RAS, 2011

Name of area of ​​training and/or specialty: Molecular biology

Total work experience: 15 years

Work experience in specialty: 15 years

Well... Nobody wants to hear or publish us..
I myself will post materials to which the SOG investigating the murder of Dmitry Chudakov has no answer.
1 SOG did not check all Saigas, and therefore did not find a Saiga with 100% similarity, or
proved that such a Saiga cannot exist.
2 Serenko’s alibi has not been refuted (it is simply not accepted, without evidence)
3 The exact departure time and date (from the sanatorium) have not been established.
4 The family’s path from the sanatorium to the medical center was not tracked
5 Many questions about billing
6 A lot of questions about the medical examination (different times of death, bodily injuries, Sasha’s medical examination??, sperm, photos of washed bodies, etc.)
7 Accomplices have not been identified, their number, gender
8 The number of criminals for each episode has not been established
9 The number of guns and knives for each episode has not been established
10 Unexpected filming of an episode about a drug cop (what about the episode?) with the “removal” of a large number of documents from the police department
11 Obvious fraud during the examination of wad containers (change in format, angle, mismatch of ALL grooves on the samples, etc.)
12 The lie of the prostitute witness who identified Serenko, which is impossible in those conditions (night, distance, from behind, didn’t know before, etc.)
13 Violations of the regime of Serenko’s detention in a pre-trial detention center (Noev and his provocation, beatings)
14 No traces of blood were found in Serenko’s cars (impossible to destroy)
15 The fact of purchasing such a number of cartridges that were used in the murders has not been established
16 The polygraph examination was carried out by an individual entrepreneur (who chose him, why? there is no employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with clearance?)
17 Nothing stolen was found
18 It is not established where they were killed (if in the car, where is there a large scattering of glass on the seats, holes from pellets, little blood, dirt on the bodies and clothes, drag marks on the MP, Irina’s clothes? traces of beatings, etc.)
19 Attempt to violate the legal rights of V.A. (ignoring, neglect, deception)
20 There is not a single 100% proof of Serenko’s presence in at least one of the MPs
21Not processed at all for the burnt down cafe
22 Return of material evidence before the trial, namely the car, which could have clarified a lot during a second examination. The knives found at the MP were also returned.
23 Violations of the legal rights of relatives, friends, witnesses by Alexey S.
(threats, insults, damage to property, illegal seizure of property)
24 When did the family buy a laptop and for what purposes?
25 Who serviced their laptop?
26 The pathologist's conclusion about the time of meal and what exactly was consumed by all family members?
27 Clarification of the time of departure from the sanatorium?
28 Who did Dima come into contact with at the sanatorium?
29 Reasons for vacation?
30 How was the ticket to the sanatorium issued?
31 Who recalled from vacation and for what reasons?
32 Temperature of the cooling engine of the car?
33 Remaining gasoline in the tank?
34 Someone already wrote "bladder content"
35 And the atlas was planted to explain to investigators the reason for stopping the car. Check the signs on the road. There is a stencil nearby indicating the road to MOSCOW and VORONEZH
36 The lights and parking lights were turned off, why?
37 Kamaz driver on the side of the road, punch the license plates. Is he a direct witness, if not an accomplice?
38 50 km from the MP, the Shakhtinsky traffic police post, ask them for data from the flow system.... What if?
39 They wrote a long time ago that there were witnesses in the cafe and they saw that at the moment of the shots
4 cars were parked, and after the shots they immediately left.
40 If possible, please provide more details about the cleaning lady’s testimony, data from which gas station and which kilometer from the resting place. And about Terminator 21-46
41 The Sosnovoy watchman didn’t see the car?
42 And for the rest, there should be extracts from the Potok system. But they are not there. Why? The Potok system is installed both at stationary posts and mobile ones (for traffic police vehicles).
43 “Investigative experiment with Serenko” How could he do it all alone?
44 The Kalachevs did not familiarize themselves with the M.U.D. !!! (refusal obtained by deception)
45 All other victims were not familiar with the MUD
46 Situational assessment?
47 There is no data from the gas station in the UD. There is also no elaboration by the operas of the route followed by Dmitry Chudakov and his family
48 Sazonov’s murder is of a contract nature (according to the survivor Vasilyeva, they asked him “What else is not enough for you?”) Vasilyeva did not identify Serenko.
49 Anna Klinkevich, a sniper from Chechnya, was ex-girlfriend Sazonova. Thoroughly check how revenge.
50 4 wads for shot and 4 bottoms from the wad-container where?
51 The nature of the girl’s stab wounds? (at least two types of different blades were used)
52. Time to approach and leave the MP.?
53 The traffic police car that was spinning on the MP was not installed
54 An OPV notice with a copy was found on the floor of the car
Protocol on administrative violation of the Military Security Forces DA 001312 addressed to Dmitry Chudakov, born 74.
55 Why is there no description of shots in the driver’s seat on both sides in the Car Examination?
55 Why is there such a trail of blood from the driver’s seat belt? Why was it washed away during the MP inspection?
56. Why did they erect a monument on the grave so quickly, pouring a huge amount of concrete (after 3 months) without coordinating this with the parents of the murdered?
Location of the incident:

Scheme with MP. Note the drag marks. What did they drag to the car????

A few lines from Dmitry's Mother from various forums
“They wanted to kill them even when they went on vacation. The daughter-in-law called Mom, but they didn’t expect us here. And our last name is not there and the room was not prepared... They didn’t stop anywhere, they just swapped places, Irina drove the car well. And suddenly they killed them place. THAT'S WHY NO ONE SEEN THEIR CAR. They loaded it into the truck, REMEMBER THAT TRUCKER WHO CHANGED THE WHEEL HE STANDED THERE FOR A LONG TIME. They still haven't found the truck or the driver, but control shots were fired at the place where they threw it to me. said that it was as if they had placed the car on top. Well, then they scattered things, imitating a robbery. Know the customer and worry, until I’m alive you will have no peace on earth, you took away the most precious thing from me, children and grandchildren that I have seen, they don’t live with this, but I will try and wait until they find you and your thugs you hired. Come and repent before it’s too late, because your sin will fall on your children and parents, the Lord will put everything in its place..."

“Don’t get me wrong, I believed the investigation for a whole year, I thought they were still looking for the real killers, but this guy was arrested so that the killers would relax... and when I realized that they were not going to look for anyone and my questions remained unanswered , I immediately told Pavlov that I would not allow the investigation with one suspect to be closed, and when I also saw a photo with beatings and cuts on the boy’s legs, which were not described in the SAM, it turns out that someone was being taken out of harm’s way... I wrote earlier, that I have photographs of the faces of the children lying in the coffin and all the bruises and abrasions are visible there, if I live to see the trial, I will find that temple and that priest who performed the funeral service for the children and he saw it all closest to everyone, since you don’t believe me.”

“You really don’t see the compression of both hands, there were bruises on the left side of the neck and cheekbone, a dent below the knee of the left leg, knocked out teeth, a broken jaw, bruises and abrasions on the hands... during his life he entered into the last battle with non-humans for his wife, for small children... my heart bleeds... and all this in front of my son... animals... I am convinced Dima left the Sosnovy sanatorium on July 6 at 17-00, before that he withdrew the last thousand from the card for gasoline, filled up for 500 rubles, and the remaining 500 were in the glove compartment. The first investigators who visited my house, I won’t name his last name, said that Dima had left the sanatorium a day earlier with the words... we’ve already told you a lot than necessary, at the same time I have a witness, a neighbor Fedorenko N.I., she will come to the trial and say about it... AND I AM ALSO ASKING FOR HELP to find the killers of my children, the governor of N. Novgorod Shantsev V.P., all the security forces, personally the commander of the special forces Geraskina D.V. military general Kladnitsky I.I. whom my son called "dad" and his fighting friends, who really stand for each other through thick and thin, join the investigation, help his mother find these animals...Andrey, please do not delete my post with respect Valentina Alekseevna"

A small digression from the topic...

The investigation is looking for a bloody trail in this high-profile case, which shook the whole country last year [photo + video]

As previously promised by representatives of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, repeated investigations of criminal cases that may be related to the Tsapkov brigade have begun. Among them is the brutal murder of the family of Nizhny Novgorod special forces soldier Dmitry Chudakov, which occurred in July last year near Rostov on the Don federal highway, when the officer, his wife and two children (11-year-old Veronica and 7-year-old Sasha) were returning from vacation from the Black Sea coast.

Let us remind you that the “fifteenth” with the torn bodies of four people was found on the morning of July 8 on the side of the road before entering the village of Rassvet, which is located 10 km from Rostov.

Photo: from the editorial archive

The police officers who arrived at the scene of the emergency gasped when they opened the car: the interior was splattered with blood, there was a man in the driver’s seat, and a woman next to him. And in the back are two small children who were not spared by the monsters who carried out this massacre... As experts said, the attackers, apparently, were a few meters from the car, shooting through the windshield. The lieutenant colonel and his son were killed with shots to the head, and his wife and daughter were finished off with knives (the latter was wounded 37 times, which is exactly how many awards Lieutenant Colonel Chudakov had). And as they were leaving, the animals set the car on fire, but for some reason the fire went out.

Some time later, 26-year-old Alexey Serenko, who worked as a security guard at the Almaz market, was detained on suspicion of murder and brought a Saiga-410 carbine for re-registration, from which the shots were allegedly fired. This became the main evidence. However, as ballists explain, the percentage of error in such an expert assessment is approximately one percent out of a hundred. But no matter how small the error is, it still exists. But the arrested person never admitted his guilt during this time.

Just before the murder, not far from Kushchevskaya, there was a fight on the side of the highway near the sunflower fields that belonged to Artex-Agro, - one local resident told KP. “As friends who saw this happening said, a car stopped there and a young family got out. The children ran to the field and picked several heads of sunflowers. And as luck would have it, the Tsapkovskys drove by. They stopped and began to say something harsh to these people. They almost began to take away these sunflowers. The head of the family, such a strong man, did not tolerate attacks from impudent people, and answered. Word for word, they fought. But the man, apparently well trained, dashed them around and gave them a good kick. They went home, saying that they would find him again. And he answered them: we, they say, in the special forces have seen nothing like this, we fought, we know! So you can’t take it out of fear. And they left.

What happened next remains to be sorted out by this thread, planted completely by accident by local residents, for the investigation.

However, as our sources from law enforcement agencies note, such revenge is quite in the spirit of the Tsapkov brigade. The Chudakovs’ car could have been tracked on the way to Rostov (this is only 70 km from the village), and then dealt with in a deserted place.

[email protected]


Mother of killed special forces soldier Dmitry Chudakov: “If I didn’t die after experiencing such grief, then I must achieve the truth”

The woman is sure that the Kushchevsky bandits received the order to kill her son’s family.

On Monday, November 22, Valentina Alekseevna specially came from Nizhny Novgorod to the Krasnodar region to personally talk with the acting Investigative Committee of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin. However, I was only able to meet with Vladimir Vasiliev, Chairman of the Security Committee State Duma. The mother of the special forces soldier insists on conducting an independent investigation and ordering a new examination; Valentina Chudakova does not particularly trust the results of the official investigation.

This is probably not normal, - says Valentina Chudakova, - but the brother of the suspect in the murder of my children and grandchildren and I were united by a common misfortune. Vladimir Kabak (brother of Alexei Serenko - author's note) intends to prove his brother's innocence, I intend to find the real criminals. If I didn’t die and experienced such grief, then I must achieve the truth.

Valentina Alekseevna is sure that her relatives became victims of a contract crime, and not a random attack by bandits. In particular, according to her, Dmitry had traces of handcuffs on his hands, six teeth were knocked out, his pectoral cross was missing, and there were traces of dragging at the place where the dead were found. At the same time, in the car itself, where the baby was brutally slaughtered, there are very few traces of blood.

It feels like they were killed in another place, and they were brought there, then they fired control shots, - continues Valentina. - They threw an atlas on Dima’s lap; the attack allegedly occurred when he stopped to rest and check the road. Why would he do this if there was a navigator in the car? And his wife Irina, an excellent driver, always replaced him when he got tired?! I asked the investigation a hundred questions, but received no answers.

Brother of murder suspect Dmitry Chudakov: “The person who killed the kids must either go crazy or repeat the crime; like a vampire, he needs blood”

The brother of the suspect in the murder of Dmitry Chudakov, Vladimir Kabak, specially stayed in Kushchevskaya for several days to find out the truth about Sergei Tsapok’s gang.

People say that bandits attacked the cars of those traveling towards the Black Sea or back - says Vladimir. - For example, there was a case when one policeman “dared” to overtake the car, it seems, of the Gurov brothers (they were detained and are giving evidence - ed.). The boys caught up with him at a gas station and put a gun to his head. Other vacationers, whose children picked corn in the field, were demanded 10 thousand rubles for an ear of corn. I calculated that if Dmitry left Tuapse with a full tank of gasoline, he should have stopped at a gas station in the Kushchevskaya area!

You know, after my brother was detained, I waited for the killers of the Chudakovs’ spouses and children to reveal themselves. As I think: the person who killed the kids must either go crazy or repeat the crime; like a vampire, he needs blood. When I heard about the murder of 12 people in the village of Kushchevskaya and the involvement in it of a gangster group operating in the Rostov region and Krasnodar region, I immediately thought - isn’t it them? Therefore, I went to Kushchevka to conduct my own investigation. Now I am sure of the involvement of Tsapkov’s bandits in the murder of the Chudakov family.

But if this is true, another question arises: who ordered the brutal murder of special forces soldier Dmitry Chudakov, who was also awarded the Order of Courage in one of the Chechen companies? The lieutenant colonel's mother is sure that he could not let a stranger get close.

Push. Wow turn signal!

While for this crime, 26-year-old resident of Aksay Alexey Serenko spent about two years in a pre-trial detention center, and later the brutal murder was attributed to the Tsapka gang

Four years later, law enforcement officers seem to have managed to detain the true killers of 34-year-old Nizhny Novgorod special forces soldier Dmitry Chudakov and his family, who were returning in their car from a vacation at sea in July 2009. A police lieutenant colonel, his 33-year-old wife and first-grader son were shot point-blank with buckshot from a hunting rifle, and their 11-year-old daughter died from 37 stab wounds. According to investigators, the Chudakovs were dealt with by a family gang, which included women and a teenage girl. The Don Amazons may have 15 victims, five of whom are police officers.

It was possible to detain the gang members thanks to the vigilance of private security officers. Their attention was attracted by a GAZelle driving through a forest belt early in the morning with dim headlights.

The day before it became known that unknown persons broke into private house in the city of Aksai. After killing the spouses, they stole gold jewelry, three bottles of champagne, and vodka. The criminals also did not disdain to remove chicken legs from the refrigerator.

The private security patrol, which received instructions to search for the car, stopped the GAZelle. 29-year-old group leader Ivan Shakhovoy tried to find out from the driver why they were not moving along the highway, but along a difficult forest road? After which the man sitting behind the wheel shot at the guard from a machine gun that was hidden under his jacket.

Shakhovoy’s partner, policeman of the detention group of the OVO for the Aksai district of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Rostov Region, Alexey Lagoda, fired back and was wounded in the arm. Having left the line of fire, he managed to call for reinforcements.

Within a few minutes, traffic police officers and a private security patrol arrived at the crime scene. A man and a woman jumped out of the car and tried to escape on a scooter. A shootout ensued. One of the criminals was killed and his passenger was wounded. Now the raider is testifying. She turned out to be only 25 years old. She hunted with her 35-year-old stepfather, 45-year-old mother and 13-year-old sister. Now they are also detained.

As the acting head of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Rostov region Stanislav Kovalev said, “during the arrest, sufficient evidence was found in the car of the involvement of these persons in the commission of a number of high-profile crimes that are well known.”

As the investigation found out, the “gang of Amazons,” as they were dubbed in the Rostov region, operated for ten years. They came to rob and kill in the Rostov region from the neighboring Stavropol Territory. They operated mainly in the Aksai region. As law enforcement officers now assume, in Aksai the bandits lived with a relative, a traffic police officer, who was the spotter. He is also detained.

The “guest performers” may have 15 victims, including the head of the department information security State Drug Control Service Mikhail Zlydnev and his wife Tatyana, who were brutally murdered in their own home in Aksai on February 17, 2008. Moreover, the criminals finished off their victims with knives. The prey of the criminals was a women's sheepskin coat, a men's jacket and a TV tuner.

MK Help: July 17, 2008 in the Aksai region on the side of the federal highway "Don" a body was found in a foreign car young man and a seriously wounded girl. Rostov residents Alexey Sazonov and Yulia Vasilyeva were shot from Saiga. Unknown persons stole a harness from driver's license, passport and woman's handbag. Later, Yulia, who became disabled and cannot walk, told what she heard female voice, who shouted: “Finish her!”

March 10, 2009 on the outskirts of Novocherkassk, criminals broke into a house and brutally dealt with an elderly man and his daughter-in-law. They were also shot at with Saiga guns, and then finished off the victims with a knife. The killers took the passports of the victims, a laptop, a camera, a video camera, women's boots, a sheepskin coat and a men's jacket. Eyewitnesses also noted that a woman was among the attackers.

September 19, 2012 in Novocherkassk, private security officers who arrived at the dental clinic where the alarm went off were killed. The criminals took the police's service weapons - a machine gun and two pistols.

November 29, 2012 In Novocherkassk, a car was found with the body of 43-year-old Vadim Lozhkov. A man was chasing burglars who broke into his house. He was shot from a weapon stolen from private security officers. There was again a woman among the robbers.

March 16, 2013 in Aksai, 43-year-old traffic inspector Nikolai Kutsekon left his apartment on the street to check why his car alarm had gone off. He saw suspicious people hanging around the car and tried to detain them, but was mortally wounded.

April 8, 2013 in Novocherkassk, on the outskirts of the city, next to a grocery store, the car of private security company employees who came to check why the alarm went off was shot up. The wounded driver Nikolai Korsunov was able to leave, and his 43-year-old partner Yuri Statsenko died in the hospital. They were shot from weapons stolen from private security officers.

April 24, 2013 in the Aksai region, traffic inspector Andrei Yurin, who lived in a private house in the Maly Mishkin farm, decided to move his car late in the evening. When he came out, unknown people shot him point-blank. The robbers tried to break into the house, but the door was closed, and the policeman's wife and child were hiding there. The attackers retreated without taking anything.

Now the “Amazons” are also suspected of a monstrous massacre of the family of Nizhny Novgorod special forces commander Dmitry Chudakov. His fifteenth model Zhiguli with bullet holes in the windows was found early in the morning of July 8, 2009, on the side of the M-4 Don highway, 10 kilometers from Rostov-on-Don. Inside were the bodies of a special forces soldier, his wife and two children. It was possible to establish that the “tag” was shot from both sides with a Saiga. Then the woman and children were finished off with knives.

The lieutenant colonel went through two Chechen wars, traveled to nine times business trips to a troubled region, the investigation suggested that the murder of the family could be revenge of the militants. But the belongings of the victims were found next to the car. Vacationers could become victims of robbery.

Later, near the crime scene, knives with engravings were found: “to my beloved Amazon”, “my favorite bandit”. However, then the investigators for some reason considered that they had nothing to do with the case.

On suspicion of murdering the Chudakov family, Alexey Serenko, a resident of the city of Aksay in the Rostov region, was detained; during a search of his home, a similar carbine was found. This became the main evidence. He spent a year and 11 months in the pre-trial detention center, and was released on his own recognizance after the prosecutor of the Rostov region Valery Kuznetsov returned him to investigative committee Russia has a criminal case about a number of murders, including the shooting of the family of the commander of the Nizhny Novgorod SOBR Chudakov.

After another brutal murder that occurred in the village of Kushchevskaya in the Kuban, when the corpses of 12 people mutilated with knives (including four children) were found in the house of local farmer Server Ametov, information appeared that the massacre of the Chudakovs could have been carried out by “brothers” from Tsapkovskaya brigades. Allegedly, this crime was pointed out by one of the bandits, Vitaly Ivanov, who later hanged himself in a prison cell.

Later, the investigation abandoned this version.

And only now, finally, the “Don Amazons” surfaced. However, the police do not rule out that the detained robbers had other accomplices who remain at large.