Job description of the chief of staff of civil defense and emergency situations in the hospital. Examples of job descriptions of the chief of staff of civil defense Job description of the chief of staff of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the USR State Joint-Stock Company "Chernomorneftegaz"

Unified qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and other employees (UN), 2019
Section “Qualification characteristics of positions of employees of nuclear energy organizations”
The section was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 2009 N 977

Head of the Department (Headquarters) of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations

Job responsibilities. Provides direct supervision of the work of the civil defense department (headquarters) and emergency situations(Civil Defense and Emergency Situations) and is responsible for the implementation of a set of organizational, engineering, technical, medical and other special measures aimed at increasing the readiness of the system’s management bodies and civil defense and emergency response forces of the organization to act in emergency conditions in peacetime and wartime. Monitors the constant readiness of technical control systems, warning and communication control points of the organization's civil defense and emergency systems. Organizes alerting and informing personnel of the organization's departments about emergency situations. Organizes engineering, radiation, chemical and medical protection measures for workers in emergency conditions of peacetime and war, preparation for rescue and other urgent work in emergencies of a natural and man-made nature. Organizes the creation of services, civil organizations Civil defense and staffing them with personnel, means personal protection, radiation chemical reconnaissance and dosimetric monitoring devices. Organizes and controls training and education according to approved programs for personnel of civil defense and emergency management bodies of all levels, civil civil defense organizations, and employees of the organization in emergency situations. Organizes the generalization and dissemination of best practices in civil defense and emergency situations and fire safety. Participates in planning the financing of training of personnel of civil defense and emergency situations units to carry out civil defense and emergency response activities. Participates in the creation and use of emergency reserve funds of financial, food, medical and material and technical resources necessary to ensure the prevention and response to emergency situations. Exercises control over the accumulation, storage, renewal of equipment and property for civil defense and emergency purposes. Organizes control over the maintenance of the protective structures fund and the progress of their construction. Participates in the development of economic, legal, organizational and social measures aimed at creating conditions conducive to the prevention of emergency situations and reducing their consequences. Conducts outreach work with the public and funds mass media on issues of prevention and response to emergency situations. Organizes and improves systems of interaction with territorial and departmental civil defense and emergency systems. Monitors the maintenance of protected control points of the civil defense and emergency systems in constant readiness. Organizes the preparation of documentation on the deployment and operation of civil organizations of the civil defense and emergency systems in the affected areas to eliminate the consequences of the use of modern means defeats, as well as accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters and their interaction with the involved civil defense forces. Organizes the collection and synthesis of information on the state of the radiation and chemical situation, on the forces and means involved in localizing and eliminating emergency situations for management decisions to be made by the management of the civil defense and emergency system. Organizes, together with the organization’s departments, work to predict the likelihood of emergency situations and assess the current situation in case of emergency situations in the organization. Monitors the constant readiness of technical control systems, warning and communication control points of the civil defense and emergency systems. Organizes the planning and work of the emergency commission in the organization. Monitors readiness fire department organizations. Participates in the work of interdepartmental commissions on the organization of fire protection in the organization. Participates in the development and implementation of measures to prepare the organization for sustainable operation in emergency conditions of peace and war. Prepares and submits, in the prescribed manner, reporting data on the work of the civil defense and emergency department (headquarters). Ensures that personnel comply with the requirements of labor protection, nuclear, radiation and fire safety regulations, secrecy requirements, preservation of official, commercial and state secrets, non-disclosure of confidential information.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation, methodological and regulatory documents related to civil defense and emergency issues; civil defense plans of the organization and requirements to increase the sustainability of the organization’s functioning; organization and methodology for training management personnel of the organization, civil organizations of the civil defense and emergency systems, training of other employees; requirements for secrecy, preservation of official, commercial and state secrets, non-disclosure of confidential information; basics labor legislation; fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; basics of labor legislation; security rules environment, nuclear and radiation safety; labor protection and fire safety regulations; internal labor regulations.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional (technical) education, training under a special program and work experience in management positions of at least 5 years.

ECSD 2018. Revision dated April 9, 2018 (including those with changes that entered into force on July 1, 2018)
To search for approved professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, use directory of professional standards

Head of the Department (Headquarters) of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations

Job responsibilities. Provides direct supervision of the work of the department (headquarters) of civil defense and emergency situations (CD and ES) and is responsible for the implementation of a set of organizational, engineering, technical, medical and other special measures aimed at increasing the readiness of the management bodies of the system and the forces of the organization's civil defense and emergency situations to actions in emergency conditions in peacetime and wartime. Monitors the constant readiness of technical control systems, warning and communication control points of the organization's civil defense and emergency systems. Organizes alerting and informing personnel of the organization's departments about emergency situations. Organizes engineering, radiation, chemical and medical protection measures for workers in emergency conditions of peacetime and war, preparation for rescue and other urgent work in emergencies of a natural and man-made nature. Organizes the creation of services, civil civil defense organizations and staffing them with personnel, personal protective equipment, radiation chemical reconnaissance and dosimetric monitoring devices. Organizes and controls training and education according to approved programs for personnel of civil defense and emergency management bodies of all levels, civil civil defense organizations, and employees of the organization in emergency situations. Organizes the generalization and dissemination of best practices in civil defense and emergency situations and fire safety. Participates in planning the financing of training of personnel of civil defense and emergency situations units to carry out civil defense and emergency response activities. Participates in the creation and use of emergency reserve funds of financial, food, medical and material and technical resources necessary to ensure the prevention and response to emergency situations. Exercises control over the accumulation, storage, renewal of equipment and property for civil defense and emergency purposes. Organizes control over the maintenance of the protective structures fund and the progress of their construction. Participates in the development of economic, legal, organizational and social measures aimed at creating conditions conducive to the prevention of emergency situations and reducing their consequences. Conducts explanatory work with the public and the media on issues of prevention and response to emergency situations. Organizes and improves systems of interaction with territorial and departmental civil defense and emergency systems. Monitors the maintenance of protected control points of the civil defense and emergency systems in constant readiness. Organizes the preparation of documentation on the deployment and operation of civil organizations of the civil defense and emergency system in hotbeds of destruction to eliminate the consequences of the use of modern weapons, as well as accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters and their interaction with the involved civil defense forces. Organizes the collection and synthesis of information on the state of the radiation and chemical situation, on the forces and means involved in localizing and eliminating emergency situations for management decisions to be made by the management of the civil defense and emergency system. Organizes, together with the organization’s departments, work to predict the likelihood of emergency situations and assess the current situation in case of emergency situations in the organization. Monitors the constant readiness of technical control systems, warning and communication control points of the civil defense and emergency systems. Organizes the planning and work of the emergency commission in the organization. Monitors the readiness of the organization's fire department. Participates in the work of interdepartmental commissions on the organization of fire protection in the organization. Participates in the development and implementation of measures to prepare the organization for sustainable operation in emergency conditions of peace and war. Prepares and submits, in the prescribed manner, reporting data on the work of the civil defense and emergency department (headquarters). Ensures that personnel comply with the requirements of labor protection, nuclear, radiation and fire safety regulations, secrecy requirements, preservation of official, commercial and state secrets, non-disclosure of confidential information.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, methodological and regulatory documents relating to civil defense and emergency situations, civil defense plans of the organization and requirements for increasing the sustainability of the organization’s functioning, organization and methodology for training the management of the organization, civil organizations of the civil defense and emergency system, training of other employees, requirements for secrecy regime, preservation of official, commercial and state secrets, non-disclosure of confidential information, basics of labor legislation, basics of economics, organization of production, labor and management, basics of labor legislation, rules for environmental protection, nuclear and radiation safety, rules for labor protection and fire safety, internal labor regulations.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional (technical) education, training under a special program and work experience in management positions of at least 5 years.

Vacancies for the position of Head of the Department (Headquarters) of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations according to the all-Russian vacancy database

Job description chief of staff Civil Defense

Sample job description for the Chief of Staff of Civil Defense

General manager
"_____" ________________ 200___


1. General provisions.
1.1. The Chief of Staff for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations (hereinafter referred to as Civil Defense and Emergency Situations) is the main organizer of work at OJSC ____ on issues of civil defense, prevention and response to emergency situations. He reports directly to the General Director - Head of Civil Defense (hereinafter referred to as GO) and is his deputy, as well as deputy chairman of the Commission for Emergency Situations and Fire Safety (hereinafter referred to as CoES and Fire Safety).
1.2. The chief of staff for civil defense and emergency situations is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position upon the recommendation of the head of the personnel management service by order general director.
1.3. In his activities, the chief of staff for civil defense and emergency situations is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders and directives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the field of civil defense, the Plant Charter, regulatory and methodological documents in the field of civil defense and emergency situations, orders and instructions of the general director, regulations on the management body for civil defense and emergency situations, this job description.
1.4. A person who has higher education and appropriate training without any work experience requirements.
1.5. The chief of staff for civil defense and emergency situations must know the legislative and regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Administration of the Kursk Region, the Administration of the city of Kursk, the Administration of the Seimsky District of the city of Kursk in the field of civil defense, prevention and response to emergency situations.
2. Responsibilities.
When bringing the object link of the regional subsystem into a single state system prevention and response to emergency situations (hereinafter referred to as ODIS) in various degrees functioning it is obliged: in the mode of daily activities:
2.1. Prepare and report to the head of the civil defense, the chairman of the CoES and PB draft documents on the organization, functioning and improvement of the work of the OSIS.
2.2. Manage the creation of civilian civil defense organizations (hereinafter referred to as GO GO), staffing them with personnel and equipping them with GO equipment and property.
2.3. Organize timely training and retraining of management, command and control personnel, civil defense personnel, workers and employees not included in the civil defense, during scheduled classes, exercises and training.
2.4. Manage the implementation of collective, radiation, chemical and medical protection activities.
2.5. Monitor the implementation of the protective structures fund at the end of the accounting year, as well as the maintenance of existing shelters.
2.6. Control the accumulation of personal protective equipment (PPE), stocks of food, medical, financial, material and technical means, radiochemical reconnaissance devices, their storage and maintenance in good condition.
2.7. Participate in the creation and maintenance of readiness for use of the local warning system of JSC _____.
2.8. Take part in adjusting evacuation plans in natural and man-made emergencies and in wartime.
2.9. Take part in the development and implementation of measures to prepare JSC "______" for sustainable work in emergencies in neighboring, primarily potentially dangerous, facilities and military command and control bodies.
2.10. Organize and maintain interaction with civil defense and emergency management bodies of neighboring countries, primarily potentially dangerous objects and military authorities.
2.11. Study, summarize and disseminate the positive experience of the civil defense and emergency management bodies, civil defense and civil defense of OJSC "______".
2.12. Timely submit information to higher authorities for civil defense and emergency situations in accordance with the timesheet of urgent reports.
2.13. Summarize and prepare for the head of the civil defense, the chairman of the CoES and PB necessary information on security measures at JSC "_____" and the adjacent territory and ensure its communication to the relevant civil defense and emergency management authorities.
2.14. Be able to use timekeeping means of communication.
2.15. Organize the development and adjustment of plans on civil defense and emergency situations.
2.16. Keep records of activities carried out on civil defense and emergency situations.
2.17. Prepare proposals for civil defense and emergency measures for the plant’s mobilization plan.
2.18. Organize the reception of civil defense and emergency situations and bring them to the management team.
2.19. Organize notification of plant workers, as well as bodies managing civil defense within the coverage areas of local warning systems.
2.20. Participate in organizing training for mobilization deployment and implementation of the mobilization plan.
2.21. Organize the development of a budget for the allocation financial resources for carrying out civil defense and emergency events.
2.22. Organize control over implementation decisions taken and approved plans for the implementation of civil defense and emergency measures.
On high alert
2.1. Upon receipt of information (order, signal) about the threat and occurrence of an emergency, on the instructions of the head of the civil defense, and in his absence, on the instructions of the chairman of the CoES and Fire Department, organize the alerting of the CoES and Fire Department headquarters, warning and communication systems.
2.2. Submit drafts of necessary orders and instructions to the head of the Civil Defense.
2.3. Clarify the plan for interaction with governing bodies.
2.4. Take direct part in the work of the CoES and Fire Safety, clarifying the composition of the task force, summarize the conclusions of specialists about the current situation at the plant and the adjacent territory, develop proposals to the head of the civil defense, the chairman of the CoES for decision-making.
2.5. Organize the preparation of protective structures for sheltering personnel and the preparation of personal protective equipment for issuance.
2.6. Prepare data on the current situation at the facility and the surrounding area for reporting to higher authorities.
2.7. Clarify routes and evacuation procedures in the event of an emergency that threatens the life and health of personnel.
2.8. Participate in measures to protect the plant’s personnel and increase the sustainability of its operation.
In emergency mode.
2.1. Monitor the implementation of high-alert measures, if they have not been carried out previously.
2.2. Organize the work of the duty dispatch service for the composition of the CoES and Fire Department of civil defense managers, workers and employees of the plant, and, if necessary, the population of nearby neighborhoods. Prepare a draft order approving the composition of the CoES and Firefighting Task Force.
2.4. Participate in the task force’s analysis and assessment of the situation, development of proposals to the chairman of the CoES and Fire Department for him to make a decision on organizing the protection of plant personnel.
2.5. Participate in managing the forces and means of the plant during emergency recovery or other urgent work, organizing their interaction with other emergency services involved in joint liquidation of emergencies.
2.6. Prepare data for the chairman of the CoES and PB for a report to higher authorities for civil defense and emergency situations on the situation and ongoing activities.
2.7. Together with CoES and Fire Safety specialists, assess the scale of the incident, the extent of damage and the consequences of the emergency.
2.8. Lead the synthesis and dissemination of best practices in the operation of forces/
With the systematic transfer of Civil Defense from peaceful to military position.
2.1. Conduct a gathering of management personnel to inform the civil defense chiefs of the situation.
2.2. Draw up a schedule for round-the-clock duty of the management staff and approve it with the head of the civil defense, check the round-the-clock duty during working and non-working hours.
2.3. Manage activities to verify the operational readiness of the plant’s communication and warning control system.
2.4. Monitor the supply of food and medicine to the control point (CP) and the reserve control point (SCP).
2.5. Clarify the activities of the civil defense plan in accordance with the current situation.
2.6. Monitor measures to bring the protective structure into readiness.
2.7. Clarify the protection and procedure for occupying the protective structure, prepare the PPE and RHR devices stored at the facility for issue.
2.8. Clarify the staffing level of the civil defense personnel, the provision of equipment and property, and the plan for bringing them to readiness.
2.9. Organize clarification of plans and schedules for increasing measures to increase the sustainability of the plant’s operation in wartime.
2.10. Coordinate preparatory measures for maintaining a blackout regime, strengthening the protection of public order and fire protection.
When introducing priority measures of group II.
2.1. At the direction of the head of the Civil Defense, organize a round-the-clock work schedule for the management team.
2.2. Monitor the bringing into full readiness for operation of the control, communication and warning systems.
2.3. Manage measures to prepare personnel for shelter, round-the-clock duty of shelter service units.
2.4. Monitor the stocking of food and medicine supplies in the shelter.
2.5. organize control over the issuance of personal protective equipment from the stock of the civil defense plant to workers and employees.
2.6. Manages the removal to the countryside of documents and supplies of medical equipment necessary for official activities.
2.7. Take part in carrying out the necessary measures to increase the sustainability of the plant’s operation in wartime.
2.8. Know the specified procedure for carrying out evacuation measures.
2.9. Organize an inspection of heating, water supply, sewerage systems, shutdown devices, and emergency water supplies.
Upon receipt of an order to transfer the civil defense to general readiness.
2.1. Organize by bringing to readiness (without cessation of activity) civil defense civil defense organizations not brought to readiness when introducing activities of group II.
2.2. Monitor the transfer of RHI posts to round-the-clock duty, organize the production of simple PPE, carry out fire prevention measures and reducing the stock of explosive and fire hazardous substances.
2.3. Monitor the implementation of measures to protect material reserves, water supply sources, and carry out measures to ensure blackout.
During evacuation and dispersal. Monitor the workevacuation commission for:
2.1. Ensuring the timely attendance of workers, employees and members of their families at the SEP.
2.2. Ensuring the landing and sending of evacuees to the suburban area.
2.3. Organizing a meeting of evacuees at the unloading station (meeting points for columns).
2.4. Organization of transportation (dispatch) of evacuees to accommodation sites.
2.5. Accommodation of evacuees in a suburban area and organization of issues related to the continuation of production activities.
2.6. Preparation of reports to the territorial authority for civil defense and emergency situations on the progress of evacuation and dispersal to the suburban area.
When using modern means of destruction.
2.1. Organize timely notification of the senior command and control personnel, civil defense, control the organization and implementation of the shelter, personnel in the protective structure.
2.2. Organize reconnaissance and radiation monitoring of the plant territory, collect and summarize situation data for a report to the head of the civil defense.
2.3. Report the current situation to the Civil Defense and Emergency Department of the Seimsky District of Kursk.
2.4. Organize the work of the headquarters to control the logistics forces during the ASDNR in the affected area.
2.5. Develop proposals to the head of the civil defense on the procedure for conducting ASDNR, organize all types of support for the actions of the plant’s civil defense forces and their interaction with other units in joint actions.
2.6. Organize the collection and synthesis of information on the progress of the NDNR and the development of proposals to the head of the Civil Defense on increasing efforts, maneuvering forces and means.
2.7. Prepare proposals to the head of the civil defense on the withdrawal of formations from the affected area, carrying out special treatment and restoring functionality.
3. Rights.
The Chief of Staff for Civil Defense and Emergency Affairs has the right:
3.1. Give orders (orders) on civil defense and emergency situations issues on behalf of the head of civil defense, the chairman of the CoES and Firefighter.
3.2. Submit, in accordance with the established procedure, proposals to improve civil defense and emergency preparedness.
3.3. Conduct inspections of the implementation of planned activities in the field of civil defense and emergency situations.
3.4. To involve, in the prescribed manner, managers and employees of other structural divisions of the plant in the preparation of documents and materials on civil defense and emergency situations.
3.5. involve, in the prescribed manner, structural units in the development of Civil Defense plans and other regulations in the field of civil defense and emergencies.
3.6. Request from structural divisions and employees of the plant documents necessary for the chief of staff for civil defense and emergency situations to carry out his functions.
3.7. Carry out business relations on civil defense and emergency situations within the limits of your competence.
3.8. Represent the plant in all government and other organizations on civil defense and emergency matters.
3.9. Exercise control over the activities of the structural divisions of the plant in solving civil defense and emergency situations problems.
3.10. Develop draft policy documents, methodological instructions, instructions and other regulations regulating work in the field of civil defense and emergency situations.
4. Responsibility.
The Chief of Staff for Civil Defense and Emergency Affairs is responsible for:
4.1. Failure to fulfill the duties provided for in this job description.
4.2. Causing material damage to the plant as a result of failure to perform official duties.
4.3. Violation of internal regulations.
4.4. Failure to observe trade secrets, disclosure of confidential information obtained as a result of performance of official duties.
5. Interaction by position.
The Chief of Staff for Civil Defense and Emergency Affairs interacts with:
5.1. With structural divisions of the plant:
Receives: information related to the work of Go and emergency situations.
Represents: copies of orders, instructions, methodological recommendations on civil defense and emergency situations issues.
5.2. With the secretariat:
Receives: organizational, administrative and other documents on civil defense and emergency situations, incoming documents from the organization with the resolution of the general director.
represents: executed documents, outgoing documents to be sent to recipients.
5.3. With a legal office:
Receives: legislative and other acts on issues of current legislation.
Represents: documents within the competence of the legal bureau.



1.1. The position of the Chief of Staff of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations (hereinafter referred to as the Chief of Staff of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations) belongs to the category “Leaders”.

1.2. The chief of the civil defense and emergency response headquarters of the enterprise is appointed and dismissed by the director of the enterprise.

1.3. A person from among the military personnel who has a higher education and has completed training in civil defense courses is appointed to the position of the chief of staff of the civil defense and emergency situations of the enterprise.

1.4. The chief of the civil defense and emergency response headquarters reports directly to the director of the enterprise.

1.5. In the event of the temporary absence of the chief of the civil defense and emergency situations headquarters, his duties are performed by another employee appointed by order of the director of the enterprise.

1.6. The workplace of the chief of staff of civil defense and emergency situations is an office in the administrative building, equipped with posters, teaching aids according to civil defense and other equipment according to the equipment list.


2.1. The main task of the chief of staff of the enterprise's civil defense and emergency situations is to organize the planning and implementation of all activities that ensure the constant readiness of the forces and means of the enterprise's civil defense, their use in emergency situations, the establishment of a fire safety regime at the enterprise and the organization of work to prevent the occurrence of emergencies of man-made origin.

2.2. The head of the civil defense and emergency situations headquarters of the enterprise is obliged to:

2.2.1. Perform the functions assigned to him in a timely and efficient manner in accordance with the requirements of current legislation, regulations, regulations, and instructions.

2.2.2. Develop and submit for approval to the head of the enterprise’s civil defense an Action Plan for civil defense and emergency response, and monitor its implementation.

2.2.3. Together with the heads of civil defense services, develop a Civil Defense Plan, adjust it in a timely manner and lead the work on its implementation.

2.2.4. Check the availability and reality of warning plans for personnel included in emergency high-readiness formations, as well as management and command personnel.

2.2.5. Organize training for enterprise employees in methods and means of protection from impacts resulting from accidents, catastrophes, and natural disasters.

2.2.6. Ensure the creation and training of non-paramilitary forces for operations in hotbeds of destruction.

2.2.7. Draw up established reports in accordance with the timesheet of urgent reports.

2.2.8. Provide oversight for safe operation equipment, premises, control units, instruments and mechanisms.

2.2.9. When receiving a civil defense alert signal, follow the Procedure for Action.

2.2.10. Organize the safe storage and use of radioactive, toxic, explosive, flammable substances and materials.

2.2.11. Immediately inform the director of the enterprise about the preconditions for the occurrence of emergencies of man-made origin and take urgent measures to prevent them.

2.2.12. Organize and carry out work to promote civil defense issues among enterprise employees.

2.2.13. Take measures to immediately eliminate the causes and conditions that may cause downtime, an accident or other damage, and if it is not possible to eliminate these causes on your own, immediately notify the director of the enterprise, the head of the department or other official.

2.2.15. Undergo introductory, initial at-workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings, training in occupational safety and health, and testing of knowledge in occupational safety.

2.2.16. Comply with the rules and regulations of occupational safety, fire safety and industrial sanitation.

2.2.17. Stop the operation of machines, mechanisms and other equipment if there is a threat to life and health, and immediately notify the director of the enterprise about this.

2.2.18. Comply with the requirements of regulations on labor protection, instructions, rules for handling equipment and other means of production, use collective and individual protective equipment.

2.2.19. Comply with labor protection obligations provided for collective agreement and internal labor regulations.

2.2.20. Follow labor safety rules when working according to instructions

2.2.21. Pass in established deadlines preliminary and periodic medical examinations (at least once a year).

Job description of the Chief of Staff of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Ukrainian Socialist Republic of the State Joint-Stock Company "Chernomorneftegaz"

1. General provisions.

1.1. Appointment and dismissal from the post of NSh Civil Defense and Emergency Situations, then the chief of staff, is carried out by order of the head of the USR.

1.2.NS is directly subordinate to the head of the USR.

1.3.NS in its work is guided by the Law of Ukraine “On Civil Defense of Ukraine”, “Regulations on Civil Defense of Ukraine”, “Regulations on Civil Defense and Emergency Situations Headquarters of Ukraine” and other regulatory legal acts of Ukraine on civil defense and emergency situations, this job description, orders of the chief Civil Protection and Emergency Situations of the USR.

2. Job responsibilities.

2.1. organize the collection, analysis and study of data on the situation in the field of civil protection and emergency situations, report on them to the head of civil protection and emergency situations of the USR and the chief of staff of civil protection and emergency situations of SJSC Chernomorneftegaz.

2.2.Develop and timely submit applications for logistics and transport support for civil protection and emergency measures.

2.3. Prepare systematic conclusions from the assessment of the situation and proposals for the implementation of civil protection and emergency measures.

2.4. Organize the communication of orders from the head of Civil Protection and Emergency Situations to the executors and control over their implementation.

2.5. organize, by prior agreement with the head of Civil Protection and Emergency Situations, the timely submission of reports on ongoing civil protection and emergency situations activities to the Civil Protection and Emergency Situations headquarters of SJSC Chernomorneftegaz.

2.6. Organize interaction between the headquarters and non-paramilitary formations of the USR. accounting documentation according to civil law and emergency situations.


3.1.Represent the USR in accordance with the established procedure in other organizations on issues within its competence.

3.2.make proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities provided for in the job description.


4.1. bears responsibility for the quality and timeliness of fulfillment of the duties assigned to him by these instructions.

4.2. Bears responsibility for the development of civil protection and emergency plans.

4.4. For the fulfillment of civil protection and emergency situations tasks assigned to the civil protection and emergency situations headquarters.

4.5. bears personal responsibility in accordance with Art. 44 of the Law of Ukraine on labor protection.

5.Must know.

5.1.Legal, regulatory and other guidance documents on civil protection and emergency situations, the basics of current legislation.

Resolutions, instructions, orders and others, guiding and regulatory materials higher and other bodies related to the activities of the USR.

5.2.Rules and standards of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

6. Qualification requirements.

6.1. Persons with higher or basic military education of appropriate training are appointed to the position of NSH Civil Defense and Emergency Situations ( military rank lieutenant) and work experience as a chief of staff for at least 1 year.


7.1.With the chiefs of civil protection and emergency situations staff of other divisions of the State Joint-Stock Company "Chernomorneftegaz" and regional civil protection and emergency response authorities within the framework of the duties provided for by the job description.

I have read the job description of the chief of staff and have no objections.

Organizes engineering, radiation, chemical and medical protection measures for workers in emergency conditions of peacetime and war, preparation for rescue and other urgent work in emergencies of a natural and man-made nature. 2.1.4. Organizes the creation of services, civil civil defense organizations and staffing them with personnel, personal protective equipment, radiation chemical reconnaissance and dosimetric monitoring devices. 2.1.5. Organizes and controls training and education according to approved programs for personnel of civil defense and emergency management bodies of all levels, civil civil defense organizations, and employees of the organization in emergency situations. 2.1.6. Organizes the generalization and dissemination of best practices in civil defense and emergency situations and fire safety. 2.1.7.

Functional responsibilities of officials of the headquarters of the state emergency department

Upon receipt of information (order, signal) about the threat and occurrence of an emergency, on the instructions of the head of the civil defense, and in his absence, on the instructions of the chairman of the CoES and Fire Department, organize the alerting of the CoES and Fire Department headquarters, warning and communication systems.2.2. Submit drafts of necessary orders and instructions to the head of the civil defense. 2.3.

Clarify the plan for interaction with governing bodies.2.4. Take direct part in the work of the CoES and Fire Safety, clarify the composition of the task force, summarize the conclusions of specialists about the current situation at the plant and the adjacent territory, develop proposals to the head of the civil defense, the chairman of the CoES for decision-making.2.5.
Organize the preparation of protective structures for sheltering personnel and the preparation of personal protective equipment for issuance.2.6. Prepare data on the current situation at the facility and the surrounding area for reporting to higher authorities.2.7.

Examples of job descriptions for the Chief of Civil Defense Staff

A"; control over the receipt, accounting and correct expenditure of radioactive materials and other sources ionizing radiation; The service (group) has the right to: check the state of radiation safety at a healthcare facility, give instructions on how to eliminate identified violations; prohibit work on sites and installations in conditions that do not meet radiation safety standards; demand replacement or withdrawal from use of protective and other equipment that does not comply with radiation safety standards. To solve sudden problems, assess the situation, and carry out preparatory measures, an operational group of 3-4 people is created from among the members of the emergency response headquarters and, if necessary, with the participation of relevant specialists from the healthcare facility.

Organizes the collection and synthesis of information on the state of the radiation and chemical situation, on the forces and means involved in localizing and eliminating emergency situations for making management decisions by the management of the civil defense and emergency systems.2.1.17. Organizes, together with the organization’s divisions, work to predict the likelihood of emergency situations and assess the current situation in case of emergency situations in the organization. 2.1.18.

Monitors the constant readiness of technical control systems, warning and communication control points of the civil defense and emergency systems.2.1.19. Organizes the planning and work of the emergency commission in the organization.2.1.20.


Monitors the readiness of the organization's fire department.2.1.21. Participates in the work of interdepartmental commissions on the organization of fire protection in the organization.2.1.22.

Job description of the Chief of Civil Defense Staff

Labor Code of the Russian Federation, others federal laws; — to receive materials and documents related to its activities, familiarize itself with draft decisions of the Organization’s management relating to its activities; — to interact with other departments of the Employer to resolve operational issues of their professional activities; — submit proposals on issues of their activities for consideration by their immediate supervisor. 3.2. The Employee has the right to demand from the Employer assistance in the performance of his official duties.

4. RESPONSIBILITY 4.1. The employee is responsible for: 4.1.1. Failure to perform or improper performance of one’s duties provided for in this job description is in accordance with current labor legislation.
4.1.2. Violation of safety rules and labor protection instructions.

5.3. organization and conduct of civil defense at a healthcare facility.

Supervises the removal to the suburban area of ​​documents and supplies of medical equipment necessary for official activities.2.7. Take part in carrying out the necessary measures to increase the sustainability of the plant’s operation in wartime.2.8.

Know the specified procedure for carrying out evacuation measures. 2.9. Organize an inspection of heating, water supply, sewerage systems, shut-off devices, emergency water supplies. With receipt of an order to transfer the civil defense to general readiness. 2.1.

Organize by bringing to readiness (without cessation of activity) civil defense civil defense organizations that were not brought to readiness during the introduction of Group II activities. 2.2. Control the transfer of RHI posts to round-the-clock duty, the organization of the production of simple personal protective equipment, the implementation of fire-fighting measures and the reduction of the stock of explosive and fire-hazardous substances. 2.3.

Emergency situations of forces and means of the district (city) level of the RSChS; 6) at the direction of the head of the civil education institution, organize the protection of staff and students (students) from the damaging factors of emergency situations (depending on the situation - emergency evacuation from the emergency zone, shelter in sealed rooms, issuance of respiratory protective equipment); 7) personally monitor the implementation of emergency rescue and other necessary work in the emergency zone; 8) ensure, by means of the sanitary post, the provision of self- and mutual aid and first medical aid to victims, as well as their evacuation to medical institutions; 9) develop and send to the chairman of the CoES and OPB of the district (through the civil protection department of the district) formalized reports on the threat (forecast) of an emergency, on the fact and main parameters of the emergency, on measures to protect the population and territories, the conduct of the ASDNR, on forces and means, involved in emergency response (forms 1, 2, 3, 4/ES).

Job description of the chief of staff of civil defense and emergency situations in the hospital

Organize the development and adjustment of plans for civil defense and emergency situations.2.16. Keep records of activities carried out on civil defense and emergency situations issues.2.17.

Prepare proposals for civil defense and emergency measures in the plant’s mobilization plan.2.18. Organize the reception of civil defense and emergency situations and bring them to the management staff.2.19.

Organize notification of plant workers, as well as bodies managing civil defense within the coverage areas of local warning systems.2.20. Participate in organizing training for mobilization deployment and implementation of the mobilization plan.2.21.

Organize the development of a budget for the allocation of financial resources for carrying out civil defense and emergency events.2.22. Organize control over the implementation of decisions made and approved plans for the implementation of civil defense and emergency measures. On high alert 2.1.

GO - chief physician, analyze the current situation, summarize data on the implementation of activities by the facility in the current situation; systematically improve your specialized knowledge, take part in events carried out according to the civil defense plans of the city (district); as deputy chief physician (on his behalf) perform other duties related to preparing the facility for work in wartime, instruct newly hired personnel, participate in hospital conferences, in the certification of hospital personnel and discussion of candidates for positions, taking into account their training to work in civil defense.
When performing his duties, the chief of staff is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts President of the Russian Federation, Government of the Russian Federation, federal bodies executive branch, orders and instructions of the head of civil defense of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Governor of the region, decrees and orders of the Government of the region, orders of the head of civil defense of the region, orders of the head of civil defense of the city, orders of the head of civil defense of the city district, orders of the head of civil defense of the institution, “Regulations on the organization and conduct of civil defense in "", as well as the "Action Plan for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations", "Civil Defense and Population Protection Plan". 1.3.


Participates in planning the financing of training of personnel of civil defense and emergency situations units to carry out civil defense and emergency response activities. 2.1.8. Participates in the creation and use of emergency reserve funds of financial, food, medical and material and technical resources necessary to ensure the prevention and response to emergency situations.

2.1.9. Exercises control over the accumulation, storage, renewal of equipment and property for civil defense and emergency purposes. 2.1.10. Organizes control over the maintenance of the protective structures fund and the progress of their construction. 2.1.11. Participates in the development of economic, legal, organizational and social measures aimed at creating conditions conducive to the prevention of emergency situations and reducing their consequences. 2.1.12.