Officer courses for contract soldiers. Junior officer training courses. How to get the rank of FSB officer

How can I take the junior officer course?

  1. Hello, please tell me, I am serving under a contract, the rank is corporal. I want to enroll and complete the junior officers course. I'm a woman. is this possible?
  2. It used to be possible to take such courses and receive a title. Now higher educational institutions graduate so many lieutenants that there is nowhere to put them. Try going to the military registration and enlistment office and find out what they can offer you with your education. Maybe there will be an officer position and then you can sign a contract and receive the rank of lieutenant.
  3. Why the hell take courses if having a higher education gives you the right to receive an officer rank, and not a junior lieutenant, as after the courses, but immediately a lieutenant. And military service under conscription is not at all necessary for this purpose.
    So, in accordance with paragraph 5 of paragraph 1 of Article 34 Federal Law dated March 28, 1998, 53-FZ "On Military Duty and Military Service", contract for military service male citizens who are not in the reserves, who have graduated from state, municipal or non-state educational institutions of higher professional education who have state accreditation in the relevant areas of training (specialties) have the right to conclude educational institutions higher vocational education.

    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 1237

    Article 21. Procedure for assigning the first military rank
    2. The military rank of lieutenant is awarded to:

    a) a military man who does not have the military rank of officer, or a military man who has military rank junior lieutenant, regardless of the length of military service in this military rank, who graduated from a higher or secondary military educational institution - upon graduation from the specified educational institution;

    A. 1) to a citizen who graduated from a federal state educational institution of higher professional education and completed training in a military training program at a military training center at this educational institution - on the day following the day of issuance of the order on graduation from the specified educational institution;

    b) a citizen who has successfully completed the training program for reserve officers at a military department at a state, municipal or non-state educational institution of higher professional education that has state accreditation in the relevant areas of training (specialties) - upon graduation from the specified educational institution;

    c) a citizen (military serviceman) who does not have the military rank of officer, who has a higher professional education related to the relevant military specialty, and who entered military service under a contract for a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of officer - upon appointment to the corresponding military position job title;

    d) a military serviceman who does not have the military rank of officer, undergoing military service under a contract, having a higher professional education related to the relevant military specialty, and appointed to a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of officer - upon appointment to the corresponding military position;

    e) a citizen who is in the reserve, does not have the military rank of officer, and has a higher professional education - at the end of military training and after passing the relevant tests;

    f) a military personnel who does not have the military rank of officer, performing military service under a contract in the Foreign Intelligence Service Russian Federation, Federal service Security of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation or the Special Objects Service under the President of the Russian Federation, - in the manner determined by the heads of these bodies, upon completion of training under the training program as part of study group or simultaneously with entry into military service under condition

  4. Everything that is written above is all theory, but in practice now such courses do not work, because there is no need for it. As a result of Serdyukov’s “reforms,” so many officers were left behind in the army that there was no longer any need to conduct such courses. Moreover, even some military schools have stopped recruiting cadets. Let's hope this is only temporary.

    Actually, a person with a higher education does not particularly need to take such courses, since if he enters military service under a contract and is appointed to an officer position, he is immediately awarded the first military rank of lieutenant.

  5. No positions
  6. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation operate courses for training junior officers of the Ground Forces.
    In accordance with the Instructions for the organization of training courses for junior officers of the Ground Forces, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2003 N 85, training in the courses is conducted according to accelerated training programs for military personnel in military specialties to acquire the skills necessary to perform duties in the primary military positions of officers, on the basis of the existing secondary (full) general, secondary vocational or higher professional education without increasing the educational level of students. The standard period of study for the courses is 10 months, classes begin on July 1 annually. Upon completion of the courses, graduates are considered to have received reduced military training.
    Military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (except for officers) who are serving under a contract (if there are at least 2.5 years left before its expiration) and by conscription (who have served for at least six months) may be considered as candidates for enrollment in courses. under 27 years of age at the time of enrollment. Citizens in the reserve who have expressed a desire to study at the courses, in the established order, enter military service under a contract and are appointed to vacant military positions, for which the state provides for the military ranks of soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen.
    Military personnel considered as candidates for enrollment in courses must have a higher (incomplete higher) vocational or secondary vocational education, confirmed by an appropriate state diploma.
    As an exception, by decision of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, agreed with the Main Personnel Directorate, military personnel with secondary (complete) general education may be considered as these candidates:
    - those undergoing conscription military service (who have served for at least 18 months), holding the positions of platoon commanders (chiefs of crews), company foremen (batteries), senior technicians of companies (batteries);
    - those undergoing military service under a contract (if at least 2.5 years remain before its expiration) and conscription (having served for at least 6 months), holding military positions as sergeants and privates, having experience in combat operations and awarded state awards.
    When enrolling in courses in accordance with the established procedure, the first contract is concluded with a serviceman undergoing military service in the military unit in which he is serving.
    Personal appointment of course graduates to vacant military positions of platoon commanders (crew chiefs), subject to replacement by junior officers, is carried out by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Simultaneously with appointment to military positions, military personnel who have a higher professional education related to the relevant military education system are awarded the first military rank of “lieutenant”. The rest of the military personnel, upon appointment to military positions, are awarded the first military rank of “junior lieutenant”.
  7. Most write complete nonsense. We have run out of jackets, that is, somehow baked in the military departments of civilian universities of the so-called. officers. Or rather, most of them are parodies of officers. There were no more military departments. Graduates are dragging their feet as conscripts. There are many of them among contract soldiers. Nowadays, only a few universities in Russia offer training in training centers soldiers (this is exactly what is written on the website of the military department of SibGUTI in Novosibirsk), sergeants and very few reserve officers. Mostly engineers. And even those are unlikely to fit into the sergeant, and especially into the officer environment of the modern Armed Forces. At least that’s what the teachers I talk to think. And I hope this won’t happen again like in our Soviet Armed Forces, where, with the complete indifference of career military personnel, jacket lieutenants from civilian universities scrubbed floors, did push-ups, and stood on the bedside table instead of orderlies to the whoops and slaps of demobilization. Unfortunately, there were too many such facts. Believe me, a career military man who gave 32 calendars to the Motherland.
The Ministry of Defense begins training junior officers under an accelerated program

The Ministry of Defense has begun recruiting contract military personnel for six-month courses for lieutenants. Candidates will undergo special training, after which they will be awarded their first officer rank. Soldiers, sergeants, petty officers and warrant officers who have received civilian qualifications will be able to become cadets. higher education. First of all, infantry and tank officers will be trained for the army - there is a shortage of such commanders in the troops.

Until 2009, there were accelerated courses for junior lieutenants in Russia - KML. Their graduates, due to the consonance of this abbreviation with the Camel brand of cigarettes, received the nickname “camels” in the army.

The Ministry of Defense told Izvestia that enrollment in the courses is being carried out as an experiment. Soldiers, sergeants, petty officers and warrant officers who have served under a contract for at least three years will be able to undergo training. They must have experience commanding units. To become a cadet, a serviceman must have a positive reference from his place of service, be a good student, or better yet, an excellent student in combat training. Physical fitness at the proper level and higher education are mandatory requirements. Contract soldiers who are under 35 years of age on the day of admission will be able to enroll in the courses. If all conditions are met, the candidate is accepted for study without entrance exams.

It is planned to train commanders of the most scarce specialties in the Ground Forces. These are commanders of motorized rifle, tank, anti-aircraft and artillery platoons, as well as communications units. It is now being decided where shortened officer training courses will be organized - on the basis of military schools, military training centers in civilian universities or in combined arms training centers. The latter are found in almost all military districts.

The number of cadets is not clearly regulated. Their number will depend on the availability of vacant positions in the army. The recruitment order will be signed every year by the commanders of the military districts.

The platoons of accelerated graduation will not have to sit at their desks for long - they will have a month of theory and five months of practice. Most of the training will take place in the field - life in a tent camp, classes in combined arms combat tactics, study of relevant equipment. Particular attention will be paid to shooting and engineering training.

Graduates will be appointed to the positions of platoon commanders. As a result of the training, the armed forces should receive lieutenants who know army life from the inside. They will be able to competently command their subordinates on the march, in defense or in attack. The ceiling for the career growth of such an officer is the battalion commander.

The first graduates will test the training system. The commanders of the units where the lieutenants will end up will, after a certain time, present the characteristics of such platoons. They will indicate their strengths and weaknesses. Based on the information received, changes will be made to the training program.

There are many positions in the army where officers who have received an accelerated education can serve, military expert Viktor Murakhovsky told Izvestia. - Such courses can be organized both in military schools and in district training centers - depending on the specialty.

Courses similar in their objectives for junior lieutenants in Russian army existed from 2003 to 2009. They were reduced by Anatoly Serdyukov, who then held the position of Minister of Defense. For the Moscow, North Caucasus, Leningrad and Volga-Ural military districts, officers were trained at 38 courses in the city of Kovrov, Vladimir Region. For the Siberian and Far Eastern military districts - at 34 courses in Chita. About five hundred officers were trained annually under this program.

About military ranks

I’ll tell you a little more about military ranks, to whom they are given and for what. This should be quite interesting for many, since few people know the army hierarchy and chain of command.
It all starts with the military registration and enlistment office. When a military ID is issued, a rank is automatically assigned "Private". This means that the person has entered the lower rung of his military career.

With this rank, the unit is assigned any position, it can be a shooter, machine gunner, driver, gunner, and so on. There are more privates in a regular military unit. This is not the case with us recently. In connection with the transfer to a contract basis, people began to be recruited for contract positions, and almost all of them were no lower than a sergeant.
The next step on the army career ladder is "Corporal". This title can be given either in connection with the position held, which implies this title, or for excellence in studies, combat and special training. Often, corporals become henchmen of officers, who thereby slightly elevate their charges above the rest. There is even a saying about this: “It is better to have a prostitute’s daughter than a corporal’s son.” Senior drivers in squads, gunners of armored personnel carriers, clerks and some others almost automatically become corporals.” officials" The corporal wears one corner of his shoulder straps.
The next step is "Junior Sergeant". To earn this rank in the internal troops, you must undergo sergeant training. This is 4 months of full regulations and hazing combined, but, however, they don’t say that everywhere. After completing this training, you are awarded the rank of ml. s-t (this is how it looks in abbreviation and is pronounced). The rank of junior sergeant can also be received by the most experienced soldier or corporal. Junior sergeants are needed to command squads. After some time, they can become deputy platoon commanders, with a corresponding increase in rank. Junior sergeants wear two corners on each shoulder.
The junior sergeant is followed by "Sergeant". A sergeant is a full-fledged squad commander, and the most close to the soldiers commander and chief. Sergeants lead the formation, supervise the work, and conduct classes. The rank of sergeant is awarded to the most capable junior sergeants, those whom the soldiers listen to, those who truly enjoy authority. Sergeants wear three corners on their shoulder straps
"Senior Sergeant". This rank is awarded to the deputy platoon commander. There are as many such people in a company as there are platoons. This is the most responsible position among soldiers. Senior sergeants are the first assistants to officers and warrant officers; they must know their subordinate soldiers well and always be able to manage them. Senior sergeants wear one, but wide, corner on their shoulders.
"Sergeant major". This is the maximum rank a soldier can receive. Please do not confuse this with your position. Sometimes it happens that a sergeant major by rank becomes a sergeant major by position, but more often a warrant officer is appointed to the position of company sergeant major. Petty officers wear one wide and one narrow corner on their shoulder straps, one under the other.
"Ensign". To become a warrant officer, you need to sign a contract and go to warrant officer school. The school for warrant officers lasts, like sergeant training, about four months, where future warrant officers are taught to drink vodka correctly and get paid without doing anything. Ensigns are the most disadvantaged class of military personnel. Often these are people without higher education who occupy low-level positions. Warrant officers are either foremen, or heads of warehouses and workshops, or contract soldiers. An ensign is a person who has left the status of a soldier, but has never reached the status of an officer. Ensigns wear two small stars arranged in a vertical row on their shoulder straps.
"Senior Warrant Officer". it’s like a drain on the soul for an ordinary warrant officer. Their positions are almost the same, but the salary is slightly higher and their self-esteem is slightly higher. The senior warrant officer wears three small stars vertically. This is the ceiling for a contract soldier without a higher education.
And also about the warrant officers. This is, of course, an anecdotal assessment of this title, but I proceed from the principle that there is no smoke without fire. In addition, most (not all) warrant officers and senior warrant officers with whom I personally have encountered in my life are close to such a not very flattering assessment. In addition, the ranks of warrant officer and senior warrant officer in the modern Russian army were recently abolished. Those. they should no longer be assigned. And when the contracts of those who already bear them expire, these military ranks were supposed to disappear. This is in theory. But in practice, it seems that the institution of warrant officers, like the layer between soldiers and officers, remains. At least there are not fewer of them yet. "Junior Lieutenant". Junior lieutenants automatically become people who have completed military department civil university (now there are almost none left). In most cases, junior lieutenants serve a period of one year of compulsory officer service, the same as soldiers, only in the role of commanders. The maximum position for a junior lieutenant is platoon commander. This is a person, an officer, who has approximately 30 people under his command. Among soldiers, a junior lieutenant is called a “mamla.” A junior lieutenant can be assigned to a warrant officer who has graduated from a university in absentia. People who have a higher education, but have not graduated from the military department, serve as soldiers for one year. Junior lieutenants wear one small star on their shoulder straps.
"Lieutenant". Lieutenants are people who have graduated from a higher military educational institution or warrant officers who have managed to obtain a higher education. The lieutenant is the full-fledged platoon commander. Young lieutenants who graduate from a military university are placed in the positions of service chiefs; these positions imply a much higher rank, and if the lieutenants cope with their duties, then every two to three years they are promoted to the corresponding rank. In the army there is a concept of service correspondence, this is when a person’s rank corresponds to the regular rank of the position held. Lieutenants wear two small stars lined up horizontally on their shoulder straps.
"Senior Lieutenant"- Deputy company commanders become senior lieutenants. Deputy for personnel affairs, deputy for technology, and so on. Often, a senior lieutenant is made a company commander in order to later raise his rank to service level. First lieutenants wear three small stars, two horizontally and one between them at the top, forming a triangle.
"Captain"- full-fledged company commander, deputy battalion commander, and a few other positions give the right to this title. Captain, this is the last rank of junior officers. Captains wear 4 small stars, two horizontally, and two, slightly higher, vertically.
"Major"- This is the first rank of senior officers. Chiefs of services, chiefs of staff of battalions, commandants of military commandant's offices, and so on become majors. Often this next title turns the head of the recipient too much, and lust for power and ambition begin to pour out of him. The major wears one large star on his shoulder straps.
"Lieutenant colonel"- this title is given to deputy regiment commanders, regiment chief of staff, and battalion commanders. Lieutenant colonels are people who are tired from service and a little arrogant. Lieutenant colonels are the penultimate rank that can be occupied in a regiment, and they have enough power to be spoiled by it. Lieutenant colonels wear two large stars horizontally on their shoulder straps, like lieutenants.
"Colonel"- fairly calm people, since for many this is an impenetrable ceiling, and there is nowhere else to “pull your ass.” This could be the unit commander, the chief of staff of the regiment. At the division headquarters, colonels occupy positions similar to those in which lieutenant colonels are supposed to be in the regiment, and at the district headquarters, the same positions are occupied by generals. Colonels wear three large stars in a triangle. Like senior lieutenants.
"Major General"- This is the lowest general rank. The position of major general is either division commander or deputy district commander. Major generals wear one very large star on their shoulder straps. Like majors, hence the name of the rank.
"Lieutenant General"- this rank can be worn by the commander of a military district. They wear two very large stars vertically. Like warrant officers.
"Colonel General"- this title is held by the commander of the explosives and commanders of other branches of the military. People with this title wear three very large stars vertically. As senior warrant officers.
"General of the Army"- Well, what can we say here - the highest rank of general. On his shoulder straps, there are four very large stars lined up in a vertical row.
"Marshal"- an honorary military rank that is impossible to earn in peacetime.
So, ours completes this hierarchical chain "Supreme Commander"– President of the Russian Federation. This is most likely not a rank, but a position, but since all military personnel are subordinate to the Supreme Commander, we consider it the peak of the army pyramid.

The fact that a lieutenant general is older than a major general raises many questions

From Wikipedia:
When stars appeared in the Russian army as insignia in 1827, the lieutenant general had not two stars, but three. The major general had two stars on his epaulette. One star was assigned to the brigadier - this rank had not been awarded since the time of Paul I, but by 1827 there were still retired brigadiers who had the right to wear a uniform, and this star was placed on their epaulettes. In addition, one star was awarded to the state councilor, whose rank corresponded to the abolished rank of brigadier. The reason why a major general is less senior than a lieutenant general lies in the fact that initially a major general (major-general) was called a sergeant-major-general, that is, the most important sergeant major . A relic of this rank remains the Sergeant Major of the Ground Forces in the US Army, and in the old days sergeants were company sergeants, from whom the current sergeants, sergeant majors and non-commissioned officers descended, regimental (sergeant majors), who were assistant regiment commanders - majors descend from them, and the same sergeant-major generals under the commander-in-chief, from whom modern major generals descend. The rank of lieutenant general originally designated a deputy general in the same way as a lieutenant was at the same time a deputy captain.

On the origin and essence of military ranks

An officer rank, like any other military rank, is not a title, not an honorary title (such as People's Artist, Honored Master of Sports, Honored Teacher, Laureate), which is given for real or imaginary merit. The essence of a military rank is that it is, if you like, the same qualification tariff category as a 4th category welder, a 6th category turner, a 2nd class driver, a 1st category teacher, etc. That is, if we see a person with the shoulder straps of a colonel, this means that this serviceman has qualifications, education and service experience, knowledge that allows him to command a regiment (we will not go into the details and features of other positions and branches of the military. Naturally, for example, a medical colonel cannot command a regiment, but he is capable of holding relevant positions in medicine). Moreover, he will receive the rank of colonel only after he has commanded a regiment for a certain time and has proven his ability to perform these duties. Each position corresponds to a specific military rank. For example, the position of company commander corresponds to the rank of captain. Consequently, an officer of the rank of captain or lower may be appointed to this position. When the command is convinced that the officer copes with the responsibilities of a company commander, he will be awarded the rank of captain, but on the condition that he served in the previous rank for at least three years. But the company commander will no longer be able to receive the rank of major. To become a major, he must first obtain the position of deputy battalion commander. But there are 3-4 company commanders in the battalion, and there is only one deputy battalion commander! Consequently, there is constant competition in the army, and only one out of three or four officers will receive the next rank. In other words, the most capable and best make their way to the top (let’s not talk about perversions, furry paws, sons and other methods of promoting unworthy people, which ruins any army).
However, the concepts of position and rank were not always separate. If we turn to the army of the time of Peter I, it is easy to see that military ranks as such did not exist at all. What we are accustomed to understand as ranks - colonel, captain, sergeant, lieutenant - in those days existed as specific military positions. This is how a serviceman in command of a corporal (a unit of 20-25 people) was called a corporal; the sergeant controlled the execution of the captain’s orders. The captain commanded a unit of about 100 people. He was assisted by two or three lieutenants (an officer for assignments). Such concepts as regiment commander, company commander, etc. there wasn't at all. An ensign was a soldier who carried a banner (ensign) in battle. The major (translated from Dutch as senior) was the senior officer in the regiment and monitored the service of the other officers. There were also positions that never became ranks - captain, fiscal, provision master, auditor, leibschitz, quartermaster.
If you look at the personnel lists of regiments of the Peter I era, you will not see such titles as platoon commander, company commander, battalion commander. It is written there - Colonel-1, Lieutenant Colonel-1, Major-1, Quartermaster-1, Adjutant-1, Auditor-1.
Accordingly, little attention is paid to insignia, although even Peter I introduced neck insignia (gorgets) for officers, on which the ranks of officers could be distinguished by the number of gilded and silver parts. There was no urgent need for this. Every soldier knew his commanders by sight, and gorgets were worn only on official occasions in the ranks. Generals did not have any insignia at all until 1827 (before Emperor Nicholas I introduced stars on epaulettes, it was impossible to distinguish a field marshal general from a major general).

This continued until the beginning of the 19th century and only in staffing tables regiments of 1802, we finally see: Regimental commander Colonel-1, battalion commanders Lieutenant Colonel-1, Majors-4. Here we already see that the concepts of position and rank are quite clearly separated. In the staff of the army infantry regiment dated April 30, 1802, we see that the regiment has 5 battalions and, accordingly, five battalion commanders, and one of them may have the rank of lieutenant colonel, and the other four only the rank of major.
Thus, only by the beginning of the 19th century was it finally determined:
Rank - job qualification, an officer’s ability to command, lead a company, battalion, regiment. the right to hold certain positions,
Position - the responsibilities assigned to an officer to command a specific unit.
This division of concepts, which has developed historically, is very convenient. By the rank of an officer it is easy to determine his knowledge, abilities, service experience and quite accurately place him in a certain position. Assignment to an officer another rank tells everyone that his superiors recognize his ability to perform certain positions.
Rank insignia for officers and generals actually appeared only in 1827 (stars on epaulettes), and for soldiers and non-commissioned officers only in 1843 (straps on shoulder straps).
Repeatedly in various countries, government leaders who were not very knowledgeable in military affairs tried to abandon the system of military ranks and abolish rank insignia. This was the case in China during the years of the Cultural Revolution (sixties and seventies of our 20th century). After the revolution of 1917, when creating the Red Army, the Bolsheviks demonstratively abandoned ranks as symbols of inequality between the exploiting classes and the working people, and abolished all insignia. But by January 1919, insignia (for now according to positions held) returned to the sleeves. In January 1922, not wanting to admit the need to return to the system of military ranks, but understanding its urgent need, the country's leadership introduced the concept of category; since May 1924, there has already been a clear system of service categories. Military personnel are divided into 14 service categories. And in 1935 there was a full and open return to the system of personal military ranks. However, at first this was done only for middle and senior command and control personnel (the word officer, hated by the Bolsheviks, would return to use only in 1942-43). The ranks of junior command staff, even before November 1940, will be disguised under the names of platoon commander, detached commander, etc. and the ranks of the senior command staff before July 1940 sounded like this: division commander, brigade commander, corps commander.
By the way, in other armies of the world, the process of separating the concept of rank from the concept of position was long and complex. So, for example, in the Wehrmacht (1935-1945) in relation to ordinary soldiers, this process never ended. Not everyone knows that in the Wehrmacht there was no such rank as private. The word Der Soldat was a collective word for all military personnel, and ordinary soldiers were called by their positions. For example, in the infantry they were called musketeer, fusilier, grenadier, in motorized infantry panzergrenadier, in artillery gunner, in reconnaissance jäger, in the medical service sanitetsoldat, in the veterinary service veterinersoldat, in the cavalry reitar, etc. However, even in relation to non-commissioned officers, confusion between the concepts of rank and position existed in the form of the fact that literally each branch of the military, each service had its own special rank names. For example, the rank of sergeant major in the infantry corresponded to the following ranks: in the artillery - Wachtmeister, in the communications troops Funkmeister, in medicine sanitetfeldwebel, in the artillery supply service Fireworks, in the rear services Beschlagmeister, in justice Heerustitswachtmeister, in the orchestra Musicmeister (until 1938).

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation operate courses for training junior officers of the Ground Forces.

In accordance with the Instructions for the organization of training courses for junior officers of the Ground Forces, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2003 N 85, training in the courses is conducted according to accelerated training programs for military personnel in military specialties to acquire the skills necessary to perform duties in the primary military positions of officers, on the basis of the existing secondary (full) general, secondary vocational or higher professional education without increasing the educational level of students. The standard duration of training for the courses is 10 months, classes begin on July 1 annually. Upon completion of the courses, graduates are considered to have received reduced military training.

Military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (except for officers) may be considered as candidates for enrollment in courses. undergoing military service under contract(if at least 2.5 years remain until its expiration) and on call(who have served for at least six months), under the age of 27 at the time of enrollment. Citizens in the reserve who have expressed a desire to study at the courses, in the established order, enter military service under a contract and are appointed to vacant military positions for which the state provides for the military ranks of soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen.
Military personnel considered as candidates for enrollment in courses must have a higher (incomplete higher) vocational or secondary vocational education, confirmed by an appropriate state diploma.
As an exception, by decision of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, agreed with the Main Personnel Directorate, as these candidates military personnel with secondary (complete) general education may be considered:

  • those undergoing conscription military service (who have served for at least 18 months), holding the positions of platoon commanders (chiefs of crews), company foremen (batteries), senior technicians of companies (batteries);
  • those undergoing military service under a contract (if at least 2.5 years remain before its expiration) and conscription (having served for at least 6 months), holding military positions as sergeants and privates, having experience in combat operations and awarded state awards.
When enrolling in courses in accordance with the established procedure, the first contract is concluded with a serviceman undergoing military service in the military unit in which he is serving.
Personal appointment of course graduates to vacant military positions of platoon commanders (crew chiefs), subject to replacement by junior officers, is carried out by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Simultaneously with appointment to military positions, military personnel who have a higher professional education related to the relevant military education system are awarded the first military rank of “lieutenant”. The rest of the military personnel, upon appointment to military positions, are awarded the first military rank of “junior lieutenant”.

1. Training in the courses is carried out according to accelerated training programs for military personnel in military specialties to acquire the skills necessary to perform duties in the primary military positions of officers, on the basis of the existing secondary (complete) general, secondary vocational or higher professional education without increasing the educational level in students. The standard period of study for the courses is 10 months, classes begin on July 1 annually. Upon completion of the courses, graduates are considered to have received reduced military training.

2. Specific training specialties from the list of training specialties in courses for which recruitment must be carried out are determined annually on the basis of applications submitted by the commanders of military districts, by the decision of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. The size of the training group for each specialty must be at least 20 military personnel.

3. Military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (except for officers) who are serving under a contract (if there are at least 2.5 years left before its expiration) and by conscription (who have served for at least 6 months) may be considered as candidates for enrollment in the courses. , under the age of 27 at the time of enrollment<*>.

<*>Citizens in the reserve who have expressed a desire to study at the courses, in the established order, enter military service under a contract and are appointed to vacant military positions, for which the state provides for the military ranks of soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen.

Military personnel must have a higher (incomplete higher) vocational or secondary vocational education, confirmed by an appropriate state diploma. As an exception, by decision of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, agreed with the Main Personnel Directorate, military personnel with secondary (complete) general education may be considered as candidates for enrollment in courses:

those undergoing conscription military service (who have served for at least 18 months), holding the positions of platoon commanders (chiefs of crews), company foremen (batteries), senior technicians of companies (batteries);

those undergoing military service under a contract (if at least 2.5 years remain before its expiration) and conscription (having served for at least 6 months), holding military positions as sergeants and privates, having experience in combat operations and awarded state awards.

4. With military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription, when enrolling in courses in the prescribed manner, the first contract is concluded in the military unit in which he is serving.

5. VUS for military positions of military personnel or civilian specialties must be single-disciplinary training specialties for training for which they are considered as candidates. As an exception, candidates may be considered whose military qualifications for the military positions they occupy do not correspond to the specialties of training in the courses due to the fact that they were appointed to these military positions during the year in connection with organizational and staffing measures from military positions that have a military qualification, single-disciplinary specialties training courses.

6. Enrollment of military personnel in courses is carried out by orders of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for Personnel, agreed with the Main Personnel Directorate, in accordance with the staffing number of variable personnel and training specialties established for the courses.

7. The deduction of military personnel of the variable composition of the courses is carried out by orders of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for Personnel, at the request of the commanders of the military districts on the territory of which the courses are located.

Dismissed military personnel of variable composition are sent for further military service to the military units from which they entered the courses. Transfer of variable personnel to other courses is not permitted.

8. Personal appointment of course graduates to vacant military positions of platoon commanders (crew chiefs), subject to replacement by junior officers, is carried out by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Simultaneously with appointment to military positions, military personnel who have a higher professional education related to the relevant military education system are awarded the first military rank of “lieutenant”. The rest of the military personnel, upon appointment to military positions, are awarded the first military rank of “junior lieutenant”.

9. When completing military service, course graduates must ensure their use in the main or single-profile military service in military positions for the performance of duties for which they received training in the courses, and taking into account their existing service experience.

10. Increasing the level of military training of course graduates, depending on their level of professional education, can be carried out in the following order:

a) officers with higher professional education can, in the prescribed manner, increase the level of military training to the “company (battery)” level at three-month advanced training courses in specialized military educational institutions of professional education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as military educational institutions) , up to the “battalion (division)” level - in the existing system of additional professional education;

b) officers with secondary vocational education can, in the prescribed manner, increase the level of military training to the “company (battery)” level at three-month advanced training courses in specialized military educational institutions. In the future, after graduating from civilian educational institutions of higher professional education (through evening or correspondence courses), they can increase the level of military training to the “battalion (division)” level in the existing system of additional professional education;

c) officers who have a secondary (complete) general education, after graduating from civilian educational institutions of secondary or higher professional education (evening or correspondence courses) can increase the level of military training:

those who have received secondary vocational education - up to the "company (battery)" level in three-month advanced training courses in specialized military educational institutions;

those who have received higher professional education - up to the "company (battery)" level at three-month advanced training courses in specialized military educational institutions, up to the "battalion (division)" level - in the existing system of additional professional education;

d) officers with incomplete higher professional education, upon completion of training in civilian educational institutions of higher professional education (evening or correspondence courses), can increase the level of military training to the “company (battery)” level - at three-month advanced training courses in specialized military - educational institutions, up to the “battalion (division)” level - in the existing system of additional professional education.

Officers who have received higher professional education and increased the level of military training for military service in military positions at the battalion (division) level can, in the prescribed manner, enter specialized military academies (universities) for further training.

11. Organization and conduct of inspections of courses are carried out in accordance with the established procedure.