Basic concepts of objects of information law and information relations of subjects of law. Rune of good luck and fortune: how to make life happy in all spheres without exception

The role of psychologically compatible teams is important in all areas of joint human activity without exception. The presence of psychological compatibility among group members contributes to their better teamwork and, as a result, greater work efficiency. In accordance with the research data of N.N. Obozov, we note the following criteria for assessing compatibility and operability:

1) results


2) emotional and energetic costs of its participants;

3) their satisfaction with this activity.

There are two main types of psychological compatibility: psychophysiological and socio-psychological compatibility.

Psychophysiological compatibility implies a certain similarity in the psychophysiological characteristics of people and, on this basis, the consistency of their sensorimotor reactions, synchronization of the pace of joint activity.

Socio-psychological compatibility is a consequence of the optimal combination of types of behavior of people in groups, as well as the commonality of their social attitudes, needs and interests, and value orientations. When solving various production problems, people behave differently. There are four following types of communicative behavior:

1) people striving for leadership, who can solve a problem only by subordinating other members of the group;

2) individualists trying to solve a problem alone;

3) adapting to the group, easily obeying the orders of its other members;

4) collectivists who try to solve a problem through joint efforts; They not only accept suggestions from other group members, but also take the initiative themselves. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

A high level of psychological compatibility is also one of the factors that has a beneficial effect on the socio-psychological climate of the team. For an integral characteristic of a production team, the concept of “socio-psychological climate” has recently been increasingly used.

The concepts of “socio-psychological climate”, “moral-psychological climate”, “psychological climate”, “emotional climate”, “moral climate”, etc. are widely used in domestic scientific literature. In relation to production, they sometimes talk about the production climate of the team. In most works, these concepts are used in approximately the same sense, which, however, does not exclude significant variability in specific definitions. Recently, they have focused on the connections between “climate” and the surrounding social and subject environment.

The concept of “climate” came to psychology from meteorology and geography. Now this is an established concept that characterizes the invisible, subtle, delicate, psychological side of relationships between people. Psychological climate is the psychological mood in a team, formed under the influence of a set of socio-economic factors specific to a given team. And psychological factors.

Psychological climate from Greek Mima (klimatos) - tilt) is a qualitative aspect of interpersonal relationships, manifested in the form of a set of psychological conditions that promote or hinder productive joint activities and the comprehensive development of the individual in a group.

In Russian social psychology, the term “psychological climate” was first used by N.S. Mansurov , who studied production teams. Psychological climate, in his opinion, is the emotional coloring of the psychological connections of team members, arising on the basis of proximity, sympathy, coincidence of characters, interests, and inclinations. He believed that the climate of relations between people consists of three climatic zones.

The first climate zone is the social climate, which is determined by the extent to which the goals and objectives of society are understood in a given team, and the extent to which compliance with all constitutional rights and obligations of workers as citizens is guaranteed.

The second climate zone is the moral climate, which is determined by what moral values ​​are accepted in a given group.

The third climate zone is the psychological climate, those informal relationships that develop between workers who are in direct contact with each other.

It is advisable to note that among the main factors of the psychological climate are people’s relationships and the conditions of joint activities. It is also believed that the psychological climate is the system of norms, customs and meanings that prevail in a given group of people. Climate is expressed by the way members of a group or team depend on each other (social connections), as well as by the way people depend on jointly performed functions or tasks (task connections).

Often the essence of the psychological climate is reduced to the following psychological phenomena:

– state of collective consciousness;

– reflection of the peculiarities of human interaction;

– emotional and psychological mood of the group;

– the mood of the group; the state of the group;

– psychological unity of group members;

– relationships in groups and teams, etc.

In Russian psychology, there are three main approaches to understanding the nature of the psychological climate

Proponents of the first approach (E.S. Kuzmin, K.K. Platonov) consider climate as a socio-psychological phenomenon, as a state of collective consciousness. Climate is understood as a reflection in the minds of people of a complex of phenomena related to their relationships, working conditions, and methods of stimulating it. Under the psychological climate, says E.S. Kuzmin, it is necessary to understand the socio-psychological state of the primary work collective, which reflects the nature, content and direction of the real psychology of the team members, i.e. psychological climate reflects the nature of relationships between people, the prevailing tone of public mood, level of management, conditions and characteristics of work and rest in a given team.

Proponents of the second approach (A.N. Lutoshkin) emphasize that the essential characteristic of the psychological climate is the general emotional and psychological mood of the team. Climate is understood as the mood of a group of people.

The most popular is the third approach, which allows one to analyze the psychological climate through the characteristics of relationships between people who are in direct contact with each other, since this creates a system of interpersonal relationships that determine the social and psychological well-being of each member of the team.

According to K.K. Platonov and G.G. Golubeva, socio-psychological climate is a property of a group that is determined by interpersonal relationships that create persistent group moods and thoughts on which the degree of activity in achieving the goals facing the group depends.

In the socio-psychological climate of B.D. Parygin sees not just the sum of the mental components of his individuals, but a powerful factor in strengthening the psychological mood of the members of the team. By spiritual or psychological atmosphere, he means “a specific mental state of a particular group of people, manifested in their communication with each other and the style of joint behavior.” The atmosphere here is understood as the unstable, constantly changing aspect of collective consciousness. In accordance with this, the concept of socio-psychological climate is defined by B.D. Parygin “not this or that situational change in the prevailing mood of people, but only its stable features.”

Functional and stylistic varieties of language (speech)

§ 249. As noted above, language, which is a universal means of communication between people, is used in its literary variety and functions in all spheres of their life and activity without exception. Depending on what area human life and activity, the literary language is used, it acquires certain features in the selection and use of linguistic means. In other words, in different spheres of communication, language is used in different modifications (functional varieties, structural and functional variants), which are called language styles(speech), or functional styles(from lat. stilus, stylus- “pointed writing stick”, “writing style”).

Styles of language (speech) are usually defined as types, varieties, or variants of language (literary language) or speech, as types of language functioning that serve certain areas of people’s lives and activities. At the same time, attention is drawn to the peculiarities of the use of linguistic (speech) means and the specifics of their organization.

B. N. Golovin defines language styles as “types of its functioning, its structural and functional variants serving different types human activity and differing from each other in sets and systems of signs sufficient for the intuitive recognition of these options in speech communication." According to the definition of Yu. A. Belchikov, style is "united by a certain functional purpose a system of linguistic elements, methods of their selection, use, mutual combination and correlation, a functional variety of lit. language." Yu. S. Stepanov offers the following explanation of the concept of style: " Language style or speeches is a type of speech used by people in a typical social situation. Such types of speech are characterized, firstly, by the selection of linguistic means from the national linguistic heritage (selection of words, types of sentences, types of pronunciation); secondly, the general principle of selection hidden behind these means." A similar explanation of style is offered by other scientists.

Some linguists consider lexical and syntactic units of language as style-forming means. Different styles of the modern Russian language, for example, are sometimes differentiated precisely by these units. However, most scientists believe that units of all language levels can act as style-forming means. At the same time, attention is often drawn to the fact that this function is not performed by language units as such, but by their “specific speech organization”, “nature of association and patterns of use”, “ways of their selection, use, mutual combination and correlation”, quantitative distribution, frequency of use, “significant differences in the probabilities (or proportions) of linguistic units and categories.”

When defining and describing functional styles, some linguists talk about language styles (R. A. Budagov, A. I. Efimov, etc.), others - about speech styles (for example, A. N. Gvozdev), others call them language styles , and speech styles (in particular, Yu. S. Stepanov). Some scientists consider language styles and speech styles as different phenomena, contrasting them with each other.

So, for example, A.K. Panfilov, who by the style of a language understands “its functional variety, characterized by special facts of the language (lexical, syntactic, etc.)”, defines speech style as “a certain system of using the language and its styles, determined by genre, a type of public speech, and even the author’s individuality.” He likens the style of language to a “chemical clean water(H2O), which does not contain any impurities", speech styles - "various types of water in its domestic and industrial use, i.e. water with various impurities present to a greater or lesser extent." The phenomena under consideration are also distinguished by some other scientists.

From the point of view of the concept of the unity of language and speech, there are no sufficient grounds for contrasting the styles of language and styles of speech; functional styles manifest themselves precisely in speech (as one of the forms of existence of language), since “language reveals itself only in R. (i.e. in speech. – V.N.) and only through it fulfills its communicative purpose”, and therefore “language as such does not belong to any of the spheres of human activity it serves.” In this regard, M. N. Kozhina’s statement that “functional style - it is both a style of language and a style of speech, or rather, style of the functional aspect of language"that "functional style - as a systemic phenomenon - manifests itself precisely in speech..., in the process of language functioning and is fixed in texts." This is all the more obvious if we take into account the fact that the style-forming function is performed by "differences in probabilities (or shares) linguistic units and categories", as discussed above. After all, in the system of a language, differences in the probabilities of its units are not reflected in any way.

§ 250. In modern linguistics, four or five functional styles are usually distinguished. In many modern literary languages, the following styles are distinguished: everyday-literary, newspaper-political, industrial-technical, official-business and scientific. In modern Russian, it is customary to distinguish the following functional styles: scientific (otherwise the style of scientific presentation), journalistic (socio-political, newspaper-journalistic), business (clerical, administrative, official-business, official-clerical), artistic (artistic-fictional). , style of fiction), colloquial (colloquial, everyday, everyday). Some linguists do not consider it necessary to distinguish artistic style (for example, A.K. Panfilov, T.G. Vinokur), or colloquial (A.N. Gvozdev, E.M. Galkina-Fedoruk), or colloquial and business style (A. I. Efimov). Colloquial and artistic speech are not recognized as functional styles on the grounds that both are associated with different spheres of human activity and, to a certain extent, correlate with the national language as a whole.

Along with the listed functional styles, many linguists also distinguish in the Russian language a production-technical, or technical-production, style (A. I. Efimov, A. K. Panfilov, E. M. Galkina-Fedoruk, etc.). Sometimes other styles are distinguished, for example: advertising (or style of advertising messages), team style.

In order to get some idea of ​​the main functional styles, it is necessary to become familiar with the most typical linguistic features for them.

For scientific style the most characteristic features are the following: an abundance of special scientific terms, widespread use complex sentences different types, homogeneous sentence members with generalizing words, introductory words and phrases ( firstly, secondly, further, finally, therefore, on the one hand, on the other hand), frequent use of compound conjunctions (both - so and, if not - then, not onlybut also), derived prepositions (due to, due to, as a result of, as a result of, depending on, in relation to, in connection with).

Journalistic style characterized by such features as, for example: the widespread use of words and phrases with a figurative meaning to create subtext, i.e. expressions of internal, implied content; the presence of lexical and phraseological units with an evaluative meaning, with an emotional and expressive coloring; dissemination of non-union complex proposals; the use of various kinds of inversions, i.e. reverse order of words in order to highlight them in a sentence (such as: He is a famous writer).

Business style has such features as, for example: widespread use of professional terminology (legal, financial, diplomatic, etc.); abundance of complex abbreviated names of institutions and organizations; strict word order in a sentence; lack of interrogative and incentive sentences; the predominance of passive structures over active ones; widespread use passive participles and gerunds, participles and participial phrases; frequent repetition and uniformity of language means (presence of templates, standards, cliches).

Artistic style the following distinctive features are characteristic: widespread use of emotional-evaluative vocabulary, derivative words with suffixes of subjective assessment (diminutive, augmentative, disapproving); the presence of non-literary vocabulary, colloquial words, dialectisms; figurative, metaphorical use of many common words; widespread use of epithets and comparisons; the presence of modal words, interjections; presence of occasional vocabulary; frequent use of interrogative and incentive sentences; a combination of the author's, narrative speech with the direct speech of the characters.

Conversational style differs from other styles, especially from the first three, by such features as the frequent use of words with a specific meaning, a noticeable predominance of verbs, the widespread use of personal verb forms, verbal interjections like jump, skip, walk, personal pronouns, possessive adjectives, redundancy of introductory words, interjection expressions. The conversational style is characterized by some linguistic features associated with the economy of linguistic means: an abundance of simplified syntactic structures, incomplete, unfinished sentences (cf. such statements of passengers recorded on the bus and at the bus stop in Nizhny Novgorod: “Passengers, purchase tickets, just get in”; “- They will sign you up and give you a piece of paper where to come” (i.e. a piece of paper that will indicate where you need to come). The conversational style is characterized by many features that characterize the artistic style, for example: the widespread use of emotional and evaluative words, the presence of non-literary vocabulary, occasionalisms, figurative use of common words, etc.

In any society, the actions of a huge number of people must be coordinated into a collective mass activity, and, with all their diversity, must obey certain general social laws. The function of such coordination is performed by morality along with other forms of social discipline, closely intertwined with them and at the same time representing something specific. Morality regulates human behavior in all spheres of his social life without exception - in work and in everyday life, in politics and science, in family and public places, although it plays a different role. It is no coincidence that ethics uses such concepts as labor morality, professional ethics, everyday morality, and marriage and family morality.

Labor morality is one of the most important areas of morality, covering all areas of socially useful human activity (primarily materially productive labor, as well as scientific, cultural and educational activities, artistic creativity, activities of state and public administration, services, etc. since they are all also industries social labor). The concept of moral labor includes two main aspects - the attitude towards work and the norms of relationships between participants in joint activities. Along with general questions labor morality, there are also specific moral problems associated with professional characteristics various industries labor (professional ethics). The moral side of work is determined primarily by the fact that it is the basic condition of human existence. The social usefulness of labor is the main indicator of its moral value and the source of moral relations that develop in the labor process. Labor morality - having a historical character, has a number of common features in the conditions of various socio-economic formations. Under the primitive communal system, labor relations develop mainly on the principles of simple cooperation (union of clan members to perform one operation, for example, hunting) and division of labor between genders and age groups. Under these conditions, in relations between members of the clan, coherence of efforts, complete submission to the rules of joint activity, instructions of elders, and strict limitation of the freedom of action and needs of the individual are of decisive importance. The need to daily struggle with the forces of nature and constant deprivation dictate to people the need to develop physical endurance, stamina, courage and discipline. With the decomposition of the clan system, in conditions of subsistence and small-scale farming, labor cooperation is limited mainly to the framework of an individual family. With the development of industrial production and the socialization of labor, the need for close cooperation arises large quantity workers. The character itself industrial labor creates a need to establish relations of labor solidarity between workers. Work for the benefit of society develops high moral qualities in people - hard work, frugality, dedication. Unfortunately, with the change in the course of the country's economic orientation, due attention has ceased to be paid to the formation of mutual assistance relations, labor education, and instilling a sense of the need for work through various public organizations.

Professional ethics (or professional morality) is the name given to codes of conduct that ensure the moral nature of those relationships between people that arise from professional activities. Despite the universal nature of universal moral requirements (equality), and the presence of a single labor morality of a class or society (labor morality), there are also specific norms of behavior for certain types professional activities. The emergence and development of such codes represents one of the lines of moral progress of mankind, since they reflect the increasing value of the individual and affirm humanity in interpersonal relationships. So, for example, the basis of management and administrative ethics is the requirement of unconditional respect for a person, for the individual. Medical ethics is based on traditional ideas about the humane purpose of the work of a physician, who must be guided in his actions by considerations of the physical and spiritual health of the patient, without regard to this with difficulties, and in exceptional circumstances - with one’s own safety. Professional ethics requires representatives of the law to be incorruptible, faithful to the spirit and letter of the law, and to respect the equality of all before the law. One of the humanistic principles of law is the “presumption of innocence” - the requirement to consider the accused innocent until his guilt is proven. Pedagogical ethics is also saturated with humanistic aspects. It regulates, for example, the teacher’s behavior so that it strengthens his authority and ensures the unity of efforts of the teaching staff. At the same time, it implements the principle of unity of respect for the student’s personality and demands on him, and raises the question of the moral trust of society in the teacher. In the field of science, professional ethics requires upholding the truth and seeking to use scientific achievements in the interests of humanity.

It forms the readiness to correctly perceive criticism, the ability to combine scientific integrity with the personal honesty of the researcher, condemns opportunistic behavior, scolding, the desire to adapt the results of laboratory research, embellish facts to prove a particular theoretical position, plagiarism - the appropriation and use of other people's discoveries and scientific ideas as one's own own, attempts to create a monopoly of a particular scientific school, reinforces the system of rules for conducting discussions, ways of consolidating scientific priority, forms of expressing gratitude to colleagues, etc. The professional ethics of a journalist, writer, artist, composer, theater, film, television and radio figure requires employees a culture of selfless service to the people, civic passion and adherence to principles, ethical and philosophical education, which allows one to make accurate and reasonable assessments of the depicted phenomena, high creative enthusiasm, skill and taste in the artistic reflection of reality. The professional ethics of workers in the service sector is associated primarily with the culture of communication, with the need to ensure that the growing demands and needs of people are met. Special moral codes also develop in those types of activities that are associated with the use of any specific social functions (for example, in military and police service, in the field of sports, etc.).

Everyday morality is the sphere of action of morality, extending to the entire area of ​​human life outside of his production, political, scientific and any other official and voluntary social activities (work morality, professional ethics). First of all, this includes marriage and family relations (marriage and family morality), personal relationships between people outside of work, human behavior in public places, satisfaction of personal needs, and recreation. Most ethics are alien to the opposition between the sphere of everyday life and socially useful human activity. In the sphere of everyday life, a person restores strength, develops his needs and abilities, assimilating the content of public culture; The education of younger generations and their preparation for future social activities is carried out to a large extent in the family. Therefore, in his everyday life, a person, just as in socially useful activities, acts as a social being, a member of society, and is subject to the same socio-historical laws and moral requirements, although this happens in a different form. Thus, everyday morality is called upon to resolve the issue of dual personality - when, for example, a private entrepreneur appears as if in two opposite guises: in business transactions, involuntarily, in the form of an egoist, and in everyday life, often in the role of a private benefactor in relation to “neighbors” (altruism). The employee and administrator are " official", the performer of a given function at work and just a person, a "free personality" in private life. Currently, socially useful work is becoming an actual human vocation, and everyday life is an equally social activity in its significance.

The currently dominant principles of morality are based on the fact that the formation of a moral attitude occurs not only in the process of work and social activity, but also in everyday life, in everyday communication outside of work, depending on the nature of leisure, family situation and the way of satisfying personal needs.

Its requirements - respect for people, modesty, intransigence to evil, honesty, mutual assistance and much more - equally apply to everyday life. However, I cannot agree with the position of the recently dominant socialist morality regarding the requirement that a person’s life should be subject to daily public control, public regulation, and general publicity to the same extent as labor and political activities.

Marriage and family morality is one of the most important areas of moral activity, acting, along with law, as the main regulator of relationships between spouses, parents and children (and other relatives, since family ties are maintained between them). The role of marriage and family in the life of society, their historical forms and the corresponding moral requirements for a person are determined by the economic system of society, the entire system of social relations, as well as the level of development of human civilization and culture as a whole. In the historical development of marriage and family morality, the course of the general social and moral progress of mankind is clearly visible, in which the following certain patterns can be established:

1. By displacing various forms of polygamy (polygamy), the connection between a man and a woman is becoming more and more firmly established. In early primitive communal society, marriage was regulated primarily by customary law, which was directly based on the interests of consolidating first the primitive herd, then the clan as production and labor cells. This was a period when emerging moral norms were still directly woven into the processes of production of consumer goods and man himself. In the formation of slaveholding, feudal and bourgeois forms of monogamy, economic factors played a predominant role: the subordination of women and their economic dependence on the “stronger sex”, material calculation, the functioning of families of peasants and artisans simultaneously as production units of society. At the same time, monogamy was also a response to the developing moral needs of people. Progress in the field of marriage and family relations is expressed in the desire for the voluntariness and equality of the marriage union, its freedom from utilitarian and economic considerations, the richness of the spiritual and moral life of the family, the harmony of the interests of the family and the whole society, to strengthen the role and importance of the educational activities of the family, and consequently to increasing its civic and moral responsibility.



How to improve security?

This is the main issue in the theory and practice of security and it is being addressed in three directions:

1 Improvement of technical systems and facilities

2. Personnel training

3. Elimination of consequences – professional and


IN recent years risk quotas appeared and were used on a global scale. Such documents include the Kyoto Protocol, signed by many countries and limiting harmful emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

IN risk management is based on cost comparison techniques

And benefits obtained from risk reduction. Let's look at the basic methods , used in management

security. These include four -

1. dialectical,


3. synergetics, 4. cycle theory.

Dialectical approach

is based on the application of the theory and method of cognition - dialectics, the founder of which is Herodotus (484-425 BC), and the main scientific categories and laws of dialectics were formulated by Hegel (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 08/27/1770 - 11/14/1831). The dialectical approach is universal, is studied in a philosophy course and does not require

detailed presentation within this course.

Systematic approach

is based on dialectical theory and is applied dialectics. The main concept is the concept of system.

Obviously, many definitions of this concept can be given. We will understand by the word "system" - objective

unity of interconnected objects or phenomena, as well as knowledge about nature and society . Simplified - system –

a complex of elements that interact.

The systems approach is used in all areas of human activity without exception. According to him the system is not a simple sum of its elements, but is a functional totality that has integrity and is irreducible to its constituent elements.

Attempts to develop general principles systematic approach

were undertaken by the Russian doctor, philosopher and economist A.A. Bogdanov (1873-1928) in his work

“General organizational science (tectology).” Many ideas and scientific hypotheses of this work were subsequently investigated and confirmed by many scientists, for example, N.

Wiener, W. Ross Ashby, L. Von Bertalanffy and others. The basis of tectology is the recognition of the fact that the whole is more than

the sum of its parts. The greater the difference between the whole and the sum of the parts, the more organized and systematic it is.

L. von Bertalanffy(1901-1972) considered

creator general theory systems based on the principle of isomorphism (sameness) of laws in different

areas of knowledge.

There are three areas in the systematic approach: systemology, systems engineering, systems analysis. The most important principles of systems analysis are:

1. The decision-making process must begin with the identification and clear formulation of final goals. 2. The entire problem must be considered as a whole. 3. An analysis of alternative ways to achieve the goal is necessary. 4. Subgoals should not conflict with the overall goal.

What is meant by the term “goal”?

This is what must be achieved, satisfying the requirements of reality, objectivity, quantitative certainty, adequacy, efficiency, and controllability.

Purpose should be viewed as a hierarchical concept.

Formation of a goal is the construction of a hierarchy of its achievement, in other words, it is the construction of a graphic tree from phenomenon to cause. Causes, dangers and goals form chain structures.

In safety theory, the term DOP is used - "tree of dangers and causes."

Let's consider the DOP developed in the works of the cosmonaut and scientist G. T. Beregovoy in relation to space technology and spacecraft.

Symbols – 1.1 – system failure nuclear power plant, 1.2 – failure in the nuclear propulsion system, 1.3 – failure in the isotope analyzer system (fuel level meters, altimeter, range finder), 2.1 – failure of the propulsion system and transition to an orbit passing through the Earth’s radiation belt, 2.2 – error in calculation orbits outside the geomagnetic protective field of the Earth, 3.1 – overheating, 3.2 – hypothermia, 3.3 – solar activity forecast error, 4.1. – error in estimated flight time, 4.2 – failure of the radiation protection system.

From time immemorial, people love to fight for justice. This struggle occurs in all areas of our lives without exception. The environment of motorists is no exception. As a rule, the driver, having violated the rules, hopes to the last that he can avoid punishment or is looking for opportunities to make this punishment minimal. Attempts to reach an agreement have long lost relevance on the road. And violators often began to resort to the “The best defense is an attack” method, as in our case.

From time immemorial, people love to fight for justice. This struggle occurs in all areas of our lives without exception. The environment of motorists is no exception. As a rule, the driver, having violated the rules, hopes to the last that he can avoid punishment or is looking for opportunities to make this punishment minimal. Attempts to reach an agreement have long lost relevance on the road. And violators often began to resort to the “The best defense is an attack” method, as in our case.

Last week a man came to the Shirinsky State Traffic Inspectorate with a complaint about the actions of traffic police officers. They say they were fined illegally. After listening to the inspector’s remark, the careless driver enthusiastically began to offer his version and refutation: “the headlights were on, you didn’t notice.” In the complaint, he accused them of incompetence, violation of duty and job descriptions etc. All these controversial issues it would be difficult to resolve if not for one small but invincible detail. All traffic police patrol cars are equipped with video recorders, and what causes a dispute between the inspector and the driver is undeniable when watching the video recording.

And therefore, there is a need to contact drivers with a reminder that no complaints or statements will be considered unfounded, because it is pointless to listen to the opinions of the parties if you can objectively assess the situation by watching the situation in a video recording. And it’s time for fighters for justice to think about the fact that when you write in complaints against police officers about their incompetence, non-compliance with job descriptions, or unfair assessment of your actions on the road, you only emphasize that you are wrong. After all, the function of a video recorder is not only to record the actions of violators, but also to monitor the legality of the actions of traffic police officers. And, of course, none of them would think of challenging the video facts.

Only challenge the charges against you if you are absolutely sure that you are right. Otherwise, learn a lesson from what happened and show vigilance not to the road guards, but to yourself personally.

Oksana Kravtsova

Art. Inspector of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Shirinsky"

On October 21, from 8:00 to 17:00 local time, due to the work on grading the road surface within the boundaries of the railway crossing at Chulzhan station, the movement of vehicles through the crossing will be difficult.
19Rus.Ru - NIA Khakassia
18.10.2019 Today, October 18, on the access roads of the Mana station, owned by a private enterprise (not part of the infrastructure of JSC Russian Railways), a fire occurred in wagons with lumber.
19Rus.Ru - NIA Khakassia
18.10.2019 Conversations with villagers were organized in order to popularize the services provided by the State Traffic Inspectorate in electronic form.
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Khakassia