Far East 1 hectare of land how to get. Far Eastern hectare - how to get land from the state. Law “On a free hectare”: text of the law, main provisions

Since the beginning of February 2017, all citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to receive land plots in the Far East under the program “ Far Eastern hectare" It does not matter in which region they permanently reside.

Previously, only residents of the Far Eastern region could take advantage of this right. federal district(hereinafter – DFO). This procedure is completely free for applicants. It is planned that by the end of the year about one hundred thousand more people will take advantage of this opportunity. How can I get land, under what conditions and what documents will be required for this?

The law on the Far Eastern hectare has been in force since 2016. But only from the beginning of February 2017, the right to obtain plots in the Far Eastern Federal District was granted to all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of their place of permanent residence. The law does not make distinctions between those wishing to become owners of Far Eastern land plots: along with individuals, they can be individual entrepreneurs or legal entities. Moreover, the legislation also does not establish any restrictions on the intended use of land.

Potential owners can build residential buildings on them, conduct business or engage in agriculture. Moreover, the intended purpose of the resulting site can be changed at any time without any complications.

The size of the allocated plots should not exceed one hectare per person.

Those wishing to move to the Far East are attracted by numerous benefits and privileges in various fields, set for them:

  • allowances to the basic wages, the size of which is set proportionally work experience(from 30 to 100 percent);
  • reduced working hours for women (36 hours per week);
  • payment for vacation time to move to a new place of residence and settle down;
  • payment for tickets to and from the place of labor leave, but no more than twice during the year;
  • receiving labor pension on preferential terms ahead of schedule.

For those moving, it is planned to introduce preferential mortgage loans and support them if they intend to engage in development agriculture.

Conditions for obtaining a land plot under the Far Eastern Hectare program

To obtain a plot of land in the Far Eastern Federal District, everyone must have Russian citizenship. This is a mandatory condition that every applicant and his family members must meet. You can use this right only once.

Exercise your right online on the portal public services. If you do not have your own account on it, then contact the MFC, whose employees will fill out your application for free. Persons participating in this program must meet mandatory conditions established by law.

If they are not followed, the land plots will be confiscated:

  • within one year after you start using the land, make a final decision on how you will use it, whether buildings will be built on it, and what you plan to do. During this period of time, start preparing everything necessary documents and develop the land;
  • three years after registration of the site, submit a report on its intended use. The documents you collect must indicate what activities you have carried out in order to develop the land plot, and the absence of violations in the conduct of business;
  • After five years, buy the land you are using into your property or arrange a long-term lease for it. Approach your decision with all responsibility, taking into account the nuances: after all, when registering ownership rights, you will have to bear all the responsibilities of the owner of the site and pay taxes.

Since February 2017, citizens of the Russian Federation living in all regions of the country have the right to obtain the right to develop land. Foreigners, stateless persons, foreign companies. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, they cannot even rent land on the territory of the Russian Federation. A special program has been developed for compatriots living outside the country, giving them the opportunity to return to their homeland.

The law provides for the allocation of no more than one hectare of land to each person. At the request of the applicant, the area of ​​the site may be reduced.

If there are three people in a family, then they can count on three hectares of land. Citizens can unite into cooperatives to obtain a larger area of ​​land, depending on the planned type of activity. The law limits the maximum number of cooperative members to no more than 10 people.

Not all lands of the Far Eastern Federal District are subject to distribution: they do not include lands on which mining operations are being carried out, specially protected areas, and areas planned for use for municipal needs.

There are also restrictions on their location. They must be located no closer than 10 km to populated areas with a population of 50,000 people and no closer than 20 km to them if they have more than 300,000 people. Despite the established privileges, persons wishing to obtain land plots in the Far Eastern Federal District may encounter various difficulties. Obtaining a plot of land and its development is not an easy task.

Who can get a Far Eastern hectare of land

An application for a plot of land in the Far Eastern Federal District can be accepted from the following categories of applicants:

  • from persons with Russian citizenship;
  • from persons living outside the Russian Federation who wish to move to the country under the “Voluntary Resettlement of Compatriots” program;
  • from groups of no more than 10 people to receive a single plot larger area.

For what purposes can the Far Eastern hectare be used?

Land plots in the Far Eastern Federal District can be obtained for use for various purposes. There are no restrictions for migrants. You can start building residential or commercial facilities on it, or engage in business or agricultural activities.

Initially, land is provided for free use for a period of up to five years. At the end of this period of time, the state commission will familiarize itself with all the documents on the development of a particular site. Only after this will he decide on the possibility of providing it as property.

Receiving ownership of a land plot gives its owners more powers in relation to it: you can dispose of it as you wish, sell, donate or exchange it, and also pass it on by inheritance. If you do not want to acquire ownership of the land, then it is possible to obtain a long-term lease for it (up to 49 years).

There are some restrictions you should be aware of. If a citizen received land from the forest fund, then it will be possible to register ownership of this plot only after 10 years, provided that its category is changed and it is removed from the forest fund land.

During the first year, make a decision about how you plan to use the land you receive. Notify the authorized authorities about this. After three years, submit a land use declaration. If the user of the land has not taken any measures to develop it, then he may lose this plot. In such circumstances, the contract of gratuitous use is terminated in unilaterally. The wishes of the land user are not taken into account.

If the resolution of the issue is referred to judiciary, then the authorized body will have to prove the fact of non-development of the land plot. The law does not contain clear criteria for defining this concept. If the land was acquired for individual housing construction, then the absence of buildings on it gives grounds to assert that the site has not been developed. In other cases, the court will make a decision taking into account the specific circumstances of the case.

When submitting an application, remember that land plots are not allocated within settlements.

If 50,000 people live in them, then the allocated areas are located at a distance of at least 10 km from it. For settlements with a population of 300,000 people, the limit is 20 km.

Where they give free land in the Far East

Despite the provision of numerous benefits, settlers are in no hurry to obtain land plots in the Far Eastern Federal District. The main reason why this happens: the remoteness of the allocated land plots from populated areas. Those wishing to exercise their right to receive a Far Eastern hectare will receive it on those lands that are located at a distance of 10 km and 20 km from settlements with a population of 50,000 and 300,000 people, respectively. In fact, many plots of land are located in swampy or forested areas. These are undeveloped lands. Sometimes they are also difficult to reach.

It is not possible to examine these areas in detail on a virtual map; their boundaries are indicated approximately. When receiving lands by selecting them from a map, the applicant does not always actually receive what he expected. After all, the final designation of boundaries on the ground is made only after the application is approved.

Since February 2017, applications have been accepted from citizens of the Russian Federation for land plots in the areas indicated below:

  • Amursk;
  • Anadyrsky;
  • Arkharinsky;
  • Olsk;
  • Oktyabrsky;
  • Tymovsky;
  • Neryungrinsky;
  • Ust-Bolsheretsky;
  • Khankaysk.

How to find a free plot in the Far East

How to use the interactive map to decide on the choice of land? Territories marked in gray are not subject to distribution. Pay attention to the lands indicated in light color. Plots can be obtained on the territory of the following constituent entities of the Russian Federation: Yakutia, Chukotka, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Jewish Autonomous Okrug, in the Amur and Magadan regions, in the Khabarovsk Territory and Primorye.

Left-click on the location you choose. If this land plot already has an owner, then information about him will appear in the left window. Typically, land that has already been distributed is indicated in red. This means that they are already registered in the cadastral register.

On the map you can see areas marked with a green outline. This way, those areas are marked for which there are applications and they are currently being considered. If the circuit becomes blue, which means the application has been approved.

If, when you click on the selected area, the message “nothing found” appears, then you can mark on the map the area that you like. To do this, find “pencil” in the left panel. When drawing the boundaries of the site, its area will be automatically calculated, which can be seen in the left window. If the area of ​​a plot exceeds the permitted size (more than 1 hectare), its boundaries will turn red. In this case, reduce the area of ​​the land by changing its boundaries.

When you have completed your selection, click the orange “Check” button. If there are no obstacles to your receiving this particular piece of land, then an inscription will appear indicating the possibility of going to the office to submit the appropriate application.

How to take land for free in the Far East

To obtain a plot of land, you must complete the following steps:

  • register on the government services portal;
  • log into your personal account on a special website;
  • mark the boundaries of your chosen area on the cadastral map;
  • confirm your choice;
  • fill out an application for obtaining a plot and send it to the authorized bodies;
  • after application approval land plot will be provided to you for use and registered in the cadastral register;
  • sign an agreement on free use this area.

This entire procedure will take no more than one month. You will not have to bear any expenses. In your personal account, information will always be available on what stage the consideration of the issue is at, where exactly the site you have chosen is located, and all its characteristics.

If the solution to the issue requires cadastral work, then payment will be made from the budget and is completely free for the applicant. You will also receive information about the persons who are engaged in these works in the Far Eastern Federal District in your personal account. The completion of the work they carry out will be the issuance of a boundary plan, a boundary approval act, technical plan and extracts from the cadastral register. These documents are produced on paper and in electronic form.

If you do not have access to the Internet, submit an application through the MFC or any branch of Rosreestr.

Filing an application for registration of a Far Eastern hectare requires the provision of the following information:

  • the applicant's full name, details of his passport, personal account indicated in the insurance certificate (SNILS), address;
  • cadastral number of the plot;
  • number and date of the decision on land surveying;
  • a plot of land is purchased for ownership or lease;
  • for what purposes will the land plot be used;
  • your contact information where we can contact you.

Be sure to attach a copy of your passport and site plan. You can submit it electronically. If all these actions are performed not by you personally, but by your representative, then do not forget to give him a notarized power of attorney. A copy of it is also attached to the application. Actions of authorized bodies upon request additional documents are illegal.

How to register a Far Eastern hectare as your property

The procedure for considering an application for obtaining a Far Eastern hectare ends with the conclusion of an agreement on its free use.

This agreement has a validity period of 5 years. His mandatory conditions are instructions on the characteristics of the site and its intended use. Remember that there are no problems with changing the purpose of the site.

By the end of the five-year period, make up your mind and decide whether you will take the land as your own or for a long-term lease.

The draft agreement is sent to the applicant. You have 30 days to sign it.

Then submit the signed agreement to the authorized body, send it by mail or via the Internet.

The signing of the agreement by both parties gives the owner the right to register his rights to the land plot.

Refusal to provide a Far Eastern hectare

There are circumstances in which the applicant receives a well-founded refusal:

  • if the application does not contain all the required data. For example, it does not contain contact information about the applicant or any information is indicated erroneously and does not correspond to reality;
  • if the size of the requested plot exceeds its size limit and is more than 1 hectare per person;
  • if the application came from individual who is not a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • if the application is submitted by a representative, and a copy of the notarized power of attorney is missing;
  • in the absence of a land plot plan;
  • if the application was submitted before February 2017, and the citizen does not live in the region whose residents were granted this right at the moment. Until this moment, only residents of the Far Eastern Federal District had this right.

An approved application may be canceled if a citizen violates the rules for the development of a land plot. Under such circumstances, the contract for the free use of land is terminated unilaterally without the consent of the land user.

News of the Far Eastern hectare program

Since the adoption of the law on the Far Eastern hectare, the right to receive land initially belonged only to persons living in the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District. Only since February 2017, this opportunity was provided to all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of the region of their permanent residence.

To attract immigrants, it is planned to carry out activities to support entrepreneurship: their material support, development of the necessary infrastructure. Interest in the Far Eastern Hectare program is mainly shown by young people under the age of 24. They are attracted to land plots in regions such as Primorye, Khabarovsk Territory and Amur Region.

Applications for land plots were submitted by 29 million citizens of the Russian Federation. Although not all of them will actually use these land plots in the future.

Every citizen of the Russian Federation can receive a Far Eastern Hectare for free


Land can be obtained by:

  • Any citizen Russian Federation.
  • A participant in the Voluntary Resettlement of Compatriots program living abroad and members of their families moving together for permanent residence in the Russian Federation.

    In this case, several citizens, regardless of kinship, can unite and receive one plot of land for common purposes.

! For foreign citizens, foreign legal entities, stateless persons, the effect of the corresponding federal law will not be distributed.


  • Land can be obtained for any purpose not prohibited by the laws of the Russian Federation. For example, for building a house, farming, doing business.
  • A plot of land can be selected and obtained anywhere in the Far East, where the provision of land is not prohibited.
  • The area of ​​the provided plot cannot exceed 1 hectare per person, but may be less than a hectare.
  • In particular, lands limited in economic circulation in accordance with current legislation (specially protected natural areas, defense and security lands, lands for state needs, etc.) are not provided.
  • A land plot received for 5 years for free use, and then for rent or free ownership, cannot be transferred, donated or sold foreign citizens, stateless persons and foreign legal entities.
  • User authorization using ESIA.
  • Selecting a land plot using the Public Cadastral Map (search and comparison).
  • Formation of an application.
  • Submitting an application for the provision of a land plot.
  • Agreement for free use.
  • Selecting the type of permitted use.
  • Declaration of land development.
  • Registration of ownership rights to a land plot.
Under what conditions can the “Far Eastern hectare” be used?

1) dispose of a land plot or the right to use it (sell, exchange, donate, lease, provide for free use, contribute as a contribution to authorized capital, carry out assignment of rights, etc.);

2) the land plot can be used to carry out any activity not prohibited by law:

In accordance with the types of permitted use provided for by the town planning regulations;

Taking into account existing restrictions on land rights and the possibility of combining selected types of permitted use of a land plot with activities carried out on adjacent land plots (in the absence of town planning regulations);

From the forest fund lands - only for the implementation of the type or types of forest use provided for in paragraphs 1 - 14 of part 1 of Article 25 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation;

3) if for implementation certain type activities have established any requirements, the corresponding land plot can be used only if these requirements are met;

4) in order to carry out excavation, construction, reclamation, and economic work on a land plot, it is not necessary to carry out a state historical and cultural examination in relation to this site;

5) with a contiguous and (or) compact location of the provided plots of 20 or more citizens located within the boundaries of a populated area or at a distance of no more than twenty kilometers from the populated area, authorities state power, organs local government assist in the development of the territory of these land plots through the construction of utility, transport, and social infrastructure facilities.

On what grounds is the contract for free use of the site terminated?

The death of a citizen who has been granted a plot of land and his lack of heirs, or lack of rights to inheritance, non-acceptance of the inheritance, refusal of the inheritance by the heirs;
- transfer by a citizen of a land plot for possession and (or) use to foreign citizens, stateless persons, foreign legal entities, international organizations, foreign states;
- unilateral refusal of the citizen from the contract;
- improper use of land (in court);
- failure to submit an application for the provision of a land plot for ownership or lease before the expiration date of the gratuitous use agreement;
- conclusion of an agreement for the free use of a land plot previously provided to a citizen or legal entity whose land rights were not identified before the conclusion of a free use agreement (in court).

See also:

July 27th, 2017

I am now leafing through a newspaper that I grabbed from a hotel in Blagoveshchensk and recognize on the first page a person with whom I recently visited. This is a well-known personality in the Amur region, he was one of the first to register free land under the #FarEasternHectar program

However, it has nothing to do with the Old Believers and modern hermits. Maybe the journalists confused the “Old Believer” with the “Sharp Top”? This is his last name.

He told me how everything really happened:

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And we will continue in the traditional format:

Maybe someone has heard that in 2016, our country began a program according to which, first, every resident Far East can receive for himself and for each member of his family free of charge from the state up to one hectare of land per person, and since February 2017, in general, every resident of Russia has the right to this.

On the one hand, 1 hectare is not much, but on the other hand, it’s enough for a family and relatives. general economy You can take at least 10 hectares for free. But for some, on the contrary, 20 acres is enough for a dacha or cottage - easily, you can take less than a hectare. The acquisition of land this time was carried out as safely as possible from all sorts of fraud, corruption and bureaucratic delays. You choose on the website plot, and then you submit an application via the Internet and you will receive an agreement to sign, also via the Internet. Isn't that cool?

So I became interested in how people use the land received free of charge from the state and whether it really can be registered simply and quickly. Of course, I wanted to listen to the story of the man who was one of the first to receive this hectare in Russia, and besides, he chose it in a place where you can’t even get to by transport - these are the banks of the Arkhara River. The only way there is 20 kilometers along the river by boat.

It is in this wilderness (as city residents would designate this place) that his “cordon” is located.

Photo 2.

So we hit the road. Vadim Vladimirovich Ostroverkh met us near the village of Gribovka. This is where the “road along the river” actually begins. Here they developed “homemade” flat-bottomed boats, which are convenient for transporting cargo and people at maximum speed and with a decent carrying capacity.

I kept worrying that we would capsize on such a narrow boat. Oh, it’s still calmer on earth...

Photo 3.

Here we go! Wow! The speed, the water, the beauty around is such that you can’t take your eyes off it!

In general, to date, about 100,000 applications have already been submitted in Russia to receive this “Far Eastern hectare”. A quarter of applications have already been approved and issued for use. Well, do you understand the target orientation of this program? Of course, this is all being done in order to keep the residents of this region from moving to Central Russia, to give them some kind of “anchor” in their homeland. I would also really like to bring back those who have already left. It is very likely that many did not find themselves on the “mainland” and would still be happy to realize their desire to work and live in their native lands, using free land from the state as a start for doing business. And of course, there is a desire to attract new people to these territories, for whom working on the land is not an empty word.

Photo 4.

We are moving along the Arkhara River. The length of the river is 155 kilometers, the basin area is 8750 km². It is formed at the confluence of the Gongor River and the Khara River.

Photo 5.

A long time ago, ancient people lived on the banks of this river, as confirmed by rock engravings. In the middle reaches of the Arkhara River, “written stones” or “Pisanitsa” - ancient rock paintings - were found. There are such natural monuments as the Innokentyevsky pine forest and hot springs in the upper reaches of the Mutnaya River.

In Soviet times, on the banks of the river there were villages, or better yet, timber industry enterprises, in which enough people lived. They were engaged in extracting timber and floating it down the river. Then, like in many other areas of the country, everyone left, these places became deserted.

Returning to the first page of the Amurskaya Pravda newspaper, it is worth noting that Vadim Vladimirovich is not a hermit. He is an entrepreneur. He leases more than two thousand hectares of land on which he engages in agriculture, growing wheat, soybeans and other crops. He is a very respected person in the area, which can be seen from the friendly and comradely way people interact with him.

Photo 6.

Do you see that little guy over there who is driving the boat? A modest, inconspicuous “driver” is ours on this trip. And as it turned out later, this local entrepreneur (unfortunately I forgot his name and patronymic) leases more than FIVE THOUSAND hectares of land, on which he also grows various crops. He says he recently bought a couple of combines.

There's no way you could tell by looking at it! A village peasant and that's it!

Photo 7.

I won’t tire of repeating how beautiful and beautiful places. All sorts of birds and herons are flying around! Just a sea of ​​greenery!

Photo 8.

See the dark spot in the next photo? This is not a UFO. It was a horsefly or whatever such large and biting flies are called that crashed into the camera lens. In general, they ruined a couple of good photos for me.

Photo 9.

The shores are mostly desolate and uninhabited. Occasionally, such apiaries are found. I don’t even know if people live there or if it’s seasonal housing.

And in one place we even saw an abandoned pioneer camp. I wish I could wander around there and take pictures!

Photo 10.

For a whole 40 minutes we drove at full speed across the expanses of water. By the way, Vadim Ostroverkh mentioned how it happened that he was one of the first to receive his Far Eastern hectare in Russia. He says he was walking after a meeting at which they talked about the Far Eastern Hectare program, and he literally walked in on the way to the village council. There they quickly submitted an application. Soon approval came and the matter was in the bag.

Photo 11.

A big role in this was also played by the fact that he had his eye on this plot for a long time. Everyone dreamed of making a holiday home there and an apiary nearby. The places are really luxurious for fishing and hunting. And then it just so happened that these lands were included in the plots provided under the program. Checked on the website nadalniyvost.rf- that’s all true. Nobody took it, everything is free. Well, he wasn’t confused and completed the registration. In five years there will be property.

Claims that everything was very fast and absolutely free.

Photo 12.

Our team couldn’t resist taking pictures of these beauties around us!

Photo 13.

But this is my first time in these parts. This is not how I imagined them at all! Now I will know.

Photo 14.

Rocks come to the surface. Amazing sight!

Yes, I may not have specified it, but the rules for using the hectare issued free of charge are quite loose. In the first year, it is necessary to decide on the direction of use of the land. Detailed information about the directions of land use is presented on the website http://gektar.nadv.ru/ in the business plans section.

This is necessary in order to somehow organize activities and neighborhood in this area. Perhaps some type of activity that is completely unsuitable for this place will be denied. Then, within three years, you need to start working on the land - building, cultivating. And in five years the land will be registered as property. A very rational scheme in my opinion.

Photo 15.

So we arrived in Tatakan. Several now abandoned villages were scattered across the hills in the Arkhara region: Tatakan, Dydy, Lekonda. Once upon a time, letters were even carried between them - the postman covered dozens of forest kilometers on foot. Nowadays, in the middle of picturesque nature, you can find lonely houses, dilapidated or newly inhabited by the descendants of former residents.

Photo 16.

And here is Vadim Ostroverkh! An eternally cheerful and cheerful Far Eastern entrepreneur. He has no intention of leaving anywhere, he works on the land and rests at this “dacha” built on a “Far Eastern hectare” where there are no roads and they get here, if not by river, then only by swamp vehicle.

You can’t imagine the silence that fell upon us when the boat’s engine was turned off! Very unusual and unusual! Of course there is no connection here. Cell phones and internet do not work. There is no electricity either - everything is powered by generators or solar panels. Next to him live a family of Old Believers who “don’t grieve.” They have their own customs and their own way of life.

By the way, since we are talking about communications. If there are at least 20 plots nearby and they are located up to 20 kilometers from a populated area, then the state, at its own expense, undertakes to bring communications and electricity to this area, if they are not there. Of course, they won’t go as far as here, and the local residents don’t need it, but in territory closer to civilization it would be very useful for people organizing a settlement “from scratch.”

Photo 17.

Of course, the hospitable host set the table for the guests and told us a lot of interesting things about the life of the region, how he took the land, what he plans to do here and what his plans are in general. He really wants to set up an apiary here, and maybe he’ll take two hectares for his children and start a more extensive business here. There is still time to think, the main thing is that no one has time to stake the land under the same program. They say that good places here quickly began to “go to the people” when more and more local residents began to learn about the program.

And even here, in this distant outback, a lot is already occupied and applications have been submitted for many plots - I heard this from Vadim when we were examining the surrounding area.

Photo 18.

People live and relax here in a simple way - everything is made of wood. There were difficulties with the ban on logging around, but the local authorities helped and everything seems to be getting better now. Because there are forests all around, and to build housing we had to transport the forest 300 km away. Absurd!

“After you have worked in the fields, solved a bunch of organizational difficulties in your farming business (what would our country be like without them!), you come here with friends and relax your soul” - these are the words of Vadim.

Photo 19.

I can imagine sitting on this bench in the evening and watching the river flow. And the stars! What stars there must be!

And silence...

Photo 20.

Still, there is hope that such remote areas will be revived with the help of similar government programs. Those who left will return, build their own homes or start farming! There is a LOT of land here! Next time I will give you even more examples of its use under the “Far Eastern hectare” program.

And using the example of Vadim Ostroverkh, you can see how a person who knows how to work hard on the land also knows how to relax beautifully in his homeland! And there are already many such examples in the Far East!

Photo 21.

In general, the program is designed until 2035, so if anyone is interested in taking their “Far Eastern hectare” - welcome to these parts. In fact, those who have already taken the land claim that it is not difficult at all!

A little later I will talk about several farmers using land under this program.

Photo 22.

Thanks a lot

From February 1, 2017, every citizen has the right to receive for use absolutely free of charge, and subsequently register ownership of, a plot of land in the Far East. We decided to thoroughly understand how the Far Eastern Hectare program works, see everything with our own eyes and communicate with people who have already received and are developing their hectares. The trip turned out to be very eventful and interesting; we learned everything about the Far Eastern hectare. The time has come to collect all knowledge, all people and their stories together.

The goal of the Far Eastern Hectare program is to develop the territories of the Far East, provide local residents with additional opportunities and incentives to live in the region, run their own business, and attract new residents. There are plenty of places where you can choose your hectare. Now you can choose a plot of land from more than 170 million hectares. That is, if desired, every citizen of Russia can get their own hectare. This includes lands for a wide variety of purposes: agricultural land, plots for individual housing construction, industrial land, and so on.

To see how beautiful the Far East is, let's take to the skies. We take off from a small airfield near Blagoveshchensk.

To the sound of the engine we admire the expanses of the Amur region. The nature here is very picturesque: rivers, lakes, forests, fields. You can look around for a plot of land. But it’s better to do the opposite: first decide on the type of use, then select a free plot on the site and after that inspect it from the ground or from the air.

To get a hectare of land in the Far East, first you need to go to the website http://nadalniyvostok.rf, all the information is collected here useful information, on the same website you can submit an application for the provision of a plot.

For citizens who decide to participate in the program, various government support measures are provided. First of all, this is the provision of loans on preferential terms and tax benefits.

To submit an application, registration is required on the website gosuslugi.ru, since authorization is carried out through a single account on State Services. After this, a selection of land plots becomes available on the program website. Eat detailed instructions in text format and as a video.

By law, you can use the site to conduct any activity not prohibited by federal law, except in cases where the implementation of the chosen type of activity requires obtaining special permits, licenses, certificates, admissions, registration as an individual entrepreneur, and so on. For those who want to use a plot of land for business, the website has a section with standard business plans.

Here are just some of the types of activities for which business plans with payback calculations are presented. As you can see, the scope for activity is very wide. Some are closer to agriculture, some are car repair specialists, others want to try their hand at tourism. Good conditions have been created for entrepreneurs.

In theory it sounds very good and attractive. How do participants of the Far Eastern Hectare program actually live? We spent several days meeting and communicating with farmers who are recipients of Far Eastern hectares. Everyone has their own interesting story. Let's go!

Another recipient of Far Eastern hectares is Alexander Pushkarenko. Alexander - .

Alexander built a house for his family on his own plot, and under the “Far Eastern Hectare” program, he also registered for himself and his eldest two hectares adjacent to the plot, that is, directly in the village, more specifically, in the village of Bochkarevka.
Now he raises cows, pigs, geese, and chickens. The plans are to expand the family's holdings five times, by one hectare per person.

The market value of one hundred square meters in this area is more than 10 thousand rubles, that is, one hectare, if purchased, will cost a million. According to the program, this land can be obtained free of charge if it is developed and used for its intended purpose within five years.
The Pushkarenko family looks confidently and optimistically into the future. Children go to school in a neighboring village and help with housework. Everyone is very developed, they attend clubs and sections. Daniil is an athlete, Nikita is an artist. At the same time, they have time to clean the barn and feed the calves. If necessary, they can milk the cow, but usually the visiting milkmaids do this.

The family is large and friendly, it shouldn’t be any other way. The family is provided with milk and meat, and the products are also sold.

Okay, we've sorted out animal husbandry. Let's look at something more exotic. There are also such examples of successfully operating farms.

Roman Kovalenko also tried himself in animal husbandry before, but realized that it was not for him. Now he has organized the Yagodnaya Dolina peasant farm. Roman devoted himself to an interesting and profitable business -.

When the Far Eastern Hectare program appeared, Roman realized that this was his chance. He traveled throughout the entire area within a radius of several tens of kilometers from the city. I myself chose the optimal area for the strawberries, one that would not be shaded, would be blown by the wind, and even take into account the slope. Registration of the land went quickly. Roman took over the plot not only for himself, but also for family members, so that there was room to expand. So there are as many as 4 hectares under management, although not all are being processed yet. There is time, according to the program, during the first year the applicant only needs to decide on the type of use of the site; Roman has already passed this stage. After three years, you need to declare your mastery, there are no problems here either.

Roman ordered seedlings from Holland, plowed the ground, filled the holes, and added black soil. It was a lot of work, but the result even exceeded expectations. An average of 500 grams of delicious, aromatic and sweet berries were collected from each bush. The demand for strawberries is great; fellow countrymen, having tasted the farm's berries, are ready to buy them at a higher price than the tasteless Chinese ones.

Roman is doing great, the “strawberry business” paid off in the first season. Roman constantly monitors the news, pays attention to new varieties and purchases the latest hybrids. The seedlings are brought from Holland, they arrive frozen at a temperature of -2 degrees.

Now work is underway not only on growing strawberries, but also on their propagation. In the future, Roman plans to install a greenhouse to collect strawberries from late May to early October.

As we can see, everything is fine with agriculture. With due diligence and willingness to work on your land, the program works and shows its effectiveness. In addition to agriculture, the service sector is also developing. Here, for example, is a clear and implementable plan for creating a car service center.

OK. But these are all active and enterprising people. What to do ordinary people who are not ready to engage in entrepreneurship or recluse? We saw these too. It's very simple: take a plot of land for a summer cottage.

Igor Lebedev lives in the city of Svobodny.

Igor is not a farmer, so he took the plot in a developed village, almost in the center of a quiet village, 15 kilometers from the apartment. There is already electricity on the site, all that remains is to install a prefabricated house, sow grass and you can grill kebabs.

Very close to the river: fishing, boat. A very good option.

Now the number of program participants is growing every day. To date, 102,352 applications have been submitted to receive a free hectare in the Far East. 29,910 plots have already been transferred for use, the remaining applications are under consideration.

The leading regions in terms of the number of applications are now: Primorsky Territory - 40,369 applications, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - 18,669, Khabarovsk Territory - 15,679. In total, more than 172 million hectares are available under the program.

The Far Eastern Hectare program is working and increasing the attractiveness of the Far Eastern District for Russians.

If you have any questions about the Far Eastern Hectare program, you can look for answers in a special section. If there are no answers or something is unclear, ask questions; specialists from the Agency for Human Capital Development in the Far East, which organized the study tour, will help you figure it out.

Since the beginning of this year, the implementation of the third stage of the law developed in relation to the “Far Eastern hectare” has begun, in connection with which all residents of our state, and not just those who live in the Far East, can apply for a plot free of charge. By the end of 2017 it is planned that this right approximately 100,000 citizens will be sold.

“Far Eastern hectare” can be obtained in a fairly simple way, because today an electronic application is available for the population. The procedure for obtaining land ownership includes several steps.

To do this, do the following:

  • register on the government services portal;
  • create your own login and password on the State Services portal, then use your personal account on the official website NaDalniyVostok.rf;
  • confirm your choice;
  • prepare an electronic application and confirm its sending to the competent authorities. Make sure in advance that the information entered is correct and does not contain errors. Completing these steps will take approximately 15 minutes;
  • after the application is submitted, the competent authority registers the specified allotment and issues a decision on the provision of the object for free use;
  • complete the procedure of signing the relevant agreement.

The entire process takes approximately a month. The above actions are carried out free of charge.

Periodically visit your personal account and keep track of the list of documentation, at what stage of consideration it is, and data regarding land ownership:

  • displaying its location;
  • description of the site (parameters, aerial photography data, etc.);
  • status of the submitted application.

Sometimes, to complete the procedure, it is necessary to carry out cadastral work. They are produced free of charge using budget funds.

After visiting your personal account, read the information regarding cadastral engineers who will carry out cadastral work on the basis of an agreement drawn up with them. Based on the results of the activities, you will receive electronic and paper versions of the boundary plan, approval act, technical plan, survey documentation and extracts from the real estate cadastre.

If you do not have access to the Internet, submit an application by contacting multifunctional center by sending a letter to government structure or using Rosreestr.

In the body of your application, please include the following information:

  • Full name, address, details of insurance certificate and identification document;
  • unique land ownership number according to the cadastre;
  • data on the decision made regarding land surveying work or approval of a land surveying project;
  • permitted land use;
  • contact details.

Attach to your application a copy of a document proving your identity and land ownership scheme (in paper form or via electronic media). If the transfer of documents is carried out by your attorney, please attach a copy of the documents notarized power of attorney. The authorized body has no right to require other documents.

After the application is reviewed, an agreement is concluded with you on the free use of the allotment, which indicates the type of intended purpose of the object (which can later be changed), the characteristics of the allotment and the period during which the agreement will be valid (concluded for a five-year period).

After the specified time has passed, submit an application for land ownership or lease. If your request is granted, the government agency will develop a draft lease or gratuitous transfer agreement, which will be sent to you. A thirty-day period is allotted for signing this document.

After signing, submit the agreement directly to the appropriate authority or send it by mail or via the Internet. After receiving the document, the government agency makes a decision on the transfer of land ownership. Next, contact Rosreestr to register the right, having with you the agreement signed by the parties to the transaction.

Who can get a hectare of land in the Far East

The application dates back to June last year, and initially only citizens living in the Far East could submit it.

Today, this project is being implemented within the following territories located in the Russian Federation:

  • Khankaisky district of Primorsky Krai;
  • Amursky district of Khabarovsk Territory;
  • Oktyabrsky district of the Jewish Autonomous Region;
  • Neryungri district of Yakutia;
  • Olsky district of the Magadan region;
  • Ust-Bolsheretsky district of Kamchatka Territory;
  • Tymovsky district of the Sakhalin region;
  • Anadyrsky district of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug;
  • Arkharinsky district of the Amur region.

According to the Russian Federation Ministry for the Development of the Far East, these territories were not determined randomly, but based on access to transport services and the level of communication. If you are planning to run a peasant farm, the Primorsky Territory, the Amur Region and the Jewish Autonomous Region are suitable for you.

In February of this year, the right to submit applications was granted to all residents of Russia, regardless of place of residence. The legislator emphasizes that obtaining a plot is available only to citizens of our country. Residents of foreign states (both citizens and organizations) do not even have the right to formalize the lease of such lands. The same applies to stateless persons.

Allotments are provided based on the formula - 1 hectare for each applicant. This setting is the minimum. For example, if a family consists of three people, and each of them applies for a plot, together they are entitled to 3 hectares of land.

A family of four will receive four hectares and the like. Remember that agreements for gratuitous use are part of the inheritance. In order to obtain a plot with a larger area, the creation of cooperatives is allowed. Up to 10 people can submit a collective application.

Conditions for obtaining a hectare of land in the Far East

The law regulating the provision of plots in the Far East, which came into force in June last year, provides for the following rules:

  • to receive land, you need to have Russian citizenship;
  • a five-year period is provided for land use;
  • after the allotted time, if the territory is not developed, the plot is confiscated;
  • after 10 years it is possible to register ownership of the plot.

Significant aspects of the above law:

  • Until February of this year, a hectare was provided only to persons living in the Far East, but after this point the right to receive free land was provided to any citizens of the country. Persons who are citizens of other states cannot apply for a plot;
  • the provision of a hectare is possible for any person, including those under the age of majority. This means that a family of five is allocated 5 hectares. To obtain a larger allotment, individuals can unite into groups and submit a joint application for receiving allotments, with the goal of subsequently creating a cooperative;
  • on the provided territory, it is required to develop the site within a five-year period. To do this, you can build a residential facility, conduct agricultural activities, build a tourist facility, and so on. At the moment, the state has formalized thirty different projects for land development. It is necessary to choose the appropriate method within a year, informing the authorities;
  • Entrepreneurs who wish to receive an allotment free of charge are provided with state support measures, which include issuing loans on preferential terms, mortgage lending, and a simplified procedure for equipping land with water and gas.

However, not every citizen of the Russian Federation can take advantage of the right to receive a free hectare, and not every desired plot of land can be provided for use.

Please note that sites of particular national or community value may not be provided.

These landholdings include:

  • territories classified as urban and rural settlements;
  • objects equipped with communications: pipelines, power lines, roads for public use;
  • zones included in the number of protected areas;
  • plots on which mineral deposits have been discovered.

In addition to the above, it is worth noting the imperfection of the public map posted on the Rosreestr website. These practices indicate that often those who applied were denied the transfer of the desired land due to the fact that a restriction was imposed on the object, for example, the Ministry of Defense became its owner or the plot had already been purchased, although this was not recorded on the map.

Free transfer of land is possible only in remote areas located at a distance of 10 to 20 kilometers from large populated areas. And the larger the city or village, the more distant the land ownership is from it.

For what purposes can a Far Eastern hectare be obtained?

The provision of an allotment is permissible if the purpose of its operation meets the requirements of the law. This can be both the construction of buildings and the maintenance entrepreneurial activity. Remember that the plot cannot be immediately transferred into ownership; it can only be rented for a five-year period.

At the end of this period, its development is assessed by a special commission, and only after that it is possible to become its owner. After receiving the necessary documentation, you can dispose of the specified real estate at your own will and make any transactions with it permitted by law.

In addition, the option of leasing land ownership for a period of 49 years is possible. An application for re-registration of rights can be submitted before the end of the designated period.

However, there are exceptional situations in which the land provided to a person cannot be transferred into ownership. In such circumstances, you can register ownership of the object only after a ten-year period, and only if the category of land ownership is changed.

It is necessary to determine the procedure for operating the allotment within a year from the date of transfer of the property. Notify the competent authorities about your decision using the official website.

After a three-year period, fill out a declaration regarding the use of land. The permitted type of use of the plot can be changed. During the allotted period of operation, pay tax on the land provided.

If the state commission reveals the fact that the land has not been developed, the concluded agreement on free use is terminated at the initiative of the lessor.

To do this, local authorities must present evidence in court proceedings that the use of the land is not intended. Only the court can make a final decision regarding the granting of an allotment.

What is meant by land development cannot be stated unequivocally, since this concept has not yet been regulated legal norms. With regard to plots allocated for individual housing construction, we can conclude: within a five-year period, it is necessary to erect a certain structure on the territory and carry out its registration. In accordance with the provisions of the law, plots located in populated areas are transferred.

There is a difficulty: allotments are provided in areas remote from cities and settlements, located no less than ten kilometers from populated areas (if the city is small), and no less than twenty for cities with a population of over three hundred thousand people .

Refusal to provide a hectare of land in the Far East

About the decision made government bodies are required to report within a week.

They may refuse in the following circumstances:

  • providing false information regarding the applicant or land ownership;
  • submission of an inappropriate package of documentation;
  • applicant is a citizen foreign country or a stateless person;
  • the area permitted by law has been exceeded.

If a problem arises regarding the boundaries of land ownership or partial overlap of the scheme with the scheme of another person, it is possible to propose an alternative. The deadline for this is 20 days.

ABOUT the decision taken government authorities will notify you, after which they will begin preparing diagrams to mark the established boundaries on the cadastral map.