1 hectare in Primorye. How to get a free plot in the Far East: instructions. Conditions for providing free allotment

Within the framework of the developed social program, the current legislation provides for the allocation of free land plot every citizen of the Russian Federation. This benefit is provided from February 1, 2017.

The peculiarity of the state support provided is that land is allocated only within the territories of the Far Eastern region. To be able to take advantage of this benefit, a Russian must submit an appropriate application, formalize contractual obligations and, in one or two months, become the owner of a plot of land.

Land plots are allocated by the state in 9 regions of the Far East. Having received the territory free of charge, the citizen assumes obligations to cultivate the land. The procedure for this procedure and the list of documents required to obtain land will be discussed in detail below.

IN electronic form The application process for a Far Eastern hectare is as follows:

  • register your profile on the official portal public services(indicate your contact phone number and insurance certificate details);
  • issue an electronic signature (obtained after presenting your passport at a specialized information services center).

Availability electronic signature necessary to be able to conclude an agreement to receive a land plot remotely (using an electronic digital signature). When registering, verification of personal information takes 2-3 days.

After successfully registering an account on the government services website, you need to go through the further application procedure on the Nadalnyvostok.RF portal.

To select a suitable site, you do not need to visit the Far Eastern region; this issue can also be resolved remotely. On the above site you can select a suitable land plot using the interactive map. The boundaries of the site are indicated arbitrarily.

It is possible to receive a land plot free of charge within the framework of the state program only once.

Further receipt of a second or more plots, as well as the exchange of an existing plot, is not provided for by law. Therefore, take full responsibility when choosing land and submitting an application for it correctly.

Based on the interactive map data, select a plot of land based on the following parameters:

  • convenient location of social facilities at an accessible distance (according to the state project, plots are allocated within a 40-kilometer zone from large populated centers and 20-kilometer zone from district-scale villages);
  • the presence of a federal highway in the immediate vicinity (indicated in yellow on the diagram);
  • proximity to objects of the aquatic environment (the Primorsky region is most in demand).

Check the availability of utilities in accordance with the search engines Yandex and Google. When choosing a plot of land, pay attention to the features of the local topography in order to exclude the possibility of purchasing a plot in a swampy area or on a slope. Check the properties of the soil to determine whether it is suitable for agricultural work.

Using the interactive map, pay attention to the color designations of the land: areas colored blue or green cannot be selected; they are already occupied (reserved or purchased). Having identified a suitable area, hover over it and click the “Check” tab.

Based on the selection results, there are 2 options:

  • Reservation of the plot of land you like is allowed;
  • refusal to provide a plot (the plot is located on the territory of a nature reserve, is included in the defense land fund or is withdrawn for the needs of government agencies).

Thus, the possibility of obtaining a specific land plot is revealed when working with an electronic map. A special message appears in the program about the refusal or approval of your choice. If the program decides positively, submit an official application to receive the plot of your choice.

Please provide the following information in your application:

  • Full name, passport details and contact information;
  • information about the selected site (location, cadastral registration number, target direction).

If your relatives want to use the service to obtain a free plot of land, then it makes sense to choose adjacent plots and submit applications at the same time.

The package of supporting information includes the following documents:

  • passport (first page and page on which registration is indicated);
  • power of attorney certified by a notary (if the application is filled out by a representative);
  • land layout plan.

The above documents are sent in scanned form.

Who can get a hectare of land in the Far East

Provision of land for Far East is regulated by the norms of the Federal Law “On the Peculiarities of Providing Land Plots on the Territory of the Far Eastern federal district" In accordance with the concept of the state program, every Russian has the right to receive a free plot of land with an area of ​​1 hectare within the Far Eastern region. But there are a number of nuances that must be observed.

After approval of the application, the citizen has the opportunity to take a land plot on a lease basis for a period of at least 5 years. During this period of time, the applicant must diligently cultivate the land. After five years, a check will be carried out to verify whether the use of the land plot corresponds to its intended purpose.

Thus, during the verification process it must be established that agricultural work is being carried out on the land. If the commission's decision is positive, the citizen will be issued a permit to privatize the land.

  • persons registered in the Far Eastern region can receive a plot within their municipality;
  • persons with Russian citizenship can choose a plot of land in any location in the Far Eastern region.

Conditions for obtaining a hectare of land in the Far East

According to the provisions of the current legislation regulating the provision of a Far Eastern hectare, the following conditions must be met:

  • presence of Russian citizenship;
  • develop the site within 5 years;
  • after providing evidence of bona fide development of the land for 5 years, enter into a lease agreement for 49 years;
  • if the fact of land development is not proven within a five-year period, the site is confiscated by the state;
  • after 10 years from the date of provision of the site, it can be registered as ownership.

Basic requirements for obtaining plots of land:

  • citizens foreign countries does not have the right to apply for a Far Eastern hectare;
  • All family members, including minor children, have the right to receive a plot of land (for this purpose, submit a collective application);
  • agricultural work on the land plot must be organized within 5 years from the date of provision of the land (build a house, organize a subsidiary plot, use it for the activities of an agricultural cooperative);
  • entrepreneurs who decide to organize their business on the provided land have the right to count on participation in the preferential government lending program, as well as receiving support for installing communications.

Territories that cannot be provided to citizens in the implementation of the Far Eastern hectare program:

  • areas intended for urban and rural settlements;
  • plots through which public communications and transport interchanges pass;
  • environmental protection zones;
  • lands where mining is carried out.

When submitting applications through a special website, take into account the fact that the interactive map used to search for a site does not always provide correct information. There are cases when, when choosing a plot and submitting an application, it turned out that the selected plot had already been reserved or had become the property of another person.

Providing a free plot of land is possible only within a twenty-kilometer zone from large cities and towns. Thus, the larger the settlement, the greater the distance to the free hectare.

Refusal to provide a hectare of land in the Far East

The information provided in the application is reviewed within 7 working days. After this time, the applicant will be provided with an official response regarding the possibility of allocating a plot of land or refusal to provide it.

The grounds for refusal to receive a land plot may be the following:

  • providing incorrect or incomplete information;
  • lack of documents required by law;
  • the applicant is a citizen of a foreign country;
  • the request contains a request for the allocation of a land plot exceeding the permissible area.

In case of erroneous information on the area of ​​plots or the choice of a plot that partially coincides with the territory of another user, the authorized body will provide an alternative option.

The law allows no more than 20 days to search for additional options. In case of a positive decision from government bodies, work will be carried out to establish cadastral boundaries land plot.

How to register a Far Eastern hectare as property

Within 20 working days, the authorized body develops a draft land lease agreement. The contents of the agreement include information about the potential owner of the land plot and the cadastral characteristics of the plot.

If there is a target restriction on the use of land, this information is also specified in the contract. The applicant is sent 3 copies of the land lease agreement.

In the future, upon conscientious development of the land plot provided by the state, the applicant has the right to submit an application for registration of ownership of the land.

As confirmation of the intended use of the Far Eastern hectare, a citizen must submit to the authorized body a declaration proving the implementation of agricultural work.

Also, a specialized commission is conducting an inspection of the actual development of the site, and a visit will be made to the location of the land plot.

When collectively submitting applications for the allocation of land in the Far Eastern region (each family member has the right to receive a plot), in the future the plots provided by the state can be combined, creating an agricultural cooperative on their basis.

Interim results on land development will need to be reported three years after its receipt. And after five years, a citizen will be able to register the plot as ownership (this is done free of charge) or lease for up to 49 years. For forestry, only the second option is provided, with the possibility of subsequent exclusion of lands from the forest fund.

Sale, donation, exchange and use of the received plot as collateral is prohibited. In the event of the death of a citizen, the rights to free use of land are transferred to his heirs.

There are no sanctions for site downtime.

How to apply?

Applications for free hectares are accepted through the federal information system “To the Far East”. To authorize it, you will need to register on the government services portal.

To select a site, an interactive map is used that automatically calculates its area. Having decided on the location of the requested lands, the user can fill out a form and submit it on the website. According to the project curators, it takes no more than 15 minutes to complete the application.

Also, an application for a free Far Eastern hectare can be submitted by mail or in person at the departments of Rosreestr or any other government agencies authorized to provide land plots. In the application, you must indicate your full name, place of residence and contact information, SNILS, the area of ​​the requested land, as well as the cadastral numbers of the corresponding plots, if they are not yet to be formed. In the latter case, in addition to a copy of the identification document, the application will need to be accompanied by a layout diagram of the land plot - an image of its boundaries on a public cadastral map or cadastral plan of the territory.

In addition, applications - both electronic and paper - are accepted at the MFC.

The preparation of collective applications is carried out in the same way. At the same time, the areas requested by citizens must border each other.

How long does it take to process applications?

Consideration of an application for Far Eastern hectares takes up to 30 days from the date of its receipt by the authorized body. The authorities are given seven days to prepare a scheme for placing a land plot on a public cadastral map and enter data about it into the system. The draft agreement with the applicant must be ready no later than 20 days after receipt of the application. If there is no information about the site in the state real estate cadastre, government agencies are given another 10 days to register the property.

Why can they refuse to receive land?

The consideration of approximately a third of all applications ends with a refusal to provide land. The application may be rejected if the applicant provides false information about himself or forgets to attach it to the application accompanying documents or will select lands already occupied by protected areas, municipalities or the Ministry of Defense.

What benefits are provided to program participants?

The government has provided a whole range of measures to support those moving to the Far East.

Officials promise to provide assistance in employment, including at enterprises located in priority development areas. At the same time, citizens working in the Far North will be able to receive additional days for vacation, and their salary after employment in a new place will be calculated taking into account regional coefficient. The same applies to pensions.

Entrepreneurs will be able to apply for subsidies, grants and preferential loans. Also, they will not need to conduct a state historical and cultural examination during excavation, construction, reclamation, economic or other work on the site.

From February 1, 2017 Far Eastern hectare became available to any citizen of the Russian Federation for free. To become a participant in a large-scale government project, it is enough to select a suitable site, submit an application, sign an agreement and develop the provided land. If you adhere to a proven action plan, you can prepare to move within 30–40 days.

Any citizen Russian Federation within the framework of a state project, from February 1, 2017, can receive a plot of land absolutely free in 9 regions of the Far East. To implement the program, 140,000,000 hectares of free land were allocated for development, in fact, one hectare for each Russian. As the resource To the Far East informs. RU, as of February 6, more than 50,000 applications have already been submitted. Demand is growing.

Every day more and more Russians are interested in how to get a hectare of land in the Far East in 2017. The procedure has been simplified to a minimum. You can assess its availability by reading the detailed action plan.

Far Eastern hectare - a social initiative of the government

For the great development of the Far Eastern lands, plots located in 9 districts have been allocated, which can be found on the official website of the project https://nadalniyvostok.rf.

All issues related to the Far Eastern hectare are spelled out in Federal Law No. 119-FZ of May 1, 2016. Based on this law, every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to receive a free hectare of land located in the Far East.

The main goal of the “Hectare of Land in the Far East” program is aimed at implementing investment and entrepreneurial projects on the territory of undeveloped lands. For this reason, people who wish to participate in the program are provided with significant preferences.

The pilot version of the program was launched on June 1, 2016. The first owners of Far Eastern lands were residents of municipal facilities specified in the project. The baton was picked up by Russians living in the Far East on October 1.

It was thanks to the implementation of these two stages of the program that all the features of the project were studied and finalized, including step by step plan land registration.

How to take a Far Eastern hectare?

After going through 5 simple virtual steps, you can get one hundred cherished acres, and real ones. For those who are not comfortable with the Internet or do not trust electronic methods of providing documents, 12,000 MFCs are open. Employees multifunctional centers They will help you select a site, scan documents, and fill out your application correctly.

A clear action plan has been developed for the enterprising and ambitious.

We register on the official portal

We are registering on the Unified Portal of State Services. To confirm your account you can use:

  • phone number – preferably personal and real;
  • SNILS - the personal account number is contained in the pension insurance certificate;
  • an electronic signature issued by the Taxkoy Certification Center - will be needed for the further conclusion of an agreement for gratuitous use and registration of ownership of the site.

Verification of the personal data provided during registration will take several days. Maximum two weeks if the code is sent by mail. After which you can log in to the Nadalniyvost portal. RF.

Choosing an allotment

There is no need to get on a train or car and urgently rush towards the rising sun to mark your hundreds of square meters with flags.

It is enough to visit the section with an interactive map on the same portal and independently select the boundaries of the desired area. The boundaries can be arbitrary.

Important! You can take the required hectare once. The law does not provide for a second attempt or the opportunity to exchange for another plot.

Therefore, when choosing the boundaries of a plot on a public cadastral map, we evaluate:

  1. Proximity of populated areas - according to the terms of the project, areas are allocated 40 km from large cities and 20 km from regional centers. There is a high probability of choosing a place where there are small towns and settlements.
  2. The proximity of the federal highway is marked in yellow on the map.
  3. The location of rivers and other bodies of water - the coastal region is in great demand.

But you will have to check the connection points to the electrical networks using Google/Yandex panoramas. It wouldn’t hurt to familiarize yourself with the topography of the chosen area. The slope of a volcano or a swampy place to create farmland would not be a good choice.

Therefore, you need to approach the choice of location responsibly, weighing the prospects and direction of your activity.

Pay attention! Dark gray areas are not available for use. Blue and green marks on the map indicate that these areas have already been booked or booked.

The area is selected - click “Check”.

Already at this stage, the system may refuse to confirm the possibility of taking your plot. The refusal is related to the location of the selected site on the territory:

  • reserve;
  • defense and security lands;
  • lands for state needs.

Most prohibitions are identified at this stage of registration. If the system does not approve the choice, a special message will be displayed.

When the choice is approved by the program, you will only have to submit an application for your hectare of land in the Far East.

Submit an application

An application for a Far Eastern hectare is also submitted electronically. To do this, fill out an application that reflects:

  • applicant details: passport details, registration, full name;
  • information about the selected plot: cadastral number, purpose of its use;
  • information on how to contact the applicant.

One statement can reflect the data of up to 10 people who chose neighboring sites. Usually these are members of the same family.

Scans of documents are attached to the application:

  • applicant's passport;
  • a notarized power of attorney, if the interests of the applicant are represented by another person;
  • layout of the selected hectare.

Accordingly, if an application is submitted for 3.4 family members, documents for all applicants are attached.

Approval or refusal

The authorized bodies must provide a response to the decision within a week.

The reason for refusal may be:

  1. False or incorrect information about the applicant or the selected site.
  2. Lack of necessary documents provided for in Part 2 of Article 4 of the Federal Law.
  3. When submitting an application by a non-citizen of the Russian Federation.
  4. When the permissible area is exceeded.

If the problem is related specifically to the boundaries of the plot or the scheme partially coincides with the scheme of another applicant, an alternative option may be proposed. 20 days are allotted for this.

The applicant is informed that a positive decision has been made. The preparation of a scheme for marking the approved boundaries of land plots on the cadastral map is beginning, which is being done by the authorized bodies.

Preparation and conclusion of the contract

A draft land transfer agreement is developed by the responsible authority.

20 days are allotted for this. The document indicates all the data of the future owner and the land itself. If the type of activity is chosen, it is also specified in the contract.

The applicant is given 3 copies of the contract. The period when documents must be endorsed by the new owner should not exceed 30 days from the date of receipt of the documents.

Based on these documents, the hectare is transferred for temporary use for up to 5 years.


After signing the documents, the land is not actually transferred into ownership, but is allocated for development. To do this, you will have to make a lot of effort, since any new project requires both material investments and physical and moral strength.

But a number of government benefits and subsidies are provided for Far Eastern pioneers. Also, special preferences and support measures are allocated by administrative districts.

The most important thing is that after the agreed 5 years, it is possible to register your hectare as ownership and lease for 49 years. To do this, you will have to provide a declaration confirming the intended use of the land.

Current data

Since April 2017, the issuance of Far Eastern hectares for free use has been suspended on the Kuril Islands. The decision is due to the fact that the boundaries of the areas have not been finalized for the needs of the Ministry of Defense.

On at the moment More than 11 thousand applications were submitted, 2,200 plots were issued to Russian citizens in the Khabarovsk Territory.

More than 11 thousand people from 75 regions received land under the Far Eastern Hectare program in Primorye. The largest number of plots were registered by residents of the Far East, with Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region in second place, the press service of the regional administration reported on Monday.

“A positive conclusion on the issuance of plots was accepted in 14,258 cases, while 11,018 contracts for receiving land have already been issued. Specialists are working on more than three thousand documents for the provision of hectares,” the statement says.

Total in federal information system“Nadalniyvostok.rf” has registered about 120 thousand applications for a “Far Eastern hectare”, more than a third of them - 47.6 thousand - are in Primorye.

Anyone will get a hectare

Of those who have already received plots, more than 9.9 thousand people are residents of Primorye, another 1.2 thousand program participants are residents of Russian regions.

“Currently, we have given the most hectares of this category to residents of Moscow and the Moscow region - more than 220 people wanted to move and develop in our region. Separately, it should be noted the neighboring Far Eastern regions - residents of these territories have registered about 240 plots. In addition, we receive guests from the Belgorod, Kostroma, Novosibirsk, Tyumen regions, Krasnodar, Altai, Transbaikal territories, the Komi Republics, Bashkortostan, Tatarstan and others,” the press service quotes the words of Acting Governor Andrei Tarasenko.

In the Primorsky Territory, hectare owners are offered about 20 support measures that relate to entrepreneurial activity, development agriculture, individual housing construction. In 2017, 2.5 million rubles were allocated for these purposes.

The Far Eastern Hectare program provides Russian citizens with the right to free land plots of up to 1 hectare in the Far East. On June 1, 2016, the program came into effect for residents of the Far East, and from February 1, 2017, for residents of the rest of Russia. You can register a plot of land on the Internet portal “Nadalniyvostok.rf”. During the first year, the applicant must decide on the type of use of the site, after three years declare development, after five years free use The plot can be owned or leased for a long time.

How can every Russian get a hectare of land?

You feel as if you are on another planet, and a completely uninhabited one at that. There are cars on the highway, but rarely. Most of the time you travel completely alone. Distance between settlements 100, or even 200 kilometers. There are endless fields all around. Here, even space is perceived differently: if in the West countries are accustomed to thinking in hundreds, then in the East - in hectares. One hectare is a square of 100 by 100 meters. The area is approximately the size of a football field. In the Far East, 142 million hectares of land were considered ownerless, but at the same time suitable for life. That is, one for each resident of the country, including newborn children. No country in the world has so much free territory. And, of course, only in Russia could they distribute all this wealth to their residents completely free of charge. But there is also a downside. If we consider that it will be possible to get 1 hectare for each family member, then it turns out that you will have to choose from more than 100 million options. And this is the first thing that anyone who goes to the Far East for free land will face - the problem of choice.

Konstantin Rozhkov, correspondent: "Good afternoon!"


We are met by the head of one of the districts of the Amur region. This region was chosen as a pilot. And the land here is already being distributed to everyone who wants it. The head is still in a business suit, but without a tie. The closer you get to the land, the less formal and more accessible the officials become, and without their advice, it’s apparently impossible to choose a good site. Expand the map. It turns out that about 85% of the land is already owned or leased by large agricultural complexes. There are lands that are not used, but they still have an owner. Several relatively small plots of 100-200 hectares, around 3 villages, turned out to be vacant. That is, only 15% of the territory was unoccupied in this particular area. Suddenly. On the other hand, the choice is narrowing.

Oleg Nazarenko, head of the Zavitinsky district of the Amur region:“Let’s say Uspenovsky village council.”


Oleg Nazarenko, head of the Zavitinsky district of the Amur region:“It’s a pretty good settlement. Good infrastructure. By our Far Eastern standards.

Konstantin Rozhkov, correspondent:“I see there is a road here”

Oleg Nazarenko, head of the Zavitinsky district of the Amur region:“There is transport accessibility. There is a connection. There is power supply."

In other words, we were advised to go to an already existing village. Of course, somewhere in the North or, for example, in Kamchatka, there is much more free territory. But, firstly, even for a family of 5 people, you can still take no more than 5 hectares for free. And, secondly, if you suddenly settle in the remote taiga, then you will have to lay the road, as well as electricity, gas and water at your own expense. The fact that the land will be given bare, without communications, was confirmed by the Minister of Development of the Far East, Alexander Galushka. But in his opinion, settlers can chip in and, for example, build the same road themselves.

Alexander Galushka, Russian Minister for the Development of the Far East:“We will form a cooperative, for example, from 100-200 people who have already taken it, and for 200 people it is already possible to improve and master this infrastructure.”

We pass by the village of Zharikovo. The name for these places is typical in the sense that it is derived from the names of the settlers who were the first to reach these then completely wild places. At the beginning of the 20th century, at the height of the famous Stolypin reforms, land in the east of the Empire began to be distributed free of charge for the first time. The local museum still houses rare photographs of the first mass migration in the country's history. Then the settlers did everything with their own hands: they built houses, roads, plowed the land, raised livestock. Even the fabric for clothing was also produced by ourselves using what seem now to be primitive knitting machines. They are still found in many houses, but the modern descendants of the Zharikovs, who, by the way, still bear the same surname, have, of course, lost the skill.

Anastasia Zharikova, descendant of settlers:“So, here she is not in very good condition. She's not spinning for some reason. But it’s the other way around.”

Those who travel to the Far East today will not have to reinvent the wheel. In addition, there will be assistance from the state.

How to get land in the Far East

Support measures are listed on the website nadalniyvostok.rf, specially developed for this large-scale project. Everything is here useful information: how to register a plot, how to carry out cadastral work and, of course, how to get financial assistance.

Quote from nadalniyvostok.rf:“Government support measures include subsidizing mortgage interest in the case of housing construction and subsidizing part of the costs and interest payments on loans in the case of agricultural activities.”

An important difference between the current reform and Stolypin’s is that land plots are not registered as property right away. The first 5 years are free rent. If during this time no house or garden beds appear, the land will be taken back. So there’s no point in taking it for future use, just in case. And why not try to do everything honestly. There are options for how to use a plot of 3-5 hectares.

Samaya Sharifova, farmer:“Vasily! Vasily!

Konstantin Rozhkov, correspondent:“Is this your favorite?”

Samaya Sharifova, farmer:“Well, he’s just... an assimiminator!”

You can, for example, like Samaya Sharifova, raise pigs. You buy piglets for 5 thousand rubles. You feed them for 10 months until they grow up, and then sell them for meat at 30 thousand per carcass. The farm has 100 heads. Income for the year - 2.5 million. Judging by the amounts that slip through the conversation with the owner, livestock is a profitable business.

Samaya Sharifova, farmer:“I invested half a million of them, half a million of mine. But then I had to invest half a million of my own.”

Finally, we reached the very village near which we were promised free land. But they didn't go far. The car got stuck on the road, wet after the rain. Note to migrants: if you don’t want to be constantly pulled out by a tractor, it’s better to change your car to a more passable one.

The unoccupied territory itself is quite impressive. Approximately 100 hectares. It is believed that on average a family consists of 4 people, this is enough for 25 families. But it is already clear that, say, land along the road, and, therefore, along the power line, is the most attractive. They will be dismantled first. And those hectares that are hidden in the depths, on the contrary, will go to those who come to their senses last.

Konstantin Rozhkov, correspondent:“I would like to take some land from you. What can you offer?

The village head, dressed very informally, announced without unnecessary ceremony: they say, you city people don’t need to deal with livestock, but, for example, develop tourism. The places here are wild and picturesque. He transferred us to a UAZ and took us to the lake. Where, in his opinion, is the most promising area. There is forest all around, silence - just what you need for forays into nature. There are also fish: crucian carp, pike. Having cast the bait, he lays out a business plan. You set up a couple of gazebos, barbecues, several houses for overnight stays and take people on paid fishing trips. Somewhere in the Moscow region, land near a reservoir would cost a lot of money, but here they give it away for free

Vladimir Poletaev, head of the Uspenovsky village council of the Amur region:“Maybe such a big business won’t work here. And to support the family and to eat bread and butter.”

Konstantin Rozhkov, correspondent:“If you organize everything properly.”

Konstantin Rozhkov, correspondent:"Yes! Yes! Yes!".

There are also “buts”, of course. You can only get to this fishing spot by SUV. Plus, you still need to get permission to fish. Yes, and you still need to attract a potential tourist - so that he wants to spend money here and not on some other body of water. But it is clear that those who are not ready to take risks have nothing special to catch in the Far East.

The main thing in RussiaFar East

From June 1, in nine pilot municipalities of the Far East regions, free provision of land plots will begin. To obtain ownership of a hectare, you must complete seven steps.

Currently, to provide citizens with land plots, the trial operation of a special information system is being completedTo the Far East.RF. On this portal, every resident of the country will be able to independently choose a hectare of land online.

Second step. Selecting a land plot using the Public Cadastral Map.

The area of ​​the provided plot cannot exceed 1 hectare per person. Lands limited in economic circulation in accordance with current legislation (specially protected natural areas, defense and security lands, lands for state needs, etc.) are not provided.

Third step. Formation and submission of an application for the provision of a land plot.

For preliminary approval of the provision of a land plot, it is necessary to fill out an application and attach a number of documents.

Within 10 days from the date of receipt of the application, the authorized body returns the application to the applicant if it does not meet the requirements or is not attached to the application necessary documents, the reasons for the return are indicated.

Within no more than 30 days from the date of receipt of the application, the authorized body considers the received application and makes a decision on preliminary approval or, if there are grounds, a decision to refuse preliminary approval and sends decision made to the applicant.

IN personal account the applicant will be able to track how the application is progressing - how many days are left to wait, how many steps have been completed, how many are ahead, who is responsible for the current stage on the part of the authorities.

Fourth step. Conclusion of a free use agreement.

A plot of land is provided for a period of five years, after which a citizen can register it for rent or ownership.

Fifth step. Selecting the type of permitted use.

Land can be obtained for any purpose not prohibited by the laws of the Russian Federation, for example, for building a house, farming, or doing business.

Sixth step. Declaration of land development.

If a citizen has developed a plot of land within five years, it automatically becomes his property.

Seventh step. Registration of ownership rights to a land plot.

Let us remind you that Federal law“On the peculiarities of providing citizens with land plots that are in state or municipal ownership and located on the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of the Far Eastern Federal District, and on making changes to certain legislative acts Russian Federation» developed by the Ministry of Eastern Development.

“Far Eastern hectares” will be allocated gradually. From June 1, plots will be available in selected municipalities of the Far Eastern regions.

Among them: Khankaisky district (Primorsky Territory); Amursky district (Khabarovsk Territory); Oktyabrsky district (Jewish autonomous region); Arkharinsky district (Amur region); Neryungri district (Republic of Sakha (Yakutia); Olsky district (Magadan region); Ust-Bolsheretsky district (Kamchatka Territory); Tymovsky district (Sakhalin region); Anadyrsky district (Chukotka Autonomous Okrug).

At the first stage, Primorye is ready to accept 13 thousand new settlers - this is the total area of ​​three land masses in the Khankaisky district, which has become a pilot municipality in the region for issuing free hectares. This area was not chosen by chance - located in the northwestern part of the region, it borders Lake Khanka and is known for its favorable climate and fertile land.

The total area of ​​land that can be provided within the framework of the law in Primorye, according to preliminary data, is about 650 thousand hectares.

As the Governor of the Primorsky Territory Vladimir Miklushevsky noted, the revolutionary law will be a huge impetus for the development of the territory - the second stage of mass settlement of the Far Eastern territory in the history of Russia.

“Everything new is well forgotten old. We remember how a similar reform of Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin at one time gave a huge impetus to the development of this region. We have to implement the law in new historical conditions. I think the law is revolutionary and absolutely correct and I support Plenipotentiary Representative Yuri Trutnev. The Far Eastern hectare will give people the opportunity to organize their own business, new production, and build houses. I am confident that as a result the region will experience dynamic development. The law on the Far Eastern hectare will become the second wave of development of the Far East in the history of Russia,” noted the head of Primorye.

From October 1, 2016, Far Eastern residents throughout the Far Eastern Federal District will be able to get their own hectare, and from February 1, 2017, all Russian citizens will have this opportunity.

According to Vladimir Miklushevsky, the adoption of this law is another link in the implementation of the eastern vector of development of the state.

“President Vladimir Putin called the development of the Far East a priority for the development of Russia in the 21st century, and over the past few years the Government has done a lot in this direction: the law on the Free Port of Vladivostok, priority development territories, the Far Eastern hectare - all these are links in one chain in the targeted policy of the state. Our task is to do everything for the effective implementation of revolutionary initiatives,” emphasized Vladimir Miklushevsky.

Ekaterina Veka,