What are the state symbols of the Russian Federation. State symbols of the Russian Federation. Several variants of the coat of arms are allowed

Is the official state symbol Russian Federation. The legal status and rules for using the Russian flag are determined by the Federal Constitutional Law “On the State Flag of the Russian Federation” of December 25, 2000.

The flag is a rectangular panel of three equal horizontal stripes: the top is white, the middle is blue and the bottom is red. The ratio of the flag's length to its width is 2:3.

There is no official interpretation of the meaning of the colors of the Russian flag. There are only subjective versions.

The Russian flag appeared along with the first Russian warships and until the 19th century remained primarily part of naval culture. The beginning of the use of the Russian white-blue-red flag on land is associated with geographical discoveries Russian sailors.

The spread of the state white-blue-red flag was slowed down in 1858, when the Arms Department of the Heraldry Department of the Governing Senate took the initiative to change the Russian national flag.

Over the course of almost a century and a half, the flag was changed many times. In November 1990, a government commission to develop new state symbols decided to return the white-blue-red flag with more than 300 years of history.

The national flag of the Russian Federation is raised constantly on the buildings of: the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Government of the Russian Federation, Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, General Prosecutor's Office RF, Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, the residence of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.

The state flag of the Russian Federation is raised constantly (alone or together with the corresponding flags) on buildings federal bodies executive branch, at the residences of plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts, as well as on organ buildings state power subjects of the Russian Federation.

The national flag of the Russian Federation is hung on buildings (or raised on masts, flagpoles) of organs local government, public associations, enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, as well as residential buildings on public holidays of the Russian Federation.

The national flag is hoisted on the buildings of diplomatic missions, consular offices, residences of heads of diplomatic missions and consular offices, when this is related to the performance of these persons official duties, as well as on the buildings of other official representative offices outside the Russian Federation.

The national flag of the Russian Federation is raised (installed) during official ceremonies and other special events.

The state flag of the Russian Federation is raised daily in places of permanent deployment of military units and individual units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops and military formations.

The image of the State Flag of the Russian Federation can be used as an element or heraldic basis for state awards of the Russian Federation, as well as heraldic signs - emblems and flags of federal executive authorities.

The national anthem is the official state symbol of the Russian Federation. Its description and procedure for official use are established by the federal constitutional law “On the State Anthem of the Russian Federation” of December 25, 2000.

The anthem is a musical and poetic work performed in an orchestral, choral, orchestral-choral or other vocal and instrumental version. In this case, audio and video recording equipment, as well as television and radio broadcasting equipment, can be used.

The national anthem of the Russian Federation must be performed in strict accordance with the approved musical edition and text.

The draft federal constitutional law "On the State Anthem of the Russian Federation", introduced by Russian President Vladimir Putin to the State Duma on December 4, 2000, proposed music by composer Alexander Alexandrov as the melody of the anthem. This project was accepted.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2000, the text of the anthem, written by Sergei Mikhalkov, was approved.

The musical version of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation was made by the artistic director and chief conductor of the Presidential Orchestra of the Russian Federation, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, composer Pavel Ovsyannikov.
The first official performance of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation took place on December 30, 2000 at State reception in the Grand Kremlin Palace.

The national anthem of the Russian Federation is performed when the President of the Russian Federation takes office - after taking the oath of office; upon assuming office of heads of government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, heads of local government bodies; at the opening and closing of meetings of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and sessions of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; during the official ceremony of raising the State Flag of the Russian Federation and other official ceremonies; during the meeting and farewell ceremonies of heads visiting the Russian Federation on official visits foreign countries, heads of government of foreign states, official representatives of foreign states, as well as heads of interstate and intergovernmental organizations - in accordance with diplomatic protocol; during military rituals - in accordance with the general military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The national anthem of the Russian Federation may be performed at the opening of monuments and memorial signs; at the opening and closing of ceremonial meetings dedicated to public holidays of the Russian Federation; during other ceremonial events held by state bodies, local governments, as well as state and non-state organizations.

During the official performance of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation, those present listen to it standing, men without hats.

The state emblem is the official state symbol of the Russian Federation. Its description and procedure for official use are established by the Federal Constitutional Law “On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation” of December 25, 2000.

The coat of arms is a quadrangular red heraldic shield with rounded lower corners, pointed at the tip, with a golden double-headed eagle raising its spreading wings upward. The eagle is crowned with two small crowns and - above them - one large crown, connected by a ribbon. In the eagle's right paw is a scepter, in the left is an orb. On the eagle’s chest, in a red shield, is a silver rider in a blue cloak on a silver horse, striking with a silver spear a black dragon, overturned on its back and trampled by its horse.

Reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation is permitted without a heraldic shield (in the form of the main figure - a double-headed eagle with the attributes listed in Article 1 of the Federal Constitutional Law), as well as in a single-color version.

The State Emblem of the Russian Federation in a multi-color version is placed on the forms of federal constitutional laws and federal laws; decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation; resolutions of the Federation Council and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; decrees and orders of the government of the Russian Federation; decisions of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts Russian Federation. The coat of arms in a single color image is placed on the letterhead of federal executive authorities.

The coat of arms in a single-color image without a shield is placed on the letterhead of bodies, organizations and institutions under the President of the Russian Federation, bodies, organizations and institutions under the Government of the Russian Federation, federal courts, prosecutors of the Russian Federation, diplomatic missions, consular offices and other official representations of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation.

The image of the coat of arms (colored or single-color, with or without a shield, depending on the established document template) is placed on national documents issued by federal executive authorities.

The image of the coat of arms is placed on the seals of federal government bodies.

The image of the coat of arms is placed in the offices of heads of federal executive bodies.

The image of the State Emblem is placed in the offices of heads of government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in the offices of heads of municipalities; in the meeting rooms of legislative (representative), executive and judiciary state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as in the meeting rooms of representative bodies of local self-government.

The state emblem is a sign of special importance, a symbol of statehood, state power, and sovereignty of Russia. Therefore, the scope of its use by federal executive authorities is narrow, and by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government bodies of municipalities - extremely limited.

The appearance of the State Emblem should be relatively rare and, due to this, immediately focus the attention of citizens on the fact that the document depicting the coat of arms, the room in which the coat of arms is placed, the sign with the coat of arms are especially important and have national significance.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

Each state has a coat of arms, anthem and flag. These objects are called symbols of the state. They reflect in their content the history of the country and its people. The symbols of the state have a special meaning for every citizen, symbolizing the characteristics of a particular ethnic group, and also serve as a way of identifying and individualizing the country in the international arena.

State emblem

The eagle has two small crowns, and above them there is one large crown. All crowns are connected by ribbons. The eagle has a scepter in its right paw, and in its left it holds an orb. On the eagle’s chest is an image of a silver horseman, dressed in a blue cloak, riding a silver horse, who strikes a black dragon with a spear.

The coat of arms is the main symbol of any state. He is depicted on state flags and official forms, on banknotes and postage stamps. The word "coat of arms" itself translated from German language means "inheritance". In ancient times, warriors had family symbols depicted on their shields, and the shield was then passed down by inheritance. This is how the first coats of arms in history arose.

The double-headed eagle is looking west and east, since the peoples of Russia live in two simultaneously different parts light - Europe and Asia. The crown symbolizes legitimacy. The scepter and orb represent ancient symbols of power. The rider on the eagle’s chest is St. George the Victorious, who symbolizes the victory of good over evil.

National flag

Definition 2

The national flag is another symbol of any country. It fits on everyone government organizations and institutions, including diplomatic and consular ones in other countries.

The national flag of Russia is a rectangle consisting of three identical horizontal stripes: white, blue and red.

These are quite common colors of state flags: for example, on the flag of France similar stripes are drawn vertically.

The white color on the flag means peace and purity, the blue color symbolizes heaven and loyalty, the red color means courage, courage and valor.

The tricolor flag in Russia was established by the first Emperor Peter I. In those days, according to the first letters of the colors Russian flag called "besik".

This flag was used by followers of the white movement in civil war. To date, it has been approved as the official symbol of the state since 1991.

National anthem

Definition 3

The anthem is understood as the main song of the country, the main content of which, as a rule, is dedicated to the homeland and its glorification. The anthem is the same symbol of the state as a flag or coat of arms.

The term "hymn" translated from Greek language means "praiseful, solemn song." The anthem should be performed on special and solemn occasions:

  • at the opening of official meetings of government bodies;
  • at a meeting of foreign delegations,
  • when awarding medals to athletes during the Olympic Games;
  • at various parades military equipment etc.

At the moment when the anthem is played, everyone listening is supposed to stand, and the military salutes in such cases.

The current national anthem of Russia was approved in the year 2000. The words of the anthem were written by Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov. Music - Alexander Vasilievich Alexandrov.

The original motif of the anthem was created by Alexandrov in 1939 and was called the “anthem of the Bolshevik Party.”

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    The state emblem is identification mark state, its official symbol.

    The state emblem performs the same function as the name of the country, its flag and anthem - it designates the country and distinguishes it from other countries.

    State emblem of Russia

    State emblem modern Russia represents a golden double-headed eagle on a scarlet (red) background.

    The eagle is crowned with three golden crowns - symbols of the state sovereignty of our great country, in its paws are a scepter (the oldest symbol of power) and an orb (a symbol of the unity of the people).

    On the eagle’s chest is a shield, in the scarlet field of which, riding to the right for the viewer standing facing the shield, is a silver horseman in an azure (blue, blue) cloak, striking with a spear a black dragon overturned and trampled by a horse.

    At its core, the modern State Emblem of our country is the same as it was formed in the second half of the 17th (17th) century.

    There is only one change, and even a very minor one. If in the 17th (17th) century the rider on the chest of an eagle was understood as an image of the king, then today the rider on the State Emblem is not an image of the king, but simply a symbolic image that embodies the idea of ​​the triumph of good over evil.

    The rider of the State Emblem is often mistakenly called Saint George. The horseman does not have the attributes of holiness required for the image of a saint - a halo around his head or a cruciform end of a spear. In addition, according to the ancient Russian tradition, on the chest of a double-headed eagle it was always depicted not a saint, but a symbolic secular horseman.

    Sometimes the rider of the State Emblem is confused with the coat of arms of the city of Moscow. However, this is not true. The horseman of the State Emblem and the coat of arms of Moscow are similar, but have serious differences, namely:

    • in the State Emblem the rider “rides,” that is, the horse stands on three legs, and one front one is raised; in the coat of arms of Moscow - “gallops”: the horse rests on its two hind legs, both front legs are raised;
    • in the State Emblem the rider does not have a headdress - in the coat of arms of Moscow the rider's head is covered with a helmet;
    • in the State Emblem, a dragon struck by a rider is thrown over on its back and trampled by a horse - in the coat of arms of Moscow, the dragon stands on four legs and turns its head towards the rider;
    • the State Emblem depicts a secular horseman, and the coat of arms of Moscow depicts St. George.

    Use of the State Emblem of Russia

    The rules for using the State Emblem are established by the law “On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation”. According to this law, it is allowed to depict the State Emblem in color or one color; it can be depicted in full or in the form of a double-headed eagle with all attributes, but without a heraldic shield. This corresponds to the old tradition of using the Russian State Emblem.

    The rules for observing colors when depicting a coat of arms without a shield are the same as when depicting with a shield.

    The law establishes strict limits for the use of images of the State Emblem: it must be placed on buildings in which government bodies are located, in the offices of their leaders, on forms of laws and other legislative acts, letterheads state documents and seals of government organizations.

    Cases of official use of the State Emblem not provided for by law are permitted only with the permission of the President of the Russian Federation.

    The emblems of federal executive authorities - ministries and departments - are based on the State Emblem: they represent a double-headed eagle, in which some attributes (for example, a scepter and an orb in its paws, a shield on the chest) are replaced by signs indicating the profile of the ministry. Thus, the coat of arms serves as a sign indicating the state and state power.

    Russian national anthem

    The national anthem is a piece of music, a musical identification sign of the state, its official symbol.

    The national anthem performs the same function as the state emblem, state flag and name of the country - it denotes its country, distinguishes it from other countries.

    Russian national anthem

    The national anthem of the Russian Federation is a song, the music of which was written by composer A. V. Aleksandrov, and the words by poet S. V. Mikhalkov.

    The anthem has three verses, after which the chorus is sung three times.

    The anthem can be sung with or without words - both performances are of equal value. When a hymn is sung without words, only the first verse and chorus are usually heard.

    Use of the Russian National Anthem

    On formal occasions it is usually performed by a brass or symphony orchestra, and if words are used, a mixed choir will participate. But this does not exclude a different composition of musicians.

    The anthem must be heard on the most important days for the country: at the opening and closing of ceremonial meetings dedicated to public holidays, at the onset of the New Year, as well as in official situations: at the inauguration of the President of the Russian Federation, the opening of sessions and meetings of the chambers of the Federal Assembly, at the meeting of officials foreign delegations, etc.

    The law establishes cases when the anthem must be used, but it does not limit the freedom of Russian citizens to use their anthem. We can sing the anthem whenever we feel the need, when we want to emphasize that we are citizens of our country.

    National flag of Russia

    The state flag is an identification sign of the state, its official symbol.

    The state flag performs the same function as the state emblem, the national anthem and the name of the country - it designates its country and distinguishes it from other countries.

    However, there is another sign that designates the country with colors and figures - the state flag.
    Why then, in addition to the coat of arms, is a flag also needed? Because the coat of arms and the flag complement each other and each of them performs a special task.

    Coats of arms are placed on letterheads, seals, documents, publications, signs, and various objects, indicating which country they belong to.

    But when it is necessary to indicate that the state owns some large object - a sea vessel, territory, structure, when an indication of state ownership should be visible from a great distance, then the coat of arms cannot cope with this function and only a flag can perform it.

    National flag of Russia

    The national flag of Russia is a rectangular panel, the width (vertical size) and length (horizontal size) of which are correlated as 2:3, consisting of three horizontal stripes of equal width: the top - white, the middle - blue and the bottom - red.

    The dimensions of the flag are set in relative values, and this is not done by chance: the flag can be made in the most different sizes(from large, multi-meter banners raised above buildings, to small, tabletop flags several centimeters long and wide).

    The shades of the colors of the flag are not strictly established; it is important that the stripes are recognized as white, blue and red, and what shade of color is chosen (dark red or bright scarlet, dark or light blue) is not significant.

    What do the colors of our flag mean? White - denotes peace, purity, hope. Blue is the color of a cloudless, peaceful sky, fidelity and truth. Red is the color of blood, life.

    At the same time, it is fundamentally important that the stripes of the flag are always located strictly in the established order: white at the top, blue at the middle, red at the bottom.

    There are about a dozen state flags in the world, composed of stripes of white, blue and red, and only the flag whose stripes are arranged in the traditional order for Russia is the real flag of our country.

    Sometimes it happens that, due to carelessness, the Russian flag is hung upside down - so that the red stripe is at the top and the white stripe at the bottom. This is a grave mistake: such a flag is not the Russian flag, and using a flag with the wrong colors means showing disrespect to it.

    Use of the State Flag of Russia

    The procedure for using the state flag is determined by Federal Law.

    The law describes cases in which the flag must be used: it is placed on buildings in which authorities are located (the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly, the government, federal ministries and departments and their branches, authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - republics, territories, regions , autonomous districts, local governments of municipalities - cities, districts and rural settlements), in the offices of heads of government bodies, on the buildings of Russian representative offices abroad, on Russian ships and vessels.

    The Russian flag is raised every day in military units of our army.

    The flag is depicted on aircraft(airplanes and helicopters), Russian spacecraft.

    On holidays and important events, the national flag adorns the streets and squares.

    The law establishes cases when and by whom the flag must be used.

    There are three main ways flags can be used: a flag can be raised, hung (planted), or stretched.

    There are many more subtleties in the rules for using flags, the general set of which is called the flag protocol.

    When using the national flag of your country, the most important thing is to follow one single rule: remember that the flag is a symbol of each of us, and therefore you do not need to do with the flag what we would not want done to ourselves.

    State symbols of the Russian Federation is a set of symbols that reflect the traditions of the country: historical, state, patriotic, cultural and others.
    State symbols- these are the distinctive signs of the country that distinguish it in the world community. In addition, state symbols can reflect the economy, geographical location, spiritual and intellectual potential, etc. State symbols are focused on prospects and relations with other countries.

    Official Russian symbols is an expression of the country's sovereignty and its identity. The symbols of Russia reflect the multinational cultures and traditions. The symbols of the Russian Federation are the patriotic and historical value of the country.

    Symbols of the Russian Federation includes flag, coat of arms and anthem countries.

    State symbols of Russia

    Symbols of the President of Russia

    State symbols of Russia:

    National flag of Russia

    National flag The Russian Federation is the official state symbol. On December 25, 2000, the Federal Constitutional Law “On the State Flag of the Russian Federation” was adopted. It defines legal status and rules for using the Russian flag.

    The national flag of the Russian Federation is a rectangular panel of three equal horizontal stripes: the top is white, the middle is blue and the bottom is red. Currently, the following decoding is most often used Russian flag color meanings:

    • White means peace, purity, purity, perfection;
    • Blue a symbol of faith and fidelity, constancy;
    • Red symbolizes energy, strength, blood shed for the Fatherland.

    Position the flag allowed horizontally or vertically.
    The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 2:3.
    More about the flag of the Russian Federation

    Russian flag colors

    Accurate Russian flag colors not stated in the law,
    therefore, it is allowed to use any shades of blue and red.
    It is also worth noting that in Russia GOST for color palette absent.
    Although it would be most convenient to use a color palette of 4096 colors.
    The colors of the palette are universal, displayed the same and written down briefly.

    Download Russian flag

    • Russian flag

    Russian National Flag Day celebrated on August 22.
    The tricolor Russian flag was first officially raised on August 22, 1991, over the White House in Moscow.


    Year of manufacture: 2011
    Country: Russia, studio Kvart
    Genre: Symbols of Russia
    Director: Nadezhda Gerasimova
    Duration: 50min

    You will learn:
    • What is a "symbol"?
    • How the Russian one was created and changed
      symbolism over six centuries;
    • How are the interests of our state and its
      the first persons were reflected in symbolism;
    • With what events in national history
      changes in state symbols are associated.
    • Russian symbols (2011)
    • Russian symbols (2011) [youtube]

    Russian symbols. Coat of arms flag anthem (2011)
    [Watch video online]

    State emblem of Russia

    State emblem The Russian Federation is the official state symbol. On December 25, 2000, the Federal Constitutional Law “On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation” was adopted, which approved its description and procedure for official use.

    The state emblem of the Russian Federation is a quadrangular red heraldic shield with rounded lower corners, pointed at the tip, with a golden double-headed eagle raising its spreading wings upward. The eagle is crowned with two small crowns and - above them - one large crown, connected by a ribbon. In the eagle's right paw is a scepter, in the left is an orb. On the eagle’s chest, in a red shield, is a silver rider in a blue cloak on a silver horse, striking with a silver spear a black dragon, overturned on its back and trampled by its horse.

    The image of E. Ukhnalev is widely distributed. And although this illustration is attached to the law, it is not a mandatory standard. Each artist can create his own drawing according to the official description.

    More about the coat of arms of the Russian Federation look in documentary film below.

    Several options for depicting the coat of arms are allowed:


    Year of manufacture: 1997
    Country: Russia
    Genre: Symbols of Russia
    Director: Sergey Vetlin
    Duration: 51min.

    Movie Coat of arms of the Russian State represents the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Moscow Kremlin". The film tells the story of the five hundred year history of the Russian coat of arms.
    State emblem- a double-headed eagle, adopted by the Grand Duke of Moscow Ioan III as a state emblem in 1472 after his marriage to the niece of the last Byzantine Emperor Constantine XII with Sofia Fomichevna Paleolog.
    Double headed eagle was the coat of arms of the Byzantine Empire. Its appearance is associated with the legend that when, under the emperors Constantine I the Great (306-337) and Justinian I (527-565), both the Eastern and Western empires, having a headless eagle in their coats of arms, united under one scepter, the state emblem was double-headed eagle adopted.

    • Coat of arms of the Russian State (1997)

    Russian national anthem

    National anthem The Russian Federation is the official state symbol. On December 25, 2000, the Federal Constitutional Law “On the State Anthem of the Russian Federation” was adopted. The first official performance of the State Anthem of the Russian Federation took place on December 30, 2000 at the State Reception in the Grand Kremlin Palace.

    The national anthem of the Russian Federation is performed during ceremonies and other events held by government bodies. When the anthem is performed in public, those present listen to it standing, men without hats.

    The anthem is broadcast by state television and radio companies: New Year's Eve after the striking of the clock, marking the beginning of the new year; before the broadcast of the first television program on public holidays.

    More about the Russian anthem watch in the documentary below.

    Text of the Russian anthem

    Music by A. Alexandrov [December 1943]
    Words by S. Mikhalkov [December 2000]

    • Russia is our sacred power,
    • Russia is our beloved country.
    • Mighty will, great glory -
    • Your treasure for all time!
    • From the southern seas to the polar edge
    • Our forests and fields are spread out.
    • You are the only one in the world! You're the only one -
    • God-protected native land!
      • Hail, our Fatherland is free,
      • An age-old union of fraternal peoples,
      • This is the folk wisdom given by our ancestors!
      • Hail, country! We are proud of you!
    • Wide scope for dreams and for life
    • The years to come reveal to us.
    • Our loyalty to the Fatherland gives us strength.
    • So it was, so it is and so it will always be!
      • Hail, our Fatherland is free,
      • An age-old union of fraternal peoples,
      • This is the folk wisdom given by our ancestors!
      • Hail, country! We are proud of you!

    Download the Russian anthem

    • With words + without words (mp3)

    Download notes of the Russian anthem

    • Notes of the Russian anthem

    Anthem of the Russian Federation
    [Watch video online]

    State symbols of Russia. Coat of arms flag anthem (2008)

    Year of manufacture: 2008
    Country: Russia, studio Triumph
    Genre: Symbols of Russia
    Director: Pavel Medvedev
    Duration: 3 films 45 min.

    Film trilogy dedicated to the history of the creation and development of the country's state symbols. In the genre of a popular science film, the authors build a linear narrative of the thousand-year history of Orthodox Russia through the theme of heraldic succession.
    Film one " Coat of arms of Russia» is dedicated to the history of the formation of the heraldic sign from Ancient Rus' to modern Russia. Film two " Flag of Russia” talks about the formation of state flags from the 13th to the 20th century. Film three " Anthem of Russia” tells the story of the three-hundred-year history of the use of the tradition of singing hymns.
    Three films constitute a single information message. The general public is offered this manual, which combines the historical part and today's rules for using symbols. Great value films have the purpose of popularizing this knowledge in a society that is unaware of the fact that our lives are daily confronted with the embodiment of symbols in their everyday use in one form or another.

    State symbols of Russia (2008)
    [Watch video online]

    Flag of the Russian Empire

    Imperial Russian flag
    Meaning and history of origin

    Few people know, that the modern [white-blue-red] flag of Russia was copied in 1705 from the flag of Holland by Peter I [a great lover of Western culture]. We do not dispute the merits of Peter I to the Fatherland, but mistakes are common to everyone.

    Imperial Russian flag, which was replaced in 1705, personifies a deep meaning - a symbol of the victory of good over evil. White color means goodness and purity, and yellow [golden] and black [dark] colors symbolize the St. George's ribbon [victory over darkness].

    The sacred meaning of the empire flag consists in revealing the concepts of good and evil, in the harmonious connection between them:

    • Evil can lead to good, and good to evil.
    • There is no evil without good, no good without evil.
    • Where good ends, evil begins.
    • Good is the continuation of evil, evil is the continuation of good.

    St. George the Victorious is the Patron Saint of Russia, therefore the colors of the imperial Russian flag [as opposed to the modern one] were not chosen by chance. Today, the image of St. George the Victorious is even present on Russian coins, and for some reason our flag is “empty.”

    Colors of the modern flag Russia does not correspond to the colors of its modern coat of arms. For heraldry current Russian tricolor- this is simply nonsense. When the time will come, it would be logical to return the flag of the Russian Empire [white-yellow-black], under which the country achieved its greatest power.

    Important to know, that on June 11, 1858 [decree No. 33289], the imperial flag was changed [inverted] and instead of white-yellow-black, it became black-yellow-white. The inverted flag [black-yellow-white] began to represent the victory of evil over good.

    The Federal Reserve System was founded on the gold of the Russian Empire

    Not everyone who says they want to make Russia great really wants to do it.

    PR project Pseudo-Romanovs, created and funded for a specific purpose. After assuming the rights of inheritance, they must renounce all claims to the Tsar's gold, which ensures the Fed's dollar monopoly on world financial dominance.

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      • The day before Glorification of Nazi collaborators under the guise of reconciliation between Reds and Whites
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      • Irina Rodnina Nicholas II betrayed the Russian Empire
    • RIA Novosti Director Uchitel's studio was bombarded with Molotov cocktails
      • Dmitry Peskov Strongly condemned the attacks because of Matilda
    • Newspaper A UAZ full of gas cylinders crashed into a cinema
      • TVC Cinema arsonist in Yekaterinburg arrested
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      • Life What is known about the leaders of the Christian state
    • MK Sectarians in the State Duma
      • Teacher's Lawyer Taking Poklonskaya to court
      • Natalia Poklonskaya The leader of the Christian State was detained at my request
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      • Teacher's Lawyer Ridiculed Poklonskaya's statement about her role in the arrest
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      • Ministry of Internal Affairs Criminal case in connection with pressure on cinemas
      • RIA Novosti The court arrested the leader of the Christian State
      • RIA Novosti The leader of the Christian State was tried for murder and robbery
      • Anatoly Shariy About Matilda and Natalia
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    • The day before The Church betrayed the monarchy in 1917
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    Vlasovism for children at the state level (2017)
    [Watch video online]

    Symbols of the President of Russia

    Official symbols of presidential power established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 5, 1996.
    Symbols of the President of Russia this is the standard (approved in February 1994), the sign of the President,
    as well as a specially made single copy of the official text of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    Standard [flag] of the President of the Russian Federation

    Standard [flag] of the President of the Russian Federation is the main symbol of presidential power according to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 15, 1994 No. 319: On the standard (flag) of the President of the Russian Federation.

    Standard of the President of the Russian Federation It is a square panel of three equal horizontal stripes: the top is white, the middle is blue and the bottom is red (the colors of the State Flag of Russia). In the center is a golden image of the State Emblem of Russia. The panel is edged with gold fringe.

    Based on the drawing presidential standard- drawing of the so-called Tsar of Moscow. The original of this flag, under which Tsar Peter sailed near Arkhangelsk in 1963, is kept in St. Petersburg.
    On the shaft of the Standard there is a silver bracket with the engraved last name, first name and patronymic of the President of Russia and the dates of his tenure in this post. The shaft of the Standard is topped with a metal pommel in the form of a spear.

    The Standard of the President of Russia, together with the Badge of the President of Russia and a special copy of the text of the Constitution, is handed over to the newly elected President of Russia during the procedure for taking office as the President of Russia.
    After the President of Russia takes the oath of office, the Standard of the President of Russia is installed in his office, and a duplicate of the Standard is raised above the President’s residence in the Moscow Kremlin.

    Download the presidential standard

    • Standard of the President

    Badge [cross] of the President of the Russian Federation

    Badge [cross] of the President of Russia consists of a sign and a sign chain.
    The description of the symbol was approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 27, 1999 No. 906.

    Badge of the President of the Russian Federation It is an equal-armed cross made of gold with flared ends, covered with ruby ​​enamel on the front side. The distance between the ends of the cross is 60 mm. Along the edges of the cross there is a narrow convex welt. The sign is connected to the chain of the sign using a wreath of laurel branches.

    On the front side of the cross in the center there is an applied image of the State Emblem of Russia. On the reverse side of the cross in the middle is a round medallion, around the circumference of which is the motto: “Benefit, honor and glory.” In the center of the medallion is the year of manufacture - 1994. At the bottom of the medallion is an image of laurel branches.

    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 5, 1996 No. 1138 established that when the newly elected President of Russia takes office, the Badge of the President of Russia is assigned to the President of Russia as the head of state for the period of his powers by the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
    After the President of Russia takes the oath of office, the Badge of the President of Russia is kept in the Presidential residence in the Moscow Kremlin. The use of the Badge of the President of Russia is determined by the norms of the State Protocol.

    Constitution [copy] of the President of the Russian Federation

    Constitution of the President of Russia This is a specially made single copy of the official text of the Russian Constitution.

    Constitution of the President of the Russian Federation is the official symbol of presidential power according to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 5, 1996 No. 1138.
    When the newly elected President of Russia takes office, the President of Russia takes the oath on a special copy of the text of the Constitution.

    Inauguration of the President of the Russian Federation

    Inauguration of the President of the Russian Federation- a solemn ceremony of inauguration of the head of state, carried out on the 30th day after the announcement by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation of the general results of the presidential elections in Russia. In Russian legislation, the phrase “Inauguration of the President of the Russian Federation” is not used.

    Procedure for the inauguration not regulated by law. At the same time, Article 82 of the Russian Constitution determines that upon taking office, the President of Russia takes an oath to the people in a solemn atmosphere, in the presence of members of the Federation Council, deputies of the State Duma and judges of the Constitutional Court of Russia.

    Thus, given the absence of legislative prohibitions and restrictions, inauguration script can be anything, subject to mandatory presence during the oath-taking ceremony by the newly elected President of Russia.

    • Presidential Inauguration (2012)

    Text of the oath of the President of the Russian Federation

    The text of the presidential oath is enshrined in Article 82 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation,
    adopted in 1993, and consists of 33 words (including 6 conjunctions “and”):

    • I swear when exercising the powers of the President of the Russian Federation
    • respect and protect rights and freedom of man and citizen,
    • uphold and defend the Constitution Russian Federation,
    • defend sovereignty and independence, security and integrity of the state,
    • serve the people faithfully.

    Presidential Inauguration (2012)
    [Watch video online]

    Scenario for the inauguration of the President of the Russian Federation

    • People pass through the St. George and Alexander Halls to the St. Andrew's Hall soldiers of the Presidential Regiment with the State Flag of the Russian Federation, the Standard of the President of Russia, a Special copy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Badge of the President of the Russian Federation.
    • Special copy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Badge of the President of the Russian Federation placed on the podium, where the head of state will take the oath. In this case, the Constitution is placed on the right hand, and the sign on the left. Until 2008, this was done by the Chairman of the Constitutional Court.
    • They go up to the podium Chairman of the Constitutional Court and Speakers of the Upper and Lower Houses of the Federal Assembly.
    • 5 minutes before the start of the main ceremony, the newly elected President of Russia arrives at Grand Kremlin Palace through the Spassky Gate. With the first strike of the Kremlin chimes, accompanied by solemn music, he passes through the St. George and Alexander Halls and rises to the podium.
    • Chairman of the Constitutional Court asks the newly elected president to take the oath of office.
    • The incoming head of state placing his right hand on a special copy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation pronounces the text of the oath. After this, the President of Russia is considered to have taken office.
    • The Chairman of the Constitutional Court hands over to the head of state symbols of the President's power of the Russian Federation and announces his inauguration as President.
    • It sounds in the hall Anthem of Russia, and a duplicate of the Standard of the President of Russia rises above the presidential residence in Moscow.
    • The President of Russia makes a short speech appeal to Russian citizens.
    • From the side of the Kremlin embankment it is carried out 30 ceremonial salvos blank charges from artillery guns (two batteries of nine guns each), carried out by the 449th separate fireworks division of the Western Military District.
    • The President of the Russian Federation passes through the St. George and Alexander Halls and goes out to Cathedral Square, where he receives presidential regiment parade.

    State symbols of the Russian Federation is a set of symbols that reflect the traditions of the country: historical, state, patriotic, cultural and others.

    State symbols- these are the distinctive signs of the country that distinguish it in the world community. In addition, state symbols can reflect the economy, geographical location, spiritual and intellectual potential, etc. State symbols are focused on prospects and relations with other countries.

    Official Russian symbols is an expression of the country's sovereignty and its identity. The symbols of Russia reflect the multinational cultures and traditions. The symbols of the Russian Federation are the patriotic and historical value of the country.

    Symbols of the Russian Federation includes flag, coat of arms and anthem countries.

    State symbols of Russia

    National flag of Russia

    National flag The Russian Federation is the official state symbol. On December 25, 2000, the Federal Constitutional Law “On the State Flag of the Russian Federation” was adopted. It determines the legal status and rules for using the Russian flag.

    The national flag of the Russian Federation is a rectangular panel of three equal horizontal stripes: the top is white, the middle is blue and the bottom is red. Currently, the following decoding is most often used Russian flag color meanings:

    White means peace, purity, purity, perfection;
    Blue a symbol of faith and fidelity, constancy;
    Red symbolizes energy, strength, blood shed for the Fatherland.

    Position the flag allowed horizontally or vertically.
    The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 2:3.
    More about the flag of the Russian Federation

    Russian flag colors

    Accurate Russian flag colors are not fixed in the law, so it is allowed to use any shades of blue and red. It is also worth noting that in Russia GOST for color palette absent. Although it would be most convenient to use a color palette of 4096 colors. The colors of the palette are universal, displayed the same and written down briefly.

    Download Russian flag

    • Russian flag

    Russian National Flag Day celebrated on August 22.
    The tricolor Russian flag was first officially raised on August 22, 1991, over the White House in Moscow.

    State emblem of Russia

    State emblem The Russian Federation is the official state symbol. On December 25, 2000, the Federal Constitutional Law “On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation” was adopted, which approved its description and procedure for official use.

    The state emblem of the Russian Federation is a quadrangular red heraldic shield with rounded lower corners, pointed at the tip, with a golden double-headed eagle raising its spreading wings upward. The eagle is crowned with two small crowns and - above them - one large crown, connected by a ribbon. In the eagle's right paw is a scepter, in the left is an orb. On the eagle’s chest, in a red shield, is a silver rider in a blue cloak on a silver horse, striking with a silver spear a black dragon, overturned on its back and trampled by its horse.

    The image of E. Ukhnalev is widely distributed. And although this illustration is attached to the law, it is not a mandatory standard. Each artist can create his own drawing according to the official description.

    Several options for depicting the coat of arms are allowed:

    Russian national anthem

    National anthem The Russian Federation is the official state symbol. On December 25, 2000, the Federal Constitutional Law “On the State Anthem of the Russian Federation” was adopted. The first official performance of the State Anthem of the Russian Federation took place on December 30, 2000 at the State Reception in the Grand Kremlin Palace.

    The national anthem of the Russian Federation is performed during ceremonies and other events held by government bodies. When the anthem is performed in public, those present listen to it standing, men without hats.

    The anthem is broadcast by state television and radio companies: on New Year's Eve after the clock strikes, marking the onset of the new year; before the broadcast of the first television program on public holidays.

    More about the Russian anthem watch in the documentary below.

    Text of the Russian anthem

    Music by A. Alexandrov [December 1943]
    Words by S. Mikhalkov [December 2000]

    Russia is our sacred power,
    Russia is our beloved country.
    Mighty will, great glory -
    Your treasure for all time!

    From the southern seas to the polar edge
    Our forests and fields are spread out.
    You are the only one in the world! You're the only one -
    God-protected native land!
    Hail, our Fatherland is free,
    An age-old union of fraternal peoples,
    This is the folk wisdom given by our ancestors!
    Hail, country! We are proud of you!

    Wide scope for dreams and for life
    The years to come reveal to us.
    Our loyalty to the Fatherland gives us strength.
    So it was, so it is and so it will always be!
    Hail, our Fatherland is free,
    An age-old union of fraternal peoples,
    This is the folk wisdom given by our ancestors!
    Hail, country! We are proud of you!

    Download the Russian anthem

    • With words + without words (mp3)

    Download notes of the Russian anthem

    • Notes of the Russian anthem

    Anthem of the Russian Federation