Breathing exercises for stuttering. How to get rid of stuttering at home for an adult - exercises

If a child begins to stutter, most parents immediately have many questions. How to get rid of the problem? Is it possible to do this? Which specialist is best to contact? Indeed, treating stuttering in children is a complex process, and often requires a lot of patience on the part of mom and dad. However, nothing is impossible: if everything is done correctly, then stuttering will go away without a trace.

In this article, we have collected material that allows parents to understand the most common questions regarding children's stuttering.

Which doctor treats stuttering in children?

Treatment of childhood stuttering is carried out by medical specialists such as a pediatrician, speech therapist and neuropsychiatrist.

The pediatrician deals with auxiliary treatment methods that help strengthen the immune system and prevent diseases of the larynx and vocal cords. In the presence of infectious processes, he prescribes complex treatment with the additional inclusion of physical procedures.

A psychoneurologist can help a child adapt to the outside world, cope with discomfort when communicating with strangers, and realize his worth and uniqueness in the good sense of the word. A psychoneurologist conducts classes not only with the child, but also with his parents, explaining to them how to behave in the family so as not to traumatize the vulnerable child’s psyche.

A speech therapist is directly involved in eliminating speech problems.

Can an osteopath cure stuttering?

An osteopath is a specialist who represents one of the alternative areas of manual therapy - osteopathy. An osteopath knows the intricacies of the anatomy and structure of the body, as he works with his hands in relation to the circulation of blood and lymph, which helps bring organs to their natural balance.

How can an osteopath help with stuttering?

If a child’s stuttering is caused by increased intracranial pressure, birth injuries or other physical disorders, then such a specialist can really help. After manual procedures, the functioning of the central nervous system improves, muscle spasms are relieved, and the child’s activity is normalized.

When choosing a specialist in this field of medicine, you should definitely make sure of his qualifications. The fact is that in our country there are no specialized medical institutions where osteopathic doctors are trained. Therefore, carefully check the diplomas and licenses of doctors before entrusting your child’s health to them.

In what cases is the help of a speech therapist needed?

You can suspect stuttering in a child based on the following symptoms:

  • before trying to say something, the baby has a pause before the phrase, or a repetition of one sound;
  • the child begins to speak simultaneously with inhalation, or in dissonance with breathing;
  • During a conversation, the baby develops obsessive movements and facial twitches.

If you have any suspicions, it is advisable to immediately consult a qualified speech therapist.

What treatments are there for stuttering in children?

Treatment methods for stuttering are prescribed by the doctor not only taking into account the preferences of the parents, but also based on the personal characteristics of the child, as well as depending on the degree of manifestation of the defect. The most well-known methods are:

  • medication treatment;
  • hypnosis sessions;
  • relaxing procedures in the form of baths, manual therapy, massage, breathing exercises;
  • acupuncture;
  • logorhythmic and speech therapy sessions;
  • specially designed computer games and programs.

What should be the treatment for neurosis-like stuttering in children?

If a child’s stuttering is caused by stress, fear or other psycho-emotional conditions, then, first of all, you need to tell the doctor about it. If therapy is prescribed correctly, stuttering of this kind can be cured in a relatively short period of time.

Nootropic drugs, especially the drug Tenoten, have a good effect on neurosis-like stuttering. This is a safe medicine with a mild effect and a minimal set of side effects, which will help relieve the baby from feelings of restlessness, anxiety, and overcome neuropsychic weakness - asthenia.

Sometimes the method of choice is hypnosis, which is used to treat older children.

To successfully cure neurosis-like stuttering, it is important to create a peaceful atmosphere in the family, without quarrels, scandals, raised dialogues, swearing and psychological pressure. The child must feel that he is loved, understood, and respected as a person. To make treatment more successful, it is recommended to attend classes with a psychologist or neuropsychiatrist: in this case, consultations are necessary not only for the baby, but also for his parents.

Hypnosis treatment: pros and cons

Hypnosis is considered in an efficient way treatment of childhood stuttering, which has a psychological basis. In most cases, the practice of hypnotic sessions involves the child “living” again the situation (usually stressful) that served as the impetus for the development of a speech defect.

Another option for hypnotic influence is to instill in a small patient thoughts that the problem he has experienced is not as sad and terrible as it might seem to him. After the sessions, the child becomes more confident. The problems experienced no longer seem as large-scale and deep as before. Gradually, session by session, the stuttering goes away.

There are two disadvantages to using hypnosis:

  • sessions are carried out only for older children;
  • the treatment does not give an immediate effect, which requires additional patience on the part of the parents and loved ones of the baby.

Drug treatment of stuttering in children: general characteristics

Tablets for stuttering in children are prescribed for mild and moderate forms of speech defect. Advanced stages, as a rule, cannot be cured with medication. The fact is that the pills have only a superficial effect, which does not last long, and the list of side effects medicines quite significant.

The basis of drug therapy is anticonvulsant and sedative drugs, which, in addition to positive effects, also have negative effects: they slow down mental processes in the brain, slow down metabolism, cause drowsiness, headaches, and impair learning and memory.

In connection with the above points, drug treatment should not be long-term, and the drugs themselves should only be selected by a doctor, taking into account the age of the child and the degree of his speech impairment.

  • Phenibut can be prescribed for stuttering in children due to the psychostimulating, tranquilizing and antioxidant properties of this drug. In addition, Phenibut stabilizes sleep, eliminates seizures, reduces general tension, anxiety and fear.

For stuttering, 50 to 100 mg of medication is usually prescribed three times a day for 1-1.5 months.

At the very beginning of taking the drug, drowsiness, lethargy, headaches, and even increased neurological symptoms may occur: the child may become irritable and agitated. However, on the 4-5th day of treatment, such symptoms should go away on their own.

  • Pantogam is a nootropic anticonvulsant. Pantogam is used quite often for stuttering in children, as it has a mild sedative effect combined with improved mental and physical functionality. Children under 3 years of age are usually prescribed syrup, and older patients are prescribed Pantogam in tablet form. The standard one-time amount of the drug is from 0.25 to 0.5 g, and the daily amount is from 0.75 to 3 g. Caution: Pantogam can cause allergies, sleep disorders, and short-term tinnitus.
  • Tenoten for stuttering in children is considered one of the safest drugs. For children, a special “Tenoten for children” has been developed, intended for the treatment of young patients from 3 years of age. Take 1 tablet 1 to 3 times a day, keeping it in the mouth until completely dissolved. The total duration of taking Tenoten is 2-3 months. If necessary, the doctor can extend the course of therapy. Side effects the drug has practically no
  • Mydocalm for stuttering in children can be prescribed only if speech disorders are associated with increased tone and muscle spasms resulting from organic disorders of the nervous system (for example, with damage to the pyramidal tract, with encephalomyelitis, etc.). The drug is approved for use from 3 years of age, based on a dosage of 5 mg per kg of body per day (divided into three doses). During treatment, Mydocalm may cause undesirable effects such as muscle weakness, headaches, decreased blood pressure, dyspepsia.

Electrophoresis for stuttering in children

Physiotherapeutic treatment of speech defects is carried out taking into account the clinical degree of pathology and the presence of convulsive syndrome in the child. For diseases affecting the central nervous system, therapeutic procedures with potassium iodide may be prescribed.

If a child is diagnosed with articulatory convulsions, then electrophoresis with antispasmodic drugs, sometimes in combination with psychostimulating therapy, can help.

Exercises for stuttering in children

When executing special exercises, or simply when communicating, the baby should look straight, without lowering his head down. To do this, parents can help the child by holding his chin while talking. The child must understand that for normal communication, in addition to verbal communication, eye contact is very important. For the same reason, the child should not “hide” his eyes and turn his gaze to the side.

Among the exercises, breathing exercises are welcome, which we will discuss below, as well as speech training of the tongue, lips and facial expressions. It is recommended that the child read aloud or tell what he has just heard from his parents. Constant and continuous communication helps to quickly eliminate the signs of stuttering.

Articulation gymnastics for stuttering in children

Correct speech function is formed by the mobility of the so-called articulatory organs: tongue, lower jaw, lips, palate. If these organs have defects or are not controlled correctly by the brain, their function may be impaired.

However, this situation is fixable, and special exercises in the form of articulatory gymnastics can help. Classes are held every day to consolidate sustainable results.

The lesson plan is as follows:

  • exercises are performed sequentially, gradually making them more difficult;
  • It’s better if classes take place in the form of a game - with positive emotions;
  • if one of the exercises is not easy for the child, then there is no need to try to master new exercises until the previous lesson has been practiced;
  • during classes, the baby should sit with a straight back, without undue tension, opposite an adult;
  • It is advisable to have a mirror nearby so that the patient can see his reflection and control the quality of the movements performed.

During the exercise, the adult also monitors its quality, while simultaneously encouraging the baby.

Briefly, articulation gymnastics looks like this:

Lip mobility exercises:

  • stretching into a smile;
  • moving the tip of the tongue up and down;
  • folding the lips into a “tube”;
  • touching lips with teeth;
  • flapping lips (“silent fish”);
  • imitation of a horse “snorting”;
  • retraction of lips inward;
  • puffing out the cheeks;
  • holding small objects with the lips.

Cheek mobility exercises:

  • demonstration of language;
  • imitation of cough movements;
  • movement of the tongue in one direction and the other;
  • licking teeth;
  • movement of large beans in the oral cavity;
  • blowing away a feather, etc.

Exercises for pharyngeal mobility:

  • imitation of yawning;
  • coughing, including with the tongue sticking out;
  • imitation of gargling, swallowing water;
  • imitation of moaning, mooing, bleating.

In fact, the list presented is far from complete: there are many more similar exercises, and they are all very interesting and effective. The only condition: they need to be carried out regularly, and a positive result will not take long to arrive.

Breathing during stuttering in children: features

Particular attention is paid to breathing exercises, which help the little patient feel natural and relaxed during a conversation.

Breathing exercises strengthen the diaphragm, improve the mobility of the vocal cords, and make breathing deeper and more voluminous.

  1. Lesson I:
  • the child stands up straight;
  • leans forward, bending his back in an arc and lowering his head and outstretched arms (the neck is not tense);
  • the child makes movements similar to how tires are inflated with a pump, while simultaneously bending over and inhaling sharply through his nose;
  • when the back is not fully straightened, exhale;
  • exercise requires 8 repetitions;
  • after a few seconds of break, the approach can be repeated (it is recommended to carry out such approaches from 10 to 12).
  1. Lesson II:
  • the child stands straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands at the waist;
  • turns his head to the left, while inhaling sharply;
  • turns his head in the opposite direction, exhaling sharply;
  • repeats the exercise, taking 8 breaths and exhalations;
  • Usually they practice three sets of 8 inhalations and exhalations.

If the baby is feeling well, further classes can be carried out twice a day. The results will become noticeable within 2-3 months of regular exercise.

Massage for stuttering in children

Acupressure, which must be carried out by a specialist in this field, also gives good results. Activation of 17 points will be required, located mainly in the back and face area. A course of acupressure usually consists of 15 procedures. After the full course, doctors promise the first positive results.

Treatment of stuttering in children at home - is it possible?

In order to rid a child of stuttering, there is no need to place him in hospital treatment. Of course, for some activities you may need to see a psychologist or speech therapist. However, the baby can do most of the exercises at home, under the strict guidance of his parents.

For example, poems and tongue twisters can be practiced with mom and dad. The same goes for breathing exercises. The baby will be happy to know that his parents are trying very hard to help him.

However, if there is a negative attitude in the family, scandals, quarrels and squabbles often arise, then there can be no talk of any home treatment for stuttering. Constant moral infringement of a little person will never lead to a solution to the speech problem.

For treatment to be successful, parents are required to:

  • patience;
  • love for the child and other family members;
  • mutual respect;
  • desire to help no matter what.

Under no circumstances should a child feel inferior or an outcast. The task of loved ones is to give him confidence and set him up for positive thinking.

Folk remedies for stuttering in children

Treatment of stuttering in children using traditional medicine is mainly aimed at normalizing nervous function and stabilizing the patient’s psycho-emotional state.

  • Pour boiling water (250 ml) 1 tsp. dry mint leaves, chamomile flowers, valerian rhizomes. Leave for 20 minutes. Take 100 ml in the morning and at night.
  • Mix an equal mixture of rose hips, lemon balm leaves, wormwood, mint, dandelion rhizomes and calendula flowers. Pour half a tablespoon of the mixture into 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Take before meals 4-5 times a day.
  • Take a bath with aromatic oils of mint, strawberry, thyme, lavender, and sage. The duration of the bath is 20 minutes. The water should be warm, providing a relaxing effect.
  • Prepare tea based on hawthorn berries, linden flowers, lemon balm herb, and valerian rhizomes. Add honey and drink a little throughout the day.

The most effective herbs for stuttering in children:

  • valerian;
  • sweet clover;
  • lemon balm, mint;
  • calendula;
  • birch (leaves);
  • heather (shoots);
  • linden;
  • caraway;
  • nettle;
  • hawthorn and rose hips;
  • raspberries, blackberries, strawberries.

Games for stuttering in children

When choosing games for a child who stutters, you need to remember some rules:

  • overly emotional and active games can aggravate stuttering;
  • it is necessary to choose quiet games that do not require a large number of participants. Such games could be, for example, coloring books, board games, making plasticine crafts, etc.;
  • You should not attend noisy events with your baby that can excite the child’s psyche;
  • In addition, it is advisable to exclude sports competitions. A stutterer is better suited for individual physical exercises and walks in nature, in the park, near bodies of water.

There is also large number computer educational programs that, in a playful way, help a child get rid of stuttering. Usually the guys really love these games and are happy to play them.

Poems for stuttering in children

It will be interesting for a child suffering from stuttering to feel himself in different images: for example, let him imagine himself as a butterfly or a kitten. Such games can be accompanied by sound and speech comments:

How does a butterfly flutter? - fr-r-r-...
How does a kitten purr? – purr-r, purr-r...
How does an owl hoot? - U-uf-f-...

Toddlers usually like to repeat, and they do it without hesitation.

A butterfly sat on my finger.
I wanted to catch her.
I grab a butterfly with my hand -
And I caught my finger!

Once upon a time there were two cats -
Eight legs, two tails!

Big head.
Sits high,|
He looks far away.

Treatment of stuttering in children should not be accompanied by discussion and condemnation of the speech problem by adults. The outcome will be successful if the emotional background for the child is created correctly, wherever he is.

In which a person suffering from this illness pronounces words with hesitation, usually on the first sound. Let's talk about how to get rid of stuttering on your own. This topic is very relevant, since stutterers (especially adults) are often simply embarrassed to go to see a doctor.

How to get rid of stuttering: the traditional method

The traditional method in the treatment of stuttering is the use of a set of special breathing exercises. Remember that some famous people Those who practice singing sing freely and naturally, despite the fact that their normal speech is accompanied by stuttering, hesitation or burr.

Let us give, as an example, a couple of exercises that are part of Strelnikova’s Breathing Gymnastics and which every person suffering from stuttering can easily perform at home. By performing these and other breathing exercises from the complex, you will learn how to get rid of stuttering without seeking help from a doctor.

1. "Pump". Standing straight, lower your arms. Lean forward slightly, rounding your back. Your arms and head should be lowered and your neck should be relaxed. Inhale quickly and loudly end point leaning as if you were sniffing the floor. Lift yourself up slightly, but don't go all the way up. At this moment, exhale through your nose or mouth. Bend forward again, inhale, etc. The exercise is easy to do and does not put stress on the lumbar region. In one approach, repeat the exercise 8 times, then rest for 5 seconds and do another approach. The norm for performing the “Pump” exercise is 12 such approaches. However, the load should be increased gradually to this figure.

2. "Turn the head." Stand up straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your arms at your sides. Turning your head to the left, inhale quickly and loudly. Then turn your head to the right and take another breath. You should exhale in between when you turn your head from left to right. In this case, no stop in the middle should be made. While performing this exercise, the neck should not be tense, and the torso and arms should remain motionless. The approach consists of 8 breaths, and the norm that you should eventually reach is 32 such approaches.

How to get rid of stuttering: unconventional methods

Alternative medicine is suggested to be used to help a stuttering person with their problem. We would like to note right away that such a massage is complex and time-consuming, so immediately prepare yourself for the fact that you will have to undergo several courses, each of which includes 15 procedures. Then a two-week break is required.

First of all, you need to find the required point. The search is carried out “at random”, in the truest sense of the word. Search the Internet or specialized literature on acupuncture for images active points. Press the tip of your finger onto the intended location. If you feel aches and some pain, then you have found the right point. Next, we begin to massage the point, using the pad of the index finger or thumb to gradually increase and then decrease it. Massage of each point should last from 3 to 5 minutes. At this time you should be completely relaxed.

There is another unconventional method of how to get rid of stuttering at home - hypnosis. However, we do not recommend using it yourself, since, in the absence of the necessary knowledge, experience and practice, it can be hazardous to health.

How to get rid of stuttering: modern method

Today, in the age of high technology, specially developed computer programs, in particular “Speech corrector,” can help you cope with stuttering. The essence of this development is that it synchronizes speech and human auditory centers. A person suffering from stuttering speaks into a microphone, and the program automatically delays his speech for a split second. Thus, a stutterer, hearing his own voice with a slight delay, strives to adapt to it. Over time, his speech becomes continuous and smooth. Thus, speech impediment can be reduced by 75-80%.

Good afternoon

I know from myself that stuttering brings enormous mental anguish, but oddly enough, stutterers for the most part are very passive people, in general, like all people when it comes to deep work on themselves. Only a few are able to take up and work hard on themselves for a long time. But there are such people and there are many of them, you can find out about them. Today we’ll talk about breathing techniques that will help you fight stuttering, and specifically, whether Strelnikova’s breathing exercises help with stuttering.

I tried a lot of breathing exercises for stuttering, and they all gave some kind of result, sometimes a little better, sometimes a little worse, but there was no complete relief. And I’ll tell you honestly - it doesn’t matter how much you stutter! If you have a severe stutter and you are hoping that if you improve your speech just a little, life will be better - you are wrong!

Even if you have a mild stutter, a stranger will immediately label you a “stutterer” and look at you... as if you were some kind of disabled person. If you stutter, then you understand, such a tired, attentive look, as if they want to tell you to give birth already, what you wanted to say and fall behind.

Read my book, in which I tell my experience of getting rid of stuttering, enter your email below and receive it, it's completely free!

Strelnikova’s gymnastics for stuttering

Perhaps the most famous of breathing exercises is gymnastics - Strelnikova A. N.. About 15 years ago, when I was still a child, my grandmother brought me Strelnikova’s book, but I didn’t study... the reason was, of course, laziness!

But years later, I still took it up, the results were, but not particularly impressive. After I stopped studying, the stuttering quickly returned. In the book itself, Strelnikova wrote that stuttering is difficult to treat with the help of this gymnastics and the time required is 6 months. A person who stutters must breathe correctly throughout the day. The training itself does not take much time.

If you still want to try, I will give you the most effective gymnastics, maybe it will help you stop stuttering!

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises for stuttering in children and adults are based on a combination of sharp and short inhalations with various body movements. Active body movements cause severe oxygen starvation.

Exercise "Pump"

Stand up straight, lower your arms down. Tilt your body slightly down towards the floor: round your back, lower your head (look at your feet or the floor, but do not strain your neck and shoulders, lower your arms down). Inhale short and loudly at the end point of your bend.

Bend over again and take a loud, short breath as you tilt. Next, while exhaling, straighten up a little and release air freely through your mouth or nose, without effort.

Do this exercise 8 times (8 bows with inhalation), after performing it, rest for 3-6 seconds and then again 8 bows with inhalation.

The norm for this exercise is 12 times, 8 bows with inhalation. A total of 96 inhalations and exhalations are released. This is the so-called Strelnikovskaya hundred.” If possible and your body allows, do 16 inhalations and exhalations, then a break for 3-6 seconds and so on for 8 approaches.

Do the training daily and after 2-3 days (for some you need more time), you can already do 16 inhalations with exhalation, and then 32. Also 32 inhalations with exhalation, then rest for 3-6 seconds. And so 3 times (one hundred) or 6 times (two hundred).

If it is difficult for you to increase the number of inhalations and exhalations, then do it 8 times without stopping. Try increasing the amount after 1-2 weeks of daily exercise to 16, and then to 32.

This exercise should be done effortlessly, easily and freely without tension in the neck and lower back.

If you have a serious condition of the body, then it is possible to perform the exercise while sitting.

Strelnikova's stuttering exercise has some limitations!

Never bend over low when:

  • Head injuries
  • Spinal injuries
  • Intervertebral disc displacement
  • vertebral hernia
  • perennial osteochondrosis
  • radiculitis
  • blood pressure
  • intraocular pressure
  • kidney stones
  • for myopia of more than 5 diopters

Perform the pump exercise easily and calmly in the rhythm of an army step. If after the first workouts you experience back pain, it’s okay! Do not stop training, but be careful, take into account the restrictions described above. Over time, the pain will subside and you will find it easier to perform the exercises.

Exercise "Hug your shoulders"

Starting position: straighten up. Bend your elbows and raise them to shoulder level, with your hands facing each other. Take a noisy and short breath through your nose and at the same time throw your arms towards each other, hugging your shoulders. It is very important that your hands do not move crosswise, but in parallel. One hand will be above the other, it doesn’t matter which one. The main thing to remember is that you should not change the position of your hands throughout the entire exercise.

Immediately after inhaling, the hands diverge slightly (not to the initial position). During inhalation, the elbows should come together at chest level and form a triangle, after which the arms diverge slightly to form a square. At this time, as you exhale, air leaves the lungs freely and passively.

Next, the hands come together in a triangle - inhale, and then spread your hands slightly to the sides (a square should form) - the exhalation should go unnoticed through a slightly open mouth or through the nose. Remember that you need to throw your hands towards each other in parallel, and not crosswise. Remember how at school first-graders sat at their desks with their hands on their desks, one on top of the other, this is how this exercise should be done, in parallel.

Important! Restrictions!

If you are just mastering Strelnikova’s gymnastics, then do not immediately do the “hug your shoulders” exercise for the first 2-3 weeks. This exercise should be added when you have sufficiently mastered other exercises.

Also, this exercise must first be done no more than 8 inhalations and exhalations, with a rest of 3-6 seconds.

Optimally 12 times, 8 inhalations and exhalations at a time. After 2-3 weeks, it is permissible to increase the number of inhalations and exhalations in a row to 16 or 32.

Important! You should not strain your arms in this exercise; you do not need to spread them wide to the sides and change places. The hand goes from below to the armpit, and from above to the shoulder.

This exercise for stuttering can be done while sitting and even lying down if the condition is severe. If you have one arm injured, perform the exercise with one healthy arm, but mentally imagine that your other arm is also working.

If you have already mastered the “Hug your shoulders” exercise well, do it 32 inhalations and exhalations without stopping and in a standing position, then you can, at the moment of the oncoming movement of your hands, tilt your head back a little, making a kind of “inhalation from the ceiling.”

This breathing exercise for stuttering will help improve your speech. It's up to you to decide whether to do it or not.

The common thread in my blog is the idea that stuttering can be cured! This is real! Many people have overcome this illness!

And all these “heroes” have one thing in common - they were not just looking for relief from stuttering, NO! They went much further, they developed their speech to certain heights.


Let's try to figure out how to get rid of stuttering on your own.

To do this, it is necessary to determine how much a person suffers from this defect. Does he stutter constantly and how frequent are the interruptions in speech?

Or does the defect appear only when excited or during a quick conversation? This is very important, since it is much easier to cure stuttering with infrequent pauses in speech.

Causes of stuttering

  1. In the vast majority of cases, stuttering occurs in children who have experienced sudden, severe fear or stress. Over time, this defect may resolve on its own without any intervention, but this rarely happens in practice. In addition, it is widely believed that in order to eliminate stuttering caused by stress, the patient must be frightened again. In some cases, this really helps, but this method is based on the individual psychological characteristics of a person, and therefore is not recommended for use among a wide range of sufferers.
  2. Another reason for stuttering in children lies in the so-called “lexical explosion”. This is especially true for children who have been silent for a long time. Having learned to speak, they are at first in no hurry to use this gift of nature. But as their vocabulary expands, they seem to break through - they begin to talk incessantly, experiencing an incredible thirst for communication and knowledge of the world around them. At the same time, the child’s speech apparatus does not keep up with the needs of its little owner.
  3. Very impressionable children with an extremely unstable type of nervous system are more likely to stutter. They constantly take everything that happens around them to heart. The most minor changes in the behavior of relatives, their mood, possible quarrels and scandals, and reproach from parents can lead to a disruption in speech. In cases where stuttering for a long time does not go away on its own, parents begin to figure out how to treat stuttering in children.

Stuttering in children is easier to treat than in adults

Folk remedies

Treatment for stuttering folk remedies involves taking herbal infusions and various decoctions that have a calming and relaxing effect on the body. Let's look at how stuttering can be cured using these methods.

One of the effective plants used in the treatment of stuttering is white ash. This is a perennial tall grass up to 80 centimeters high with a powerful, developed rhizome, which grows in Europe.

It should not be used to treat stuttering in children because it contains strong plant poisons - alkaloids.

Recipe 1. White ash infusion against stuttering

20 grams of leaves and flowers of the plant are poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water and should be infused for about 20 minutes. Then the infusion is filtered, placed in a cool place and used to rinse the mouth several times a day. You should absolutely not swallow the infusion!

Recipe 2. A mixture of stinging nettle and white ash juices against stuttering

3 drops of juice of white ash leaves and flowers, taken in equal quantities, mixed with two drops of stinging nettle juice. The composition is kept on the tongue for 5 minutes and then spat out - it should not be swallowed! This procedure must be repeated several times daily at at least two-hour intervals. The course must be taken for a week.

Recipe 3. Herbal infusion for stuttering

Take the following plants: stinging nettle leaves and chamomile flowers – 100 g each; lemon balm leaves, heather and St. John's wort, hop fruits - 50 g each. One teaspoon of this herbal mixture is poured into one glass of boiling water and infused for 20 - 30 minutes. The tincture should be taken 2 glasses in the morning and at night.

Recipe 4. Fragrant rue decoction for stuttering

Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the dried herb of fragrant rue and let it simmer for about five minutes in a water bath. It is necessary to gargle the throat and mouth with the heated decoction three to five times a day without swallowing it. To enhance the effect, you can hold the liquid in your mouth for about a minute. Take treatment for up to three weeks.

Recipe 5. Cinquefoil decoction for stuttering

The decoction must be prepared with wine or milk. Otherwise, it will not have the expected effect. 1 pinch of cinquefoil herb is poured into a glass with cold liquid, which should be brought to a boil, and simmer in it for about 2-3 minutes. The broth is infused until it cools completely and filtered. Take it in the morning in the amount of 2 - 3 tbsp. l., warm.

Recipe 6. Using a mixture of juices and honey against stuttering

Take 100 grams of cabbage, lemon and viburnum juices and rosehip decoction, mix with 200 grams of light honey. The composition should be taken one tbsp. l. from morning to night. The action will be more effective if you eat it with almonds.

Recipe 7. Rudolf Breuss method against stuttering

You should collect the apple peel and make a decoction from it. It should be taken warm at night before bed in an amount of 200 - 300 ml. The boiling time for the peel is about 3-5 minutes; you can add sugar to the finished broth. It is also useful to drink an infusion of lemon balm leaves at the same time.

What kind of stuttering happens?

Only by correctly identifying the type and severity of the defect can one determine how to cure stuttering in a child. Only a specialist can do this. He prescribes individual lessons and articulation gymnastics to perform at home. Therefore, at the first symptoms of a speech disorder in a child, you need to see a speech therapist.

There are clonic stuttering and spastic stuttering.

The spastic appearance is more serious. The child seems to be delayed by something at the first sounds of words and for a long time he cannot begin to speak at all.

In addition to special classes, you may need sedatives to relieve spasms of the muscles of the speech apparatus.

Such speech hesitations can continue for some period, then pass for a while and return again. This can last until four or five years of age and rarely extends beyond school age.

Like any other neurosis, stuttering puts a lot of stress on the nervous system. Therefore, before going to the doctor with your child, you should reduce his emotional stress to a minimum.

Moreover, you need to act as quickly as possible so that your little man does not develop a stuttering habit for a long time. If you strictly follow the rules of communication with a child who has begun to stutter, then you may not need a doctor at all.

Home techniques

Try not to be the first to contact your child with any requests, do not start a conversation with him. Stuttering is a disorder of the communicative function of speech. When talking and playing with themselves, children rarely stutter. Speak to your child slowly, smoothly, almost in a sing-song voice. Try not to discuss anything too emotionally or in a raised voice in front of your child.

Limit your TV viewing time. If you can’t completely give up cartoons (for many children this can be additional stress), then at least try not to let them watch new ones. It is recommended to read books only that you are familiar with. And don’t rush to learn poetry - there will be a more suitable time for this.

It is better to play calm games; it is very good if they are played on the water, as it has a very beneficial effect on the child’s psyche. If you have the opportunity to visit the dolphinarium, this will be a big plus. Playing with sand and modeling with plasticine are good. If the child is very active, then you should not prohibit him from running and jumping, but do not rush to play “catch up” yourself.

The most important thing! Never focus your child’s attention on his illness. He doesn't stutter on purpose. There is no need to correct him or demand that he say the phrase correctly. And perhaps the question of how to get rid of stuttering will be resolved by itself.

Stuttering in adults

Let's look at how to treat stuttering in adults. Most best way- identifying the cause of stress or fear and overcoming it. If you managed to do this, then try to gently discuss this with the stutterer.

It is more difficult if the reason is unknown, then you need to try to clarify the situation. You can contact a specialist, a professional psychologist and psychoanalyst who will help you overcome any fear. If the sufferer himself cannot remember what happened, then using hypnosis and other techniques, you can try to restore it.

In cases where stuttering occurs only during severe anxiety, it is worth working to strengthen self-confidence. It may very well be that a person is simply afraid of a large audience and constantly thinks about how others will perceive him. Then you should give up public speaking for a while, start correcting your diction, your own self-esteem, or attend public speaking courses in order to learn how to speak correctly and beautifully.

Pay attention to this video: What does Vladimir Dovgan, the host of master classes on personal development, think about stuttering:

If all the above tips do not give you an answer to the question of how to cure stuttering in adults, you can try another correction system that takes place in three stages.

  1. Refusal to visit public places for a while.
  2. Training the ability to easily express your own thoughts.
  3. Doing exercises for the vocal apparatus.

This technique allows you to get rid of constant stuttering in a very short time. It is necessary to take a vacation, to isolate yourself from the outside world for a while. Establish a measured, calm regime without rigid boundaries.

Initially, try to talk less and start taking notes. First in the form of a diary, and then, if you like the process, try to write some kind of artistic description, draw up a life plan or outline your dreams.

The secret of this method is that while writing we mentally pronounce the text, and it is impossible to stutter in our own minds. As a result, the person who stutters speaks mentally without disturbances, and very soon he will be able to do it out loud.

Singing is an effective method against stuttering.

It is physically impossible to stutter while singing. Therefore, you can sing in any way and tune and at the same time try to talk less and continue writing.

Perhaps things will not work out right away, so you should be patient and under no circumstances criticize the person who stutters, because your task is to make the patient believe in his own abilities.

If you are shy, sing at home, in the shower

Improvements will be noticeable within a month of implementation. However, don't stop there. When you return to work from this kind of vacation, try speaking in writing first. If in moments of excitement your stuttering appears again, then again refuse to speak in public and do not completely abandon your training.

Prepare for a possible relapse of stuttering in the future after another stress, but now you know how to treat stuttering.

Treatment by doctors

If you cannot cope with this speech disorder at home, then you need to go to clinics or specialized centers where stuttering is treated.

Specialists who master modern techniques and know what procedures and procedures will take part in solving your problem. medicines will be able to help you. You need to find out which doctor can treat stuttering and make an appointment with him.

  • A speech therapist is a specialist whose work is most directly and specifically related to speech. He teaches proper breathing during speech, use of voice, articulation, smooth and rhythmic flow of conversation.
  • A neuropsychiatrist will determine the state of the nervous system and prescribe the necessary medications.
  • Psychotherapist influences different types psychotherapy, hypnosis, auto-training, and other methods of influence.
  • The acupuncturist relieves nervous tension by applying pressure to special points.
  • A psychologist studies the personality of a stutterer, finds out whether stuttering can be cured, identifying his weaknesses and helping to correct them, teaches communication in different life situations, helping the patient express himself emotionally and creatively.
  1. Ignatius
  2. Michael
  3. Nikita
  4. Elena
  5. Evgeniy
  6. Denis
  7. Yesenia
  8. Denis
  9. Fedor
  10. Fedor
  11. Denis
  12. Azad
  13. Tatiana
  14. Sofia
  15. Elvira
  16. Natasha
  17. Andrey
  18. )))
  19. Vova
  20. Bekarys
  21. Vladimir
  22. Victoria
  23. Julia
  24. Vaserman
  25. Arina
  26. Natasha
  27. Chy
  28. Hustle
  29. Ordinary Man
  30. Anas
  31. Svetlana
  33. Serj
  34. evgen
  35. Natalia
  36. Bema
  37. Poltergeist
  38. Fail
  39. Igor
  40. Alina
  41. Sonya
  42. Anton
  43. Maxim
  44. Arman
  45. Aidar
  46. Dmitry
  47. Anna
  48. Nina
  49. Alexander
  50. Michael
  51. Shamdin
  52. Nailya
  53. Christina
  54. Catherine
  55. igor
  56. Denis
  57. Michael
  58. Vikt
  59. Javad
  60. Anna
  61. Andrey
  62. Irina
  63. Anatoly
  64. Irina
  65. Xenia
  66. Nurbol
  67. Anatoly
  68. Marina
  69. Paul
  70. Bayel
  71. Michael

Stuttering is essentially a disorder in which the fluency of speech is disrupted, with involuntary breaks in the pronunciation of syllables and sounds. The sounds are repeated, slowing down the speech, preventing it from continuing. The little man is overcome with excitement and the situation only gets worse. This disorder occurs in childhood and must be corrected in childhood. Stuttering can be of two types: functional, and organic, which is a consequence of other diseases.


  1. Physiological: disorders of the nervous system, heredity, diseases of the pharynx, larynx, consequences of measles, typhoid, rickets.
  2. Psychological – shock caused by psycho-emotional impact;
  3. Social: insufficient work of parents, heavy overload, too strict attitude towards children in the family or in the environment where the child lives, prolonged negative psychological impact of the child’s close environment.


IN modern medicine There are several options for eliminating stuttering, and it is often recommended to use them in combination.

One of the areas of treatment for children who stutter is professional correction, during which the speech therapist must eliminate functional speech disorders. To do this, he uses special individual correction programs, consisting of speech therapy manipulations that stabilize the fluency of the child’s speech. As a result, the child develops the correct breathing rhythm and begins to stutter less.

If, as a result of the examination of the baby, a nervous disorder is detected, then medications may be prescribed. It should be remembered that in this case you cannot do without consulting your doctor. However, most problems can be solved without the use of medications, so you should not trust doctors too much. Psychological problems, even very complex ones, must be solved by carefully working with the child in the family; medications in most cases depress the personality, which can be dangerous for the child.

According to most experts, breathing exercises are considered the most effective method of correcting defects of this kind. Its effectiveness lies in the fact that it directly affects speech breathing - the basis for confident pronunciation of sounds. Stuttering disrupts the smooth alternation of sounds, turning it into an intermittent and uneven sequence. The amount of air when exhaled is so small that the spoken phrase is interrupted. The purpose of this complex is to stabilize breathing and ensure its smoothness. Classes with patients susceptible to this disease focus on a specific and important goal, which explains the high effectiveness of this method for eliminating speech disorders.

It should be remembered that treatment of the disease can only begin after contacting a specialist who will examine the patient, give recommendations and accompany the correction process. As a rule, the doctor conducts initial training for the baby and parents, especially in the case of performing exercises breathing exercises for stuttering in children.

Method of A.N. Strelnikova

In breathing exercises for stuttering in children according to the method of A.N. Strelnikova was given motor complexes aimed at correcting breathing, normalizing the activity of the vocal cords, and uniform alternation of inhalations and exhalations.

Breathing exercises for stuttering using this method eliminates the so-called clavicular breathing. At the beginning of a conversation, before pronouncing a word or phrase, the child, inhaling, strongly raises his shoulders, which involuntarily causes tension in the facial and neck muscles, and the lungs are only partially filled with air. He pronounces the words themselves as he exhales, involuntarily causing spasms that prevent him from speaking. The diaphragm, the muscle that performs the task, also behaves passively in such a situation. vital role in phonation (sound production).

The essence of A.N.’s technique Strelnikova:

  • teach to inhale air, filling the lungs as much as possible;
  • by training the diaphragm, involve it in the process of sound formation;
  • achieve tight closure of the vocal cords.

There is no need to rely too much on this complex of breathing exercises; stuttering can simply be eliminated by pronouncing words and sentences, creating comfortable psychological conditions for the child (or an adult, if he also needs to be influenced by therapeutic exercises). But Strelnikova’s technique was created to develop the vocal cords and airways of opera singers. If, as a result of performing the exercise, a person had to sing well and loudly, then he may also stop stuttering. This method offers several breathing complexes for children.


In the initial “straight stand” position, clenched fists are located near the stomach in the waist area. Leaning forward a little, inhaling, we sharply lower our fists to the floor without touching it. In the second part of the exercise, the body is lifted, simultaneously with exhalation and the return of the fists to their previous position. It is recommended to do bends easily, and inhale briefly, noisily and through the nose. You need to do 8 approaches at a time and after 4 seconds repeat the figure eight exercise. When working with children who stutter, it is recommended to carry out special exercises every day, 2 approaches before meals or 1.5 hours later. It is believed that “Pump” is one of the most effective means of correcting stuttering. It should not be done if there are injuries, high blood pressure, kidney stones, bladder stones.

"Hug your shoulders"

Beginning: arms bent at the elbows and raised to the shoulders. We do “hugs” by moving our hands towards each other until our shoulders touch; our hands move in parallel, without straining, easily. After confidently mastering the movements, when your hands meet, you should move your head back a little. The recommended frequency is 12 figure eights. There are restrictions for patients with heart disease. Exercises “Pump” and “Hug your shoulders” can be performed while sitting or even lying down.


The arms are bent at the elbows, raised to the level of the head, palms open and facing forward. The movements consist of short breaths through the nose while clenching the palms. Four sharp nasal breaths in a row and a pause of 3-4 seconds, and so on 3-4 times. If something interferes, for example, dizziness, pauses between approaches can be increased to 10 seconds. It is important to remember that inhalation should be nasal and active, and exhalation should be passive, through the mouth. Frequency: 2-4 sets of 4 breaths.

In addition to the main course, it is usually proposed to perform special manipulations to strengthen the voice, which, according to doctors, will help solve the problem with my voice.

"Alphabet for Stutterers"

The student bowing slightly forward pronounces alternate consonant sounds eight times. The manipulations are simple and do not require strict control of breathing. There is only one condition: during each breath you need to pronounce several sounds.


The goal is to hold your breath for a long time. The practitioner, bending over, holds the air in his chest as much as possible and counts to 8. You need to get a maximum of eights, and if the air runs out, the counting stops and a pause is made. After a few seconds of rest, the breath holds continue. The goal is to achieve 10-15 “eights” in one breath.

This well-known complex has proven itself to be an effective tool for eliminating logoneuroses; in addition, it can be used to carry out therapeutic procedures at home. It should be borne in mind that such treatment should be preceded by consultation with a specialist. In addition, professionals assure that the effectiveness of treatment is greater if parents find time to do such exercises with their children. Also, parents should communicate more with their children; casual conversation also develops the child’s speech.