How to pay fines for illegal or unpaid parking. Checking parking fines Tsodd checking fines by resolution number

Everyone knows that in the center of our capital there is a parking lot for vehicle is paid, but cash must be deposited immediately. Some people do not know about this, therefore, this leads to an unpaid fine.

Today we will talk about how online check fines for parking in Moscow, and also consider the pitfalls of this issue.

Free parking time

Violations are detected using a special vehicle that drives past the parking lot every 15 minutes. Having driven for the first time and having recorded the presence of a new car, in case of non-payment, the system will recognize the violator and draw up a report. Based on this, we can conclude that from the moment you park your car you have 15 free minutes to pay for parking.

What is the fine for unpaid parking in Moscow?

As you may have noticed, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation does not contain a single word about the amount of the fine for this violation, since this issue is regulated precisely by regional legislation.

Failure to pay for placing a vehicle in a paid city parking lot entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens, officials and legal entities in the amount of two thousand five hundred rubles.

We would like to remind you that if you make payment within 20 days after the fine is issued, you will receive a 50% discount.

Part 1.3 of Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

When an administrative fine is paid by a person brought to administrative responsibility for committing an administrative offense provided for in Chapter 12 of this Code, with the exception of administrative offenses, provided for in Part 1.1 of Article 12.1, Article 12.8, Parts 6 and 7 of Article 12.9, Part 3 of Article 12.12, Part 5 of Article 12.15, Part 3.1 of Article 12.16, Articles 12.24, 12.26, Part 3 of Article 12.27 of this Code, no later than twenty days from the date making a decision to impose an administrative fine administrative fine may be paid in the amount of half the amount of the imposed administrative fine. If the execution of the decision to impose an administrative fine was delayed or spread out by a judge, body, official who made the decision, the administrative fine is paid in full. (part 1.3 introduced Federal law dated December 22, 2014 N 437-FZ).

Where to check parking fines in Moscow

If you know that a special vehicle could “issue” you a fine, then you can check its presence in one of several ways that we described below.

    Via SMS. To do this you will need a telephone and STS/ driver's license.

    To the toll-free number 7377 we send a message with the text: fine SeriesSTS Number. (Example: fine 00ав123456).

    Send the text to number 7377: fine SeriesVU VU number. (Example: 00ab 123456).

You can also sign up for a free subscription about fines, which will automatically notify you of any debt. To do this, send a message to number 7377 with the text: STS fine Series Number STS. (Example: sts fine 00ав123456). To unsubscribe, we send to the same number - stop STS fine Series Number STS. (Example: stop sts fine 00ав123456).

Many people ask where to look up parking fines in Moscow. There is a website for government services for residents of the capital. To check your debt, you must register on this website, enter all the necessary data in your personal account, and then go to the traffic police fines section.

When the check is completed, information about paid or unpaid fines will appear below.

If you have a debt, you can pay it immediately on this website.

Important: Please note that fines can be checked not only for residents of Moscow, but also for other cities. In addition, the debt is displayed not only for parking, but also in the area of ​​other offenses.

Another way to find out online parking fines in Moscow is on the official website of the traffic police. To do this you need to specify registration number TS, as well as STS series and number.

If you have an unpaid parking fine, it will definitely be revealed during the check.

On our website, using your driver’s license number or STS, you can also carry out a free check for the presence of unpaid fines for parking.

To summarize, I would like to remind you that you can always challenge a fine for unpaid parking. In order to be confident in a positive outcome of this case, our free legal advice will always help you, which will not only tell you how to act, but will also be able to represent your interests during the court hearing.

Every driver must follow the rules traffic, including parking rules. You can park your vehicle for a certain period of time only in permitted places. Otherwise, this is fraught with fines.

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First you need to understand what “parking” is and what a “fine” is. This 2 basic concepts in this article.


This is a place to park a vehicle.

This place is specially equipped for the safe presence of vehicles. In addition, parking can be done in specially equipped spaces.

You can park:

  • in specially designated places marked with the appropriate sign;
  • at the edge of the road, that is, parallel to the roadway or with access to the sidewalk, if there is a special road sign;
  • on the side of the road.

The difference between a parking lot and a parking space is that it is part of the road. You cannot park on the lawn or in the green zone, or in spaces for the disabled, if the vehicle does not have a special badge.


This is a sanction for a committed offense, expressed in monetary terms.

In relation to parking, a fine is imposed for parking in an undesignated or unpaid place.

For several years now, Moscow has had special parking spaces that must be paid for. First 15 minutes are usually free. If the driver delays longer, he must pay for parking. If he does not do this, he will be fined.


  1. The basic law that regulates the movement of all vehicles is.
  2. You also need to focus on the norms.


The fine for incorrect or unpaid parking is set by regional authorities. The highest fine is in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

For example, in small towns and in small towns populated areas, no parking spaces are provided. Therefore, there are no fines either.

In Moscow, you will have to pay for unpaid parking 2.5 thousand rubles. The fine is imposed by an organization called the State Public Institution “Administrator of the Moscow Parking Space”.
This is a state-owned enterprise, so it has the right to issue orders for the payment of a fine. The number of such a document usually consists of 20 or 25 digits.

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Civil Code employees do not always notify the driver in a timely manner about the fine imposed on him. Therefore, it is worth worrying in advance about whether there are fines or not.

It is necessary to check fines for unpaid parking online.

You can do this in several ways:

  • through official website of the traffic police ;
  • by using portal "State Services" ;
  • through various mobile applications;
  • via SMS notification;
  • through the Moscow portal.

Almost all methods require a computer or phone, as well as Internet access. You also need to know the number of the vehicle itself, and the details of the registration certificate.

On the traffic police website

Must visit official website of the traffic police, and search for a fine using the vehicle details.

In the “Search” column you must indicate:

  • driver's license details;
  • details of the vehicle registration certificate.

If the system shows a fine, you can pay it immediately. Funds are credited within 2 – 3 hours after payment. Information about the debt will disappear within 24 hours after funds are received.


To find out the presence or absence of a fine for illegal parking using SMS alerts, you must take the following steps:

  • dial the text message “fineSeriesNumberSTS” or “fineSeriesNumberVU”;
  • send this message to short number 7377;
  • get an answer.

On the Moscow portal

With the help of the official portal of Moscow You can find information about whether there are fines for parking within Moscow.

To do this you need:

  • visit this site;
  • enter the series and number of the driver's license or the series and number of the vehicle registration certificate;
  • if there are fines, they will appear on the device screen.

They can be paid immediately.

Mobile applications

There are several mobile applications that can be used to find out whether there is a parking fine or not.

These include:

  • "Moscow Parking";
  • Yandex.Parking;
  • Sberbank - online.

The search is carried out automatically or with indication of the details of the VU or STS.

Other ways to find information about crime

You can find out about the presence or absence of parking fines using the Gosulugi portal. But for this you need to register or log in. It's easy to do! The system gives hints.

You can find out if you have a parking debt by entering your details on the portal.

Quick online verification form

To quickly find out whether a given vehicle has a fine or not, you need to use the quick check form.

There are 2 options for filling out the form:

  • by car and driver;
  • by resolution number.

With photo

If the offense was recorded by an external surveillance camera, then the driver should receive a letter containing a photograph.

The photo will show that this particular vehicle violated the parking rules. All photos from external cameras are processed in the data processing center.

You can identify a vehicle by its license plate number and vehicle code, which is included in each photo. By entering it in the specified field of the form, you can check whether there is a fine.

According to the resolution

If the driver already knows for sure that a decision has been made to collect a fine from him for incorrect or unpaid parking, then he can enter the details of such a decision in a special “window”.

In addition to the number, you must enter a unique accrual identifier in a special “window”.

But, this way you can only check the fines against those already issued Resolutions in the case of an administrative offense.

Checking parking fines by car number

If the driver is not sure whether he has a fine or not, he can always check using the vehicle number and his driver’s license number. This data must be entered into special “windows”, and it will immediately become clear whether there are fines.

How to pay

If there is still a fine, it must be paid as soon as possible. Otherwise, this may lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of restriction of the right to drive a vehicle.

There are several ways to pay the fine:

  • through a bank;
  • using online banking;
  • through official portal of Moscow ;
  • using various applications.

The driver himself chooses a convenient method for paying the fine.

The payment receipt must be kept until the information about the debt disappears.

You can check whether the fine has been paid using the same applications and portals as listed above.

Is there a discount?

In order to encourage payment of fines as soon as possible, it was decided to pay fines to the traffic police, taking into account 50% discounts.

There are many options for fines for vehicle parking errors: the car can be parked in the wrong place, on the lawn, in violation of stopping regulations, or by stopping in a paid parking lot and not paying. For violations of parking rules, a fine is issued, the amount of which depends on the seriousness of the violation. In this article we will take a detailed look at fines for unpaid parking, stopping on the lawn and other violations.

It is established by the Code of Administrative Offenses and depends on the error itself. For example, if you use paid parking Moscow for more than fifteen minutes and do not pay for it, then the fine for unpaid parking will be two and a half thousand rubles. But parking on the lawn is considered a violation of local legislation and the fine for it is again set by local authorities.

How to pay a fine for illegal parking cheaper?

Most fines for an illegally parked car are considered traffic police fines under the Code of Administrative Offences. Therefore, from the beginning of 2016, they can be paid for with a 50% discount. But this can only be done within the first twenty days. Thus, for unpaid parking, the fine can be reduced to 1,250 rubles, since it is a traffic police fine, which can be paid at a discount in the first twenty days. However, this can only be done if this is your first fine for unpaid parking - for all subsequent ones you will have to pay the full amount.

The exception, again, is a fine for parking on a lawn. It does not apply to traffic police fines, since the violation is not of traffic rules, but of local legislation that establishes fines for damage to green space. Therefore, it will not be possible to pay such a fine cheaper.

How to check fines?

There are several ways to check traffic police fines not only for parking, but also for any other violations. This can be done on the website of the traffic police, the bailiff service, government services and using some other portals.

The easiest way to check unpaid fines is to request them on the traffic police website by selecting the “Services” field and clicking “Check fines”. The traffic police portal has one big advantage - it provides the most detailed information on fines, right down to the address of the department whose employee issued the fine to you. However, it is not possible to pay fines through the traffic police website. To request an inspection, you will need your vehicle's registration number and license plate number.

Pay a fine online:

On the traffic police website you will not see fines for parking on the lawn - they do not relate to the traffic police and will not be indicated on the list. However, you can find out about fines for parking on the lawn using the methods described below.

A very convenient option for checking unpaid fines is on the website of the bailiff service. On the official website you will again need to select the “Services” field, and then “Data Bank executive proceedings" For verification, you only need your full name and date of birth (the region is selected automatically). However, through this site you can only find out about those fines that are long overdue and therefore ended up with the bailiffs. Information about debts will be quite detailed, and fines can be paid immediately using bank card with a small commission.

The State Services portal also offers verification of fines and their subsequent payment. However, it has two big drawbacks. The first is a very complex registration, which requires entering personal data from many documents, as well as obtaining electronic signature. The second is delays in updating information. New fines may not be displayed for some time, and payments may be noted only after some time. However, paying fines on the State Services portal is very convenient and quick.

Checking and paying parking fines on third-party resources

There are many other portals where you can find out about fines for unpaid parking or other violations. There are both popular resources and not so popular ones. For example, consider Sberbank Online. This service is entirely aimed at paying fines, but it will not be possible to conduct a check. But it will be very convenient to make payments and store receipts electronically.

You can also consider Yandex services. They allow you to check fines and pay them off. However, Yandex has its own payment terms and commission, which not everyone will like. And last but not least, third-party resources. Huge number sites can be checked against the traffic police database. However, be careful and try not to run into scammers - they usually either require third-party information not related to the vehicle, or, conversely, ask for too much information about the car.

Why is it important to pay the traffic police fine for unpaid parking on time?

The answer is simple. Because in case of delays and evasion, you will face significantly more serious sanctions - transfer of the fine to the bailiffs, its increase, additional penalties. You may well expect correctional labor and even arrest. Besides large number fines or their significant delay may even prevent you from leaving the territory of the Russian Federation and lead to many other unpleasant consequences. Therefore, it is important not only to pay fines on time, but also to check for them yourself.

The need to pay a parking fine arises when a driver leaves his car in a paid parking lot, but forgets or deliberately does not pay. Penalties are provided for such actions - their amount varies depending on the city. For example, in Moscow you will have to pay up to 5,000 rubles for this violation. To pay for parking violations, you can use various payment instruments - from banks to services.

Parking costs and proportionality of fines

It is much more profitable to pay for parking than to pay fines later. Evidence of this is the dry figures - payment for one hour costs on average 80 rubles, while the fine ranges from 2500 and above. These figures are indicated for Moscow; in other cities they may be lower. For example, the fine for non-payment of parking in Kaluga parking lots is 500 rubles.

Drivers who aggravate their actions by completely or partially covering their license plates receive a fine of 5,000 rubles. Tracking systems work precisely on them. And if the number was intentionally blocked, instead of a fine of 2,500 rubles, the driver will have to pay 5,000. In the most severe cases, the vehicle is sent to an impound lot.

The proportionality between the cost of parking and the size of the fine is gigantic. With an average rate of 50 rubles per hour, one could stand in the parking lot for 50 hours - that’s a little more than two days. However, there are drivers who like to take risks and pay for it with rubles from their wallets.

Is there a discount?

Having heard about the 50 percent discount, drivers expect to reduce the penalty for an offense in a paid parking lot. The surprise comes later when they learn that the fine must be paid in full. The thing is that there is a list of violations to which the discount does not apply. It also does not apply to the violation described in the review.

The 50% discount does not apply to fines for incorrect or unpaid parking.

In Moscow, the State Public Institution "AMPP" is responsible for imposing fines. The issuance of a receipt or decree for a particular car indicates that you will have to pay in full - no discounts or concessions. The maximum that a driver can do is to try to challenge the order issued to him. But in this case you need to be sure that he did not violate anything.

Challenging fines

Not every driver agrees to pay a parking fine. If a person actually committed an offense, this payment will have to be made in any case. It’s another matter if the receipt was issued illegally; this happens as a result of errors in the functioning of automatic equipment. Challenging is carried out by filing a signed complaint, accompanied by a receipt for payment.

In Moscow, a complaint is filed in three ways:

  1. During a personal visit to the State Public Institution "AMPP". This can be done at the following addresses: st. 1905, no. 25 and st. Staraya Basmannaya, 20 bldg. 1. Don't forget to bring receipts and additional materials with you.
  2. In electronic form. The complaint is submitted on the Unified Transport Portal of Moscow or on the Autocode website.
  3. Through Russian Post. Create a package of documents, place it in an envelope and send it to the address: 125040, Moscow, st. Skakovaya 19, State Treasury Institution of the City of Moscow “Administrator of the Moscow Parking Space”.

The review is carried out within 10 days, after which the results are sent to the applicant within 3 days.

Fines for illegal parking

You can receive a decree with a fine not only if you fail to pay for parking, but also if you violate parking rules in other places, for example, under signs prohibiting parking. And there is one interesting subtlety - in this case, you can pay only half, taking advantage of the 50 percent discount.

Fines received for violating the rules stops or parking of vehicles described in paragraph 19 of Article 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation can be paid with a 50% discount within 20 days from the date of the decision.

To avoid confusion, remember the following information:

  • unpaid parking is an offense under the Code of Administrative Offenses of Moscow, the discount does not work;
  • parking in the wrong place, violating stopping rules, etc. – these are offenses provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the discount applies.

For example, illegal parking at a distance of less than five meters from pedestrian crossing is punishable by a fine, which can be reduced by half.

When making a payment, you can search using the STS (vehicle registration certificate) and DR (driver's license) numbers. As for the discount, it is calculated automatically. In order for it to come into force, the payment must be made within 20 days from the date of issue (not receipt!) of the receipt or resolution - and not a day later.

Payment methods

There are several ways to pay a parking fine:

  • in bank offices;
  • through online banking systems;
  • in special applications;
  • on the official website of the traffic police;

Here's more detailed instructions on payment.

Payment through bank offices

The easiest way to pay a fine for illegal or unpaid parking is to visit the nearest branch of a bank, commercial or government. Inform the cashier-operator that you want to pay a fine for non-payment of parking - this fact must be clarified.

Be sure to tell the cashier-operator what violation you are paying the fine for!

The payment document also indicates the series and number of the resolution. Without this data, the payment will be incorrect and there may be problems on the roads.

After the driver has paid the fine, he is recommended to carry the receipt with him for some time - this is necessary to avoid troubles associated with incorrect payment processing. While the credit institution transmits the data to common base, time will pass. It is also possible to lose information, while a receipt will help you avoid trouble by proving payment.

Bring your fine payment receipt with you!

Payment through online banking systems

The next way to pay a fine for unpaid or incorrect parking is through online banking. A typical example of this is Sberbank Online. Going into personal account with your login and password, go to the “Payments and Transfers” section, select “Staff Police – Fines (State Traffic Police, Ministry of Internal Affairs, MADI, AMPP, Transportation Organizer)”.

  • payment by receipt – select this item if you have a resolution in your hands;
  • search for fines – select this item if there is no receipt.

Fill in the fields in accordance with the selected service, select the found fines. Now you can pay for them using a bank card.

Be sure to print out the receipt and take it with you to avoid problems with inspectors.

Mobile applications

Mobile phone applications will help you pay fines for incorrect or unpaid parking:

  • Sberbank Online is a very convenient payment instrument;
  • “Moscow Parking” - instant payments from linked cards and many other services in one program;
  • “State Traffic Safety Inspectorate Official Fines” is an application for paying various fines.

All these applications allow you to execute by STS and VU numbers. If everything is clear with the Sberbank program, then the Moscow Parking application requires separate consideration.

Application "Moscow Parking"

“Moscow Parking” is a convenient software for residents of the capital’s metropolis. The application allows you to instantly pay for parking space, and if a violation occurs, immediately pay a fine. All this is done literally with one click of a button. Its main features:

  • Convenient search for available parking lots and spaces;
  • minute control of payment;
  • view history;
  • instant payment for parking spaces;
  • searching for places to top up your parking account.

The application is available in stores of all popular mobile platforms. Be sure to download it if you live in Moscow and use paid parking. It will show you where there are free seats and help you make payments without SMS.

Payment on the traffic police website

The official website of the traffic police will help you pay fines. Go to the “Services – Check fines” section, enter the details of your car and get information about issued receipts. Just below you will see a link to the payment form, fill it out, make the payment using a bank card and be sure to save the receipt.

Payment on the Moscow website

The official website of Moscow will help you pay parking fines. It is also possible to pay any other traffic fines here. The procedure is carried out in two stages:

  • search for issued receipts by VU and STS numbers;
  • completion of payment.

To start the search, enter the number of one of two documents (your choice or both). Next, you can use any bank card.

There are many options for fines for vehicle parking errors: the car can be parked in the wrong place, on the lawn, in violation of stopping regulations, or by stopping in a paid parking lot and not paying. For violations of parking rules, a fine is issued, the amount of which depends on the seriousness of the violation. In this article we will look in detail at the penalties for stopping on the lawn and other violations.

It is established by the Code of Administrative Offenses and depends on the error itself. For example, if you use paid parking in Moscow for more than fifteen minutes and do not pay for it, then the fine for unpaid parking will be two and a half thousand rubles. But parking on the lawn is considered a violation of local legislation and the fine for it is again set by local authorities.

How to pay a fine for illegal parking cheaper?

Most fines for an illegally parked car are considered traffic police fines under the Code of Administrative Offences. Therefore, from the beginning of 2016, they can be paid for with a 50% discount. But this can only be done within the first twenty days. Thus, for unpaid parking, the fine can be reduced to 1,250 rubles, since it is a traffic police fine, which can be paid at a discount in the first twenty days. However, this can only be done if this is your first fine for unpaid parking - for all subsequent ones you will have to pay the full amount.

The exception, again, is a fine for parking on a lawn. It does not apply to traffic police fines, since the violation is not of traffic rules, but of local legislation that establishes fines for damage to green space. Therefore, it will not be possible to pay such a fine cheaper.

How to check fines?

There are several ways to check traffic police fines not only for parking, but also for any other violations. This can be done on the website of the traffic police, the bailiff service, government services and using some other portals.

The easiest way to check unpaid fines is to request them on the traffic police website by selecting the “Services” field and clicking “Check fines”. The traffic police portal has one big advantage - it provides the most detailed information on fines, right down to the address of the department whose employee issued the fine to you. However, it is not possible to pay fines through the traffic police website. To request an inspection, you will need your vehicle's registration number and license plate number.

Pay a fine online:

On the traffic police website you will not see fines for parking on the lawn - they do not relate to the traffic police and will not be indicated on the list. However, you can find out about fines for parking on the lawn using the methods described below.

A very convenient option for checking unpaid fines is on the website of the bailiff service. On the official website you will again need to select the “Services” field, and then “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings”. For verification, you only need your full name and date of birth (the region is selected automatically). However, through this site you can only find out about those fines that are long overdue and therefore ended up with the bailiffs. Information about debts will be quite detailed, and fines can be paid immediately using a bank card with a small commission.

The State Services portal also offers verification of fines and their subsequent payment. However, it has two big drawbacks. The first is a very complex registration that requires entering personal data from many documents, as well as obtaining an electronic signature. The second is delays in updating information. New fines may not be displayed for some time, and payments may be noted only after some time. However, paying fines on the State Services portal is very convenient and quick.

Checking and paying parking fines on third-party resources

There are many other portals where you can find out about fines for unpaid parking or other violations. There are both popular resources and not so popular ones. For example, consider Sberbank Online. This service is entirely aimed at paying fines, but it will not be possible to conduct a check. But it will be very convenient to make payments and store receipts electronically.

You can also consider Yandex services. They allow you to check fines and pay them off. However, Yandex has its own payment terms and commission, which not everyone will like. And last but not least, third-party resources. A huge number of sites can conduct a check against the traffic police database. However, be careful and try not to run into scammers - they usually either require third-party information not related to the vehicle, or, conversely, ask for too much information about the car.

Why is it important to pay the traffic police fine for unpaid parking on time?

The answer is simple. Because in case of delays and evasion, you will face significantly more serious sanctions - transfer of the fine to the bailiffs, its increase, additional penalties. You may well expect correctional labor and even arrest. In addition, a large number of fines or their significant delay may even prevent you from leaving the territory of the Russian Federation and lead to many other unpleasant consequences. Therefore, it is important not only to pay fines on time, but also to check for them yourself.