Close attention is required. Coincidences are messages that you should pay close attention to. Requirements for filling out documents

Miracles happen every day. And not somewhere far away, but here, in our lives. They arise from a hidden source, surround us with a sea of ​​possibilities and disappear. Miracles are considered something supernatural, although they permeate our consciousness every day. We can notice them, or we can ignore them - and not understand that at this moment our fate is being decided. But if you tune in to miracles, tune in to be “here and now,” life will be illuminated with such radiance that you cannot even imagine.

If you don’t pay attention to miracles, happy opportunities will pass by. Will you recognize a miracle if you see it with your own eyes - that is the question. And if you understand that a miracle is a miracle, how will you behave? But if you could create your own miracles, what miracle would you choose?

Within us, beyond the physical essence, beyond thoughts and emotions, there is a world of pure potential - in this world everything is possible. Even miracles. Especially miracles. This part of our nature is connected with everything that exists - present and future. Each of us had to witness amazing and supernatural - there is no other way to describe it - phenomena. Let's say you're cleaning out your closet and find an old gift from someone you lost contact with many years ago. After about an hour, the phone rings, you pick up the phone and hear the voice of that same friend. Or - your car breaks down on a deserted highway; you are upset: you will have to wait for more than one hour for help. However, the first car to appear on the road turns out to be a tractor-trailer.

Can such things be called mere coincidences? Of course you can. But upon closer examination, such cases may also turn out to be manifestations of the miraculous. They can be dismissed as random phenomena in a world of chaos. But it is also possible to recognize them as potentially fateful events, which they may well turn out to be.

I don't believe in meaningless coincidences. I believe that coincidences are messages, clues that you should pay attention to. close attention.

By paying due attention to coincidences and their meaning, you maintain a connection with a deeper layer of infinite possibilities. This is where the magic begins. I call this state Synchro-Fate - it allows you to fulfill any desire. Synchro-destiny involves accessing the deepest levels of your being; In addition, you must pay close attention to the intricate dance of coincidences in the material world. One must try to penetrate into the nature of things, to realize the existence of a source of intelligence, thanks to which the creation of the Universe continues to this day. A person must strive to realize the opportunities that open to him and thereby change his life.

The more attentive you are to coincidences, the more often they happen and the wider your access to clue messages.

If you learn to listen to the world of the soul, much will become possible.

The worst destroyer is stress. If you are tense, if you feel hostility towards someone or something, your inner balance is disturbed.

Wherever you go, at a deep level you always carry information about the true essence of your “I”.

Try to imagine that the Universe is a huge single organism. And this enormity of it is nothing more than a projected perceptual reality: even if “here” you see a huge stadium filled with fans, in fact it is just a weak electrical impulse in the brain, which you, a non-local being, considers a football match. “The world is a huge city reflected in a mirror. The universe is also a huge reflection, our reflection in our own consciousness,” says Yoga Vasishtha, an ancient Vedic text.

This is the soul of all things.

If we lived in tune with the soul level, we would see that the best, brightest part of our “I” is in tune with the rhythms of the Universe. We would have confidence in our ability to perform miracles. We would get rid of fear, passions, hatred, anxieties and doubts. To be in tune with the world of the soul means to overcome the limitations of the “ego” and the mind - limitations that tightly tie us to the phenomena and events of the material world and, in general, to the material world as such.

Everyone has a soul, but we observe it from different angles. And our life experiences are different. Therefore, we see things and phenomena differently. Differences in perception are differences in interpretation. If you and I were watching the same dog, we would have completely different thoughts. Perhaps it would seem to me that this is a ferocious animal, and I would even be a little timid. And you would consider him a sweet, friendly dog. Your mind would interpret the situation very differently than mine. At the sight of a dog, I would let the lei run away. You would call the dog by whistling and play with him.

Interpretation occurs at the level of the mind, but the movements of the individual soul are determined by accumulated experience; With the help of memories of the past, the soul predetermines our choice and perception of certain situations. The tiny grains of events that fall into memory throughout life, as well as the combination of memory and imagination fueled by experience, are called karma. Karma accumulates in the individual “part” of the soul, in the core of our essence - and determines the properties of our “I”. It is this personal component that controls consciousness and makes us who we are. However, our actions can affect this “individual soul” and change karma - for the better or for the worse.

The universal, non-local component of the soul is not subject to actions, but it is connected with the spirit - pure and unchanging. Enlightenment can be defined as “the awareness of oneself as an infinite being observing and being observed from some localized point of view.” And no matter how mediocre our life today may be, it is never too late to “connect” to that part of the soul that is called limitless, undiluted potential, and change our existence. This will be Synchro-Fate - by turning to the connection between “your” soul and the universal soul, you will form your own life.

So our karma, the seeds of memory grown by experience help us realize our essence. But the characteristics of the “individual” soul of each of us are determined not only by karma, but also by relationships with the outside world.

Let's move on to emotions. Emotions are modified energy. They come and go, depending on the circumstances, situation, events, level of relationships. Emotions never arise out of nowhere; they are always the result of your interaction with the world around you. No relationships, no events - no emotions. So even if I get angry, it won't be my anger. The anger will just take over me for a while.

Emotions depend on the context, circumstances and relationships that shape your view of reality.

What about thoughts? Thoughts are processed information. Our every thought is part of a universal database. A hundred years ago, no one would have said the phrase, “I’ll fly to Disney Park on Delta.” The mentioned realities did not exist yet, there were no thoughts about them. All thoughts, except the most original ones, are nothing more than processed information. And the most recent thoughts are quantum leaps of creative inspiration, rooted in the same general array of information.

The time comes, and new ideas emerge from the collective information database. These ideas do not arise in the head of some lucky person, but in the collective consciousness. This is why important scientific discoveries are often made in several corners of the globe at once. Ideas float in the collective consciousness, and a trained mind is able to translate this information into the language of people.

To catch something knowable, but not yet caught by anyone, is genius. Just a new, fresh idea did not exist, a second - and it became part of our conscious world. Where was this idea found in the interval between moments? She is a guest from the virtual world, the world of the universal spirit, where only pure potential exists. This potential can be translated into something completely predictable and into something fundamentally new. At this level, all possibilities already exist.

We live like actors who have only one role in the play: we pretend that we understand everything, although the director’s intention is completely unknown to us. But you just have to listen to the voice of the soul - and the scenario will reveal itself. You will understand everything. You will continue to play, but play joyfully, consciously, to the fullest. You will be able to choose - choose freely, wisely. The moments will be filled with the deepest meaning: you will remember the context and realize the meaning of each moment.

But what’s even more amazing is that we can rewrite the script ourselves and take on a different role. You just need to go towards your goal, use coincidence opportunities and not suppress your inner voice.

Buying an apartment is a responsible step in which it is necessary to check the legal purity of the apartment. Particularly close attention should be paid to apartments with a “privatization” history. That is, these are apartments that were previously privatized from the state and then put up for sale. One of the risks may be the non-participation of minor children in privatization back in the 90s.

This article is a reference and information material; all information in it is presented for informational purposes and is for informational purposes only.

But in the original version of this law there was no talk about the rights of minor children. Art. 2 laws allowed citizens to register ownership with consent adults family members. That is, apartments were privatized into the ownership of adults only, and the rights of children were violated everywhere.

Only on August 11, 1994, changes were made to the law, according to which children were required to be included in privatization. Otherwise, it was necessary to obtain permission not to include the child among the owners from the guardianship and trusteeship authority. Also, minors who became owners of residential premises as a result of privatization began to retain the right to a one-time free privatization after they reached adulthood.

Thus, from 1991 to 1994 there was committed huge amount insignificant transactions that still “surface” in the courts.

If you are a former minor whose rights were violated...
In this case, you can try to restore your rights. If a dispute arises over the legality of privatization, this agreement, as well as the certificate of ownership, may be declared invalid by the court on the grounds established by civil law (Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated August 24, 1993 No. 8).

Invalid transactions are divided into voidable (invalid due to its recognition by the court) and void (regardless of such recognition).

If you intend to sue, then the main thing is that they do not expire deadlines limitation period . That is, if you believe that your rights have been violated, then keep in mind that the law establishes a certain period during which you have the right to count on legal protection.

For void transactions, the statute of limitations is three years. Moreover, as stated in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the limitation period begins from the day when the execution of this transaction began.

Let us remind you that previously the statute of limitations for void transactions was not 3 years, but 10 years! But in 2005, changes were made to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as a result of which the period was reduced to 3 years.

Let’s say the parents privatized the apartment in 1993, and the child was 6 years old at that time. But the child could not defend his rights at such a young age. But he can sue, having reached the age of majority, and demand, in legal language, “to apply the consequences of the invalidity of a void transaction.” He has 3 years for this. That is, until the age of 21, such a person has the right to count on judicial protection of his violated rights.

Although in judicial practice there are cases when the judge recognized that his legal representatives should have protected the rights of the child, and the statute of limitations in the above situation has expired for the child.

But even if the statute of limitations has expired, this does not mean that the person has lost the right to go to court . As stated in Civil Code RF, a claim for the protection of a violated right is accepted for consideration by the court regardless of the expiration of the statute of limitations. And no matter how many years have passed since privatization or since coming of age, a citizen has the right to file a claim in court.

But if the defendant compares the dates and finds out that the plaintiff missed the statute of limitations, then he has the right to demand that the judge reject the claim, since the corresponding period has been missed. The limitation period is applied by the court only upon the application of a party to the dispute, and in this case a decision is made to dismiss the claim. If neither the defendant nor the plaintiff declared the application of the limitation period, the case will be considered on its merits.

What advice can you give to a prospective plaintiff who has not met the statute of limitations?

First of all, don't despair. In some cases, if the court recognizes that the statute of limitations was missed for a good reason, then the violated right of the citizen must be protected. So you need to prove in court that you had such reasons.

The plaintiff, for example, may claim that he was a minor and could not independently defend his rights in court.

Another argument of the plaintiff will be the absence of a document from the guardianship and trusteeship authority - permission not to include the child among the owners of the apartment.

You should also be aware of the following. According to the law, privatization without including minors falls under worthless deal , for which the limitation period begins to run from the moment the transaction is executed. But in court you can bring a claim for recognition of the transaction partially invalid , for example, in terms of not including a minor among the owners. In this case, the limitation period will be calculated from the day when the person learned or should have learned about the violation of his right. That is, 1 year from the day the citizen learned of a violation of his rights. And then you need to prove that you recently learned about the violation of your rights.

If you are a buyer who is trying to reclaim an apartment that was privatized in violation of the rights of a minor...
Claims from children who did not participate in privatization (after they grew up) make up a significant part of the cases considered in the courts. Citizens demand that not only privatization agreements, but also subsequent apartment purchase and sale agreements be invalidated.

What advice can you give if you become a defendant in such a claim?

The buyer can indicate that the rights of a minor to participate in privatization have not been violated - he can participate in the privatization of another apartment.

A future buyer can be advised to use the title insurance service. It is offered by many insurance organizations. It guarantees receipt of monetary compensation in the event that the purchase and sale agreement is declared invalid and additional legal protection in court.

How to fix the situation
What can be advised to those who privatized housing in violation of the rights of minors, but want to “correct”?

A citizen whose rights have been violated has the right to file a lawsuit and invalidate the privatization. Then the apartment can be privatized again, but with the inclusion of all citizens among the owners. Only citizens living in a residential building, that is, officially registered in it, can privatize housing.

You can demand in court to recognize the privatization deal as partially invalid, and then include the former minor among the owners.

We remind you:
- the deadline for free privatization ends on March 1, 2010 (and so far the state has no plans to extend this period again);

Privatization requires the consent of all living adult family members, as well as minors aged 14 to 18 years; if at least one of the employers is against privatization, then it is almost impossible to register ownership of the apartment (only through the court);

The opportunity to privatize residential premises is given to a citizen only once, with the exception of minors who have the right to privatize an apartment once before the age of 18 and again once after turning 18 years old, that is, they have the right to privatize residential premises twice;

Privatized into common shared ownership all living citizens - employers, including minors;

If any of the living tenants refuses privatization, then he receives the right lifetime use the specified apartment. It is impossible to discharge such a person from the apartment in the future without his consent, even if the apartment is sold to other persons !

Experts' comments
asked market practitioners to express their point of view on this topic.

Alexander Perepelkin, Yu rist of the Real Estate Agency Firm "NORA":
A person whose right to privatization was violated in underage, may go to court at any time. Until recently, such transactions were in most cases considered by the courts as partially void. The limitation period was first 10 years, and then 3 years, which were calculated from the moment of execution of the transfer agreement.

However, as follows from the Review of Legislation and Judicial Practice Supreme Court Russian Federation for the third quarter of 2008, the limitation period in this case should be calculated in accordance with clause 2 of Art. 181 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and clause 1 of Art. 200 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. This means that the agreement for the transfer of residential premises in the manner of privatization, in which a minor child was not included in the list of owners, is partly not void, but partly a voidable transaction, the statute of limitations for which is at least one year, but is not calculated from the moment execution of the transfer agreement, but from the day when the person learned or should have learned about the violation of his right to privatization.

This opens the door to many already seemingly hopeless legal prospects. After all, you can say that “I didn’t know about the violation of my right to privatization before, I only found out now and I ask you to restore my rights” even after 20-30 years!

Therefore, it is necessary to purchase residential premises, during the privatization of which the rights of minors were violated, with extreme caution. If their rights were not restored by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities while still a minor during the alienation of residential premises, It’s better to refuse such a deal altogether .

Alla Lyagina, director of the legal department of IntermarkSavills:
United judicial practice on the application of limitation periods has not been fully formed. Some courts determine the beginning of the limitation period by the date of the transaction, incl. privatization, however, such a position is hardly applicable when a claim is brought by a prosecutor.

According to clause 2. Article 45 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the prosecutor who filed the application uses all procedural rights and bears almost all the procedural responsibilities of the plaintiff. This means that the statute of limitations when presenting claims in the interests of citizens who are unable to independently defend their rights, legitimate interests when concluding contracts regarding real estate and determine the moment of violation of these rights must be calculated from the moment when the prosecutor became aware of a violation of the rights of such citizens . That is, the statute of limitations is not considered missed. The Moscow City Court took a similar position when considering the corresponding cassation submissions of prosecutors.

But this opinion is not the only one in this matter! Opponents of this approach argue that prosecutors cannot influence the statute of limitations. Then there is another way. For a citizen who could not protect his rights for reasons related to his personality (and the reasons for the inability of a minor to independently submit an appropriate application are often related to this), the statute of limitations can be restored (Article 205 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The courts also restore the statute of limitations when considering cases involving claims of guardians and trustees. Without denying the fact that the limitation period has expired (thereby indirectly confirming the start of the period from the moment the transaction was completed), the courts, in most cases, restore the missed period, recognizing the reasons for missing it as valid.

However, in any case, if controversial situation, you should contact qualified lawyers, since much in such matters depends on the specific circumstances of the case.

Mikhail Razdolsky, head of the Oktyabrskoe Pole department of the Inkom-Real Estate company:
In order to establish that the rights of minor children were not violated during the privatization of an apartment, it is necessary to obtain an extended extract from the house register - it contains information about all the people who have ever lived in this apartment, including those who privatized the apartment.

When completing a transaction with privatized apartment, in which minor children live (or do not live, but at the time of privatization had equal rights to this apartment with the owners), the lawyers of our company check whether they were registered in this or another apartment. If the minor children of the owner or any person registered in this apartment are not registered anywhere, then you cannot buy such an apartment - this will be a violation of the rights of minor children. In this case, the buyer of the apartment has a chance, after a few years, to meet with an already adult child in court.

If minor children were not included in the privatization agreement, then the lawyer checks the availability of permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities to refuse minor child from privatization, as well as compliance of the form and content of the refusal with current legislation.

For any transactions with a plot of land, be it purchase or sale, taking or leasing, entering into inheritance rights or other, relevant documents are required, namely confirming the right to private property (title).

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In today’s material, we will take a detailed look at the title documents for a land plot, as well as find out what grounds arise for the right to own a plot, and consider some of the nuances related to this topic.

List of documents

On at the moment, documents confirming the presence legal rights on land ownership are:

  1. A certificate that confirms the existence of rights of a citizen or organization to property.
  2. A certificate that confirms the existence of rights to lifelong hereditary use of land ownership.
  3. A certificate that confirms the existence of rights to the perpetual use of land ownership.
  4. A deed received from the state for "property, lifelong hereditary possession, or perpetual use" land plot"- issued on the basis of Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated September 17, 1991 N 493.


According to the law, the only indisputable evidence of the existing rights of a particular citizen or organization to land ownership is a registration record made in the Unified State Register.

The corresponding certificate contains an indication of the document due to which the basis for establishing property rights arose.

Accompanying papers (purchase or sale agreement, acceptance certificates, etc.) in a separate form cannot be title-establishing. They only claim that a citizen or organization has the right to such ownership, but without a certificate they are not valid.

Confirming the right to land ownership

This is an interesting point that should not be forgotten. Documents (acts, certificates, etc.) issued before January 31, 1998 are considered valid and in force.

This issue is covered in articles No. 6, 17 and 14 of the “Law on Registration of Rights”. But, in order to carry out any operation with a plot of land, you need to go through the re-registration procedure and receive a new package of documentation confirming the rights to ownership of this property.

Registration certificates – also in a separate form are not title-establishing, but acquire full force only in conjunction with other documentation that became the basis for establishing rights (purchase or sale agreements, acceptance certificates, etc.).

Requirements for filling out documents

Land is an expensive property and therefore the thirst for profit attracts many swindlers and lovers of illegal enrichment. You should be careful to review and complete all relevant documentation.

So, pay close attention to the following details:

  1. Compliance of the documents provided with the approved state forms;
  2. The presence on the forms of all stamps and seals about the state. registration, as well as the presence of the necessary signatures;
  3. Carefully read the contents of all inscriptions made in the documentation;
  4. Study and verify all papers providing title to property, as well as related documentation. The meaning of the content of these papers should not contradict each other and have the same data.
  5. Documents registered after February 1996 are accompanied by an acceptance certificate, which contains the signatures of all parties to the agreement.

Right to own land

The right to own land can be divided into the following criteria:

  1. "Ownership"– appears at the time of making a purchase, sale, etc. This type of possession can be “single-subjective” or “multi-subjective”. “Single-subjective” means that the owner of the land is one person. “Multi-subjective” means that land ownership is owned by several people (co-owners).
  2. "Property right"– it arises at the time of receiving an inheritance, as well as in the case of permanent (perpetual) or temporary use of existing land ownership.
  3. "Obligatory right of ownership"– it arises at the moment of concluding a lease agreement for a specific landholding, the creation of collective partnerships or economic entities.

It should be remembered that any right to land ownership is strictly limited in the interests of the state. This means that the owner or co-owners should not interfere with government officials who are located on the territory of land ownership in order to carry out the control functions established by the state for the protection of land.

Grounds for the emergence of property rights to land ownership

The grounds on which the formation of proprietary rights to land ownership is possible:

  1. Gratuitous use, also known as “urgent”. Formed in the event of a similar transaction, or the presence of a corresponding act.
  2. Limited use of land ownership, also known as an “easement”. This means that one person is using land owned by another person or organization. Formed in the event of an agreement reached between the parties, or a decision of the judicial authorities.
  3. Lease of land ownership. Appears if there is a corresponding agreement between the parties.
  4. Lifelong land tenure, also known as “inherited”. Formed in the event of a corresponding administrative act. At present, the emergence of such rights is no longer provided for by the Land Code of the Russian Federation.
  5. Permanent use of land tenure (in perpetuity). Formed in the event of a corresponding administrative act or a corresponding transaction.
  6. Purchase and sale agreement. Formed at the time of the relevant transaction.
  7. The corresponding act issued by the state. This means that individuals or organizations are given the right to land ownership owned by the state or owned by a municipality.
  8. The decision that has entered into force is made by the court. This means that the court has established or determined this fact civil rights and responsibilities.
  9. “Compensation for harm in kind.” Regulated by Article No. 1082 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. This means that we are talking about compensation for losses and damage caused by one person (the attacker), in relation to another person (the victim), by providing things of the same quality and kind.
  10. “Return of unjustifiably appropriated property to the victim in kind.” Regulated by the provisions of clause No. 1, art. No. 1104 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  11. "Acquisitive prescription." Formed at the time of acquisition of property provided for in Art. No. 234 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

According to the law, all rights to shares, plots of land or plots, as well as other land holdings are subject to mandatory state registration.

Miracles happen every day. And not somewhere far away, but here, in our lives. They arise from a hidden source, surround us with a sea of ​​possibilities and disappear. Miracles are considered something supernatural, although they permeate our consciousness every day. We can notice them, or we can ignore them - and not understand that at this moment our fate is being decided. But if you tune in to miracles, tune in to be “here and now,” life will be illuminated with such radiance that you cannot even imagine.

If you don’t pay attention to miracles, happy opportunities will pass by. Will you recognize a miracle if you see it with your own eyes - that is the question. And if you understand that a miracle is a miracle, how will you behave? But if you could create your own miracles, what miracle would you choose?

Within us, beyond the physical essence, beyond thoughts and emotions, there is a world of pure potential - in this world everything is possible. Even miracles. Especially miracles. This part of our nature is connected with everything that exists - present and future. Each of us had to witness amazing and supernatural - there is no other way to describe it - phenomena. Let's say you're cleaning out your closet and find an old gift from someone you lost contact with many years ago. After about an hour, the phone rings, you pick up the phone and hear the voice of that same friend. Or - your car breaks down on a deserted highway; you are upset: you will have to wait for more than one hour for help. However, the first car to appear on the road turns out to be a tractor-trailer.

Can such things be called mere coincidences? Of course you can. But upon closer examination, such cases may also turn out to be manifestations of the miraculous. They can be dismissed as random phenomena in a world of chaos. But it is also possible to recognize them as potentially fateful events, which they may well turn out to be.

I don't believe in meaningless coincidences. I believe that coincidences are messages, clues that you should pay close attention to.

By paying due attention to coincidences and their meaning, you maintain a connection with a deeper layer of infinite possibilities. This is where the magic begins. I call this state Synchro-Fate - it allows you to fulfill any desire. Synchro-destiny involves accessing the deepest levels of your being; In addition, you must pay close attention to the intricate dance of coincidences in the material world. One must try to penetrate into the nature of things, to realize the existence of a source of intelligence, thanks to which the creation of the Universe continues to this day. A person must strive to realize the opportunities that open to him and thereby change his life.

The more attentive you are to coincidences, the more often they happen and the wider your access to clue messages. If you learn to listen to the world of the soul, much will become possible. The worst destroyer is stress. If you are tense, if you feel hostility towards someone or something, your inner balance is disturbed. Wherever you go, at a deep level you always carry information about the true essence of your “I”.

Try to imagine that the Universe is a huge single organism. And this enormity of it is nothing more than a projected perceptual reality: even if “here” you see a huge stadium filled with fans, in fact it is just a weak electrical impulse in the brain, which you, a non-local being, considers a football match. “The world is a huge city reflected in a mirror. The universe is also a huge reflection, our reflection in our own consciousness,” says Yoga Vasishtha, an ancient Vedic text.

This is the soul of all things.

If we lived in tune with the soul level, we would see that the best, brightest part of our “I” is in tune with the rhythms of the Universe. We would have confidence in our ability to perform miracles. We would get rid of fear, passions, hatred, anxieties and doubts. To be in tune with the world of the soul means to overcome the limitations of the “ego” and the mind - limitations that tightly tie us to the phenomena and events of the material world and, in general, to the material world as such.

Everyone has a soul, but we observe it from different angles. And our life experiences are different. Therefore, we see things and phenomena differently. Differences in perception are differences in interpretation. If you and I were watching the same dog, we would have completely different thoughts. Perhaps it would seem to me that this is a ferocious animal, and I would even be a little timid. And you would consider him a sweet, friendly dog. Your mind would interpret the situation very differently than mine. At the sight of a dog, I would let the lei run away. You would call the dog by whistling and play with him.

Interpretation occurs at the level of the mind, but the movements of the individual soul are determined by accumulated experience; With the help of memories of the past, the soul predetermines our choice and perception of certain situations. The tiny grains of events that fall into memory throughout life, as well as the combination of memory and imagination fueled by experience, are called karma. Karma accumulates in the individual “part” of the soul, in the core of our essence - and determines the properties of our “I”. It is this personal component that controls consciousness and makes us who we are. However, our actions can affect this “individual soul” and change karma - for the better or for the worse.

The universal, non-local component of the soul is not subject to actions, but it is connected with the spirit - pure and unchanging. Enlightenment can be defined as “the awareness of oneself as an infinite being observing and being observed from some localized point of view.” And no matter how mediocre our life today may be, it is never too late to “connect” to that part of the soul that is called limitless, undiluted potential, and change our existence. This will be Synchro-Fate - by turning to the connection between “your” soul and the universal soul, you will form your own life.

So our karma, the seeds of memory grown by experience help us realize our essence. But the characteristics of the “individual” soul of each of us are determined not only by karma, but also by relationships with the outside world.

Let's move on to emotions. Emotions are modified energy. They come and go, depending on the circumstances, situation, events, level of relationships. Emotions never arise out of nowhere; they are always the result of your interaction with the world around you. No relationships, no events - no emotions. So even if I get angry, it won't be my anger. The anger will just take over me for a while.

Emotions depend on the context, circumstances and relationships that shape your view of reality.

What about thoughts? Thoughts are processed information. Our every thought is part of a universal database. A hundred years ago, no one would have said the phrase, “I’m going to Disneyland on a Delta plane.” The mentioned realities did not exist yet, there were no thoughts about them. All thoughts, except the most original ones, are nothing more than processed information. And the most recent thoughts are quantum leaps of creative inspiration, rooted in the same general array of information.

The time comes, and new ideas emerge from the collective information database. These ideas do not arise in the head of some lucky person, but in the collective consciousness. This is why important scientific discoveries are often made in several corners of the globe at once. Ideas float in the collective consciousness, and a trained mind is able to translate this information into the language of people.

To catch something knowable, but not yet caught by anyone, is genius. Just a new, fresh idea did not exist, a second - and it became part of our conscious world. Where was this idea found in the interval between moments? She is a guest from the virtual world, the world of the universal spirit, where only pure potential exists. This potential can be translated into something completely predictable and into something fundamentally new. At this level, all possibilities already exist.

We live like actors who have only one role in the play: we pretend that we understand everything, although the director’s intention is completely unknown to us. But you just have to listen to the voice of the soul - and the scenario will reveal itself. You will understand everything. You will continue to play, but play joyfully, consciously, to the fullest. You will be able to choose - choose freely, wisely. The moments will be filled with the deepest meaning: you will remember the context and realize the meaning of each moment.

But what’s even more amazing is that we can rewrite the script ourselves and take on a different role. You just need to go towards your goal, use coincidence opportunities and not suppress your inner voice.

As the Upanishads say, “man is made up of desire. Whatever his desire is, such is his will; whatever the will is, such an act he performs; whatever action he performs, he achieves such a destiny.” Ultimately, it turns out that a person’s fate is predetermined by his innermost desires and intentions. Desires and intentions are inextricably linked.

What is intention? It is believed that this is the goal that a person sets for himself; thought, desire. In fact, everything is a little more complicated. Intention helps to realize a certain need: perhaps you are striving to acquire some material benefits, or maybe you lack warmth in relationships, love or spiritual self-realization. Intention is a thought that helps satisfy a particular need. When the need is fulfilled, the person is satisfied. Everything is logical.

We are so attached to our local, individual, personal self that we do not notice what splendor lies beyond it. Ignorance is incomplete awareness. To notice something, you need to detach yourself from everything else.

What would you wish for if you knew that any intention would immediately come true?

When contemplating something, you might well ask yourself: “How will this affect me and my environment?” And if it turns out that everyone will only benefit from the fulfillment of your intention, then this intention, multiplied by non-resistance to the non-local mind, will itself take care of its fulfillment.

Remember: your thoughts should not be dissonant with the universe. The desire to hit the jackpot can increase your sense of detachment from the world. Those who won large sums often complained that they were alienated from friends and family and never found happiness. If your goal is money, and only money, you are doomed to alienation.

How to determine which wish can come true? It is very important to pay attention to the prompts of the non-local mind. We need to notice coincidences. Coincidences are messages. These are the guiding threads of God, or the soul, or non-local reality, forcing a person to break the circle of karmic conditioning and stereotyped thinking. These guiding threads show the way to the world of awareness, to a world filled with the love and care of the infinite mind, the root cause of your being.

Spiritual traditions call this state grace.

If coincidences are coded messages from a non-local mind, then life may seem like something out of a mystery novel. Be observant, notice signs and hints, learn to understand their meaning - and sooner or later you will get to the bottom of the truth.

In essence, life is one continuous mystery. We do not know our fate: only at the very end will it be possible to look back at the path we have traveled. Through the prism of time, the life story of each of us seems very logical. We can easily trace the continuous thread of our existence. Look back - and no matter what stage you are at now, you see how smoothly your life flows from one milestone to another, from one place of residence or work to another, from one chain of circumstances to another. How easy it would be to live if you knew in advance where you would end up at the end of the road. Looking back, most of us think, “Why was I so nervous? Why did you torture yourself and your children?”

Coincidences are no fun. They provide the key to unraveling the will of the universal soul, so their importance is difficult to overestimate. Particularly significant coincidences are sometimes called “significant coincidences.” I consider this phrase a tautology, since every coincidence is significant - otherwise it simply would not exist. If a coincidence happens, it means a lot. It’s just that sometimes we manage to decipher its meaning, and sometimes we don’t.

What do coincidences mean? You know the answer, but this answer needs to be realized. Coincidence as such is not a source of meaning. The source of meaning is you, the one who experiences.

We cannot even imagine what forces are behind every event in our lives. A thread of coincidence is woven into the network of karma and fate. Everything together forms the life of each of us - your life, mine, someone else’s. Synchronicity goes unnoticed only because everyday life is far from the non-local level. As a rule, we notice only cause-and-effect relationships: this happened because of this, and the herd caused it - a linear trajectory. But at a deep level, something else is happening. There is a whole network of relationships invisible to us. When connections appear, we notice how tightly our desires are woven into them. And this network is holistic, it is ideally consistent with the realities of life, ideal for learning and significantly exceeds our superficial experience.

As Rumi, one of my favorite poets and philosophers, wrote: “This is a ghostly world. The real thing is on the other side of the curtain. We are not here, only our shadows are here.” So-called daily life is just a play of shadows. On the other side of the curtain, on the other side of space and time, the soul is hidden - alive, energetic, immortal. If you live according to the laws of the true world, you can consciously change your own destiny. Changes will occur due to the synchronization of non-causal (at first glance) relationships: this is how you shape your destiny - the term “synchronized destiny” comes from here. The category of Synchro-Fate presupposes conscious participation in shaping one's own life - for such participation it is necessary to understand the world, inaccessible to sensory perception. It is necessary to understand the world of spirit.

Consciousness directly depends on attention and intention. Whatever is in the center of your attention seems to be charged with energy. And when you shift your attention to another subject, the importance of the previous one decreases. On the other hand, as we have seen, desire is the path to change. We can say that attention activates the energy field, and desire activates the information field. This activation predetermines changes.

By noticing coincidences, you attract energy by asking the question, “What does this all mean?” - attract information.

The answer may come in the form of a sudden insight, an intuitive premonition, an unexpected meeting or meeting a new person. For example, four coincidences happen in your life that at first glance are not related to each other. One day you are watching a TV news broadcast and it dawns on you: eureka! So that's what they tried to explain to me! The more attentive you are to coincidences and the meaning hidden in them, the more often they happen and the clearer their meaning. When you learn to notice and understand all coincidences, the path to self-realization will become clearer.

It seems to most of us that the past lives only in memories, and the future only in the imagination. But on the spiritual level, the past, the future, in general, everything and everyone exists simultaneously. Everything happens simultaneously and synchronously.

Attention to coincidences attracts new coincidences, and the intention to understand their meaning helps to decipher these coincidences. Coincidences reveal the will of the Universe, allowing us to experience synchronicity and take advantage of the limitless possibilities of life.

Anyone who is able to acutely sense his surroundings will also notice the coincidences sent by the Universe. Hints can be very subtle. So, the smoke of a cigar floating from an open window can evoke memories of your father and one of his favorite books - and suddenly it turns out that this memory can serve you well.

Don't neglect coincidences. Think about what this or that set of circumstances might mean. The answer, as a rule, lies on the surface. Just ask the question: “What is the message here? What is its significance? You don't have to search for an answer. Ask a question and the answer will come. Perhaps it will be an instant insight, or an unexpected opportunity to learn something, or something completely unexpected. Maybe you will meet someone who is somehow involved in the coincidence. A chance meeting, a close friend, an unusual situation or circumstance will immediately give you a clue. “Ah, so that’s what it’s about!”

To cultivate coincidences, it is also useful to keep a journal and write down all the coincidences in your life. Be especially attentive to anything that seems unusual to you - to events that go beyond statistical probability.

How not to lose yourself in a complex and confusing world? Every day, find five minutes when you can sit quietly in silence. Focus your heart and soul on these questions: “Who am I? How do I want to live my life? What would I like today? Then relax. Let the stream of consciousness, your inner voice, suggest possible answers. After five minutes, write them down. Do this every day; you will be surprised how accurately circumstances, people and events fit into the pattern of your answers. This will be the beginning of Synchro-Fate.

Some may find these questions too difficult at first. Many are simply not used to thinking about their desires and needs - if we think about them, it is very abstractly, not allowing for the possibility of their implementation. If you haven't decided for yourself life goal, then what are you thinking of doing? It would be nice if the Universe sent some obvious clue or even provided us with a huge compass pointing us in the right direction. But we have such a compass. To see it, listen carefully to yourself and realize what your soul really wants, what kind of life it dreams of. When you understand your deepest desire and realize its true essence, you will have a guiding star - its light can spread to archetypal symbols.