Innovative methods and techniques in speech therapy practice. General didactic and special principles underlying speech therapy intervention Methods of education in speech therapy classes

Principles of speech therapy intervention

The principles of speech therapy work are general starting points that determine the activities of the speech therapist and children in the process of correcting speech disorders.

In the process of organizing remedial training great value is attached to general didactic principles: the educational nature of teaching, scientific character, systematicity and consistency, accessibility, visibility, consciousness and activity, strength, and individual approach.

Speech therapy is also based on special principles:

    Etiopathogenetic principle.

When eliminating speech disorders, it is necessary to take into account the totality of etiological factors that determine their occurrence. These are external, internal, biological and socio-psychological factors.

    The principle of a systems approach.

It assumes the need to take into account the structure of the defect in speech therapy work, determining the leading disorder, and the relationship between primary and secondary symptoms.

    The principle of taking into account the structure of speech disorders.

Speech disorders in most cases are a syndrome in the structure of which there are complex and ambiguous connections between speech and non-speech symptoms.

    The principle of complexity.

Since most disorders are a combination of speech and non-speech symptoms, therefore, a complex (psychological-medical-pedagogical) intervention is necessary, i.e. impact on the entire syndrome as a whole.

Complex psychological, medical and pedagogical influence is very important in eliminating all complex speech disorders, but it is especially significant in eliminating dysarthria, stuttering, alalia and aphasia.

    The principle of a differentiated approach.

The system of speech therapy work to eliminate various forms of speech disorders is differentiated, taking into account many factors that determine it. A differentiated approach is carried out based on taking into account the etiology, mechanisms, symptoms of the disorder, the structure of the speech defect, the age and individual characteristics of the child. In the process of correcting speech disorders, general and specific patterns of development of abnormal children are taken into account.

In the process of speech therapy, it is necessary to take into account the level of development of speech, cognitive activity, features of the child’s sensory sphere and motor skills.

    The principle of phasing.

Speech therapy intervention is a purposeful, complexly organized process in which various stages are distinguished. Each of them is characterized by its own goals, objectives, methods and techniques of correction. The prerequisites for the transition from one stage to another are consistently formed. For example, work to eliminate dyslalia includes the following stages: production, automation, differentiation of sounds.

    Development principle.

During speech therapy, we must not forget about personality development.

    Ontogenetic principle.

Speech therapy intervention is built taking into account the patterns and sequence of formation of various forms and functions of speech.

The formation of correct speech skills, forms and functions of speech is also carried out in ontogenesis, from simple to complex, from concrete to more abstract, from productive forms to unproductive, from situational speech to contextual, from the assimilation of semantic relations to the assimilation of formal features of speech (language) units .

    The principle of taking into account personal characteristics.

A large place in speech therapy work is occupied by the correction and education of the personality as a whole; the peculiarities of personality formation in children with various forms of speech disorders, as well as age-related characteristics, are taken into account.

Of particular importance is taking into account personal characteristics when correcting speech disorders associated with brain disorders (alalia, aphasia, stuttering, dysarthria). In this case, the symptoms of the disorder show pronounced features of personality formation, which are both primary in nature, caused by organic damage to the brain, and the nature of secondary layers.

The impact on a child with a speech disorder is associated with the normalization of social contacts with surrounding people.

    The principle of the activity approach.

Correction of speech disorders is carried out taking into account leading activities. In preschool children, it is carried out in the process of play activity, which becomes a means of developing analytical-synthetic activity, motor skills, sensory sphere, enriching the vocabulary, mastering language patterns, and shaping the child’s personality.

At school age, the leading activity is educational, which becomes the basis of correctional and speech therapy work in eliminating speech disorders in children of this age.

    The principle of using a workaround.

In the process of overcoming alalia and aphasia, the creation of new functional systems on the basis of preserved links.

During the formation of higher mental functions (including speech), various afferentations and analyzers take part in the process of ontogenesis. At the beginning of its formation, the function is multireceptor; it is based on a complex of different types of afferentation. Thus, the process of sound discrimination in early ontogenesis is carried out with the participation of auditory, visual, and kinesthetic afferentation. Later in the process of sound discrimination, the acoustic one becomes the leading one.

In speech therapy work, when auditory differentiation is impaired, reliance is placed on intact links.

For example, restoration of sound discrimination in sensory aphasia is carried out as if bypassing the affected acoustic component of sound differentiation, relying on visual (oral image of sound) and kinesthetic afferentation (kinesthetic signals received during articulation).

    The principle of developing speech skills in conditions of natural speech communication.

To consolidate correct speech skills in conditions of natural speech communication, close communication in the work of a speech therapist, teacher, educator, and family is necessary. The speech therapist informs teachers and parents about the nature of the child’s speech disorder, about the tasks, methods and techniques of work at this stage of correction, and strives to consolidate correct speech skills not only in the speech therapy room, but also in lessons, during extracurricular hours under the control of teachers and parents.



Department of Social Psychology and Psychosocial Technologies


in speech therapy
Subject: Principles and methods of speech therapy intervention

5th year student P – 061
specialty "psychology"
Abanina I.V.
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Simkin M.F.

Kemerovo 2010

Table of contents
Introduction………………………………………………………… ….……3

    Principles of speech therapy intervention…………………….…5
    Speech therapy methods………………………….16
Conclusion…………………………………………………… ……..…..22
References……………………………………………………..… …….28
Appendix 1 “Main forms of speech therapy intervention” ...29
Appendix 2 “methods of speech therapy intervention”…………….30

Speech therapy stands among other special sciences: deaf pedagogy, oligophrenopedagogy, typhlopedagogy, education and training of children with motor disorders; it has a common methodological basis with them and a common special task: maximum overcoming of defects in children (and adults) suffering from a disorder (in this case, speech), and preparing them for work.
Speech therapy is a pedagogical process carried out using the following means: training, education, correction, compensation, adaptation, prevention of speech disorders.
Let's consider each of the means of speech therapy.
Education is the process of mastering certain knowledge, skills and abilities under the guidance of a special person (teacher, speech therapist, educator), including the active cognitive activity of children.
Education is a process of systematic and purposeful influence on the spiritual and physical development of the individual in accordance with the needs of society.
Correction of speech disorders is the correction of speech deficiencies, overcoming speech disorders.
Compensation is the restoration or replacement of lost functions through their restructuring or the use of preserved functions.
Adaptation is the adaptation of a child with pathology to the conditions of society.
Prevention of speech disorders is a set of preventive measures aimed at preserving speech function and preventing its disorders (Appendix 1).
The principles of speech therapy influence mean such starting points that help to carry out complex diagnostics, speech therapy studies and influence speech development defects in order to correct them.
The basic principles of speech therapy include various theoretical principles that help guide the speech therapist in practice.
Speech therapy uses a variety of methods - ways of raising and teaching children with speech pathology.
Correctly developed theoretical principles and well-chosen methods of speech therapy can help both in the diagnosis and correction of various speech disorders. This issue remains relevant to this day, both in our country and abroad.

    Principles of speech therapy intervention
Speech therapy intervention is based on didactic and specific principles. They are interconnected and determine the unity of education, development and correction of the functional systems of people with speech disorders.
The theoretical basis for the principles of diagnosis and organization of correctional methods for speech disorders is the doctrine of the patterns of compensatory and reserve capabilities of the child, as well as driving forces his speech and psychomotor development. A significant role in the development of theoretical speech therapy belongs to such scientists as L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonin, S. L. Rubinstein, A. V. Zaporozhets. Under the influence of basic theoretical principles, a speech therapist must be able to set the necessary goal, apply all the latest diagnostic methods and carry out the necessary correction of speech disorders
General didactic principles include : Systematic principle is mandatory for the entire speech therapy complex of measures used in relation to persons with various speech pathologies. Systematicity consists in the continuity, regularity, and systematicity of the correctional process specific for the development, education and re-education of certain functions in various speech disorders (motor sphere, facial muscles, fine voluntary motor skills, auditory attention, speech hearing, prosodic components of speech, etc. .) .
Daily performance of various types of exercises at a certain time accustoms children and adults to the established regime. Under the influence of regular speech therapy sessions, a positive restructuring of various systems occurs in the body and psychomotor system, for example, respiratory, motor, speech motor, sensory, etc.
Speech therapy correction requires repetition of developed motor skills. Only with repeated systematic repetitions do healthy dynamic motor stereotypes form. For effective repetition, it is necessary to combine what has been learned with the new, so that the repetition process is variable in nature: changing the exercise, the conditions of execution, a variety of techniques, differences in the content of classes. The variability of exercises evokes an exploratory reflex, interest, emotions, and increases attention.
The inclusion of new stimuli in the developed dynamic stereotype should be done without sudden changes, subject to gradualness. I.P. Pavlov emphasized that in pedagogy (and therefore in speech therapy) gradualism and exercise (training) should be considered the main physiological rule.
The principle of consciousness and activity. In the process of speech therapy education and re-education of persons with speech disorders, it is important to rely on the conscious and active attitude of the child and adult to their activities. The child’s independent, active activity depends on the emerging interest in the proposed task, its conscious perception, understanding of the goal and method of implementation.
The activity of preschool children in speech therapy classes is stimulated by the emotionality of the teacher, the imagery of music, various games or gaming techniques and exercises. In school and adulthood, in addition, direct instructions are used (commands, elements of competition, encouragement, etc.).
The principle of visibility determines the wide interaction of indicators of all analyzers that directly connect a person with the surrounding reality. Any knowledge begins with sensory perception. The formation of movements in combination with words and music, the study of their relationship is carried out with indicators of all receptors: organs of vision, hearing, vestibular, proprioceptive, motor apparatus, etc. The relationship of indicators of various receptors enriches the image of movement, its perception, its connections with speech and music. In case of impaired functions, for the purpose of correction, the principle of clarity is implemented by showing the movement by the teacher. Direct visual clarity is designed to create aesthetic perception, a specific idea of ​​movement, correct motor sensation and the desire to reproduce it.
In addition to direct visibility, indirect visibility plays an important role when it is necessary to explain individual details and mechanisms of movement that are hidden from direct perception (for example, the use of films, movement graphs, tape recordings of musical works in working with adults who stutter, patients with aphasia). Of great importance is a figurative word, which is associated with motor ideas and evokes a specific image of movement. This relationship between forms of visibility is determined by the unity of the sensory and logical stages of cognition, the interaction of the first and second signaling systems.
The principle of accessibility and individualization provides for taking into account the age characteristics and capabilities of persons with speech disorders. It is due to the different development of physiology and biomechanics of adults and children, different methodological approaches to the construction of speech therapy classes, different means, forms of influence, etc. The optimal measure of accessibility is determined by the age and motor capabilities of persons with speech disorders, the impact of the speech disorder on their personality and the degree of difficulty of the tasks.
One of the conditions for accessibility is continuity. In practice, this is achieved by the correct distribution of material in classes during the correctional course.
A necessary condition for observing the principle of individualization is a preliminary clarification of the nature of the pathological process: etiopathogenetic, symptomatic, diagnostic examinations, as well as clarification of the rehabilitation potential of the student. An individual approach also involves taking into account the type of higher nervous activity, age, gender, profession, and motor status.
All considered general didactic principles can be implemented only if they are interconnected.
Speech therapy intervention is also based on special principles: etiopathogenetic (taking into account the etiology and mechanisms of speech impairment), systematicity and taking into account the structure of speech impairment, complexity, differentiated approach, phasing, development, ontogenetic, taking into account personal characteristics, activity approach, using a workaround, the formation of speech skills in conditions of natural speech communication.
When eliminating speech disorders, it is necessary to take into account the totality of etiological factors that determine their occurrence. These are external, internal, biological and socio-psychological factors.
Thus, with dyslalia, malocclusion predisposes to distortion of the articulation of sounds and underdevelopment of articulatory motor skills. In this case, speech therapy is combined with orthodontic intervention to normalize the bite.
Dyslalia can also be caused by insufficient attention of others to the child’s speech, i.e., a social factor. In this case, speech therapy work is aimed at normalizing the child’s speech contacts with the social environment, at developing speech motor skills and phonemic perception.
Depending on the nature of the etiological factors, work to eliminate stuttering is structured differently. With a functional nature, the main attention is paid to the normalization of speech communication of people who stutter, the impact on the social environment, and the elimination of psychogenic symptoms. When organic in nature, the effect is aimed more at normalizing motor symptoms.
Speech therapy intervention in some cases is combined with different types medical influence (drug, psychotherapeutic, etc.).
The content of speech therapy depends on the mechanism of speech disorder. With the same symptoms of speech disorders, different mechanisms are possible.
Replacement of sounds in dyslalia may be due to inaccuracy of auditory differentiation, inability to distinguish sounds by ear, or replacement of these sounds due to underdevelopment of fine articulatory movements. When eliminating dyslalia, the main thing is to influence the leading disorder - immaturity of auditory differentiation or underdevelopment of articulatory motor skills.
With reading disorders (dyslexia), outwardly similar symptoms may also be observed, due to different mechanisms. Distortions in the structure of a word can be observed in some cases due to the immaturity of sound analysis and synthesis, in others due to the underdevelopment of morphological analysis and synthesis (distortion of prefixes, suffixes, endings).
The goal of speech therapy work in these cases will be not just stimulation and activation of the speech process, but the formation of normal speech mechanisms.
The principle of a systematic approach presupposes the need to take into account the structure of the defect in speech therapy work, determining the leading disorder, and the relationship between primary and secondary symptoms.
The complexity of the structural and functional organization of the speech system causes a disorder of speech activity as a whole when even its individual links are disrupted. This determines the significance of the impact on all components of speech when eliminating speech disorders.
In dysarthria, the leading disorder is a disorder of the phonetic aspect of speech due to paralysis and paresis of the muscles of the speech apparatus. But with dysarthria, there is a violation not only of the phonetic aspect, but also of the vocabulary, as well as the grammatical structure of speech. Therefore, in case of dysarthria, speech therapy is aimed not only at correcting phonetic disorders, but also at the development of speech in general.
Many speech disorders manifest themselves in the structure of various mental and neuropsychological disorders. Speech disorders in most cases are a syndrome in the structure of which there are complex and ambiguous connections between speech and non-speech symptoms. This determines the need for a complex (medical-psychological-pedagogical) impact, i.e., impact on the entire syndrome as a whole, taking into account the nature of the interaction between individual speech and non-speech symptoms and groups of symptoms.
For example, alalia occurs as a result of selective organic damage to the brain and is manifested by a whole complex of symptoms, speech and non-speech. Speech symptoms of alalia are expressed in difficulties in mastering language patterns and their incorrect use, in agrammatisms, distortions of the sound-syllable structure of a word, impaired sound pronunciation, etc. With motor alalia, neurological symptoms are observed, features of cognitive activity and other mental processes, and deviations in personality formation are manifested. Therefore, when eliminating alalia, a complex effect is necessary.
Stuttering also represents a complex symptom complex of dysontogenesis, in which both motor and mental symptoms are observed. This determines an integrated approach to eliminating stuttering, including therapeutic and recreational work, psychotherapy, work on speech, influence on the social environment, etc.
Complex medical, psychological and pedagogical influence is very important in eliminating all complex speech disorders, but it is especially significant in eliminating dysarthria, stuttering, alalia, and aphasia.
The system of speech therapy work to eliminate various forms of speech disorders is differentiated, taking into account many factors that determine it. A differentiated approach is carried out based on taking into account the etiology, mechanisms, symptoms of the disorder, the structure of the speech defect, the age and individual characteristics of the child. In the process of correcting speech disorders, general and specific patterns of development of abnormal children are taken into account.
Speech therapy work on the correction of speech disorders in various categories of abnormal children (mentally retarded, with mental retardation, with cerebral palsy, hearing impaired, visually impaired, blind, etc.) has its own specifics, due to the characteristics of their sensorimotor and mental development. In the process of speech therapy, it is necessary to take into account the level of development of speech, cognitive activity, features of the child’s sensory sphere and motor skills.
Speech therapy intervention is a purposeful, complexly organized process in which various stages are distinguished. Each of them is characterized by its own goals, objectives, methods and techniques of correction. The prerequisites for the transition from one stage to another are consistently formed. For example, work to eliminate dyslalia includes the following stages: production, automation, differentiation of sounds.
The speech therapist uses specific methods and techniques to ensure that the child pronounces the sound correctly and automates it. The main task is to consolidate the skill of correct pronunciation in the process of verbal communication. Differentiation of sounds is necessary in cases where sounds are replaced or mixed.
Speech therapy intervention is based on the ontogenetic principle, taking into account the patterns and sequence of formation of various forms and functions of speech.
So, in cases where a child has large number abnormal sounds, for example, whistling, hissing, p, the sequence in work is determined by the sequence of their appearance in ontogenesis (whistling, hissing, p). In the process of forming the syntax of oral speech during alalia, the sequence of appearance is taken into account various types proposals in ontogenesis.
The formation of correct speech skills, forms and functions of speech is also carried out in ontogenesis, from simple to complex, from concrete to more abstract, from productive forms to unproductive, from situational speech to contextual, from the assimilation of semantic relations to the assimilation of formal features of speech (language) units .
A large place in speech therapy work is occupied by the correction and education of the personality as a whole; the peculiarities of personality formation in children with various forms of speech disorders, as well as age-related characteristics, are taken into account.
Of particular importance is taking into account personal characteristics when correcting speech disorders associated with brain disorders (alalia, aphasia, stuttering, dysarthria). In this case, the symptoms of the disorder show pronounced features of personality formation, which are both primary in nature, caused by organic damage to the brain, and the nature of secondary layers.
Thus, children who stutter experience disharmonious personality development, uneven development of its individual aspects, and disruption of interpersonal relationships.
The impact on a child with a speech disorder is associated with the normalization of social contacts with surrounding people.
Correction of speech disorders is carried out taking into account leading activities. In preschool children, it is carried out in the process of play activity, which becomes a means of developing analytical-synthetic activity, motor skills, sensory sphere, enriching the vocabulary, mastering language patterns, and shaping the child’s personality.
At school age, the leading activity is educational, which becomes the basis of correctional and speech therapy work in eliminating speech disorders in children of this age.
In the process of overcoming alalia and aphasia, the creation of new functional systems based on preserved links is of great importance.
During the formation of higher mental functions (including speech), various afferentations and analyzers take part in the process of ontogenesis. At the beginning of its formation, the function is multireceptor; it is based on a complex of different types of afferentation. Thus, the process of sound discrimination in early ontogenesis is carried out with the participation of auditory, visual, and kinesthetic afferentation. Later in the process of sound discrimination, the acoustic one becomes the leading one.
In speech therapy work, when auditory differentiation is impaired, reliance is placed on intact links.
For example, restoration of sound discrimination in sensory aphasia is carried out as if bypassing the affected acoustic component of sound differentiation, relying on visual (oral image of sound) and kinesthetic afferentation (kinesthetic signals received during articulation).
Taking into account the leading activity of the child in the process of speech therapy work, various situations of speech communication are modeled. To consolidate correct speech skills in conditions of natural speech communication, close communication in the work of a speech therapist, teacher, educator, and family is necessary. The speech therapist informs teachers and parents about the nature of the child’s speech disorder, about the tasks, methods and techniques of work at this stage of correction, and strives to consolidate correct speech skills not only in the speech therapy room, but also in lessons, during extracurricular hours under the control of teachers and parents.
When eliminating speech disorders, the leading approach is speech therapy, the main forms of which are education, training, correction, compensation, adaptation, rehabilitation.
    Speech therapy methods
Speech therapy uses a variety of methods - ways of raising and teaching children with speech pathology. The methods of speech therapy as a pedagogical science basically coincide with those used by general preschool pedagogy. But in the process of correctional and educational work, both the methods themselves and their combinations change.
Based on the form of influence on the child, the following methods can be distinguished: verbal, visual and practical.
Verbal methods are instructions, stories, conversations, messages, descriptions, etc.
Visual methods - observation and examination of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world using analyzers.
Practical methods represent different ways of organizing children's activities .
The organization of speech therapy intervention involves planning, phasing and purposefulness. Speech therapy intervention is a complexly organized, purposeful process in which corrective, preventive, educational and educational tasks are implemented.
In the course of solving these problems, children with speech pathology generalize previously accumulated life experience, develop cognitive abilities, activate mental activity, and form and develop the personality as a whole. In this process, there are external and internal sides. The presentation of the material by a speech therapist or teacher, various kinds of instructions for the proposed tasks, as well as children’s perception of the material presented, answers to questions, completion of tasks and instructions - all this constitutes the external side of speech therapy influence, i.e. something that can be directly observed. The internal side of this process, its essence, is the acquisition by children of knowledge, skills and abilities in their unity, the formation and development of speech and personality. The internal and external aspects of speech therapy are interconnected and interdependent.
Speech therapy influence is implemented in speech therapy sessions (lessons). The main objectives of speech therapy classes, as formulated by T. B. Filicheva and G. V. Chirkina, are:
1. Development of speech understanding; fostering the ability to observe and comprehend objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, which makes it possible to clarify and expand the child’s stock of specific ideas; formation of generalizing concepts; formation of practical skills of word formation and inflection; developing the ability to use simple common sentences and some types of complex semantic structures.
2. Formation of correct pronunciation of sounds; development of phonemic hearing and perception; consolidation of skills in pronouncing words of various sound-syllable structures; control over the intelligibility and expressiveness of speech; preparation for mastering elementary sound analysis and synthesis.
3. Teaching children to express themselves independently. Based on the developed skills of using various types of sentences, the ability to convey impressions about what is seen, about the events of the surrounding reality is developed, in a logical sequence, retell the content of plot pictures and their series, and compose a narrative description.
Speech therapy classes (lessons) vary in type: frontal (group), subgroup and individual. The need to conduct classes of all types is determined by unified training programs, the corrective focus of speech therapy and the development of children’s individual abilities.

By frontal we mean such classes when all the pupils of the group (students of the class) do the same work.
Subgroup classes provide differentiated tasks for a subgroup of children who have similarities in the structure of the defect.
Individual lessons are conducted by a speech therapist or teacher with one child. During individual lessons, individualized microprograms are carried out, developed by a speech therapist based on the results of a speech therapy examination of the child at the beginning of the school year.
From the point of view of didactic classification, all types of speech therapy classes (lessons) are divided into:
activity (lesson) with the aim of acquiring new knowledge:

Speech therapy intervention is a pedagogical process in which the tasks of corrective training and tasks of a correctional and educational nature are realized. In the corrective training of children-speech therapists, and in particular in the correction of their sound pronunciation, great importance is attached to general didactic principles: educational nature of teaching, scientific nature, systematicity and consistency, accessibility and visibility, consciousness and activity, strength, individual approach.

Speech therapy is also based on special principles: etiopathogenetic(taking into account the etiology and mechanisms of speech disorders), systematicity and taking into account the structure of speech impairment, complexity, differentiated approach, phasedness, development, ontogenetic, taking into account personal characteristics, active approach, using a workaround, the formation of speech skills in conditions of natural speech communication.

When eliminating any speech disorders, it is necessary to take into account the totality of etiological factors that determine their occurrence. These are external, internal, biological and socio-psychological factors.

So, when producing the sounds “P”, “Rb”, if the child has a shortened hyoid ligament, then in this case the speech therapy intervention is combined with surgical intervention(the hyoid ligament is trimmed). Violation of sound pronunciation (dyslalia, dysarthria) can be caused by insufficient attention of others to the child’s speech, i.e. social factor. In this case, speech therapy work is aimed at developing speech motor skills, phonemic perception, as well as normalizing the child’s speech contacts with the social environment. In such cases, psychotherapeutic or medical intervention is sometimes required.

When eliminating dyslalia, the main thing is to influence the leading disorders - immaturity of auditory differentiation or underdevelopment of articulatory motor skills.

The goal of speech therapy work in this case will be not just stimulation and activation of the speech process, but the formation of normal speech mechanisms.

In case of disturbance of sound pronunciation of dysarthric origin, the leading disorder is the phonetic aspect of speech due to partial paralysis and paresis of the muscles of the speech apparatus. But both with a dysarthric origin of a violation of sound pronunciation, and with a dyslalic origin, there is often a violation not only of the phonetic side of speech, but also of the vocabulary, as well as the grammatical structure of speech, therefore, speech therapy is aimed not only at the correction of violations of the phonetic side, but also at the development speech in general.

Complex medical, psychological and pedagogical intervention is very important in eliminating all complex speech disorders.

Speech therapy intervention is a purposeful, complexly organized process in which various stages are distinguished. Each of them is characterized by its own goals, objectives, methods and techniques of correction. The prerequisites for the transition from one stage to another are consistently formed.

Thus, work to eliminate complex sound pronunciation disorders is carried out in the following stages:

  • preparation of the articulatory apparatus and production of defective sound (a combination of articulatory and finger gymnastics);
  • staging, automation, differentiation of sounds (if necessary).

Speech therapy intervention is based on ontogenetic principle, taking into account the patterns and sequence of various forms and functions of speech. Thus, in cases where a child has a large number of disturbed sounds, for example, whistling, hissing, “R”, “L”, the sequential work is determined by the sequence of their appearance in ontogenesis (“L”, whistling, hissing, “R”, "Ry")

During the formation of higher mental functions (including speech), various afferentations and analyzers take part in the process of ontogenesis.
Thus, the process of sound discrimination in early ontogenesis is carried out with the participation of auditory, visual, and kinesthetic afferentation. Later, in the process of sound discrimination, acoustic afferentation becomes the leading one.

When eliminating speech disorders, and in particular, defective sound pronunciation, the leading one is speech therapy, the main forms of which are education, training, correction, compensation, adaptation, rehabilitation.

Speech therapy is carried out using various methods. At each stage of speech therapy work, the effectiveness of mastering correct speech skills is ensured by the corresponding group of methods. Thus, at the stage of sound production, practical and visual methods are mainly used; during automation, especially in coherent speech, conversation, retelling, and story are widely used.

Towards practical methods speech therapy interventions include exercises, games and simulations. Exercise is the repeated repetition by a child of practical and mental tasks and actions. So, as a result of systematically performing articulation exercises, the prerequisites are created for sound production and for its correct pronunciation. At the automation stage, we achieve the correct pronunciation of sounds in words, phrases, sentences, poems, texts, and connected speech.

Exercises are divided into imitative-performing and creative.

Imitative-performing performed by children in accordance with the model. Thus, at the first stage of sound pronunciation correction, articulatory exercises are first carried out by visual demonstration, based on visual perception of the speech therapist’s tasks, and later they are only named.

In exercises creative nature it is assumed that the learned methods will be used in new conditions on new speech material.
When working on sound pronunciation, speech exercises are also used, for example, repeating words with a given sound.

Game exercises - physical exercises (actions with poetry, imitation of the gait of animals, etc.) - evoke an emotionally positive mood in children and relieve their stress.

The gaming method involves the use of various components of gaming activity in combination with other techniques: demonstration, explanations, instructions, questions.

One of the main components of the method is an imaginary situation in expanded form (plot, role, game actions). For example, the game “Shop”, “At the Forest Edge”, “Field of Miracles”.

Modeling is the process of creating models and using them. The effectiveness of modeling depends on the following conditions:

  • the model must reflect the basic properties of the object;
  • be accessible to the perception of a child of a given age;
  • should facilitate the process of mastering skills, abilities and knowledge.

Widely used graphic modeling in the formation of sound analysis and synthesis, when graphic diagrams of sentence structure, syllabic and sound composition of a word are used, which is necessarily included in the system of work on sound pronunciation.

TO visual methods include observation, looking at drawings, paintings, listening to tape recordings, records, etc.
Visual aids are effective when they meet the following requirements:
- clearly visible to everyone (in frontal classes);
- selected taking into account the age and individual psychological characteristics of the child;
- correspond to the tasks of speech therapy work at this stage of correction;
- accompanied by precise and specific speech.

When correcting sound pronunciation, we use as visual aids a set of pictures from “Didactic material on correcting pronunciation deficiencies in children” by N.I. Sokolenko (Moscow, Prosveshchenie, 1998), from “Didactic material on correcting speech in preschool children” by G.A. . Kashe (Moscow, Prosveshchenie, 1999) and T.B. Filicheva, as well as from cut-out illustrated material on correcting speech deficiencies in preschool children “We Play and Learn” by T.S. Tretyakova (Moscow, Prosveshchenie, 1997).

To automate the given sounds (whistling, hissing, sonorators, affricates) in coherent speech, we use illustrated material with methodological instructions(for children with OHP), developed by speech therapist T.A. Tkachenko (Moscow, Vlados, 2008, 2009).

We selectively use numerous illustrative and didactic material developed by modern authors. Why selectively? Because most modern authors in their illustrated material hardly follow the principle of working on intact sounds in children with disabilities.

It should be noted that in our work on correcting sound pronunciation in children with FFN aged 5-6 years, we use playful and visual methods including
verbal (showing an image, explanations, explanations, pedagogical assessment).

Returning to the modeling method, I would like to dwell on the experience of the speech therapist of preschool educational institution No. 1237 in Moscow N. Smirnova, on her effective express method - models of phonetic-phonemic compensation. Its essence lies in getting rid of old defective stereotypes and forming correct speech reflexes at a faster rate than usual.

The model assumes the following components:

  1. Maximum saturation of a speech exercise with the studied sound in the absence of mixed sounds.
  2. Ensuring the dominant character of a given sound.
  3. A variety of speech technologies (pure tongue twisters, tongue twisters, games, exercises, counting rhymes, nursery rhymes, etc.)
  4. Use of rhythm: rhymed speech material contributes to more productive automation of sounds.
  5. The entertaining and playful nature of speech exercises increases the motivation of children.
  6. Development of speech dexterity and activation of components of speech activity.

N. Smirnova offers an approximate complex of speech gymnastics as an express method of automating the sound “Ш” (the complex is designed for 4-8 weeks, the material is used in parts).

  • Naming object pictures twice or three times (the sound “Ш” is exaggerated and pronounced longer than other sounds).
  • Repeating “friend words” in threes: cockerel - strap - comb, tire - car - jug, pillow - frog - cuckoo, palm - cake - midge.
    (The author has many words with the sound “R”, but it is not always placed before the sound “SH”. I tried to replace these words.)
  • Repetition of pure sayings:
    Sha-sha-sha - hat, chess, noodles
    Shi-shi-shi - tire, awl, reeds
    Shu-shu-shu - Masha eats noodles
    Shi-shi-shi - eat your porridge, kids
    She-she-she - Misha whispers in the hut
  • Performing the exercise “We are learning the sound “Ш””. On the playing field there are pictures in three or five rows corresponding to the rhymed miniature:
    Sha-sha-sha, shi-shi-shi,
    Kitty, bucket, hut, kids,
    Hat, car, grandfather, books,
    Knife:, cockerel, cones, panties,
    Hat, horse, chocolate, cup,
  • Performing the “What’s Who” exercise:
    The wings of a midge, the ears of a cat.
    Masha has the pebbles, Natasha has the box.
    Lusha has the cat, Tanyusha has the mouse.
    The bear's ears, the baby's ears,
  • Doing the exercise “In the closet”
    Masha has a cat in her closet,
    And Pasha has a nesting doll.
    Misha has a gun in his closet,
    And Masha has a reel

    Based on the goals and objectives of speech therapy, three stages are distinguished:

I. Preparatory. Its goal is to include the child in a targeted, speech therapy process for correcting sound pronunciation, to develop his voluntary attention, memory, suspicious operations" (especially comparison and inference).

Special speech therapy tasks become: the ability to recognize and distinguish phonemes and the formation of speech motor skills (achieved by articulatory gymnastics).

Carrying out articulation exercises in preparation for the production of any sound includes a number of requirements:
- develop the ability to take a certain pose, hold it, smoothly switch from one articulatory pose to another;
- a system of exercises for the development of articulatory motor skills should include both statistical exercises and exercises aimed at developing dynamic coordination of speech movements;
- exercises are needed to combine movements of the tongue and lips so that they mutually adapt to each other (the phenomenon of coarticulation);
- classes should be conducted briefly, but repeatedly;
- as you master the movement necessary to realize the sound, you can move on to practicing movements for other sounds.

II. Stage of formation of primary pronunciation skills. Its goal is to develop in the child the initial ability to correctly pronounce sounds using specially selected speech material.

Let us dwell in more detail on the use of speech material when automating the sounds “P, Pb” (see Appendix I - XII). These sounds are often difficult to produce and then difficult to automate. In the appendix, the speech material is arranged in a sequence determined by practice, but it should be noted that each child is an individual, you need to try what will be easier for the child to pronounce in order to vary the use of this speech material. Thus, after the appearance of the sound “R” in words starting with “dra-”, the child cannot separate the sound “R” separately. Sometimes this becomes possible in combination with back-lingual ones (“kra-”, “gra-”), sometimes in combination with the labial “B” (“bra-”, “brr-”). There is a statement in the literature that “R” at the end of a word is easily learned, but practice shows that this is difficult for children, the same with the soft version of “R” - “P”.

When selecting speech material, it is important to follow the principle: select words that are simple in phonetic composition (gradually complicating it), and do not contain disturbed or mixed sounds.

III. Stage of formation of communication skills. The goal of this stage is to develop in the child the skills and abilities to accurately use the given speech sounds in all communication situations. Creative exercises are used, material rich in certain sounds is selected. To develop speech self-control in a child, it is important to have a comprehensive influence on him: speech therapist - educators - parents.

Complex cases of manifestations of sound pronunciation disorders in children with FFN require clear planning of lessons, reasonable dosage of material, determination of the sequence of sounds, as well as an idea of ​​​​which sounds can be included in the work at the same time, and which should be practiced sequentially.


1. Volkova L.S. Speech therapy. M.: Enlightenment. 1999
2. Pravdina L.V. Speech therapy. M.: Enlightenment. 1999
3. Smirnova N. “Shura walked, walked, walked.” Preschool education.
№4, 2006
4. Shiganina O.V. Game techniques for corrective work on automation of delivered sounds. Speech therapist. No. 5, 2005
5. Shepilova E.A. Formation of self-control of pronunciation in primary schoolchildren with impaired auditory perception. Speech therapist No. 1,2005

Northern District Education Department of the Moscow Department of Education
State budget educational institution school No. 2099
Teacher - speech therapist: Sadova I.V.:

Practical methods of speech therapy include game exercises and modeling.

Exercise- this is the child’s repeated repetition of practical and mental given actions. In speech therapy work, they are effective in eliminating articulatory and voice disorders, since children develop practical speech skills or the prerequisites for their development, and mastery occurs. in various ways practical and mental activity. As a result of systematically performing articulatory exercises, the prerequisites are created for sound production and for its correct pronunciation. At the stage of sound production, the skill of its isolated pronunciation is formed, and at the automation stage, the correct pronunciation of sound in words, phrases, sentences, and coherent speech is achieved. Mastering correct language skills is a long-term process that requires a variety of systematically used activities.

Exercises are divided into:

  • · Imitative-performing
  • · Constructive
  • · Creative

Imitative-performing tasks are performed by children in accordance with the model. In speech therapy work, a large place is occupied by practical exercises (breathing, vocal, articulatory, developing general, manual motor skills). At the initial stages of assimilation, demonstration of actions is used, and during repetitions, as the method of action is mastered, the visual demonstration is increasingly “collapsed” and replaced by verbal designation. Thus, the implementation of articulatory exercises is initially carried out according to a visual demonstration, based on the visual perception of the tasks performed by the speech therapist; in the future they are only called.

In speech therapy work, various types of construction are used. For example, when eliminating optical dysgraphia, children are taught to construct letters from elements, from one letter to another.

Creative exercises involve the use of learned methods in new conditions, on new speech material. Thus, during the formation of sound analysis and synthesis, the definition of the sequence of sounds is first given with the support of auxiliary means, and then only in speech terms, since the assimilation of the action of sound analysis is transferred to new conditions. And finally, the action of sound analysis is considered formed if it can be performed internally (the child independently comes up with words with a certain sound, number of sounds, selects pictures whose names contain sounds, etc.).

In speech therapy work they also use speech exercises. An example of this is the repetition of words with added sounds when correcting problems with sound pronunciation.

Usage game exercises(for example, imitation of an action: chopping wood, trees swaying in the wind, imitation of the gait of a bear, a fox) evokes an emotionally positive mood in children and relieves their stress.

Performing any exercises contributes to the formation of practical skills only if the following conditions are met:

  • 1. The child’s awareness of the goal. This depends on the clarity of the task, the use of the correct demonstration of methods of execution, the disaggregation of the demonstration of complex exercises, taking into account the age and mental characteristics of the child;
  • 2. Systematicity, which is realized in repeated repetition (in speech therapy classes, outside of them, in class, during extracurricular hours using a variety of speech and didactic material and various situations of speech communication);
  • 3. Gradual complication of conditions, taking into account the stage of correction of the age and individual psychological characteristics of the child;
  • 4. Conscious implementation of practical and verbal actions;
  • 5. Independent performance at the final stage of correction (although at the initial stages of correction, exercises can be performed with the help of a speech therapist, with mechanical assistance, etc.);
  • 6. Differentiated analysis and assessment of implementation.

The gaming method involves the use of various components of gaming activity in combination with other techniques:

ь Showing

ь Explanation

ь Instructions

ь Questions

One of the main components of the method is an imaginary situation in expanded form (plot, role, game actions). For example, in the games “Shop”, “Calling a Doctor”, “At the Forest Edge”, children assign roles, create images of people or animals using masks, clothing items, speech and non-speech actions, and, in accordance with the role, enter into certain relationships during the game . In the game method, the leading role belongs to the teacher, who selects the game in accordance with the intended goals and objectives of correction, distributes roles, organizes and activates the activities of children.

Various games are used with preschool children: singing, didactic, active, creative, dramatization. Their use is determined by the tasks and stages of correctional speech therapy work, the nature and structure of the defect, the age and individual mental characteristics of children. For example, games for the development of auditory attention in children, finger games accompanied by speeches, an object-based environment for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers is presented. This is good. But when examining children who need specialized speech therapy help, it is revealed that their finger muscles are often weak, children cannot accurately reproduce a given position, and cannot hold it. Particular difficulties are caused by tasks of changing finger poses and reproducing a given tempo in movements. What is the reason for such violations? Without dwelling on the anatomical and physiological aspects in detail, we will consider the pedagogical reasons. When playing finger games, children collectively perform movements inaccurately, are not aware of discrete (individual) finger positions, and the speech accompaniment of the game is also a distraction. In this regard, it seems advisable, along with the use of finger games, to conduct daily finger gymnastics with children, which includes a complex of individual or alternating poses and movements for the fingers in a certain order and pace. This will make it possible to more comprehensively carry out work on the development of fine motor skills of children’s fingers.

Modeling is the process of creating models and their use in order to form ideas about the structure of objects, the relationships and connections between the elements of these objects.

The effectiveness of their use depends on the following conditions:

  • · The model must reflect the basic properties of the object and be similar in structure to it;
  • · Be accessible to a child of a given age;
  • · Should facilitate the process of mastering skills, abilities and knowledge.

Sign-symbolic modeling has become widely used. For example, when forming sound analysis and synthesis, graphic diagrams of the structure of a sentence, the syllabic and sound composition of a word are used.

The use of a model presupposes a certain level of formation of mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, generalization).

The principles of speech therapy work mean the starting points that determine the joint work of the speech therapist and the child in speech correction.

When correcting speech disorders, much attention is paid to the general didactic principles of educational direction; principles of systematicity, scientificity, clarity, consciousness, individual approach, etc.

Special principles are also used in speech therapy. First of all, these are the principles of taking into account the etiology and mechanisms of speech disorders, taking into account the structure of the disorder, a differentiated approach, and a step-by-step approach. An important principle is the principle of taking into account the child’s personality, his abilities to develop and form speech in normal natural conditions of communication and life.

When performing speech therapy, the etiological principles that are the causes of various disorders must be taken into account. These are internal, external, biological and socio-psychological factors.

For various speech disorders, speech therapists can work in collaboration with medical workers. This may be medication, psychotherapeutic or other effects. For example: an incorrect bite predisposes to various pronunciation disorders and here the help of an orthodontist is additionally needed; If a child grows up in unfavorable conditions, he has a lack of communication, i.e. the social factor is affected, as a result of which various types of speech disorders may arise - from dyslalia to stuttering. Etiology includes taking into account not only the causes of speech disorders, but also their mechanisms, therefore, with the same symptoms, different mechanisms of disorders are possible. For example: disturbances in sound pronunciation may occur due to incorrect articulation or underdeveloped hearing. Work to eliminate speech deficiencies should be carried out taking into account the leading disorder.

The principle of systematicity takes into account the structures of various defects, determines the leading violation and correlates primary and secondary defects. Speech is the most complex mental process, therefore, even if its individual components are disrupted, as a rule, all speech activity as a whole is disrupted. This determines a systematic approach to eliminating speech disorders.

Many speech disorders manifest themselves in a combination of mental and neuropsychological diseases; Speech and non-speech disorders are interconnected, so we are talking about a set of measures. Thus, complex principles are implemented when talking about a joint effect on the body, i.e. not only speech therapy, but also psychological, pedagogical and medical influence.

The complex principle of influence is especially important for such complex speech disorders as alalia, aphasia, dysarthria and stuttering.

The principle of a differentiated approach is carried out taking into account the etiology of the disorder, symptoms, structure of speech defects, individual and age characteristics of the child. In the process of speech therapy work, it is important to take into account the level of speech development, characteristics of mental processes, and the level of cognitive activity.

The principle of phasing is a complex process of speech therapy intervention, i.e. Correction of deficiencies occurs in several stages. Each stage has its own tasks, methods and techniques for correction. There is a gradual transition from one stage to the next - from simpler to more complex.

When working, a speech therapist must adhere to the ontogenetic principle, i.e. take into account the development of speech in ontogenesis: from simple to complex, from concrete to abstract. Sounds in a child’s speech need to be corrected in the same sequence in which they appeared during the child’s development.

To educate a personality, taking into account the peculiarities of its formation, in connection with various types violations is one of the principles of speech therapy. This principle is especially relevant when working with children who have complex speech defects.

During correctional work, the child’s leading activity is taken into account. This is the meaning of the activity principle. For different ages corresponds to its type of leading activity. IN preschool age this is a game with which you get rich vocabulary, lexical development, grammatical forms speech, the formation of the child’s personality occurs. For school-age children, the leading one is educational activities, which is the basis for correctional work in eliminating speech disorders.

The principle of natural speech communication presupposes various situations in which the child finds himself. First, they are modeled in the classroom, and then reinforced in normal conditions with the help of parents and educators. The child’s environment should be informed about the type of defect, tasks, methods of work and work closely with speech therapists.

When correcting speech disorders, various methods are used to help children acquire knowledge, skills, abilities, and personality development as a whole. The use of a certain method is determined by the nature and degree of the violation, the age of the child, his personal qualities. Methods can be practical, visual, verbal.