Love spells for the New Year and rituals for marriage in the New Year. New Year's love spell: the magic of the night How to bewitch on New Year's Eve

New Year is a magical holiday, full of magic and mysticism. Conspiracies, prayers, amulets that are pronounced on New Year's Eve have special power, powerful and positive energy. Even the most ossified skeptics believe in New Year's rituals and conspiracies that help change life in better side, directing her in the right direction.

After all, why do many of us plan to start our lives with a new year? Not because it is so accepted, but it is really possible, especially if you call on magic to help your willpower - pure, all-conquering, positive, New Year's magic!

Cleansing the home of negative energy

On December 29-30, thoroughly clean your home. When washing floors, add holy water (a few drops) to the water. After cleaning is completed, a white candle is placed on the table, and the owner or mistress of the house asks the evil spirits to leave the home. There is no need to put out the candle, it should burn out.

Conspiracy for a leap year

A tear-off calendar for the next year is taken, brought close to the face, after which a request is made that leap year the author of the conspiracy was spared misfortunes and illnesses, good luck accompanied him, and his health only grew stronger. After this, the calendar is hung in the hallway, where it will protect the house from evil forces throughout the year.

Health spell

On December 31, when it gets dark, you need to sit in front of the mirror and light 3 red candles without turning on the light. While the candles are burning, you need to eat one teaspoon of linden honey, washed down with warm boiled water. At the same time, you should ask the higher powers to grant all family members and the author good health. The candles should be left in front of the mirror to burn out until the end, and you yourself should continue preparing for New Year’s Eve.

Wealth plot

Everyone knows that only money can attract money, so on New Year's Eve, when the chimes strike, throw a silver coin into your glass of champagne and ask it to send you wealth. After the champagne is drunk, the coin is placed in a canvas bag and hidden in the wallet.

Love spell

A ripe red apple is taken and the core is cut out. The name of a loved one is written on a piece of paper and placed in an apple, and it is placed under the New Year's tree. In the morning, the apple hides in a secluded place where it will dry, and your loved one will “dry” for you along with it.

Cleansing from sins

Take a blank sheet of paper on which all the bad deeds and deeds committed in the past year are written. The leaf is rolled up and set on fire, the ashes are thrown out the window.

Ritual to fulfill a wish

It all starts traditionally: champagne, chimes, making a wish. Few people know what to do next. You need to take a gold ring and touch it to your left earlobe. All this must be done before midnight strikes. By the way, the desire should be formulated in the present tense, and not in the future, imagine that it has already come true!

New Year's spell for wealth

This plot is done on the first day of the new year. You need to go to the store and make a purchase in such a way that they give you change in small change. This change should be placed in a new clay pot. The pot itself is hidden in a secluded place, from where it is taken out every evening to put coins in it, saying:

“As the month in the sky grows and comes, so would my money grow and come.”

During the full moon, the pot is hidden in such a way that no one will find it or take money from it. If the ritual is carried out correctly, then money will be a constant guest in your home, and it will come in large sums, constantly increasing.

New Year's irredeemable nickel

Buy two identical expensive wallets on January 6th. Pay for them with a large bill so that they give you change. Ask the seller to put the change in your wallet, which will remain in your use. The change must include a five-ruble coin, which will become your “irredeemable nickel.”

The second wallet should be given on January 7 to one of your relatives or good friends whose material well-being is much better than yours. Don't forget to put any money from the change from your purchase into your wallet, but not your nickel!

When giving a gift, mentally say:

“No matter how much I give, I will receive more. As much as it comes to you, so much will come to me!”

Remember that under no circumstances should you spend your irredeemable nickel, because it is your money talisman for the entire next year. The remaining change can be spent.

Health spell

This plot should be read only in a sober state, not necessarily on New Year’s Eve, but also on the first of January. First, you should light a candle and pour holy water into a clay bowl, then dip all 10 fingers into the water and say:

“Lord, God! Bless! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen!
Just as God strengthened the earth with the sky, water and stars, and just as there is no illness or grief on this mother earth, so God created me, God’s servant (name), firmly establishing and firmly strengthening my veins and bones, my white body. May I, the servant of God (name), have no illnesses, suffering, wounds, or torture next year. One Archangel key: forever and ever, Amen!”

The spell must be read three times, then take three sips of water from a bowl, wash the rest three times, pour the rest into a small bottle and drink three sips from it during ailments.

Plot for good luck

Take a small figurine of next year's patron and a gold coin.

The figurine should be easy to transport so that you can constantly carry it with you, unnoticed by prying eyes.

On the morning of January 1st, light a golden candle and cover the figurine with both palms, like a house, feeling the positive energy and warmth that shines through your fingers like light.

In this position, read the plot quietly:

“Luck always accompanies me, I never know defeat, so that I can only cry with happiness, so that Fortune becomes like a mother to me. The palms are filled with light, the light of Luck penetrates the talisman, the coming year drives away problems from me, and with them - tears, grief and deception. Luck will become my traveling companion, I won’t stop being lucky now, everything around is beautiful - the world and people, that’s the only way it will happen to me from now on. My word is strong! Amen".

After reading the plot, leave the candle burning for exactly 7 minutes, then put it out and hide it, taking it out only in special cases when you really need magical support. At these moments, light a candle, voice your request to it and remember that next year you will need to speak to another figure.

Happy New Year! Good luck, happiness, kindness, love and peace in your soul and heart!!!

On New Year's Eve there comes a special magical time, characterized by high energy, a time when witchcraft for love is miraculously possible. Don't miss this time. Make your own home love spell from a distance on New Year's Eve. Choose the best love spell that will help you solve your problem: attract love into your life, refresh your feelings in marriage, bring back your loved one.

There are light attachments and bindings, there are also strong love spells on a guy New Year. It just so happens that in our country there is a strange tradition of celebrating two holidays at the beginning of the year - Old and New. A practicing magician cannot help but take advantage of this oddity and cast a love spell not only on New Year’s Eve, but also on the night of January 14th.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, affirm that not only men are bewitched on a winter holiday night. Most New Year's conspiracies are universal, and therefore a love spell for the old New Year is suitable for influencing both a guy and a girl. Let's start with something simple.

Love spells and love spells for the New Year on December 31

These easy spells - love spells are most suitable for young girls who do not have a serious relationship or youthful romanticism. Magic spells of this order can indeed work at home, but entirely on the strength of the intention of the magician - the performer.

  • Homemade icing on a glass of champagne

You can make this simple love spell on someone you like contact-wise, celebrating the New Year in the same company as the target, but you can also do it remotely. With good visualization this is not difficult to do. During the traditional chiming clock, when everyone congratulates each other and the clink of glasses is heard, looking at your beloved guy, read three times to yourself the words of this easy love spell for the New Year on December 31:

“(Name) you drink wine, you find love. To be with you (name) together, to love, to grow rich, to share life between two. Amen".

  • Easy love spell for a New Year's gift

Prepare a gift for a person you like, for whom you have a certain desire, and read a homemade easy spell for this thing 7 times love spell for a guy on New Year's Eve January 1st:

“The dove flies, carries the news home, carry my image in your heart (name). Let his blood burn with love. No one can change my words. Amen".

  • Love spell for a New Year's card

If you have the opportunity to give a card to the handsome guy you like, take advantage of the magical power of a secret message. Using a pen without ink, write a spell on the postcard:

“(Name), you will come to me, (name), you are always waiting for me, love will find us at any hour, my love spell will be strong. The key to my words. Amen".

After that, write New Year’s greetings on top of the plot. Give a postcard to your favorite boy, and soon you will see the result of your festive winter love spell.
  • Love spell on New Year's Eve

If your lover is not with you on New Year's Eve, write a witchcraft spell on a small piece of paper, thinking about your beloved guy, visualizing how he performs. This love spell for a man on New Year's Eve works like a quick call with a strong love attraction:

“From now on and forever you (name) are mine. You will love me alone, desire only me, and not sleep at night without me. Come to me, (name), this night, and stay with me all nights. I think it will. Amen".

When you hear the chimes, burn the piece of paper, throw the ashes into a glass of champagne, and drink with the last blow.

Strong white love spell for husband on New Year's Eve through food

To bewitch your husband, who loves to take a walk, on New Year's Eve treat him with special pastries. Bake a cupcake or cookies, talk about baking while thinking about your beloved husband. This is a white conspiracy against a spouse, so it makes sense to use it for those who have an established connection with Christian Forces:

“God bless you with bread and reward us with holy water, so that my husband (name) will always be with me. Blood is in the liver, salt is in the food, and your flesh is in me (name of the rivers). Amen".

The real way to bewitch is magical and essentially universal. With its help, you can influence your legal spouse not only on New Year's Eve, but also at any time when the need for magical intervention arises. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend doing this light white love spell on your husband for the old New Year, the effect will be no worse than on New Year's Eve.

Home love spell for a man for the New Year from a photo

This winter love spell works well on December 31 if your husband’s feelings for you have cooled and your goal is to revive your former love. No less accurately, a love plot on the New Year holidays will work to make your loved one feel longing and desire to see you. You can use this method of self-love spell on New Year's holidays on January 1, but you can also use it when the need arises.

To influence a man, you just need to have his photo. And, of course, good visualization is necessary.

Looking at the photo, read the words of the New Year's love spell spell three times:

“Ahti, slave (name) cannot live without his shadow, he will not overcome his longing for me (name). Walk, stutter, suffocate with melancholy, as the sun moves across the sky, so walk and you, walk along every road to me (name). Amen".

Everyone who made this particular version of an easy home love spell for the New Year on a photo of a guy noted its quick action. Works to attract, like a love spell or a challenge. Doesn't last long. Therefore, when a man shows interest, take the opportunity to influence him in another way, consolidating the result of love witchcraft. And, of course, this easy homemade A love spell based on a photo can be performed on January 13 - for the old New Year.

Black love spell for a man for the New Year - for sexual desire for a woman

In order to make a love spell on your beloved guy you need:

  • photo of someone you like, or any bioreference (hair, blood, nail, etc.)
  • red candle

Looking at the candle, read the spell of this winter love spell on a man’s love and attraction three times:

“Rejoice, fire, rejoice, embrace with ardent flame not the soft wax, but the heart from the white body. Kindle it, burn it fiercely (name), so that both during the day in the sun and at night in the moonlight, (name) would be eager to come to me, to his wife (name). He would hug me tightly, stick tightly, hold me tenaciously, not let me go, love me, caress me, crush me under him. His flesh would burn fiercely, his body would desire me alone, his wife (name). Be my words strong, stronger than damask stone, more moldable than warm wax. Amen".

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

When reading a love plot on the flame of a New Year's candle three times, you need to burn the photo, or something from the man's biolinks, if any. This love spell on New Year's Eve on January 1 belongs to the natural category, those that work on. And with clear visualization of the performer, of course. Similar to him witchcraft New Year's Eve spells on December 31 Magicians often use them in their black magic practices as auxiliary ones, to reinforce and strengthen the main love ritual. Naturally this magical ritual can be performed on the old New Year on January 14, but I would not say that this is a strong love spell for a guy. But taken together, such rituals work well and give lasting results.

How to bewitch your girlfriend to the falling snow yourself

When the snow falls, go outside and, looking at the whirling snowflakes, read the words of the love plot three times in a whisper:

“Just as this snow falls on the ground and doesn’t go anywhere from the ground, so (name) would lie down with me, and don’t do anything from me. No matter how you spin, white snow, you will still fall on the ground. No matter how proud you are, beauty (name), you will still be with me, you will lie under me. Castle in my words. Amen".

Spell for fresh snow - for beauty, for attractiveness, a love spell for the attention of a man

This method of bewitching your beloved guy to clean snow is easy to do. In the evening after sunset, when fresh snow falls, scoop up the snow with your hand and carry it into the house. Read a love spell on snow over him, and when the snow melts, wash your face with melt water.

On New Year's Eve, the magic for love and creating a family “marriage” is the strongest . If before the New Year before it begins, as well as on New Year's Eve carry out magical ritual for love and marriage and read a strong plot for strong and mutual love in the family, then all year your family will be avoided by family problems, the spouses will remain faithful and the purest and strongest love for each other thanks to the magical amulet. Love spell read New Year's Eve helps meet and get to know your betrothed and throughout the new year marry him for mutual love . New Year's Eve is the best time of the year when you need to read love spells . New Year's love spells This is an old New Year's tradition passed down from generation to generation. Knowledgeable people have always carried out clean "white" love spells and rituals at night from 8 pm on December 31st to 4 am on January 1st. This ritual was done for the sole purpose of making the husband love only his wife and always be with her. On the eve of the New Year, read it yourself best home spell for love on your husband or beloved man. This quick New Year's spell and it does not take much time to carry out and does not require preparation, you just need to buy a church candle in advance and perform a ritual for love yourself on New Year's Eve .

for the new year at the indicated time, in privacy, light a candle and make a wish (to get married, meet your betrothed, or increase your husband’s love feelings) quickly say 3 times New Year's spell for love and marriage :

The New Year is coming, my dear will come to me.
I’ll read a love spell, I’ll bewitch my husband.
He will love me, respect me, live with me.
Come to me, faithful husband, to my blessed house.
Don’t sin with strangers, hurry home.
I am your destiny, I am given to you by God.
New Year, my beloved, is forever now mine.

The candle that was read on New Year's spell for love leave it to burn out and celebrate the new year yourself.

© Copyright: Magician


  • All rituals for Palm Sunday: conspiracies and love spells for love will help make a person marry you and, experiencing strong love, get married in the shortest possible time. If you need to marry your beloved man or boyfriend, on Palm Sunday a love spell is read for love and creating a family. According to the tradition of sorcerers and healers who keep the customs of their ancestors and magical recipes and spells for all occasions, there is a good conspiracy prayer for Palm Sunday aimed at love and helping to make a person fall in love with you on the day of reading and make him quickly marry you with the help of white magic . A day before Palm Sunday, break an odd number of willow branches that have already fluffed up (3,5,7...) or buy them at the market. On the same day before the holiday, when you come to your home, read a love spell over the willow - a spell for love, and on Palm Sunday, give the willow spelled for love and wedding to the person you want to bewitch. The love spell on Palm Sunday is as follows:

  • White magic for Easter aimed at love and marriage is sinless and harmless. A simple love spell prayer for love read on Easter will strongly bind the souls of your loved ones in heaven and on earth and will protect your marriage from betrayal and the evil eye and damage, protecting your family after the wedding. There is a good white conspiracy for marriage, after reading it you can quickly and successfully marry your loved one by forcing him to quickly marry with the help of a love spell. You need to read this plot on Easter and this can be done by any woman or girl who does not have a fiancé or who is so indecisive that he does not propose to you to marry him. This conspiracy will force your betrothed to get married quickly, and the wandering husband to come to his senses and settle down, having experienced strong love, respect and constant attraction for his wife. Easter plot - a prayer for a quick and successful marriage that is read on Easter in church:

  • The customs and traditions of Maslenitsa that have survived to this day reveal good and very powerful conspiracies and love spells for love. Read during Maslenitsa week, or even better on Maslenitsa, a strong conspiracy for fierce love will help make the husband love his wife more than anyone in the world and never cheat on her. Also, a love spell - the prayer that will be discussed can be read to a girl or an unmarried woman during Maslenitsa week if she wants to strongly and forever make a guy and a man fall in love with her with the help of magic. The most powerful love spell is the one cast on Maslenitsa; it is very difficult to remove it and almost impossible on your own. When Cheese Week is celebrated this year, also known as Maslenitsa, from March 7 to 12, you need to independently perform a ritual for love and read a love spell for a Maslenitsa pancake with which you need to treat the person you decided to bewitch. Maslenitsa week conspiracies that need to be read on a loved one so that his love for you becomes even stronger is as follows:

  • White magic, according to tradition, on the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is aimed at love and love spells - prayers read independently on this holiday help strengthen the love of a husband, as well as make a man or guy fall in love with you and soon marry him. The love spell prayer that the Magician will now tell you about is read only on the holiday of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is celebrated on August 28th. Orthodox prayer about love addressed to the Virgin Mary on this day helped to maintain the fading love between husband and wife or kindle ardent love in the young man (guy) whom the girl wanted to bewitch to herself with the help of white magic. Conspiracies for the Assumption to kindle feelings of love and create a strong family are very popular in our time. When the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Ever-Virgin Mary comes this year, you can remember the signs and customs of our ancestors and, resorting to white love magic, read a conspiracy - a prayer for love, fidelity and marriage, performing a simple ceremony in the church on church candles. I will now tell you what love ritual needs to be performed on this day. On the day of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, go to church and buy 2 church candles of any color and size. Place candles in front of the icon of the Virgin Mary and say the words of a love spell - a love spell that will act on your loved one on the same day as a white love spell:

  • According to tradition, white magic on the Presentation of the Lord, addressed in a love spell for love and marriage, helps to make your husband fall in love with you and marry the man with the help of a spell of prayer read on the Feast of the Presentation. There is an old belief among the people that a strong conspiracy - a prayer for love at the Presentation of the Lord helps an unmarried girl or woman to meet her love after a divorce and get married very quickly. Also, this love spell prayer can strengthen and rekindle love feelings in the person you love. Many people know the belief that on Candlemas winter and spring meet, but if on this day you independently perform a ritual and read a prayer - a spell for love, the Lord helps loving souls meet and forever bind people with a feeling of pure and true love for each other. Love magic begins to act the same hour as you finish reading the prayer and complete the ritual of a love spell. The person on whom the love spell is cast immediately begins to experience a strong love attraction for his soul mate, even if you don’t know each other yet, soon through a series of events you will meet and start dating, and the love feelings between you will grow stronger every day. How to perform a ritual for love and marriage. The ardent and strongest conspiracy - a prayer for strong love is read during the day on the Presentation of the Lord, on this day go to the church and stand facing the sun so that the domes of the church are between the sun and you. Having chosen the desired position, barely audibly say the words of the love spell prayer:

On the last day of the passing year, forgive all your enemies, be sure to thank the Lord God for allowing you to live this year, for supporting you in all your affairs, and for the fact that your family is with you.

And shortly before the end of December 31, read the charm for the coming year, and you will definitely have good luck in the new year.

The plot is read like this:

My merciful Lord,
Be with me in the new year.
Send it to me and my family.
Box of goodness, gold and silver.
Bless us with peace and quiet,
To never be separated from You.
Good angels, holy archangels,
The whole heavenly army.
Don't let us suffer in the new year
Neither from illness nor from trouble,
Neither from fire nor from water.
Throughout the new year, Lord!
Save us, preserve and defend.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I take the seal of the moon, I put the signature of the sun
And the whole heavenly mirror. Amen.
I put twelve stars
I call twelve names:
East - Gabriel, Madiel, Diamel, Yanael;
West - Sachiel, Ziniel, Habiel, Vahanael, Karabiel;
North - Mael, Virael and their servants: Valiel, Baliel,
And with them I call seven witnesses, and also
South - Karaniel, Dabriel, Darviel, Anael, Suneel, Abigail and Ranel.
I need a shield.
Whoever takes that shield will not take it away.
Just as the earth is heavy, so the shield is heavy, it lies -
Do not take, do not lift, do not take away.
Close, shield, my house,
Me, the servant of God (name),
My relatives, big and small
Servants of God (names of your family members).
Angel of Sunday - Michael,
Genius of good - Dariel,
The genius of evil - Shavaiot,
Spirit of the planet - Ooh,
The angel commanding the fourth legion is Salamia.
I close on Monday
I bless you on Tuesday,
I protect the environment,
I defend on Thursday
I keep it Friday
I watch on Saturday
Sunday is salvation for the whole year.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

On New Year's Eve, shortly before midnight, you can ask the twelve apostles for blessings for the entire coming year. To do this, you will need an icon of the twelve apostles, which is placed on the table, and twelve church candles are lit around it. Then, in a quiet but clear voice, without rushing or confusing the words, cast the spell. Feel the solemnity of this moment, because you are not just pronouncing names and titles, but blessing every month of this year.

The words of the spell are as follows:

Andrew the First-Called – January.
Peter Simon - February.
Jacob the Elder - March.
John the Theologian - April.
Philip - May.
Bartholomew - June.
Matthew the Publican – July.
Thomas - August.
Jacob Alfeev – September.
Thaddeus - October.
Simon the Zealot – November.
Judas Iscariot – December.

On New Year's Day, knock on the threshold with an ax and say.

Life, Health, Bread.

A storm at sea raises waves,
The Mother of God shelters her Son Christ.
Twelve girls and young women walk past.
The Lord asks them:
- Twelve maidens, twelve youths,
Where are you going? you're walking past me
What are you carrying in your hands?
- We carry for twelve months:
January, February, March, April,
May, June, July, August,
September, October, November, December.
God bless me (name) for the whole year too.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos, read on the first day of the new year.

In the city of Jerusalem, in the Jordan River
Under the raft and raft, under the underwater shield,
With a suede stone,
An incorruptible, holy letter lies -
Given by the Lord.
Who knows this letter, knows
Who reads it on the first day of the new year?
And he understands every word with his heart -
God's blessing will be upon him
And remission of many sins.
Mary, the Mother of God was sleeping,
I saw a wonderful dream:
It was as if three angels flew to Her,
They blessed Her and warned:
Behold, you are Mary, Virgin,
Waiting for the Christ Child,
His glory will be without end.
In seven days the grace of God will come to you,
Through You, Virgin Mary, the Savior will come into the world.
Who will read this dream on the first day of the new year,
Death will not find him this year!
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Anyone who, on January 1, rides a horse backwards and forwards around a tree that diverges from one root into two trunks, will not be deceived by his husband or wife (implying treason).

If on the first day of the New Year you find three unmarked graves in a cemetery and at each of them, bowing, say:

People don’t know your name, family or tribe, so that I don’t know poverty for a whole year! - then the coming year will be comfortable for you.

On January 1, from morning until lunch, they do not sweep or wash the floor, so as not to sweep away and wash away happiness and good luck.

According to legend, the one who wakes up first on January 1st, goes out the door of his room and, knocking on it, wakes up the rest of the family members, will dominate his family for the coming year.

If on January 1 a bird knocks on the window with its beak, this foreshadows a funeral in the new year. To avoid this, you need to immediately say:

Fly, trouble, with a light feather
From my window,
Away from my doorstep and onto the road.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

If on January 1st a person suffering from migraines is cut off a strand of hair and nailed to an aspen tree, then he will never have a headache again. When nailing a strand of hair, you need to say:
Take the dirty trick from me, aspen.
From now on you will shake and hurt,
And my head will be healthier from now on.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Before Peter's New Year's festivities, the 31st was also celebrated, but not so magnificently. Bonfires were lit outside the village. They sculpted three snow women from snow. One of them personified illness, the second misfortune, the third lack of money. Babs were thrown into the fire, symbolically freeing themselves from three main problems.
January 1
Memorial Day of Saint Boniface

The day is magical. How you spend it is how you will live the year. There is a belief that the 12 days following January 1 correspond to each month of the year. How you spend them will be the same every month. This is also the day of appealing to Saint Boniface for healing from the disease of drunkenness and drug addiction. It is like this:
“O all-holy Boniface, merciful servant of the Merciful Master! Hear those who come running to you, obsessed with the addiction to wine drinking, and, just as in your earthly life you never refused help to those who asked you, so now deliver these unfortunate ones (names). Once upon a time, God-wise Father, the hail destroyed your vineyard, but you, having given thanks to God, ordered the few remaining grapes to be put in the winepress and to call the poor. Then, taking new wine, you poured it drop by drop into all the vessels that were in the bishopric, and God fulfilled the prayer of the merciful. , performed a glorious miracle: the wine in the winepress increased, and the poor filled their vessels. , and deliver him from the addiction to him of those who indulge in the shameful passion of drinking wine (names), heal them from a serious illness, free them from demonic temptation, strengthen them, the weak, give them, the weak, strength and strength to successfully endure this temptation; return them to a healthy, sober life, direct them to the path of work, invest in them the desire for sobriety and spiritual vigor.

Help them, saint of God Boniface, when the thirst for wine begins to burn their larynx, destroy their destructive desire, refresh their lips with heavenly coolness, enlighten their eyes, put them on their feet on the rock of faith and hope, so that, leaving behind their spiritual addiction, which entails excommunication from the Heavenly Kingdom, they were established in piety, merited a shameless peaceful death and in the eternal light of the infinite Kingdom of Glory they deservedly glorify the Lord and our Jesus Christ with His Beginning Father and with the Most Holy and Life-giving Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

In addition to this prayer, read this conspiracy more often, which also frees you from the sin of drunkenness:
“I, the servant of God (name), have already suffered with the servant of God (name), and I’ve already had enough of grief... Come down, Lord, from heaven, look what the red fellow is doing. I drowned love in wine, and health in weakness. Help “O God, I am to deliver God’s servant from destruction. It is not my lips that whisper, but Your will is written. No matter how much God’s servant (name) drinks, carouses, or destroys his soul, let him renounce drunkenness, Amen.” .
January 6
Christmas Eve

On this day, a conspiracy against skin diseases helps very well. The plot is read on the grass in succession. The series is brewed, filtered, the pulp is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin and the text is read:
“You, grass-grass, succession-succession, came from the earth - take away the lichen, the pimple from the body of the white servant of God (name) into the earth. Amen.”

After a 10-minute soak, the pulp is washed off with a decoction of the string, after which this area on the skin is not wiped, but dried.
January 8
Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Of course, on this day, thoughts about women's health came first.

Plot for a tumor in the chest (mastopathy):
“I had an illness with a vice, I accidentally dropped the dirt. The servant of God (name) took the dirt, a lump, a rodent, and pain and melancholy. The Mother of God takes water, washes away that dirt, removes the chest pain. Help, Mother of God, remove the disease from God’s servant (name). Time after time, cross after cross, close the breast of God’s servant (name) from illness with your finger. Amen".

They take a knife with a wooden handle and with this handle draw a cross at the site of the tumor, accompanying the actions with reading the plot. The ritual begins three days before the start of menstruation and continues for another three days, that is, at least six such sessions must be performed. After the surgical intervention (operation), the plot does not help.
January 15
Memorial Day St. Seraphim Sarovsky

This day was popularly considered a chicken holiday. Damage, fear and illness were rolled out with a chicken egg. In each specific case, a cleansing ritual is performed, which has its own specific actions and texts.

So, in order to “egg out” the disease, perform the following actions. Fresh chicken egg take it in the right hand and, rolling it around the patient, accompany the actions with the words:
“You, diseases, like a furnace, melt all the joints and bones of the servant of God (name), and I will reduce you to an egg. You lie down in the head of the servant of God (name) and plug your ears, and I will bring you out with an egg. You will not sleep at night give it, drive you crazy, and I will drive you out with an egg. With God’s help, defending myself with the cross, strengthened by prayer, I will reduce all illnesses and illnesses into an egg. The word is strong, the egg is strong.”

Then the egg, without breaking it, is buried in the ground or snow.
January 18
Epiphany Christmas Eve

There was a custom of going to the river at midnight for Epiphany. They assured that at this time the water in the rivers sways. Having scooped up water, they brought it home and stored it: it was believed that this water could stand for several years in a closed vessel without spoiling, as long as no one unclean touched it.

This evening gives us the opportunity to get rid of quarrels and conflicts, from energy “infections” wandering around the house. To do this, ritual actions are carried out to cleanse the apartment. Let's do the same. Let's collect some snow in a vessel, and when the snow melts, we sprinkle this water into all corners of each room. Let's not forget, all the windows and doors of the apartment will be sprayed. You should move around the apartment, performing ritual actions, clockwise. After spraying with water is completed, crosses are drawn with chalk on all windows and doors. It is especially important to carry out these moments of purification if you have been doing a lot of fortune telling during the holidays.

At midnight, all Christians believe, living water comes into our home, possessing unique, miraculous properties. Epiphany water washes away illnesses and sorrows. Make a supply of such water, let it stand in a closed vessel, you can use it to treat any ailment. And, in addition, Epiphany water will serve as an indicator. If you or one of your family members is jinxed, sediment will appear in this water.

The most complete description in all details is a love spell for the New Year with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

It's no secret that New Year's Eve is a magical time, a time of fulfillment. If you read a love spell on this night, it will have great power. In the New Year, you can attract not only love into your life, but also money and health. What New Year's love spells do we know?

What is used in New Year's love spells?

A love spell is possible with champagne

Even the usual making of a wish on New Year’s Eve is nothing more than a love spell, we just don’t call it that. Everyone knows one of the most banal New Year's love spells. This is when your wish is written on a leaf, then the leaf is burned, its ashes are poured into champagne and the drink is drunk. It is important to have time to complete all these actions while the chimes are striking.

What other items are used to conduct

  • Champagne is used in a love spell for the New Year.
  • Your blood or the blood of birds and animals.
  • Plants.
  • Love spells for a magical New Year's Eve include Toys for the New Year.
  • You can bewitch someone with the help of a wish written on a piece of paper.

Ritual to fulfill a wish

A holiday for making wishes come true

Here is a simple ritual to fulfill a New Year's love wish. If there is a guy or girl in your circle whom you like, but they do not reciprocate your feelings, then try to cast such a love spell.

To carry out the ritual, write the name of your lover or beloved on a blank piece of paper in advance. When there are ten minutes left before midnight, take a piece of paper and write on it the name of your chosen one as many times as time allows. Even if there is no space left on the piece of paper, still write on top. Write passionately, energetically, quickly, with all your energy. When the chimes begin to strike midnight, burn the leaf, throw the ashes into a glass and drink the drink. All this time, think about how passionate your relationship with this person can be.

The main thing in this matter is to invest as much energy as possible into the process. Magicians and parapsychologists believe that with the power of our desire we pay for our future benefits. That is, the more passionately we desire something, the faster it will come into our lives. But it is also important to reinforce this ritual physical actions. In the New Year, try to catch the eye of your chosen one more often, you can start a common business with him, so that there is a space between you in which love will flare up.

New Year's love spell with chocolate

The ritual must be done alone

Many people also associate chocolate with the New Year holidays. A New Year's love spell is also cast on this tasty product.

To perform the ritual you will need a couple of chocolate bars. One bar is dark chocolate, and the other is milk chocolate; in addition, you will need a photo of you and your chosen one.

To perform the ritual you need to stay in the room alone with yourself.

Remove the chocolates from the wrapping paper. First, just lay everything out in front of you. Photos, chocolate bars. Sit in silence. Pay attention to your condition. Imagine the image of your chosen one, imagine him healthy and happy. Then imagine yourself next to him. Imagine love, tenderness between you, all those feelings that you would like to be present in your relationship. Feel the response to this visualization in your body. This is important. This means that your body has remembered the feelings of happiness, and now it will attract these sensations from reality. Siberian magician Nikolaev Igor Leonido

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Love spell magic Magician services http://magia-privor

Love spell magic Magician services http://magia-privor

New series "Black Blood" 1 episode. Drama, melody

How to make a love spell.

Every person wants to be loved - this applies to...

Then begin the ritual. Take some dark chocolate and put your photo on it. And put a photo of your chosen one on the milk chocolate bar. Then say a love spell:

“You’re like dark chocolate, I’m like milk chocolate. On you, my beloved, is my photograph, and on me, my happiness, is your photograph. So your soul is on my soul, and my heart is on your heart. I want to be on you, and you on me, as one to one, as lovers and friends in spirit. We will be together, and we will be as sweet as these chocolate bars.”

After this, the chocolate bars need to be connected to each other, so that the photographs are facing each other. Tie the tiles together using red thread. Tiles connected to each other should be placed under the pillow, in this place they will remain until the end of all New Year holidays. When the Old New Year has passed, you can eat such chocolate. But only the one who performed the ritual or the one on whom the ritual was performed can eat it.

New Year's money love spell

Love spell to attract money

One of the common wishes made in the New Year is improvement financial well-being. To cast a New Year's love spell with money you will need a handful of coins, some paper bills and a red bag.

Sew the bag in advance. Choose a beautiful red fabric and sew a bag. While you sew, visualize your new and improved financial situation.

The ritual is carried out directly on New Year's Eve. In beautiful clothes, go out into the street with all the components of the ritual, this should be after midnight. Your task is to find an apartment or a house where there is still light, where they still celebrate the New Year. Stand next to this window and read this plot:

“Good people have fun, good people have a feast, and I will also have fun and warmth in the New Year. Money will love me this year as much as these people love each other. It will be fun for us with new money, I will have a lot of money friends, I will share my old friends too.”

This plot must be read five times. Place all the pennies and bills that you took with you into a red bag and place it on the threshold of this house. If it's an apartment, put it in the apartment's mailbox. Go home, the love spell for money will take effect immediately.

This is how you can bewitch money in the New Year. Don't think about how they will come to you. This could be an invitation to new job or a successful marriage, or maybe a new additional income.

And remember that a New Year's love spell will be even more powerful if you are in a good mood.

How to bewitch your loved one on New Year's Eve

Once a year there comes a magical time when all your magical actions acquire special meaning and power. This is only possible on the night when the digital value of the year changes, that is, on New Year and Old New Year.

A similar statement fully applies to the love spell ritual for the New Year: attracting a man’s love to you will become much easier and more effective on this global holiday. You just need to prepare in advance for magical ritual and carry it out correctly.

Most often, experienced magicians advise using separate rituals on New Year's Eve designed to increase the effect obtained from the magical action and take full advantage of the released power of this holiday. Such love spells have some specific features and are often carried out strictly at a certain time. However, this does not mean at all that they are difficult to perform and will require significant energy expenditure from the practicing magician. Quite the contrary: such conspiracies and love spells are often recommended for beginners in magic, since they are quite simple to carry out, and the result will be of significant power.

All of the New Year's love spells below are distinguished by their ease of execution and, at the same time, maximum effectiveness. Of course, there are stronger rituals that allow you to completely paralyze the will of another person and make him your complete slave, but such love spells already belong to black magic and carry corresponding consequences. Therefore, their use must be strictly considered and balanced.

Love spell on champagne

The traditional drink of the New Year's holiday is a glass of champagne, and it is with it that one of the simplest but most effective love spells is performed. Such a magical effect will allow you not only to attract the attention of a certain man, but also to firmly bind his love to you.

To carry out the ritual correctly, it is enough to pick up a glass of drink in the first minutes of the New Year and say the following charming words:

“New year, new day, new life. In this new life, (name of the chosen one) and I are always destined to be together and to share happiness together is predetermined. We will not part with (name of the chosen one) not in a day, not in a year, not in our entire life. So be it.”

This phrase should be pronounced as quickly as possible and then immediately drain the glass to the bottom in one gulp. The magic of this love spell will begin to work almost immediately, however, to consolidate it, the girl performing the ritual should arrange meetings with the object of the ritual as often as possible.

In such a love spell for the New Year, it is very important to correctly invest all your thoughts and desires regarding a common future with your loved one. You should not perform such a ritual out of idle curiosity, without serious intentions: this may entail negative consequences for the bewitching girl.

Love spell on a thing

To carry out this conspiracy for the New Year or Old New Year, you should prepare in advance so that you have everything you need at hand.

Therefore, purchase or prepare the following items in advance:

  • Red wax candle.
  • Silk ribbon made of red material.
  • Any personal item of a beloved man that still retains a trace of his energy on itself.

The ritual itself is carried out at the very junction of the years, that is, around twelve o’clock at night. Moreover, it will have the same power both in the New Year itself and in the Old New Year, which is calculated according to a different calendar. You should prepare for this moment: light a candle and mentally tune in to the desired outcome of the love spell. When the right time comes, tie the man’s personal item with a red ribbon and say the following words to it:

“I (the name of the girl performing the love spell) now wish to take possession of the heart, mind and desires of (the name of the love spell victim) and fill his thoughts only with myself. Let him suffer, suffer and be bored, he cannot live without me, but with me next to me he rejoices and blooms. Like a hungry animal, it rushes at me and doesn’t let me go from its tight embrace. As soon as I tie a love knot, all the words I utter will take effect and no one will be able to resist them. This is my will. So be it!”

Now this item will serve as a kind of magnet for you, attracting the love of the object of the conspiracy to you. Hide the item in a safe hiding place where strangers will not find it and wait for the result of the love spell.

Love spell on a New Year's card

This is a fairly powerful love spell, but it is performed only once a year: on the night of the change of years. This can be either New Year's night itself or the Old New Year's holiday. In addition, such a ritual is only suitable if you and your loved one already have a certain relationship, but which does not develop into a real feeling.

To properly carry out the ritual itself, you need to stock up on a New Year’s card and a ballpoint pen that no longer contains any paste.

Tune in to the ritual, feel confident in the fulfillment of your desire and write the following magic words with a pen that will not leave marks on the card:

“From now on, you (name of the chosen one) are mine forever. You will love me, you will want me, you will not sleep at night without me. You (name of your beloved) will have neither peace nor happiness until you unite with me.”

After such actions, the postcard paper will still remain blank: it should be filled out with the standard text of the New Year’s greeting addressed to your chosen one.

Such a magical item should be given to a man on New Year's Eve or the Old New Year, and be sure to persuade him to read the words of congratulations out loud. His eyes will see only standard words on a postcard, but along with their pronunciation, magical writing will also enter his soul.

After all these manipulations, the love spell will begin to work immediately, since the magic words will grow directly in the energy of the man himself.

New Year's love spells

New Year's Eve is characterized by powerful energy, and this is another magical time when love spell s for love.

Love spell on a postcard

If you have the opportunity to give your loved one a postcard, you should use a secret message. To do this, write a spell on the postcard - with a pen with completely used ink:

“You (the name of the object of the love spell) are the one who will always come to me (your name),

The one (name of the object of the love spell) who is waiting for me (your name) alone everywhere,

While writing, you should put all your love and desire into the plot, and then, on top of the almost invisible words, you need to write any congratulation. The effect of a love spell will be better if you ask your chosen one to read the card out loud on New Year's Eve. In this case, his eyes will see the written conspiracy, and his heart will perceive the secret words, although he himself is not aware of it.

Love spell on husband for baking

To bewitch your walking husband, treat him with special pastries in the last minutes before the New Year. Bake a cupcake or cookies (the ingredients should include at least a little salt) - you can bake several to treat those around you, but only one should be spoken, and the husband should eat it whole. When talking about baking, think about your husband and say:

To my husband (name of the love spell object)

Love spell on blood

Cook your favorite meat in the oven (for example, chicken). Before dinner (before the New Year), take a piece of chicken that your chosen one prefers to eat, prick yourself with a sterile needle on the ring finger on your right hand and drop three drops of blood onto the hot piece, while saying: “The blood has receded, but I don’t need it, but my dear slave (name of the object of the love spell) needs it. And just as I couldn’t live without blood, he couldn’t live without me. Amen".

To make the blood invisible, pour sauce on top. The object of the love spell must eat the entire portion of the spell, the size is not important.

Love spell for a loved one

If your chosen one is not around on New Year's Eve, write a conspiracy on a small piece of paper, thinking about your loved one: “From now on, you (the name of the object of the love spell) are mine forever. You will only love me (your name), want only me (your name), and not sleep at night without me (your name). Come to me, unite with me. So be it." During the chime, burn a piece of paper, throw the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink it at the twelfth stroke.

This love spell works both when the husband’s feelings have cooled, and when there is a chosen one who does not dare to commit himself. Immediately after the chiming clock, go out onto the balcony or into another room, open the window, and say:

“Ahti, the servant of God (name of the chosen one) will not be able to live without his shadow and will not overcome the longing for me, the servant (your name). You (the name of the object of the love spell) walk and stammer, choke from melancholy. And as the sun moves across the sky, so do you (the name of the object of the love spell) come to me (your name) along every road. Amen".

After this, inhale a little air and, without exhaling, return to your husband or chosen one. While kissing him, try to exhale this air into his mouth.

New Year's love spell for a gift

Love spells on things that your chosen one uses are especially effective when performed on New Year's gifts. It is best to do something with your own hands (for example, knit a scarf, etc.), but you can use any thing made from natural materials (fabric or leather, precious metals and natural stones). The only condition is that the object of the love spell must constantly use the gifted item. You can use a wallet or leather diary, an exquisite lighter, a ring, a purse, and so on.

Let me bow, cross myself, and go out the door from the house.

And three winds, brothers and sisters, will fly into the clear field.

So blow, wild winds, kindle

Yes, bring the slave (the name of the object of the love spell) to me.

Bring him to me forever, soul to soul.

And so that my dear does not live without me, does not spend a day,

I didn’t spend an hour, I kept yearning for me (your name).

The first brother is Stok, the second is Leto, and the third is brother Siver!

You will breathe and bring melancholy into the servant of God (name of the chosen one),

So that you yearn and dry up, can’t live without me

Doing any of the above love spell ov independently, one should not forget about protective rituals (Protection when performing independent love spells). There are stronger love spells, but they require some magical experience to perform. One of the best masters of love spells in Krasnoyarsk, Nikolaev Igor Leonidovich, advises not to turn to black love spells on your own, especially on New Year’s Eve, so as not to accidentally harm yourself and your loved one. Treat magic wisely and with respect, and be happy in the New Year!

DIY love spells for the New Year

New Year is approaching. The most beloved, most long-awaited holiday. New Year's Eve is difficult in every way. And especially with regard to magic. The night of making wishes and making them come true. If you want to change the situation on the love front, free Love spells for a guy on New Year's will make it a reality. New Year's magic is effective, first of all, because the high spirits of people release huge amount spiritual energy. And it needs to be used.

  • One of the independent love spells for a guy’s love on New Year’s is for a glass of champagne.
  • In the very first seconds of the coming New Year, holding a glass of champagne in your hand, silently (or in a whisper) read the words of the spell for a guy’s New Year’s love spell:

“New year, new life. In our new life, (boyfriend’s name) and I are destined to be together. Live together, be together, share happiness between two. (boyfriend’s name) and I will never get enough of love, not in our entire lives. We won’t quarrel, we won’t break up with (boyfriend’s name) either in a year or in our entire lives. So be it! Amen. Amen. Amen".

After casting a strong love spell for the New Year, drink champagne in one gulp. This love spell is very effective despite its simplicity. Energy concentration can be a challenge. New Year is usually celebrated in noisy companies of friends or relatives. It is extremely difficult to concentrate in such an environment, but you must do it if you seriously expect success.

I repeat: this love spell for the New Year is simple and effective.

If everything is done correctly, after a few days you will see and feel that the magic has begun to work.

Other independent New Year's love spell men - ritual with a postcard. Suitable for those girls who are closely acquainted with their beloved guy and want to start a love affair. On a holiday card they write with a pen without paste:

“You are mine from this night and forever. You will love me, desire me, and not sleep at night without me. With me alone you will be happy. Amen".

Then, in the same place, write your congratulations in the usual way. The postcard will contain your confidence, the energy of the secret message, and your order, which the man will accept.

Of course, New Year's love spells for a loved one are associated not only with the night of December 31st.

There are many such love spells for the Old New Year, and they are varied. But the main thing you should know: a simple magical spell or a spell with a complex love spell for the New Year - both of them must contain your strength, because strength ensures a positive result of the work done.

Love spell for the New Year

New Year is the most long-awaited and most magical holiday of the year. This is the time when it is customary to make wishes on next year. But this is the best time not only to make wishes, but also to fulfill them. If you want the guy you dream about to finally pay attention to you and become inflamed with passion, or you want to bring back your departed husband, a love spell for the New Year is the best way to do this.

Magical New Year's effects

New Year's magic is not only strong and effective, but also quite safe for you and your chosen one. The festive atmosphere of expectation of a miracle, which always accompanies the New Year, generates a huge amount of spiritual energy. Why not use it to make your dreams come true?

A simple ritual

A love spell for the New Year can be performed in different ways. One of the simplest and most common New Year's love spells is a love spell with a glass of champagne. To perform such a love spell, you need to say magic words in the first moments of the new year, holding a glass of champagne in your hand.

In this life, (name of your chosen one) and I are destined to be together,

sharing happiness together is a foregone conclusion.

We will not part, not for a year, not for the rest of our lives. So be it!

Having said these words, drink champagne in one gulp. Despite its apparent simplicity, this love spell can be very effective. Try to show yourself to your chosen one more often in the first days of the new year. If you cast a love spell with a strong intention, you will probably feel how his attitude towards you has changed.

Ritual with a postcard

Another opportunity to bewitch your loved one on New Year's Eve is to use a New Year's love spell with a holiday card. This love spell is good in cases where a girl has a fairly close friendship or business relationship with her chosen one, which she would like to turn into love. For this love spell, you need to use a pen without paste (or with completely used paste) to “write” a magical spell on a New Year’s card.

Namely, these words:

If you want me, you won't sleep at night without me.

You will have neither happiness nor peace until you unite with me.”

This must be done with maximum desire and confidence in one’s abilities. Although nothing will be written on the postcard externally. The energy of your message will remain in her. After this, with a regular pen, write any usual New Year’s greetings on the card and hand it to the person you want to bewitch. Under the guise of a joke or a friendly request, convince him to read this card on New Year's Eve. Then the effect will be as strong as possible. Be sure that your chosen one will read the visible text with his eyes, and the secret message will fall into his very soul.

New Year's love spell

Probably, the New Year is the most favorite holiday for the majority of the population. It personifies the turn of life to new heights, fresh plans, prospects. Any person pins his hopes on this holiday and expects something magical and wonderful. And it is very sad when a holiday does not evoke such rosy feelings due to the fact that someone is depressed due to unrequited love.

What kind of plans and mood are there if all thoughts are aimed at solving one problem: how to attract the attention of a loved one, how to impress him, prove that you can make him (her) happy. Such unfortunates should remember that not only words and actions influence events. We live in an energy world. Therefore, you need to try to weave universal rejoicing into your life, to take advantage of the background energy of joy that accompanies any holiday, especially such a beloved one as the New Year. A little magic coupled with faith in miracles and the problem will be solved.

New Year's love spell: if you celebrate the winter holiday together

A New Year's love spell can be performed at the moment when one period gives way to another, that is, right after festive table when everyone is happy and congratulates each other. You just need to prepare in advance. A little about the mood. In order to “get into” the flow of energy, it is advisable to start “creating your strength” a week before the celebration.

Here is a spell that should be written (not printed) on a piece of paper, carried with you everywhere and read before bed.

“Nikola miracles master, you are formidable to the evil, kind to the offended. Help me gain strength and cope with adversity! The girl was grieving and wanted to drink enough of love. Yes, the eyes of your beloved do not look, do not invite you to go out at night! Saint Nicholas, correct the injustice! I only hope for your mercy! Amen!"

And when the New Year comes, everyone will raise their glasses, say, looking into the victim’s glass:

“When you drink wine, you bring your destiny closer! A sip down your throat, fire through your veins! I can’t reject my love! Saint Nicholas commanded! Amen!"

You just need to clink glasses with the love spell victim first, otherwise the energy of the love spell will dissipate. And in general, it’s better that your glasses no longer come into contact with others. That's how it goes. In order to “fix” the love spell, you can cast the spell a couple more times that night. Please note, it is not personal. Therefore, energy will flow to the person with whom the glasses come into contact. Be careful.

Also, wine or champagne is not important for this love spell. The conspiracy is slandered on the drink that is preferable for the victim. You just need to understand that the contents of the glasses should be the same for both the customer and the victim. You should drink to the bottom.

Remote New Year's love spell: at a distance

If you can’t celebrate the beginning of the year with your loved one, then it is recommended to be alone. The next ritual is a remote love spell. They spend it like the previous one on New Year's Eve. For the ritual you need to purchase a bottle of champagne (teetotalers too). The fact is that this drink, which is used to fill glasses in many families, is the best carrier of holiday energy.

Wine should be purchased on Friday morning. It would be good if it was a collectible drink, packaged in a beautiful box. No - invent it. You need to write the names of the victim and the customer on the box with a red felt-tip pen. Now place the champagne in the refrigerator and do not disturb it until New Year's Eve.

A “golden” tablecloth is also required for the ritual. They set the table with it. Just don't expose him to regular treats. You need to put a beautiful vase with two apples and one glass. You need to dress festively. Place the table opposite the mirror. Light the candles. You can put a photo of your loved one next to it (optional).

At midnight, fill your glass. While everyone is shouting “Hurray!” and fireworks are launched, you need to read the plot twelve times:

“In the name of love and light, in the name of prolongation of the family, in the name of life and death! I conjure, fill the body and thoughts of Slave (name) with love from now on and forever! What was said to be. Slave (name) loves me (name), suffers, fulfills all my desires! Amen!"

Now drink the wine in one gulp. This drink is just yours. You should not treat them to anyone. If you want a faster effect, then the ritual should be repeated at Christmas (the same way). Use wine from the same bottle. The apple that was on the table must be treated to the victim.

Easy New Year's love spell

If the previous rituals are aimed at creating a fairly serious relationship, then their meaning is marriage and procreation, that is, there are also easier love spells. They are suitable for those who seek a short-term relationship that will allow you to get to know the victim more deeply, and then decide whether you want to spend the rest of your life with this person.

To carry out the ritual, you need to go to the Christmas tree, which is decorated for all residents of the city. Where the festivities are held. Bring two Christmas tree decorations with you. The ritual only works in the first two hours of the year. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare in advance. Balls (or other decorations) must be tied together with a red ribbon. Attach a piece of paper to each with a name (yours and the victim’s).

When approaching the New Year's tree, say:

“The Christmas tree is beautiful! Today everyone likes you! You fulfill all your wishes, you fill your life with love! I entrust you with the fates (names). Make a gift, no one is in bondage! Arouse tenderness in the heart of (name of the victim)! If there is no fire in it, then take it from me!”

Hang the toys higher on the Christmas tree and go to bed. It is not advisable to communicate on the road. Most often, they also purchase a mask for the ritual in order to avoid conversations and congratulations from friends. All this will be done tomorrow. And that night you need to get a good night's sleep. The exception is the victim of a love spell. If you see this person when you go home, know that you are being given a signal that your wish will soon come true.

It must be said that the New Year's love spell is a bright ritual. It is based on the energy of joyful hopes. Therefore, its consequences are minimal. The worst thing that can happen is the lack of results. In this case, it is not recommended to show stubbornness. This means that this person is superfluous in your destiny. You just don’t understand this yet due to your lack of sufficient life experience.