Identification is a mechanism of defense against an internal aggressor. Mechanisms of identification and dynamic equilibrium Let us give a definition. Mechanisms

1.1 Concept of identification

Identification is the recognition of someone or something and likening, identifying oneself and one’s actions with someone or something.

Identical - identical, identical.

In personality and social psychology, “identification” is defined as the emotional-cognitive process of “a subject’s identification of himself with another subject, group, or model.”

The concept of “identification” was first introduced by S. Freud, and identification mechanisms, in his opinion, ensured the mutual connection of individuals in a group.

In unorthodox psychoanalysis, the concept of identification acts as a central mechanism for the formation of the ability of the “I” - the subject for self-development; at the same time, between the subject and the reflected object, a certain emotional connection is established, the content of which is the experience of one’s identity with the object.

The concept of “identification” has become widespread in social psychology, where it is considered as a mechanism of socialization, manifested in the individual’s acceptance of a social role when joining a group, in his awareness of group membership, and the formation of social attitudes.

In modern psychology, the concept of “identification” has three different meanings:

1. The process of a subject uniting himself with another subject, or group, on the basis of an established emotional connection, or inclusion in his inner world, and acceptance of his own norms, values, images.

2. Representation, the subject’s vision of another person as a continuation of himself, endowing him with his feelings, desires, traits.

3. The mechanism of the subject putting himself in the place of another, which manifests itself in the form of immersion, the individual’s transference of himself into the field, space, circumstances of another person, which leads him to assimilate personal meanings.

This type of identification makes it possible to model the semantic field of a communication partner, ensures the process of mutual understanding, and causes appropriate behavior. Identifying oneself as another (or group) may indicate a desire to belong or not to belong to a particular social group.

As already indicated, the identification mechanism had its origins in the psychoanalysis of S. Freud. Identification is based on an emotional connection with another person. The specific properties and qualities of another person, his facial expressions, demeanor, gait, style of behavior - all this is copied and reproduced. Thanks to identification, the formation of behavior and personality traits taken as a model occurs.

In his work “Psychology of the Masses and Analysis of the Human Self,” S. Freud identifies several types of identification: a) identification with a loved one; b) identification with an unloved person; c) primary identification: the primary relationship between mother and child, in which there is no differentiation between subject and object; d) identification as a replacement for libidinal attachment to an object, formed through regression and introjection of the object into the structure of the Self; e) identification that arises from the perception of commonality with another person who is not the object of sexual desire.

To understand others, people often strive to become like them, thus trying to guess their mental states. The existence of a close connection between identification and empathy, which implies affective “understanding,” has been established.

The first persons surrounding the child determine the conditions of life and socialization not only in the current situation of infancy and childhood, but they continue to influence (sometimes catastrophically fatal) further, in other age periods of a person.

The influence of the first persons on the personality is manifested in the formation of the so-called imago, internal images that represent real parents, teachers, etc. in the child’s psyche.

Gippenreiter Yu.B. identifies the identification mechanism as one of the mechanisms of personality formation. This is a spontaneous mechanism, since the subject is not fully aware of it and does not consciously control it. Identification with parents is imitation of parents, their tastes, and relationships with others. This process is not realized and not controlled by the child. At a later age, the object of identification is shifted to a movie star, a literary hero, etc.

In communication processes, the identification mechanism acts (along with reflection and stereotyping) as one of the most important mechanisms of interpersonal perception. Identification is a way of understanding another person through conscious or unconscious assimilation to the characteristics of the subject himself.

1.2 Adolescence identity

Perhaps no aspect of the psychology of adolescence has received more attention than the issues of self-concept, self-esteem and identity have received over the years. Back in 1980, William James devoted an entire chapter to the phenomenon of self in his book “Principles of Psychology” (James, 1980). In 1947, Carl Rogers gave a talk to the American Psychological Association on self-esteem (Rogers, 1961), and Hilgard continued to develop this topic in 1949 (Hilgard, 1949). Erik Erikson titled his influential work Identity, Youth, and Crisis (Ericson, 1968). In it, the author argues that the main psychosocial task of youth is the formation of identity.

Let us briefly discuss the meaning of the concepts of self-concept and self-esteem and their significance and connection with mental health.

The part of a person’s personality that he is aware of is called the self. Self-concept can be defined as the individual’s conscious cognitive perception and assessment of himself. That is, thoughts and opinions about yourself. The self-concept can also be called a “self-assumed, hypothetical identity.” Erikson (1968) calls the self-concept an individual's “ego identity,” or the individual's coherent self-perception of his personality.

Self-concept is often described as a global concept, that is, a person’s general attitude towards himself. But it can also be considered as a set of self-concepts, each of which is formed in relation to a role.

Most psychologists believe that full development of personal identity is not possible until the adolescent reaches the formal operations stage of his cognitive development. After all, it is at this stage that reflection about oneself becomes possible. Teenagers collect information that allows them to evaluate themselves: Am I capable? Am I attractive to the opposite sex? Am I smart? Based on the data received, they form ideas about themselves. In the future, they check their feelings and assessments through various experiments and in their relationships with other people. They compare themselves to their own ideals and to the ideals of others.

Ruth Strang identified four main aspects of the self:

· general, basic self - a concept that implies a teenager’s idea of ​​his own personality and “perception of his abilities, as well as status and roles in the outside world”;

· individual temporary or transitional self-concepts, depending on mood, situation, past or current experiences;

· social self of a teenager: his ideas about what other people think about him. These ideas in turn influence the young person's thoughts about himself;

· ideal self, that is, what a teenager would like to become. These perceptions can be realistic, underestimated or overestimated. A low ideal self hinders achievement; an inflated image of the ideal self can lead to frustration and decreased self-esteem. Realistic self-concepts promote self-acceptance. Mental health and achieving realistic goals.

Thus, self-esteem plays an important role in the further self-determination of an individual. After forming an idea of ​​himself, the teenager evaluates the resulting picture. Self-esteem is enough to accept yourself and live with these ideas about yourself. Since people need self-esteem, there must be a connection between their self-concept and their ideal self.

At the onset of puberty, most adolescents begin to conduct a thorough assessment of themselves. Comparing your external data, physical development, motor skills. Intellectual abilities and social skills with similar qualities of their peers and ideal heroes. This critical self-evaluation is usually accompanied by a period of shyness when the teenager is extremely vulnerable and easily embarrassed. Therefore, adolescents are very concerned about somehow reconciling their perceived self with the ideal self. In older adolescence, they usually manage to understand themselves and determine what they can do with maximum efficiency. And connect your goals with your ideal self.

The meaning of adequate self-concept and self-esteem. Individuals with a weak identity or insufficient development of self-esteem exhibit a range of symptoms of emotional disorders. They may develop psychosomatic symptoms of anxiety.

Another reason for increased anxiety is that in individuals with low self-esteem, identity is unstable and changes frequently. Teens with low self-esteem are shy and overly vulnerable to criticism or rejection, which serves as evidence of their inadequacy, incompetence and unfitness.

The theory about the existence of a relationship between the self-concept and academic achievements is receiving more and more confirmation. Thus, a study of students in the sixth, seventh and eighth grades found that for boys the interdependence between achievements and self-image is more pronounced compared to girls, and with age this correlation increases for them, while for girls it weakens. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that social pressure to achieve increases on boys as they get older.

Significant others. It is generally accepted that the concept of self is partly determined by what others think of us, or by what we perceive as their attitudes towards us.

The influence of significant others on the self-esteem of young men decreased with age. Between early and late adolescence, the influence of mothers and fathers increased slightly, but the influence of teachers and friends decreased so much that the overall influence of significant others weakened. For boys, the influence and opinion of their father turned out to be especially significant.

The influence of significant others on the self-esteem of girls increased with age. Between early and late adolescence, the influence of teachers and fathers decreased somewhat, but the influence of mothers and friends increased so much that the overall influence of significant others increased. For them, the influence and opinion of their mother and friends were especially important. as relations with them became closer.

A number of factors contribute to the formation of a positive self-concept and high self-esteem. Teenage girls who are close to their mother feel confident, smart, thoughtful and independent. Those who do not feel such closeness see negative qualities in themselves - rebellion, impulsiveness, touchiness and tactlessness. These results indicate that the self-concept is influenced by the degree of identification with the mother. Erikson (1968) believed that complete identification with parents kills “nascent identity” through ego suppression. However, with insufficient identification with parents, children also develop a weak ego identity; in girls this occurs both with poor and complete identification with the mother. The best option is a moderate degree of identification.

The father also plays an important role in the development of a girl. A warm and satisfying relationship with her father helps the daughter take pride in her femininity, promote self-acceptance as a woman and facilitate easier, more satisfying heterosexual adaptation. If a boy identifies with his father, but also has a warm and reciprocal relationship with his mother, then his future relationships with women are likely to be comfortable and pleasant.

The main factor determining the presence or absence of a positive influence of parents on the formation of a healthy identity in a teenager is the warmth, care and interest they show towards the teenager.

According to Erik Erikson's theory, one of the central developmental tasks of adolescence is the formation of an adequate personal identity. In the process of a teenager choosing values, beliefs and life goals, his identity is formed. Society expects young people to choose a college and/or job, enter into romantic relationships, and make choices regarding political philosophy and religious practice. Erikson described identity formation as a process of choice that occurs through exploring different options and trying out roles. If, as a teenager grows up, he is no longer satisfied with his chosen values, beliefs, goals and practices, he can redefine and clarify his identity, which is not something stable, but changes throughout a person’s life.

Since the mid-60s, a large number of scientific works have appeared, some of which are the work of James Marsh, confirming Erikson's psychosocial model. He believed that the criteria for achieving a mature identity were two variables related to the choice of occupation, religion and political ideology: experiencing a crisis and acquiring convictions. Mature identity is achieved when an individual has experienced a crisis and made a meaningful choice of profession and ideology.

In his works, Marsh identified four main identity statuses: blurred identity, premature, moratorium and achieved identity.

A blurred identity is characterized by the fact that individuals have not gone through a crisis and have not chosen a profession, religion, acceptable political philosophy, gender role or personal norms of sexual behavior.

If a teenager tried to make a choice related to the search for identity and failed, his reaction may be anger directed at his parents or religious, political, or social leaders. Boys and girls with an uncertain identity who seek to escape anxiety, crisis and choice of beliefs with the help of alcohol and drugs, thereby try to deny the existence of any problems.

Thus, the most accurate description of an individual with a blurred identity would be the word “care.” The most common reaction to stress is to withdraw from it. Related to this is the fact that individuals with blurred identities have the lowest levels of intimacy in their relationships with same-sex and opposite-sex friends or lack any meaningful social relationships.

If the individual has made a professional and ideological choice. Without facing a crisis and not as a result of an independent search, but under the pressure of other people’s advice, most often parental, then premature or premature identity takes place. Young people with such an identity make their own decisions and become what others force them to become.

Early identity status in adolescents is often a symptom of neurotic dependence. Typically, such people have high levels of authoritarianism and intolerance, and exhibit strong conformism and conservatism. They seek the security and support that significant others or familiar surroundings can provide.

It has been suggested that premature identity is a way to reduce anxiety.

The word moratorium means a period of grace given to someone who is not ready to make a decision or make a commitment. This term refers to the period in youth when a teenager explores developmental options before making a final choice. Some individuals at the moratorium stage are in a state of normative crisis. As a result, they appear restless, unstable, and dissatisfied. Some people avoid solving problems and tend to drag out the process until the situation itself dictates a certain course of action. Young people are prone to anxiety, which is how they experience a crisis. One study even found that adolescents in the moratorium stage experienced greater fear of death than in the other three stages.

The experience gained by young people during the moratorium stage may even be positive. If a teenager, faced with the problems of the moratorium, has enough opportunities to search, experiment, explore different areas and try himself in a variety of roles, then he has a great chance of finding himself, forming an identity, gaining political and religious convictions, setting professional goals and clearly defining gender role and sexual preferences.

Young people in the status of an achieved or mature identity have gone through the stage of psychological moratorium, resolved the crisis of their identity and, through careful assessment and selection of options, came to independent decisions and conclusions. They tend to have a strong achievement motivation, and they can achieve a lot not due to special abilities, but rather due to a higher level of internal mental integrity and social adaptation. Upon achieving identity, self-acceptance, stable self-determination and meaningful choice of profession, religion and political ideology occur.

It should be noted that identity statuses do not always replace each other in exact accordance with the sequence described above. This sequence allows for three possible deviations. Firstly, a significant number of individuals enter adolescence with a blurred identity; some of them remain there. Secondly, some young people do not go through the moratorium status at all and do not achieve a mature identity, being firmly entrenched in the status of an early identity. Third, sometimes people who have achieved a mature identity regress and return to lower statuses.

A little about female identity. In the past, women traditionally found their identity through their role in the family. Today, most of them strive to achieve identity in the professional sphere.

There are certain differences between men and women in achieving professional identity. Despite women's increasing attention to their careers, they are more likely than men to experience difficulties in achieving a professional identity.

There is evidence that differences between men and women in the process, areas of activity and timing of identity development are decreasing. A 1989 study found that women who were more self-reflective achieved higher levels of identity development than those who were less self-reflective.

Research results indicate that the paths to achieving identity for men and women differ. Women show a tendency towards self-determination through establishing relationships with other people, while representatives of the stronger sex follow “traditionally masculine” lines of self-determination through their professional self. Unlike men, for women the issue of paramount importance is emotional intimacy with other people.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Self-concept is an individual’s conscious cognitive perception and assessment of himself. It is the ego identity that defines the personality of a given individual.

2. Ruth Strang identified four main aspects of the self: general, basic self-concept, temporary or transitional self-concepts, social self and ideal self.

3. Identity and level of self-esteem affects mental health. Interpersonal relationships and social adjustment, academic achievement, vocational aspirations, and delinquent behavior.

4. The development of the self occurs on the basis of information received through four main channels: auditory signals. Physical sensations, body image and personal memories. A person gets to know himself as his personal experience expands.

5. The teenager's relationship with his parents is of great importance. For them, they are examples of the roles with which teenagers identify.

6. A healthy ego identity is formed by parental care, love, and interest, parenting with firm but consistent methods, and inductive rather than productive leadership methods.

7. The degree of acceptance of one’s bodily image influences the formation of the self-concept.

8. The central task of development in adolescence is the formation of an adequate personal identity.

9. Marsh identified four main identity statuses: blurred identity, premature identification, moratorium and achieved identity.

10.Individuals may go through a sequence of stages of identity development more than once in their lives.

11. Women are more likely than men to encounter difficulties in establishing a professional identity.

12. Women can find their identity on paths different from those chosen by men. For some women, a way to achieve identity is through meaningful relationships.

1.3 Mechanisms of the psychological impact of advertising

The problem of psychological influences (or influences) for the psychology of advertising is one of the most important; many psychologists and advertisers even believe that advertising and psychological influence are essentially the same thing. So, V.K. Selchenok notes that advertising is “the art of achieving one’s selfish results through hidden control of people’s inclinations, desires and opinions; the art of controlling the human psyche and behavior.”

According to the definition of E.V. Sidorenko, “Psychological influence is the influence on the mental state, feelings, thoughts and actions of other people using exclusively psychological means.” The position that the person being influenced has is very important. Including advertising influence, it is possible to resist it using psychological means. In children and adolescents, the ability to resist psychological influence is much lower than in adults, but, nevertheless, this is fundamentally possible.

When considering the problem of influences in advertising, many authors pay special attention to conscious and unconscious influences. They also consider in detail the features and effectiveness of rational influences. Based on logic and persuasive arguments, and irrational, based on emotions and feelings. Many researchers are inclined to believe that mainly emotional and unconscious influences are extremely effective. Thus, according to G. Münsterberg, “The most direct path to psychological influence is to evoke some feeling or mood, stimulate imitation, or make a suggestion.” At the same time, the generally accepted position is that unconscious and emotional influences have the strongest influence on children and adolescents, which is fully used when creating advertising.

In advertising, a large number of different methods, methods, and techniques of psychological influence are used. Psychological influence and manipulation. In particular, various forms of hypnosis, suggestion, imitation, infection, persuasion, socio-psychological attitude. To create effective methods of influence, psychological stereotype, image, myth, “halo” mechanisms, identification, technology of advertising shows, “25th frame”, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), etc. are used.

Let us consider those methods and mechanisms of the psychological impact of advertising that have the greatest impact on adolescents.

The main psychological method of influence, references to which can most often be found in the literature on the psychology of advertising, is suggestion. According to a number of authors, suggestion (or suggestion) should be understood as the direct and unreasoned influence of one person (suggestor) on another (suggestor) or on a group. With suggestion, a process of influence is carried out based on the uncritical perception of information. Suggestion was initially considered as a very important factor for the implementation of primarily therapeutic measures. In this capacity, she attracted attention in the second half of the 19th century. For a long time, neurologists and psychiatrists dealt with the problem of suggestion. Later, teachers and psychologists became interested in it, and over time it attracted the attention of sociologists, lawyers, politicians, and advertising workers, going far beyond the boundaries of medical science.

Ukrainian psychiatrist A.P. Slobodyanik (1983) notes that suggestion can be carried out using various techniques. For example, suggestion by some action or other non-verbal method is called real suggestion. If the suggestive person uses speech, then they speak of verbal suggestion. There are also direct and indirect suggestions. With direct suggestion, speech directly influences a person, usually in the form of an order. With indirect (or indirect), hidden (trans-subjective). According to V.M. For Bekhterev, certain conditions are created during suggestion, for example, a connection with taking an indifferent drug (placebo effect). It is believed that in this case, two centers of excitation are formed in the cerebral cortex: one from the word, the other from a real stimulus.

Over the course of many decades, researchers' views on the essence of suggestion have diverged. Sometimes suggestion was considered as a form or stage of classical hypnosis, sometimes as an independent method of mental influence. Most experts spoke about suggestion only in that case. If the impact under normal conditions would meet resistance from the recipient. It is believed that during suggestion, due to the actions of a suggestor, a certain delay in all opposing impulses occurs in the cerebral cortex. To cause such a delay and force a person to act without reasoning meant, in the opinion of many hypnologists, to make a suggestion.

Their very incorrect, in the opinion of A.P. Slobodyanik, definitions of suggestion were proposed by G. Bernheim, A. Moll, P. Dubois and V. Stern. According to G. Bernheim, suggestion is a process through which a certain idea is “introduced” into the brain. According to A. Moll, this process occurs when the idea of ​​the occurrence of a certain action is “awakened” in a person. V. Stern believed that suggestion is “the acceptance of someone else’s mental state under the appearance of one’s own.” In his opinion, this is “an attitude or imitation of mental attitudes.” By expression. A.P. Slobodyanik, all these formulations “do not contain characteristics of the specific features of suggestion, do not indicate their difference from logical argumentation, a simple order, advice, request, etc.”

Russian specialists in the field of advertising and marketing F.G. Pankratov, Seregina, V.G. Shakhurin (1998) believe that suggestion presupposes the ability of people to accept information based not on evidence, but on the prestige of sources. The authors argue that one should distinguish between primary (psychomotor) suggestibility, the essence of which boils down to the willingness to agree with information based on uncritical perception, and prestigious suggestibility - a change of opinion under the influence of information received from a highly authoritative source.

Suggestion is usually verbal in nature. However, I.K. Platonov and K.K. Platonov, for example, repeatedly described cases of suggestion without any verbal influence, for example, in the case when the voice of the suggestor was reproduced to the suggestor using a tape recorder. This proves the theoretical possibility of advertising suggestion using the media (for example, television and radio). However, this possibility must be carefully studied in numerous laboratory experiments.

Many authors note that children are more suggestible than adults; Tired and asthenic people are more susceptible to suggestion. The point of view is often expressed that suggestion involves repeated repetition of the same suggestive attitudes in the form of words, texts, or repeated presentation of the same optical images. Moreover, the dynamic characteristics of the presentation of suggestive attitudes are of great importance.

In order to trace the dynamics and some features of advertising suggestion in laboratory conditions, the following experiment was conducted at the Psychological Agency for Advertising Research (PARI).

The study was conducted by D.A. Sugakom (1997). As stimulus material, groups of subjects were presented with two advertising videos with high and low dynamics (frame changes, speaker’s speech rate, etc.):

The participation of the subjects was voluntary, not paid, that is, the basis of their motivation was curiosity.

One group of subjects was continuously presented with the same video with low dynamic characteristics, the second group - with high dynamic characteristics. The results of objective measurements (galvanic skin response according to the method of V.V. Sukhodoev), statements of the subjects and non-verbal actions that were recorded on a video recorder were compared.

The study revealed a relationship between the type of roller and the intensity of changes in the physiological parameters of the body.

It was concluded that these changes could be used to quantify the degree of psychological impact of advertising.

The dynamics of human psychophysiological states and subjective states changed depending on the number of repetitions of a particular commercial.

Thus, a video with low dynamic characteristics caused emotional satiety in the subjects after 7-8 presentations, and they could watch a video with high dynamic characteristics without significant emotional reactions only 3-4 times. Moreover, after the experiment, the subjects in both groups did not notice the emergence of appetite, nor any desire to try or purchase the advertised product. On the contrary, presentation of videos above a certain norm caused them to feel irritation, verbal aggression, disgust, and fatigue.

As a result of the experiment, it was concluded that repeated and continuous presentation of various advertising videos (above a certain empirically determined norm) does not provide a direct suggestive effect that can create a need for the advertised product, but, on the contrary, can cause a defensive reaction and rejection.

In their opinion, to achieve the effect of suggestion, it is necessary that the suggested message be repeated several times, and at the same time, each time something new is introduced into it, the methods and forms of presenting the material change.

Other authors, namely C. Sandage, W. Freiburger, K. Rotzall (1989), draw attention to the fact that continuous, long and monotonous repetition of advertising stories is most likely not capable of automatically causing sustainable consumer behavior, it must somehow combine with the internal states of the person at whom this influence is directed, and in particular with his needs.

It can be assumed that one of the reasons for using repeated presentation of advertising is that it affects a person at different times of the day and affects most strongly during certain “favorable” periods of time, for example, depending on natural or induced changes in psychophysiological states a person, as well as the state of his thinking and reflection.

A.V. Brushlinsky (1981) believed that human thinking works continuously (non-disjunctive). But in some cases it can be more effective, and in others less so, that is, sometimes a person solves problems better and sometimes worse (performing logical operations, controlling mental activity, etc.). In certain cases, a person experiences increased mental or physical stress, mental asthenia manifests itself, and mental abilities and associative abilities weaken. In these cases, a person does not have enough arguments to compare the facts and draw any logical conclusion, formulate a statement, judgment or evidence. Thinking does not cope well with the problem.

It is at these moments that advertising can be more successful. It seems to continue his thoughts for a person, leads him to a decision, helps him accept this or that argument, influences his choice, etc. And most often, advertising messages (videos) “come” while watching evening programs, passive relaxation in front of the TV screen when a person is relaxed and, accordingly, his level of critical perception of information is significantly reduced. In such cases, repeated repetitions of advertising blocks (messages) on television, radio, etc., can be quite effective.

In such situations, a person may accept the advertiser's point of view as his own, sometimes without even noticing it, especially if this point of view is consistent with his previous experience.

According to G.A. Andreeva (1988), imitation is not a simple acceptance of the external traits of another person’s behavior, but an individual’s reproduction of traits and patterns of behavior specifically demonstrated by someone.

In the works of L. I. Bozhovich (1968), it is shown that, for example, the development of children’s motivation comes from imitation to conscious goal setting.

Thus, in her opinion, there is reason to believe that the mechanism of “blind” imitation will have a stronger effect on young children and adolescents than on adults.

G. Craig believes that in children imitation plays an important role in language acquisition. A child learns his first words through hearing and imitation. From the point of view of G. Craig, this is how most of the child’s vocabulary is formed, since he cannot invent words himself and discover their meaning to himself (G. Craig).

Many young mothers repeatedly note that their young children, who do not yet know how to speak properly, love to watch advertising and at the same time are completely indifferent to other television programs. They often express concern about whether television broadcasters are using any special technologies to influence young children that are harmful to their mental health. It should be noted that since children who cannot speak will in no way be able to influence their parents, from the position of marketing (or the “art” of sales) such technologies do not make sense (which, however, cannot be said about older children). Their effect occurs at the perceptual level.

By carefully looking at himself and the world around him, a person creates a man-made (and mental) space, filling it with information and technology capable of storing and transforming information.

According to R.S. Nemov, “in adolescence, the content and role of imitation in personality development change. If at the early stages of ontogenesis it is spontaneous in nature, little controlled by the consciousness and will of the child, then with the onset of adolescence, imitation becomes controllable and begins to serve the numerous needs of the child’s intellectual and personal development.” In addition, a typical trait of teenagers is extremely high conformity. Teenagers are often completely uncritical of the opinions of people significant to them. In this regard, the likelihood of imitation reactions increases, which often represent imitation of older teenagers who have leadership qualities and high social status in the group. This feature of teenagers is actively used in advertising, where a role model that is beneficial for advertisers is created.

Many psychologists define the mechanism of infection as an individual’s unconscious, involuntary exposure to certain mental states. It manifests itself not through the conscious acceptance of some information or patterns of behavior, but through the transmission of a certain emotional state (G.M. Andreeva, B.D. Parygin, Yu.A. Sherkovin, etc.). Here the individual does not experience deliberate pressure, but unconsciously assimilates the behavior patterns of other people, obeying them.

G. Lebon, analyzing this mechanism of social influence, wrote that mental infection is most characteristic of the crowd. In his words, “In a crowd, every feeling, every action is contagious and, moreover, to such an extent that the individual very easily brings his personal interests to the collective interest.”

Therefore, the phenomenon of mental infection as a method of advertising influence is especially clearly manifested during mass events for young people gathered at discos, where specific music and lighting effects are used as a special stimulating emotional background.

The method of infection has an extremely strong impact on the psyche of adolescents due to the enormous importance that interpersonal relationships with peers have for them. According to D.I. Felshtein, the behavior of adolescents is essentially collective and group. “The consciousness of group affiliation and solidarity gives a teenager an extremely important sense of emotional well-being and stability, which is why a teenager so uncontrollably strives to become part of a group that is attractive to him, to accept its norms, laws, and to follow the way of life it uses.”

Persuasion is often based on increasing the amount of information about the advertised object, on exaggerations, on comparing the advantages of the advertised product with the disadvantages of others. Since this method is, for a number of reasons (insufficiently high level of development of abstract logical thinking, emotionality of information perception, unstable value system, etc.) a relatively ineffective method of psychological influence on young men and adolescents, and is rarely used in advertising addressed to children, therefore we do not We will consider it in detail.

Let us only note that one of the main tasks of advertising persuasion is to influence the individual’s value system, which can have a significant impact on his motivational sphere.

Many authors call image in advertising a means of manipulating human consciousness. So N. Golyadkin writes: “When the market is flooded with hundreds and thousands of homogeneous, functionally more or less identical products from competing companies, the task of advertising is to distinguish them from the rest, endowing them with a certain image - an image.

The image is built on emotional perception, this image is simple enough to be remembered, but not standard, and not complete, located between reality and expectations, leaving room for speculation. This image in some features corresponds to the advertised object; otherwise, they will not believe in it, and it will lose all value; at the same time, it is an idealized image, since it often ascribes to goods functions that go beyond their immediate purpose.”

Russian advertising specialist G.S. Melnik believes that the image creates a given socio-psychological attitude that determines a person’s behavior in relation to the object. In his opinion, people perceive an object as the result of their own vision, and not as something imposed from the outside. These properties of the image make it possible for propaganda and advertising to use it as a tool for manipulating consciousness. The power of image is manifested in all spheres of life: in family life, in fashion, in external lifestyle, in the definition of spiritual values, in the entire human appearance.

Despite the fact that many authors include numerous psychophysiological characteristics in the concept of image (sensation of color, sound, perception of shape, etc.), the basis of its influence is still formed by socio-psychological variables, for example, the concept of prestige.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of the impact of this advertising method on youth is due to the need for self-affirmation, which is very relevant at this age stage, and is also associated with the desire to take a high social position among peers, to have all the elements of a prestigious lifestyle among young people.

Closely related to the image method is another mechanism of the psychological impact of advertising – identification.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, psychologists began to conduct numerous applied studies in the field of advertising. The objectives of advertising were formulated mainly as suggestion, that is, a method of psychological influence on a person’s will with the goal of “creating his need for the advertised product.” It was assumed that such needs could be created artificially, correctly taking into account the mental processes of the consumer.

The term identification in psychology began to be most widely used by S. Freud and at first had nothing to do with advertising or psychological (social) influences. In his opinion, identification is known to psychoanalysis as the earliest manifestation of an emotional connection with another person. Thus, a young boy shows special interest in his father. He wants to be like his father, to be in his place. That is, identification, according to Z. Freud, is closely related to the Oedipus complex.

In advertising practice, as well as in advertising psychology, identification began to be called the phenomenon when the consumer mentally puts himself in the place of the character depicted in the advertisement and at the same time wants to be like him. Sometimes it is only with the help of this mechanism that advertising manages to convince the consumer of the high quality of a particular product and the presence of the necessary functional characteristics.

In 1923, in his book “The Path to the Buyer,” K.T. Friedlander wrote: “The ultimate goal of all advertising is to influence a person’s consciousness to such an extent as to induce him to commit a certain act, which for the most part consists of purchasing a given product. Thus, advertising is closely connected with the cognitive activity of those to whom it is addressed, and therefore its foundations largely rest on the data of science, which explores and establishes the laws of human cognition and rational activity. This science is psychology” (Friedlander K.T.).

In the same year, the German psychologist, professor at the Psychological Institute of the University of Würzburg, T. Koenig (1925), argued that trade advertising is nothing more than a systematic influence on the human psyche in order to evoke in it a volitional readiness to buy the advertised product. He did not consider the consumer’s objective need for the advertised product (actual or potential) as the main condition for effective advertising.

But in order for these events to be relevant, they need information support. First of all, you should focus on your own athletes. To develop an advertising strategy and its implementation, it is necessary to analyze the values ​​and possible expectations that, first of all, those interested in the development of e-sports in Udmurtia are guided by. First of all, this...

What matters is an unusual idea, an appropriate combination of font and color, as well as the use of non-standard effects and modern technological advances.2 EMPIRICAL STUDY OF THE FEATURES OF PERCEPTION OF A GRAPHIC SOLUTION OF AN ADVERTISING MESSAGE 2.1 Basic criteria for assessing the effectiveness of print advertising The main advantage of print advertising is its visual accessibility to a wide audience. ...

Identifying yourself with someone at the age of 10 is absolutely normal. But a person grows, his personality develops, his character is formed. And the need for identification with another individual disappears.

What if this doesn't happen? If identification continues in an adult? Let's look at this topic. And let's start by finding out what identification means in psychology.


Identification - oneself with another person, members of a group, a character in a film or book. In other words, the concept of identification in psychology can be considered as likening oneself to someone.

Identification is divided into two types: primary and secondary. The primary one can be attributed to the formation of the child’s personality, going through the process of identification. First, the baby identifies itself with its parents.

Secondary identification is identifying oneself with those people who are not parents.

Types of identification

In psychology, personal identification is of the following types:

    Situational. It appears from childhood. yourself with your parents, brothers and sisters. In general, with family members whom the child loves and strives to be like.

    Group. Assimilation of community in the group. It manifests itself in the fact that a person recognizes the foundations and values ​​of the group as his own. Understands himself and accepts himself as a member of this group.

    In this case, the person identifies himself as an agent of the social circle.

    Personal. This is a set of characteristic traits inherent in a particular person that allows him to be distinctive from others and become similar to himself. Personal identification in psychology understands constancy and unity. We are talking about life attitudes, goals, and motives of the individual. Thus, personal identification is not just any character trait, but the whole essence of a person, his “self,” manifested in actions and deeds, in reactions to these actions.

There is also political identification, but it is included in the personal section. This is a specific life position of an individual and identification of oneself with this position.

Let's give a definition. Mechanisms

This is the definition: identification in psychology is a person’s need to establish coincidences and similarities with the object of his veneration. Note that this is an internal unconscious need.

We are talking about identification. What's behind this? What is the mechanism of identification in psychology?

S. Freud also spoke about this. He was the first to develop this mechanism. According to Freud, a person who perceives the world as a system of riddles and mysterious things is unable to independently realize the true purpose of the world around him and the meaning of existence. Such a person needs a system of reference points in order to be able to compare himself with a specific object.

Based on this, Freud considered the identification mechanism as an attempt by a weak person to compare himself with those individuals who are authorities for him. A weak person is afraid of reality. And such a mechanism allows him to reduce his fear of her.


Identity and identification in psychology are the same thing? No, in the first case, these are a person’s own foundations and values, his views on life. In the second, identifying oneself with other people or a group.

When a person knows who he wants to become and comes to it, he achieves both identity and identification.

Components of Identification

When a person identifies himself with someone, he tries on the parameters of that personality. Focusing on them, he unconsciously tries to turn into an object of imitation, to look at the world through his eyes. Psychologists identify the following components of identification in psychology:

    Transferring the sensations of the object of imitation into your inner world, accepting his life attitudes and values.

    Projecting that personality onto yourself. A person begins to continue to imitate the object, that is, to identify himself with it. This helps to transfer one’s own character, emotional component, desires, etc. to that person.

    An attempt to “live the life” of the object of identification. That is, acceptance and assimilation of its behavioral nature.


There are two mechanisms by which a person develops in the psychology of communication: identification and separation. It is human nature to feel the connection of times. Identification with one's clan, with members of one's family contributes to this. As far as isolation is concerned, the normal personality grows and develops. She cannot help but understand her uniqueness. It is isolation that allows one to become aware of one’s own, unique “I.”

Identification in psychology

This is a process in which a person completely rejects himself. He projects the object of identification onto his essence, tries to become something he has never been. That is, by leaving himself, such an individual tries on someone else’s role and tries to play it - to put it in simple words.

For the development and formation of personality, this is a normal process that manifests itself in childhood.

What example of identification in psychology can be given? Identification of the child with the father. A son or daughter is trying to learn the way of thinking of their beloved parent and his actions.

What is the difference between identification and imitation? After all, these concepts are often confused. Their main difference is that imitation is a conscious imitation of someone. And identification occurs on an unconscious level. While a person goes through his individual path, it acts. But sometimes an individual cannot find himself. And then identification turns into a barrier that inhibits human development and takes on the character of a pathology.

Identification of psychological functions

It leads to the creation of a secondary character. That is, the individual transfers his true individuality into an unconscious state by very strongly identifying himself with the most developed function.

In psychology, the problem of gender identification is precisely this type. What is she like? One aspect of gender. is defined as the self-identification of a person with a certain gender. That is, this feeling of being a woman, a man, or an intermediate state. This exists, no matter how strange it may sound.

Gender identification usually corresponds to biological sex. But this does not always happen.

Gender identification. A person considers himself to belong to one of the genders, which means that his guideline is the requirements corresponding to this gender.

Identification in psychology can represent a defense mechanism. It is the idea of ​​someone as oneself. The most striking example of such a mechanism is parents’ identification with their own children. The parent projects his own desires and needs onto the child, and then prescribes his achievements. For example, my mother dreamed of being a pianist all her life. But she became an accountant. She creates such antecedent factors in the environment that her daughter will follow this path. Against the child's will. And when she achieves success, my mother is as proud of herself as if she had succeeded as a pianist.

Adaptive process

Let's consider identification as an adaptive process. What does it consist of? In an attempt to become like a certain person, to adopt his features. Instead of an individual, there can be a group of people. This begins in childhood, so initially identification is quite primitive. Over time, a strong emotional attachment develops to the chosen object, or to a group of people. The person feels one with them and “absorbs” not only character traits and characteristics, but also the values, attitudes and patterns of behavior of the group or object of worship.

Adaptive identification can change over time. For example, if during her school years her target was a local bully and this gave her a certain social status, then an adult is unlikely to want to have the status of a criminal.

Interesting facts about Freudian identification

Z. Freud developed two key directions of identification in psychology: erotic and mimetic. The first refers to those people who act as objects of desire. The second is those people whom the individual looks up to. In other words, those they want to be like.

It is mimetic identification that serves as the “thread”. With its help you can control not only one person, but also a crowd. A group of people abandons their own ideals and turns their attention to one common leader. Another thing is that you need to try hard to gain authority among the crowd.

Let's summarize

What to remember from the article?

    Identification in psychology is identifying oneself with a person, group of people or image.

    It can be primary and secondary. Primary is typical for a child, secondary - for an adult.

    The identification mechanism, according to Freud, is that a weak person cannot rely on himself. He needs an authority with which he will identify his essence.

    Identification can be viewed as both a defense mechanism and an adaptive process.

    A defense mechanism is the transfer of one’s desires to another object, while the achievements of this object are regarded as one’s own. It is characteristic of parents in relation to children.

    The adaptive process is an attempt to become like an individual person, or a group of people, to adopt his/their values.

    According to Freud, identification is divided into mimetic and erotic.

Final information

So, we looked at the concept of identification in psychology. It should not be confused with identity.

Identification is characteristic of an immature personality; its processes begin in childhood. As a rule, an adult who rejects his essence is a big child. Only weak people with an unstable psyche can turn their “I” into an unconscious state.

Based on all of the above, the following conclusion suggests itself: all our complexes come from childhood.

What is identification? This is a word taken from the ancient Latin language. Translated into Russian it means establishing identity, or in one word, identification.

Identification in life of all life on Earth

Identification. A complex and abstruse word. But if you look at it from the other side, then the property called identification is familiar to everyone from early childhood.

All living beings have olfactory organs; they see, hear, taste and touch, that is, they scan the world around them. The results of this process enter the brain through nerve endings, where they are processed. And this is identification. Depending on its results, some conclusions are drawn and actions are taken. Identification or, in other words, comparison or identification is made even by a child in the womb. He recognizes her voice, identifies calm classical music, calms down to it or “goes wild” from loud sounds.

In addition, everyone has their own name, surname, residential address, and, ultimately, their own appearance. And all this can be combined into identification objects.

It can be argued that identification is a constant process that occurs in the brain.

Identification concept

In the modern world, both the term “identification” and the process of identification itself are widely used, moreover, in many and completely different spheres of life.

What is identification? This question has occupied the minds of scientists for quite a long time. The ancient philosophers Aristotle, Spinoza, G. Hegel, and scientists of later times, and our contemporaries, also studied this topic.

The ancient Latin word identifico, literally meaning “identification,” has the root iden, the translation of which means something that does not change for a long time. Taking this into account, we can formulate the concept of identification as a determination of the correspondence or similarity of something to an existing standard, taken as a basis and having certain parameters.

At the same time, it is necessary to note the ambiguity of this word, which makes it possible to use the term in different areas, in each of which it has its own definitions, types and systems.

Interpretation of identification in certain fields of science

Identification as a concept was first used by the mathematician L. Euler back in the 18th century. Thus, when studying the actions of a mathematical system, he determined and compared its kernels, and also made comparisons of the capabilities of transfer functions, that is, he identified them. Describing these processes, he used the word itself for the first time.

The first use of the term in psychology, shortly after mathematicians, is attributed to S. Freud, who in 1899 conducted his research on this topic.

Identification in psychology means comparison and verification of two or more objects. Their specific qualities and features are taken as the basis. And as a result, the establishment of similarity and analogy or divergence and dissimilarity.

In chemistry, identification is a whole process. In order to identify an initially unknown compound, it is analyzed, its chemical and physical properties are studied, and then they are compared with known analogues.

The term “identification” is also used in philosophy and sociology, economics and criminology.

Division of identification into types

To more fully understand what identification is, you need to understand its types. They depend on the area in which the event is being held.

There are four main types of identification in forensics:

  • according to a display that has received a material fixation, for example, a tread imprint on the road;
  • to establish the ownership of a part of an object, for example, a piece of fabric, a fragment of a knife;
  • recognition from an image preserved in memory, for example, from a witness;
  • comparison of previously described signs with the signs of the allegedly found object.

It is worth paying special attention to the types of identification that are used for a variety of products. Thus, thanks to consumer identification, unusable goods do not enter the market. Product-batch identification is considered very difficult, as it must determine the manufacturer of a given batch of goods. Identification is also carried out based on whether a product belongs to a specific assortment; it is called assortment identification. In addition, there is a qualitative one, which determines the quality of the product, and a varietal one, with the help of which defects are identified and the grade of the product is determined. Special identification is carried out in order to identify products that are prohibited for sale, for example, genetically modified ones.

To determine identity, visual types of identification are mainly used (although there are others). The most common of them is when they compare the subject’s appearance and his image in the photo on the identity document.

Use of identification in forensics

Forensic identification is the performance of actions to identify a certain object or subject by various characteristics that it has or has left, from a large number of similar objects or subjects. The purpose of such identification is to conduct investigative actions or prevent crime.

Very often in criminal records the process of identifying a person or some object is carried out. Which is identification. In this case, the image preserved in the memory of the identifier is identifying. And a person or object that is identified is identifiable.

The possibilities of modern identification in forensic science have greatly expanded, thanks to scientific developments in this area. This not only increased the speed of solving crimes, but also greatly facilitated the work of criminologists.

Forensic identification today uses the latest methods. These include ordological identification, that is, identification using smell. Phonoscopy is recognition by sound left on a phone or other recording device.

Genoscopic identification is identification using the study of DNA molecules. It helps to establish identities in many criminal investigations, when identifying those killed in disasters, as well as terrorist attacks.

Identification applied to various goods

In the field of trade, identification of goods is one of the most important actions necessary to determine their compliance with the submitted documentation, which reflects basic information about the product, as well as with available samples. During the identification process, goods are marked and labeled.

Using identification, the authenticity of goods is identified and confirmed. And labeling and drawing up certain documentation prevents illegal products from entering the market.

Identification of goods is carried out at each stage of production.
There are microbiological, chemical-physical and organoleptic methods of identifying goods.

Using a microbiological method, the presence of harmful microorganisms and microparticles in a product is determined. The physico-chemical method allows you to determine the properties of the product. To carry it out, special devices and equipment are used. Although organoleptic methods have some degree of subjectivity, they are very quick and are also used for identification.

Identification as a mechanism for accumulating and preserving information about a person

Personal identification occurs by determining a person’s identity by a group of characteristics when comparing them.

To identify a person, it is necessary to establish complete passport data. This includes the last name, first name and patronymic, date and place of birth. An identification code and other data are also used, depending on the requirements of the identifying party.

There are various identification methods. This may be a number that is issued for life (TIN). A number that may be changed due to changes in last name or other data. Or there may be several numbers; their presence together will facilitate identification.

Identification can be centralized when all data is stored at the highest level. Can be distributed when information is stored where the subject is registered. In this case, information can be exchanged. With a hierarchical type of identification, information is available in all authorities from lower to higher.

Variety of methods used for identification

To identify certain objects, various identification methods are used.

The simplest method of unique names has been known since ancient times. It is thanks to him that cities, countries, planets, and so on have their special names.

Many objects that we encounter in everyday life have their own numbers. Their assignment is due to the method of identification using the numbers that make up the number, which is one of the most widely used.

To identify products or documentation, conventional designation methods are widely used, which are divided into mnemonic, classification and mnemonic classification.

To systematize various objects and simplify the collection of necessary information about them, the classification method is used.

If the features of an object are identified according to certain standards described in regulatory or technical documents, then the reference identification method is used.

If a certain object is identified by describing its qualities, characteristics, dimensions, then the descriptive method is used.

Using different systems for identification

To speed up and simplify identification, as well as eliminate dubious manipulations, many systems have been developed, the varieties of which depend on the scope of their application.

The principle of operation is the device reading or scanning an electronic code.

Its own identification system was developed for chain supermarkets, when the cashier brings the code printed on the packaging to the scanner and the system reads the name of the product and its cost.

Thanks to the identification system, you can use electronic keys, passes and bank cards. Here the information is printed on a magnetic line and read by a special device.

Identification is such a diverse concept in the modern world that it is very difficult to give a definite answer to the question of what identification is.

Anna Freud, studying the aggressive drive, came to the conclusion that libido and aggression have the same source - the human unconscious, and also develop according to the same laws. The stages of development of aggressive drive are the same as in the development of libidinal drive, and have similar characteristics. are closely related to each other. But the aggressive drive has some peculiar delegation and identification with the aggressor.

Using the example of working with children, he considers several options for the formation of psychological defense - identification with the aggressor:

1) The child can identify with the person he is afraid of. In this case, identification is likening to another person through his facial expressions, actions, and depiction of emotions. Thus, a child who, according to the teacher, “made faces” during lessons, merely repeated his facial expressions, which became noticeable to the psychoanalyst from the outside.

2) To overcome it, they can independently come up with ways to protect themselves from it, repeating the illusory actions of a possible aggressor. The girl, who was afraid of ghosts, which in her opinion were in the dark corridor, to overcome this space, passed through it, strongly waving her arms, as a ghost might do. In such situations, identification is a change of roles, when the child takes the position of a frightening object and himself becomes an aggressor.

3) Often children are identified not with an external object, but with the force of its aggression. Having encountered the fist of the physical education teacher, the student came to school the next day with different types of weapons, i.e. made an attempt to join his power, strength, masculinity. In reality, the teacher did not show aggression, did not seek to punish the child, and the child showed not so much aggression as ways of protecting himself from all possible aggressive actions of strong men. In such situations, identification is a manifestation of the child’s emerging super-ego, when the student does not show aggression, but finds a way to prevent it in the future by protecting himself. In addition to acquiring weapons, such a child can begin to play sports, strengthening his muscular strength.

4) In active games, children often pretend to be aggressors, training their drive, although no aggressive actions have been committed against them by adults or peers. In an aggressive game, identification is a kind of training of aggressive drive, when the internal aggressor can take on the appearance of a warrior, monster or terminator.

Identification with the aggressor is a normal process of regulating one’s desire, which can be trained through fantasies, games, and sports. In an antisocial environment, children use their aggression to identify with a group of other aggressors in order to be “one of their own” in such a group, part of the general aggressive force. Identification in the family occurs in the child with significant people, with their character qualities, i.e. Personal identification is a process of child development, familiarization with other people, regardless of the attraction with which identification occurs: aggressive or libidinal.

The strength of an aggressive drive increases as long as it is forbidden, as long as the child does not know how to control it and is not familiar with its strength and power. An aggressive criminal can be either a child who was strictly forbidden to show aggression, or one who showed it uncontrollably and constantly. Forensic identification, i.e. identifying a criminal by prints, voice or other signs in the aggregate only stops him, but does not help solve the problem of his aggression. Psychological and pedagogical work with the internal aggressor, who is constantly “eager” to express himself, must be carried out from early childhood, training the drive, controlling it and managing it.

Identification. Another important psychological mechanism is identification. Identification (from Late Latin identifico - I identify), recognition of identity, identification of objects, recognition. Thanks to identification mechanisms, the appropriation of feelings, attitudes, and motives inherent in those people whom a person takes as a model, an example to follow, occurs. Moreover, a person can identify himself not only with another
a person, but also with ideals, models, social values.

Based on identification mechanism there is a reincarnation of one person into another - a bearer of attractive features, properties, direction of activity, interests, motives, in other words, a bearer of certain individual and social values.

Identification mechanism manifests itself in various forms. This can be assimilation in the form of imitation (B.F. Porshnev), identification of oneself with others, immersion in the world of personal innovations of another, in the potential ability to realize the motive of another person, etc. In this case, the development of the individual occurs through a specific imitative assimilation of personally significant thoughts.

A component of the identification mechanism is personal identity. Traditionally, the appearance of the term “identity” in typology is associated with the name of E. Erikson, who defined identity as the internal continuity and identity of the individual, highlighting some elements of identity at the level of individual experience:
- a sense of identity, personal identity and historical continuity;
- a conscious sense of personal identity is based on two simultaneous observations - the perception of myself as identical and the consciousness of the continuity of my existence in time and space, on the one hand, and the perception of the fact that others recognize my identity and continuity, on the other;
- the experience of a sense of identity intensifies with age and as personality develops: a person feels an increasing continuity between everything that he has experienced and the future; between who he wants to be and how he perceives others' expectations of him.

A. Waterman in his research draws attention to the value-volitional aspect of identity development. He believes that identity is associated with a person having a clear self-definition, which includes the choice of goals, values ​​and beliefs that a person follows in life. A. Waterman calls goals, values ​​and beliefs elements of identity, identifying four areas of life that are most significant for the formation of identity:
1) choice of profession and professional path;
2) acceptance and revaluation of religious and moral beliefs;
3) development of political views;
4) acceptance of a set of social roles, including gender roles and expectations regarding marriage and parenthood.

In psychology, the following identity statuses are distinguished:
Achieved identity. This status is possessed by a person who has gone through a period of crisis and self-research and has formed a certain set of personally significant goals, values ​​and beliefs. Such a person knows who he is and what he wants, and structures his life accordingly. Such people are characterized by a sense of trust, stability, and optimism about the future.

Moratorium. This term, following E. Erikson, was used by J. Marcia in relation to a person who is in a state of identity crisis and is actively trying to resolve it by trying different options. Such a person is constantly in a state of search for information useful for resolving the crisis (reading literature about various possibilities, conversations with friends, parents, real experimentation with lifestyles).

Premature identity. This status is attributed to a person who has never experienced a state of identity crisis, but nevertheless has a choice of goals, values, and beliefs. In people with premature identity, elements are formed relatively early, not as a result of independent search and choice, but mainly as a result of identification with parents and other significant people.

Diffuse identity. This state of identity is characteristic of people who do not have strong goals, values ​​and beliefs and who do not actively try to form them. Without a clear sense of identity, people experience a number of negative states, including pessimism, apathy, melancholy, undirected anger, alienation, anxiety, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.

Identity development is nonlinear; it goes through so-called identity crises. To overcome the crisis, an individual must make certain efforts in order to find and accept new values ​​and activities.

R. Fogelson approaches the problem of identity in a unique way. And his model of the “struggle of identities” distinguishes four types:
1. Real identity - an individual’s self-report about himself, his self-description “I am today”;
2. ideal identity - a positive identity that an individual strives for, how he would like to see himself;
3. negative, “fear-inducing” identity, which the individual seeks to avoid, as he would not like to see himself;
4. presented identity - a set of images that an individual transmits to other people in order to influence their assessment of their identity.

A person tries to bring his real identity closer to his ideal one and maximize the distance between real and negative identities. This is achieved by manipulating the identity presented in social interaction.

In Russian psychology, the following trends in the interpretation of the phenomenon of identity are identified:
- Identity has a structural structure. The main parameters of its measurement are content and evaluative, which are in interaction and interrelation. Identity exists in terms of subjective time.
- It is possible to distinguish two aspects of identity - personal and social. Ontogenetic personal identity is secondary in relation to social one, being formed on the basis of the use of concepts developed in the process of social categorization.
- Identity is a dynamic structure, it develops throughout a person’s life, and this development is not linear, but uneven, through overcoming identity crises, and can go in both a progressive and regressive direction.
- It is possible to distinguish different types of identity. Classifications are based on parameters such as the presence or absence of an identity crisis, the strength and presence of decisions made regarding oneself and one’s life, and openness to new choices. The ability to change identity is associated with the use of defensive strategies.
- At the behavioral level, it is possible to consider identity as a process of solving significant problems, and every decision made about oneself and one’s life (self-determination) will contribute to the formation of the identity structure as its element.
- Identity is social in origin, since it is formed as a result of the individual’s interaction with other people and his assimilation of the language developed in the process of social interaction. Changes in identity are also due to changes in the individual's social environment.

The above-mentioned trends only reflect numerous and varied studies of identity, the importance of which in the knowledge of personality and its characteristics is increasingly recognized in connection with the expansion and deepening of the problems of personal development, its self-determination, socialization and individualization.

Mechanism of dynamic equilibrium. The basic mechanism for the development of activity is the mechanism of dynamic balance, which is associated, as already noted, with the cause-and-effect characteristics of dynamic processes and the stability of mental activity.

V.G. Leontiev, developing motivation mechanisms, drew attention to the presence of a certain initial generalized mechanism, which is an important link in all other motivational mechanisms. This is a dynamic equilibrium mechanism.

Special observations and analysis of body processes have shown that imbalance in any system always occurs after the achievement of balance in another system associated with it. At the same time, balance is the true cause of activity in various systems. An imbalance forms the desire to restore it and gives rise to corresponding consequences, which is, ultimately, the source of motivation, the energetic element of activity. This is where it manifests itself
dynamic equilibrium mechanism. So, for example, people, having reached a high level of professional skill, when almost everything is known in work and there is no special external stimulation, begin to introduce elements of creativity or play into this process. According to these positions, people try to transform the process of activity so that it becomes more emotionally attractive, which helps to increase the level of activity.

English psychologists M. Apter and K. Smith through research established a connection between the level of activity of the subject and his hedonic tone. According to their findings, there are alternative systems that control human activity. One such system promotes activity avoidance - during its operation, the subject experiences the most pleasant state when activity is minimal, and the least pleasant state when activity is at its maximum. The second such system is aimed, on the contrary, at searching for activity. When it “acts,” the most pleasant state occurs with maximum activity (joyful or “combat” excitement; and the least pleasant state occurs with minimal activity—relaxation).

M. Apter and K. Smith formulated their ideas in the theory of activity reversal, according to which, in the course of professional activity, the body can switch from one regulatory system to another, with a corresponding change in the hedonic tone of the subject.

So, when a person’s activity is aimed at results, his emotional state can be determined by:
1) worries about the difficulties of tasks;
2) pleasant relaxation after their successful resolution.

There is a system of activity avoidance at work here. Awareness of the difficulty of the task and the emergence of anxiety about this, with the accompanying high activity, corresponds to a movement along the activity avoidance curve to the right downwards. And the successful resolution of this problem is the reverse movement along this curve with a change from an anxious (unpleasant) state to a pleasant state of relaxation.

The subject, deliberately creating difficulties and dangers in activity and causing the associated state of “combat” excitement, seems to move along the “search” curve for activity to the right and upward. After successfully solving a “dangerous” task, he experiences a pleasant state of relaxation, which means a reversal of activity - a transition from the curve of searching for activity to the curve of avoiding it. Next, the subject will again have a desire to test himself on a “dangerous” task. This means a reverse of activity with a transition from a system of avoiding activity to a system of searching for it. And then the cycle of changes in activity and hedonic tone described above will be repeated again.

According to M. Apter, the human psyche has “internal inconsistency and internal self-contradiction, which can manifest itself at one moment in the desire for an event, while a person experiences joyful excitement, at another moment - in avoiding the same event. Consequently, there is internal reciprocity, switchability of processes (inversion), which determines the changes and complexity of human behavior.” Thus, in relation to motivation, the “system of avoidance” of activity and the “system of search” for activity can switch. At any level of activity, the hedonic tone, that is, joyful excitement and relaxation, can switch to anxiety and relaxation. Hence, the principle of switching processes and human states is the basis of the theory of reversibility. The researcher emphasizes the fact that there are alternative systems in the psyche and that reversion arises from the unity of opposites in these systems.