Class hour "Fire Safety" (9th grade). Class hour "You may not be a firefighter, but you must know the fire safety rules" Fire safety class hour

The summary is accompanied by a presentation, song Goals: dissemination of knowledge on life safety issues; introduce the causes of fires; systematize students’ knowledge about the causes and consequences of fire; activation of cognitive and creative activity of students; cultivate a sense of self-preservation, develop the ability to behave correctly in an extreme situation, and quickly respond to danger.

Progress of the lesson

Slide 2. Fire is one of the greatest wonders of nature, with which man became acquainted at the dawn of his existence. Fire gave people warmth and light, protected them from wild animals, and was used for cooking and making tools. Thanks to fire, humanity penetrated into space. People have learned to make and store fire. However, once out of human control, it turns into a terrible disaster - fire. To avoid a fire, to prevent it, you need to know how the fire breaks free. What is the reason for this? What to do in case of fire? Today we need to find answers to these questions.

So what is a fire?

Slide 3. Fire is an uncontrolled combustion that causes material damage, harm to the life and health of citizens, and the interests of society and the state.

Do you know the causes of fires?

Slides 4-5. Most often, a fire occurs due to violation of fire safety rules when operating household electrical appliances, gas appliances and heating stoves, inattention, carelessness in handling burning objects and flammable materials.

Fire is dangerous due to open flame, high air temperature, toxic gases, smoke and other unfavorable factors.

It has been known since ancient times that it is easier to prevent a fire than to extinguish it.

What fire safety rules do you know?

Slide 6. To prevent fires in your home, you must strictly follow simple fire safety rules. Here are some of them:

— do not leave electrical appliances on after working with them;

- do not connect several powerful consumers of electricity to one outlet;

- when using candles, insulate them from the table with fire-resistant materials;

- do not use sparklers, firecrackers and other pyrotechnics in apartments;

- do not play with matches, other burning objects and flammable materials.

But it also happens that precautions did not help and a fire started. What to do in such cases?

If still there was a fire in your house:

Slide 7

- call the fire department by phone “01”, and inform them that it is on fire, the exact address, your last name and telephone number;

- do not panic, act calmly and in an organized manner;

- in a smoky room, move as close to the floor as possible - there is less smoke there, stick to the walls;

- if you cannot leave the apartment, tightly close the room you are in. Use wet clothing or towels to seal cracks in doors and vents;

- cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel, this will reduce the amount of carbon monoxide entering the lungs;

— do not break windows, as oxygen access can intensify combustion. If you need air, open a crack in the window and be ready to close the crack immediately;

What should you never do in case of a fire in a house (apartment)?

Slide 8. Fight the fire yourself without calling the fire brigade (if you do not control the fire in a few seconds, its spread will lead to a large fire);

— Do not try to exit through a smoky corridor or staircase (smoke is very toxic, hot air can also burn your lungs);

- go down drainpipes and risers using sheets and ropes (unless this is absolutely necessary, because a fall here is almost always inevitable without the lack of special skills);

- jump from the window (starting from the 4th floor, every second jump is fatal)

So, what fire extinguishing agents do you know?

Slide 9.(water, sand, earth, asbestos blanket, fire extinguishers).

Now let's test your fire safety knowledge

Slide 10. Quiz

1. How to get out of a room filled with smoke?

A) crawling

B) crawling along the wall

B) run at random

D) go straight

2. What should you do when you leave your apartment to prevent a fire?

A) close the front door

B) turn off electrical appliances

B) close the window

D) turn off gas appliances

3. What should everyone do when a fire is discovered?

A) tell the neighbors

B) call “01”

B) shout loudly

D) start simmering

4. How to properly evacuate from a multi-story building?

A) using the elevator

B) through the window

B) emergency exit

D) through the balcony

5. When calling “01” you need to briefly inform that...

B) what is burning

C) where do you work and study?

D) family composition

D) last name

6. If fat catches fire in a frying pan, you must:

A) cover with a lid

B) cover with a wet cloth

B) fill with water

D) leave to cool

7. What available means can be used to put out a fire?

B) sand

B) a blanket

D) gasoline

8. What fire safety rules must be followed on a camping trip?

A) make a fire near a pond

B) do not leave bottles or broken glass

C) make a fire near the trees

Slide11. Game situations

1. That evening the parents were late at work. Maxim was home alone. He was watching TV, suddenly the TV began to smoke and flames appeared. Maxim was not at a loss. He quickly pulled the plug out of the socket. However, the TV remained on. Then Maxim ran to the bathroom to get water. And then he remembered that the water had been turned off for the second day.

Question: What else should Maxim have done in this situation?

2. One day Vasya and Petya decided to make a fire in the courtyard of the house. They collected leaves and brushwood, but the fire did not seem to light up. It was too wet outside. Then Vasily brought a bottle of gasoline.

Almost simultaneously with the leaves, Vasya’s sneakers caught fire. After a few more seconds, the fire spread to his trousers. Vasya got scared and ran...

Question: What should Petya have done? What fire safety rules did the boys ignore?

3. Sasha was playing in the yard and noticed smoke from the fifth floor window. He ran to the payphone and dialed “03”. “Fire, fire, the house is on fire!” - That's all the boy said and hung up.

Question: What did Sasha do wrong? What should have been reported about the fire?

4. A brand new bright bottle appeared on my mother’s dressing table. “Hairspray,” read the colorful sign. “Flammable,” it said at the bottom. “For hair, and suddenly it’s flammable?” the boy thought, “It can’t be!” Sergei ran to the kitchen for matches...

A minute later Sergei returned. Twisting the balloon in his hands, he pressed the trigger and managed to set fire to the liquid that escaped. The cylinder caught fire instantly. Instinctively, Sergei abandoned him. The curtain caught fire from the cylinder. Then the cornice... Sergei got scared and reached into the closet. Very soon smoke filled the room. The boy could not breathe. From life safety lessons, Sergei remembered that you need to protect your respiratory organs and crawl out of a smoke-filled room along the wall. He did so, covering his nose and mouth with a T-shirt, and made his way to the balcony. "Fire! Fire! Help!” the boy began to shout, waving his T-shirt, attracting the attention of passers-by. A few minutes later the fire brigade arrived at the scene of the fire.

Question: what fire safety rules did Sergei violate? What did he do right and what did he do wrong?

Slide 12. What do these signs mean?

1. Sign of a crossed out cigarette “No smoking”. It is depicted on the outside of the doors of rooms where open fire is prohibited and where toxic substances are located.

2. The sign of a crossed out burning match “It is prohibited to use open fire.” It is depicted on the outside of the doors of rooms and warehouses with flammable materials, as well as on containers with them.

3. A sign with a tap and a crossed out fire “Do not extinguish with water.” It is depicted on containers with alkali metals, as well as on the doors of rooms where these substances are stored.

Class hour on the topic: “Fire safety rules”

Goals: p familiarize children with the danger that awaits in case of careless handling of fire, remind them of safety rules in the event of a fire. Introduce the evacuation plan and evacuate children from the school building.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment

II. Conversation on the topic.


What, just touched, turns firewood into smoke? (Fire.)

Fire is a long-time friend of man; many useful things are accomplished with its help. It faithfully serves people in everyday life and at work.

And without good fire
You can't get by even a day.
He is a reliable friend of us:
The cold drives away, the darkness drives away,
He's a welcoming flame
Raises it like a flag.
Everyone needs a good fire,
And for that he is honored,
What warms up the guys' dinner.
Cuts steel and bakes bread.

Why do they say about fire that it is dangerous? Why is fire dangerous?

It happens that fire turns from a faithful friend into a merciless enemy, destroying in a matter of minutes what was created over many years of hard work.

It can be different
Amazing fire.
Then an ugly brawler,
Then the quietest of the quiet ones,
Then he's a hurried snake
Slides over dry bark,
Blazes at dawn.
Yes, there are different types of fire.
- Pale yellow, bright red,
Blue or gold
Very kind, very evil.
Evil fire - fire of fire,
Evil fire is the fire of war,
From the merciless heat
The days are dark, the fields are black.
Inhabitants of the globe
Citizens of any country
The evil fire must be extinguished. So, guys, fire can be both a friend and an enemy.

You have heard the word “fire” before. Maybe some of you have had to observe or see the consequences of a raging disaster.

Fires often occur due to human fault. A serious danger is posed by fires that children make near buildings or construction sites. Carried away by the game, the children forget to put out the fire, and then the sparks scattered by the wind scatter over long distances. You must remember that it is not allowed to light fires or burn garbage in the city. Children often play in attics or basements of residential buildings. Without thinking about the consequences, they light candles, make fires, and use matches.

Don't play with a match, my friend,
Remember, she is strong
And from a match - not much
The house might burn down. Matches are not a toy for children!

Is it possible to light a fire indoors, come close to an open fire, throw cartridges into the fire, or pour flammable substances (gasoline, kerosene)?

Fire and smoke released during the combustion process are equally dangerous for humans.

Where should you go in case of fire? Remember the lines from S. Marshak’s poem:

Let every citizen remember:

Firefighter number - 01!

III. Game Situation 1

In cold weather, my parents lit a fireplace in the house. When the fire burned out, they started working in the yard. The children took out hot coals, put them in a candy box, placed them on the windowsill and, imitating the adults, began to blow on them. A fire appeared, the children were happy and began to blow harder. The box suddenly caught fire, then the curtain and the window sill. Then the children got scared, hid under the table and watched the flames from there. The room began to fill with smoke. The eldest boy took his sister by the hand and ran outside to his parents.

Situation 2

All day at the dacha, adults and children cut out dry branches of trees and bushes, and in the evening the children decided to organize a bonfire. For some reason the branches did not light up. Petya ran home, brought a bottle of kerosene and poured it on the dry land. They brought a match and barely managed to jump away from the flaring flame.

IV. View the presentation “Fire Safety.”

V. Rules of conduct in case of fire in the house

Call the fire department or tell an adult.

Unplug electrical appliances.

Close windows and doors and prevent air flow into the room.

If the room is filled with smoke, dampen any rag with water and cover your mouth and nose with it and leave the room.

Don't take the elevator out of a burning building; if there is a fire escape, use it.

VI. Practical work


Fire evacuation plan for our school. Describe the evacuation route in words.

Children's conclusions:

Never cause a fire: do not play with matches, lighters or other sources of fire; do not throw shells into the fire, do not pour kerosene, gasoline or other flammable liquids, do not leave an unextinguished fire in the forest.

Drawing competition “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy”

Class hour on the topic: “Fire safety” in 9th grade

Subject. “Fire is the friend and enemy of man.”

Goal: to teach children to behave correctly in emergency situations, in case of a fire at home or at school, to instill practical skills in extinguishing fire, to bring to the consciousness of students the rules for using gas and electrical appliances, to consolidate previously acquired knowledge and skills of students on the topic “Fire Safety Rules”; expand providing students with information about fire hazards.

Progress of the class hour.

Fire is one of the greatest wonders of nature, with which man became acquainted at the dawn of his existence. Fire gave people warmth and light, protected them from wild animals, and was used for cooking and making tools. Thanks to fire, humanity penetrated into space. People have learned to make and store fire. However, once a person gets out of control, it turns into a terrible disaster - a fire. To avoid a fire, to prevent it, you need to know how the fire breaks free. What is the reason for this? What to do in case of fire? Today we need to find answers to these questions.

Statistics say that in our country fires break out every 2-3 minutes, about 20 thousand people die in them every year.

Fires lead to large material losses:

They turn residential and industrial buildings into ashes;

Destroy forests;

Destroy agricultural crops.

I will give examples of some historical factors confirming the grave consequences caused by fires:

1470 g .- fire in Moscow (only 3 yards left);

1493 g .- fire in the Kremlin (all of Moscow burned down);

1812 .- a fire caused by the outrages of marauders (2/3 of the city was destroyed);

1972 .- peat fires in the Moscow region (all of Moscow was covered in smoke);

1977 .- fire at the Rossiya hotel, 37 guests and 5 employees died, 52 people were hospitalized;

1993 .- fire at the Kama Automobile Plant (the country lost its main supplier of heavy-duty vehicles).

Fire - This is an uncontrolled combustion process, accompanied by the destruction of material assets and creating danger for human health.

Combustion is the process of converting combustible substances into combustion products.

Fire - this is the merciless force of fire, the death of people, cities, buildings, material assets, flora and fauna.

Fires accompany people always and everywhere: on earth, under water, in the air, in space.

The increase in the number of fires, material losses, and loss of life is a consequence of the rapid development of equipment and technology, the concentration of production, the creation of new fire hazardous materials, an increase in population density, the lack of sufficient primary fire extinguishing means, the low level of preparation of the population for actions to prevent fires/lack of firefighting skills and safe behavior during fires.

Fires bring countless misfortunes, injuries and deaths to people; they destroy everything in their path and cause irreparable harm to the natural environment.


For combustion to occur, three conditions are necessary:

1). presence of flammable substance; flammable substances include:

* tree;

* paper;



* gas, etc.;

2) presence of an oxidizing agent , which includes the following substances:

* air oxygen;

* saltpeter;

* nitric acid;

* nitrogen oxides;

3) ignition source , which can serve as:

* caviar;

* fire flame;

* unextinguished cigarette butt, etc.

The main causes of fires.

Careless, negligent handling of fire.

Violation of safety requirements at work

electrical appliances, stove heating.

Violation of the rules for conducting electric and gas welding and fire work.

Accidental or intentional arson.

Neglect of danger, ignorance and underestimation of the possible consequences of a fire.

Lightning strike.

Children playing with firemostly with matches.

Spontaneous combustion.

To prevent fires in your home, you must strictly follow simple fire safety rules.

Here are some of them:
· do not leave electrical appliances on after working with them;
· do not connect several powerful electrical consumers to one outlet;
· when using candles, insulate them from the table with fire-resistant materials;
· do not use sparklers, firecrackers or other pyrotechnics in apartments;
· do not play with matches, other burning objects and flammable materials.

But it also happens that precautions did not help and a fire started. What to do in such cases?

· Urgently call the fire department, tell them the exact address and what is burning;

· If the burning has just begun, the fire can be easily extinguished with water, covered with a blanket, blocking the access of air;

· Do not extinguish burning electrical wiring and energized electrical appliances with water;

· If it was not possible to extinguish the fire on your own, then immediately leave the room;

· If it is impossible to leave the apartment due to smoke, tightly close the doors and ventilation holes with towels moistened with water;

· Never hide in secluded places in a smoky room.

Signs of a starting fire.

Presence of smoke odor.

Minor fire, flame.

The presence of a characteristic smell of burning rubber or

Plastics, reduced voltage in the electrical network, disruption of the power supply are signs of burning electrical wiring.

Human bustle on the stairscages, in the entrance.


Fire in an apartment, house, school building.

    Don't panic.

    Call firefighters and rescuers by phone 01.

    Try to extinguish the fire yourself at the initial stage of combustion: pour water, cover with sand or earth, cover with a thick cloth, fill with the contents of a fire extinguisher. Tear off the burning curtains, trample the fire underfoot, pour water on it or throw it into a container of water.

    Turn off electrical and gas appliances. If the TV catches fire, you must quickly disconnect it from the power supply, cover it with a wet thick cloth or pour water through the ventilation holes.

    Close all windows and doors.

    Find and remove (carry out) small children whohiding incabinets, under tables, in restrooms.Helpthe elderly, the injured.

    Take documents with you. money, valuables.

    Quickly, without crowding, leave the fire danger zone along a previously studied safe route, using emergency exits and fire escapes.

    Continuously sound beeps.

    Lie on the floor, wait for help, or crawl towards the exit.

    Breathe through wet cloth. Protect yourself from smoke by all means. Several breaths of smoke-laden air can lead to loss of consciousness.

    Go out onto the balcony, close the door behind you,call for help.

    Do not open windows and doors.

    Use forprotectionfrom fire and thermal radiation, use a damp, dense cloth.

    Do not lock the front door.

    Do not use the elevator.


    Remove burning clothing quickly.

    Do not run in burning clothes.

    Don't roll on the ground.

    Protect your head, face, eyes with your hands.

    Do not use fire extinguishers to extinguish.

    Take a dip in water or douse yourself with water.

    Lie down onsnow.

    Cover yourself with a thick wet cloth, leaving your head uncovered so as not to suffocate from combustion products.

    Do not remove clothing stuck to the body.

    Provide first aid to the victim, calm him down and quickly transport him to the hospital.

Game situations.

Game situation No. 1
Your TV lights up. What should your actions be? Show them using these objects: TV, bucket of water, blanket, sand.


1. Turn off the power to the TV;
2. Cover with a damp cloth;
3. Call “01”.

Situation No. 2
Sasha decided to heat the porridge in a frying pan,
At the same time, sing songs in the next room.
Sasha started playing and lost his vigilance,
Didn't follow safety rules.
And then the lights jumped around,
And grandma’s house burned like slivers!

The oil in the frying pan caught fire. What should your actions be? Show them using these items: a frying pan, a mug of water, a towel.
1. Turn off the gas;
2. Throw on a damp towel

Situation No. 3
Your clothes caught fire. What will you do?
1. You need to fall to the floor;
2. Cover with a damp cloth;
3. You can't run!

Situation No. 4
I saw a man with burning clothes. How will you act?
1. Catch up, cover with a cloth;
2. Drop on the floor;
3. You cannot extinguish with a fire extinguisher.

Situation No. 5
You return home in the evening and smell a strong smell of gas. What will you do?
a) First of all! I'll turn on the light and use a match to check where the gas is coming from.
b) I’ll go and smell where it smells from
c) I’ll call the gas service and go outside to wait for them to arrive.
d) I’ll open the window, try to turn off the gas and call 04. and I’ll do all this without turning on the lights

Situation No. 6
There's a fire in the house that you can't put out. What to do?
a) Run away b) Scream c) Call the firefighters.

Most of the troubles in the home or in the forest arise due to carelessness, absent-mindedness, and sometimes due to ignorance and connections with fires, burns, exposure to electric current, and poisoning. Knowing the dangers and following the simplest rules for handling household items and fire is the key to our safety.

Watch the video.

In order to prevent fire in the natural environment, it is prohibited:

Throwing burning matches, cigarette butts, smoldering rags into the forest.

Make a fire in dense forests and young coniferous trees, under low-hanging tree crowns, next to timber warehouses. peat, in close proximity to mature crops.

Leave spontaneously combustible material in the forest: rags and rags soaked in oil, gasoline, glassware, which in sunny weather can focus the sun's ray and ignite dry vegetation.

Burn dry grass on forest glades, gardens, fields, under trees.

Set the reeds on fire.

Build a fire in windy weather and leave it unattended.

Leave the fire burning after leaving the campsite.

Subject. " We firmly need to remember -

Fire does not start on its own! »

Target: Formation of a conscious and responsible attitude in children

to comply with fire safety rules.


- educational: systematize knowledge on fire safety;
improve and consolidate knowledge of fire safety rules at school and at home;
- develop cognitive interest among students;
- expand your horizons of knowledge.

- cultivate caution when using fire for various purposes;
- cultivate a sense of mutual assistance in difficult situations.
Materials and equipment for the lesson:
1. Computer

2. Presentation.
3. Presentation - test.
Progress of the lesson.

Today we will talk to you about a very important and relevant topic for all of us.

Guess the riddle:

“The red beast is sitting in the oven, the red beast is angry with everyone. He eats firewood out of anger for a whole hour, maybe two. Don’t touch it with your hand, it will bite your entire palm.”

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

We will get acquainted with the basics of fire safety, the causes of fires, learn to follow fire safety rules and act correctly in the event of a fire.

II. Main part

    Fire is man's old friend

Slide 2

Fire is a long-time friend of man. With its help, many useful things are accomplished.

2. Angry Fire

Slide 3

But sometimes it happens that fire turns from a faithful friend into a merciless enemy, destroying everything in its path.

The power of the fire is great - very great. It takes millions of human lives, wipes out both large cities and small villages. Today, about five and a half million fires occur annually on our planet. Every 5 seconds there is a new fire. Enterprises and hospitals, trains and planes, forests, fields and houses are burning. The result is colossal losses. And most importantly, tens of thousands of human victims, including children.

3. Causes of fires


People often get hurt in a fire, so they call an ambulance. Doctors examine patients on the spot or immediately take them to the hospital.

Slide 5

Guess the riddle: Oh, these little sisters are dangerous... (matches)

Let's look at an excerpt from "Lessons from Aunt Owl." Slide 6.

Slide 7

Don't play with a match, my friend,

Remember, she is small

But from a small match

The house might burn down.

To younger brothers and sisters,

Preschoolers are told:

“Remember firmly that matches

Not a toy for kids!

(B. Mirotvortsev)

4. Why is fire dangerous?

Slide 8

What can be called one of the most terrible and dangerous disasters?- How dangerous is a fire?- Why might a fire occur?

Let's define fire safety rules:

    Don't play around with matches and lighters at home.

    When leaving a room or home, do not forget to turn off electrical appliances.

    Do not dry clothes over the stove.

    Never light fireworks, candles or sparklers at home (and in general it is better to do this only with adults).

5. Description of fires in literary works

Slide 9

From which works are the following lines taken?

The sea is on fire,

A whale ran out of the sea,

Hey firefighters, run!

Help, help!

Korney Chukovsky


Slide 10

With crackling, clicking and thunder.

There was a fire over the new house,

Looks around

Waving his red sleeve.

Samuel Marshak


7. Rules of conduct in case of fire

Slide 12

What if a fire does occur?

Here are the rules of conduct in case of fire.

    If the fire is small, you can try to extinguish it immediately by, for example, throwing a thick cloth, blanket, or pouring a pan of water over it. BUT REMEMBER: DO NOT extinguish live appliances with water, as well as gasoline, kerosene and oil.

    If the fire does not go out immediately, immediately run away from the house to a safe place. And only after that call the fire department atIf you cannot escape from a burning apartment, immediately call “01” and tell the firefighters the exact address and number of your apartment. After that, call neighbors and passersby for help from the window.


    In a fire, smoke is much more dangerous than fire. Most people in a fire die from smoke. If you feel like you are suffocating, squat down or crawl towards the exit - there is less smoke below. If possible, breathe through a wet cloth.

    If there is a fire in the entrance, never get into the elevator. He may shut down and you will suffocate.

    phone “01” or ask your neighbors about it.

Every citizen knows this number “01”.IfTo If trouble comes your way, call there quickly.And if you don’t have a phone, call people from the balcony.

Where else, besides premises, can a fire occur?

Slide 14

Summer and autumn fires in the fields destroy the results of the hard work of grain growers

Slide 15

When there is a fire, firefighters come to the rescue. Firefighters are dressed in special fireproof suits, and their heads are protected by a helmet. They arrive in a special fire truck, which is equipped with a high ladder, a water tank and a hose.

Slide 16

The work of people who have chosen the profession of firefighter is dangerous and difficult. Firefighters have always been heroes. They were always distinguished by their love for their profession, courage, dedication, and readiness to help.

Slide 17

While waiting for the firefighters to arrive, try to remain calm: they will definitely save you.

Slide 18

Fire service in Russia

On April 17 (new style - April 30), 1649, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich signed a decree “On the City Deanery,” which laid the foundation for the creation of the first Russian fire service. The document established a strict procedure for extinguishing fires in Moscow, laid the foundations for a professional fire department, introduced permanent duty, and gave fire patrols the right to punish residents of the capital for violations of the rules for handling fire.

Slide 21

Today, the State Fire Service (SFS) is a powerful operational service within the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, possessing qualified personnel and modern equipment.

10. Reinforcement of educational material

In order to consolidate the educational material, we will look at an excerpt from “Lessons from Aunt Owl” and answer the questions.

Slides 22-28

    What is the phone number to report a fire?

    What must hang on the wall at school?

Pictures with drawings on the theme of fire;

Evacuation plan;

Firefighter Portraits;


    Which of these items is missing from the fire shield?



Fire extinguisher;


    What to do if a fire starts?


    call "01";

    lock yourself in a closet;

    run away.

    What should you do if the grease in the frying pan catches fire while cooking on a gas stove?

Fill the pan with water;

Take it out of the kitchen;

Turn off the gas, cover the pan with a lid;

Run away.

    What to do if smoke comes out of the TV?

Fill the TV with water;

Unplug the plug and throw a damp blanket over the TV;

Run to another room.

III. Lesson summary

IV. Practical part

Slide 29

Actions in case of fire at school:

    line up in pairs;

    follow the teacher;

    do not panic yourself and calm your comrades;

    wait on school grounds for further instructions from the teacher.

At the end of the lesson, leave the classroom and follow the evacuation route from the school in case of fire.Children receive reminders and leave the classroom along the evacuation route.


To save the lives of themselves and their loved ones, every person must know

basic rules of conduct in case of fire:

1. If you smell smoke, call immediately 01 .

2. If possible, leave the premises by closing windows and doors; if not, go out onto the balcony or stand near the window.

3. If the fire is small, try to deal with it yourself: water, sand, a fire extinguisher, any thick fabric, soil from flower pots.

4. If there is a little smoke in the entrance, move towards the exit on all fours, crawling, holding on to the walls, and, if possible, cover your respiratory organs with a cloth; if not, hold your breath as long as possible.


1. Go out into a heavily smoky corridor or entrance, since smoke is very toxic and hot air can burn your lungs.

2. Break and open windows in a burning room, because With access to fresh air, the fire will flare up even hotter.

3. Use the elevator during a fire.

4. Going down a flight of stairs, holding on to the railings - they often lead to a dead end.

5. Jump from windows. Every second jump from the 3rd floor and above is fatal.

6. Walk through a burning room if you are not sure that you can get through it in a few seconds.


A 3-room apartment burns out completely in 15 minutes;

The lethal dose of carbon monoxide for a person is 4-5 minutes of being in a smoky room.