Walkthrough "Corsairs: To each his own." Computer games. "Corsairs: To each his own!" Almost “Debriefing” Corsairs, each with his own Schmidt weapon

F.A.Q. for cold weapons:

Q: What factors affect damage from melee weapons?
A: Its attack, weight, the type of attack you hit, the difference between your skill and the opponent's skill, bonuses from balance, curvature and length. The actual damage is also affected by the armor worn by the enemy and skills with the abilities of the protagonist and the enemy.

Q: Why is the damage from my attacks so small?
A: Most likely you have low skill with the weapon in your hand, or you are using the blow for which your weapon is least suited.

Q: How do you know which blow is better for a particular weapon?
A: The simplest option is to test it in battle.

Q: Well, I won’t buy all the blades in the game and try to fencing with all of them! At least give me something to push off from!
A: The damage from a specific blow is affected by: weapon type, balance, blade length, its curvature.

Preferred strikes for different types of weapons:
RS – feints and lunges.
ST – chopping and circular.
PT - piercing with axes, chopping with broadswords.

The lower the balance value, the lower the damage of piercing and slashing attacks, and the higher the damage of lunge and feint attacks.
The ranking is as follows:

2.00 Penetrating
1.65 Slashing
1.25 Circular
0.35 Lunge
0.00 Feint

Effect of curvature:
The greater the curvature, the greater the damage from piercing, slashing and circular attacks.
The smoother the weapon, the more damage from lunges and feints

Effect of length:
The longer the weapon, the more damage it does from lunges, slashes and spins.
The shorter, the stronger the punch and feint.

Q: That is. So it turns out that a slash with a balance of 1.65 will not receive the bonus from 2.0 or will even become less?
A: It won’t be less, it will receive more bonuses. But at the same time, Lunge and Feint will suffer too much.

Q: Why then is there a figure of 1.65 (0.35), if with a balance of 2.00 both slashers and piercers receive the maximum bonus (with a balance of 0.00 - both feints and lunges)?
A: 1.65 (0.35) is not the best value, but the optimal one. With this value, your slashing (piercing) attacks will begin to receive a good bonus, and at the same time you will still be able to feint (pierce a block).

Q: What then is the point of choosing, for example, axes with a balance of less than 2.00? Take the ax with maximum balance and break through everyone's blocks!
A: If you can fence with just a piercing blow, then you should definitely do that. After all, with such an ax all other blows, except perhaps the chopping one, will be completely useless. If your fencing style involves using at least two different strikes, then it may be worth moving away from extreme balance values.

Q: What is a “fencing style”? What do you mean by this?
A: Fencing style is essentially the strikes you use most often. The choice of blade for battle depends on them. Be careful: the value of weight, curvature and length together overlap the value of balance!!! This means that even with the balance you need, some blades will not suit your particular fencing style. Be careful when choosing!

Q: I’m completely confused: balance, attack, curvature, what is all this and how does it affect the game?
A: Look at the manual, everything is described in detail there.

Q: I’m completely confused: lunge, slash, pierce, circle, feint - what is it?
A: Chopping blow - LMB, lunge, also piercing - RMB, piercing - MMB, parry - shift+RMB, feint - shift+MBM, circular strike - shift+LMB.

Q: I chose a broadsword for slashing, in accordance with your recommendations, with a balance of 1.65, and it thrusts no worse than it cuts, why is that?
A: Because each weapon in the game is individual. The numbers above are approximate. There is no universal balance parameter in the game!!! For each individual blade in the group RS, ST, PT, it is necessary to select values ​​that suit both the blade and your fencing style. But no one will give you a formula for calculating your optimal balance; everything will have to be checked by hand.

Q: I still don’t understand: how to determine the best hit of a weapon based on the above information? Which bonus ultimately “wins”?
A: Let's look at the simplest examples, so as not to get into the jungle of game mechanics.

RS, which means lunges are preferred.
Flat - complements the lunge.
Length - quite long, bonus to slashing, circling and lunging again.
Balance... Let's stop here. In total, we got 3 bonuses for the lunge. If the balance is 0.35, we will get an ideal weapon for lunges, if the balance is close to 0.7, this will add damage to us for a circular strike and a little slashing, we will get a more universal weapon for all attacks, but the lunges will still be stronger. Balance 1.5 - will give us something average, dealing approximately the same damage on all attacks, but not having any strengths. That is: neither fish nor fowl.

RS - lunge.
It has a slight bend - piercing, chopping.
Very short - piercing, feint.
Based on this, to enhance the properties of a weapon, a balance closer to 2 is preferable, for universalization - to 0. The golden mean can be a balance of 1.4 - 1.6.

ST - chopping.
Crooked - piercing, chopping, circular.
Length - medium, universal.
Balance, as can be seen from the properties of the weapon, is preferable to 1.6. Such a machete will be equally effective in slashing and circular strikes, and will be effective in piercing attacks. But you will have to sacrifice lunges and feints.

PT - piercing.
A slight bend - piercing, chopping, circular.
Short - punching, feint.
For a lethal piercing blow - balance 2, but a very large loss in damage for other attacks. The best balance would be around 1.5.

It is important for yourself to remember the dependence of the damage of blows on the type and curvature, then substitute the length, and the balance will complete the rest of the picture for you for the current weapon. Weight, you can simply keep in mind: more is stronger.

Q: Where is it written what the length and curvature of the weapon is?
A: Nowhere, you take the models in the game and compare.

Q: What is the curvature of the godendag?
A: The maximum possible, of all axes and clubs.

Q: How long are the axes in the game?
A: Consider that they are equally long (they have full shafts-handles). Not as long as possible, but at the limit of potential length.

Q: I have two identical sabers in the game, with similar attack and balance values, and one deals significantly more damage compared to the other. Why?
A: Don't forget about weight, heavier weapons hit harder. However, more weight means more energy is spent on impact. Try it, choose.

Q: What is the curvature of Thanat, Morgana?
A: Consider it the maximum, although Tanat is inferior to Khanda in this.

Q: How can a sword be crooked? Or is the “narrowing” of the blade towards the tip also considered curvature?
A: Yes. This is a game, conventions apply. The role of curvature specifically for swords is exaggerated, just like the length for axes. This is the convention.

Q: What then should be given to the boarders?
A: They don't have a preferred strike, so a balance of 1.00 will suit them. They also do not like heavy weapons, heavier than 3.8. Everything else is your choice. The main thing is that the boarder’s skill in the weapon you give is sufficiently upgraded.

Q: I’m a mathematician, give me a formula, I don’t understand these explanations, I’d better understand everything myself using the formula!
A: Each blow has its own formula. Each blade has its own coefficients. Each type has its own multipliers. Each enemy has its own divisors. Beat the game better, don't get hung up on formulas.

Q: I have two blades with the same weight, but one is ST, the other is PT. When they hit, will they take the same amount of energy?
A: No, PT will take a little more energy per hit. Likewise, RS is a little less (provided we have the same weight and that we hit with the same blows, of course).

Q: My blade is specially selected for piercing blows, but on some enemies it does more damage with slashing blows, why is that?
A: Because enemies may be wearing armor. And in the game, the cuirass provides maximum protection from thrusts, pokes, and lunges, and light armor from slashing, slashing, and circular blows.

Q: Which armor is which type? It's not indicated on it!
A: List of all reservations:

Which armor is considered light:

Leather Corset, Breter's Vest, Brigant, Wicker Armor, French Tunic.

What kind of armor is considered heavy:

Trench armor, Reitar cuirass, Ceremonial cuirass, Milanese shell, Spacesuit.

- used in compilation

I accompanied the merchant to Tortuga, or rather to his lighthouse, and he gave me the plans of his competitor, another merchant, whose hold was filled with mahogany. He said that in two weeks he would have to appear on Cayman Island to replenish drinking water supplies. I thanked for the information and did not harbor a grudge against my former companion, instead I moved to the port of Tortuga and exchanged my Lugger for a Sloop, which was slightly better than mine and could accommodate 15 more people, not to mention a more capacious hold, additional guns more high caliber. I did not load my ship, because my sailors were not very good gunners, and I myself, not very accurate, so I took 6-pound guns (3-pound on the Lugger), loaded the ship with gunpowder and shells, provisions I took enough for the voyage to the Caymans and more for the days of waiting for the ship. I didn’t load the ship too much and relied on speed and maneuverability, because the battle lay ahead of me against Flute, whose hold was supposed to be bursting with mahogany, therefore, there would be a battle against a clumsy heavyweight.

Cherishing dreams of a mountain of gold and glory, I set my ship towards Cayman. Along the way there were pirates and Spanish patrols, but they would never catch up with my swallow. Having arrived on the island, three days earlier than expected, I decided to inspect it for profit and other hunters, like me. As soon as I landed on the shore, the sailors immediately ran up. It was clear from them that they had not eaten for several days and were very happy to see my ship. They asked to join me in my service, but I recruited sailors in the Tortuga tavern and I did not have room for them. Well, I didn’t leave them there on the island with empty hands and stomach. He ordered his sailors to provide them with a boat, medicines and provisions. This would be enough for them to reach the crowded shores of Cuba, and he himself headed into the interior of the island. After several hours of searching, I discovered the entrance to the cave. There was an empty chest in it, and in the cave itself there was a disgusting atmosphere - it smelled like a curse, so I and my bodyguard hurried to quickly leave it. Having examined the entire island, I returned back to the ship. There is no trace of those sailors, apparently they decided to try their luck and try to swim to the mainland or to Cuba. Good luck to them with that.

I ordered the ship to be camouflaged and began to wait for that merchant. Three days later he appeared on his flute under the French flag. His “friend” forgot to mention this, so I ordered to change my French flag to the Jolly Roger and headed to meet the flute. My sloop cut through the waves like a hot knife through butter and half an hour later you could already see the merchant’s surprised face through my cheap binoculars. On the deck of the flute, sailors began to run around, disturbing each other. Newbies, I thought.

The battle went on for several hours. My sloop seemed to be dancing near a large and clumsy elephant and stinging its most vulnerable parts. I didn’t have much gunpowder, because I didn’t want to overload my ship, so the first thing I did was fire at the ship’s crew. They may be newcomers, but there were three, or maybe even four, more of them than us. It's not worth the risk. So the reserves of buckshot ran out, and the crew of the flute was noticeably reduced, and its sails were also damaged, now it was even more clumsy. I did not allow this unfortunate captain to turn his ship sideways towards me, I constantly adjusted my side to his stern and fired from all five 6-foot cannons. Well, the gunpowder ran out in the hold.

There are only 30 of my 59 sailors left, what a pity that not all of them will be able to see the gold that I will receive for the goods that lie in the flute’s hold, if it really is there. But there was nowhere to retreat, and it was stupid - we took up arms and went to board. For each of our sailors there were three enemy sailors, and this is taking into account the fact that we fired at them with grapeshot for so long that it would have been enough to cast a large bell.

How many deaths? Of all the sailors, only four were squeezed out, and even then, three of them were seriously wounded. It was impossible to allow the death of the others to be in vain and, armed, my Indian friend and I went down into the hold, where ten more French sailors were waiting for us. Their numbers are against our skill. I made the right choice to save this Indian from the gallows. Victory was ours, and I had a meeting with their captain. The merchant turned out to be not accommodating, but I wanted to invite him to surrender and sail on, with his surviving sailors or those taken prisoner. He thought he could defeat me and doomed his people to slavery - well, that would be on his conscience.

But the merchant did not deceive. The hold of the flute was completely filled with mahogany. We spent several hours reloading the goods into the hold of our ship, and then headed back to Tortuga. The way back turned out to be quite calm, and the wind was glorious. The risk paid off and I earned fifty thousand pesos, ten thousand of which were spent on repairing my swallow, recruiting a new team and replenishing supplies. Arrghhh, what a nice day it was!

Where can you find big ships?

In the game “Corsairs: To Each His Own,” the developers have reduced the likelihood of encountering huge ships of the first rank. If you want to find them, you will have to use thematic forums.

After what will the countdown begin for the “Pirate Saga” quest?

After an entry appears in the journal that Helen entered your service as an officer.

How to make sure that Helen remains on the team forever?

For this to happen, you must fulfill the prophecy that the gypsy spoke about. And for this you will have to:

  • Do not take a hundred doubloons from Gladys MacArthur as a reward.
  • Give the found Hangman's chest to that same Gladys.
  • Don't take the gun Gladys gives you.
  • Address Helen by his mother’s last name – Sharp.

How to give Mary Kasper a Narwhal blade?

In order to do this, you must ensure that two conditions are met:

  1. When you meet Shark Dodson, ask about his clinic, Narwhal. After this, talk to the weapons master, Jurgen, to craft the appropriate blade.
  2. Get three pieces of meteorite ore and bring them to Jurgen. You can bring these pieces with you by purchasing from some seller or by finding a buried treasure inside. You can also find a meteorite at the bottom of the OS.

Where to rent warehouse space?

To rent a warehouse, head to Isla Tesoro in Sharptown. In addition, you can visit the capitals of each state. As for Isla Tesoro, the warehouse here is run by a merchant inside the store. Chat with him and you will see a dialogue phrase corresponding to the lease.

To rent warehouse space in other cities, you need to look into their shipyards and go to the back room to talk with the boss. If you contacted him for the first time, you will need to start the dialogue again, after which the desired phrase will appear.

Why are there no useful things in the treasure?

If you bought a map in a tavern, then keep in mind that you can only get a treasure of the first level, which includes ordinary weapons and amulets, as well as all sorts of jewelry. In addition, half of a map may be found in such a treasure. If you find the other half, you can create a second level map and get the corresponding treasure. In such a treasure you can often find unique weapons that are not related to quests. And in general, you come across much more expensive and valuable loot, but there is still a chance that there will still be trash inside.

Where can you find guns larger than 32 caliber?

To find such weapons, you must capture enemy ships that have them, then remove them and transfer them to your own ship.

Is it possible to enter the service of a certain nation?

In this modification it is impossible to do this. All quest lines for nations have been removed from the game, but you can join the service of France, which happens in the storyline. In this case, you will be given an officer, a whole ship and equipment. If you agree, you will have to give 10% of the loot, and also avoid shooting at friendly ships. In addition, you cannot receive new quests.

Hello everyone, you are on a blog about fantasy and science fiction! Sometimes there are issues here that are not related to science fiction, but this is not the case. There is plenty of devilry in these “Corsairs”. In every sense.

The game turned out to be made on the engine of the previous corsairs, that is, from the same bearded year. Even then, they were squeezing out of him everything that his senile powers were capable of, so the picture cannot boast of anything new. Except that some splash screens, character models and icons were redrawn. A couple more videos have been added.

However, I am quite comfortable playing like this.

So, the game. We don't have a choice of characters, you can only play one - a Frenchman named Charles de More. Next, we select parameters, focusing on fencing, handling heavy weapons, pistols and muskets, or trade and oratory. In my opinion, it is better to choose one of the first two options. I settled on rapiers and swords.

Attention! Under no circumstances set the difficulty higher than Level 2! For all but the most hardcore nerds, play on the lowest difficulty setting. Masochists who are confident in their chosenness of God can choose the second difficulty. In different versions of the game, this is either the Boatswain or the Brave Privateer.

The game is incredibly difficult, and if you felt confident on the “Captain” difficulty in “City of Lost Ships,” then set the difficulty to minimum here and put all possible concessions in the menu next to it.

If you played Admiral and found it more or less tolerable, then you can risk setting the second difficulty.

If you choose a higher difficulty level, you will quit the game after a few hours, cursing the developers and the whole wide world. I'm serious.

No, you will swear and scream in any case, even on the minimum difficulty, but then at least there will be a chance that you will not quit the game, but will go to the Internet for tips and a manual.

Important! This game must be played exclusively with a detailed manual! This is due not only to the prohibitive complexity of the game, but also to bugs - without knowing where the catch is, you will not have a chance to avoid a fatal bug. I will give a link to one of these at the end of the article.

Okay, difficulty has been selected, everything is set, let's go!

I did this: Z – shot, Q – active action key, C – power strike and parry (instead of the wheel). It's quite convenient to play this way.

First impressions

They're great. We are introduced to the game in detail, led by the hand a little, talking about the buildings and gaming capabilities. It seems that the game is also designed for new players unfamiliar with the previous parts of the franchise. Don't be fooled by this!

The first difficulty is that over the past time I’ve pretty much forgotten the controls in battle, and here no one is in a hurry to explain which keys to press. Therefore, to understand the types of strikes, feints and parries, go either to YouTube or to thematic sites. For those who are familiar with the earlier parts, I will briefly explain the innovations:

1) A new parameter for melee weapons is balance. It is very important, and is closely related to two factors: the type of weapon (rapiers, sabers or broadswords), weight, type of blow.

For a rapier, the ideal balance is 0.0. In this case, lunges (by default, right mouse button) deal maximum damage. Chopping and power strikes are not for light weapons.

Sabers perform well with a balance closer to 1.0. They can chop, stab, and carry out power strikes. The problem is that the saber doesn't do any of this very well. In Corsairs: City of Lost Ships, the saber was the most convenient weapon for me. They're kind of clueless here. I don't recommend it.

Broadswords and axes. The balance is closer to 2.0. Slashing and power strikes. It hits hard, but consumes a huge amount of stamina.

It was not possible to find out how weight affects damage. Most likely, the same as balance - the greater the weight, the greater the damage of a slashing weapon. In this case, it is better to choose rapiers that are as light as possible.

2) Pistols can now explode when fired. This happened to me with Combat and Dueling pistols. Multi-shot muskets and shotguns did not explode.

3) New types of charges: in addition to bullets, there are shot, harpoons and nails. There is also a hand mortar with grenades.

New is good, but there is a big but. The shot hits only one target, thereby completely devaluing itself. My Combat Buckshot fired shot at the crowd (although if you believe thematic forums, this shouldn’t happen), but the damage there is ridiculous.

The “berserk” skill, which was white in the previous part, was removed. On the one hand, it’s correct - the thing was absolutely cheating, turning any duel into nonsense, but I somehow got used to it. And with her, the local quest duels wouldn’t tear up one place so much.

First quests

The first serious problems you will encounter are in Guadeloupe - when you need to go to Fadey.

Important! Yes, these problems will only appear first if you play according to the manual. Otherwise, you will still be stuck in Martinique. Play only according to the manual!

I still don’t understand how Fadey’s quests work. If you take them in the wrong order, you will easily break some scripts, and he will not give you the assignment that your brother spoke about.

If you have the patience to deal with all this, then you will have to choose a side - the quest “The Dutch Gambit”.

I played as the Dutch - there are tricky restrictions on level, reputation and skills. The Dutch are unpretentious to this.

To play as England you must be: positive reputation, level below a certain value (it seems to be different in different versions, mine was less than 12th).

Secret organization: negative reputation, all weapons have been upgraded to a certain level (about 30+).

Difficulties await you here. Time-limited missions, mind-blowingly difficult duels and other amenities. But if you have played the previous parts, you will be able to master all this.

And I'll move on to the icing on the cake.

Quests that break the player

This joy is called “Pirate Saga”. This is a global, mandatory and plot-interesting quest. Made by complete sadists.

The first difficulty is that you will need to save one girl - Rumba, aka Helen - in 16 calendar days. This will be at the very beginning of the quest line. And if you fail this rescue, you will fail the entire line.

The first difficulty is that there is not a word about deadlines in the task log.

The second difficulty is that even with a tailwind, you will not have time to sail to Antigua on time. No way.

What to do? Go out to the battle map and sail along it, periodically going out to the global map to check the direction.

How do you like this game design?

There are many more complexities in The Pirate Saga, but I’ll move on to the next extravaganza of the absurd:

Two naval battles in a row. First, you must deal with a corvette and a frigate on a half-acre (3rd class ship). And then board a heavy frigate on the same half-acre. And it’s just brutal even on the second difficulty.

Then, in many places, scripts can be broken to hell if you complete quests in the wrong order, and there are many other exciting things.


Due to the really interesting storyline, I can’t even call it a bad game. I got a huge amount of pleasure from it. Yes, it was a somewhat perverse pleasure, especially until I thought of burying myself in the manual, but still.

Large, varied and interesting plot. This is cool, and great respect to the developers for this.

A good partner is Mary Kasper. But if you don’t play according to the manual in life, you won’t know what to do to get her to join your team. Yes, you may not even meet her. Despite the fact that the location of the Island of Justice is not that big. But confusing...

Ship characteristics have been reworked. Now corvettes are useless troughs. Otherwise, the rebalance is good.

Bottom line

If you are well versed in the game series, then you should arm yourself with a manual and a detailed walkthrough and play “Corsairs: To Each His Own.”

If you are more or less fluent in Corsairs, then you can try your luck on the minimum difficulty. Again with the manual and walkthrough. But be prepared to suffer.

If you haven’t played Corsairs before, then starting with “To Each His Own” is a worse idea. “City of Lost Ships” was once called the most difficult game in the series, and “To Each His Own” was 5 times more difficult...

It’s always like this: a good plot just doesn’t want to get along with good game design. You almost always have to choose one thing, especially in more or less independent projects like this one.

Play at your own risk. I'll finish the game until the end. Now I brought 3 church relics to the inquisitor, and took a long pause to calm my nerves.

The walkthrough I used: Beginning of the Walkthrough. On the same site there are detailed manuals for later quests.

See you soon!

By the way, “The Witcher: Blood and Wine” was declared better than the RPG 2016 🙂 Yeah, an addon. I have it on the site, for those who haven’t played or haven’t seen all the endings, I recommend checking it out. There are also links to 2 other articles on the world of The Witcher.

Corsairs Each hero has his own weapon
You need to correctly calculate and select the weapon for your character. So: weapons are divided into types, broadswords/axes, sabers/cleavers, rapiers/swords. The weapon has attack/balance parameters, 84.5/1.1, and weight 4.4. The character has an energy parameter. If the weapon is heavy, then you spend more energy on the blow, depending on the type of weapon, your level, the blows can cause different damage, the maximum damage is caused by piercing weapons: secondary guns, SKM broadswords/axes, and LMB sabers. The optimal weight for a weapon, again it all depends on the level of your hero, at level 20 2.5 - 2.9, the higher the level, the heavier the weapon can be taken. If your character gets tired or gets a lot of injuries, you are also awarded penalty points, but it’s easy to deal with this, rest in a tavern, brothel, help the church. Carry out strikes with RMB, LMB, SCM. For the type of weapon, broadswords/axes are the best type of strike: SKM, sabers/cleavers are LMB, rapiers/swords are PKM.
Corsairs To each his own Captured captains
In order to hand them over to the authorities, you go to the governor and hand over the prisoners to the authorities for a ransom. But first of all, talk to the captains, maybe you will learn something new. Sometimes they offer you a lot of interesting things, use all the dialog boxes.
Corsairs To each his own Artifacts, amulets, amulets, talismans
In the game you can find various artifacts. The simplest of them can be taken in a fight or accidentally “found” among someone else’s property. More rare ones can be found in the cabins of ships taken as a prize or in the pockets of plot opponents. They can also be received as gratitude from the inhabitants of the Archipelago. Often the most attractive amulets, while enhancing certain traits or properties, at the same time have a negative effect, often of the opposite nature.
All artifacts are divided into three groups:
"Cursed" items: have a negative effect on the character and do not require equipment. The power of the spell cast on them is so great that you can only get rid of the effect of the curse together with the object, by throwing it away or putting it in a locker.
Charms: artifacts that have an unlimited duration are equipped in a separate slot (top left on the character diagram). These are the rarest and most valuable magical items. It is impossible to make them yourself.
Amulets: artifacts, of which there are many on the Archipelago, are equipped in slots specially designated for them. You can even buy them in any settlement. Local residents, representatives of the indigenous population, or wandering monks will be happy to sell simple crafts.
With the right luck and ingenuity, you can get hold of an alchemical kit that allows the hero to make all kinds of objects, talismans and potions himself. You will also need:
components (consumable items);
tools (necessary for the manufacturing process).
If you manage to get and study the recipe, the lists of components and tools will become known.
And, of course, all this becomes available only if the protagonist has the Alchemy ability.
There are three conventional types of magic in the game:
church (Catholics, Protestants),
native (Indians, blacks),
household/marine (superstitions of sailors and ordinary people).
Each type of magic is indicated by a stone in the icon in the upper left corner of the artifact icon: turquoise (blue) - church; jade (green) - native, coral (red) - household.
The stones are designed to guide the player in who to sell and from whom to buy the desired artifact (a merchant of “his” specialty will pay more when buying, but will ask for less).
Monks sell Christian artifacts. They give the maximum price for “turquoise” artifacts, half for “coral” ones, and pennies for “jade” ones (they buy them up to destroy the anathema).
Native crafts are sold by peaceful (without war paint) aborigines: they will buy “jade” amulets at the best price, half the price for “coral” ones, and “turquoise” ones for next to nothing (to mock at their leisure).
Household amulets, familiar to most colonists, are sold by ordinary traders. They will purchase “coral” products at the maximum price, while church items can be purchased at half price in order to resell them to the monks. Perhaps the laity will not get involved with the natives at all (mind me!).
Despite their origin, artifacts can work together, or they can turn out to be antagonistic.
Amulets of offensive and defensive magic are incompatible. Auxiliary magic is neutral, and therefore compatible with any of the previous groups.
The functional orientation of the amulet is indicated by a rosette under the stone:
necklace with claws: attack effect;
sun with rays: protective effect;
Celtic circle: auxiliary.
As a rule, “auxiliary” amulets neutralize the concomitant negative effects of the main amulet.
In addition to the amulets of the three main groups, which can be sold and bought on city streets, there is a fourth indication group intended for rare artifacts: talismans, amulets, rare ammunition or equipment. The symbolic stone is lapis lazuli (i.e. blue with gold veins).
The rosette under the stone in the corner of the icon corresponds to the main function, similar to ordinary amulets.
In addition to the symbols listed above, you may encounter several more:
black morion in a bone rosette means danger emanating from an inactivated object;
white pearls in a bone rosette means that the item has useful non-magical properties, but you will have to pay something for its use (such an item carries both bonuses and penalties, for example, Rum or Wine);
yellow amber in the Kolovrat frame means that the object carries information that can be recorded either in Documents or in the Cartographic Atlas;
a golden star rune on a dark background means that the item is a tool with which you can create new items and which does not disappear after the first use, i.e. is not a component.
Members of your team - officers and companions - will not make independent decisions regarding artifacts, completely relying on the player’s choice.
Corsairs To each his own Global achievements

Baptism of fire. First victory in a naval battle

Covered with scars. Receive more than 10,000 damage in total

Alchemist. Craft over 200 potions and items

Guest. Spend the night in a tavern 50 times

Home sweet home. Get ownership of a house

Wind of change. Successfully complete the "Dutch Gambit" story quest while collaborating with GVIK

Jedi. Reach maximum reputation
Naval commander. Assemble the maximum squadron
Admiral. Develop the “Navigation” skill to 100%
Dealer. Earn 10,000,000 pesos by trading/reselling goods

In the service of the Empire

Negotiant. Develop the “Trade” skill to 100%

Researcher. Explore 50 dungeons, caves, grottoes and workings

Swordsman. Develop the skill “Rapiers and Swords” to 100%

Moneylender. Open deposits with money lenders for a total of 5,000,000 pesos

Darling of fate. Develop the “Luck” skill to 100%

Dragoon. Develop the skill “Broadswords and Axes” to 100%

Hussar. Develop the skill “Sabres and Cleavers” to 100%

Miser. Make a capital of 10,000,000 pesos

Painful. Reduce the “Health” indicator to the minimum possible

Living legend. Reach rank 40

Sith. Reach minimum reputation

Death to enemies. Kill 500 military personnel

Knowing no fear

Murderer. Lose 9999 sailors in the crew of the protagonist's ship killed in battles

A tough nut to crack. Develop the “Protection” skill to 100%

Exorcist. Destroy 100 instances of evil spirits
Red Book. Destroy 35 crabs
Sniper. Destroy 500 enemies with firearms
Slaver. Sell ​​5000 slaves
